HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 2/7/2023Completeness Check Meeting Development and Public Works Department Conference Room 616 & Zoom COMPLETENESS CHECK MEETING DATE: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. DPW Conference Room 616 and Zoom Completeness Check Mtg (Subdivision Plat) #811 -23 -000024 -PRE 811-18-000047-PROJ Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL: 1806 Address: north of Marcola Rd., west of 31" St. Existing Use: vacant Applicant has submitted plans for 138 -lot subdivision Planner: Andy Limbird Meeting: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:00 — 11:00 via Zoom and Conference Rm 616 JI I t VICINITY MAP 811 -23 -000024 -PRE Completeness Check Meeting 17-02-30-00 TL 1806 North of Marcola Rd., west of 31' St. Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision SPRINGFIELD W 0#1 Application Type (Applicant. check one) Partition Plat Pre -Submittal: LlSubdivision Plat Pre -Submittal: Partition Plat Submittal: ❑ ISubdivision Plat Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Marcola Meadows Neigh rh LLC Ph one Please contact consultant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax:Pleasewntactconsultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 Applicant's Rep.: Consultant: Marie Holladay Phone: 503 563-6151 Com an :AKS Engineering -&_ Forestry, LLC I Fax: (503) 563-6152 AddressJ2965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Email: holladaym@aks-eng.co Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Nei hborhood LLC Phone:Please wntactcomultant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax: please contact consultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 ASSESSOR'S MAP N017-02-30-00 TAX LOT NOS : 1806 Property Address: North of Marcola Road and west of 31st Street Size of Property: ±20.7 acres; 901,700 sf Acres ® Square Feet Proposed Name of Subdivision: Marcola Meadows Phase 5 Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: lots for single-family detached dwellings Existing Use: Vacant Undeveloped Land I Tentative Case #81 1-21- 1 -TYP2 # of Lots Parcels: 138 Av . Lot Parcel Size: ±6,582 sf Densit : ±14 du/acre Si natures: Please si n and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next pace. Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section) Associated Applications: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 10.14.13 kl 1 of b February 2023 A K ENGINEERING &FORESTRY Andy Limbird City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Marcola Meadows Phase 5 Subdivision Plat Pre -Submittal Checklist, Local File Nos. 811-20-000225-TYP3 and 811-21-000130-TYP2 Andy Thank you for reviewing the Marcola Meadows Final Phase 5 Subdivision Plat. This letter and accompanying information address each condition of approval, as required by the Subdivision Plat Pre - Submittal Checklist. The list of conditions of approval are shown in italics, with the Applicants response directly below. Marcola Meadows Type III Final Master Plan Modification - Conditions of Approval Local File No. 811-20-000225-TYP3 1. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for monitoring the TIS improvement thresholds associated with number of dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips, as applicable, far full construction of V Street through to its intersection with Marcola Road. 2. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full construction of the Pierce Ditch at the time of collector street extension southward to an intersection with Marcola Road to address the threshold number of dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips as determined by the applicant's TIS. 3. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full construction of Pierce Parkway between 31st Street and V Street, including the crossing of the Pierce Ditch concurrently with construction of Phase 3. Alternatively, full construction of Pierce Parkway between 31st Street and V Street, including the crossing of the Pierce Ditch, shall be completed prior to Phase 3 if required to address the threshold number of dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips as determined by the Applicant's Pierce Parkway Connection Trigger Analysis Memorandum dated January 26, 2021. 4. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full construction of V Street between the intersection with Marcola Road to the Pierce Ditch crossing concurrently with construction of the Church Phase or with construction of the School Phase, whichever comes first 5. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule and phasing boundary map shall provide for full construction of V Street concurrently with Phase 2C (or equivalent, if phase is renumbered) to the back of curb on the south side of the street or to the curb return tangency line at the intersections, with the exception of the segment between 30th Place and 31st Street which shall be constructed to an interim standard as depicted in the applicant's submitted conceptual design dated January 26, 2021. Final completion of the V Street segment between 30th Place and 31st Street shall occur prior to or concurrent with construction of Phase 3. BEND, OR I KEIZER, OR I TUALATIN, OR I VANCOUVER, WA www.aks-eng.com 6. The modified Final Master Plan sheets PO -03 and PO-1OC shall clearly show a single, shared driveway access located on the boundary between the southeastern edge of the public school site and the adjoining neighborhood commercial site and multi -unit residential site. 7. The applicant's modified Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full construction of the public sanitary sewer system necessary to serve each successive development phase, regardless of the order of phase construction. S. The Final Master Plan shall provide a representative cross-section detail of the Pierce Ditch channel for the segment between 31st Street and V Street that shows a minimum 10 -foot separation distance between adjacent residential property lines and the northern top -of -bank and adjacent multi -unit residential and institutional property lines. The linear pathway shall be included within the 20 foot separation area that runs parallel with the southern edge of the Pierce Ditch, as generally depicted on the applicant's Master Plan Sheet PO -03. Response: The conditions above are understood and were addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. Further action is not warranted by the Applicant. 9. The segments of Pierce Ditch to be improved and dedicated within Phases 3 & 4 and the Church Phase shall be shown and described in the modified phasing plan and table. 10. The segments of the Pierce Ditch shown within Phases 3 & 4 shall be reviewed and approved at the time of tentative subdivision approval for the applicable residential phase. The segment of the Pierce Ditch shown within the Church Phase shall be reviewed and approved at the time of Site Plan Review. Improvements to the Pierce Ditch shall include but not be limited to removal of invasive vegetation and flow obstructions, removal of silt and debris, and replanting with suitable vegetation including trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants. Construction of the Pierce Ditch improvements shall be done through the City's PIP process. Response: The PIP plans for Phase 5 are currently being reviewed by the City. Regarding dedication and improvement of the Pierce Ditch within Phase 5, please see the applicable documentation for Tract H and Tract I dedication (Exhibit E). Further, the Pierce Ditch improvements were completed with Phase 4, per the Non -Wetland Waters Mitigation Plan (Exhibit F). The conditions above are understood and met, as applicable to Phase S. 11. The Final Master Plan shall provide for installation of a water quality manhole upstream of the neighborhood -scale infiltration ponds serving Phases 3, 4, and 5. The manholes must be sized per the manufacturers recommendations for the expected flow to be treated at that manhole location at full buildout and must meet the requirements for pretreatment as determined by the Washington State Technology/Assessment Protocol — Ecology (TAPE) program. Response: The condition above is understood and was addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. Stormwater from Phase 5 flows through the water quality manhole to the Tract G stormwater facility. The condition is met. 12. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for secondary fire apparatus access to Phases 3, 4, and 5 in accordance with the requirements of the Springfield Fire Code. Response: The recorded Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing schedule provides secondary fire apparatus access for Phase 5. The condition above is satisfied. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Phase S Subdivision Plat— City of Springfield February 2023 Pre -Submittal Letter —Local File No. 811-21-000130-TVP2 Page 2 of 6 13. The Final Master Plan and modified phasing schedule shall provide for installation of fire hydrants that meet the spacing, distribution, and coverage requirements of the Springfield Fire Code. 14. The Final Master Plan shall provide for fire apparatus access to all single -unit detached lots that meets the 150 foot distance from the furthest point of the building as required by Section 503.1.1 of the Springfield Fire Code. Alternatively, the Final Master Plan shall provide for building sprinklering for all single -unit detached lots that do not meet the 150 foot distance fire apparatus access requirements of SFC503.1.1. Response: The conditions above are understood and were addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. Specific fire hydrant locations were/will be determined through the PIP process. 