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Application APPLICANT 3/29/2023
THE SATRE GROUP Land Use Planners, Landscape Architects, Environmental Specialists 375 West 4' Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satrearoup.com TRANSMITTAL TO: City of Springfield DATE: March 22, 2023 Development and Public Works PROJECT: SUB McKenzie River Source 225 5^ Street Development - Annexation Springfield OR 97477 ATTN: SG PROJ #: 2233 TRANSMITTED: Herewith X DISPOSITION: For Your Approval Separate Cover For Your Information/Use X Other For Reply TRANSMITTED: #Copies Item Dated No. Pages (In addition to this transmittal page) 3 paper copies and one electronic copy (CD) of a: Annexation Develooment Initiation Meetina Various Dates Several REMARKS: This Annexation Development Initiation Meeting application packet is hereby submitted for processing. The submittal package includes: 1. This Transmittal 2. Application Form 3. Application Fee 4. Written Statement — Project Narrative and List of Questions 5. Land Use Planning Analysis 6. Existing Conditions Plan Set We look forward to your assistance with the project. Don't hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you. COPIES TO: Agency File X Consultant Team B X Owner X Other BY: Rick Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI City ofSpringfield Development Services Department L/r) 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Annexation Development Issues Meeting (DIM) SPRINGFIELD Prospective Greg Miller ) 541 726-2396 Applicant Name: Phone: Company: Springfield Utility Board Fax: Address: 202 South 18th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 E-mail:GregM@subutil.com 541-686-4540 Phone Prospective Rick Satre A licant's Re .: company: The Satre Group Fax: Address:375 W 4th Ave., Ste 201, Eugene, OR 97401 E-mail: Rick@satregroup.com Property Owner: Springfield Utility Board Phone: (541) 726-2396 Company: Springfield Utility Board Fax: Address:202 South 18th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 E-mail: Greg M@subutil.com ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-27-00 TAX LOT NOS :02002 Property Address: No Address - end of 65th Street Size of Property: 4.41 Acres 0 Square Feet ❑ [[ qgg (ty�� 55 b p Q�aty Description of Ri fl2 arini� l %nn GIIy Andy Nandi Elio itbeh your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Existing Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Water Treatment Plant SUB City Zonin : LDR Metro Desi nation: LDR Population: 0 Prospective Applicant:- � Date: 0- Signat re Greg Miller Print Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $0 1 Postage Fee: $O TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 4/8/14 B] 6 of 16 Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist Q✓ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. Q Development Issues Meeting Application Form 0 Five (5) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. Examples of relevant issues for annexation include but are not limited to the following: • Contiguity • Availability and capacity of surrounding city services • Affected special districts • Fees Q Three (3) Copies of the Proposal - suggested information valuable for staff to review the proposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.7, Annexations. Q✓ Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17" ❑✓ Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' ❑d North arrow ❑✓ Date of preparation ❑✓ Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number Z✓ Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the annexation area ❑✓ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points ❑✓ on-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained 0 Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for future public road right-of-way ❑J Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots 0 How streets in the proposal area connect with existing streets 0 Future development plan, which may include proposed and existing buildings (location, dimensions, size) or other impervious surfaces Revised 4/8/14 B] 7 of 16 March 22, 2023 SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD MCKENZIE RIVER SOURCE DEVELOPMENT Map 17-02-27-00, Lot 2002 Annexation Development Initiation Meeting PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LIST OF QUESTIONS In support of the applicant's request for an Annexation Development Initiation Meeting this project description and list of questions has been generated to provide an explanation of the project. We ask for city review and response to the information and questions presented herein. I. REQUESTED ASSISTANCE The applicant, Springfield Utility Board (SUB), requests a Development Initiation Meeting in order to share information regarding development of a property in order to provide a newwater treatment facility associated with the Thurston Wellfeld. The Development Initiation Meeting will provide SUB with an understanding of potential issues that may impact the development of the property. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant's objective is to work with the City of Springfield to establish a pathway to annexation of Lot 2002, the goal being to develop the site with a ri wwater treatment facility associated with the Thurston Wellfeld. To do this, SUB will need to annex the lot into Springfield's jurisdiction, change the Metro Plan and rezone the property to Public Land and Open Space (PLO). Tax Lot 2003 is also owned by the SUB but is outside the city of Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. SUB is looking into the codes from Lane County for further uses for this lot. III. QUESTIONS 1. Land Use Analysis. a. The attached Land Use Planning Analysis (LUPA) was generated using known or discovered available public information to document land use regulations which will regulate or impact development of Tax Lot 2002. Does staff see anything in the analysis which is misstated or otherwise incorrect or misleading? b. Tax Lot 2002 is within the Urban Growth Boundary and is designated by the Metro Plan as Low Density Residential (LDR). Given that the site is designated for residential use, we believe the applicant could either keep the residential zoning in place or change to Public Land and Open Space (PLO). The change would require a Metro Plan Amendment, a Springfield Comp Plan Amendment and Zone Change. Does Staff concur with this assessment? 