HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 2/21/2023Memorandum Page 1 of 3 DATE: February 6, 2023 PROJECT: 2200394 -EC Cares Springfield SUBJECT: Stormwater TO: Clayton McEachern FROM: Randi Rondeau City of Springfield KPFF Consulting Engineers PHONE: 541.736.1036 PHONE: 541.632.8064 EMAIL: cmceachern@springfleld-or.gov EMAIL: randi.rondeau@kpff.com This memo has been prepared to describe the stormwater work for the EC Cares Springfield project. The existing site has optimum infiltration rates, so an site retention will be utilized for runoff. Existing Conditions The project site, located at the corner of G Street and 8th Street in the City of Springfield, consists of an open field. Overall, the site is flat. It's assumed that most of the stormwater infiltrates on site. The site area consists of tax lots 6700 and 6800 with a total property area of .46 acres. See Exhibit 1 in Appendix 1 forthe drainage basin areas and limits of storm analysis. Proposed Stormwater Quantity Per the USDA Web Soil Survey, the soil on site is Malabon-Urban Land Complex. This soil type belongs to Hydrologic Soil Group C. An infiltration test was performed on site and summarized in the 11/28/2022 Infiltration Report by Branch Engineering. The report found a high infiltration rate of 19 inches/hour at 38 inches deep. A soakage trench with 3 -foot depth will be used to infiltrate on site runoff. Preliminary sizing of the soakage trench was done using the City of Eugene's Subsurface Facility Sizing spreadsheet with a design infiltration rate of 9.5 inches/hour (half the tested infiltration rate). No runoff will leave the site after the improvements are completed. Therefore, the City of Springfield's stormwater quantity requirements are met. See Appendix 4 for the Infiltration Test Report. Methodology Stormwater Requirements The City of Springfield references the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual (SWMM) for the requirements for water quality treatment. The 2014 City of Eugene SWMM implements a hierarchy system in which infiltration facilities must be considered first. If infiltration is not possible, filtration facilities must be sized. The City of Springfield requires that at least 50 percent of vehicular areas are treated via vegetated methods. As described above, the on site soils are favorable for infiltration. A rain garden will treat the runoff from most of the paved areas on site. The roof areas will be directed to the soakage trench and treated runoff from the rain garden will be infiltrated in the soakage trench as well. A filter strip will provide treatment for a small paved area at the south edge of the building. 800 Willamette Street, Suite 400, Eugene, OR 97401 541.684.4902 FAX 541.684.4909 Eugene, OR Portland, OR Memorandum Page 2 of 3 February 6, 2023 Proposed Stormwater System The proposed site improvements include a modular classroom building with an outdoor covered play area, sidewalk and parking. Roof runoff will be piped directly to the soakage trench. Runoff from the northwest portion of the site and parking area will be captured through catch basins and piped to the rain garden. Runoff from the northern portion of the site will sheet drain to the rain garden and be treated prior to infiltrating through the soakage trench. Runoff from the south portion of the site will be treated through a filter strip adjacent to the ramp at the front entrance. The site is divided into three drainage basins, described in detail below. There is no impervious area on the existing site. However, the proposed improvements include 10,110 square feet of impervious area. All calculations and details for the site and facilities are included in Appendix 2. • Basin A: A rain garden will serve as the filtration facility for the majority of impervious area from parking, sidewalks and hardscape over the 0.46 -acre site. Basin A has 7,416 square feet of impervious area and 10,329 square feet of pervious area. The rain garden has a treatment area of 85 square feet, with a treatment depth of 6 inches. This allows for sufficient storage capacity