15. The Final Master Plan shall provide for underground electrical system connection(s) between Phases 1C (or renumbered equivalent) and/or Phase 5 and the EWEB right-of-way. Response: The condition above has been met. 16. Prior to approval of the tentative subdivision plans for Phases 3-5, or prior to approval of a site plan review for the Multi -unit Residential Phase, School Phase, or Church Phase, as applicable, the applicant shall prepare and submit certified wetland delineation reportfor the subject phase. The review and approval of required wetland mitigation measures and determination of wetland setbacks shall be completed through the tentative subdivision plan and/or site plan review process for each development phase. Response: The condition above has been met through the tentative subdivision approval and PIP process, as applicable to Phase 5. Please see the wetland documentation (Exhibit G) and Non -Wetland Waters Mitigation Plan (Exhibit F) for further information. 17. The Final Master Plan diagram and phasing plan shall be revised to eliminate gaps in the alphanumeric subdivision phase sequencing in accordance with Lane County Surveyors office requirements. 18. The applicant shall record the modified Final Master Plan document revised plans and phasing schedule, and conditions of approval against the parcels comprising the Master Plan area at Lane County Deeds & Records and provide evidence thereof to the City. 19. The modified Final Master Plan document, revised plans, phasing schedule, and conditions of approval arising from Planning Action 811-20-000225-TYP3 shall supersede the prior Master Plan recorded as Document #2018-038501 and the modified Master Plan Phasing Schedule recorded as Document #2020-071248. Response: The conditions above are understood and were addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. Marcola Meadows Type II Tentative Subdivision - Conditions of Approval Local File No. 811-21-000130-TYP2 1. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Plat for Phase 3, the paved panhandle driveways and private utilities serving Lots 114, 225, 261, 262 and 263 must be installed from the public street right-of-way to the pan portion (i.e. building footprint area) of the furthest lot. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Phase 5 Subdivision Plat- City of Springfield February 2023 Pre -Submittal Letter -Local File No. 811-21-000130-TYP2 Page 3 of 6 Response: The phase (and corresponding lots) referenced above was renumbered as Phase 5, as shown on the recorded phasing schedule. The panhandle driveways and private utilities will be constructed/paved/installed (on Lots 366, 367, 404, 404, and 405) in accordance with the Phase 5 PIP. 2. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Plat for Phase 5, the paved panhandle driveway and private utilities serving Lots 418, 419 and 420 must be installed from the public street right-cf- way to the pan portion (i.e. building footprint area) of the furthest lot. Response: The condition above is not relevant to the Phase 5 Plat area and has been met. The Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing nomenclature was modified and approved through Local Case File No. 811-21-000299-TYP2. The phase (and corresponding lots) referenced above was renumbered as Phase 3, as shown on the recorded phasing schedule. 3. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Plat for Phase 3, the segment of public street depicted as "S Street" must be changed to "T Street" or an alternate name acceptable to the Lane County Road Naming Committee. Response: As discussed above, Phase 3 was renumbered as Phase S. "S Street" was renamed to "T Street" as shown on the Phase 5 Plat. The condition is satisfied. 4. The developer must construct full street improvements along all frontages and internal streets as shown and described in the Master Plan for Phases 3, 4 & 5, including all required collector street connections and bridge crossings of the Pierce ditch per the approved traffic study. Response: As described in the approved Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing schedule, full street improvements are provided in the Phase 5 Plat area. The condition is met. 5. The applicant must construct the required public sanitary sewer system improvements for each phase of the development using the City of Springfield Public Improvement Project (PIP) process. 6. The applicant must design and construct all stormwater improvements, including areas required for maintenance access, for the Phases 3-5 subdivision areas using the City of Springfield Public Improvement Permit process. 