7W 1 PLANNERS i LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS 375 West 4th, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 501.6&6./540 www.sa-.regroip.comLipi SUB McKenzie River Source Page 2 cf 2 Annexation Development Intiiation Meeting —Project Desorption and List of Questions 2. Annexation. a. Annexation Required. It is the applicant's understanding that annexation into the city limits of Springfield is required prior to the Metro Plan Amendment, Springfield Comp Plan Amendment, and Rezone. Does Staff concur with this assessment? b. Special Development Standards for High Impact Public Facilities (SDC 4.7-160.A) indicates that a Site Plan Review is required if the facility is designated on the Metro Plan's Public Facilities and Services Plan. Since this newwater treatment plant is identified on the facilities plan is the Type 11 Site Plan Review the appropriate application? Would an Annexation still be required? 3. Land Use Applications a. Site Plan Review and Special Development Standards. It is the applicant's understanding that per SDC 6.1-110, water treatment facilities are considered High Impact Public Facilities. Given this, and given the subject property's Low Density Residential zoning, improvements to the site will require Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17-100) and are subject to the Special Development Standards (SDC 4.7-160). Does staff concur with this assessment? b. If a Metro Plan Amendment, Springfield Comp Plan Amendment, and Rezone to PLO is requested and granted, Section 3.2.710— Schedule of Use Categories —High Impact Public Facilities need to be reviewed by a Type III Site Plan Review. However, as discussed above in 2b, because the proposed water treatment facility is in the Metro Plan's Public Facilities and Services Plan, we believe that we can moved forward with the Type II Site Plan Review? Does staff concur with this assessment? 4. Land Use a. When a PLO District abuts a residential district, the maximum building height shall be defined as the height standard of the applicable residential district for a distance of 50 feet measured from the boundary ofthe adjacent residential zoning district. Beyond the 50 -foot measurement, we believe there is no building height limitation. Does staff concur with this assessment? b. Existing Conditions Documentation and or Technical Analysis. Does staff see where any existing conditions documentation and/or technical analysis beyond thatwhich may be required for Site Plan Review apply? Geotechnical report? Traffic analysis? Stormwater report, etc.? 5. Is there anything else that staff would like to share with the applicant regarding this property, the above information, or the proposed approach to an Annexation, Possible Metro Plan Amendment, Springfield Comp Plan Amendment, and Re -Zone to PLO? This concludes the applicant's Annexation Development Initiation Meeting project description and questions. In advance, the applicant wishes to express its appreciation of staff time and effort in preparing responses to the questions and discussing the proposal. Sincerely, R." SatYe� Rick M. Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI, Principal/ Partner The Satre Group The Satre Group. 375 West 0 Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97491.(541) 69&4549. w.va.satrepmu March 22, 2023 SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD MCKENZIE RIVER SOURCE DEVELOPMENT Map 17-02-27-00, Lot 2002 and 2003 11171TO WIIll-,FTTPirErre�iPM, The key to successful property development in Oregon is thorough research and analysis of prospective regulations and requirements. This is followed by the planning, design, and regulatory approval processes. Success comes by taking things one step at a time; each step providing clarity and focus for the next round of activity. The first step is research and analysis, where land use requirements are identified and a foundation for the next steps in the process is established. Presented below are the results of this initial land use analysis. This analysis is based on available public data. It documents known or discovered existing conditions and potentially applicable land use regulations. It is based on what is known at this time. Additional data may be discovered as the project progresses, resulting in modifications to what is presented herein. I. ASSIGNMENT The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is exploring the expansion of water treatment facilities associated with the Thurston Wellfeld. With the wellfeld's location at the edge of the City of Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary, depending on the specific location of the newfacilities, land use jurisdiction could be either Springfield or Lane County, or both. This analysis includes two tax lots -Tax Lot 2002 and Tax Lot 2003 as a potential location for the water treatment facility. Tax Lot 2002 is accessed by 65^ Street. Tax Lot 2003 by way of 66' Street (which also provides access to the existing Thurston -and Platt- Wellfelds). BACKGROUND A. Planning Context 1. Tax Lot 2002 - Of the two lots, Tax Lot 2002, the southern lot, J owned by SUB, is inside the Springfield UGB and , therefore under the jurisdiction of the City of Springfield. As such, long-range land use for TL ; 2002 is governed by the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), the Springfield Comprehensive Plan, a neighborhood plan if one exists, and by site-specific zoning. Further, zoning can sometimes be comprised of base and overlay zoning. i For Lot 2002, the Metro Plan and Springfield Comprehensive Plan designation is Low Density 'L------- Residential (LDR), there is no applicable _ •* L_� neighborhood plan, the base zoning is Low Density Residential (R-1). Spdng6eid Zoning Map 2022 2. Tax Lot 2003 The northern lot, Tax Lot 2003, also owned by SUB, is outside the UGB and under the jurisdiction of Lane County. The Lane County Comprehensive Plan provides a designation of Agriculture (AG) and a zone of Exclusive Farm Use, 30 acre minimum (E30). PLANNERS + LANDSCAPEARCNITECTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS + xosnrunexne 