HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11- Camping OrdinanceAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4/17/2023 Meeting Type: Work Session/Reg. Mtg Staff Contact/Dept.: Mary Bridget Smith/CAO Staff Phone No: 541-744-4061 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes SPRINGFIELD Council Goals: Mandate CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: CAMPING ORDINANCE ACTION Conduct Public Hearing and First Reading of amendments to SMC 5.130 REQUESTED: Prohibited Camping ISSUE The City's camping ordinance is out of compliance with HB 3115 and recent STATEMENT: federal court rulings and must be repealed or revised to include reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions by July 1, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: 1: Council Briefing Memorandum 2: Draft Code 3: Draft Ordinance 4: Public Input 5: PowerPoint Presentation DISCUSSION/ The purpose of this item is to conduct a public hearing and first reading of the FINANCIAL ordinance repealing and replacing SMC 5.130 to be compliant with HB 3115 which IMPACT: requires objectively reasonable regulations for sitting, lying, sleeping, or keeping warm and dry outdoors on public property. To fulfill this requirement, the Council analyzed the applicable legal rulings and statutes, evaluated the City's prohibited camping enforcement data over the past year, took in public feedback and compared camping regulations in other jurisdictions. Process: The Council has three choices after the public hearing and first reading: 1) the Council may direct staff to bring the ordinance and draft code back for adoption; 2) the Council may direct staff to make changes to the draft code that are consistent with their discussion; 3) the Council could also decide to schedule an additional public hearing and/or continue their deliberations until a subsequent Council meeting. Public Feedback: A significant part of this project also included obtaining community feedback. The City facilitated and obtained public comment in several ways. These methods include the public hearing, a paper survey left at Ebbert United Methodist Church for meal guests, emails sent directly to the City Attorney email address, intentional reach out to stakeholders, and an online survey. The online survey is still open and staff is asking for direction to close the survey on Friday, April 21, 2023. Draft Code: The draft code takes a narrow, reasonable approach to addressing sheltering outside. It does not address sheltering in vehicles because those are regulated differently. MEMORANDUM City of Springfield Date: 4/17/2023 To: Nancy Newton, City Manager COUNCIL From: Mary Bridget Smith, City Attorney BRIEFING Subject: CAMPING ORDINANCE MEMORANDUM ISSUE: The City's camping ordinance is out of compliance with HB 3115 and recent federal court rulings and must be repealed or revised to include reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions by July 1, 2023. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Council Goals: Mandate BACKGROUND: The purpose of this memo is to outline the Council's procedural steps for repealing and replacing the City's camping code and discuss various provisions in the draft code and the public feedback. Process: The Council is scheduled to conduct a first reading and public hearing for the repeal and replacement of the City's camping code as per HB 3115. Changes to the municipal code require the Council to vote and adopt an ordinance after its title has been read twice at a regular meeting. After conducting the first reading and public hearing, the Council has three options: 1) direct staff to bring this version of the ordinance and draft code back for adoption; 2) direct staff to make changes to the draft code that are consistent with its discussion. In that situation, the ordinance and draft code will be subject to an additional reading and deliberation before adoption because the substance of the draft code will have been changed; and 3) the Council could also decide to schedule an additional public hearing and/or continue their deliberations until a subsequent Council meeting. A placeholder is currently scheduled for the May 1, 2023, regular meeting. Public Feedback: In addition to the public hearing, the City received feedback through an online survey, providing hard copies of a survey at Ebbert United Methodist Church during their meal times, having a computer kiosk at the Springfield Public Library available for people without computer access to take the online survey and amplifying the City's intent to receive feedback through an intentional reach out to stakeholders and providing an email address for people to provide additional comment. This is the first time the City has used this type of online survey to obtain public feedback. The survey was intended to provide a modern way for the public to provide their feedback, but it is only one method and not meant to collect data like a poll for a ballot measure. Staff also received helpful feedback from the community about the survey format and questions. For example, using a term like `concerned' is most likely too ambiguous and the question about the 24-hour time limit was confusing. Those suggestions are appreciated and will be incorporated into future City surveys. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 3 MEMORANDUM 4/17/2023 Page 2 The survey is currently open because more people may supply comment after the public hearing. Since the survey is still open, the attachment summarizing public comment is a snapshot of the survey results, input from the paper surveys filled out at Ebbert United Methodist Church and emails sent directly to the City. Staff is asking Council to provide direction about closing the survey on a date certain and recommends Friday, April 21, 2023. Draft Code: The draft code is specific to regulating situations where a person must shelter on public property and as such is only one part of the City's overall approach to addressing homelessness. It does not address trespass on private property or regulating parked vehicles. Staff requests that the Council direct staff to evaluate parking as it relates to persons experiencing homelessness after replacing the camping ordinance because this kind of parking is already regulated elsewhere in the code and the property interests in vehicles is different than camping materials like a tent. An important preliminary issue to understand when looking at the draft code is the meaning of the phrase "property open to the public" under HB 3115. The law states that public property is defined as "public lands, premises and buildings including, but not limited to, any building used in connection with the transaction of public business, or any lands, premises or buildings owned or leased by this state or any political subdivision therein" (ORS 131.705). The term open to the public means that the draft camping code does not apply to public property like Booth Kelly or the Depot that is rented to a private tenant, but it would include public land like City Hall, right of way, parking lots and paths. This draft code takes a narrow, but reasonable approach to sheltering on public property. Part of the objective is to avoid the creation of large, unmanaged camps that could subject the City to liability under the state created danger doctrine and result in unsuitable conditions for the community that are difficult if not impossible to address. Time Restrictions This element is related to limiting the amount of time someone can camp in one place. The 24- hour time limit and definition established campsite are meant to define the amount of time that would trigger the camp clean up notice and property storage requirements under ORS 195.505. Some jurisdictions have additional regulations about moving their camp a certain distance every 24 hours or not allowing three or more camps to occur on one block area. The drawback with these two provisions is that they would be difficult to track and enforce. Place Restrictions The draft code prohibits camping in residentially zoned areas in addition to environmentally sensitive areas. It also prohibits camping on city facilities. The Council could direct further restrictions for areas like downtown. The legal concern with prohibiting camping in areas zoned different coming to a result where all camping is prohibited. Some of the public property in Springfield is designated as parks and open space and are publicly owned but not controlled by the City. These lands are not subject to HB 3115, but most likely must adhere to the rulings in the Boise and Grants Pass cases. The current camping code prohibits camping in parks and draft code carries through that prohibition for consistency. The Council could determine that including parks is not necessary and rely on Willamalane to comply the rulings. Attachment 1, Page 2 of 3 MEMORANDUM 4/17/2023 Page 3 Manner Restrictions These regulations are intended to limit some of the conflicts that sheltering on public property creates such as litter, impeding access and opening burning. Enforcement The draft code includes flexibility for the City Manager to suspend or modify enforcement in the event of an emergency, weather conditions or other reason. It also includes a lower fine of $25 instead of the $720 violation fine under SMC 1.205. Next Steps: After this meeting, staff will work on updating the City's website and notifying the community about when the online survey will close. Staff will also continue our conversations about enforcement strategies. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide direction about provisions of draft camping code and next steps for adoption and obtaining public feedback. Attachment 1, Page 3 of 3 CURRENT SMC 5.130 Prohibited Camping. (1) No person shall camp in or upon any sidewalk, street, alley, lane, public right-of-way, public parks, including roads and parking lots, or any other place to which the general public has access, or under any bridgeway or viaduct. (2) "To camp" means to set up or to remain in or at a campsite. (3) "Campsite" means any place where any bedding, sleeping bag, or other sleeping matter, or any stove or fire, is placed, established, or maintained, whether or not the place incorporates the use of any tent, lean-to, shack, or any other structure. (4) The offenses specified in subsections (1), (2) and (3) are punishable as violations and may include a fine not exceeding $720.00 pursuant to SMC section 1.205. [Section 5.130 amended by Ordinance No. 6169, enacted May 15, 2006.] DRAFT REPLACEMENT SMC 5.130 Prohibited Camping. (1) Definitions a. To "camp" or the act of "camping" means to pitch, use, or occupy camp materials or a camp for the purpose of occupancy, habitation, or sheltering for survival, and in such a way as will facilitate sleeping or storage of personal belongings, carrying on cooking activities, taking measures to keep protected from the elements including heat and cold, or any of these activities in combination with one another or in combination with either sleeping or making preparations to sleep. A "camp" is a location where people camp or are camping. b. "Camp materials" may include, but are not limited to, tents, huts, awnings, lean-tos, chairs, tarps or tarpaulins, cots, beds, sleeping bags, blankets, mattresses, sleeping or bedding materials, food or food storage items, and/or similar items that are or appear to be used as sheltering, habitation and/or sleeping accommodations, or to assist with sheltering, habitation and/or sleeping activities. c. "Established campsite" means a location or locations in the public right-of-way or on City property where a camp, camps, and/or camp materials have been set up for 24 - hours or more. Note: "camp" "camping" "camp materials" and "established campsite" do not include vehicles or recreational vehicles used for shelter and/or sleeping, which are regulated under Chapter 6 of this code. d. "City Property" means all real property, land and public facilities owned, leased (either to the City or by the City), controlled, or managed by the City of Springfield including parking lots. (2) Time Restriction - Unless specifically provided otherwise in this code, no established campsites are permitted. (3) Place Restrictions Attachment 2, Page 1 of 3 a. It is prohibited at all times for any person to use City property to camp or for camping or for the purpose of occupancy, habitation, or sheltering for survival, provided that the City Manager may, in their discretion, designate certain City properties or portions of properties as areas where camping or sleeping may be allowed on a limited basis, and may set the terms and conditions of any camping or vehicle use that may be allowed. b. In addition to the prohibition on camping on City property in Section 3(a) camping is not allowed at any time in any of the following places: i. Any area zoned Residential (R-1, R-2, R-3) on the City of Springfield Zoning Map in effect at the time. ii. Within the riparian corridor of a Water Quality Limited Watercourse or tributary, as determined by the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and the Springfield Development Code. iii. Within any stormwater quality facility as shown on or approved by any land decision or development permit. iv. Any place where camping, a camp, or camp materials create a physical impediment to emergency or non -emergency ingress, egress or access to property, whether private or public, or on public sidewalks or other public rights-of-way, including but not limited to driveways providing access to vehicles, and entrances or exits from buildings and/or other real property. v. Any vehicle lane, bicycle lane, or roundabout within any public right-of-way. vi. Within 1000 feet from any temporary emergency shelter approved under sections 8.010 or 8.012 of this code or other shelter approved under the Springfield Development Code and/or any applicable provision of state law. vii. On any street or public right-of-way that the City has closed to camping due to construction, heavy vehicle use, or other use of the roadway that is incompatible with camping in the right-of-way. The City does not need to close a street to vehicle traffic to close a street to camping under this section. viii. In any public park. (4) Manner Regulations - Camping, when and where allowed, is subject to all of the following requirements: a. Individuals, camp materials, camps or personal property may not obstruct sidewalk accessibility or passage, clear vision, fire hydrants, City or other public utility infrastructure, or otherwise interfere with the use of right of way for vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle or other passage. b. Individuals may not accumulate, discard or leave behind garbage, debris, unsafe or hazardous materials, or other items of no apparent utility in public rights of way, on city property or any adjacent public or private property. c. Individuals may not have open flames, recreational fires, bonfires or burn garbage or other material. d. Dumping of gray water (i.e., wastewater from baths, sinks, and the like) or black water (i.e., sewage) into any facilities or places not intended for gray water or black 2 Attachment 2, Page 2 of 3 water disposal is prohibited. The includes but is not limited to storm drains, which are not intended for disposal of gray water or back water. e. Unauthorized connection or taps to electrical or other utilities, or violations of building, fire or other relevant codes or standards, are prohibited. f. Obstruction or attachment of camp materials or personal property to fire hydrants, utility poles or other utility or public infrastructure, fences, trees, vegetation, vehicles or buildings is prohibited. g. Individuals may not build or erect structures, whether by using plywood, wood materials, pallets, or other materials. Items such as tents and similar items used for shelter that are readily portable are not structures for the purposes of this section. h. Storage of personal property such as vehicle tires, bicycles or associated components (except as needed for an individual's personal use), gasoline, generators, lumber, household furniture, combustible materials is prohibited, other than what is related to camping, sleeping or keeping warm and dry (5) Enforcement a. The City Manager is specifically authorized to modify or suspend enforcement of any section or element of this section in the event of a declared emergency, pursuant to administrative rules or polices, weather conditions or any other reason within the City manager's authority regardless of whether an emergency has been declared. b. The City Manager may adopt administrative rules or policies governing or governing enforcement of the chapter, including but not limited to ensuring consistent and appropriate enforcement for various circumstances. c. An offense of this section is punishable as a violation and may include a fine of $25.00. 3 Attachment 2, Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 5.130 RELATING TO PROHIBITED CAMPING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY WHEREAS, in 2021, the Oregon Legislature passed HB 3115 (later codified as ORS 195.530) requiring any city or county law regulating the act of sitting, lying, sleeping or keeping warm and dry outdoors on public property open to the public to be objectively reasonable as to time, place and manner with regards to persons experiencing homelessness; and WHEREAS, prior to the passage of HB 3115, all camping on public property in the City of Springfield was effectively prohibited; and WHEREAS, camping on public property like rights-of-way, parking lots and sidewalks is inconsistent with the intended use by creating unsafe conditions for pedestrians and motorists, increased trash and litter, fire risk through open burning and impeding access to adjacent properties; and WHEREAS, like many communities in Oregon, Springfield has experienced an increase in homelessness resulting in some people living and sheltering outdoors including on public property; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council acknowledges the current lack of housing regionally and recognizes the systemic lack of state and federal investment in shelter and public health services for persons experiencing homelessness; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council has tried to address homelessness in the community through efforts like the Overnight Parking and RV as Temporary Housing programs, assisting Mainstream Housing in their emergency pallet shelter site and designating ARPA funds for Ann's Heart Women Shelter for the acquisition of a home to provide housing for women experiencing homelessness in Springfield; and WHEREAS, Springfield City Council members also sit on regional bodies that address homelessness like the Human Services Commission and the Poverty and Homeless Board and it further designates some of its federal Community Development Block Grant funds to support a human services delivery system to address the needs of homeless persons and special needs populations through the Human Services Commission; and WHEREAS, in replacing SMC 5.130, the Springfield City Council analyzed the prohibited camping enforcement data in Springfield from 2022, prohibited camping codes from other jurisdictions and conducted public outreach through a public hearing, an online survey, asking for written communications from constituents and a written survey available at Ebbert United Methodist Church for their guests; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Springfield Municipal Code Section 5.310 is repealed and replaced as provided in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Section 2. Savings Clause. Except as specifically amended herein, Chapter 5 of the Springfield Municipal Code shall continue in full force and effect. The prior code provisions changed by this Ordinance remain in full force and effect to authorize enforcement actions against prohibited camping occurring prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. PAGE 1 of 2 Attachment 3, Page 1 of 5 Section 3. Severability Clause. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this day of 12023, by a vote of for and against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this day of , 2023. ATTEST: City Recorder Mayor PAGE 2 of 2 Attachment 3, Page 2 of 5 Exhibit A, Page 1 of 3 5.130 Prohibited Camping (1) Definitions a. To "camp" or the act of "camping" means to pitch, use, or occupy camp materials or a camp for the purpose of occupancy, habitation, or sheltering for survival, and in such a way as will facilitate sleeping or storage of personal belongings, carrying on cooking activities, taking measures to keep protected from the elements including heat and cold, or any of these activities in combination with one another or in combination with either sleeping or making preparations to sleep. A "camp" is a location where people camp or are camping. b. 'Camp materials" may include, but are not limited to, tents, huts, awnings, lean-tos, chairs, tarps or tarpaulins, cots, beds, sleeping bags, blankets, mattresses, sleeping or bedding materials, food or food storage items, and/or similar items that are or appear to be used as sheltering, habitation and/or sleeping accommodations, or to assist with sheltering, habitation and/or sleeping activities. c. 'Established campsite" means a location or locations in the public right-of- way or on City property where a camp, camps, and/or camp materials have been set up for 24 -hours or more. Note: 'camp" "camping" "camp materials" and "established campsite" do not include vehicles or recreational vehicles used for shelter and/or sleeping, which are regulated under Chapter 6 of this code. d. "City Property" means all real property, land and public facilities owned, leased (either to the City or by the City), controlled, or managed by the City of Springfield including parking lots. (2) Time Restriction - Unless specifically provided otherwise in this code, no established campsites are permitted. (3) Place Restrictions a. It is prohibited at all times for any person to use City property to camp or for camping or for the purpose of occupancy, habitation, or sheltering for survival, provided that the City Manager may, in their discretion, designate certain City properties or portions of properties as areas where camping or sleeping may be allowed on a limited basis, and may set the terms and conditions of any camping or vehicle use that may be allowed. b. In addition to the prohibition on camping on City property in Section 3(a) camping is not allowed at any time in any of the following places: i. Any area zoned Residential (R-1, R-2, R-3) on the City of Springfield Zoning Map in effect at the time. Attachment 3, Page 3 of 5 Exhibit A, Page 2 of 3 ii. Within the riparian corridor of a Water Quality Limited Watercourse or tributary, as determined by the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and the Springfield Development Code. iii. Within any stormwater quality facility as shown on or approved by any land decision or development permit. iv. Any place where camping, a camp, or camp materials create a physical impediment to emergency or non -emergency ingress, egress or access to property, whether private or public, or on public sidewalks or other public rights-of-way, including but not limited to driveways providing access to vehicles, and entrances or exits from buildings and/or other real property. v. Any vehicle lane, bicycle lane, or roundabout within any public right- of-way. vi. Within 1000 feet from any temporary emergency shelter approved under sections 8.010 or 8.012 of this code or other shelter approved under the Springfield Development Code and/or any applicable provision of state law. vii. On any street or public right-of-way that the City has closed to camping due to construction, heavy vehicle use, or other use of the roadway that is incompatible with camping in the right-of-way. The City does not need to close a street to vehicle traffic to close a street to camping under this section. viii. In any public park. (4) Manner Regulations - Camping, when and where allowed, is subject to all of the following requirements: a. Individuals, camp materials, camps or personal property may not obstruct sidewalk accessibility or passage, clear vision, fire hydrants, City or other public utility infrastructure, or otherwise interfere with the use of right of way for vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle or other passage. b. Individuals may not accumulate, discard or leave behind garbage, debris, unsafe or hazardous materials, or other items of no apparent utility in public rights of way, on city property or any adjacent public or private property. c. Individuals may not have open flames, recreational fires, bonfires or burn garbage or other material. d. Dumping of gray water (i.e., wastewater from baths, sinks, and the like) or black water (i.e., sewage) into any facilities or places not intended for gray water or black water disposal is prohibited. The includes but is not limited to storm drains, which are not intended for disposal of gray water or back water. Attachment 3, Page 4 of 5 Exhibit A, Page 3 of 3 e. Unauthorized connection or taps to electrical or other utilities, or violations of building, fire or other relevant codes or standards, are prohibited. f. Obstruction or attachment of camp materials or personal property to fire hydrants, utility poles or other utility or public infrastructure, fences, trees, vegetation, vehicles or buildings is prohibited. g. Individuals may not build or erect structures, whether by using plywood, wood materials, pallets, or other materials. Items such as tents and similar items used for shelter that are readily portable are not structures for the purposes of this section. h. Storage of personal property such as vehicle tires, bicycles or associated components (except as needed for an individual's personal use), gasoline, generators, lumber, household furniture, combustible materials is prohibited, other than what is related to camping, sleeping or keeping warm and dry (5) Enforcement a. The City Manager is specifically authorized to modify or suspend enforcement of any section or element of this section in the event of a declared emergency, pursuant to administrative rules or polices, weather conditions or any other reason within the City manager's authority regardless of whether an emergency has been declared. b. The City Manager may adopt administrative rules or policies governing or governing enforcement of the chapter, including but not limited to ensuring consistent and appropriate enforcement for various circumstances. c. An offense of this section is punishable as a violation and may include a fine of $25.00. Attachment 3, Page 5 of 5 This attachment contains the public input received by the City of Springfield through several different sources, including: (1) feedback from surveys collected by Ebbert United Methodist Church; (2) emails received by the City Attorney's Office; and (3) a snapshot of the online survey summary. Attachment 4, Page 1 of 54 CAMPING CODE UPDATE FEEDBACK From Ebbert United Methodist Church Survey Number of Surveys Returned: 13 1. The Springfield City Council is considering prohibiting camping within certain areas such as residential neighborhoods, by the river, or local paths. This change to the camping code would impact your ability to find a safe place to sleep. Number of Responses Strongly Disagree: Somewhat Disagree: Neutral: Somewhat Agree: Strongly Agree: 2. Where do you feel the most safe and comfortable sleeping? "inside within four walls and a ceiling" "Close to neighborhood" "By the river" "At my place in my tent" "Well, inside of course but Eugene OR is safer" "Out of the rain and wind with two blankets anywhere" "Under the train tressle [sic] bridges" "Shelter area — dry — comfortable" "BLM primitive camping areas. Yearly permit. County camping" "In my vehicle, but no place to be" "Inside an [sic] house, etc., with a door that I can lock" "It should feel safe everyway. I go [illegible] the drug problem. No chance of safety." "In a shelter or safe parking place" 3. What resources would most help you understand where you can camp? Number of Responses Maps: 8 Signs saying whether you can camp in a certain area: 7 Other: 6 "No violence signs / clean up after signs / move out date" "designated area" "anything" "I was told that no where in Springfield was open to camp, and that every business had no tresspassing [sic] signs. I would be arrested. Told to move every time." "Being honest about places to go with [illegible]" "We need a safe place for people to be warm dry and safe" 4. What services/support would help you maintain your camp free of litter and excess items? Attachment 4, Page 2 of 54 "trash cans garbage can / free water / provide own cleanup / exchange service for E=Mc2" "garbage receptical [sic], toilet" "Trash pick up" "trash cans or big dumpters [sic] near the campsite" "Just need porta-potties, I clean after myself" "Accessable [sic] trash receptables / trash bags" "garbage patrol" "trash cans and bags" "garbage bags, [illegible]" "no hording, trash bins, a bathroom" "maybe get trash bags from co workers and to get the people who are homeless clean up after thierselfs [sic], "yeah right" "garbage cans port a potty and runing [sic] water" 5. The Council is also looking at vehicle parking rules as they relate to overnight parking for sleeping and shelter. If you use or have used a vehicle for sleeping or shelter, what do you look for when considering a place to park? "have sign in place. I'm looking for [illegible] vacant. Please move this vehicle sign." "somewhat dark, place to use restroom" "yes" "Just being able to stay there without being harrassed [sic]" "Where I don't think I will be bothered by anybody police" "Quiet, semi -dark, w/o through traffic" "bathrooms, places to eat or cook! Area to relax under cover while above" "Safe from vehicle. Access to water & toilet. Scenic features, refuse disposal" "Any place where I'm not bothered for 8-12 hours [illegible] metal" "Well lit and clean, close to bathroom if possible" "a quiet place and no hard drugs, meth, femal [sic], coke, heroin" "I don't park in Springfield because of Springfield no camping ORS and that is a bunch of [profanity]. What about the state law that says if a city has homeless population they must provide shelter." 6. If you use or have used a vehicle for sleeping or shelter, how do you take care of other needs like cooking or using the bathroom? "do whatever I can" "[illegible] gas, DA" "I have a butane stove for cooking and anywhere I can that will let me go." "I had a camp stove and park close to shopping stores" "cooking w/ propane & or bbq — bathrooms in the parks" "think ahead — always be prepared — clean receptacles to be emptied later. Compost can." "barely. No place to shave, etc. brush teeth, or wash hands. Either no water or no soap or it takes 10 minutes to set soap out like at Island park. And the soap is crap, it's no good." Attachment 4, Page 3 of 54 "Usually cold food, fuel is expensive" "coman [sic] stove, state parks, if available RV tent spots" "I don't do any cooking and if I need a bathroom the church on 6th C has one" 7. How do you feel about camping on public property within a 24-hour time limit? Number of Responses Strongly Disapprove: 5 Disapprove: 0 Neutral: 5 Approve: 1 Strongly Approve: 1 8. The updated code should limit a campsite size? Number of Responses Strongly Disagree: 3 Disagree: 0 Neutral: 0 Agree: 6 Strongly Agree: 3 9. What are our thoughts on limiting the number of campers at an individual site? "I think camping in numbers is safer" "Why is it limited when there isn't camping" "None" "It's understandable why but still wrong" "Less mess, less problems" "Maybe limit occupants depending upon size of camp" "however many may fit according to size" "if no trash trouble — no need to limit some families stay tight. 10-22 per site" "definitely for a lot of reasons. I could tell you exactly how to do it. I lived at Opportunity Village, and I developed a better plan, a plan that insures familiarity and community within the group at large. I would be happy to elaborate if you're serious." "I would like to not have anyone unless we were together. Many people don't clean up" "that would be hard to say cause its al [sic] cross the USA" "that depends on what kind of site and is that for car camping" 10. In your opinion, what would be a safe, comfortable number of campers at an individual site? "5-8„ "As many as there were that needed the spot" "I don't" "I'd say like 10-15 campers" "I sleep alone mostly but would change" "1-6 comfortably w/ pets, supplies & belongings?" Attachment 4, Page 4 of 54 "if they can get along!" "5+children" "I can't answer some may have a large family, you shouldn't separate families" "depends what the government would aloud [sic] [illegible] think of a group to tak [sic] power of the country or even this state" "no more then 50 people per site" 11. Do you have any additional feedback you would like to share regarding the camping code update? "I hope that who ever reads this dosen't [sic] have to experience being bumped and pushed from place to place and being treated the way most of these people are." "get better people in the city council to and that care about people. Period." "Maybe impose some kind of demerit system for those campers leaving a massive mess on a constant basis. The environment is already fragile." "women's section" "first nite 3 days to 10 day stay. There doesn't seem to be anyway to find out codes or updates or places. It is a critical condition because many are led astray and harmed or the opposite have harmed innocent local residents. We need a central information station with up to the minute review of shelter, food, housing employment" "I hope that we are allowed to stay somewhere, I would rather be anywhere than that service station thing. It's a bit uncomfortable to be in, to put it lightly" "eyes, the government needs to quite [sic] down and quit hurting the americans that are trying to make a differentce [sic] [illegible] I really do not see that happening." "yes, I think Springfield should start obaying [sic] the law that's state law and provide shalter [sic] to the homeless" Attachment 4, Page 5 of 54 Emails Received by the City Attorney's Office Thank you for your recent work session on revising your camping ordinance. The staff presentation was well thought out and the comments by members showed a comprehensive awareness of the problem on several levels. It appears that the concerns of the City Council are: - Compliance with State and Federal law - Safety of all citizens - Clean and safe areas - Solutions that have worked in other areas I volunteer at several organizations that address the homeless and those in crisis, including the Springfield Egan Warming Center. First of all, thank you for allowing the Egan program to use the Memorial Building as a local warming center. It is uniquely suited to this task, with the spacious rooms, kitchen facility and storage areas. Many homeless people have been served there this winter. The warming centers were activated more nights than ever before this winter, offering safe sleep and hot meals to the homeless of Springfield. The Council requested that staff look at places where homelessness has been successfully addressed.. There are several community organizations and local churches that address the very items the Council would like to resolve. For example, St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County (https://www.svdp.us/services/) offers a variety of services for homeless people: 1. There is the Eugene Service Station which offers a day shelter which provides food, day shelter, clothing, laundry, showers, supplies and stabilizing assistance. 2. The Hub offers basic routine and urgent health care services, including mental health and addiction treatment. 3. SVDP also offers a Safe Parking program for those living in their cars. If the City of Springfield partnered with SVDP and other organizations by providing buildings and parking areas, then the organizations could possibly duplicate these services in Springfield at minimal cost to the City. The positive results would be: Less homeless traffic on sidewalks, less camping on public lands, fewer homeless people's cars parked in residential areas, less danger of illegal burning in cold weather, less trash from homeless camp sites, upgraded life for homeless people, with greater opportunity for those who want services to receive them. The Housing First program has successfully decreased homelessness in areas where it is implemented. https://endhomelessness.org/resource/housing-first/. They have evidence -based principles to end homelessness. Well worth looking into and interesting results. Thank you for your service to the community. 3/17/2023 We (myself and neighbors in the Gamebird Village neighborhood) are looking to understand who is representing the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in the conversation surrounding the Springfield Camping Code. Our understanding from the Springfield City web page is that Springfield City Council is working on. Camping Code Update - City of Springfield Oregon (springfield-or.gov) I live at 3120 Oriole St, in the UGB, with Gamebird Park (1500 Mallard Ave) three doors down from me. For public services, we are in a bit of a dead zone — sometimes it's Springfield, sometimes it's Lane County, who governs or supports us. It has varied over the years who we are supposed to call, and for what and is a consistent source of aggravation getting public services (police, abandoned vehicle reports, reporting bad actors at the park, EMS, Cahoots, etc). Due to that, we are looking to understand where we are represented in the camping code conversation. Could someone please answer the following: Attachment 4, Page 6 of 54 Is Gamebird Park + surrounding neighborhood, included in the City of Springfield Camping Code scope? If so, how are our interests represented in this discussion? Since we are UGB, we do have representation on the Springfield City Council. If Gamebird Park + surrounding neighborhood is not included in this camping code discussion, is Lane County considering this topic and asking for public input? Can someone direct me to their webpage on the topic if so? I have been unable to find anything on my own that is similar to what City of Springfield has put forth. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter. Getting our questions answered will allow us to know where to focus our efforts. 3/17/2023 I am emailing you about the proposed camping ordinance change. I am wondering if you are considering an ordinance similar to Corvallis, but custom made for Springfield. The ordinance in Corvallis seems to make a lot of sense. They ban camping but allow for "Martin vs Boise sleeping areas" in specific parks. They give people access to trash and restroom facilities as well as a list of basic rules to follow, and can suspend a site if rules aren't being followed. Until we have housing and shelter for all, I would like to see people staying in safe places with facilities and services as opposed to right of ways or sidewalks. It doesn't make sense to allow people to camp in areas without restrooms or trash facilities, and will likely lead to public health hazards. Many other cities in Oregon are pushing campers to industrial and commercial parts of town with no facilities. Where do you think they are going to go to the restroom at night when none are available? Parks aren't being used at night, have facilities and are routinely maintained. Why not allow people to sleep there after hours? It seems like that would be much better for everyone. Giving people a list of places to temporarily stay is better than making a difficult to enforce or follow patchwork of areas around town. Is the city considering investing in more shelter space long term? Also, what kind of restrictions is the city considering to keep public areas from becoming trashed and having large encampments entrench themselves? 3/29/2023 As a neighborhood block leader who lives next to a park, and has to deal with this influx of vagrants and the homeless by definition, we feel that it needs to be more strict. 72 hours is bad enough to have to deal with campers in cars , trailers and other vehicles. 3/30/2023 Let's be honest about this. No camping at parks where they leave trash and their used drug paraphernalia. Parks are for beauty, kids to run and play without coming across disgusting area's. We all seen what happen with Washington Street Bridge. No camping in front of businesses doing the same thing leaving filth and having the area's smelling like pee and poop. Safety is a major concern for the public and businesses as for homeowners and renters. Have you taken a look and actually walked around the town and out of town??? They leave huge disgusting trash piles and it sits there for months. You can have compassion and be stern at the sametime. We want a clean safe city for all so make it where Springfield is that. 3/31/2023 Hello, I live on the corner of b street alley in fourteenth. I know that this alleyway is known for its homelessness. But the amount of garbage and drug paraphernalia down this alleyway is getting worse. Is there any way that the city can assist with the clean up of this alleyway along with the mobile home park trimming up their bushes so that the frequent fliers can't live in them? Attachment 4, Page 7 of 54 This is becoming a dangerous alleyway and I don't think it's fair for us, Taxpayers who have to look at this mess and deal with the continual issues down the alley. Thank you for your time and consideration of clean up. 4/2/2023 So, did Oregonians vote on this bill that was passed? The state government is pushing policy on the public without our consent and that needs to stop immediately. Federal homeless statute has no jurisdiction in the states. In two years, the state will probably pass a bill to tax Oregonians to keep the $1000 a month payments to the homeless population without our consent. I feel that the majority of Oregonians are willing to help those who want to help themselves out of a situation where one becomes homeless. However, a majority of these folks don't want to help themselves out of where they are. Most Oregonians are now struggling due to the economic issues effecting everyone. These are difficult times, and this states policies are going to make this a whole lot worse. 4/2/2023 Hello, I live on the corner of b street alley in fourteenth. I know that this alleyway is known for its homelessness. But the amount of garbage and drug paraphernalia down this alleyway is getting worse. Is there any way that the city can assist with the clean up of this alleyway along with the mobile home park trimming up their bushes so that the frequent fliers can't live in them? This is becoming a dangerous alleyway and I don't think it's fair for us, Taxpayers who have to look at this mess and deal with the continual issues down the alley. Thank you for your time and consideration of clean up. 4/3/2023 Participating retailers within Emmitt Properties, LLC (SE corner of 14th and Main St.) handed me your letter containing "Camping Code Update" and your "Open Banner Program". As my wife, Drew and I are owners of the property, and have spent over 400k in remodel efforts for tenants, it sounds like Springfield is trying to move in the direction of "less" control over this issue due to feared litigation. I wonder how much less you can do with regard to enforcement? Every morning my tenants remove these unhoused individuals and clear their bottles, drugs, toilet paper from their front doors. How am I supposed to keep them happy with a property continuously assaulted by such abuse? Did you ever ask me if I wanted our property open to this treatment? How are my retailers supposed to attract customers with such window dressing and hazard? ( The unhoused did light a fire under our overhead last night and luckily another person put it out!) 4/3/2023 You won't be able to arrest all homeless.expect to get 4 x the amount u now have.the housing situation is impossible for low income people.Oregon has a mild winter climate and that keeps people alive.the Supreme Court ruling concerning homelessness is going to be ignored but eventually laws that prohibit camping will be found unconstitutional. 4/3/2023 My name is Don Strouf and I own Ducko's Custom Framing at 149 5th Street. I would like to know, and have in writing, a clarification on what "public property" consists of. As this new city code is being enforced allowing the homeless the right to camp anywhere on public property, are the sidewalks considered public property? Are there any restrictions on how close they can camp to business entrances, schools, etc.? Will the police enforce any removal of homeless people if they violate the areas that they are not allowed to camp at? I have filled out and filed with the police a no trespass order for my address. If I call the police for help in removing said homeless and I get no response, can I take matters into my own hands within reason since I already have a no trespass order on file? Do I need to post a no trespassing sign in order to either have the police or myself be able to remove them lawfully? Attachment 4, Page 8 of 54 On a side note, I have another question/suggestion that would help everyone keep our city from being overrun with homeless transients. Can you pass an order to have all shopping carts taken away from the homeless. It would not do any good to fine them or arrest them for theft as they wouldn't pay it anyway. My suggestion is, rather than pay people to clean up after the homeless camps that will start appearing everywhere once they find out that the code has been changed.... take that money and have the city crews collect the stolen shopping carts. Simply, pull up and inform them that they are in possession of a stolen cart. Give them an opportunity to remove their belongings immediately and then take the cart. If they refuse to give up the cart, then dump it out and take it. If they don't have anything to push around with all of their garbage and other stolen items in, they will move on. I'm sure that there is a more polite way of handling this, but hopefully you get the idea. Shopping carts are not cheap to replace. I'm sure if you contact businesses such as grocery, target, walmart, etc. they would be more than happy to chip in a monthly or per unit fee for returning their carts. The program would pay for itself. And yes I am aware that some of the homeless and even some residents won't like the idea, but I thought theft was against the law, so who cares what anyone thinks. As you can see, I am not in favor of turning Springfield back into "Springtucky" and the mess that went with that name! The city, local businesses, and residents have worked hard to change the once bad reputation into a nice and inviting city. I would hate to see all of that hard work go to waste! I would have asked these questions at the meeting held Tuesday night but I had a prior engagement scheduled for that date and time. I heard from another downtown business that Vahana was going around to businesses to talk to them about the meeting so I was looking forward to that so I could pass on my concerns and questions. However, when she got to my business, she walked right by for some reason. So that's why I am writing to you. 4/5/2023 Attachment 4, Page 9 of 54 Camping Code Update Survey Initial Summary The following snapshot is a high-level summary of initial camping code update survey responses. This snapshot is as of April 7, 2023. What is your relationship to the City of Springfield? I work in in the City of ANSWER OPTION % # OF RESPONSES live in the City of Springfield 69.04% 484 1 work in the City of Springfield 19.40% 136 1 operate a business in the City of Springfield 5.28% 37 1 frequently visit the City of Springfield 15.12% 106 1 own property in the City of Springfield 16.26% 114 Total 877 What is your zip code? 4 WOROJPHRASE RESPONSES MENTIONS 1 97478 257 257 2 97477 253 253 3 97405 21 21 4 97402 19 19 5 97401 17 17 Attachment 4, Page 10 of 54 Do you feel homelessness is a problem in the City of Springfield? ANSWER OPTION Yes No Not sure Total Do you know someone who has experienced homelessness? sure Attachment 4, Page 11 of 54 X !! OF RESPONSES 70.94% 498 16.67% 117 12.39% 87 702 sure ANSWER OPTION % 4 OF RESPONSES Yes 60.11% 422 No 34.47% 242 Not sure 5.41% 38 Total 702 Have you previously experienced or are you currently experiencing homelessness?* Yes ANSWER OPTION % 4 OF RESPONSES Yes 9.54% 67 No B9.03% 625 Not sure 1.42% 10 Total 702 How concerned are you about people camping on public property in the City? ANSWER OPTION NOT AT ALL CONCERNED SOMEWHAT CONCERNED CONCERNED VERY CONCERNED TOTAL Downtown Area 9.73% 12.92% 21.05% 56.30% 61 91 132 353 627 Parks, paths, and trails 7.81% 9.25% 11.48% 71.45% 49 58 72 448 627 Remaining City Area 10.53% 15.79% 22.65% 51.04% 66 99 142 320 627 Attachment 4, Page 12 of 54 The City should consider the following factors when reviewing potential locations at which to allow overnight camping? ANS'P�ER OPTION STRONGLY SOMEWHAT NEUTRAL SOMEWHAT STRONGLY TOTAL TOTAL DISAGREE DISAGREE 47.76% AGREE AGREE 10.06% Parking impacts 8.28% 6.21% 17.52% 21.34% 46.66% 62 81 52 39 110 134 293 628 Impacts to communities of color 11.62% 3.18% 31.05% 15.61% 38.54% 73 20 195 98 242 628 Impacts to low-income residents 7.96% 3.34% 21.02% 21.50% 46.18% 24.92% 21.25% 50 21 132 135 290 628 Close to school sfchildcare 4.46% 1.75% 6.53% 9.55% 77.71% 3.37 facilities 28 11 41 60 488 628 Close to environmentally 3.82% 1.59% 6.53% 13.22% 74.84% 109 sensitive areas 24 10 41 83 470 628 Close to shelters/social services 5.10% 3.82% 20.86% 18.79% 51.43% allowed 64 32 24 131 118 323 628 Close to commercial areas 6.05% 4.46% 22.13% 17.99% 49.36% 16.93% 27.16% 38 28 139 113 310 628 Close to pedestrian corridors 4.94% 3.50% 9.08% 14.81% 6768% where people are bi... 31 22 57 93 425 628 Close to residential areas 7.01% 3.18% 10.51% 9.55% 69.75% 44 20 66 60 438 628 Public Safety 3.03% 2.07% 6.37% 7.80% 80.73% 19 13 40 49 507 628 Sanitary considerations 2.55% 0.96% 2.39% 5.25% 88.85% 16 6 15 33 558 628 With #1 being the most important, which factors should receive the most consideration for an overnight camping policy? ANSWER OPTION IST 2ND 3RD 47H 5TH BT H TOTAL SCORE Public Safety 47.76% 9.90% 12.94% 10.06% 5.43% 13.90% 299 62 81 63 34 87 626 2.57 Sanitary considerations (example: 22.20% 26.04% 15.50% 12.781Y. 14.38% 9.11% access to bathroom facilities) 139 163 97 80 90 57 626 2.98 Environmental impacts (littering, etc) 7.19% 24.28% 24.92% 21.25% 13.10% 9.27% 45 152 156 133 82 58 626 3.37 Duration of stay 7.51% 18.05% 16.45% 17.41% 22.68% 17.89% 47 113 103 109 142 112 626 3.83 Hours during which camping is 10.22% 11.02% 13.26% 15.341Y. 27.48% 22.68% allowed 64 69 83 96 172 142 626 4.07 Compatibility with nearby uses 5.11% 10.70% 16.93% 23.16% 16.93% 27.16% 32 67 106 145 106 170 626 4.18 Attachment 4, Page 13 of 54 How do you feel about camping on public property with a 24-hour time limit? ANSWER OPTION % 9 OF RESPONSES Strongly Disapprove 36.94% 232 Disapprove 20.06% 126 Neutral (neither approve nor disapprove) 16.40% 103 Approve 16.56% 104 Strongly Approve 10.03% 63 Total 628 The updated code should limit campsite size (for example: 20x20). ANSWER OPTION % # OF RESPONSES Strongly Disagree 13.08% 82 Disagree 5.74% 36 Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) 17.86% 112 Agree 25.36% 159 Strongly Agree 37.96% 238 Total 627 What are your thoughts on limiting the number of campers at an individual site? 425 question respondents as of 4/7/2023 with a variety of feedback such as not allowing camping, support of limits, consideration of family sizes, tying limits to access to sanitation services, among other responses. In your opinion, what would be a safe, comfortable number of campers at an individual site? # WORDIPHRASE RESPONSES MENTIONS 1 2 78 78 2 0 65 65 3 4 52 52 4 site 46 53 5 1 47 49 *Individuals who answered "yes" to previously experiencing homelessness or currently experiencing homelessness were asked the following additional questions: Attachment 4, Page 14 of 54 The City of Springfield is considering prohibiting camping within certain areas such as residential neighborhoods, by the river, or local paths. This change to the camping code would impact your ability to find a safe place to sleep (please rate on the scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree). ANSWER OPTION Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral (neither agree nor disagree) Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Total Where do you feel most safe and comfortable sleeping? WORDIPHRASE 1 home 2 bed % # OF RESPONSES 37.29% 22 11R:1Ll MA 10.17% 6 5.08% 3 35.59% 21 59 RESPONSES MENTIONS 20 21 5 5 3 car 5 5 4 house 5 5 5 camping 4 4 29 question respondents as of 4/7/2023, multiple responses noting home/house, car, camping areas, and shelters/sheltered areas. What resources would most help you understand where you can camp? ANSWER OPTION Maps Signs saying whether you can camp in a certain area Other (please specify) Show Responses Total % %TOTAL # OF RESPONSES 62.71% 34.91% 37 77.97% 43.40% 46 38.98% 21.70% 23 106 Other ideas include a website, outreach to service providers and unhoused community members, app with shelter bed availability, online maps that could be handed out, among other suggestions. Attachment 4, Page 15 of 54 What services/support would help you maintain your camp free of litter and excess items? The Council is also looking at vehicle parking rules as they relate to overnight parking for sleeping and shelter. If you use or have used a vehicle for sleeping or shelter, what do you look for when considering a place to park? WORWHRASE WORDlPrIkASE RESPONSES MENTjONS 1 trash 19 19 2 garbage 15 16 3 cans 14 14 - public 6 7 bags 6 39 question respondents as of 4/7/2023 with multiple responses noting access to trash cans/service and public restrooms. The Council is also looking at vehicle parking rules as they relate to overnight parking for sleeping and shelter. If you use or have used a vehicle for sleeping or shelter, what do you look for when considering a place to park? WORWHRASE RESPONSES MENTIONS 1 safe 12 13 2 parking B 9 3 safety R 8 4 quiet 7 8 lit - 7 43 question respondents as of 4/7/2023 with responses noting locations/parking lots that are safe, quiet, away from people/police patrols, near public restrooms, among other responses. If you use or have used a vehicle for sleeping or shelter, how do you take care of other human needs like cooking or using the bathroom? 