to filter the water quality design storm. An overflow inlet will be set 6 inches above the rain garden treatment surface for overflow in larger rainfall events. Runoff in the parking area will sheet drain to a catch basin in the northwest corner of the parking area, where it will be hard piped to the rain garden. The northwest portion of the entire site will slope towards a catch basin which will also be hard piped to the rain garden. The remaining area will sheet flow towards the rain garden where it will be treated, then piped to the adjacent soakage trench for infiltration. • Basin B: A soakage trench will serve as infiltration area for the roof runoff on site, as well as treated runoff through the rain garden. The total combined roof area for the modular building and the covered play area is 3,736 square feet, which will have hard piped connection from down spouts to the soakage trench. This runoff will be infiltrated on site. • Basin C: A filter strip will serve as filtration area for the southwest portion of the site. The total impervious area to be filtered through this facility is 383 square feet. The facility must be one-fifth of the impervious area size for adequate sizing. A total filtration area of 98 square feet was chosen for this facility. Analysis Stormwater Runoff Calculations The runoff for the impervious areas has been calculated and the rain gardens have been sized using the Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator. The calculator determines runoff using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBHU) Method and NRCS 24-hour Type 1A Hyetograph as outlined in Appendix M of the City of Eugene SWMM (see Appendix 2 for the Stormwater Facility Calculator results). Memorandum Page 3 of 3 February 6, 2023 lTff For analysis purposes, each basin of the property required the following information as input for the computer model: • Impervious Area (Ai), in acres • Curve Number (CNi), impervious • Travel Time (Tc) • Total Precipitation Precipitation data for the respective storms for City of Springfield Design Storms are shown in Table 1: Table 1:24 -Hour Precioitodon far SonnafielC. OR Storm Event Inches WQ 0.83 2 -Year 3.30 5 -Year 3.80 10 -Year 4.30 25 -Year 4.80 100 -Year 5.20 To size the rain gardens, the following information was needed: • Bottom area, in feet • Bottom width, in feet • Storage depth, in inches • Side slopes This information, as well as the runoff results from the proposed basins, is shown in Appendix 1. The rain garden, soakage trench and filter strip meet the requirements of the City of Springfield. Based on the requirements of the Stormwater Management Manual, no errors were found in the stormwater system design. The facilities and conveyance components have enough capacity to handle the required storm events and should be approved as designed. Attachments: Appendix 1: Proposed Basin Map Appendix 2: Proposed Runoff and Water Quality Calculations Appendix 3: Stormwnter5coping Sheet Appendix 4: Infiltration Test Report 2200394 k9 X ➢ r 6 a wc n Q o � w a d Q y zo Qo w ti d� 1 aim E �—�x3:Evi a.p aon 'i'9a-eccuoec\waysV�e�soo—a�,�.oia�o�w�oae�ewas—=gym—oab��smoze ezoz e�.o Feu �„ Appendix 2 Ill SBUH Calculation Worksheetfor City of Springfield Storm Events 1(q}i! Project Name: EC CARES SPRINGFIELD Date: 02.06.2023 Designer: RAR Basin: 1 User -Supplied Data Pervious Area Impervious Area Pervious Area, 51 Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNpery Time of Concentration, To, minutes 18329 Impervious Area, 5F 7,416 Impervious Area, Acres 0.17 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp 98 Note: minimum Tc is five minutes 0.24 74 5 Total Project Area, Acres 0.411Total —2 -Year Project Area, Square Feet 1 1),)45 Recurrence Interval WQ 2 -Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr 25 Y, 50 Yr 100 -Yr Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours 0.031 0.10 0.24 0.29 0.34 HVALUEI 0.38 391 2,846 3,453 4,0)8 4,)19 HVALUE! 1 5,240 7.83 7.83 7.83 1.83 1.83 HVALUE! 