375 West4th, Suile 201, Eugene, OR 47401 I Phone: 501.686.0500 WWWSdtregrOUP.COM 1 I 1 Springfield Ugly Boad—MCKenne RNer Source Development Land Use Ana"s Map 1]-02-2]410, Lot 2002 and 2003 B. Physical Setting Tax Lot 2002 is accessed from 65^ Street, which terminates at the property's southern boundary. Thurston Middle School is to the west, single-family development is to the south and rural residential development is to the east. The site is vacant and is approximately 4.41 acres in size. Tax Lot 2003 is immediately north of Tax Lot 2002 and is accessed by 66'K Street which borders the property to the east. Thurston Middle School is to the west. Rural residential development is to the north and east. Cedar Creek parallels the tax lot's north boundary while South Cedar Creek traverses the southern portion of the lot. The creeks themselves are in the floodway while most of the tax lot is in the 100 -year floodplain of the nearby McKenzie River. The site contains a single-family residence and is approximately 33.42 acres in size. Page 2 of 14 C. Development Objective The development objective for Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is to develop one or both of the lots with an expansion ofwater treatment facilities associated with the Thurston Wellfeld. With the wellfeld's location at just beyond the City of Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary, and these two tax lots straddling the UGB, depending on the specific location of the new treatment plant, land use jurisdiction for the contemplated water treatment plant could be either Springfield or Lane County, or both. Land use applications for Springfield could include Annexation, Metro Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, and Site Plan Review. Land Use applications for Lane County could include Floodplain Development and Development Review. III. LANDUSEANALYSIS A. Regulatory Review The following plans, documents and database sources are included in this review: 1. Planning and Zoning. a. Aerial Photographs (Google Earth). b. Regional Land Information Database (RLID)- detailed property report, deeds, tax maps and other RLID database maps. c. Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). d. Springfield Zoning Map. e. Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan. 2. Transportation. a. The Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan (TransPlan) —street classification, planned roadway and bikeway projects. b. Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (roadway network, roadway projects). 3. Utilities. a. Springfield Stormwater Facilities Master Plan. b. Springfield Wastewater Master Plan. c. Springfield Storm and Sanitary Infrastructure (existing infrastructure maps). d. Springfield Utility Board Water and Electric Infrastructure (existing infrastructure maps). The Satre Group. 375Wed4-Avenue, Suite201, Eugene, OR 97401.(541)666-4540.w.va.satregmup.. Springfield UlilAy Board – McKenna River Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 17-02-27-00, Lot 2002 and 2003 4. Natural Resources. a. Springfield Natural Resources Study. b. Springfield Wetlands Map (national and local wetland inventories). c. Springfield Water Quality Limited Watercourses Map. d. Springfield Floodplain and Floodway Map. 5. Parks and Open Space. a. Wllamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan (projects map). 6. Prior Land Use Decisions. 7. Title Reports. a. Tax Lot 2002. b. Tax Lot 2003. Page 3 of 14 8. Development Standards. a. Springfield Development Code— Land Use Districts (Chapter 3), Development Standards (Chapter 4), and Development Review Process and Applications (Chapter 5). b. Lane County Code. B. Findings 1. Planning and Zoning. Tax Lot 2002 a. Jurisdiction: b. Metro Plan: c. Refinement Plan: d. Base Zoning: e. Overlay Zoning: f. Map: g. Tax Lot: h. Acreage: City of Springfield Low Density Residential None Low Density Residential Urbanizable Fringe 17-02-27-00 2002 4.41 acres Tax Map Except m 2992 019 09 2 u ® OCC Regicnal Land Inramagcn Database (RLID) SEE MAP December 2022 Tax Lot 2003 a. Jurisdiction: Lane County ,7019-01 b. Rural Comp Plan: Agriculture (AG) c. Refinement Plan: None d. Base Zoning: Exclusive Farm Use (E-30) e. Overlay Zoning: None -- f. Map: 17-02-27-00 g. Tax Lot: 2003 . h. Acreage: 33.42 acres Tax Map Excerpt Regional Land lnfmmation Database(RLID) – December 2022 - - — The Satre Group. 375West0Avenue, Suite201, Eugene, OR 97491.(541)e 4540.ervv.satregmup.cern 0- n Springfield Uility Board—MCKenae RNor Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 17-02-2]-00, Lot M02 and 2003 Page 4 of 14 2. Transportation. a. TransPlan. The metro area adopted transportation plan. The Eugene -Springfield Transportation System Plan (TransPlan) does not include any projects adjacent to or directly affecting the subject property. b. Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP). The City of Springfield's TSP designates both 65'^ Street and 661h Street as Local Roadway. The nearest future roadway improvement project is at Thurston Road and 66th Street— a new pedestrian crosswalk with aflashing beacon. Local Street Network Map Excerpt City of Springfield Decernber2022 c. Public Transit. There is no public transit service adjacent to the two lots. The closest transit is on Thurston Road. Utilities. a. Stormwater. The Springfield Stormwater Facilities Master Plan shows the subject properties as being in the South Cedar Creek Outfall Stormwater Basin. The Master Plan identifies no capital improvement projects in the vicinity of the property. �, _ South Cedar �`` Creek;Bosin Basin Map Excerpt Stormwater Facilities Master Plan City of Springfield October 2008 The subject property, being adjacent to improved residential property to the south, does have adjacent stormwater infrastructure — both public and private. Private stormwater infrastructure is a storm line running northward along thewest boundary ofthe property on the middle school property ending in a 24 -inch outfall at Cedar Creek. Pxishng Stormwater Facilities MasterPlan City of Springfield zoos The Satre Group .375 Wes[ 4'^ Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 9]401.