52 question respondents as of 4/7/2023 with multiple responses noting store/gym or public restrooms; limited ability or options to cook. The final question for all respondents was open-ended to allow community members the opportunity to share their thoughts with Council. As of 4/7/2023, there were 967 responses. Do you have any additional feedback you would like to share regarding the camping code update? I hope the update will balance people's right to sleep with public safety/sanitary conditions. I want Springfield to be a place where all people are welcomed, and everyone feels safe to walk around. Apr 7, 2023 There should be supports in place for campers so they are not designed to fail because of lack of clean facilities for waste and hygiene. Apr 7, 2023 I wish the city would look at the long vacant Sears, Thurston Safeway, old Winco and rethink what a healthy community in transition looks like. All of those places would be amazing one stop service centers. They have electricity, plumbing and ample parking to give both campers and tent campers space to stabilize and get help. Those are all dead zones in our community. The WinCo site has been an Attachment 4, Page 16 of 54 eye sore since I moved to Springfield over 14 years ago. It is time to stop sucking up to the developers and rethink spaces and uses. The health of our citizens and our community depend on creativity. The money and the space is there. Let's help those vulnerable people who deserve stability and Housing First! Apr 6, 2023 Camping is not the issue that needs to be handled. Affordable housing and rent control are the issues that need to be addressed Apr 6, 2023 I appreciate that we are adjusting our code to help people -- which I believe is the spirit of the law. Basic health on the street is necessary -- access to bathroom and shower facilities are necessary. During COVID, this response was considered a basic need and it should continue to be thought of as that. I also think that being homeless is not comfortable for anyone, and safety and security are missing from their lives. How can we help them feel safe while also offering safety to those who feel threatened by their presence? Increased immediate mental health response and day-of/drop-in shelter options are sorely needed in Springfield but mentioning them sounds like I'm asking for the moon. When really, we are talking about fellow humans who are suffering and often at their worst moments. More streetlights would also help to light paths and high -traffic pedestrian roadways, as well as City parks — if you are looking for public safety options that are not linked to increased police response. Where does the money come from? You have my support increasing taxes and also increasing a tax on the wealthy. Apr 6, 2023 Number isn't an issue as long as they pose no risk to surrounding area. Apr 4, 2023 Would police or some other safety group, patrol the camp site areas? Also, couldn't make the ranking section work. Apr 4, 2023 Stop outrageous rent increases driven purely by greed that is forcing more homelessness. If you feed them they will come. Stop food hand outs for non residents. Apr 4, 2023 There should be strict and enforced rules if there is to be camping allowed in Springfield Apr 4, 2023 Please please make our communities livable again. Apr 4, 2023 Prevent homeless from camping in the alley behind our home. You send us notices that we are responsible for cleaning up their filth and garbage and drug paraphernalia. We can't go in the alley because of the danger. Yet the City is all about homeless rights. What about the residents right to have a safe living environment or safe streets to walk??? Apr 3, 2023 I feel that it is important to limite the use of areas due to cleanup and security foe the public. Apr 3, 2023 The longer the homeless are catered to the less likely our state government will do anything about it. Our state has an opportunity to reinstate mental health and addiction services along with affordable housing. Apr 3, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 17 of 54 I think unhoused people are in a difficult situation, however having unfettered access to public areas to utilize as a "home" is not conducive for public morale. We need to have designated areas and restrictions in all other public/private areas to help the impact on our community. Apr 3, 2023 I think keeping camping areas away from residential neighborhoods is important so closer to businesses and industrial areas. Crime is such a problem and housed families don't feel safe in their own neighborhoods when there are unhoused people camping nearby unfortunately. Due to the tendency for drugs and more crime. Apr 3, 2023 Strong concerns for our parks that are highly visited by children and the fact that it's already becoming unsafe to walk/ride on all of our beautiful walking paths and trails. Our property value and desire to stay in this community will diminish greatly! Apr 3, 2023 campers should be mandated to clean up area or punishable by jail, if jailed then put on clean up crew from jail to clean up their area.ea. , city should provide garbage cans and porta potties if they are going to allow. Apr 3, 2023 Police monitoring for illegal drugs is imperative! Apr 3, 2023 Do no allow it Apr 2, 2023 I understate unhoused individuals situation for whatever reason, camping is not the answer as tax payers always end up paying for something in the end whether it is for clean up or loss of business traffic, etc. . Apr 2, 2023 Public property is supposed to be safe and access for all, allowing camping directly goes against that. Where public camping is happening in Lane County, it is no longer safe, accessible or sanitary. I've seen businesses lose revenue and customers, nearly go up in flames due to campfires getting out of control, have found feces and needles in neighboring businesses property. I have had to arm myself when walking my dog due to campers in my neighborhood that harass neighbors. Apr 2, 2023 Stop feeding them Apr 2, 2023 This is a terrible idea. Springfield has been cleaning up and becoming a better city and now it will be just like Eugene - A crime-ridden cesspool of violence and unsanitary conditions. I refuse to go into Eugene any more than necessary as the unhoused have made it dangerous and everyone I know has suffered from their presence. I quit my job in Eugene to avoid the issues I had to face just trying to get into my place of work safely. Apr 2, 2023 It is important to understand the different type of campers Apr 2, 2023 I pay taxes and do not want any homeless residing or building any where near Springfield. Apr 2, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 18 of 54 Camping within city limits should not be allowed at all. Apr 2, 2023 No camping Apr 1, 2023 I am not in favor or opening our parks for camping. We have designated campsites for camping. This is ridiculous. Will take away from families and children using our parks. Apr 1, 2023 Please don't turn our City of Springfield into a Kitty Piercey Eugene camp for homelessness. We moved here and bought property because of the ban on camping on public places and the no handouts on every street corner. Thank you for listening. Apr 1, 2023 Create a private/ public partnership to set aside all public lands in Springfield into a trust for the benefit of the tax paying residents. This would eleminate the requirement to allow camping on public property and save Springfield from becoming Eugene. Apr 1, 2023 The are state and national standards that could help Springfield shape their policy. Apr 1, 2023 Fox the real problems. Drugs, mental health and enforcement of laws already on the books. Have private land owners build camps on their own property. Apr 1, 2023 I disagree with this. This should be away from homes. Away from schools. Away from playgrounds. Due to sanitary and safety reasons (because the city doesn't not respond to these calls because we have all been told by dispatchers that this would lead to harassment which is ironic because then your residents get harassed) I'm assuming g taxes will go up due to cleaning budget and community engagement resource officers. Essentially this will be a disaster in washing park. But you need to understand that if this allows people to camp on bike paths. Adjacent to private property the impact oncitizens here in Springfield will be HUGE and j can personally say that my property and any public surrounding mine will not be utilized for such a purpose. Why doesn't the city of Eugene pony up the dollars for shelters as they created this situation under Mayor Kitty Piercy when she stated publicly that they would be build shelters and welcomed homeless people to their city. This is an absolute clown show and you wo Der why the mass exodus of citizens in Lane county will continue. It is absolutely unacceptable that private citizens are losing more rights to privacy and peace due to laws enforced on us by the state. If this is allowed might I suggest that while all citizens are forced to comply with allowing people camping close to their homes for example, that Mayor Sean Van Gordon also offer up public property near his home and all city council members and school board members allow public camping directly near their homes as well because your constituents will probably be pretty pleased that ALL neighborhoods, bike paths and playgrounds are open to the public. If areas where city council members live are not open to camping (we can all read maps) then your decision is made with personal bias and violates your oath to the city and state of Oregon. Good luck with proceedings I'm sure this will only be a virtual meeting and you will cut of feeds as has been done in the past. A decision with bias is illegal to make in any state so please provide zone maps and district maps once decision have been made so the residents of the city can ensure that all your property values have been affected as well. Thanks Apr 1, 2023 It is just a bandaid to address the problem, when the real problem is lack of available housing for those who really want to get off the streets. I feel that that is where efforts need to be concentrated along Attachment 4, Page 19 of 54 with preventing people becoming homeless in the first place. In addition, we are always going to have homelessness because many of the people have become entrenched in that lifestyle and are not going to give up the habits that landed them there in the first place, i.e. substance abuse. There is a certain sector that wish to continue as they are and to engage in criminal behavior to support themselves. These are the people that have been, and will in the future, resist any and all efforts to help them. They just want to live that way. However, they should not be allowed to make everyone else miserable, including other unhoused individuals, as well as the general public and taxpayers who pay for it all. Apr 1, 2023 Enforce the law Apr 1, 2023 There is no way this will work out. All liberal cities have tried this and the end result is the exact same. I'm sorry they are homeless, but they are making a choice to take free handouts as long as they can rather than try and better themselves. I along with 90% of the citizens of Spfld and Lane County have worked hard to have what we have and protect our families. If homeless people, not campers, start arriving in my area, I will not be happy and me and my neighbors will be making serious waves! Apr 1, 2023 Camping would be much less of an issue if people didn't try and get money from people and kept the areas clean Apr 1, 2023 Stop forcing good people to move away from Springfield. Stop becoming Eugene Apr 1, 2023 "Public Safety" is a matter of opinion. If that is #1, what does it mean? If the camper has a history of violence or crimes against children, are they disallowed from camping within city limits? Who determines that? More pressure on out police??? I think there should be 1 or 2 areas designated for camping, period. Not on the sidewalk or next to a bike path or businesses or homes. A maintained area with bathrooms and running water. This will certainly save our taxpayers money in the long run and will allow our police force to continue protecting our community instead of asking campers to "move along". Apr 1, 2023 Should not allow overnight camping at any Willamalane Park we pay tax dollars for these nice parks and facilities. Should not be allowed in residential neighborhoods or near schools. If we have to allow overnight campers should be for limited hours,duration, designated area, campers need to pick up their own garbage!, should not cost Springfield tax payers to clean up as has happened in Eugene. Conestoga huts through community shelters in small groups in designated areas is a good option to explore along with allowing one or two camping site with limited duration and hours in parking lots where t Apr 1, 2023 look at the train wreck that Eugene has become. Whatever they do, don't do it in regards to "helping " the homeless situation. Apr 1, 2023 States and municipalities that hinder homelessness and prosecute panhandling have less crime and less drain on government funds. Apr 1, 2023 Please figure out a way to not allow our town to become overrun with camps like Eugene Apr 1, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 20 of 54 The City should send out mailers with these questions with a paid return envelope, that way you will get a more accurate vote. Apr 1, 2023 A dedicated area for camps that is away from parks and town areas is one thing. We do not need to be importing problems from Eugene and turning our town into a waste dump. No amount of rules and regulations are going to prevent the ruin and waste that is left behind by 'urban campers.' Apr 1, 2023 As a user of parks in the area I'm very concerned with homeless camping creating an unsafe & unsavory experience to non homeless users Apr 1, 2023 This is ridiculous. Parks should be clean places to go. I shouldn't have to worry about drugs, crime when I take my child to the park Apr 1, 2023 Let the homeless be! Until you are willing to invite them into your home to live... MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Apr 1, 2023 Springfield band camping- look at Eugene/ Portland it's trashy Mar 31, 2023 1 hope that the code is able to help support people impacted by the lack of affordable housing in this area while maintaining public safety and sanitation. The 'safe sleep' sites and conestoga but villages in Eugene have been very effective and I hope Springfield can implement similar programs. Mar 31, 2023 There should be greater access to camping given the rate of homelessness in this area. Mar 31, 2023 Can the City not comply with HB -3115 and just accept paying a fine/penalty to the State or such? As a homeowner and taxpayer in Springfield for over 30 years that would be my vote - don't comply, leave the current camping ordinances in place just as they are. I will happily write a check rather than have Springfield become Eugene with the deplorable state of affairs from the homeless drug addicts & the resulting daily terrible effects on the local businesses and the residents' safety & quality of life. Please don't lose sight of the fact that there are two groups; drug addicts that choose the lifestyle and homeless that just need resources and brief help to restabilize (rarely found in a tent on a sidewalk or in a park); these 2 groups are not the same population. If Springfield has to comply then please write a strict law and allow the SPD to also enforce strict compliance with the many existing regulations & laws prohibiting littering, indecent exposure, drinking & urinating in public, obstructing access to building entrances, open burning, verbal harassment, etc. Write in clear provisions outlining the rights of property owners/residents in dealing with immediate issues that will arise. Ban camping from downtown & any abutting open areas - don't let all the hard work & funds put into the revitalizing of downtown go down in flames with the loss of visitors and property values. Living in Springfield with the current camping laws is a bastion of relief from being in Eugene. The marked difference in daily crimes committed against citizens in Eugene alone is a measurable fact to weigh in decisions. Mar 31, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 21 of 54 Yes, let them stay in Eugene since they've already ruined that city or go back to the state they came from. Stop enabling these people, thier not homeless, they choose to live that way. Deal with them every day all day long and it's rediculous Mar 31, 2023 Don't encourage more homeless, unemployed, mental health challenged people to move here or stay!! Mar 31, 2023 Public safety 1st please Mar 31, 2023 let them camp in eugene Mar 31, 2023 My family and I will happily move from the state if Springfield begins to look and feel like Eugene. We are not talking about a few down & out families here. Consider that "homeless" also includes the crazy drug addicts who roam the streets, stealing, defecating, and harassing PRODUCTIVE citizens. With that in mind, how many of those individuals are you ok with? They will sleep where your kids walk to and from school, so how many is an acceptable number? What kind of questions are these? Zero is the answer. Zero homeless camps on Springfield. We didn't vote for this.. Mar 31, 2023 This is a sham! There has to be something against this measure for private property owners and for the decency of our streets Mar 31, 2023 It's a bad idea to open up camping on public lands. A trip through parts of Eugene or Portland shows the amount of waste that is left behind when "campers" leave, and also shows the amount of trash/waste that is collected while campers utilize the space. The news regularly talks about the biohazardous waste that is left behind, this includes but isn't limited to, bodily fluids and used needles. Mar 31, 2023 Your not helping. Your just like Eugene. Give them shelter off our streets in the woods somewhere Mar 31, 2023 It would be a horrible mistake to allow this. We do not want to turn into the drug infested trash bin Eugene is now Mar 31, 2023 Designated camping sites with regulations and supervision would be ideal.a Mar 31, 2023 Let us continue to do what we can to incentivize personal responsibility, contributing to society, and sobriety. Mar 31, 2023 Close the dispensary! The homeless will move on. The police/fire department are too short handed! One fire station is going on 7 call a shift a waste of 7 hrs ! Stand against the state mandate for camp Mar 31, 2023 1 wonder if this will influence the events of campers and response by law officers to unwanted campers on private property. Mar 31, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 22 of 54 Not to include our Parks, especially near schools or residential areas. Mar 31, 2023 no Mar 31, 2023 Homeless people leave large amounts of trash everywhere. Mar 31, 2023 1 have to pay to camp. The homeless should also contribute in some way and pay for they stay. Mar 31, 2023 Keep them in Eugene! Mar 31, 2023 1 don't think we should allow camping anywhere for more than one night. Mar 31, 2023 We do not want Springfield to become like Eugene tolerating homelessness to such a tolerated extent. It's been ridiculous. As a resident I take the crime accompanied by addiction and homelessness seriously. They often go hand in hand. Mar 31, 2023 1 do not feel that camping within the city limits is ok. It brings drug use drug sales , crime and violence to the town. Also leads to a feeling of not being safe or able to be in these areas without filling that a crime could happen. Mar 31, 2023 Springfield has worked very hard to shake the 'Springtucky' reputation it had for many years. We have a blossoming downtown/Main St and our family feels far more safe here than we have in recent years in Eugene. It would be an absolute shame to allow Springfield to make the same egregious mistakes made in Eugene with rampant crime, drug use, etc. Many people I know flat refuse to go to certain areas of Eugene. Please make a common sense policy that won't have the same ill effects as Eugene, while also having compassion and understanding for people experiencing homelessness. Perhaps we ensure there are resources for these people in order to give them somewhere to go after whatever time limit has been reached. Mar 31, 2023 Get a job and get to work. There is a labor shortage and not because there's not enough people to fill the positions. start participating in the functional world and quit using homelessness as a reason for drug / alcohol use and using up all the resources for people who fell upon hard times and need the resources to get back on track. Mar 31, 2023 I do not want Springfield to look like Eugene. Do NOT do that to Springfield residents. Mar 31, 2023 Prefer a regulated group setting for families and/or single individual like St. Vincent DePaul has. Mar 31, 2023 1 live across from a park that going back in time had a problem with needles and paraphernalia in the children's play area thus people didn't bring their children. A better job of cleanup has made it a good place for kids. We don't want that to change. Mar 31, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 23 of 54 If camping is allowed on public property it must be on property specifically designated for camping with limits, not any or all public property. Mar 31, 2023 Needs to be restricted. We don't want to be like Eugene and Portland. Mar 31, 2023 1 am concerned about the safety factor for local residents. Mar 31, 2023 One of the main reasons I moved