1 ).83 Runoff Hydrograph 0.45 —WQ —2 -Year 0.40 —5 -Year 0.35 —10 -Year —25 -Year 0.30 '.. —50 -Year —100 -Year w ozs 0 � 0.20 rc II 0.15 IIS 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes BW WIIIameRe Shell, Sui@400 Eugene, CR 97401 54L684 4902 kW com Springfield Stormwater Facility Calculator Instructions: 1. Choose Facility Type 2. Choose shape 3. Complete information in highlighted cells Facility Raingarden Shape Bottom Area: Bottom Width: Side Slope: Storage Depth: Growing Media: Surface Storage Capacity Infiltration Area @ 75% GM Infiltration Rate Infiltration Capacity (avg) Rectangular 85 Below -Grade sf ft in in in cf Sf in/hr cfs 7 6 24 57 151 2.5 0.009 Results WATER QUALITY EVENT PASS ROCK CAPACITY N/A SURFACE CAPACITY 72% Recurrance Interval Peak Flow (cfs) Volume (cf) Rock Capacity WQ 0.0088 351 N/A 2 -Yr 0.1974 2,794 N/A 5 -Yr 0.2437 3,400 N/A 10 -Yr 0.2919 4,029 N/A 25 -Yr 0.3416 4,671 N/A 50 -Yr #VALUE! kVALUEI N/A 100 -Yr, 0.39221 5,189 N/A Project Name; EC CARES SPRINGFIELD Meets Infiltration? Filtration Only 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 341.6844902 kpff.com Basin Dale: 02.06.2023 Impermeable Liner kpif Project Name: EC CARES SPRINGFIELD Basin 1 Water quality Event Surface Facility Modeling Date: 0206,2023 0.0350 % I —surface meow 0% M300 — Infiltration Capacity 0% 0.0250 0% —ePerculation to Subsurface 0.0200 0% V L 0.0150 Overflow 0% 0% K 0.0100 —surface Capacity 0% 80% 0.0050 90% 00000 10056 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes 800 Willamette Street, suite 400 Eugene,DR 97401 541 684.4902 kpf.pom Stormwater SubSurface Filtration/infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Springfield, OR Randi Ron(leau KPFF Consulting Engineers Permit Number: Catchment ID: Overall Site Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the prged site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a distractive Catchment 10 for each facility coordinated with the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculators with the facility. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach Is 1 acre (43,560 SF) -or infiltration facilities in Class A or S soils where no infiltration testing has been perfromed use an infiltration rate of 0.51nmh "Nes" from the dropdown boxes below next to the design standards requirements for this facility. Pollution Reduction (PR) Yes saali heart aaning carry slanfir, are require sre.tumnem to meet nwiumn reduction mqummen¢ Flow Control (FC)l Yes Destination (DT)j Yes -An immation tactre must be enosam as the faaiin We to men deesmmmn requremente Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 11158 split Impervious Area CN=l 98 Total Square Footage of Drainage Area=17]45 At Total Square Footage Pervious Area- 6587 sgfl Perviaus Area CN= 74 Time of Concentration Post Development=min Pre -Development Chi ]4 Time of Concentration Pre-Development=in Tested Soil Infiltration Rate= inlhr(See Nme al Destination Design- 9.5 imhr Design Soil Infiltration Ratese19 inlhr Soil Infiltration Rate Re uirement Rainfall Death Der n Storm Pollution Reduction 0:8 inches Part, Cuali Flow Control 3.6 inches Flood Control Destination 3.9 inrltes Rood Control 25-yearstorm Facility Su Facility Surface Effective Facility Percent Storage Depth Material Denver lint Vnida lint Drainage Rock, Layer 1 36.0 40% 14.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 11312023-2:10 PM Totals= 36.0 in 14.4 in MIM-PAPAMU'll1 Pollution Reduction -Calculation Results Peak Flow Rateto Stormwater Facility= 0.011 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0.000 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwate_� Facility 2T8 cf Total Overtlow Volume= 0 cf Max. Eff. Depth of Stormwater In Facility- 0.0 in Drawdown Time= 0.2 hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? VES JM..M Requirement of No Facility Flooding? VES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow ContmlCalculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility= 0.282 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate=0.000 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Storwater m Facility= 3625 of Total Overflow Volume= 0d Peak Offsite Flow Rate Max. Eff. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 3.1 in Filtration Facility Underdrain= N A cis Drawdown Time= 0.2 hours Pre-Develo ment Runoff Oafs Peak Flow Rate -1 0.116 cfs Total Runoff Volume =1 1936 cf Yes Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? VES Meem Requirement for Post Development offsite flow less or equal to Pre -Development Flow? YES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination -Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Faclllty = 0.316 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0.000 cfs Total Runoff Volume la Stormwater Facility= 4038 cf Total Overflow Volume=[ 0d Max. Eff. Depth of Stormwater In Facility= 12.0 in Drawdown Time= 0.2 hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? =Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? YES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? r- 1131/2023-2 10 PM Designed By: RR EC CARES SPRINGFIELD- FILTER STRIP DESIGN 02/06/2023 Checked By: AB Filter Strip Calculations Nate: All Filter Strip Calculatbns are based on the SIM Form & the City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual Impervious Required Filter Area Provided Capacity Basin I Area sf (1 8tri s Area p l fl (sf) Used 2 1 3831 771 98 78% I= Appendix 3 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE- 541.726.3753 FAX 541726.1021 www Springfield-orgov STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK -__--_-------------------- ------- (Area below this line felled out by Applicant) --------------- --- -------- —__ (Please return to Clayton Ale Lachern @ Cily pfSpringfield Development andPublic Works, Fax f 736-1021, Phone k 736-1036), email: emeeachern/w, ypringfeld-or.gov Project Name: EC Cares Springfield Applicant Anna Backus, KPFF Assessors Parcel #: 1703351206-700,800 Date: 12/1/2022 Land Use(s): Modular classroom building/parking Phone #: 541-735-9249 Project Size (Acres): 0.46 Fax #: Approx. Impervious Area: 10,369 SF Email: Anrla.Backns@kpffcom Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): Project will include a modular classroom building with an outdoor play area, sidewalks, and a parking lot. Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: All stormwater will be infiltrated on site with a raingarden, filter strip and a soakage trench. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: Concrete truck washout, construction entrance, inlet protection, silt fencing --------------- (Area below this line filled out by the City and Returned to the Applicant) --------------- (At a minimum, all boxes checked by the City on the frons and back of this sheet shall be submitted or an a lication to be complete or submittal, although other requirements meU, be nece. .. ) Drainage Study Type (EDSPM Section 4.03.2), (Note. UH may be substituted for Rational Method) ❑ Small Site Study — (use Rational Method forcalc[dations) ❑ Mid -Level Development Study —(use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) ❑ Full Drainage Development Study — (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: ❑ Wellhead Zone: ❑ Wetland/Riparian: ❑ Soil Type: Downstream Analysis: ❑ N/A ❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: ❑ Hillside Development: ❑ Floodway/Floodplain: ❑ Other Jurisdictions Return to Clayton McEachem @ City of Springfield, email: cmce ichem@springfield-or,gov, FAX: (541) 736-1021 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS cr x oat u,o ono * Rased upon the information provided on de front of this sheet, the following represents a minimum of what is neededfor an application to be complete,for submirml with respect to drainage, however, this list should not be used in lieu of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design Manual. Compliance with !hese requirements does not constitute site approval, Additional site speck information may be required. Note: Upon scoping sheet submittal, ensure conpleted,foem has been signed in the space provided below: Interim Desig. StanelardstWater (2vialiq EDSPM Chapter 3 Req'd N/A All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (c.g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for stormwater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual (Sec2A.1). ❑ ❑ if a stormwater treatment swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with City of Springfield or Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual. Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM. All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclnsu re. U U Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. ❑ F] A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. ❑ 7 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2 -year storm event and overflow effects ofa 25 -year storm event. The time of concentration (Te) shall be determined using a 10 minute starttime for developed basins. U U A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03A.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). ❑ ❑ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. ❑ Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). Plow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete mid plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall he sufficient to support an 80,000 Ib load without failure ofthe pipe structure. Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to achieve a minimum velocity ofthree 01 feet nor second at 0.5 nine fill hared nn Tahle 4-1 as well U U Existing and proposed concurs, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains. ❑ 7 Private stormwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stormwater flows from one property to another. Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DE.Q. Refer to the website: ham://www.degstate.or.us/wa/uio/uic.hnn for more information. Detention ponds shall be designed to limit mroffto pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events. *This form shun be included as an attachment, inside the front cover, of the stormwater study. * IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND .SIGN! As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stormwater study and plan set. Signature Date farm Version 5: June 2015 November 28, 2022 Luke Helm Via Email: lhelmCuoregon.edu RE: SEIE RFV. noN Tm RESULTS TAx MAea LOT No. 17-03-35-12-6900 812 G STREET SPRWGFtELD, OREGON 97977 BR4NCH ENGINEERRdG INC PRoIECT No. 22-515 Appendix 4 ranch ENGINEERING= smeeren Branch Engineering Inc. (BEI) performed infiltration testing at one hand -augured hole at the approximate location shown on Infiltration Testing Map, Figure 1. The purpose of our testing was to provide a site-specific infiltration rate for the design of an on-site disposal system for stormwater generated from the proposed development. Site infiltration testing was conducted in a saturated test hole using the Encased Falling Head Test method in accordance with the 2019 City of Fugene Stormwater Management Manual on November 22, 2022. Infiltration testing commenced for three successive trials with coater added between each trial. The soil in the hand auger boring was visually classified using the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method D-2988. At the location of Infiltration Test 1 (IT 1), soil consisted of brown silty clay with gravel from 0- to 12 -inches below ground surface (BGS), followed by medium stiff dark brown silty clay from 12- to 36 inches BGS and a light brown clay with sand from 36- to 90 -inches SGS. The MRCS Web Soil Survey maps the site as Malabon-Urban land complex, described as well drained soil derived from silty and clayey alluvium. Nearby well logs and NRCS soil mapping data are attached, indicating subsurface conditions are consistent with our observations. Ground Water Ground water was not encountered in the site boring, and well logs (see attached) in the site vicinity indicate static groundwater levels at 12- to 18 -feet BGS at well locations within 0.5 -mile of the site. Infiltration Data Analysis The amount of fall in the coater columns were measured over time for three separate trials. The vertical hydraulic conductivity of the soil is calculated from the equations presented below. The volume of water infiltrated into a soil of consistent hydraulic conductivity is primarily dependent upon two factors, the area over which infiltration occurs and the pressure head. Using the following vadose zone equations, an estimated vertical hydraulic conductivity and rates of infiltration are presented in Table 1 for the test sites. V,= Ki where: V. is the rate of fail in the water height K is the hydraulic conductivity i=H..