7. As part of the PIP process for the Phases 3-5 subdivision areas, the applicant must submit a vegetation plan that meets the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM for the infiltration basins, detention ponds, and any other vegetated stormwater treatment area. The City of Eugene stormwater management manual may be referenced for design. S. To ensure o fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of the City's MS4 permit, the applicant must maintain the vegetation in the stormwater treatment areas for the 2 -year warranty period after acceptance of the PIP. Response: The conditions above are understood. The PIP plans for Phase 5 are currently being reviewed by the City. Please see the Stormwater Facility Planting Plans for Tracts F and G for additional information. Further, the Tract J stormwater facility has already been constructed and planted (previously named Tract N) and the associated planting plan is included for reference. The dedication documents for Tracts F, G, and J are included as Exhibit E. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Phase 5 Subdivision Plat— City of Springfield February 2023 Pre -Submittal Letter —Local File No. 811-21-000130-TYP2 Page 4 of 6 9. Concurrently with recording of the Final Subdivision Plat, the applicant must execute and record a separate document to dedicate any tract area that is part of the constructed public stormwater system, including sufficient area far maintenance access, to the City of Springfield. Response: The condition above is applicable to Tract F, G, and J stormwater facilities within Phase S. Please see Exhibit E for relevant tract dedication documentation. The condition is met. 10. The applicant must provide for the installation of all utility lines and associated infrastructure as part of the City's PIP process. Response: The condition above is understood. The PIP plans for Phase 5 are currently being reviewed by the City. 11. The applicant must provide for the installation of all required utilities in the public right-of-way or within utility easements and coordinate the placement of utilities with the affected utility providers to prevent conflicts with public and private subdivision features including but not limited to driveways, sidewalks, curb ramps, and street trees. 11. To meet minimum separation requirements for installed utilities, the applicant will be responsible for ensuring that buildings and structures are not placed within 10 feet of vaults and junction boxes and relocating utilities that are found to be in conflict with new or proposed driveway locations within the subdivision area. Response: The conditions above are understood. The PIP plans for Phase 5 are currently being reviewed by the City and utility coordination with applicable agencies is underway. 13. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Plat for Phase 5, the applicant must construct a secondary emergency access driveway for the Phase 5 subdivision area that meets the access spacing requirements of the Springfield Fire Code. The secondary emergency access driveway must be depicted on the PIP plans for Phase 5. Response: The condition above is not relevant to the Phase 5 plat. 14. Prior to issuance of Building Permits for any lots within Phases 3, 4 and 5, the applicant or builder must demonstrate that the subject lot meets the applicable off-street parking provision requirements of SDC 4.6-100 and Table 4.6-2. Response: The condition above is understood and can be met. 15. The construction plans for Phases 3, 4 and 5 shall include groundwater protection construction notes as outlined in Finding 78 of the staff report and decision on the Phases 3-5 subdivision tentative plan, Case 811-21-000130- TYP2. Response: The condition above is understood. The PIP plans for Phase 5 are currently being reviewed by the City. 16. Prior to initiation of any stripping, grading or construction activity within delineated Wetland C or the Pierce ditch wetland channel, the applicant must obtain wetland fill/removal permits from state and federal agencies and provide evidence thereof to the City. Response: For information relevant to the Pierce Ditch, please see the Wetland Documentation (Exhibit G) and the Non -Wetland Water Mitigation Plan (Exhibit F). The applicable AVO Marcola Meadows Final Phase 5 Subdivision Plat- City of Springfield February 2023 Pre -Submittal Letter -Local File No. 811-21-000130-TVP2 Page 5 of 6 mitigation and improvements to the Pierce Ditch were completed with Phase 4. The condition is met, as applicable. Thank you for reviewing this information and please let us know if you have further questions. Sincerely, AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC Marie Holladay 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 503.563.61511 holladaym@aks-eng.com Enclosures Marcola Meadows Phase 5 Subdivision Plat Pre -Submittal Checklist and Forms Supporting Materials: Exhibit A: Staff Reports & Decisions [Type