from Eugene to Springfield was to get away from the crime, personal harassment, theft, and environmental destruction that public camping caused there. If you change the code to allow public camping it will destroy this beautiful city. Mar 31, 2023 PLEASE find legal ways to severely limit camping. Mar 31, 2023 The overall preference would be to see this limit the number of campers/sites to as few as possible Mar 31, 2023 Campsites are not an answer Use the new stadium money from the county to assist in housing people and cap rent increases Mar 31, 2023 Before the code is changed and enacted, the city needs to have a solid enforcement plan that includes empowered enforcement personnel, clearly defined and posted guidelines, and posted consequences for violations. Do not make rules if you lack the will or means to enforce them. Mar 31, 2023 Camping on private property should not be allowed Mar 31, 2023 Please don't let Springfield become Eugene! Mar 31, 2023 ESSENTIAL: have police use their heat -sensitive cameras (aka thermal imagers) to see if anyone is in the tent. Here in Eugene, it appears that many of them are set up but are empty, as odd as that may sound. Mar 31, 2023 1 would limit it as much as possible. I do not want Springfield turning into eugene. The cost is high in both maintenance, safety, crime, impacts to businesses, and impacts to the environment. Mar 31, 2023 The safety and rights of all citizens should be respected. We have a right to visit businesses, parks, schools, and other public locations without fear and exposure to human waste and garbage. This is an important issue to my family and I, it impacts where I live and how I vote. Mar 31, 2023 Permitted sites should be much more structured, All this trash flowing into our rivers and oceans is a travesty! So many times biking the trail I have been in unsafe situations; such as a woman with her cart loaded with scrap boards who almost ran into me Mar 31, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 24 of 54 I HATE that Springfield is being forced into this, I feel if at the very least there needs to be as many restrictions in place as possible to prevent our city from becoming the next Eugene. There are shelters available, the unhoused not utilizing shelter have drug addiction issues among mental health and criminal patterns. I don't want those people in my community. Mar 31, 2023 Keep the code as is. They should get job Mar 31, 2023 Drugs,litter &crime Mar 31, 2023 1 feel something needs to be done but allowing camping in public areas will be the down fall of springfield and we are just now getting downtown usable again. I would hate to see that go backwards! I know we don't want homeless camps in our neighborhoods! To allow this would be a travesty. Mar 31, 2023 Don't ruin the parks with campers allowed everywhere. Ban camping. Mar 31, 2023 1 don't think we should allow for campers anywhere. Send them to Eugene. Mar 31, 2023 Keep them in eugene. So make our rules stricter than there's. Mar 31, 2023 this is opening the door to more trouble Mar 31, 2023 no Mar 31, 2023 Get them involved in community cleanup Mar 31, 2023 1 believe people should be allowed 1 evening, for 8 hours in one spot. They should be expected to move and be up by 5 am daily and not camping into the afternoon. Mar 31, 2023 goverment officials are blind to the fact that it is less a homelessness problem and more of a drug addiction problem. we need to have some safe place for the general public also Mar 31, 2023 Although I understand the plight of the homeless, I also understand that this situation will evolve into a long term problem for Springfield, as it has for Eugene. It's vital that a large area outside of the main residential, park and business areas should be set aside for these camps. Mar 31, 2023 1 strongly disagree with allowing people to camp on public property. This is not good for local businesses and has the potential to be very unsafe for other members of the community. Mar 31, 2023 Please be compassionate. Dig down deep for empathy.. My small family were lucky to find our motorhome, finance it due to good credit, and eventually a permanent space in a mobile home park. Most of the homeless don't have a fraction of those resources. Even being homeless in a motorhome Attachment 4, Page 25 of 54 was extremely challenging. Also, don't forget about the large number of pets the homeless have. Providing dog poo bags and garbage receptacles in these camping areas may help a great deal. Mar 31, 2023 public safety is first. Mar 31, 2023 It's sad that we can't come up with other alternatives to help the homeless. My daughter lives in Portland and with the city allowing and welcoming campers, it's become a monster of a problem. It's sad to see Springfield deciding to follow suit. Our family will consider moving, unfortunately. Mar 31, 2023 If you are going to allow camp sites all around the city, definitely a security/ law enforcement increase will be needed. Also more assistance from Cahoots will also be important Mar 31, 2023 Build more low cost housing, increase size of shelter capacity and services. If you must set a time period, from two hours before dusk to two hours after dawn? Mar 31, 2023 Parks, trails and open spaces are not the places this camping should occur. Mar 31, 2023 Keep our children safe, would like to feel safe taking my grandchildren to the park! Mar 31, 2023 If a driver is tired and needs a 15 minute nap so they pull over, let them nap and don't ticket them. Public campers ought to serve the public by liter pick up Mar 31, 2023 1 really do not want to see our nice city filled with homeless people feel it is their right to put a tent wherever they want to. Mar 31, 2023 We do not need or want homeless camping. Mar 31, 2023 1 work in Eugene and experience the public camping everywhere. I do not want to see that spectacle in my beloved Springfield Mar 31, 2023 none yet Mar 31, 2023 Please keep the community safe. Mar 31, 2023 Out of residential areas and off of sidewalks. Mar 31, 2023 Camping along the river should be prohibited. Mar 31, 2023 How about sleeping/camping on public property with an 10 hour limit? Mar 31, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 26 of 54 Please work with other service providers so that in city camping is not a transactional Band-Aid that contributes to the problem. If other services are involved and nearby, maybe they can support people who are ready and want to transition out of homelessness. Mar 31, 2023 Strongly disapprove of any homeless camp sites. Mar 31, 2023 Keep Springfield clean Mar 31, 2023 1 wish this wasn't happening. This is what has separated Springfield from Eugene and why we moved here - because camping wasn't allowed, which provided us with clean parks and safe spaces to walk. I understand this is state law and would strongly support as many restrictions/limitations as possible. We can't keep enabling this problem and expecting a change. Mar 31, 2023 Jogging around Eugene, I've personally seen homeless people doing drugs in the open, smelled them doing drugs under the bridge I was running over, had them yell obscenities at me and at my wife. These people need real help allowing them to "camp" on public property isn't helping them it isn't helping anyone it's going to cost the tax payers money that could be used to get them real help. I really don't want jogging through Springfield parks to feel like jogging through Eugene parks there is a huge difference. Mar 31, 2023 I'm very scared for the safety of my family if approved to camp on public land Mar 31, 2023 Lane county provides so many services, no one wants to move on or work, it's horrible having drug use and trash everywhere. Mar 31, 2023 This is going to make all public spaces unsafe for children and the tax paying public to use. We should get the choice to pay for public spaces if they are going to be used for homeless. Eugene has a huge problem with all their public parks being too dangerous for the general public and now this is going to be Springfield as well. Mar 31, 2023 Tell them to walk over to eugene where they love the homeless. Mar 31, 2023 1 do not want to set this in Springfield. Mar 31, 2023 When they go, they leave trash, needles & feces Mar 31, 2023 Do not allow homeless camping PERIOD!! Mar 31, 2023 We need to bring b ack accountability through responsibility of ones self via civil service. Mentally ill need to have services available 24/7. Mar 31, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 27 of 54 No Mar 31, 2023 Can't stress enough to get the homeless into, mental health treatment, drug treatment, or job training & placement programs Mar 31, 2023 1 don't think camping should be allowed in public parks, near businesses, or in residential areas. There should be designated areas that are actively managed by the city. Sanitation, trash colletion, and maintaining law and order should be a priority. Mar 31, 2023 1 enjoy living in Springfield. It is nice not round a corner and seeing a lot of litter or camp sites that are not cared for by the people who are staying there. Springfield fields waste safer than our neighboring city because of how it is now period I hate to see the change Mar 31, 2023 1 feel that I understand the need but what I would hope to happen is a truly dedicated area that has the least impact to others. Have a designated area that is in one location and have it strictly regulated and in an area that is bot dispersed throughout the city. Mar 31, 2023 1 love Springfield and the fact that I can go out safely by myself with my dogs. None of my friends in Eugene feel safe doing that. Keep Springfield a safe place! Just like the no panhandling law has kept it a much safer city! Mar 31, 2023 We should not allow our city to turn into a cesspool like Eugene. We should not allow any camping as it will drive tax payer out of area who will no longer feel safe. It will also increase property crimes. Mar 31, 2023 1 pick up garbage everyday downtown and in the surrounding neighborhood. The few homeless folks around leave cigarette butts, which puppies like to eat, garbage, and ask for me for money or cigarettes. I do not want camping in front of my house or the neighborhood where I walk my dog. I have called cahoots several times with struggling folks walking downtown. Mar 31, 2023 Make it as restrictive as legally possible and strictly enforce the code. Mar 31, 2023 Send them back to Eugene. Springfield has worked hard to get better and be clean. Mar 31, 2023 Why do they camp for free but I pay for everything. Mar 30, 2023 Illegal campers should lose their benefits. Mar 30, 2023 Police harassing these people pressures them to not exist and helps nothing. I'm tired of people being penalized and harassed for existing. Approaches should be from the standpoint of, 'how best can we serve this community right nowT Not, 'how much do we tolerate?' Mar 30, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 28 of 54 Active public intervention is a necessity, including restriction and enforcement. Mar 30, 2023 Keep Springfield safe for its tax paying residents Mar 30, 2023 Housing first Mar 30, 2023 do not allow camping in springfield Mar 30, 2023 People should not be camping on public property. Many of the homeless population don't want to work or get off drugs. If they refuse help then they should be put in jail for not obeying all the laws the rest of us have to follow. Mar 30, 2023 Start enforcing laws and lock up criminals and get mentally ill people the care they need. cae Mar 30, 2023 We don't need more drugs or crime in Springfield. Portland is bad enough and all they do is throw money on the homeless problem and it gets worse and worse. Mar 30, 2023 This survey is incredibly confusing, worded poorly and should not be used to collect confusing information Mar 30, 2023 Makeshift campers not allowed Mar 30, 2023 1 do not think camping should be allowed in the city of Springfield. Look at how much garbage, filthy public spaces, and crime happens around the camps that are in Eugene. Mar 30, 2023 No Mar 29, 2023 1 am sympathetic toward the unhoused, however, my main concerns are related to my family's safety, the public's safety, and public health/sanitary conditions. There needs to be a balance of services and getting the unhoused to move on. I also would not want to encourage more unhoused to come over to Springfield by providing too many support services, this is what seems to have happened to Eugene, and Eugene is just awful now. My neighbors are concerned about their home values, and I confess so am 1. And I do understand that is a selfish concern, however it is a very large investment. I have friends that own businesses in Springfield, and this may negatively impact them. Look at Portland and all the business owners who are leaving, plus the residents that are leaving. I understand that this is a very tough subject, and I may be saying something that is unpopular. I am fortunate, as I have choices. I can pick-up and leave Springfield if it gets worse, but that would be so unfortunate as I would lose my neighbors that I have built relationships over many years. These are the things people buy houses for, for communities and neighbors and stability. I already feel like I am losing the community that I've invested in. Ultimately, you will all decide what you want to. However, please do not be surprised if people begin to vote with their feet and begin to leave. Mar 29, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 29 of 54 camping codes are a band aid solution. We need real reform and low income housing and specific dedicate sites for longer term camping. Permitting camping in parks and public solutions is not the answer. Instead of spending resources and time on this, efforts need to be made to increase income, housing, and social services. The homeless situation is a direct result of poor planning for our society. Our society should be based on humanitarian needs and concerns and not on capitalist motivations. Mar 29, 2023 We need to have services available to campers to find housing, substance abuse and daily needs like bathrooms, showers and garbage bins. Contract those services with local providers like st. Vincent or community service providers. Mar 29, 2023 Please look into St Vincent dePaul Eugene Service Station model. They really do the best they can with some of the most vulnerable people - those with severe mental illness who have been totally abandoned by the very system that is supposed to care for them. It is beyond heartbreaking. Mar 29, 2023 Totally against it. I chose Springfield for my business location precisely BECAUSE they have reasonable restrictions on panhandling and public camping. Mar 29, 2023 Educate residents on who to call for code violations Mar 29, 2023 1 work in an office near downtown. We have people sleeping, eating, littering, crapping and pissing on the property. We clean it up with all the associated risks of cleaning up potential biohazards... but what choice to we have. It's frustrating that I feel the need to patrol the property in the morning so that my less bold colleagues can feel safe coming to the office. Also, we end up having to pay to remove large amounts of trash, including discarded clothing and medical supplies. We currently have at least a 50 gallon contractors bag worth of mildewing clothes and bags. Mar 29, 2023 No camping at all. Mar 29, 2023 Turning Springfield into an open air campground will only increase drug use, property crime, violent crime, create unsanitary and dangerous environmental conditions and strongly contribute to a significant decrease in the quality of life in our city. Springfield residents and businesses have worked very hard the last ten years to transform the downtown area into a wonderful place to spend a safe evening. There are no social services in the city that can provide assistance to those who truly want to get off the streets. I fully support helping those who WANT help to get off the streets. What I don't support is transforming our city into another freak show like Eugene and Portland. Mar 29, 2023 Please do not become like Eugene, it is disgusting here and downtown Springfield has done too much to turn things around to slide backwards due to camps. Mar 29, 2023 This is a very slippery slope. Eugene and Portland are perfect examples of what NOT to do. Mar 29, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 30 of 54 My strongest concern is that I don't want people camping on the parking strips or in alleys in neighborhoods. Mar 29, 2023 The update should be specific regarding camping in a tent or sleeping outside due to homelessness as well as camping in a vehicle Mar 29, 2023 If Springfield has to allow a CODE for time they can camp I would hope the CODE/LAW would be enforce cause if not Springfield will be the next Eugene Mar 29, 2023 1 do not support camping. I have seen what other cities who have been the opposite of our city code and those cities have turned to absolute trash. Springfield has worked hard to keep and upkeep our city and now its going to go to trash just like the others. The issue is just like any other law or ordinance people wont follow it and then arises more issues. Its illegal to murder people and yet people still do it. I feel that laxing the camping law is like giving a mouse a cookie. Mar 29, 2023 1 honestly do not want to see any areas in Springfield become Washington -Jefferson park. I do not want people residing in Springfield facing the discomfort and fear associated with having strangers camping in front of or near their homes. I understand people facing homelessness deserve dignity and respect, but with chronic homelessness comes drug use, sanitary issues, and public safety concerns. I think the current camping code works great for this city, and we should not make it more lenient. Mar 29, 2023 Designated areas would make the camping more manageable both for residents and law enforcement as well as social services outreach programs Mar 29, 2023 Keep Springfield clean - we DO NOT want to look like Eugene!! Mar 29, 2023 no Mar 29, 2023 Parks and public spaces can't be allowed to be overrun. We have living and building codes, those shouldn't be ignored. Mar 29, 2023 NIMBY is going to be a difficult problem for tax paying citizens. How can we serve our citizens? The mission and st Vincent de Paul have done amazing work with very little money. How do we work with them to get more shelters like they have created? Mar 29, 2023 1 think the city should stand up to the feds and state and appeal this ruling to a higher court. It is ridiculous to allow bums to be able to sleep all around town. The people who "experience" homelessness have plenty of resources already, the rest are drug addled, alcoholics, mentals or are sex offenders who chose a lawless lifestyle. Camping in Springfield should be uncomfortable so they go somewhere else. Otherwise, expect a rise in crime and more litter around town. Mar 29, 2023 My biggest concern is safety / maintenance for parks where camping is happening . I live near the By Gully Path and there has been a lot of garbage down in the creek, fires