HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Transportation FundingAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/13/2023 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Drew Larson/DPW Kristi Krueger/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3661 Estimated Time: 40 Minutes SPRINGFIELD Council Goals: Maintain and Improve CITY COUNCIL Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: TRANSPORTATION FUNDING ACTION Staff is seeking Council input on how to address the funding gap for the Mill Street REQUESTED: Reconstruction project. ISSUE Cost estimates due to material and labor increases have led to a significant funding STATEMENT: gap to complete the Mill Street Reconstruction project. ATTACHMENTS: 1: Council Briefing Memo 2: Capital Projects Overview 3: Mill Street Budget DISCUSSION/ The City of Springfield has successfully secured discretionary funding from the FINANCIAL Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and allocated City funds to undertake a IMPACT: large number of transportation capital projects. A high-level overview of estimated projects is provided in Attachment 2. Although the projects are listed as one line each, most projects on the list consist of several phases that span several years that lead up to construction and project completion. Most projects require establishing an intergovernmental agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation to include each phase of a project (planning, design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction.) Staff is seeking Council's input on how to address funding gaps for the Mill Street project that have occurred due to recent cost increases. See Attachment 1 for funding reallocation options. MEMORANDUM City of Springfield Date: 3/13/2023 To: Nancy Newton, City Manager COUNCIL From: Drew Larson, Transportation Planner II BRIEFING Kristi Krueger, Interim City Engineer Jeff Paschall, Community Development Director Subject: TRANSPORTATION FUNDING MEMORANDUM ISSUE: Cost estimates due to material and labor increases has led to a significant funding gap to complete the Mill Street Reconstruction project. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities BACKGROUND: General construction and design costs all around the United States have greatly increased over the last several years. With the approval of several large transportation funding packages in the western United States and other factors, contractors and consultants have plenty of work to do and bids are coming in much higher for all capital projects. Specific factors impacting the current estimate of Mill Street reconstruction include updating pedestrian facilities to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design standards, the cost of ADA ramps has increased significantly, providing bicycle facilities as required and maintaining some on street parking while minimizing right of way acquisition has created design and construction complexities. Justin 2021, highway construction costs jumped 7.3% according to the Engineering News Record Construction Price Index. MPO Discretionary Funding The Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) receives funding from the federal government for transportation through the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). These funds consist of Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG), Transportation Alternatives (TA), and Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) funds. Current funded projects include McVay Highway National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Analysis, Walking and Biking Network Improvements, Q Street Reconstruction, Mill Street Reconstruction, and signal enhancements. These projects include planning, preliminary engineering, right of way acquisition, and construction phases. See Attachment 2 — Capital Projects overview. Mill Street Reconstruction Mill Street is currently at 30% design to reconstruct from South A St. to Centennial Blvd. with construction scheduled to begin in 2024. The project is slated to reconstruct the roadway due to the pavement failure. The project will include American Disability Act (ADA) pedestrian ramp upgrades, lighting improvements, and adding required stormwater treatment facilities. The corridor currently does not have bicycle infrastructure as required in Springfield's Transportation System Plan and Development Code and as such will be installed as part of the project. The project will also include traffic calming measures to improve safety. While the corridor is being reconstructed, the City will take the opportunity to replace the aging wastewater and stormwater lines as well as line the lateral sanitary sewer lines. Attachment 1 Page 1 of 3 MEMORANDUM Page 2 In 2018, staff estimated approximately $3,180,000 to reconstruct Mill St. At that time, Council gave direction to seek MPO funding for a set of projects including $2,853,414 for reconstruction of Mill Street. The MPO originally awarded $2,300,000 in STBG funds for the project. Subsequently, the MPO awarded a total of $4,454,208.59, including a recent addition of $859,263 in MPO redistribution funds. The City of Springfield has allocated $7,518,133 from existing wastewater and stormwater funds. The total allocated funds from the MPO and City of Springfield is $11,972,342. The current project budget is estimated to be $16,972,650. The existing budget shortfall is $5,000,307 (see Attachment 3 --Budget Breakdown). The City Manager's office is working with State and Federal legislations and has requested earmark funds for Mill Street Reconstruction to cover the current budget shortfall. We have requested $2 million from the State Legislature and $4 million from the Federal Legislature. However, staff does not anticipate hearing if these requests are successful until mid- to late - summer. If City Council would like to continue prioritizing delivering the Mill Street Reconstruction project as soon as possible and stay on schedule, the Council can request that the MPO cancel