HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 FY23 Supplemental Budget 2AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: 2/21/2023 Regular Meeting Neil Obringer/Finance 541.736.1032 10 Minutes SPRINGFIELD Council Goals: Provide Financially CITY COUNCIL Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: FY23 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET 2 & APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER Conduct a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolutions: ACTION REQUESTED: A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS; GENERAL, SPECIAL REVENUE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, STREET CAPITAL, REGIONAL WASTEWATER, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FROM OPERATING EXPENSE TO CAPITAL EXPENSE, AND FROM GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OPERATING EXPENSE, AND FROM FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY FUND CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OPERATING EXPENSE, AND FROM AMBULANCE FUND CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OPERATING EXPENSE. Additionally, there are several transfers between existing appropriation categories. These transfers include: $87,334 from General Fund Contingency to Fire and Life Safety Operating Expense, $12,736 from Fire Local Option Levy Fund Contingency to Fire and Life Safety Operating Expense, $30,930 from Ambulance Fund Contingency to Fire and Life Safety Operating Expense, and $55,000 from Regional Wastewater Capital Projects Fund Operating Expense to Capital Expense. At various times during the fiscal year, the Council is requested to adjust the annual ISSUE budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, STATEMENT: or to make other required changes. These adjustments to resources and requirements change the current budget and are processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department. This is the second of three FY23 supplemental budget requests to come before Council. The City Council is asked to approve the attached Supplemental Budget Resolution. 1. Council Briefing Memorandum ATTACHMENTS: 2. Supplemental Budget Resolution and Exhibit A The overall financial impact of the Supplemental Budget Resolution is to increase DISCUSSION/ department Operating Expenditures by $2,186,119, Capital Expenditures by FINANCIAL $20,375,223, and Interfund Transfer Expense by $401,339. These are offset by new IMPACT: revenue of $1,381,201, and a reduction in Reserves of $21,581,480. Additionally, there are several transfers between existing appropriation categories. These transfers include: $87,334 from General Fund Contingency to Fire and Life Safety Operating Expense, $12,736 from Fire Local Option Levy Fund Contingency to Fire and Life Safety Operating Expense, $30,930 from Ambulance Fund Contingency to Fire and Life Safety Operating Expense, and $55,000 from Regional Wastewater Capital Projects Fund Operating Expense to Capital Expense. MEMORANDUM City of Springfield Date: 2/21/2023 To: Nancy Newton, City Manager COUNCIL From: Nathan Bell, Finance Director BRIEFING Neil Obringer, Budget & Procurement Manager Subject: FY23 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET 2 MEMORANDUM ISSUE: At various times during the fiscal year, the Council is requested to adjust the annual budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required changes. These adjustments to resources and requirements change the current budget and are processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department. This is the second of three FY23 supplemental budget requests to come before Council. The City Council is asked to approve the attached Supplemental Budget Resolution. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services BACKGROUND: Supplemental budgets may be used to meet unexpected needs or to spend revenues not anticipated at the time the original budget was adopted. In accordance with Oregon budget law, notification of this supplemental budget and a hearing is made no later than five calendar days before the public meeting. A public hearing is only required when a supplemental budget request changes total appropriations within a fund by 10% or greater. Notification of this public hearing was published in the Creswell Chronicle at least five days prior to the public hearing. The attached information identifies the individual items that are included in the February 21 st, 2023 Supplemental Budget request. Summary of Proposed Changes by Fund: General Fund 100 • Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $65,000, offset by a reduction in General Fund reserves, to support three priority projects: repaint/repair stucco on the exterior of the Emerald Art Center, hire real estate broker to find land for affordable housing, and site preparation for future development. These projects were originally funded using resources from the CDBG program, however, after additional scoping, it has been determined that requirements related to the use of federal funding make these small dollar projects more efficient to fund with non-federal resources. • Increase Eugene -Springfield Fire and Life Safety operating expense by $131,000, offset by a reduction in General Fund contingency, to account for additional anticipated overtime related to an added Kelly Day which was agreed to through bargaining with