HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 4/10/2023DEVELOPMENT
DPW Conference Room 6151616 +Zoom
Meeting Date: Thursday, Aprif 27, 2023 1;30 — 2;30
1. DEVELOPMENT INITIATION MTG #811 -23 -000069 -PRE 811-22-000128-PROJ EWEB
Assessors Map & TL: 18-03-02-32 3800. 18-03-02-33 5100, 18-03003-40 300 & 700. 18-03-
Address: Franklin Blvd and 1-5
Existing Use: vacant
Applicant has submitted proposal for Refinement Plan and Development Code amendments
Planner: Andy Limbird
The Development Issues Meeting informational packet for this meeting is available on-line for
you to review or print out @ Laserriche website: www.soringfeld-or.aovtweblink8tbrowse.asox
APPLICANT: Laura Farthing, EWEB
MEETING DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 27, 2023 1:30 p.m.
PLACE: DPW Conference Room 615/616 and Virtual via Zoom
CONTACT PERSON: Andy Limbird 726-3784
Current Planning Staff: ❑L Miller, ❑A Limbird, ❑M Rust, ❑K Notary, ❑T Sievers
Kristi Krueger, AIC City Engineer— DPW
Kristi Krueger, AIC Managing Civil Engineer— DPW
Ken Vogeney, Emergency Manager— DPW
Clayton McEachem, Civil Engineer, Development 8 Public Works
Matt Stouder, Environmental Services Div. Manager/MWMC General Manager
Kristi Krueger, Capital Engineering Manager, Development 8 Public Works
Michael Liebler, Transportation Planning, Civil Engineer, Development 8 Public Works
Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall 2, Fire @. Life Safety Department
Ben Gibson, Maintenance Supervisor, Development 8 Public Works
Eric Adams, Planning, Willamalane Park and Recreation District
Ladd Boyce, Keoki Lapina, Springfield Utility Board (Water)
Greg Miller, Springfield Utility Board (Water)
Sanjeev King, Nick Amann, Springfield Utility Board (Electric)
Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (DWP)
Thomas Jeffreys, (EPUD) Emerald Peoples Utility District
Michael Wargo, Willamalane Park and Recreation District
Matt Caswell, Planning 8 Development Manager, ODOT, State Highway Division
(odotr2planngr@odot.smte.or. us)
Brad Rudler, (Electric) Eugene Water and Electric Board
Wallace McCullough, (Water), Eugene Water and Electric Board
Brett Yancey, Chief Operations Officer; Springfield Public Schools
Chris Reiersgaard, Asst. Director of Facilities & Operations; Springfield Public Schools
Safe Routes to School, Springfield Public Schools
Chris Carpenter, DPW Building Official
Andrew Shearer, Police Chief, Police Department
Tom Schwetz, LTD, Planning and Development Director
Luke Pilon, Centuryl-ink
Jeff Paschall, Community Development Manager — DPW
Jeff Paschall, City Surveyor— DPW
Sunny Washburn, Program Coordinator, Environmental Services
Sasha Vartanian, Lane County Transportation (Steve Gallup, cc only)
Marie Longworth, Central Lane Communications 911
Monte Brown, Northwest Natural Gas
Jason McDonald, Comcast Cable
Water Resource Coordinator, ESD
Jamie Porter, Rainbow Water District
Kristina Kraaz, City Attorney (Mary Bridget Smith upon specific request)
Allie Camp, Economic Development
Sarah Weaver, Administrative Specialist (DIM Annexations)
Please mark who you would like to attend this meeting and return form and
file to Shannon. Thanks!
Revised: 06/08/2020
P -3111A
811 -23 -000069 -PRE Development Initiation Meeting
18-03-02-32 3800, 18-03-02-33 5100, 18-03-03-40 300 & 700
Franklin Blvd and 1-5
Eugene Water & Electric Board
City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Development Initiation Meeting (DIM)
Applicant Name: Laura Farthing, P.E.