another MPO funded project and reallocate the federal funds to Mill Street. Staff has identified reallocation of federal funds awarded for the Q Street Reconstruction project as the best option given it is also STBG funds and close to the amount needed. In the event Springfield receives earmarked funds from either the State or Federal legislatures, staff can request that the MPO reallocate the federal money back to the Q Street Reconstruction project and move forward on its current timeline. The reallocation of funding would be decided by the Transportation Planning Committee of the MPO. O Street Pavement Preservation Q Street from Pioneer Parkway East to 5' Street is a major urban collector in Springfield that requires reconstruction. It serves busy commercial establishments including two grocery stores, restaurant businesses, and retail stores as well as provides access to a residential zone. This project also feeds into the onramp onto Highway 126. Facilities need to be brought up to current standards including making ADA improvements and renewing bike lane striping. The MPO allocated $4.71 million to the City of Springfield from the available Surface Transportation Block Grant to complete this project. The project is scheduled to begin construction in 2025 and was slated to be Springfield's pilot project to obtain Federal certification to deliver projects funded with federal monies. Springfield is currently not certified and relies on ODOT or other certified jurisdictions to deliver federally funded projects. The City can use the Walking -Biking Network Improvement project for the federal certification pilot project if `Q' Street does not end up being federally funded. If Council elects to cancel Q Street reconstruction and reallocate federal funds, Council can identify a new funding source to move forward with the project. One option staff has identified is potentially adding Q Street to the next bond measure. The Council has a work session scheduled on April 3, where staff will review the street condition report and review potential project lists. If the bond measure is not an option Council wants to pursue, staff can apply for MPO discretionary funds during the next funding cycle beginning in 2026. RECOMMENDED ACTION: • Direct staff to request that the Transportation Planning Committee of the MPO cancel the Q Street project and re -allocate MPO discretionary funds from the Q Street project, $4.71 million, to the Mill Street construction funds; and • Identify a funding source to move forward with Q Street reconstruction on a similar timeline, either: Attachment 1 Page 2 of 3 MEMORANDUM Page 3 a. Direct staff to include Q Street reconstruction in the next bond measure; or b. Direct staff to apply for MPO discretionary funds during the next funding cycle; or c. A combination of Bond and MPO Funds. Attachment 1 Page 3 of 3 Capital Projects Overview Project Description Source MPO Funding City Funding Status Springfield Transportation CRP $300,000 $34,336 Not Yet Transportation Planning Work Started System Planning 2024 OR225: OR126— end of City juris. McVay Highway NEPA Analysis STBG HIP $717,840 $3,911,302.00 $82,160 $447,666.02 In Process In Design Walking and T Filling the gaps HIP biking network in the walking TA improvements and biking CRP networks CMAQ Q St: 5th St to Reconstruct Q STBG $4,226,283.00 $483,717.00 Not Yet Pioneer Pkwy Street from 5t" Started East reconstruct St. to Pioneer Pkwy East. S. 28th Street Pave the road to CMAQ $1,311,000.00 $604,029 In Design dust mitigation mitigate dust create a smoother driving surface Mill Street: S. A Complete ACPO $4,454,208.59 $7,518,133.61 In Design Street to reconstruction STBG Centennial from S 'A' St. to Boulevard Centennial Blvd. City of Install signal HSIP $1,875,702.82 $157,397.18 In Design Springfield enhancements signal to increase enhancements traffic flow. MPO funding consists of federal funds awarded by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Funding Source Ability to Reallocate ACPO Advance Construction - Urban STBG Easy—Already allocated to Mill Street CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Very Difficult CRP Carbon Reduction Program Difficult HIP Highway Improvement Program Not Available for Mill Street HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program Not Available for Mill Street STBG Surface Transportation Block Grant Easy TA Transportation Alternatives Difficult Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1 Mill Street Funding PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PHASE ESTIMATED COST MPO ALLOCATED FUNDING CITY ALLOCATED FUNDING FUNDING GAP Wastewater $ 72,592.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 72,592.00 $ - Stormwater $ 105,959.00 $ 105,959.00 $ - Road $ 1,453,739.00 $ 1,453,739.00 $ - ODOT $ 125,000.00 $ 99,828.00 1 $ 936,432.00 $ 25,172.00 Total $ 12,882,922.00 $ 2,810,911.59 $ 6,242,880.61 $ 3,829,129.80 Total $ 1,757,290.00 $ 1,553,567.00 1 $ 178,551.00 1 $ 25,172.00 RIGHT OF WAY (ROW) ACCQUISTION/TEMP. CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PHASE ESTIMATED COST MPO FUNDING CITY FUNDING GAP ROW $ 400,000.00 $ 89,730.00 $ 160,270.00 $ 150,000.00 CONSTRUCTION COSTS PHASE ESTIMATED COST MPO FUNDING CITY FUNDING GAP Wastewater $ 3,272,975.00 $ 3,272,975.00 $ - Stormwater $ 2,969,905.61 $ 2,969,905.61 $ - Road $ 6,640,041.39 $ 2,810,911.59 $ 3,829,129.80 TOTAL 1 $ 1,932,438.00 1 1 $ 936,432.00 $ 996,006.00 Total $ 12,882,922.00 $ 2,810,911.59 $ 6,242,880.61 $ 3,829,129.80 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING, i.e. Inspection & Construction Management Wastewater $ 490,946.00 $ 490,946.00 Stormwater $ 445,486.00 $ 445,486.00 Road $ 996,006.00 $ 996,006.00 TOTAL 1 $ 1,932,438.00 1 1 $ 936,432.00 $ 996,006.00 Attachment 3 Page 1 of 2 Total Project Cost Total Allocated (MPO & City) Funds Total Funding GAP Proposed Q Street MPO Reallocation [Total Funding Shortfall Following Reallocation Attachment 3 Page 2 of 2 $ 16,972,650.00 $ 11,9721342.20 $ 5,000,307.80 $ 4,710,000.00