(541) 686-4540.www.salrearcup.corn Springfield Utility Board—McKenne Rtver Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 17-02-2]-00, Lot 2002 and 2003 b. Wastewater. Wastewater infrastructure exists in 65th Street at the south property line for Lot 2002. Lot 2003 does not have any sewer near the property lines. The closest line is in 66th Street to the south. Page 5 of 14 c. Wellhead Protection. The subject property is within several wellhead protection areas. Any development - on Lot 2002 would change the land use from vacant to occupied and would require a Drinking Water Protection application. This i can be done concurrently with any other type of required land use permit. Wellhead Protection Areas Map City of Springfield and SpringfieldUtility Board January 2013 `-- d. Water & Electric. Existing water and electric infrastructure exist on and adjacent to the subject site. 00 0 M7 It Ifl- ing Water Intast uclure — Lot 2002 ingfiek Utility Board Exisfing Water Infrasiructum — Lot 2003 Springfield UtiRy Board! 2023 The Satre Group.375Wes14-Avenua, Suite201, Eugene, OR 97401.(541) 69&4540.ervv.satrecmup.corn - e• 0 M7 It Ifl- ing Water Intast uclure — Lot 2002 ingfiek Utility Board Exisfing Water Infrasiructum — Lot 2003 Springfield UtiRy Board! 2023 The Satre Group.375Wes14-Avenua, Suite201, Eugene, OR 97401.(541) 69&4540.ervv.satrecmup.corn Springfield utility Board-McKenne River Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 1]48-2]-00, Lot M02 end 2003 Electric hhastrucWre-Lot 21)02 ottl Utility Board! Page 6 of 14 Sprngfiek Utility Board 2023 4. Natural Resources. a. Springfield Natural Resources Study. The Springfield Natural Resource Study Report does not identify any resources on Lot 2002, the southern lot. The northern lot, 2003, is largely within the 100 -Year Floodplain and has an identified National inventoried Wetlands on the northern portion ofthe site. b. Springfield Wetland Inventory. The Springfield Wetlands Inventory Map indicates that there is awetland on Tax Lot 2003. As this data originates from the National Wetland Inventory (NW), it may or may not be accurate. A site-specific wetland investigation will be required. Excerpt Welland Inventory Map City of Springfieltl July 2D1D Springfield Water Quality Limited Watercourses Mar, Springfield's Water Quality Limited Watercourses inventory documents that there are WQLW features on Lot 2003 but not on Lot 2002. South Cedar Creek runs through the south section of Lot 2003 while Cedar Creek runs along the north boundary of Lot 2003. Both creeks have a riparian corridor of 50 feet. Site Plan Review is required for any property within 150 feet of these water courses. Water Quality Umitetl Watercourses Map City of Springfield 2019 The Satre Group @ 375 West 0 Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 974101 .(541) 66 G4540.w.vu.salreomuo.can -1 aislino YI Electric infrasWoture - Lot 2003 �_ Sprngfiek Utility Board 2023 4. Natural Resources. a. Springfield Natural Resources Study. The Springfield Natural Resource Study Report does not identify any resources on Lot 2002, the southern lot. The northern lot, 2003, is largely within the 100 -Year Floodplain and has an identified National inventoried Wetlands on the northern portion ofthe site. b. Springfield Wetland Inventory. The Springfield Wetlands Inventory Map indicates that there is awetland on Tax Lot 2003. As this data originates from the National Wetland Inventory (NW), it may or may not be accurate. A site-specific wetland investigation will be required. Excerpt Welland Inventory Map City of Springfieltl July 2D1D Springfield Water Quality Limited Watercourses Mar, Springfield's Water Quality Limited Watercourses inventory documents that there are WQLW features on Lot 2003 but not on Lot 2002. South Cedar Creek runs through the south section of Lot 2003 while Cedar Creek runs along the north boundary of Lot 2003. Both creeks have a riparian corridor of 50 feet. Site Plan Review is required for any property within 150 feet of these water courses. Water Quality Umitetl Watercourses Map City of Springfield 2019 The Satre Group @ 375 West 0 Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 974101 .(541) 66 G4540.w.vu.salreomuo.can Springfield Ulilfiy Board-MCKenae River Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 17-02-27-00, Lot M02 and 2003 d. Springfield Floodway and Floodplain Map. Tax Lot 2002 does not include any floodway or floodplain area. Tax Lot 2003 includes a narrow ribbon of floodway along both South Cedar Creek and Cedar Creek along with a fair amount of floodplain area elsewhere on the tax lot. Excerpt Rootlplain and FFkxx1.y Map May 2013 Page 7 of 14 5. Parks and Open Space a. Wllamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan. The Wllamalane Comprehensive Plan MUltl-U includes two projects in the vicinity of the property. Project 5.7 - Continue to develop the special use Ruff Park area. Project 7.2 Improve the Lively Park and develop a multi -use programming space. fhurs[on ridge' `- Park and Recreation Projects Map Excerpt RS Wllamalane Park and Recreation District Octoberr200122 r 6. Previous Land Use Decisions Affecting the Subject Property. a. Nicholas Platt Partition -2007-P2118. In 2007, Lane County and the City of Springfield approved the Nicholas Platt Partition which partitioned one larger tax lot into the two tax lots involved with this project. Tax lot 2002 is the southern lot and is within the UGB of Springfield. Tax lot 2003 is the large remainder lot to the north and is in Lane County jurisdiction. Title Reports. a. Lot 2002. A Preliminary Title Report, dated October 28, 2022, documented the existence of 12 exceptions. Exceptions 6 through 12 are pertinent to this land use analysis. Briefly these areas are as follows: 6. The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2022-2023 are exempted by virtue of City ownership. The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted, and taxes levied. (Map No. 17-02-27-00-02002, Code 19-09, Account No. 1799038). 7. Covenants, restrictions, and other notes as shown on Partition Plat No. 2007-P2118. The Satre Group. 375Wea4'^Avenue, Suite201, Eugene, OR 97401.(541) 68 G4540.w.vu.satreomup.can Springfield May Boad-MCKenae RNer Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 17-02-27-00, Lot 2002 and 2003 Page 8 of 14 8. Restrictions as shown on the recorded plat as follows: "No buildings, structures, trees, shrubbery or other obstructions shall be placed on or located within the public utility easements." 