spreading into trees, and Attachment 4, Page 31 of 54 destruction of property. I used to call and report camping activities but over the years I gave up because I felt like it didn't make any difference. I'd like to see some sort of balance where the area is still cared for if homeless people need a place to camp. Mar 29, 2023 Camping is overrun in Springfield and if not delt with soon people will begin to migrate from Eugene and farther reaching areas. This is a lifestyle choices, people are moving to Oregon from other States because they know the law can do little to nothing about it. Mar 29, 2023 1 think we need to make every effort to ensure the camping is very temporary (12 hrs overnight only) and avoids larger gatherings where problems start. I volunteered for several years for the city and felt relatively safe walking out of city hall at night and frequently visiting nearby shops and restaurants. But if there were to be homeless individuals camping nearby, I would feel very uncomfortable and would rethink and/or limit my visits downtown. I don't go to downtown Eugene at night for this reason. As a Springfield property taxpayer, I would rather pay additional taxes to help fund shelters and services than allow people to openly camp on public property and possibly cause problems for everyone else. Rather than focus so much on rules regarding camping, let's give these individuals a safe place to stay where they can get the help they need. I would rather pay for this than pay to fix all the problems that come with allowing homeless camps to form. Mar 29, 2023 We don't want Springfield to turn into Portland or Eugene. Keep our city clean. Mar 29, 2023 People should not be allowed to "camp" in Springfield. Mar 29, 2023 If over night shelters are provided camping should not be allowed Mar 29, 2023 Yes. People going through the hardest time of their lives deserve to rest without fear. Mar 29, 2023 The city should do more to help so less people need to camp. Mar 29, 2023 Find an answer to help the majority, find other programs to keep people housed, to prevent the number to grow. Have health care options and have a low impact on parks, places where kids play and far from schools Mar 29, 2023 Maybe consider funding resources to helping get these people real housing. Mar 29, 2023 Most concern is for children and the impact on the community/safety. I do. It feel safe in Eugene because of their homelessness problem and the bike paths are littered with garbage. Mar 29, 2023 We don't want Springfield to become the next Portland or Eugene. This entire state is becoming an embarrassment. Mar 29, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 32 of 54 Do not follow what the city of Eugene is doing. They're reasons why communities that have strict camping ordinances do not have crime issues. Portland, Salem, and Eugene have a history of issues. Mar 29, 2023 Can the city create a safe sleep site for campers and tents like Eugene did so there is a place for people to camp other than roadsides and parks? I am against campers near sensitive environments like rivers , wetlands and streams and I think that placing them near bathrooms and dumpster are of most importance. Mar 29, 2023 No more campers!! Mar 29, 2023 1 think that there should be a vacancy tax for empty properties, the places could be utilized to help make Springfield a safe place for people to transition to stability, escape the dangers of homelessness, and combat blight. Mar 29, 2023 Please keep camping off residential streets. Who will clean up the garbage?. Mar 29, 2023 1 declined to meaninhfully respond to many of the questions due to unclear wording. When you ask, the city should consider the impact on communities of color, for example, what does strong agree or disagree indicate? If I said disagree, would it be a mandate to shunt unhoused people into communities of color. If I said agree, would it be a mandate to chase off people camping in those areas? How does it consider homeless people of color? What I'm not concerned with is that we as a city work on reducing homelessness more than simply reducing the visibility of homelessness. I volunteer with homeless people frequently and understand that dealing with some of them can be unpleasant, but that doesn't mean homeless people as a group are dangerous or undeserving of dignity. Mar 29, 2023 I'm not worried about having to see homelessness, I'm worried about homelessness and hope that any actions taken include plans to eliminate as much homelessness in Springfield as possible. Mar 29, 2023 Please keep our town safe. I've had a friend get jump on the bike path going to work from Springfield into Eugene. I would also recommend having sanitation/Porta pots available. No fun cleaning up human Poo Mar 29, 2023 Not in the ROW, including planting strips in front of homes or businesses Mar 29, 2023 Please take parking strips in residential areas off the table. It's not safe for those camped there with drivers flying through. It can be unsafe and damaging for property value for the home owners depending on the intoxication level of the people camped there. Mar 29, 2023 Please work to make sure our parks and trails do not become overrun with camps. The parks are a luxury we are lucky to have. Mar 29, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 33 of 54 I think the conestoga huts and other sanctioned camping areas need to be considered. The community needs to do more, but it also becomes a safety issue walking on paths where people are camping. Mar 29, 2023 Outside of the Springfield area so that visitors don't have to see their mess Mar 29, 2023 Can we designate specific areas in a public place, specifically where there are bathrooms, to avoid the threat of unhealthy conditions for the people coming to the public areas just for enjoyment. Stepping or sitting in human feces really takes the fun out of an afternoon in the park. Mar 29, 2023 There should be no "camp code" there needs to be a designated spot for All them to go to Mar 29, 2023 Help the most vulnerable first. Mar 29, 2023 It's sad and an issue. Campers should have a designated place away from neighborhoods and business. Far away from public bike paths and schools. Outskirts of town. Manned by city employees where rules and regulations are being upheld. Resources that help facilitate personal growth and job recruiting and betterment is happening. Drug and alcohol testing at random. Mar 28, 2023 Please do not become the next City of Eugene and welcome in homeless. Please keep residential areas clear of All camping. Mar 28, 2023 1 would support policies focusing on temporary (limited duration) camping and connecting campers to community services that might help with their needs. Mar 28, 2023 Camping should be banned in city limits period Mar 28, 2023 The state has created this problem. The state should be required to establish and pay for campsites. If they don't agree, start shipping the homeless to Salem. Mar 28, 2023 Get people into group homes or facilities. Mar 28, 2023 1 believe people should not be allowed to camp on the street regardless of whether the land is public or private. We need to provide people housing. Mar 28, 2023 We should minimize the number of services provided that encourage more homeless to move to our area. Require homeless folks to abide by rules governing sanitation, garbage and illegal activities. The truly, mentally ill need to be in care facilities. The drug and alcohol dependent need to be in rehab facilities. Mar 28, 2023 We're all animals on this earth, no one should be without somewhere safe to stay Mar 28, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 34 of 54 I don't believe camping should be allowed, however, it should be closely regulated and those camping should be required to maintain their area and maintain cleanliness. Mar 28, 2023 Stop criminalizing houselessness period. Majority of the houseless population don't choose to be houseless and are just trying to survive like you and me. Mar 28, 2023 More shelters need to be built. Allowing camping on public property is not a solution. More shelters provide more jobs and cleaner for public . Mar 28, 2023 some of the questions in this survey are worded in misleading ways that support the continued oppression of people living on the streets. To be clear, homeless folks should be allowed to safely stay in designated sanitary sites, ideally with access to support services, as long as is necessary until they are able to transition to more permanent housing. Mar 28, 2023 Allowing people to sleep overnight at parks (away from features and environmentally sensitive areas) makes sense as they are maintained regularly, not typically used at night, and have bathroom and trash facilities. Don't force people into areas with no bathroom facilities unless you want medieval diseases to make a comeback. This is a public property issue. Home owners and business owners shouldn't be made to clean up trash and human waste where the city allows to people to camp. Invest in adequate shelter space and don't allow public camping, this shouldn't even be a thing. Mar 28, 2023 I'm disappointed in the city for not treating unhoused individuals more compassionately as the law requires. This was a badly designed survey. I disagree with the 24 hr limit because I think there shouldn't be a limit but if I mark I disagree, you don't know why. That's one example of how this survey will result in bad data. Mar 28, 2023 If nothing can be done about rent control for folks, then more permanent shelters are needed. That said, the ability to sleep is a human right. Mar 27, 2023 Regardless of what else you do, making sure that enforcing this is done in humane and dignified ways is important. Mar 27, 2023 Public property should be able to support the public. If there is not enough places to camp, alternative housing should be provided. Housing should be a basic need. Mar 27, 2023 We cannot address camping without addressing the underlying issues: an insane housing market, lack of affordable housing, lack of mental health services, lack of accessible SUDS services. Camping is dangerous and unsafe for everyone, housed and unhoused so PLEASE address the underlying issues. Also, if you wouldn't want this encampment on your street, don't subject other residents to it. Thank you. Mar 27, 2023 Homeless = theft; do not allow near retail businesses Mar 27, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 35 of 54 Instead of providing a place to camp -the city needs to deal with the reasons why people are homeless in the 1st place-drugs/alcohol Mar 27, 2023 1 feel very strongly that we should not be sweeping or moving unhoused people who are camping constantly. It is very bad for wellbeing and for building stability. If shelters are full or if shelters restrict substance use, or if people have animals, then camping is often the only viable option. I have seen young teens all the way up to elderly veterans and people with disabilities experience homelessness and camp. Until we can create an effective rapid rehousing system and long term solutions to homelessness, I think camping is a perfectly viable way to survive. Human life matters and we need to care about our unhoused neighbors. Mar 27, 2023 Please give people safe places with bathroom facilities rather than forcing people to camp on public landsM Mar 27, 2023 1 think it will be a mess. Mar 27, 2023 Take intro consideration of the volume of crime that will increase and how it impairs the ability to help the people who want that help. Drugs and alcohol bring an array of uncontrolled behaviors. If we allow free camping it will be the end of a safe place for any Springfield home. Mar 27, 2023 We should be doing more as a community for the homeless rather than create / pass laws to hinder them to sleep wherever they can. Mar 27, 2023 Sanitary facilities and social services should be onsite and accessible, 24/7. Mar 27, 2023 This could easily get out of control and hard to enforce, once you open the gates, the flood will come, just like in Eugene. Mar 27, 2023 The negative impacts to communities and residents would be astronomical if individuals were allowed to camp in public areas. Mar 27, 2023 No Mar 27, 2023 Not at this time. Mar 27, 2023 Personally I am opposed to any code updates for the purposes of assisting transient population. Mar 27, 2023 1 do not want people camping out in public at all Mar 27, 2023 allowing public camping has increased unsanitary, unsafe environments. It has fostered situations of increased substance abuse in public settings, exposing the public to individuals use and behaviors. Mar 27, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 36 of 54 No camping allowed due to increased crime, public safety concerns and sanitization concerns. Mar 27, 2023 We should not allow camping on public land. Mar 26, 2023 There are many places that I have found where the homeless leave sometimes during the summer. During the time, the neighborhood surrounding the areas have more theft, drugs, even I've had men exposing them selves near my backyard. An example of an area would be the old Mill Road from warehouser that goes along the rail road tracks. I would feel safer, if chain-link fences would be replaced with wooden fences. Also, I feel like if there's going to be camping spots then they have the right to have cameras so that crime would be documented better. I feel for the homeless I am one of the people that keep snacks in my car to make sure that in Eugene, when we see somebody holding the sign, we can feed them. However, I live near two schools, two parks, and one big trail from willamalane. Safety for my child and others are a priority. I also have seen the amount of trash and lack of bathroom toilet lids. Could be an issue as well. How are you going to keep track of how many nights a person camps at a certain area? Mar 26, 2023 Trash is one of the main problems. The city needs to have a homeless task force like it would have a gang task force. They respond to homeless issues and monitor homeless camps. Mar 25, 2023 1 don't want them camping here or living on the streets. They steal use drugs and fight plus the shit they leave is unacceptable. Mar 25, 2023 I think there needs to be plans put into place about cleanup at these sites. Our workplace currently has someone who has camped out almost every day and when we come to work we have to deal with garbage, needles, and human waste. It does not feel like a welcoming place to be. Mar 24, 2023 There is empathy for unhoused campers. Yet I understand the business and community aspect of it. It's a challenge to balance both rights for homeless and rights for businesses. Hopefully the balance can be achieved between both. Mar 24, 2023 people need safe, legal places to sleep. Mar 24, 2023 please actually help these people instead of being a republican and pushing out of sight and out of mind, do some good for once Mar 24, 2023 yes, disregard all federal mandates for this and let Eugene continue to be the city of transient homeless like they want to be! Mar 24, 2023 24 hour limit will hurt peoples ability to engage in services and work on housing / mental health goals Mar 24, 2023 I think that all the time spent on updating the camping code could have been better spent on low- income affordable housing updates Mar 24, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 37 of 54 n/a Mar 24, 2023 The city of Springfield is far behind providing services for unhoused folks. It's about time they get their act together and have to acknowledge that there are unhoused individuals in the community and they deserve safety and a place to sleep. Mar 24, 2023 1 strongly disagree with loosening regulations for camping. I think there should be a designated area away from everyday foot traffic of businesses and homes if this is going to be allowed. And I strongly believe there needs to be serious regulation and monitoring of these areas to manage safety, sanitation and drug use. Mar 24, 2023 Providing bathrooms and dumpsters at camping sites should be essential. Allowing people to stay for 30-90 days would be best to allow for people to feel some sense of stability while looking for other housing options. Mar 24, 2023 It's interesting to have a code, but what are the other actions being taken or investigated to determine cause and effect? What are cities outside of Oregon doing to prevent homelessness and/or provide services? Even cities with different governmental structures? Mar 24, 2023 As a former homeless woman, I strongly disagree with the City to allow "Camping". This is turning a blind eye to the root causes of the problems, and causes crime to rise. Mar 24, 2023 Really don't want Spfd. to end up looking like other cities.... Portland, Medford etc .... the trash is horrendous... and as nice and handy as trash containers are .... they aren't used... Mar 24, 2023 1 don't know what Springfield's current camping code is, but it seems like it works better than Eugene's, which is a godawful mess. Homelessness seemed to increase dramatically with COVID policies, so addressing homelessness may have less to do with camping codes and more to do with reversing the cascade of economic issues directly caused by COVID-19 policies. Mar 23, 2023 1 would like to share the concern that it is my strong belief that this survey will provide very little reliable information and will be used against people who are unhoused in our community. The first set of questions which ask how concern people are about the unhoused community "camping" is so ambiguous that there will be no good information that comes from it. I believe this survey is somewhat performative. It's a good way to be able to say oh we asked for public input and got it. Reality is you can shape this input any way you want it because it is too vague. I'm very concerned about my neighbors not having shelter. The response should not be taken as consent or permission for the city to further make the lives of those without shelter intolerable. We have a responsibility as a community. Springfield has done very little towards providing shelter, with the exception of their assistance in finding locations for the Egan warming Center. Their assistance there is greatly appreciated. I have lived in this community now for 23 years. I have seen very little effort taken by the community of Springfield, by the government of Springfield and our elected officials, to create real solutions for our community's unhoused. From denying it has a problem to kicking people into Eugene, Springfield has failed repeatedly. Furthermore, after having witnessed the interaction via video between officer Burke and a community member, I have little faith that our police department is up to the task. I'm not quite sure how you get humans into the Attachment 4, Page 38 of 54 folks that wear those uniforms, but the city has a lot of work to do before they earn back the trust of the community when it comes to the police department. It's very apparent that power has corrupted many who wear the uniform. Mar 23, 2023 1 think it is dumb because it doesn't solve the problem. It just