HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/4/2023Lane Regional Air Protection Agency LAND USE COMPATIBILITY STATEMENT " Basic and General Air Contaminant Discharge Permits, Registration Who needs to complete this form? L RA PA If you we required to apply for an LRAPA Basic Air Contaminant Discharge Permit, be assigned to a General Air Contaminant Discharge Lane Regional Air Protection Agency Permit, or are opting for registration in lieu of permitting, you need to complete this form. This form only applies to Basic and General Air Contaminant Discharee Permits and Registration. Applicants for Construction, Simple, or Standard Air Contaminant Discharge Permits must complete LRAPA's general Land Use Compatibility Statement fore. Why is this form required? This form is required because LRAPA must determine whether issuing the permit you are applying for or approving your registration will be consistent with local government land use regulations. Oregon law requires that LRAPA permits be consistent with the local government's acknowledged comprehensive plans and land use regulations. LRAPA documents this consistency with a Land Use Compatibility Statement as required by Oregon Revised Statutes 197.180 and LRAPA 34-036 (1) (p). Where can I find this form? A Land Use Compatibility Statement form is included in the Basic and General Air Contaminant Discharge Permit and Registration application approval packets. It can also be found on LRAPA's website. How to complete this form: Step Who Does It What Happens 1 Applicant Applicant completes Section 1 of this form and submits it to the appropriate city or county planningoffice. 2 City or County City or county planning office completes Section 2 of this form to indicate that Planning the use is compatible with the acknowledged comprehensive plan and land use Office regulations, attaches written findings supporting the decision of compatibility, and returns the signed and dated form to the applicant. 3 Applicant Applicant submits the completed form and any supporting information provided by the city or county to LRAPA along with the LRAPA permit or registration application. See the permit or registration apphcation for specific submittal instructions. Applications are available on LRAPA's website: www.lrapa.org Do not submit this form to LP -APA if it is incomplete or if the local planning office informs you thatyour use is not consistent with its regulations. You must work with the local planning office to ensure that your use is compatible before submitting this form to LRAPA Where to get help: Questions about this form should be directed to the staff responsible for processing your air quality permit or registration apphcation. LRAPA may be reached at (541) 736-1056 LRAPA Bmic/Ceoerat ACDP& Registonion LUCS 3/302015 Page Iof2 Lane Regional Air Protection Agency LAND USE COMPATIBILITY STATEMENT (Instructions on back -side) SECTION 1- TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 1. Applicant Name (This must be the same name as the legal name you will use on you permitlregistration application form): T -Mobile West LLC Mailing Address: SS Shining Mountains Loop Rd. City, state, zip: Ennis, MT 59729 Telephone:606-290-5350 2. Property Physical Address:2037 Laura Street City, State, zip: Springfield, OR 97002 Counly:Lane County Tax Lot#:1703271002200 3. Describe the type of development, business, or facility and the provided services or products: Emergency generator installation to existing cell site. 4. Check the type of LRAPA Air Contaminant Discharge Permit being applied for at this time: ❑� Basic or General Air Contaminant Discharge Permit ❑ Registration SECTION 2 - TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OFFICIAL Instructions: Written findings of fact for all local decisions are required; written findings from previous actions are acceptable. For allowed pre-existing uses and uses allowed outright, LRAPA will accept written findings in the form of a citation to the applicable land use regulation. In all other cases, LRAPA will accept a reference to the specific plan policies, criteria, or standards that were relied upon in rendering the decision with an indication of why the decision isjustified based on the plan policies, criteria, or standards. A. The project proposal is located: ❑ Inside City Limits ❑ Inside UGB ❑ Outside UGB B. Name of the city or county that has land use jurisdiction (the legal entity responsible for land use decisions for the subject property): C. Is the use compatible with the applicable acknowledged comprehensive plan and land use regulations? please complete this form to address the use for which the applicant is seeking approval (see #3 in Section I above} Ifyou cannot aruwer 'yes, "pleare discuss your findings with the applicant. LRAPA cannot proceed with perm@ issuance if the use is not compatible with your acknowledged comprehensive plan. LRAPA will not accept any alterations to this form. ❑ Yes, the activity or use is pre-existing nonconforming use allowed outright by (provide reference to local ordinance): ❑ Yes, the activity or use is allowed outright by (provide reference to local