II Tentative Subdivision Review and Type III Master Plan Modification] Exhibit B: Final Phase 5 Subdivision Plat Exhibit C: Title Report Exhibit D: Closure Sheets Exhibit E: Tract Dedication Documents and Easements Exhibit F: Stormwater Facility Planting Plans (Tracts F, G, and J) and Non -Wetland Waters Mitigation Plan Exhibit G: Wetland Documentation Exhibit H: Reference Documents and Plats Exhibit I: Supporting Documents AVE Marcola Meadows Final Phase 5 Subdivision Plat— City of Springfield February 2023 Pre -Submittal Letter —Local File No. 811-21-000130-TVP2 Page 6 of 6 Marcola Meadows Phase 5 Closure Report Prepared 01/24/2023 aK ENGINEERING & FORESTRY Prepared By: AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 (541)563-6151 Name: Property: BOUNDARY North:Wa89.3081' East: 426880).)628' Segment#1 : Line North:M4545.1611' Course:S6 75'09"W Length: 82.22' North:884355.%28' East: 4268732.6102' Segmentp2 : Line North:884698.7590' Course: N24 -05'40"W Length: 76.Q' North:W"25.9272' East:4268701.330T Segmentp3 : Line North:W4710J587' Course:N87'W'24"W Length:11)2.5)' Northe884485.9W' East4267530.2901' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N05"53'20"E Length: 59.68' North:M4545.1611' East: 42675%.4133' Segmentp5 : Line Course: NOS'17'16'W Length: 155.22' North:884698.7590' East: 4267514.0316' Segment M6: Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 83.22' North:W4710J587' East: 4268%.3819' Segment MJ : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 50.00' North:8847%0 62' East: 426)589.1)23' Segmentp8 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 15.49' North:884M.4697' East: 4267604.5004' Segmentp9 : N,e Length:6.28' Radius:4.W' Delta:90.00W (d.) Tangent:4.00' Chord:5.66' Course:N3T42'34"E Courseln:NW17'26'W Course0ut N8r42'34"E RP North: 884766.428' East: 4267W3.9236' End North:884J6J.00J2' East4167W7.8837' Segment M30 : Line Course:N08'17'26'W Length:187.00' North:W4952.05W' East:4268W.91%' Segment M31 : Line 1 OF 108 Coume:N81°42'34"E Length:50.00' North:W4959.2627' Eaat:4267630.3971' Segment Ml2 : Cun Length:14.14' Radiva:9.00' DeMa:90.00W(d.) Tangent9.00' Chord:12.73' Couae:NW42'34"E Couraeln:N8P42'34"E Couae Out:NW17'16"W RP North: 8849W.5W4' EaA: 4267639.3030' End North: 884%9.4680' Eaat: 4267638.0%5' Segment M33 : Line Coume:N81-42'34"E Length:609.56' North: 885057.3623' Eaat4268241.1964' Segment M34 : Curve Length:14.14' Radiva:9.00' Deka:90.00W(d.) Tangent9.00' Chord:12.73' Courae:SW17'26"E Coumeln:SW17'23"E Course Out:N8r42'37"E RPNoah:885048.4564' Eaat:4268242.4940' End North:885049.7528' Eal:4268251.4016' Segment M35 : Line Coume:N81-42'34"E Length:50.00' North:W8 %.9624' Eaat41683W.8791' Segment M36 : Curve Length:14.14' Radiva:9.00' Deka:90.00W(d.) Tangent9.00' Chord:U.73' Courae:NW42'34"E Coumeln:N8P42'34"E Course Cut NW17'26"W RPNorth:8M%.2W1' EaR:4268309.7850' End North:885067.1678' EaR:4268W8.4885' Segment M37 : Line Coume:N81-42'34"E Length:290.92' North:W51W.1164' Eaat4168596.3683' Segment M38 : Curve Length:150.38' Radiva:635.W' Deka:13.3407 (d.) Tangent:75.54' Chord:150.03' Course:N7P55'30"E Coumeln:NW17'26'W Coume0ut S2r51'33"E 2 O 108 RP North: 885737.4804' EaA: 4268504.8057' End North: 885148.1367' EaA: 4268741.2352' Segment M39 : Curve Length:148.M' Radius:565.00' Deka: 15.0447(c.) Tangent: 74.78' Chord: 148.27' Course: N7S40'50"E Courselre52P51'33"E Course Out N06°46'46"W RP North: 8846233592' Eal: 4268951.5996' End North: 885184.8080' EaA: 4268884.8987' Segment M20 : Curve Length: 16.23' Radius: 9.00' Delta:103.1918(d.) Tangen:11.38' Chord:14.12' Courae:54S07'07"E Coursehn SW46'46"E Course0ut583Z728"E RPNorth:885175.8709' EaR:4268885.9611' End North: 885174.8443' EaA: 4268894.9037' Segment M21 : Curve Length: 42.29' Radius: 175.00' Deka: 13.5045 (d.) Tangent: 21.25' Chord:42.19' Courae:S='S4'W Coumeln:NW27'28'W Course Out%TM'43"E RPNorth:885194.7830' EaR:QM721.0433' End North: 885133.8140' EaA: 4268885.0797 Segment M22: Line Coume:56936'43"E Length: W(g' North: 885116.3952' East 4268931.9474' Segment M23 : Curve Length: 65.60' Radius: 225.00' Deka: 16.4217 (dins) Tangent: 33.03' Chord:65.37 Courae:!J 702'09"E Coumeln:N6936'43'W Coume0ut S8639'00"E RPNorth:885194.7M' Eaat4268721.0426' End North:885180.3282' EaAA268945.5786' Segment M24 : Curve Length:13.61' Radiva:9.00' Delta:86.3719(d.) Tangent8.48' Chord:12.35' Courae:NW59'40"E 3 O 108 Coumelo:586°39'00"E Cdume0Ut N0WW19"E RPNorth:8851n.7SW' EaA:4268954.5600' End North:885188.)518' EaA:4268954.6100' Segment M25 : Curve Length:16.37' Radiu %5.00' Dega:1.3936(d.) Tangent8.18' Chord16.37' Courae:588°51'53"E Couraeln:SW'18'19'W Course Out NOP57'55"E RPNorth:8846 35%' EaA: 4268951.5996' End North: 885188.4274' East 42689)0.9)68' Segment M26 : Line Couae:SMTTOAE Lengh:61.00' North:885186.3355' Eaat426%31.9 W' Segmentk27 : Curve