the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). Kelly Days are a type of paid time off and typically result in additional overtime expense to ensure minimum coverage requirements are met. • Increase City Attorney's Office operating expense by $100,000 to support appeal of the Climate -Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) rules. On December 29, 2022, the Court of Appeals ordered on its own motion to expedite the timeline for briefing and deciding the appeal. Legal costs that were expected to accrue in the next fiscal year (FY23- 24) will now be expended during the current fiscal year (FY22-23) to meet the Court's expedited timeline. Springfield's portion of the total litigation and joint communications costs is less than 15%, so 85% of the expenditures are expected to be recovered as revenue from FY23 Supplemental Budget 2 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 3 other members of the local government coalition. Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $412,223 in the Street Capital Fund through a transfer of $401,339 from the General Fund and the use of $10,884 in Street SDC reserves. These appropriations allow for the purchase of the property located at 3697 Franklin Blvd which is intended to provide land necessary for a future phase of Franklin Blvd. development. It was not foreseen that the property would be available for City purchase at the time of the original budget preparation, and the conditions of a potential sale were unknown at the time of the prior supplemental budget. The General Fund portion of this expenditure is offset by revenues from the sale of City owned property at S. 57th Street. The Street Capital portion of this expenditure is offset through a reduction in System Development Charge reserves. Special Revenue Fund 204 • Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $127,500 to support customer service enhancements to the Accela permitting software. This request is funded through a reduction in technology fee reserve. A change in department leadership has resulted in staff re-evaluating the approach to customer service enhancements, shifting to the use of vendor supported solutions for these enhancements. • Recognize $250,000 in grant revenue from the State of Oregon to support voluntary trash and sanitation services. These resources will be used to increase the Police department operating budget by $100,000 to support an RV disposal program and to increase the Development and Public Works Department operating budget $150,000 to provide dumpsters/vouchers for homes identified as having code enforcement violations. • Recognize $147,120 in grant revenuve from the Department of Justice and increase Police Department operating expense to support costs related to the department's goal of becoming an accredited law enforcement agency. Regional Wastewater Capital Fund 433 Increase Development & Public Works Department capital expense by $20,103,000 to support several projects approved by the MWMC Commission. Projects include large scale work involving the switchgears and transformers at the plant, two vehicle purchases, and replacement of the HVAC system in the MWMC construction trailer. These increases to expense are offset through a corresponding decrease to the equipment replacement reserve by $55,000 and the capital project reserve by $19,963,000. Ambulance Fund 615 Recognize $80,582 in unanticipated revenue from medic standby staffing at special events and increase Fire and Life Safety operating expense to offset overtime costs associated with these events. Recognize $98,607 in unanticipated revenue from an Assistance to Firefighters grant and increase Fire & Life Safety operating expense by $98,607 to purchase six LUCAS chest compression systems for Springfield EMS Operations. FY23 Supplemental Budget 2 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Conduct a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolutions: A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS; GENERAL, SPECIAL REVENUE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, STREET CAPITAL, REGIONAL WASTEWATER, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FROM OPERATING EXPENSE TO CAPITAL EXPENSE, AND FROM GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OPERATING EXPENSE, AND FROM FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY FUND CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OPERATING EXPENSE, AND FROM AMBULANCE FUND CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OPERATING EXPENSE. FY23 Supplemental Budget 2 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET #2 AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS; GENERAL, SPECIAL REVENUE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, STREET CAPITAL, REGIONAL WASTEWATER, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FROM OPERATING EXPENSE TO CAPITAL EXPENSE, AND FROM GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OPERATING EXPENSE, AND FROM FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY FUND CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OPERATING EXPENSE, AND FROM AMBULANCE FUND CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OPERATING EXPENSE. WHEREAS, the Common Council has adopted the budget and made appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 through Resolution No. 2022-25 adopted June 20, 2022 and as amended