9. Declaration of Temporary Non -Exclusive Private Water Line Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded May 3, 2007, Reception No. 2007-029796, Lane County Oregon Records. 10. Public Water Utility Easement, granted to City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, acting by and through Springfield Utility Board, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded October 14, 2010, Reception No. 2010-052059, Lane County Oregon Records. 11. Perpetual Restrictive Easements, granted to City of Springfield, acting by and through the Springfield Utility Board, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded January 29, 2013, Reception No. 2013-005902, Lane County Oregon Records. 12. We are unable to ascertain from the records if the premises herein described has a means in ingress and egress to and from a legally dedicated road or highway, and for this reason such rights cannot be insured. Lot 2003. A Preliminary Title Report, dated October 28, 2022, documented the existence of 16 exceptions. Exceptions 6 through 16 are pertinent to this land use analysis. Briefly these areas are as follows: 6. Taxes, Map No. 17-02-27-00-02003, Code 19-01, Account No. 1799046, 2022-2023, a lien in the amount of $2,805.06, now payable. Taxes, Map No. 17-02-27-00-02003, Code 19-09, Account No. 1848462, 2022-2023, a lien in the amount of $6.46, now payable. 7. The Assessment Roll and the Tax Roll disclose that the premises herein described have been specially assessed as Farm Use Land. Ifthe land becomes disqualified for the special assessment under the statute, an additional tax may be levied and in addition thereto a penalty may be levied if notice or disqualification is not timely given. 'This report (policy) does not include any search forfinancing statements or agricultural services, liens which are fled with the Secretary of State and any matters which would be disclosed, thereby are expressly omitted from coverage herein." 8. Power Line Easement, granted to City of Eugene, a municipal corporation, for the use and benefit of the Eugene Water & Electric Board, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded June 23, 1965, Reception No. 8464, Lane County Oregon Records. 9. Land Use Agreement for Permanent Well Sites, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded October 21, 1980, Reception No. 8053132, Lane County Oregon Records. 10. Land Use Agreement for Permanent Well Sites, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded May 4, 1981, Reception No. 8119214, Lane County Oregon Records. 11. Land Use Agreement for Permanent Well Sites, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded November 22, 1982, Reception No. 8235034, Lane County Oregon Records. 12. Land Use Agreement for Permanent Well Sites, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded November 22, 1982, Reception No. 8235035, Lane County Oregon Records. 13. Easement, granted to City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded July 10, 1989, Reception No. 8929875, Lane County Oregon Records. 14. Covenants, restrictions, and other notes as shown on Land Partition Plat No. 2007- P2118. The Satre Group. 375 West 0 Avenue, Suite 201, Eugen e, OR 97401.(541) 886-4540. w.va.sarecreup.corn Springfield utility Board! —MCKenae Riv s Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 17-02-27410, Lot M02 and 2003 Page 9 of 14 15. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded May 3, 2007, Reception No. 2007-029796, Lane County Oregon Records. 16. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded January 29, 2013, Reception No. 2013-005902, Lane County Oregon Records. An existing conditions survey of the property will eventually be required. With that, the above title exceptions confirmed, updated as necessary and mapped where possible. 8a. Development Standards. - Lot 2002 - Springfield. The Springfield Development Code (SDC) governs all lands within Springfield's city limits and its urban services area (the UGB). Tax lot 2002 is within the UGB and the SDC will apply to the tax lot. All SDC Chapters apply but three chapters in particular, are detailed here - including Land Use Districts (Chapter 3), Development Standards (Chapter 4), and Development Review Process and Applications (Chapter 5) -are particularly applicable. As land use applications are prepared, a detailed review of the Code will be required. A brief overview of relevant sections follows. NOTE: Always refer to the full code when generating plans and completing applications. Land Use Districts (Chapter 3). Within Chapter 3, with NO Metro Plan Amendment: the project will need to comply with SDC 3.2.200 Residential Districts. • 3.2-210 Schedule of Use Categories (Old Code') o High Impact Public Utility Facilities' requires Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17-100) and are subject to Special Development Standards for High Impact Public Facilities (SDC 4.7-160). • Residential Zoning Districts (SDC 3.2.200) (New Code) 0 3.2-210 Permitted Land Uses -High Impact Facilities are no longer listed in residential zone. 0 3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards. - Applicable base zone development standards include such things as minimum lot size, minimum street frontage, coverage, setbacks, height limits. With a Metro Plan Amendment and rezoned to Public Lands and Open Space (PLO) the project would need to comply with 3.2.700. • 3.2.705 (B) - The PLO District shall also be permitted on properties designated other than Public and Semi -Public as specified in the Metro Plan, a refinement plan, or plan district. 0 3.2.710 -Schedule of Use Categories -High Impact Public Facilities are a discretionary use and requires a Type 3 review (SDC 4.7.160). 