allows people to congregate in more cities in Oregon. Mar 23, 2023 Using the word "camping" bothers me. When I was a child, our family went on camping trips. We swam and fished and roasted marshmallows. At 60, forced into homelessness for the first time in my life, I am not camping! But call it what you will, I say YES..these codes, rules and attitudes toward folks in this situation definitely need an update, overhaul and to be CHANGED Mar 23, 2023 Yes Springfield does not need this, we have a lovely city and don't need to become the next Eugene, its not okay for law abiding citizens trying to get by to be budened by the criminal behavior this will encourage Mar 23, 2023 Can I (when this passes) camp overnight at the 'dog park' with my band of relitives instead of paying a day use fee for reserving a shelter? Mar 22, 2023 Springfield had gone a superb job of keeping this under control. We don't want to look like Eugene. Mar 22, 2023 I'm not in favor of it. Mar 22, 2023 1 suppose distinctions should be made between recreational camping and homeless camping. The homeless must have a place to go but they should not be completely displacing recreational campers. Mar 22, 2023 The underlying issue of homelessness needs to be addressed. The solution is not little tent cities all over the place. We need affordable housing. I would prefer a Conestoga village. Work on building communities, not isolated pods of tents. I would much rather see a small area of land with some Conestoga wagons, a garden, bathrooms, garbage and recycling areas that individuals and families can make "home." Mar 22, 2023 To allow homeless to camp just brings more homeless. Mar 22, 2023 The problems arise when someone feels like they can harass or panhandle general population who are just trying to enjoy their day. I can understand setting up a specific area near a business that provides services. This gives easy contact to a group like HIV Alliance, or Cahoots. But the problem arises when people who are experiencing homelessness try to camp in areas that are frequented by the general public. Especially young members of the general public who may not be strong enough to protect themselves. Mar 22, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 39 of 54 This is a bit ridiculous, folks should have a right to rest until the community services become more available to change the circumstances that leave folks houseless Mar 22, 2023 We own businesses in eugene and Springfield. It is a welcome relief to not have the struggles at our springfield business that we do with eugene. Campers around our building, litter, yelling, threatening, human feces, drug sales and use. Springfield has come so far since implementing the ordinance and has become a beautiful city. Don't ruin this! Mar 22, 2023 Have volunteered at the Springfield Egan Warming Center for 5 years now. Have some insight on homeless needs. Mar 22, 2023 Keep the campers out of Springfield. Mar 22, 2023 1 love Springfield because I see very little people camping on the side of the road or in parks and feel much more safe than in Eugene. Don't turn us into the pigsty that has become of Eugene Mar 22, 2023 Disapprove of it all Mar 22, 2023 Should not be allowed at all Mar 22, 2023 The camping sites should be supervised with rules of codes of conduct enforced. Mar 22, 2023 Clusters of camps should be limited to 2 units per site. These 2 camp units should be separated by a minimum of350 feet from other 2 camp units. Littering laws should be enforced, if camp area is not kept in a tidy manner the camper would not be allowed the privilege of continued use of Springfield open areas for a period of 10 days. Mar 22, 2023 There should be rules in place - no drugs etc. Some of the sites in Eugene are appalling. Mar 22, 2023 Don't criminalize poverty Mar 22, 2023 The litter issue needs to be handled! If we're goi g to allow camping all over, the city has to solve for litter. Mar 22, 2023 People should be allowed to stay in one place for sleeping/resting only. Bpm to7am Mar 22, 2023 The city needs to tighten the camping code, to not allow our city to become a homeless encampment site, similar to other cities. Mar 22, 2023 1 don't think us working tax payers should have to pay for the people who want to NOT WORK, GET EVERYTHING FOR FREE, THE GARBAGE/DRUGS/DRUGS WE WILL END UP HAVING TO PAY FOR TO CLEAN Attachment 4, Page 40 of 54 UP INSTEAD OF MAKING THEM CLEAN UP THEMSELVES AND AT OUR EXPENSE. PEOPLE NEED TO QUIT BEING HANDED EVERYTING FOR FREE, TO TOP IT OFF PUTTING OUR POLICE OFFICER, FIREMEN AND EMT AT RISK HAVING TO RISK THEIR LIVES FURTHER THAN THEY DO. I NOT IN FAVOR OF ANY OF THIS. KATE BROWN SHOULD NEVER HAVE COME TO OREGON AND RUINED OUR BEAUTIFUL STATE. IT SHOULD BE SENT TO A PUBLIC VOTE TOO. Mar 21, 2023 Don't use the fines for revenue. City will get addicted to green paper meth. Mar 21, 2023 Don't turn Springfield into Eugene. Mar 21, 2023 If it is going to be updated then it needs to be enforced Mar 21, 2023 Have drug safe camps available. Mar 21, 2023 Unless the city were to add more shelters, I think camping, within limits, needs to be allowed. Mar 21, 2023 Please find a way to offer beds to them all so we get them off our streets Mar 21, 2023 The mess they leave behind - there needs to be a plan for daily clean up. And camping should only be overnight. It will help with how much mess they leave behind Mar 21, 2023 Please be kind to the houseless population and work towards solutions that benefit them and improve the situation for all Mar 21, 2023 1 think Oregon should work on a tiny home project that can act as transitional housing. Mar 21, 2023 1 hope that "public safety" includes the safety of those individuals who are camping. Shelter and housing assistance is limited, and some folks do not have any better options. Mar 21, 2023 1 think there should be a 48 hour time limit to camp if around residents, but no inherent time limit if the camp site is in the woods, along train tracks, or in an industrial area. In those cases, the limit should be based on public safety and/or case by case. In general, people should not be made to move if they are not causing an issue and keeping to themselves. Mar 21, 2023 Challenge the state law.. don't ruin Springfield like Eugene is. Mar 21, 2023 No Mar 21, 2023 No Mar 21, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 41 of 54 I think it's important to remember that when spaces to camp are limited, it forces unhoused folks to stay in extremely unsafe or hazardous places. Mar 21, 2023 1 am glad that camping is being looked into as allowable. This is long overdue - it is necessary to allow people a safe place to sleep without the threat of criminalization or sweeps. That just leads to belongings including phones and vital medications being lost/disrupted (and a loss of connection/communication to potential landlords, social services, employers), more criminal history on someone's record to pose a barrier to re-entering housing. Living outside is a necessity for a growing number of our neighbors and it is important that we provide a space for it. Mar 21, 2023 Your survey questions seem to be coming from the framework of limiting where unhoused people can be. You need to accept that unhoused people are in our communities and will be until structural changes in housing and employment happen. With the reality of a lot of unhoused people in our communities, the focus needs to be on giving them places to be and integrating them as much as possible, not trying in vain to limit their existence and push them to the edges. Mar 21, 2023 It would be helpful for the city of Springfield to reach out to resource agencies for unhoused folks directly (HIV alliance etc) for input on this issue. Mar 21, 2023 1 would encourage the city of Springfield to reach out to Street Outreach providers for their feedback and ensure that direct service providers who are on the ground can provide important feedback. Mar 21, 2023 1 believe that the camping code should more explicitly define what expectations are supposed to be met. Mar 21, 2023 STOP SWEEPING SITES! We need to reallocate funding from the SPD, and put them into more social programs, the police are not the answer Mar 21, 2023 N/A Mar 21, 2023 We need to connect folks with more services and not criminalize our unhoused neighbors. Mar 21, 2023 1 think the city of Springfield should stop criminalizing houselessness. People should be able to live wherever they feel safe. Whether they have a tent or a house. Mar 21, 2023 The way the questions on this survey are phrased seem misleading and disguise attempting to clear out homeless camps as a concern for public safety, when the two are fully able of coexisting Mar 21, 2023 Humans are humans, regardless of whether or not they have a house or a job. I strongly believe that houselessness is an issue that should be addressed by the county, but the city could stand to criminialize fewer folks for the "crime" of existing. Making it illegal for folks to camp only creates overpolicing and overcriminalization in the city of Springfrield. Mar 21, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 42 of 54 We should not be looking for ways to make Oregon look more attractive than other states to people choosing the homeless lifestyle. And yes, for many, it's a choice. Mar 21, 2023 I'm sick and tired of the theft, littering, drug use and lack of citizen's rights when it comes to this. Taxpayers foot the bill for the cleanup and law enforcement to deal with them when they could and should be dealing with more important issues. Mar 21, 2023 No fine should be imposed. Springfield should have shelter options instead of sending the unhoused to Eugene. Provide more options for the unhoused to throw their garbage away and use restrooms. Mar 21, 2023 No camping in the city. Mar 21, 2023 If the federal and state government have any right to tell us how to manage this problem then they should also be held accountable fir the product they are about to produce! That means financial responsibility for police ,jail space lean up. And all other expenditures related to their blind Woke ruling!! Mar 21, 2023 Yes. Above, I disagreed with a 24-hour limit. That is because the policy should be flexible, allowing people to stay longer, especially if it is to accommodate disabilities. Mar 21, 2023 Please do not allow for camping at parks or open spaces managed by Willamalane. City of Eugene lost control of their parks when they allowed for camping at public parks, and our parks and paths are an essential part of what makes Springfield a great place to live. Mar 20, 2023 No. Mar 20, 2023 Make it as impossible for homeless to camp in Springfield. Give residence an easy and fast way to turn in people that are camping after the allotted time or any other violations. Mar 20, 2023 Ship them out of area Mar 20, 2023 If you don't protect the tax paying citizens they will leave! Mar 20, 2023 Campsites should be removed from land owned by individuals, so that impacts to individual personal property values is eliminated. Not minimized! It should be eliminated! Mar 20, 2023 This change is being forced on the City, so it's up to the City to increase enforcement of existing laws that apply to the negative behaviors that tend to be associated with vagrancy. Wherever camping is allowed, we need increased patrols for theft, burglary, harassment, panhandling, etc. The law says people can camp, not camp and commit crimes. Mar 20, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 43 of 54 While I understand that the code needs to be updated, I do strongly encourage this code to take into account public safety and sanitation when looking at any kind of campsites. I understand that people sometimes have situations where they may become homeless, however, in my experience, even though there are places where they could go to get a bed to sleep on and food, they choose not to based on their drug/alcohol or pet use. The 24 hour limit should be strictly enforced. It is frustrating when a public citizen such as myself is not able to just camp wherever I would like, the homeless should not be able to do it either. Mar 20, 2023 I'm concerned out beautiful and safe Springfield will turn into a dirty and unsafe place like Eugene, Portland, Seattle. I'm not comfortable going into Eugene anymore. Was recently in Boise and felt very safe walking in the downtown area. Mar 20, 2023 If camping is allowed it should only be limited to an area specifically defined by the city, like a designated parking lot or vacant field. Camping should not be allowed in just any public area. Mar 20, 2023 Not thrilled Mar 20, 2023 1 do not like any part of allowing homeless camping but if it must be allowed we need a designated area. All other public spaces need to be kept free from campers. Mar 20, 2023 Be the City we can all be proud of and do not allow it. Your Citizens will stand behind you and we can set an example for other Cities to follow. Probably draw more businesses here and more people will want to live here Mar 20, 2023 provide portasans and dumpsters and water sources at larger sites Mar 20, 2023 It is so sad that it has come to this. There is no one size fits all for this condition, and each cause of homelessness needs its own fix. Most importantly, whatever the updates to the code are, they should maintain the safety and livelihood of our communities. Should also be guidelines for the campers to follow, and consequences if they do not. Mar 20, 2023 1 like the idea of expansion. The programs through Catholic Community Services and Carry It Forward are working, but there is not enough available spots for the demand. Mar 20, 2023 You need to recognize that homeless are citizens and should have the ability to use parks and access services easily. The more disbanding and distancing you do, the more people are likely to not access services and become chronic. Mar 20, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 44 of 54 Please don't let Springfield become what Eugene has become. Springfield is so much safer and cleaner than Eugene. Do not let these homeless camps ruin our city! Mar 20, 2023 1 work down in the Whitaker area, very close to the Washington/Jefferson street park. Twice the city opened that park up to campers and twice it was turned into a toxic waste area. People have set up camps along the Freeway and when they leave, they leave a huge mess. They don't seem to care for themselves or their surroundings. Mar 20, 2023 Providing a choice to prioritize the needs of communities of color and people who are low-income over addressing the needs of the homeless is misplaced. The homeless are low-income and have a higher rate of being BIPOC than any other income level. The needs of the homeless should be prioritized above all. Mar 20, 2023 1 am sympathetic to our homeless population, but I don't think that allowing camping is going to solve any of their problems. Camping has destroyed many of the places that used to be beautiful in Eugene and I would hate to see that happen in Springfield. I know our hands are tied by the federal and state legislature to a degree, but we have got to find a way to protect our city from the destructiveness that camping causes. With facilities nearby or without, the result seems to be the same. I wish I had a solution to propose, but I'm not sure what the answer is. I just know that camping is not doing anyone any favors. Mar 20, 2023 We can supply larger areas of housing with military styled barracks out of the main city corridors. No one should be allowed 24-hour access to public spaces. Mar 20, 2023 As a Springfield home owner homeless camping should not be allowed. Mar 20, 2023 99.9% of homelessness is due to drug addiction. They will do drugs and rob your property. It should not and will not be tolerated in Springfield. If they dont like it the Eugene is a mile west. Hornlessness coincides with the rise of communism! Mar 20, 2023 Enforcement in the remote areas is important. Nothing more frightening than stumbling on a camp in our more rugged parks eg Thurston Hills Mar 20, 2023 Please create "villages" on abandoned or unused property where homeless can be safe and healthy. Mar 20, 2023 If people must camp and as a city we must provide a location, I would consider putting it in an abandoned industrial site away from parks, schools and businesses Mar 20, 2023 1 do not want Springfield to look like Eugene! It's a mess! As an educator, I have a huge heart but we need to take control of our city and no give leeway or it will be taken advantage of quickly, it's been proven how quickly it can spin out of control. Mar 19, 2023 The 1-6 factors above does not work. Mar 19, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 45 of 54 There are other ways to address this problem then by allowing camping within city limits. Mar 19, 2023 Yeah bag the plan , be real look at eugene. Springfield would be there in less than 5 years . Please reconsider again look at eugene homeless pooping in front of businesses and in the parks , garbage everywhere. Mar 19, 2023 Camping should be illegal within the city limits. I see so much litter left behind at what appears to be old camping spots. Who cleans up after the campers leave? They don't. It's embarrassing to see the campsites. Mar 19, 2023 Do not allow camping in our city please. We don't want our beautiful city to become Portland or Eugene Mar 19, 2023 Providing housing will lessen number of campers Mar 19, 2023 Yes, the city of Springfield needs to adopt safe sleep sites, Conestoga huts, and use available vacant properties to provide indoor tents access similar to the safe sleep site model used by St. Vincent De Paul. If this crisis is to be addressed we have to provide viable options. I am proof that the housing first model can work. If people have access to meeting their basic human needs then they can access resources to create sustainable change. Not everyone will, but there are many who are trapped and hopeless with no way off of the streets. Mar 19, 2023 The sites must have people in charge ON SITE to call for medical emergencies, fire, danger to campers. Definitely not near schools or places where children are nearby. Mar 18, 2023 Please invest in expanding shelter spaces. Also, any camping allowed should be in areas with trash service and bathroom facilities, otherwise we all know where the trash and human wast left over from "camping" will end up. Also, there should be a 1 bike per person limit unless you want to end up with public stolen bike chop shops. Strongly enforce any regulations. Mar 18, 2023 Lease businesses out of business. You can have inside camping. Acess to toiletries/electricity. Parking lot can be used for campers. This will also allow for ease of some type of safety oversight like security for emergencies. Everything to be used on a first come, first serve basis. No maximum stay limit. Have cameras. Offer free resource help. Mar 18, 2023 Clean the paths and parks up is all i care about Mar 18, 2023 1 do not want to see all public areas become classified as "camp grounds". It is too generic and allows too many areas to become potentially overrun. Designated areas would be better. Mar 18, 2023 No Mar 18, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 46 of 54 Needs restrooms and garbage along with supervision and services to help them Mar 18, 2023 Will anyone be going out and talking to unhoused people about this? It might be good for the city to get out and see where people are currently camping and how they're doing. Near 126 overpass on 5th there were some pretty trashy camps that I only know about because I've been screamed at by a woman from the camp from across the street. Downtown library has also become a camping area and it is hard to go there now. During COVID I was sitting on a bench texting when I had a confrontation with a man I think was unhoused/having some kind of mental crisis. He yelled at me and cornered me and kept asking for a taxi but there weren't any taxis running because of COVID shutdown. He got distracted for a moment so I got away but I've been afraid to hang out there since. Mar 18, 2023 More decent housing must be a top priority for the city of Springfield. Mar 18, 2023 I would like to see camping areas that have reasonable expectations and that allow people to stay as long as they need to and meet the expectations. I think the expectations should be developed through conversations with people in need of the camping space. Mar 18, 2023 As an Egan worker, I urge compassion, meaningful options for work, healthcare, personal improvement, and a sense of personal worth within the broader community. Mar 18, 2023 Requiring people to move every 24 hrs places undue burden on people experiencing homelessness. I support my tax dollars being used to provide trash pickup, bathrooms, and other basic services to camps. Camps should be allowed in Williamalane parks, city parking lots and other city property. Cars are not more important than people. Allowing people to camp in urban areas will allow easier access to services, jobs, and public transportation. Mar 18, 2023 1.) Limit pets, or have a separate camping area where pets are allowed. 