+L.-h. its the head loss L, Leis the depth of the wetting front H.„ is median water height L� = V V„, is the total volume of water infiltrated A x f t is the tillable porosity (assrmred to be 35%) p: 503-779-2577 1 www.branchengineering.mm 812 G street -Springfield HIS BEI PN 22-515 I = KLA q is the average rate of water infiltration (vol./lime) A is the infiltration area h. is the critical pressure head of soil for sidewall wetting (assumed to be 0 inches) (Roamer, 1978) The soil material is assumed to be laterally homogeneous and sidewad infiltration is negligible as a 6 -inch diameter, open-ended, plastic standpipe was used for containment of the water column. Summary of Field Infiltration Test Results The results of our November 22, 2022 field testing are summarized below in Table 1. The hydraulic conductivity is based on the infiltration rate measured in the field and summarized on the attached Infiltration Data Evaluation Worksheet. Table 1: Test Location Test Depth Measured Conductivity K (in/hr) (inches) IT -1 38 1 19 Summary of Field Infiltration Test Results Using the recommended factor of safety of approximately 2, a design infiltration rate of 10 in/hr is suggested. If you have any questions regarding the test method or data analysis, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Branch Engineering Inc, SPED "0O "q C GN,g+ `rljL ;$871892PE� l t OREGON ct- 9�Ty�9rH `� WA P.REN Expires: Dec 31, 2022 Matthew Renner, P.E. Construction Engineer Attached: Figure -1 Infiltration Testing Map Infiltration Field Data Worksheet OWRD Well Logs NRCS Soils Map Andrew Park, E.I. Engineering Technician Branch Engineering, Inc. 2 \ 1 70 2I 1 70 /.. � \\V .ƒ�. 1 70 /.. 1 70 anch GINEEBIN Ge wuvaaoo ien aevmm 2�kttapemiaielaxW xhml i..mm am e1h z/zozi If t id.i i me(mm1 mlol p1 h•) Iu`/moU Oe/ivla '.a N.N� «rmi �Ge5Irv1 1x o saga- x xsr zw qa 50.0 111 Wmou as 11— u m e iusu ma eavai I lmiw I.."rmi� n 1m, v im/o,mi �i mi xori.n ll I 1 Rme1A 14� 10.0 fall liI l.41 1. m ",A i.1—l-1.lff a I 1-f (-i, Sdah¢6W U III In Z. a n a T91Wbl Atilt 1 U 11.1 QT 11. 03tl 22 5 41 U9x Nm t— 11 Lljmy) NMICE To WATED WELL cONTAACTOR Tae orwand and first espy - A ELL REPOR r'- of ole report are to be flied with the 6 " tl fe pp -� ATS E OHE('`rbN 6 V E �m w n No. /._!Ls i Sty i� avA" ENGINEER aALB'M, oHEGON 9xs10 Mthin 30 days 8'am tLe tlate i^case type a Drint) ,f+� 1 �I NOV,; J 1J7c 8t P rot Na.. n,4 well completion tylrtfpsabavte T-1Ilria) V (1) OWNER-. :...LEM; Cr ll Name McKenzie Orthopedic clic;,. Address 14th 8 G $treat SR id,. Ore. (2) TYPE OF WORK (check): New Wenjp DeepenmS ❑ Recoadagank, ❑ Abandon ❑ If abandonmant. describe mrtedal and pl'oeedere he Item 12. (3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): notary ❑ nrle— ❑ Dmneati, X1 Industrial p Mundelloo ❑ Cable ten Jetted ❑ Day ❑ Bored ❑ hrigatlon ❑ Teat Wu ❑ Other ❑ *CASING INSTALLED: Threaded ❑ Welded ❑ _ a..._^ Diann. Troon }1_......__._. ft. to ..77.55... ..... ... It. Gage...Z.'D..1q_ _.12._ • Dmm. fovo . G...La__n. m .,gi.._.._......_c- cava _..2250.......... Dfam. from .._...____..,,.,_ ft. to ._ V. Gaga ..... .... 1p PERFORATIONS: Pcrlwatad4 ❑ Ym ❑ No. Toa. of em, .ah;r aw.d Machined in perforauone from ..._..,._._ t. to ..,_...... ... ..... .., ft. ..._._._..__.__,_.. peeforadoN tmm._.... ..... .,,,,___,._ 11. to _.._._— ft - (7) (7) SCREENS: Wen person Installed, ❑ Yep 79 No Mennfacturer® Name -__ ......... ..... .,..,__—_._..... ._.�___..._�____._.. Tyye ._.__.. .._ ___ Model No. Ilam. ___........ Slot size ......... _Set from _.._------- ft. o .._.. ..