Length:14.14' Radiva:9.00' Deka:90.0000(dnvs) Tangent9.00' Chord:12J3' Courae:W02'05"E Couraeln:SOr57'55'W Coume0Ut S88"02'05"E RPNorth:885177.3408' Ea4:4269031.6323' End North:8851)).0306' EaA:4269040.6284' Segment M28 : Line Coume:501'57'55"W Length:4 6.85' North: 884710.4552' Eaat4269024.6183' Segment M29 : Curve Length:408.48' Radiva:365.00' Delta:64.0714(dntt) Tangent:n8.61' Chord:387.49' Cduae:SW01'32"W Coumeln:NW02'05'W Coume0Ut S23"54'51"E RPNorth:8Wn.9725' EaA:4268659.83W End North: 884389.3081' EaA: 4268807.7934' Perimeter:4384.83' Area: 902192.49 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0306 Cou ae: N89°5)'13"E Error North: 0.00002 EaA:0.03059 Precision 1:142258.50 4 O 108 Name: Property: 309 North: 884969.4669' East: 4267637.9849' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 54.78' North:W4977.%58' East: 4267692.1924' Segmentp2 : Line Course: 508°17'26"E Length: 100.00' North: 884878.4108' East: 4267706.6117' Segment#3: Line Course:581°42'34"W Length:6 .78' North:884 %2142' East: 4267643.4983' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 91.00' North:W4959.2632' East:4267630.3767' Segmentp5 : Curve Length: 14.14' Radius: 9.00' Deka:90.0000(d.) Tangent9.00' Chord:12.73' Course:NW42'34"E Courseln:NW42'34"E Course Out NW17'16"W RPNorth:8849W.5609' East:4167639.1816' End North:884%9.4686' East:4167637.9%1' Perimeer:323.70' Area:63W.625q.R. Error Closure: 0.0021 Course:NW42'34"E Error North: 0.00167 Eaet:0.W124 Precision 1: 153471.43 Name: Property :310 North: 884878.4109' East: 4267706.6118' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:884977.%58' East: 4267692.1925' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:884984.5755' East: 4267741.67W' Segmentp3 : Line Course:SM-17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884885.6205' East: 4267756.0893' 5 O 108 Segmentp4 : Line Coume:S81°42'34"W Leigth:50.00' North: 884878.4109' East: 426))06.6118' Perimeter: 300.00' Area: 5000.215q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.000W Eas1:0.00000 Precision 1: 300000000.00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property :311 North:884885.6209' East: 4267756.0913' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS'17'16'W Length: 100.00' North:884984.5758' East: 4267741.6720' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:W4991.7855' East: 4267791.1495' Segmentp3 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length: 300.00' North:884892.8305' East: 4267805.5688' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884885.6209' East: 4267756.0913' Perimeter: 300.00' Area: 5000.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property :312 North:884892.8306' East: 4267805.5688' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS'17'16'44 Length: 100.00' North:W4991.7855' East: 4267791.1495' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:884998.9952' East: 4267840.6270' Segmentp3 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' 6 O 108 North:884900.0402' East: 4267855.0463' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Leigth:50.00' North:884892.8306' East4267805.5688' Perimeter:300.00' Area:5000.005q.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOPW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property :313 North:884900.0403' East: 4267855.0463' Segment#1 : Line Course: N08°17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:884998.9952' East: 4267840.6 M' Segment M2: Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:885006.2049' East: 4267890.1044' Segmentp3 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884907.2499' East: 4267904.5237' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884900.0403' East: 4267855.0463' Perimeter: 300.00' Area: 5000.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00'W00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property: 314 North:885006.2049' East: 4267890.1043' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:885013.4146' East: 4267939.5818' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884914.4596' East: 4261954.0011' Segmentp3 : Line 7 O 108 Coume:581-42'34"W Leigth:50.00' North:W4907.15W' East4267904.5236' Segmentp4 : Line Course:N08'17'26'W Length:100.00' North:885006.2049' East: 4267890.1043' PerimMer:300.00' Area:5000.005q.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOPW.O"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property: 315 North:W4914.4597' East: 4161954.W12' Segment#1 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:885013.4146' East: 426)939.5819' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:885020.6243' East: 4167989.0594' Segmentp3 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884921.6693' East: 4168003.4787' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:W4914.4597' East: 4267954.01' Perimeter: 300.00' Area: 5000.