by Resolution 2022-35 adopted October 17, 2022. WHEREAS, ORS 294.471(1)(a), (b) and (c) permit a supplemental budget due to an occurrence or condition that was not known at the time the budget was prepared that requires a change in financial planning; due to a pressing necessity that creates a need for prompt action, that was not reasonably foreseen when preparing the original budget; or to budget funds that are made available by another unit of federal, state, or local government, which funds were not reasonably foreseen when preparing the original budget; WHEREAS, the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget and appropriations to meet unexpected needs and to allow appropriations of new revenues pursuant to ORS 294.471(1)(a), (b) and (c) as justified in Exhibit A, which is attached and incorporated by reference; WHEREAS, ORS 294.463 allows transfers of appropriations within a fund when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the governing body, stating the need for the transfer, the purpose of the authorized expenditure, and the amount transferred; WHEREAS, this supplemental budget and adjustments to appropriations are being presented at a public hearing at which the public may comment on such requests; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget and appropriations, as adopted by Resolution No. 2022-25 hereby adjusted as provided in Exhibit A. Section 2: This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this _ day of , by a vote of for and against. ATTEST: City Recorder General Fund - 100 Department Operating City Manager's Office Development & Public Works Finance Fire and Life Safety Human Resources Information Technology Legal Services Library Police Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Transfers Contingency Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total General Fund Exhibit A Page 1 of 9 EXHIBIT A FY2022-23 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adjustments Revised Budget $ 1,599,228 $ 82,293 $ - $ (1,000) $ 1,680,521 3,105,437 - 65,000 3,170,437 (1) 2,595,074 - - 2,595,074 12,589,148 10,350 21,078 87,334 12,707,910 (2,3) 750,152 - - - 750,152 1,856,407 - - 1,856,407 887,735 100,000 100,000 1,087,735 (4) 2,062,570 12,420 - 2,074,990 17,336,526 - - 17,336,526 42,782,276 205,063 186,078 86,334 43,2599751 852,378 - 401,339 1,000 1,254,717 (5) 1,000,000 - - (87,334) 912,666 (3) 8,664,351 (189,689) (466,339) - 8,008,323 (1,5) 10,516,729 (189,689) (65,000) (86,334) 10,1759706 $ 53,299,005 $ 15,374 $ 1219078 $ - $ 5394359457 General Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $65,000, offset by a reduction in General Fund reserves, to support three priority projects: repaint/repair stucco on the exterior of the Emerald Art Center, hire real estate broker to find land for affordable housing, and site preparation for future development. These projects were originally funded using resources from the CDBG program, however, after additional scoping it was determined that requirements related to the use of federal funding make these small dollar projects more efficient to fund with non-federal resources. 2.) Increase Eugene -Springfield Fire and Life Safety operating expense by $21,078 in the General Fund, $8,917 in the Fire Local Option Levy Fund, and $15,249 in the Ambulance Fund in response to Conflagration reimbursement for Fire personnel. This operating expense increase is offset by corresponding revenue for conflagration deployments which happened between 7/1/22-10/31/22 resulting in the revenue being recieved after supplemental budget 1. 3.) Increase Eugene -Springfield Fire and Life Safety operating expense by $131,000, offset by a reduction in General Fund contingency ($87,334), Fire Levy Fund contingency ($12,736), and Ambulance Fund contingency ($30,930), to account for additional overtime related to an added Kelly Day which was agreed to through bargaining with the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). Originally, it was the intent for FLS to absorb this additional cost in FY23, however, it now is apparent that these additional costs cannot be absorbed and are being requested through this supplememal budget. 4.) Increase City Attorney's Office operating expense by $100,000 to support appeal of the Climate -Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) rules. On December 29, 2022, the Court of Appeals ordered on its own motion to expedite the timeline for briefing and deciding the appeal. Legal costs that were expected to accrue in the next fiscal year (FY23-24) will now be expended during the current fiscal year (FY22-23), to meet the Court's expedited timeline. This need was not accertained during the development of Supplemental Budget 1. Springfield's portion of the total litigation and joint communications costs is less than 15%, so 85% of the expendiatures are expected to be recovered as revenue from other members of the local government coalition. 5.) Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $412,223 in the Street Capital Fund through a transfer of $401,339 from the General Fund and $10,884 from street SDC's. These appropriations allow for the purchase of property located at 3697 Franklin Blvd which is intended to provide land necessary for a future phase of Franklin Boulevard development. It was not foreseen that the property would be available for City purchase at the time of the original budget preparation, and the conditions of a potential sale were unknown at the time of the prior supplemental budget. The General Fund portion of this expenditure is offset by revenues from the sale of City owned property at S. 57th Street. The Street Capital portion of this expenditure is offset through a reduction in System Development Charge reserves. Exhibit A Page 2 of 9 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 40,000 - 40,000 Non -Departmental Reserves* 4,325,763 3,161,253 (608,224) 6,878,792 (1,3,7) Total Non -Departmental 4,325,763 3,161,253 (608,224) - 6,878,792 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 11,184,722 $ 12,106,425 $ (9,717) $ 1,000 $ 23,282,430 Special Revenue Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $127,500 to support customer service enhancements for the Accela permitting software. This request is funded through a reduction in technology fee reserve. A change in department leadership has resulted in staff re- evaluating the approach to customer service enhancements, shifting to the use of vendor supported solutions for this work. This change in scope was not identified until after SB 1 of FY23. 2.) Recognize $250,000 in grant revenue, the availability of which was not known during the development of the adopted budget, from the State of Oregon to support voluntary trash and sanitation services. These resources will be used to increase the Police department operating budget by $100,000 to support an RV disposal program, and to increase the Development and Public Works Department operating budget $150,000 to provide dumpsters/vouchers for homes identified as having code enforcement violations. The plan for how to utilize these resources was not developed until after SB 1 of FY23 so is being included in this supplemental budget. 3.) Increase Eugene -Springfield Fire and Life Safety operating expense by $35,724 to support the purchase of vehicles and office furniture using funds from the American Recovery Plan Reserve (ARPA). The department has added two new positions (Fire Life Safety Inspector and Fire Marshall), and the request is for the vehicle and office equipment for these positions. Approval for the use of ABPA funds for these costs was not provided until after SB 1 so are being included in this supplemental budget. 4.) Recognize new grant revenue and increase Library operating expense by $27,032 to support library remodel shelving, programming at the Library, replacement of self check out machines, and the For Every Student a Library program. 5.) Increase Library operating expense by $11,131 in order to recognize donation revenue not anticipated during development of the adopted budget. The increased appropriations will support the museum through a limited duration position, the purchase of a new printer and program costs. 6.) Recognize $147,120 in grant revenuve, from the Department of Justice, awarded in October 2022, and increase Police Department operating expense to support costs related to the department's goal of becoming an accredited law enforcement agency. 7.) Decrease $445,000 in both reserves and revenue to adjust for the duplicated resources. HB5006 CSFRF award for mobile home park preservation was received and budgeted in late FY22. Due to unknown timing of disbursal of funds, budget was also included in the FY23 budget adoption. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Street Fund - 201 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 1 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 57,912 $ $ $ $ 57,912 Development & Public Works 6,951,767 6,951,767 Finance 68,156 68,156 Total Department Operating 7,077,835 - 7,077,835 Non -Departmental Transfers 150,000 150,000 Contingency 200,000 200,000 Reserves* 2,167,503 6,972 2,174,475 Total Non -Departmental 2,517,503 6,972 - 2,524,475 Total Street Fund $ 9,595,338 $ 6,972 $ $ - $ 9,602,310 Street Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Special Revenue Fund - 204 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 273,934 $ 29,976 $ - $ 1,000 $ 304,910 Development & Public Works 5,534,827 6,815,262 277,500 - 12,627,589 (1,2) Finance 14,000 1,000,000 - 1,014,000 Fire and Life Safety 270,508 630,000 35,724 936,232 (3) Human Resources 103,622 - - 103,622 Information Technology 143,889 - - 143,889 Library 125,180 141,740 38,163 305,083 (4,5) Police 393,000 288,194 247,120 928,314 (2,6) Total Department Operating 6,8589959 899059172 5989507 1,000 16,3639638 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 40,000 - 40,000 Non -Departmental Reserves* 4,325,763 3,161,253 (608,224) 6,878,792 (1,3,7) Total Non -Departmental 4,325,763 3,161,253 (608,224) - 6,878,792 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 11,184,722 $ 12,106,425 $ (9,717) $ 1,000 $ 23,282,430 Special Revenue Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $127,500 to support customer service enhancements for the Accela permitting software. This request is funded through a reduction in technology fee reserve. A change in department leadership has resulted in staff re- evaluating the approach to customer service enhancements, shifting to the use of vendor supported solutions for this work. This change in scope was not identified until after SB 1 of FY23. 