Phone: 541-685-7000
Company: Eugene Water & Electric Board
E-mail: Laura.Farthing@EWEB.org
Address: 4200 Roosevelt Blvd., Eugene OR, 97402
Applicant's Rep.: Colin McArthur, AICP
Phone: 541-485-7385
Company: Cameron McCarthy
E-mail: cmmrthur@mmeronmccarthy.com
Address: 160 E Broadway, Eugene OR, 97401
Property Owner: Eugene Water & Electric Board
Phone: 541-485-7000
Company: Eugene Water & Electric Board
Address: 4200 Roosevelt Blvd., Eugene OR, 97402
: See DIM Application Statement
Property Address: McVay Highway and Interstate 5
Size of Pro ert : 28.64
Acres ® Square Feet ❑
Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Proposal: See DIM Application Statement
Existing Use:Vacant
# of Lots/Pa els: 5
Avg. Lot Parcel Size: N/A
Densit : N/A du/acre
Required Project Information (City Intake
Case No.: Date:
Staff. complete this section)
Reviewed by:
Application Fee: $
Technical Fee: $0
Posta a Fee: $0
Revised 07/20/22 sm1 of 4
To: City of Springfield
From: Colin McArthur, ACP
Date: March 20, 2023
Subject: EWES Glenwood Second Source
Glenwood Refinement Plan and Springfield Development Code Amendments
DIM Statement
The Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) is exploring the feasibility of constructing a second
drinking water intake and treatment plant in Glenwood (Springfield, OR). Currently, EWEB's only source
of drinking water is the McKenzie River, with an intake and treatment facility near Hayden Bridge in
Springfield. Having a single potable water source presents significant risks to EWEB residential,
business, and institutional water consumers from potential service disruptions due to equipment failure,
hazardous spills within the river, or natural disasters. To improve resiliency, EWEB is proposing to utilize
its existing water right to surface water on the Willamette River below the confluence of the Middle and
Coast Forks to diversify its water supply.
The proposed second source site is between McVay Highway and Interstate 5 (1-5). The proposed
project includes a river intake facility, water treatment facility, and associated infrastructure. The subject
site is belowthe confluence of the Middle and Coast Forks of the Willamette River in Glenwood, within
the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. The subject site comprises the following tax lots (Assessor's
Map No., Tax Lot No.):
in 18030340,00300
in 18030340,00700
The subject site is within Subarea D ofthe Glenwood Refinement Plan (GRP), adopted by the City and
Lane County as a neighborhood refinement to the Metro Plan in 2012. Subsequently, the Glenwood
Riverfront Mixed -Use Plan District was incorporated into the Springfield Development Code (code) as
SDC 3.4-200. While the GRP and code allowcertain "low impact public utility facilities," there is no
Eugene I P�rdaineeni tl
EWEB Glenwood Second Source
Plan and Code Amendments DIM Statement
March 20, 2023
provision for "high impact public utility facilities" within the subject site's Employment Mixed Use zoning
district. SDC 6.1.110 includes the following definitions for low and high impact public utility facilities:
"Public Utility Facility. Structures, facilities, and equipment necessary to serve development by a
government, public utility, utility cooperative, or private company.
(1) Lav Impact. Telephone and cable telephone lines, poles, junction boxes,
exchanges and repeater stations, electric paver distribution lines (less than 69 KV) and
poles sanitary sewer pipe lines, pumps or lift stations, storm sewer pipe lines, ditches
and other storm -water management or water quality ponds, wetland, or swales, gas
distribution pipe lines, water pipe lines, valves, well fields, pump stations and attendant
facilities, water reservoirs and water storage tanks less than 300, 000 gallons or 30 feet in
height, and water treatment facilities, including filtration plants, less than 2.5 million gallon
(2) High Impact. Electric paver transmission lines (greater than 69 KV), poles and
substations, gas pipe line valve stations, sanitary sewer treatment plants or effluent
ponds, water reservoirs and water storage tanks greater than 300,000 gallons or 30 feet
in height, water treatment facilities, including filtration plants greater than 2.5 million
gallon capacity per day, fins/ambulance stations."
As noted above, the proposed project includes an intake facility and water treatment and filtration facility.
In accordance with SDC 3.4.250, low impact public utility facilities are permitted in the Employment Mixed
Use zoning district. The definition of low impact facilities included in Table SDC 3.4.250 is different from
SDC 6.1.110 above but generally consistent with the types of facilities described:
"Lav impact facilities are any public or semi-public facility that is permitted subject to the design
standards of this code, including, but not limited to, wastewater, stormwater management,
electricity and water to serve individual homes and businesses, other utilities that have minimal
olfactory, visual or auditory impacts, street lights, and fire hydrants."