0 3.2.715 Base Zone Development Standards - Lot/parcel Coverage and Planting Standard - Parking, driveways and structures shall not exceed 65 percent of the development area. At least 25% of the development area shall be landscaped. - Street Setback = 15 feet; Residential Property Line = 20 feet; Parking and Driveway = 5 feet - Landscaped Setbacks- (1) Where an easement is larger than the required setback standard, no building or above grade structure, except a fence, shall be built upon or over that easement. (2) Required setbacks are measured from the special street setback in SDC 4.2.105(N), where applicable. (3) ' The Springfield Development Code was updated eaetlNe July 1, 2022. ' The proposed water Uealment fatlfity use dine property meets the definition as High Impact Public Facility per the Springfield Development Code (SDC 6.1-110). The Satre Group. 375 Wes[ 4'^ Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401.(541) 66&4540. www.salrecmup.corn Springfield lllilfiy Board —McKenzie River Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 17-02-27-00, Lot M02 end 2003 Page 10 of 14 Structural extensions may extend into any 5 -foot or larger setback area by not more than 2 feet. Maximum Building Height- None, unless abutting a residential district. When a PLO District abuts a residential district, the maximum building height shall be defined as the height standard of the applicable residential district for a distance of 50 feet measured from the boundary of the adjacent residential zoning district. Beyond the 50 -foot measurement, there is no building height limitation. Development Standards (Chapter 4). SDC Chapter 4, Development Standards, addresses general development standards that could apply, depending on a particular proposal, to any property in Springfield. The following Sections apply to the project. See the full text of the Code for specific requirements: 4.2-100 Infrastructure Standards — Transportation. 0 4.2.105 Public Streets. 0 4.2.120 Site Access and Driveways. 0 4.2.130 Vision Clearance. 0 4.2.150 Multi -Use Paths. 4.3-100 Infrastructure Standards- Utilities. 0 4.3.105 Sanitary Sewer. 0 4.3.110 Stormwater Management. 0 4.3.115 Water Quality Protection. 0 4.3.117 Natural Resource Protection. 4.4-100 Landscaping, Screening and Fencing. 4.5-100 On -Site Lighting Standards. 4.6-100 Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking Standards. 4.7-100 Specific Development Standards. 0 4.7-160 High Impact Public Facilities. (A) A high impact public facility may be approved subject to Site Plan Review when the facility is designated on the Metro Plan's Public Facilities and Services Plan, or in the Campus Industrial District on an approved Conceptual Development Plan or Master Plan. All other high impact public facilities are subject to Discretionary use approval in accordance with a Type 3 review procedure. (B) The facility shall be screened as specified in SDC 4.4.100. (C) In residential districts, a minimum of 25 percent of the lot/parcel shall be landscaped. The Development Review Process and Applications (Chapter 5). SDC Chapter 5, The Development Review Process and Applications contains requirements applicable to all land use applications within Springfield jurisdiction. Those applicable to the subject property include the following. 5.1.100 The Development Review Process. 5.1.200 General Provisions. 0 5.1.210 Pre -Development Meetings. 5.1.400 Type 2 and Type 3 Procedures (Administrative). 5.7.100 Annexations. 5.17.100 Site Plan Review. 8b. Development Standards. — Lot 2003 — Lane County. The Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan and Lane Code governs all lands in Lane County which are outside of a City UGB. Tax lot 2003 is outside the Springfield UGB and thus falls within Lane County jurisdiction. Tax Lot 2003 is in the County's Exclusive Farm The Salve Group. 375 West 4'^ Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 07401.(541)e 4540.w.vu.satrearcup.corn Springfield utility Board! —McKenne RNer Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 17-02-2740, Lot M02 and 2003 Page 11 of 14 Use Zone (E-30). Section 16.212 EFU Development, and the Eugene/Springfield Public Facilities and Service Plan are particularly applicable. As land use applications are prepared, a detailed review of the Code will be required. A brief overview of relevant sections follows. NOTE: Always refer to the full code when generating plans and completing applications. Exclusive Farm Use Zone (Chapter 16.212). • Within Chapter 16.212, the project will need to comply with LC 16.212(3) Use Table, Table 16.212-1. o Table 16.212-1 use (6.4) Utility Facilities necessary for Public Service. • Use: Outright allowed subject to standards. • Procedure: Type II. • Standards: (4)(m) A utility facility that is necessary for public service. • (4)(m) Use Standards. o (i) A utility facility is necessary for public service if the facility must be sited in the Exclusive Farm Use zone in order to provide the service. • (aa) To demonstrate that a utility facility is necessary, an applicant must show that reasonable alternatives have been considered and that the facility must be sited in the Exclusive Farm Use zone due to one or more of the following factors: (B) Technical and engineering feasibility. (C) The proposed facility is locationally dependent. A utility facility is locationally dependent if it must cross land in one or more areas zoned Exclusive Farm Use in order to achieve a reasonably direct route or to meet unique geographical needs that cannot be satisfied on other lands; (D) Lack of available urban and non -resource lands. (E) Availability of existing rights ofway. (F) Public health and safety; and (G) Other requirements of state and federal agencies. 8c. Eugene/Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan —Chapter III -G Public Facilities and Services Element a. Locating and Managing Public Facilities Outside the Urban Growth Boundary. • Finding #34— In accordance with Statewide Planning Goals and administrative rules, urban water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities may be located on agricultural land and urban water and wastewater facilities may be located on forest land outside the urban growth boundary when the facilities exclusively serve land within the urban growth boundary, pursuant to Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 660 Divisions 006 and 033. • Finding #36- The Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities maps show the location of some planned public facilities outside the urban growth boundary and Plan boundary, exclusively to serve land within the urban growth boundary. The ultimate construction of these facilities will require close coordination with and permitting by Lane County and possible Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan amendments. • Policies G.27- Consistent with local regulations, locate new urban water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities on farmland and urban water and wastewater facilities on forest land outside the urban growth boundary only when the facilities exclusively serve land inside the urban growth boundary and there is no reasonable alternative. • Facility providers shall coordinate with Lane County and other local jurisdictions and obtain the necessary county land use approvals to amend the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan, or the Metro Plan, as needed and consistent with state law, to The Satre Group . 