__._ ft. Diem _..._...... .I. aloe .._.._,__. eM from .. _ rL to (3) WELL TESTS: la`�ced Lelomw alonellevvel level Is aaner Not galfmm. with n. drawdown atter hn. Arteelm flow 11I.M. stature of water Depth artesian Now encountered (9) CONSTRUCTION: well seal—fdatertal used_.-COMent....... ..... _.... .._........ ...... .. .................... Well sealed from land surface to _20 .... ------------- ._.._..___._._ it, nuamater of weu here to bottam of good __1.6...._._... m. Dlamater, a wan bora bah W peat _16._..„_... on, Number n,2 sacks of cement used fn weu seal --- 30 .... .... _... _..... ._. sacks Number of sacks of bentonite road A weu pea] _____,._._,.,_._,_,_,._,_ Seeks Brand nerve of beabNte _._...._._.............. ....... ...... Number o2 parade of beetouee per 100 gallons of water . lbs.A.. gale. Was a drive shoe used, ❑ Yee able Plugs ._._._ man: location ..._.__. ft. Type of watery depth of strata Method o2 aealoa strata off county Lane firmers well number _ SW %NE %saeuou35 Tim R. 3/) W.M. Be”, and nlatmce from section, or enonefidon corner' (11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well Death at which water, was Nret found - 18 ft. sinus save] 32 e: below land eoufam. nate a/13/76 Arteelea'recon,. jba. per e¢vare oeh. Data (12) WELL LOG: ammeter of well below losing ------ Depth _ Depth domed 75 V. Depth o2 oompleted wen 75 ft, Formation: Describe mlm, texture, grain Rize and attucture of materlila; and show thiclmess and nature of each stratum and retailer penetrated, add, at least one entry I. loch ehanae .f re re.u.n. lu'ort .ash span,¢ to pmitton of Static Water Level and indicate pnionjoU nates-beaiins Anna. WATEEIAL HTRm Ta BWL Onto we.D dahlins, machine mored off of Well as Dculbig Maoblee Operator's Certifleadon: This moil was eovstrueted udder any direct supervision. Materials Iced and Informative reported above are true to may best knowledge and belief. - Lsil,nedj ..._..R-11 _- eh o°a7s7__... nate _af5– 19.7.6 Drilling Machine Operator's License No. ..__7$$........... ____— .- Water Well Cdntraetor's Certiautlon:- This well was drilled under lay jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of any knowledge and belief. Name 4r,.....A%..QC11�1.11a._$._RLiI�._SeF am4 vagi t e s w'lac) ere . Was well gravel Wek¢dx (e Yee ❑ No Size at ¢ravel:.�A...R,rnSM+d (tb xc weu tcaetsl Gravel p6ead from _._......G.r Ls- - a. to- ....._7-9 .___., & prptraetor's License No. Man ADDITXONAL SBEETS IF NECESSARY) _ STATE OF OREGON *2- Ja ap•P '!�(�A / a5/&J/3S 6z MONITORING WELLREPORSEP R99 11 (w mquistd by ORS 537.765&OAR 69(bM49 SO SEP -8199¢ -stmt Card# _ ctlodS Por r.Dm Ietl. thus orlare ov welasl �aR o(iWSPara (1) OWDTR/P)t07ECT: wF.La.No. ,tS^' 1HI. (6),16H',AUON OFWELLBf Ieraldescrinfim L- 1 t 1. )V W 1/4af /V 1L 1/4ofebovesection. OF WORK 7�C57- pYi Wg WA -,4-0'0- z Fewer Streit address of Sw10 L New cvvammdov ❑ Alreiertov lRepeir/Remn&don)-_- as Tii lotfwcDl adw ❑ Conversion ❑ bassp g - KLAbandanmcnt 3. ATIACR MAPWITH I.00 061 mRNgTFIF.D. Map shall include st"rmlmete smle and mrw arrow. ❑ Rotmy ❑ Dntmy Mud ❑ Cable - - _ _Affr Fe blow hand surface. Date Hallow StemAugec ❑ Owm. _ - Artesian Pasame Ib/sq. in. Date T BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION (S) WATER BEARING ZONES: Yes No Depth a which water was fust found tial Srandma E]"WtlDept of con'leeadweD 1-i)/ ft-__._.. From qb t. ow Rare ft R§ter-fight cover TO . a(—Surface flush vadt Lft. Lacking cap curing (9) WELLLOG: Gmand elevedav _ o w,o a py Maksial Date statical rJ compleem quo qPp,` sre in. _ juvlmedo, than a R4k1,mbuacror Certification: I cesdfy that we work is uFarmeL ov e v h Oregon well conatr, ti (5) WELL TEST. _ Uadsovment of Us well iswcomplianm wiw Oregon well corevvedon [j postal, ❑Bailer ❑Au--�owingAr,esiav sGvdmds. Malerisls used and is ation repmTed aEove ere tmeto the ben Pumeability Yield GPM - _ - loncovIelstedl*h9f. ` MWCNmaber Conductivi '` - PH _. __.. gwaal._ 7 :Date 'Ibmpmama ofwffier Depw artesian Dow fount ft Was wafer analysis R s No - (bandcd)Mwinrz Phil Cuuxt.