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00'W.0"E Error North: 0.0000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property :316 North:884921.6694' East: 4268003.4787' Segment#1 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:885020.6243' East4267989.0594' Segmentp2 : Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:50.00' North:885027.8340' East4268038.5369' 8 O 108 Segmentp3 : Line Coume:508"17'26"E Length:100.00' North:884928.8790' East 4268052.956' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884921.6694' East 4268003.4)8)' Perimeer:300.00' Area:5000.005q.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Coume:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property: 317 North:884928.8791' East 4268052.956' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS'17'16'W Length: 300.00' North:885027.8340' East 4268038.5368' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:885035.043' East 4268088.0143' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:508'17'26"E Length: 300.00' North:884936.0887' East 4268302.4336' Segmentp4: Line Coume:581°42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884928.8791' East 4268052.956' Perimeer:300.00' Area:5000.005q.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Coume:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property :318 North:885035.W37' East 4268088.0142' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:885042.2534' East 426813).491)' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:508'17'26"E Length: 100.00' 9 O 108 North:884943.2984' East: 4268151.9110' Segmentp3 : Line C0ume:S81"42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884936.0888' East: 4268102.4335' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:885035.0437' East4268088.0141' Perimeter:300.00' Area:5000.00Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1: 300000000.00 Name: Property: 319 North:884943.2985' East: 4268151.9111' S,nnent#1 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:885042.2534' East: 4268137.4918' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:885049.4631' East: 4268186.9693' Segmentp3 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length: 300.00' North:884950.5081' East: 4268201.3886' Segmentp4 : Line C0ume:S81"42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884943.2985' East: 4268151.9111' Perimeter: 300.00' Area: 5000.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property: 320 North:884959.7049' East4268264.5023' S,nnent#1 : Line C0ume:S81-42'34"W Length:63J8' North:884950.5083' East4268201.3888' Segmentp2 : Line 10 OF 108 Coume:N08'17'26"W Length:100.00' North:W8 49.4632' East: 4268186.%95' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 54.78' North:885057.%21' East: 4268241.1))0' Segmentp4 : Nrve Length:14.14' Radius:9.00' Deka:90.0000(d.) Tangent9.00' Chord:12.73' Course:SW17'26"E Courselm S08°1)'26"E Course Cut N81'42'34"E RPNodh:885048.4562' East:4268242.4748' End North: 885049.)52)' East: 4268251.3824' Segmentp5 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length:91.00' North: 884959.7037' East4268264.5039' Perimeter:323.70' Area:63W.655q.R. Error Closure: 0.0021 Course:SW17'26"E Error North: -0.00124 Eaet:0.00167 Precision 1:1534)1.43 Name: Property: 321 Norlh:8848W.1732' East: 4268274.%32' Segment#1 : Line Coume:S81°42'34"W Length: 59.78' North:W4851.5533' East: 4268215.8080' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS'17'16'W Length: 100.00' Norlh:884950.5082' East: 4268201.3887' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 63.78' North:W4959.7049' East: 4268264.5021' Segmentp4 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length:%.W' Norlh:8848%M81' East: 42682)8.344)' Segmentp5 : Curve Length:6.28' Radius:4.00' Dega:90.0000 (d.) Tangent:4.00' 11 OF 108 Chord:5.66' Coume:53T42'34"W CourselmS8r42'34'W Course0Ut S08"1)'26"E RPNorth:884864.1314' Eaet:4268274.3865' End North: 884860.IM6' East: 4268274.9614' Perimeter:325.84' Areae6374.%Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course:536°42'34"W Error North: -0.00252 East: -0.00188 Precision 1:104909.68 ........................................................................ Name: Property :322 North:W4950.5082' East: 4268201.3886' Segment#1 : Line Course:SM-17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:WQ51.5532' East: 4168215.8079' Segmentp2 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884844.MW East: 4268166.3304' Segment#3: Line Course: NOS'17'16'W Length: 100.00' North:884943.2985' East4268151.9111' Segmentp4 : Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:50.00' North:884950.5082' East4268201.3886' Perimeter:300.00' Area:5000.00Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:N0WWW"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property: 323 North:884943.2985' East: 4268151.9111' Segment#1 : Line Course:SM-17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884844.3435' East: 4268166.3304' Segmentp2 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 50.W' North:884837.1339' East: 4268116.8529' Segmentp3 : Line 12 OF 108 Course:N08"17'26"W Length:100.00' North:884936.0888' East4268101.4336' Segmentp4 : Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:50.00' North: 884943.2985' East: 4268151.9111' Perimeter:300.00' Area:5000.