2.) Recognize $250,000 in grant revenue, the availability of which was not known during the development of the adopted budget, from the State of Oregon to support voluntary trash and sanitation services. These resources will be used to increase the Police department operating budget by $100,000 to support an RV disposal program, and to increase the Development and Public Works Department operating budget $150,000 to provide dumpsters/vouchers for homes identified as having code enforcement violations. The plan for how to utilize these resources was not developed until after SB 1 of FY23 so is being included in this supplemental budget. 3.) Increase Eugene -Springfield Fire and Life Safety operating expense by $35,724 to support the purchase of vehicles and office furniture using funds from the American Recovery Plan Reserve (ARPA). The department has added two new positions (Fire Life Safety Inspector and Fire Marshall), and the request is for the vehicle and office equipment for these positions. Approval for the use of ABPA funds for these costs was not provided until after SB 1 so are being included in this supplemental budget. 4.) Recognize new grant revenue and increase Library operating expense by $27,032 to support library remodel shelving, programming at the Library, replacement of self check out machines, and the For Every Student a Library program. 5.) Increase Library operating expense by $11,131 in order to recognize donation revenue not anticipated during development of the adopted budget. The increased appropriations will support the museum through a limited duration position, the purchase of a new printer and program costs. 6.) Recognize $147,120 in grant revenuve, from the Department of Justice, awarded in October 2022, and increase Police Department operating expense to support costs related to the department's goal of becoming an accredited law enforcement agency. 7.) Decrease $445,000 in both reserves and revenue to adjust for the duplicated resources. HB5006 CSFRF award for mobile home park preservation was received and budgeted in late FY22. Due to unknown timing of disbursal of funds, budget was also included in the FY23 budget adoption. Exhibit A Page 3 of 9 Non -Departmental Transfers Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Transient Room Tax Fund Transient Room Tax Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Community Development Fund - 210 Department Operating Development & Public Works Finance Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Community Development Fund 944,444 - 944,444 1,772,561 240,730 2,013,291 2,717,005 240,730 2,957,735 $ 3,241,862 $ 248,267 $ $ $ 3,490,129 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget $ 1,321,783 $ $ 665,146 $ $ 1,986,929 (1) 26,041 - 26,041 1,347,824 665,146 - 290129970 6,991 199,652 - 206,643 6,991 199,652 206,643 $ 1,354,815 $ 199,652 $ 665,146 $ $ 2,219,613 Community Development Fund Commentary: 1.) At the time of budget adoption the total available for CDBG programs was not certain, this request aligns budget with available resources and the approved action plan for FY23. This includes carrying forward $665,146 in revenue from the prior year to support several CDBG projects. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Transient Room Tax Fund - 208 Adopted Budget Budaet 1 Budget 2 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 242,212 $ $ $ $ 242,212 Development & Public Works 32,874 32,874 Library 249,771 7,537 257,308 Total Department Operating 524,857 7,537 - 532,394 Non -Departmental Transfers Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Transient Room Tax Fund Transient Room Tax Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Community Development Fund - 210 Department Operating Development & Public Works Finance Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Community Development Fund 944,444 - 944,444 1,772,561 240,730 2,013,291 2,717,005 240,730 2,957,735 $ 3,241,862 $ 248,267 $ $ $ 3,490,129 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget $ 1,321,783 $ $ 665,146 $ $ 1,986,929 (1) 26,041 - 26,041 1,347,824 665,146 - 290129970 6,991 199,652 - 206,643 6,991 199,652 206,643 $ 1,354,815 $ 199,652 $ 665,146 $ $ 2,219,613 Community Development Fund Commentary: 1.) At the time of budget adoption the total available for CDBG programs was not certain, this request aligns budget with available resources and the approved action plan for FY23. This includes carrying forward $665,146 in revenue from the prior year to support several CDBG projects. Building Code Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Building Code Fund - 224 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 22,647 $ $ $ $ 22,647 Development & Public Works 1,396,226 1,396,226 Fire & Life Safety 84,213 84,213 Total Department Operating 1,503,087 - 1,503,087 Non -Departmental Contingency 35,000 35,000 Reserves* 3,680,726 312,548 3,993,274 Total Non -Departmental 3,715,726 312,548 - 4,028,274 Total Building Fund $ 5,218,813 $ 312,548 $ $ $ 5,531,361 Building Code Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Exhibit A Page 4 of 9 Non -Departmental Contingency 45000 - (12,736) 32,264 (2) Reserves* 1,639,130 27,207 1,666,337 Total Non -Departmental 1,684,130 27,207 (12,736) 1,698,601 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ 3,331,225 $ 27,207 $ 8,917 $ - $ 3,367,349 Fire Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1.) See General Fund Commentary #2. 