�emr tkadficadov: Ey wlmms I accept teloaslrility far the covswcdon, alteadoq or abandonvsem D woF seam In M1e anal ed. From a.m (L work performed on psis well during the eonstmcdon dares mpost� above. All eP ya work performed doting Us time is in compliance wiw Gregoa well consvoedov Remarka: standards. This report is wain the bes fmyimowledge and belief. _.. __... MWCNwvbe Name of supervising Gwlogisr/Evginex SignedDa DR[GtNAL&FIRST LbI'Y-WATmi IiESO11RCES DE SEC CPY-CON u=lt T[?IltD COPYCIISTOMER di.new 11. maadal Rb1del Threaded Glm Seal �R pQ�G: 9�A �.: OhL "nh�0. a9'iI; divvcler e!!9'o. c:s: material ro .pp.d .p:D:.D N@Wed Threaded GIaN 4d�4 eWW�Y: ❑ ❑ ❑ A0 ft. �b O am. O Rbll seal: Material �yo oP� Amomt A oo" no, ". Grout weight sg -. Bmeygl • oCJOp p�'n; • is amerce n 2�5 towtcpazleas[3Rtltick — sbP�.. Ikr DD n o 4 4d ' smaav surrenal P ° blf sr p' p'd mtefvel(s): _ ro 00 aqp 000: opp; Fmm To Slur sia o w,o a py Maksial Date statical rJ compleem quo qPp,` sre in. _ juvlmedo, than a R4k1,mbuacror Certification: I cesdfy that we work is uFarmeL ov e v h Oregon well conatr, ti (5) WELL TEST. _ Uadsovment of Us well iswcomplianm wiw Oregon well corevvedon [j postal, ❑Bailer ❑Au--�owingAr,esiav sGvdmds. Malerisls used and is ation repmTed aEove ere tmeto the ben Pumeability Yield GPM - _ - loncovIelstedl*h9f. ` MWCNmaber Conductivi '` - PH _. __.. gwaal._ 7 :Date 'Ibmpmama ofwffier Depw artesian Dow fount ft Was wafer analysis R s No - (bandcd)Mwinrz Phil Cuuxt.�emr tkadficadov: Ey wlmms I accept teloaslrility far the covswcdon, alteadoq or abandonvsem D woF seam In M1e anal ed. From a.m (L work performed on psis well during the eonstmcdon dares mpost� above. All eP ya work performed doting Us time is in compliance wiw Gregoa well consvoedov Remarka: standards. This report is wain the bes fmyimowledge and belief. _.. __... MWCNwvbe Name of supervising Gwlogisr/Evginex SignedDa DR[GtNAL&FIRST LbI'Y-WATmi IiESO11RCES DE SEC CPY-CON u=lt T[?IltD COPYCIISTOMER �• j ! .{ � ! !! ,� � _ ] E : 3 E �- & §- LL # W � !_- to_ \!� {■ 2`, :- go \ . LIL l / q Soil Map—Lane County Area, Oregon Map Unit Legend 812 G Street Map Unit Symbol Map UnitName Acres in ACI Percent of AO1 TB Malabon-Urban land complex 1.0 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest 1.0 100.0%1 Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 11/1 612 0 2 2 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Map Unit Description: Malabon-Urban land complex --Lane County Area, Oregon Lane County Area, Oregon 76—Malabon-Urban land complex Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 238t Elevation: 300 to 650 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 52 to 54 degrees F Frost -fee period: 165 to 210 days Famtland classification: Farland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Malabon and similar soils: 50 percent Urban land. 45 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Malabon Setting Landform: Terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Parent material: Silty and clayey alluvium Typical profile Hl - 0 to 12 inches: silty clay loam H2 - 12 to 42 inches: silty clay H3 - 42 to 60 inches: clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available watersupply 0 to 60 inches: High (about 11.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): 1 Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 1 Hydrologic Soil Group: C Ecological site: R002XCOO6OR - Stream Terrace Group Forage suitability group: Well drained < 15% Slopes (GO02XY0020R) Cthervagatative classification: Well drained < 15% Slopes (G002XY0020R) 812 G street u5nq Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 11116=22 conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 2 Map Unit DescriptionMaladon-Urdan land complex ---Lane County Area. Oregon Hydric sail rating: No Description of Urban Land Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specked Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 Hydric soil rating: No Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 20, Sep 14, 2022 812 G street Natural Resources Vaal, Sail Survey 11/16/2022 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 2