The proposed intake facility located on TL 3100, TL 3800, and TL 5100 is considered a low impact public
facility, is consistent with the above definitions, and is permitted in the Employment Mixed Use Zoning
District. The proposed water treatment facility is considered a high impact public utility facility as listed in
subsection (2) above. The GRP text does not anticipate the size and type ofwater facilities proposed by
EWEB. Therefore, amendments to certain GRP text and to the table for allowed uses in the code for the
Glenwood Plan District are required for the project.
The GRP and code amendments require approval by Springfield City Council. Plan and code
amendments may be initiated by the Development and Public Works Director, the Planning Commission,
the City Council, or a citizen. Following initiation and approval of the plan and code amendments,
Annexation, Site Plan Review and other associated site-specific land use applications (i.e., Willamette
Greenway Overlay District, Floodplain Development Overlay, and Hillside Development Overlay District)
are required for the project. The applicant is proceeding with Annexation approval on a separate path.
EWEB Glenwood Second Source
Plan and Code Amendments DIM Statement
March 20, 2023
EWEB hopes to complete preliminary design and secure approval of the required Plan and code
amendments in 2023-2024; with site-specific permit approvals and completion of final design between
2024-2025, construction in 2026-2028, and having the plant operational by 2028-2029.
The primary purpose of this development initiation meeting (DIM) is to discuss initiation of the plan and
code amendments and to confirm the scope of those amendments. A draft of the proposed plan and
code amendments in included as Attachment 1, for reference.
1. SDC 5.6.105.B. states that amendment of adopted refinement plans, refinement plan diagrams and this
code's text may be initiated by the Director, the Planning Commission, the City Council or a citizen.
Please confirm that the applicant, EWEB, is considered a citizen for the purpose of compliance with this
provision and may initiate the proposed plan and code amendments..
2. SDC states that citizen initiated amendments are allowed only twice each calendar year; on or
before January 5^ or July S^. Are the proposed plan and code amendments subject to this provision and,
if so, can they be submitted any time before July 5, 2023?
3. SDC5.6.120 states that requests for amendment to implementing documents (GRP and code) may be
initiated by an individual, corporation, or public agency upon submittal of an application, supporting
documentation and payment of required fees. Please confirm that the applicant, EWEB, a public agency
may initiate the plan and code amendments through submittal of an application, supporting
documentation, and payment of review fees.
4. Please confirm that Director, Planning Commission, or City Council initiation of the proposed plan and
code amendments is not required.
Al. Proposed Amendments DRAFT
A2. Conceptual Site Plan
City of Springfield
City of Springfield
Colin McArthur, ACP
March 20, 2023
EWEB Glenwood Second Source
Glenwood Refinement Plan and Springfield Development
Proposed Amendments DRAFT
The memorandum includes proposed amendments to the Glenwood Refinement Plan and the Springfield
Development Code to enable the Glenwood Second Source project.
The following shows existing textwith changes proposed in legislative format:
Existing text = Text that exists and will remain unchanged.
Underlined Text = Text proposed for addition.
SErikeEpreugh-Text = Text proposed for removal.
Moved Text = Text that is proposed to remain but moved to a different location.
Glenwood Refinement Plan
in Glenwood Refinement Plan (pg. 33— Land Use and Built Form chapter; referring to Plan/land use
"Employment Mixed -Use is established where office employment, educational uses and light manufacturing
employment uses are intended as the primary uses with external impacts less than or equal to office uses.
Limited small scale retail and service uses are also permitted if developed as an integral part of the primary
employment development to provide commercial services needed by employees in close proximity to their
workplace (employment -generating educational uses may be considered primary uses). Public facilities included
in the adopted Eugene-Sprincrield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan are permitted as primary
uses. Warehousing is permitted as a secondary use"
• Glenwood Refinement Plan (pg. 36— Land Use and Built Form chapter; referring to Zoning
Eugene I P�rdneeantl Pend
EWEB Glenwood Second Source March 20, 2023
Proposed Amendments DRAFT
'Office Employment: Office Employment uses are businesses that are typically housed in office buildings where
there is limited interaction between the public and the proprietor. The principal activity of these uses is associated
with the performance of a range of administrative, medical, high tech, nanotechnology, green technology,
pharmaceutical and biotechnology, information technology, information management, and research and
development functions. Examples include, but are not limited to: call centers; corporate or regional headquarters;
physicians' clinics; software development; media production; data processing services; and technical support
'Light Manufacturing: Light manufacturing employment uses are businesses engaged in small scale
manufacturing (predominantly from previously prepared materials) of finished products or parts, including
processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, testing, or packaging of these products.