2.) Is it possible to remove campers if they do not use proper receptacles to deposit litter? Mar 18, 2023 Homeless do not care or want help they only want handouts and feel entitled Mar 17, 2023 Go to Eugene. Mar 17, 2023 1 don't believe individuals should be able to camp in neighborhoods or streets. Mar 17, 2023 1 have chosen to live in Springfield because of the city's policy on public camping, panhandling and vagrancy. Mar 17, 2023 Keeping the area clean and having rules and enforcement if rules are broken in the public area. There is a different in helping and spoon feeding someone Mar 17, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 47 of 54 If the city would address the high cost of rents and illegal drugs we wouldn't have this homeless crisis. Mar 17, 2023 No parks, bike paths, or near schools. Mar 17, 2023 Very worried with the litter and lack of clean up after they leave a site. They need to be help accountable to the damage they inflict to the site Mar 17, 2023 People need a place to camp that is safe, has sanitation and trash disposal available. The bigger problems such as shortage of affordable housing certainly need to be looked at and in the meantime folks need a place to be. Mar 17, 2023 1 have had to call SPD on a few instances to deal with inebriated homeless people only to have Cahoots come out and the individual not accept assistance and they leave and I end up stuck with the person still not leaving the property after being asked to leave. When I ask someone to leave and they refuse it's trespassing. Why are our law enforcement officers not able to deal with this instead of passing it off on Cahoots? I try to be understanding of peoples troubles, but there is a time when they refuse a polite request to move on that the police need to be able to do their jobs. Mar 17, 2023 1 do not want homeless camping in the city PERIOD. Mar 17, 2023 Limit size and time. Mar 17, 2023 Kick them out to Eugene. Mar 17, 2023 We can't be like Portland or Eugene they are out of hand, Springfield needed to remain a safe and clean city Mar 17, 2023 Property owners/tax payers have chosen to live in Springfield for various reasons, one of the major reasons being that Eugene has become over ran with homelessness. Springfield has done a good job of managing the issue and needs to continue to patrol the neighborhood streets to make a safe environment for children and all community members. A lot of homeless choose to live that way, it is not the tax payers responsibility to provide for those that choose to live that way. Mar 17, 2023 I'm afraid Springfield will look like Eugene or Portland Mar 17, 2023 1 enjoy living in Springfield because we do not have as seemingly bad of a homeless problem as some of the other towns. I hope this does not change Mar 17, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 48 of 54 If anything ever happens to my children or myself due to the city allowing drug users to camp in areas we have to go, you better bet I will SUE the city for every possible cent. This is bullshit. They don't clean up after themselves and litter DRUG NEEDLES AND FECES. WAKE UP SPRINGFIELD! Thought you were better than this. Mar 17, 2023 cleanliness is a big concern with campsites, there must be rules about cleanup or the area becomes unuseable. Mar 17, 2023 1 have concerns for residential neighborhoods like mine. We have a church down the street from me that does allow some camping in their parking lot. When they were running a warming shelter, little things started disappearing around my house more then ever before. My concern is sanitary, environmental, and crime. Mar 17, 2023 As a female small business owner, I am concerned with the growing problem. We have had several issues/confrontations at the office and it is feeling less and less safe due to drug usage/mental health of transits passing by. Mar 17, 2023 We should not be allowing camping and reinforcing the lifestyle of homelessness. We should be directing those without housing to resources and places where they can stay and get help. a Mar 17, 2023 Camping outside designated camping sites should be against the law. Camping within should be by reservation only. Mar 17, 2023 Dangerous new law with no funding back up or proof it assist homelessness Mar 17, 2023 How will the decisions made be enforced Mar 17, 2023 This is disgusting. I can't act like this and keep my home, job & dignity. These people aren't in a spot. They are perpetually hopeless & refuse to do better. This is horrible to reach our kids & citizens they can just be a loser and sleep for free in the town square while the suckers work hard & pay for their disgusting existence. Mar 17, 2023 I'm annoyed that a survey has to be done to allow hard working tax paying property owners that the homeless have more rights than we do. Mar 17, 2023 Do not make any changes. I live in Springfield because we do not tolerate homelessness. If I wanted to see homeless camps I would move to Eugene, Salem or Portland. Again do not allow any of this camping in our city. Mar 17, 2023 Location location location Mar 17, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 49 of 54 Stop this madness. Drugs/alcohol, crime, unsanitary conditions. Mar 17, 2023 No camping Mar 17, 2023 Designating areas that are not next to residential and/or school areas with clean water and toilets should be a priority. Near social services, not hidden in neighborhoods where children play. Mar 17, 2023 It should be monitored, There should be a record of who is there and their responsibility to keep the area clean and safe. Mar 17, 2023 Springfield has done a good job keeping camping the associated criminal acts that come from it to a minimum. Please keep a strong stance on this, we don't want to turn into Eugene. Mar 17, 2023 This sounds like a temporary solution to a deeper problem of homelessness. Please consider looking into additional resources to help. Mar 17, 2023 1 have seen no benefit to any community for allowing this.. Mar 17, 2023 A city that won't provide shelter beds or other resources for people with nowhere to go should not only allow camping but facilitate designated sites with bathrooms & other facilities. Mar 17, 2023 I don't think they should be able to camp on our streets they should go to Eugene Mar 17, 2023 No camping inside city limits. It has a huge negative impact on the surrounding areas Mar 17, 2023 It's very important to keep our community clean and safe. Mar 17, 2023 We need designated areas for campers away from busy streets, residential areas, businesses. Also we need sanitary resources for the homeless. Mar 17, 2023 Police need more presence if there are more homeless. With the addition of the huts on 42nd street we are experiencing more theft, defacing of our property, cloths and personal items in our doorways. It's nasty. Mar 17, 2023 I don't approve by local business but in fields or off the hwys. But I think people should have access to porta pottys and drinking water throughout the city. In different locations. And placed on a resource map. Mar 17, 2023 Designated areas for overnight and must be out by 6 am Mar 17, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 50 of 54 like what commissioner Loveall has to say about it. Mar 17, 2023 Please protect the tax paying citizen's property (ie neighborhoods), I want to feel safe walking to and from my car in a parking lot. I want our parks to be safe for our kids to play. Please protect our wetlands. Look at opening up something similar to the Eugene Mission. Mar 17, 2023 City should simply open a campsite where primitive campsites are free and hookups for water, sewer and electric is at a reasonable fee. Camp should have rules as for littering and behavior and such. Should have bathrooms and showers and garbage service. Should also have patrols to enforce safety. I'm the end would be cheaper than city crews cleaning up camps throughout the city. Mar 17, 2023 Create a secure conestoga community where they self govern and the requirements to stay longer than 1-2 nights means no drugs or alcohol, along with keeping the site clean and free of garbage/human waste. Mar 17, 2023 Safety for our children and general society is my #1 concern. Eugene is mo longer safe to walk around or let your kids ride bikes. I go all the way to Springfield to do my shopping because it's safer then Eugene. PLEASE don't let the homeless ruin Springfield like they have in Eugene. Mar 16, 2023 Our prior City counsel did a good job cleaning Springfield up and making it friendly to small business and safe for families. I really hope that the new laws don't allow Springfield to become Eugene. Mar 16, 2023 Enforce the codes, keep the city safe and clean. Keep the unhoused safe by *not* allowing large, unregulated unhoused communities to form.. Mar 16, 2023 Please keep as far from residential areas and places of public business as possible. Mar 16, 2023 The city should do everything it can to discourage camping in Springfield. This will lead to our city continually going downhill. Mar 16, 2023 We have to do something. These ondividuals are part of our community as well. We should be concerned for them as well. Mar 16, 2023 No camping downtown. Mar 16, 2023 Offer spaces with assets for community engagement. Setting specific limits requires tempered enforcement. Solutions first, trauma informed Mar 16, 2023 Keep camping outside of city limits. Mar 16, 2023 I hope you find a way to keep our city safe, our sidewalks clear, and our recreational areas usable Mar 16, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 51 of 54 Keeping unhoused individuals away from camping in public areas should be a priority to the city. In other places where camping is allowed there are huge costs to businesses including clean up and loss of business as well as theft and vandalism. The camping ordinance should prohibit camping in neighborhoods or near schools and parks as well. Homeowners and families, taxpayers, need to feel safe in their neighborhoods and have access to the services they are paying for without having to deal with the theft and mess done by "campers". Mar 16, 2023 We need to find solutions for these people but for now garbage and clutter as well as sanitation is an issue. We have an issue and they have to go somewhere I suppose. Mar 16, 2023 Camp areas should be far away from residential and retail areas. Mar 16, 2023 1 want to feel safe in my city and I feel like close to shelters and social services is the best location. Definitely not on the biking trails. Mar 16, 2023 Creating safe spaces for people to camp is necessary and Mar 16, 2023 We don't need or want camping allowed in our city! It was one of the reason we moved here is so we didn't have to deal with the homeless/ drug addictes Mar 16, 2023 Na Mar 16, 2023 Close to resources that help address the causes of homelessness Mar 16, 2023 Camps should not be allowed in residential areas, near schools or parks. Mar 16, 2023 Please keep our street parks and areas camper free Mar 16, 2023 Keep camps away from residential areas Mar 16, 2023 Would love to limit to only dusk/night like Bpm to Sam and they must pick up trash Mar 16, 2023 Do not use this as an excuse to criminalize poverty even further and bolster the scandal -laden Springfield Police Department. Homeless residents of Springfield are still Springfielders. Compassion toward our neighbors must be our definition as a city. Mar 16, 2023 Springfield feels clean and safe. We MUST do something drastically different than Eugene (because what they are doing isn't working) Mar 16, 2023 Do NOT allow our city to become the dumpster hole Eugene, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco have allowed! If this HAS to be done it should be very limited, heavily restricted and rules FULLY enforced. Attachment 4, Page 52 of 54 This should be structured to provide a hand up, no handouts. We have fought too hard and long to keep Springfield clean and fre of the problematic issues that come from SOME who CHOOSE this lifestyle and have little to no regard for others and their property/businesses Mar 16, 2023 Allowing homelessness come into public property, entering down town, lingering by businesses, camping by recreational areas including parks and trails will have a massive impact on our city and its residence. Homeless communities has destroyed countless cities including Seattle and greater Seattle area, Portland areas, and Eugene. To think any different will happen here is naive and lacks basic forethought and logic . Mar 16, 2023 I want to feel safe in out city and neighborhoods. Mar 16, 2023 I am very concerned about any camping on our environmental areas (such as Dorris Ranch, the Middle Fork trail, Thurston hills, Willamette Heights, Jasper Park Trailhead). I strongly feel camping on these types of public land should not be allowed and highly monitored, as there is a huge fire risk in these areas, safety concerns, and environmental concerns. They are much more isolated than the bike paths in the City of Eugene and allowing camping there would be a public safety risk to users. Mar 16, 2023 Let's hope the city makes the wise choice on placement away from schools and neighborhoods Mar 16, 2023 Make camps out in the far north Gateway area by the OSP. That's close to hospitals, police, and basic services, but not close to residential areas or schools. Campers should have to pick up after themselves. If they litter, the one that's caught should have to clean it all up, or pay a fine. Mar 16, 2023 Do not allow this at parks where children play and there are no bathrooms. This is going to go very poorly and you will end up seeing clashes with neighbors, if we have to regulate this on our own. Especially for parks in the UGB, who rely on County services and there aren't enough sheriffs to respond on a normal day. Mar 16, 2023 Public safety must be considered a priority. There must be monitoring of all campsites and people cannot make these permanent living places. Mar 16, 2023 Please don't turn us in to Eugene. Please protect our working families, the streets, businesses, and communities we call home. Mar 16, 2023 Any camping should be contained to designated camps, with security, paid for by the State. Mar 16, 2023 1 live on a corner. We are constantly having to deal with overnight campers right outside my house. It's not safe. Mar 16, 2023 Providing a safe and easy way for unhoused to dispose of trash needs to be addressed. Mar 16, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 53 of 54 I work in Eugene. I see the mess the unhoused leave. I have been approached by them in an agressive manner. And I do not want Springfield to fall into the same trap that Eugene has. I have to pay a tax to help with the cost of taking care of them. Will Springfield also start a special tax for this? Mar 16, 2023 1 do not want Springfield to become a version of the Eugene homeless problem. If we build it they will come Mar 16, 2023 The real solution here is to provide shelter options for everyone who needs them, including safe, clean camping areas. The focus should be on allowing camping in areas where that can be supported and on how we will increase shelter beds and housing opportunity. Mar 16, 2023 Camping should NOT be allowed on/in public recreation sites (ie. parks, trails, etc.) or near/in residential neighborhoods, near schools, on sidewalks, at bus stops. Trash cans and porta potties should be provided. It should also be 100% enforced. A code is useless if nobody makes people comply. Mar 16, 2023 Attachment 4, Page 54 of 54 I k a q rdinance, resented=: City ty Attorney's Office 0 at • The action requested for this item is for the Council to conduct a public hearing and first reading of the camping code. • Agenda: • Adoption process • Public comment • Draft Code Attachment 5, Page 2 of 7 A governmental entity cannot criminalize conduct that is an unavoidable consequence of being homeless — namely sitting, lying, or sleeping. Attachment 5, Page 3 of 7 HB 3115 - Any city or county law that regulates the act of sitting, lying, sleeping or keeping warm and dry outside on public property must be "objectively reasonable" based on the totality of the circumstances as applied to all stakeholders including persons experiencing homelessness. Option 1. Changes to Municipal Code Adopt draft code require: Option 2. • Council adopts an ordinance Direct staff to make changes to draft with new code by voting after code and come back for an deliberation additional reading and deliberation • Ordinances are read at two public meetings Option 3. Conduct an additional public Attachment 5, Page 4of7 hearing and further deliberation r ro-,, Camp establish ments/24- hour time limit Burning/warming fires Limit storage of personal property Attachment 5, Page 5 of 7 ROW - safety and access Flexibility to change enforcement in an emergency Waterways/sensitive areas City Council public hearing Emails to City Attorney's Office Intentional reach out Online survey Paper survey at Ebbert Attachment 5, Page 6 of 7 •Next — Public Hearing on new code May 1, 2023 Attachment 5, Page 7 of 7