375 West 0 Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 69&4540 • w.va.satreomup.corn Spnngfield Uilfiy Boad —McKenzie Rivx Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 17-02-27410, Lot M02 and 2003 Page 12 of 14 appropriately designate land for urban facilities located outside the urban growth boundary or the Plan boundary. IV. LAND USE APPLICATIONS—SPRINGFIELD The proposed improvements to the McKenzie River Source Development site will require the development, submittal, and processing of a few land use applications. A. Annexation. 1. Current regulations require annexation of property into a city before property can be developed, including the provision of urban facilities and services. • The Springfield Development Code addresses the purpose, applicability and process by which property can be annexed to the city of Springfield. • One of the Annexation criteria states: Fiscal impacts to the city, where applicable, have been mitlgatedthrough an Annexation Agreement (SDC • Should an Annexation Agreement be needed, such a need is identified and discussed at the Development Issues Meeting. The applicant works with the city to generate the agreement prior to submittal of a complete annexation application (generally by the re- submittal step). Annexation Agreements are defined as (SDC 5.7.113): B. Type 4 Metro Plan Amendment, Springfield Comp Plan Amendment and Zone Change to PLO. • 5.14.110 Review -A Development Initiation Meeting is encouraged for citizen -initiated amendment applications. Metro Plan amendments are reviewed under Type 4 procedures as specified in SDC 5.1.140. • (A) Legislative Zoning Map amendments involve broad public policy decisions that apply to other than an individual property owner, generally affecting a large area and/or require a concurrent Metro Plan diagram amendment as specified in SDC 5.14.100. Legislative Zoning Map amendments are reviewed using Type 4 procedure. - Metro Plan Diagram Amendment Determination. An amendment to the Metro Plan diagram shall be required if the proposed Zoning Map amendment is not consistent with the Metro Plan diagram. Both amendments may be processed concurrently. C. Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17.100). 1. Site Plan Review is a Type II land use application that provides a process to regulate the manner in which land is used and developed, ensuring compliance with various public policies and objectives. In Springfield, Site Plan Review is required for most new development, additions, or expansions. It is a Planning Director decision and includes public notice, but no public hearing. D. Final Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17.135). 1. The Final Site Plan submittal incorporates all approval conditions from the Site Plan Review decision into a revised set of plans. Upon approval of Final Site Plan review, the city executes a Development Agreement which is then signed by the applicant. V. LAND USE APPLICATIONS—LANE COUNTY The proposed improvements to the McKenzie River Water Source site will require the development, submittal, and processing of a land use application. A. PRE -APPLICATION. A pre -application conference is not a requirement of any application, but may be requested for a fee, where a project involves the need for multiple land use applications or for large scale or highly complex development projects. The purpose of the pre -application conference is to acquaint people with the requirements of Lane Code, the applicable comprehensive plan, and other related documents prior to application. In no case will a pre - application conference or information provided therein be guaranteed to provide an exhaustive The Satre Group. 375 West 4- Avenue, Suite 201, Eugen e, OR 97401.(541)e 4540.w.vu.satrearoup.. Springfield UtiRy Board—McKenne RNer Source Development Land Use Analysis Map 170=CO3 Lot 2002 and 2003 Page 13 of 14 review of potential issues associated with any project nor will it preempt the enforcement of applicable regulations. B. GENERAL LAND USE APPLICATION 1. The General Land Use Application would be the application for the Type II use listed above in LCC 16.212 (6.4) Utility Facilities necessary for Public Service. The approving procedure is the Type II procedure for the Water Treatment facility on Exclusive Farm Use zone in Lane County. The Type II procedure involves the Director's interpretation and exercise of discretion when evaluating approval standards and criteria. Uses or development evaluated through this process are uses that are conditionally permitted or allowed after Director review that may require the imposition of conditions of approval to ensure compliance with development standards and approval criteria. Type II decisions are made by the Director, in some cases after notice of application and opportunity to comment. Type II decisions may be appealed. C. FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 1. The Floodplain Development Permit is a Type I land use application. The Type I procedure involves the ministerial review of an application based on clear and objective standards and criteria. Uses or development evaluated through this process are those that are permitted outright in the applicable zone. In general, potential impacts of the proposed development have already been recognized through the adoption of County standards. The Type I procedure does not require interpretation or exercise of policy or legal judgement when evaluating development standards and criteria. A Type I determination is made by the Director without public notice or a hearing. VI. EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN To complement this Land Use Planning Analysis an existing conditions plan has been generated to provide a graphic illustration of the planning and zoning information presented here in. It is included herewith. VII. ATTACHED INFORMATION A fair amount of information was collected during the regulatory review activity of the land use analysis. Of that, some was in narrative format, some was in graphic format. Of that which was deemed most pertinent to the findings and analysis in the Land Use Analysis, a copy is included in Attachment A to this memorandum. 