Emphasis is placed on uses that are not potentially dangerous or environmentally incompatible with office
employment uses, i.e., not generating air pollution, hazardous waste, or excessive noise. These uses typically
generate limited/light freight traffic, and all manufacturing and storage of materials and company vehicles are
obscured from public view. Examples include, but are not limited to: manufacture of electronic instruments;
specialty food processing; pharmaceutical manufacturing; research and scientific laboratories; and businesses
that recycle manufactured materials for sale to the public.
'Public Facilities: Also permitted are public facilities included in the Eugene-Sprirmfeld Metropolitan Area Public
Facilities and Services Plan."
• Glenwood Refinement Plan (pg. 43— Land Use and Built Form chapter; referring to Sub -areas)
"Subarea D thus allows, as primary uses: office employment uses; professional, technical, and scientific
commercial service uses; and employment -generating education facilities. However, what predominantly
distinguishes Subarea D from Subarea C (the Office Mixed -Use designated subarea described above) is the
additional allowance, as a primary use, of the production, assembly, testing, and packaging functions associated
with light manufacturing or technology uses that typically generate limited/light freight traffic. Another distinction
from Subarea C is that Subarea D is considered appropriate for a hospital as a primary employment use
(supporting medical office buildings area already considered a primary office employment use.
Notwithstanding more specific discussion of public facilities in this Plan. Subarea D is the appropriate subarea to
permit certain high impact public utility facilities as primary uses in the Phase 1 Glenwood Refinement Plan area.
Subarea D is the most suitable area to locate such facilities due to the existence of pre-existing hiah impact Public
utility facilities within Portions of Subarea D and Proximity to other industrial uses. High impact Public utility
facilities located in Subarea D must be included in the Eugene- Sprino(eld Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and
Services Plan."
• Glenwood Refinement Plan (pg. 140— Public Facilities and Services chapter; Electric Facilities
and Services section, near the end of the policy and implementation strategies subsection)
'Consider views and visual pollution in locating the any future electric substations.
'Given the unique attributes of electric substations. '' � locate any future electric
substations in an industrial or employment -designated parcel outside the boundary of the
Phase 1 Glenwood Riverfront.
EWES Glenwood Second Source
Proposed Amendments DRAFT
March 20, 2023
• Glenwood Refinement Plan (pg. 141 — Public Facilities and Services chapter; Water Facilities and
Services section, before System Capacity subsection)
"In 2014 EWEB transferred location of a water riaht on the Willamette River from its headquarters area to an area
belowthe confluence of the Middle and Coast Forks of the WIlamette River, abutting Subarea D within the Phase
1 refinement plan. To provide redundancy, safety and resiliency for its water customers. EWEB seeks to develop
in Subarea D a second water source from the Willamette River, with an intake, water treatment facilities and
associated improvements. Existing and/or newly developed water transmission mains would extend from the
treatment facilities to EWEB's existing 45" transmission line west of Interstate 5"
• Glenwood Refinement Plan (pg. 143— Public Facilities and Services chapter; after Utility
Placement & Adverse Visual and Walkability Impacts'
"Similar to electric services, water services infrastructure is an essential part of development, but it can be a
source of adverse visual impact and its placement can affect the walkability of the neighborhood in which it is
located. Water mains and water service laterals are placed underground. However, SUB requires the placement
ofwater apparatus, such as water meters and backflow prevention devices, above -ground due to Oregon Health
Division rules regarding flooding and draining. Thus, the placement ofwater utilities in the Glenwood Riverfront,
both in the public right-of-way and on private property, should be coordinated with SUB to ensure that the
character of the neighborhoods and streetscape envisioned for the Glenwood Rivertront are achieved as
development or redevelopment occur. EWEB's planned water intake and treatment facilities should also be sited
and developed to minimize visual impact and allow for extension of the planned riverfront Pathway system.