2.) See General Fund Commentary #3. Appropriations Appropriations FY23 FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Fire Local Option Levy Fund - 235 Adopted Budget Budaet 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Finance $ 701,355 $ $ $ $ 701,355 Fire and Life Safety $ 1,647,095 $ $ 8,917 $ 12,736 $ 1,668,748 (1,2) Total Department Operating 1,647,095 8,917 12,736 1,668,748 Non -Departmental Contingency 45000 - (12,736) 32,264 (2) Reserves* 1,639,130 27,207 1,666,337 Total Non -Departmental 1,684,130 27,207 (12,736) 1,698,601 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ 3,331,225 $ 27,207 $ 8,917 $ - $ 3,367,349 Fire Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1.) See General Fund Commentary #2. 2.) See General Fund Commentary #3. Police Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Police Local Option Levy Fund - 236 Adopted Budeet Budget 1 Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Finance $ 701,355 $ $ $ $ 701,355 Legal Services 89,700 31,656 89,700 Police 7,134,929 492,000 7,626,929 Total Department Operating 7,925,984 4929000 - 894179984 Non -Departmental Contingency 150,000 - 150,000 Reserves* 2,104,665 56,373 2,161,038 Total Non -Departmental 2,2549665 56,373 2,3119038 Total Police Local Option Levy Fund $ 109180,649 $ 548,373 $ $ - $ 10,729,022 Police Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Total Bond Sinking Fund $ 4,442,338 $ 31,656 $ - $ - $ 4,473,994 Bond Sinking Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Bond Sinking Fund - 306 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Non -Departmental Debt Service $ 4,016,880 $ - $ $ $ 4,016,880 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance* 425,458 31,656 457,114 Total Non -Departmental 4,442,338 31,656 4,473,994 Total Bond Sinking Fund $ 4,442,338 $ 31,656 $ - $ - $ 4,473,994 Bond Sinking Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Development Assessment Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Development Assessment Fund - 419 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adjustments Revised Budget Non -Departmental Reserves* $ 798,816 $ (8,308) $ $ $ 790,508 Total Non -Departmental 798,816 (8,308) - 790,508 Total Development Assessment Fund $ 798,816 $ (8,308) $ - $ - $ 790,508 Development Assessment Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Exhibit A Page 5 of 9 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Development Proiects Fund - 420 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adjustments Revised Budget Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects $ 313,812 $ - S $ - $ 313,812 Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Development Projects Fund Development Projects Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Regional Wastewater Capital Fund - 433 Department Operating Development & Public Works Total Department Operating 3,674,469 557,162 4,231,631 3,674,469 557,162 - 4,231,631 $ 3,988,281 $ 557,162 $ - $ - $ 4,545,443 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget $ 3,896,000 $ 1,331,580 $ $ (55,000) $ 5,172,580 (1) 3,896,000 19331,580 (55,000) 5,1729580 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 30,900,000 149412,431 1999639000 55,000 65,3309431 (1) Non -Departmental Transfers 24,744 24,744 Reserves* 62,722,029 (9,277,729) (19,963,000) 33,481,300 (1) Total Non -Departmental 62,746,773 (9,277,729) (19,963,000) - 33,5069044 Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund $ 97,542,773 $ 6,466,282 $ - $ - $ 1049009,055 Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Development & Public Works Department capital expense by $20,018,000 to support two projects approved by the MWMC Commission. Projects include large scale work involving the switchgears and transformers at the plant, and replacement of the HVAC system in the MWMC construction trailer. These increases to expense are offset through a transfer from the equipment replacement reserve to capital project expense of $55,000, and reduction in the capital project reserve of $19,963,000. It was known that some of the transformers needed replacement (budgeted in the FY23 budget) but it was only discovered later that more extensive work needed to be done. The HVAC for the MWMC construction trailer failed after SB 1, and is needed to be replaced to have the heaters work. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Street Capital Fund - 434 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 137,069 $ $ $ $ 137,069 Total Department Operating 137,069 - 137,069 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 2,773,100 1,900,000 412,223 Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Street Capital Fund Street Capital Fund Commentary: 1.) See General Fund Commentary #5. 