ordinance): ❑ Yes, the activity or use received preliminary approval that includes requirements to fully comply with local requirements; findings are attached. ❑ Yes, the activity or use is otherwise compatible with the acknowledged comprehensive plan and land use regulations findings are attached. Additional comments attach additional information as needed): Planning ficial Signature: Title: Print Name: Telephone #: Dale: LRAPA BmiclC msal ACDP & Registration LUCS 3/302015 Page 2 o172 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY STATEMENT (LUCS) WHAT IS A LUGS? The LUCS is the process Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) uses to determine that LRAPA permits are consistent with the local government comprehensive plan. WHY IS A LUCS REQUIRED? Oregon law requires that activities that impact land use he consistent with local comprehensive plans. DEQ Division 18 administrative rules identify LRAPA actions that are defined as programs affecting land use and for which LRAPA must have a process for determining local plan consistency. WHEN IS A LUCS REQUIRED? A LUCS is required for nearly all LRAPA permits. In cases where a source needs more than one permit or approval (e.g., DEQ water discharge permit and LRAPA air contaminant discharge permit), a single LUCS may be used. A permit modification requires a LUCS when there is any physical change or change of operation of an air pollutant source that results in a net significant emission rate increase ('SER' as defined in LRAPA's rules, Section 12-001). A permit renewal requires a LUCS if one has not previously been submitted, or if there is any physical change or change of operation of an air pollutant source that results in a net significant emission rate increase (`SER' as defined in LRAPA's rules Section 12-001). HOW TO COMPLETE A LUGS: • The applicant fills out Section 1 of the LUCS and then submits it to the city or county planning office. • The city or county planning office determines if the business or facility meets all local planning requirements. • The city or county planning office must attach written findings of fact for local reviews or other necessary planning approvals that are required of the applicant. • The applicant includes the completed LUCS and attachments with the permit application or modification form submitted to LRAPA. Note: The LUCS form with the original signature of the Planning official is the one which must be submitted to LRAPA. WHERE TO GET HELP WITH A LUGS: Questions can be directed to LRAPA staff responsible for processing the permit application or modification at (541) 736-1056. SECTION 1 -- TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT Name of Applicant T -Mobile West LLC Contact Person (Name &Title) Kaylee Greer, Project Manager Telephone Number 806-290-5350 Location Address: 2037 Laura R Springfield, OR 97002 Mailing Address: 88 Shining Mountains Loop Rd. Ennis, MT 59729 Land Use Comoatibitity Statement(LUCS) Page 2 Tax Account # 228013 Tax Lot # 1703271002200 Township 17S Range 3W Section 17 T oti...Ae 44.06530600 r ,,.,,.;...Ae -123.02758300 2. Describe type of business or facility and the services or products provided: Emergency generator installation to existing cell site. 3. The type of LRAPA permit applied for at this time is: Notice of Intent to Construct F1 Air Indirect Source Permit Title V Air Permit Air Contammant Discharge Permit (portable facilities excluded) _iF 4. This applicationl is for a: io � New Permit r - ' Permit Renewal M Permit Modification ❑ Other (specify) Notice of Intent to Construct SECTION 2 -- TO BE FILLED OUT BY CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OFFICIAL 5. The facility (for which the applicant is applying for a LUCS) is located: II Inside City Limits Q Inside UGB ❑Outside UGB 6. Name of city or county that has land usejurisdiction*: *jurisdiction means the legal entity that is responsible jor land use decisions for the subject property or land use. 7. The facility comphes with all applicable local land use requirements: 1—L Yes 0 No A. List all local reviews or approvals that were required of the applicant before the LUCS consistency was determined (this does net include past requirements that do net relate to the pending lAAPA permit request): Land Use Compatibility Statement(LUCS) Page 3 B. If "No," identify reasons for noncompliance or list requirement(s) that the applicant must comply with before LUCS consistency can be determined: C. Is city or county government currently processing remaining requirements to attain LUCS consistency: D. Are public notice and a hearing required? Q Yes Q No If yes, Date of Hearing: 8. Planning official reviewer's telephone number: SIGNATURE(S): Please use blue ink. Planning Official -- Signature (Print Name) Title Date Planning Official -- Signature* (Print Name) Title Date * Second signature, if required by the city/county agreement on jurisdiction outside city limits but within UGB) ATTENTION: A LUCS approval cannot be accepted by LRAPA until all local requirements have been met. Written findings of fact for all local decisions addressed under 7A and 7B must be attached to the LUCS.