1. Planning and Zoning. a. Google Earth—Aerial Photograph of Project Area. b. Eugene -Springfield Metro Plan Map. c. Springfield Base Zoning Map. d. Lane County Zoning Map 2. Utilities. a. City of Springfield — Existing Wastewater Infrastructure Map. b. City of Springfield — Existing Stormwater Infrastructure Map. 3. Natural Resources. a. Lane County Floodplain Map. 4. Preliminary Site Plan. a. Existing Conditions Plan. VIII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The above information represents a brief outline of known and discovered applicable planning, zoning, and site development requirements for the contemplated development of one or both of the subject properties. It is recommended that a pre -application meeting, for both the Springfield Lot, (a The Satre Group. 375 West 4- Avenue, Suite 291, Eugene, OR 97401.(541)e 4540.w.vu.satrearcup.corn Springfield Uilby Board—MCKensie River Source Development Lard Use Analysis Map 1]48-2]-00, Lot 2002 and 2003 Page 14 of 14 Development Initiation Meeting) and for Lane County be scheduled and undertaken to clarify and/or confirm the findings herein. We hope this initial land use analysis proves helpful. Our office is available to discuss these findings, provide additional graphics upon request, or assist with additional project needs'. Sincerely, R."Sat)-ei Rick Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI, Principal/ Partner The Satre Group The infamafion presented herein is the professional opinion of the primary author based on interpretation of applicable land use codes within a particular jurisdiction. It is imbed to the nfmm ation as interp refect to the best of our abilities and is not nanted beyond this opinion. Opinions in no way represent or Imply information, decisions, opportunities, potentialities, or ontcames not in control dine author. The Satre Group. 375Wea4-Avenue, Suite201, Eugene, OR 9]401.(541)6 4540.www.satreacup.asm „ a, 7 Wal ac J, . 6p may. s i I •� ory Lane'Be�rie_ � • Ago* iash' at Lively ParkIR ,- .. N .. ,+•iS,•,5` ' �. - �. 41 Ir .- �. i'. • r_ 1 • Tharston Middle School �M ~ � I{ r �—� �•. , �gp�P4s R�� ♦ -'i u.4'. -�S - � rte. a rR h Thursten�IChristiaZn hwrcl g 3.^{ + I.24 d �'t,�7 y' This e R T� 5rslp�]Ft' LI tew 11.7 HAYDEN RIDGE RD J C F- H x t - m N J ST z OEM Ir ♦ or • Z N a Metro Plan Map ■ tW *ate ■ T NQ CAM��K RD �'�.� • Urban Growth Boundary Metra Plan Boundary SPIER ` Val Railroads OW Al OM +i ♦ ^� Rivers and Ponds Mill Overlays: ® Mixed Use Areas 3 Nfldal Development Area 11 Willamette Greenway of of M I TH LF ❑ Low Density Residential ❑ Medium Density Residential High Density Residential ■ Nodal Development Commercial ® Major Retail Center Heavy Industrial Y wKE ---- Special Heavy Industrial Light Medium Industrial ® Campus Industrial ;u• University Research Government 8 Education FParks and Open Space 1-1 Natural Resource Attachment 1 b . If 1 L r Sand and Gravel Agriculture Forest Land Rural Residential © Rural Commercial Rural Industrial © Airport Reserve l Cedar W.. ~ r G 5T L; F ST P ST ? N o N m z N E ST Thurston Springfield Zoning Map Creek 1 1 1 I r I Rrlf I I Prrr•k I - I I E I E I 1 JACO6 IN E � 4 J rAir rrrr 1 � I E y BARON LN 1 I AARON LNI I m N r 1 F J I m M1 0] a I +r I MOSES PASS 65TH ST JULES mmi Ir PL own mak ST a �� Livelti• ; Park & ; a 1 x m �iicw w ► ; ave Poo/ 1 1 1 ■rr1 � 1 ! I { 1 1 1 I I ! ! ! 1 1 z N b � J ~ r G 5T L; F ST P ST ? N o N m z N E ST Thurston Springfield Zoning Map Creek 1 1 1 I r I Rrlf I I Prrr•k I - I I E I E I 1 JACO6 IN E � 4 J rAir rrrr 1 � I E y BARON LN 1 I AARON LNI I m N r 1 F J I m M1 0] a I +r I MOSES PASS 65TH ST JULES mmi Ir PL own mak ST F65TH 65TH ST p.D THURSTON x a � � x m z H m a ST E muv. - l ZONING R-1 Residential R-2 Residential R3 Residential Mixed Use Residential _ Residential M.U. (Clenwcad) Neighborhood Commercial - Community Commercial - Major Retail Commemal Mixed Use Commercial _ Commercial M.U. (Glenwood) - Mixed Use LMI & CC Campus Industrial Light Medium Industrial — Heavy Industrial - Special Heavy industrial _ Employment M.U. (Glenwood) Attachment 1c _ Booth -Kelly Mixed Use — General Office _ Office Mixed Use (Glenwood) - Medical Services — Quarry & Mine Operations Public Land & Open Space - Agriculture -Urban Holding Area m Sanitary Map Attachment 2a Layers TuAists / Parks & Open Space 10 Admfn Boundary "r Ip Landmarks Infrastrucutre y `S '0 Wastewater Nodes X Abandoned Clean Out fM.mtenance Hole 0 • Non Access Point PS _ Pump Station Wastewater Mains CITY METRO WASTEWATER MGT. COMM. PRIVATE — UNDER DEVELOPMENT kStorm Water Nodes Stonm Water Mains t� Storm Water Perf-Main Stormwater Map J. • #� j I 1 , 1 Attachment 2b —m Storm Water Nodes O AREA DRAIN 9 CATCH BASIN CATCH BASIN/ CURB INLET • CLEAN OUT CURB INLET • DITCH POINT INPIPE • MAINT HOLE • NONACCESS POINT (PHANTOM) ® OUTPIPE VAULT Storm Water Mafna Storm Water Per` Main Streets t 0 Street Labels Natural_ Features_ Hazards �Q Topography / 10 Ft. Contours t 0 2 Ft. Contours Floodplain Map ,OW x \_ x x '6 CM1 n Aanon Ln a. L n n � m � m '-'j (, Mases Pazs n u Attachment 3 PO Clazs1 Steams s O R'etiands �� DFIlLM14 Panels .O Flood Hazazd .4 AE ■ AE, FLOODCCAx .ko D V COASTAL FLOODPLAIN VE COASTAL FLOODPLAIN X 02 PCT ANNEAL CHANCE FLOOD HA X AREAOF N7QAMU FLOOD HAZARD PEI Historic St, ce. (point) P ❑ Historic Stactoes vly-g n) P F -I LOMA p ❑ PotembA Gaounihcafc Qeality Limioed Areas PE) R-illamette Greem m / Aispoxt Orerim's s � Coastal Oreda}s Axchaeolo�cal Sites PE) Bio Game N2bstat in CYPs Al iSetl.ds / ❑ Cottage orm'e xetlands