7,197,612 (2,621,260) (10,884) 7,197,612 (2,621,260) (10,884) $ 10,107,781 $ (721,260) $ 401,339 $ - 5,085,323 (1) 4,565,468 (1) 4,565,468 - $ 9,787,860 Exhibit A Page 6 of 9 Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund - 611 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 81,907 $ $ $ $ 81,907 Development & Public Works 5,013,493 5,013,493 Finance 61,922 61,922 Total Department Operating 5,157,322 - 5,157,322 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 10,421,782 - 10,421,782 Non -Departmental Debt Service Contingency Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Sewer Operations Fund Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Regional Wastewater Fund - 612 Department Operating City Manager's Office Development & Public Works Finance Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Transfers Debt Service Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Regional Wastewater Fund 1,708,000 150,000 - 25,632,532 874,715 27,490,532 874,715 $ 43,069,636 $ 874,715 $ 1,708,000 150,000 26,507,247 28,365,247 $ - $ 43,9449351 $ 51,788,723 $ 1,420,719 $ - $ - $ 53,209,442 Regional Wastewater Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $85,000 for the purchase of two vehicles, offset by a reduction in operating reserve. The vehicles were intended to be part of the FY24 budget but with current market conditions and the difficulties in finding vehicles budget is being requested now so that they can be purchased if suitable vehicles become available. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adjustments Revised Budget $ 17,222 $ - $ - $ $ 17,222 22,115,080 100,000 85,000 22,300,080 (1) 187,593 - - 187,593 22,319,896 100,000 85,000 - 2295049896 14,600,000 - - 14,600,000 4,108,550 - - 4,108,550 10,760,277 1,320,719 (85,000) 11,995,996 (1) 29,468,827 1,320,719 (85,000) - 30,704,546 $ 51,788,723 $ 1,420,719 $ - $ - $ 53,209,442 Regional Wastewater Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $85,000 for the purchase of two vehicles, offset by a reduction in operating reserve. The vehicles were intended to be part of the FY24 budget but with current market conditions and the difficulties in finding vehicles budget is being requested now so that they can be purchased if suitable vehicles become available. Exhibit A Page 7 of 9 Non -Departmental Contingency 150,000 - (58,108) 91,892 (2,4) Appropriations 5,683 (81,152) FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Ambulance Fund - 615 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 82,228 $ - $ - $ Fire and Life Safety $ 6,781,261 $ 32,600 $ 194,438 $ 58,108 $ 7,066,407 (1-4) Total Department Operating 6,781,261 32,600 194,438 58,108 790669407 Non -Departmental Contingency 150,000 - (58,108) 91,892 (2,4) Reserves* 5,683 (81,152) - (75,469) Total Non -Departmental 155,683 (81,152) (58,108) 16,423 Total Ambulance Fund $ 6,936,944 $ (48,552) $ 194,438 $ - $ 7,082,830 Ambulance Fund Commentary: 1.) See General Fund Commentary #2. 2.) See General Fund Commentary #3. 3.) Recognize $80,582 in unanticipated revenue from medic standby staffing at special events and increase appropriations in the Fire and Life Safety Department to offset overtime costs associated with these events. 4.) Recognize $98,607 in unanticipated revenue from an Assistance to Firefighters grant and increase Fire & Life Safety operating expense by $98,607 to purchase six LUCAS chest compression systems for Springfield EMS Operations. Non -Departmental Contingency 200,000 200,000 Debt Service 551,718 551,718 Reserves* 17,197,422 (235,766) (35,000) 16,926,656 (1) Total Non -Departmental 17,949,140 (235,766) (35,000) - 17,678,374 Total Drainage Operating Fund $ 32,026,934 $ 562,234 $ - $ - $ 32,589,168 Storm Drainage Operating Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase the Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $35,000 through the carryforward of funds to support purchase of a pole building to house floodfight boxwalls and sand storage used during flood fight. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Storm Drainage Operating Fund - 617 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 82,228 $ - $ - $ $ 82,228 Development & Public Works 6,969,180 198,000 35,000 7,202,180 (1) Finance 61,923 - - 61,923 Total Department Operating 7,113,330 198,000 35,000 - 7,346,330 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 6,964,464 600,000 - - 7,564,464 Non -Departmental Contingency 200,000 200,000 Debt Service 551,718 551,718 Reserves* 17,197,422 (235,766) (35,000) 16,926,656 (1) Total Non -Departmental 17,949,140 (235,766) (35,000) - 17,678,374 Total Drainage Operating Fund $ 32,026,934 $ 562,234 $ - $ - $ 32,589,168 Storm Drainage Operating Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase the Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $35,000 through the carryforward of funds to support purchase of a pole building to house floodfight boxwalls and sand storage used during flood fight. Exhibit A Page 8 of 9 Non -Departmental Transfers 84,237 84,237 Contingency 15,000 - 15,000 Reserves* 1,007,633 (40,366) 967,267 Total Non -Departmental 1,106,870 (40,366) 1,066,504 Total Booth -Kelly Fund $ 1,877,398 $ 259,634 $ $ $ 2,137,032 Booth -Kelly Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Regional Fiber Consortium - 629 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Finance $ 252,150 $ $ $ $ 252,150 Total Department Operating 252,150 252,150 Non -Departmental Reserves* 413,282 63,031 476,313 Total Non -Departmental 413,282 63,031 - 4769313 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund $ 6659432 $ 639031 $ $ - $ 7289463 Regional Fiber Consortium Commentary: - No current activity. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Booth -Kelly Fund - 618 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 50,583 $ - $ $ $ 50,583 Development & Public Works 529,946 300,000 829,946 Total Department Operating 580,528 300,000 880,528 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 190,000 190,000 Non -Departmental Transfers 84,237 84,237 Contingency 15,000 - 15,000 Reserves* 1,007,633 (40,366) 967,267 Total Non -Departmental 1,106,870 (40,366) 1,066,504 Total Booth -Kelly Fund $ 1,877,398 $ 259,634 $ $ $ 2,137,032 Booth -Kelly Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Regional Fiber Consortium - 629 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Finance $ 252,150 $ $ $ $ 252,150 Total Department Operating 252,150 252,150 Non -Departmental Reserves* 413,282 63,031 476,313 Total Non -Departmental 413,282 63,031 - 4769313 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund $ 6659432 $ 639031 $ $ - $ 7289463 Regional Fiber Consortium Commentary: - No current activity. Insurance Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Insurance Fund - 707 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Human Resources $ 877,871 $ $ $ $ 877,871 Health Insurance 8,589,515 8,589,515 Property & Liability 1,687,609 1,687,609 Worker's Compensation 741,958 741,958 Total Department Operating 11,896,953 - - 11,896,953 Non -Departmental Contingency 200,000 200,000 Reserves* 14,014,211 (273,387) 13,740,824 Total Non -Departmental 14,214,211 (273,387) - 13,940,824 Total Insurance Fund $ 26,111,164 $ (273,387) $ $ $ 25,837,777 Insurance Fund Commentary: - No current activity. Vehicle and Equipment Fund - 713 Department Operating Development & Public Works Finance Fire & Life Safety Information Technology Library Police Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Transfers Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund Exhibit A Page 9 of 9 Vehicle and Equipment Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase the Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $55,000 to replace the local stormwater van. This was originally planned for the FY24 budget but due to the ongoing procurement difficulties related to the pandemic it is important to get funding established now to make sure a purchase can be made if and when a suitable vehicle becomes available. 2.) Increase the Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $9,684 to replace a failed copier in the SE Quad. 3.) Increase Fire & Life Safety operating expense by $87,349 to purchase a new vehicle for the Life Safety Inspector and replace the Battalion Chief vehicle. 4.) Increase the Police Department operating expense by $261,000 to purchase and upfit five vehicles. These costs were budgeted and procurement was initiated in the FY22, but the vehicles were not received until FY23 due to supply chain issues. SDC Administration Fund - 719 Department Operating Development & Public Works Finance Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Contingency Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total SDC Administration Fund SDC Administration Fund Commentary: - No current activity. TOTAL RESOLUTION Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget $ 469,638 $ 45,054 514,693 $ 469,638 45,054 514,693 10,000 - 10,000 380,710 103,914 484,624 390,710 103,914 - - 494,624 $ 905,403 $ 103,914 $ $ - $ 1,009,317 $ 388,789,800 $ 24,639,582 $ 1,381,201 $ 1,000 $ 414,811,583 *Reserves and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are not appropriated for spending and are shown for information purposes only. Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adjustments Revised Budget $ 948,400 $ 585,584 $ 64,684 $ $ 1,598,668 (1,2) 500 - - 500 328,300 747,378 87,349 1,163,027 (3) 636,115 - - 636,115 8,000 - 8,000 370,250 - 261,000 631,250 (4) 2,291,565 19332,962 413,033 - 4,037,560 - 36,500 - 36,500 8,830,184 517,462 (413,033) 8,934,613 (1-4) 8,830,184 553,962 (413,033) - 8,971,113 $ 11,121,749 $ 198869924 $ - $ - $ 13,008,673 Vehicle and Equipment Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase the Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $55,000 to replace the local stormwater van. This was originally planned for the FY24 budget but due to the ongoing procurement difficulties related to the pandemic it is important to get funding established now to make sure a purchase can be made if and when a suitable vehicle becomes available. 2.) Increase the Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $9,684 to replace a failed copier in the SE Quad. 3.) Increase Fire & Life Safety operating expense by $87,349 to purchase a new vehicle for the Life Safety Inspector and replace the Battalion Chief vehicle. 4.) Increase the Police Department operating expense by $261,000 to purchase and upfit five vehicles. These costs were budgeted and procurement was initiated in the FY22, but the vehicles were not received until FY23 due to supply chain issues. SDC Administration Fund - 719 Department Operating Development & Public Works Finance Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Contingency Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total SDC Administration Fund SDC Administration Fund Commentary: - No current activity. TOTAL RESOLUTION Appropriations FY23 Supplemental Supplemental Transfers & FY23 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Adiustments Revised Budget $ 469,638 $ 45,054 514,693 $ 469,638 45,054 514,693 10,000 - 10,000 380,710 103,914 484,624 390,710 103,914 - - 494,624 $ 905,403 $ 103,914 $ $ - $ 1,009,317 $ 388,789,800 $ 24,639,582 $ 1,381,201 $ 1,000 $ 414,811,583 *Reserves and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are not appropriated for spending and are shown for information purposes only.