Minimize the impact ofwater facilities on the visual environment and pedestrian paths of travel as new
development or redevelopment occur in the Glenwood Rivertront.
Policies & Implementation Strategies:
'Coordinate with SUB and EWEB to develop criteria for locating and obscuring water facilities that consider
visual, auditory, health and environmental impacts; pedestrian mobility; operational ease; and initial costs and
maintenance costs in association with proposed development in the Glenwood Rivertront.
'Consider views, visual pollution, and pedestrian mobility in locating and obscuring water meters, backflow
prevention devices, and other above -grade water apparatus.
'Locate or relocate water lines in coordination with proposed streets, driveways, accessways, and paths.
'Coordinate the routing or re-routing of service lines and above -grade water apparatus with private developers to
minimize potential detrimental effects on the layout of new development/redevelopment.
'Locate above -grade water apparatus including, but not limited to water meters and backflow prevention devices,
outside of pedestrian routes, such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and building entrances; and utilize landscaping and
public art to make these facilities as unobtrusive as possible on the public realm/streetscape.
'Consider views. design features, landscaoina. screenina. and routing/access for a future multi -use riverfront oath
in locating, designing and developing EWEB water intake and transmission facilities below grade, and associated
above -grade water pump and treatment facilities identified in the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area Public
Facilities and Services Plan in Subarea D."
Springfield Development Code
EWES Glenwood Second Source
Proposed Amendments DRAFT
March 20, 2023
• Springfield Development Code (SDC 3.4-245.B. Establishment of Base Zoning Districts; pg. 211)
A. Employment Mixed -Use. Subarea D provides for office employment and light manufacturing employment uses
with limited external impacts; that have riverfront views and points of access to the Willamette River; and that
helps meet an identified need for employment land in Springfield. In Subarea D:
a. Primary uses are permitted either as stand-alone uses or within a mixed-use building: office employment
uses; professional, technical and scientific commercial service uses; educational facilities; production,
assembly, testing, and packaging functions associated with light manufacturing or technology uses; high
impact Public utility facilities identified in the Eugene- Sodno(eld Metr000litan Area Public Facilities and
Services Plan; and a hospital"
• Springfield Development Code (SDC 3.4-250 Schedule of Use Categories; pg. 215)
"3.4-250 Schedule of Use Categories
Categories/Uses RMU CMU OMU EMU
Public Utilities and Other Public Uses
Maximum Number of Required
Low impact facilities that are any public or semi-public facility that is
permitted subject to the design standards of this Code, including, but
not limited to, wastewater; stormwater management; electricity and
water to serve individual homes and businesses; other utilities that
have minimal olfactory, visual or auditory impacts; street lights; and
fire hydrants.
High impact public utility facilities identified in the Eugene-Springfeld
Metr000litan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan (1)
1 per 350 sr gra
Public uses, including, but not limited to, fire and police stations.
Wireless Telecommunications Systems Facilities....
Note: (1) Water source intake, pumping, treatment and transmission facilities are permitted in Subarea D as high
impact public utility facilities. Electric transmission facilities are permitted, but electric substations are prohibited in
Subarea D as high impact public utility facilities.
Springfield Development Code (SDC 3.4-270 Public and Private Development Standards,
subsection G. Vehicle/Bicycle Parking and Loading Standards; pg. 222-17)
Vehicle Parking Standards Table 3.4-1
Use Category
Use Sub -Category
Maximum Number of Required
1 per each 200 sf gfa or 1.5/bed
Light Manufacturing (2)
1 per 550 sr gfa plus 1/company owned vehicle
Light Manufacturing Storage (2)
1 per 1650 sr gfa plus 1/company owned vehicle
Office Employment
1 per 350 sr gra
EWEB Glenwood Second Source
Proposed Amendments DRAFT
March 20, 2023
(3) Public Facilities identified in the Eugene-Sprirmfeld Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan.
Surface parkins for must be located behind buildinas or otherwise screened.
Educational Facilities
To be determined by a parking study that considers
number of employees, students, and hours of
Warehousing (2)
1 per FTE on largest shift plus
11company owned vehicle
Public Facilities (3)
To be determined by a parking study that considers
the number of employees, visitors, and operational
(3) Public Facilities identified in the Eugene-Sprirmfeld Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan.
Surface parkins for must be located behind buildinas or otherwise screened.