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1: 300000000.00 ****tttttttttttttttttttttttt******************************************** Name: Property: 324 North: 884928.8791' East: 4268()52.956' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:884936.0887' East: 4268302.4336' Segmentp2: Line Course:S08°17'26"E Length: 300.00' North:884837.1338' East: 4268116.8529' Segmentp3 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 50.00' North: 884829.9241' East: 4268(167.3755' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NOS°17'26'W Length: 100.00' North: 884928.8791' East4268052.956' Perimeter:300.00' Area:5000.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1: WOWWW.W Name: Property: 325 North:884921.6694' East: 4268(103.4787' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81°42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:884928.8790' East: 4268()52.956' Segment M2: Line Course:508°17'26"E Length: 300.00' North:884829.9241' East: 4268(167.3755' 13 OF 108 Segmentp3 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: W.W' North:884822.7144' East426M17.S9M' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:N08'17'26'W Length:100.00' North:884921.6694' East4168003.4787' Perim ter:300.00' Area:5000.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Coume:NOWW.O"E Error North: 0.00000 East0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property :326 North:W4914.4597' East 426)954.01' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:884921.6693' East 4268003.4)8)' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Length: 300.00' North:884822.7144' East 4268017.8980' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884815.5047' East 4267968.4205' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:W4914.4597' East4267954.W12' Perim ter:300.00' Area:5000.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Coume:NOWW.O"E Error North: 0.0000 East0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property :327 North:W4907.25W' East 4267904.523' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:884914.4596' East 4267954.01' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' 14 OF 108 North:884815.5047' East: 426)968.4205' Segmentp3 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884806.29W East: 4267918.9430' Segment M4: Line Course: NOS'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:W4907.25W' East4267904.5137' Perimeter:300.00' Area:5000.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1: 300000000.00 Name: Property: 328 North:884900.0403' East: 4267855.0463' S,nnent#1 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:W4907.24%' East: 4267904.5237' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884806.29W East: 4267918.9431' Segment#3: Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 50W North:884801.0853' East: 4267869.4656' Segment M4: Line Course: NOS'17'16'W Length: 100.00' North:884900.0403' East4267855.0463' Perimeter:300.00' Area:50W.WSq.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property: 329 North:884892.8306' East:4267805.5688' Segment#1 : Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:50.00' North:884900.0402' East4167855.0463' Segmentp2 : Line 15 OF 108 Course: 508°17'26"E Length: 100.00' North: 884801.0853' East: 4267869.4656' Segmentp3 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 50.00' North: 884)93.8)56' East: 4267819.9881' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NOS'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:WQ92.8306' East4267805.5688' Perim ter:300.00' Area:5000.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1: 300000000.00 Name: Property :330 North:884885.6209' East: 426))56.0913' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81°42'34"E Length: 50.00' North:W4892.8305' East: 4267805.5688' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884793.8756' East: 4267819.9881' Segmentp3 : Line Coumc S81 -41'34"W Length: 50.00' North:884785.6659' East: 42677M.5106' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NOS'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:884885.(Z!W' East42677%.WB' Perim ter:300.00' Area:5000.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name:Property:331 North:884885.6209' East42677%.0913' Segment#1 : Line Course:508°17'26"E Length:100.00' North:884786.6659' East42677M.5106' 16 OF 108 Segmentp2 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Leigth:50.00' North:8847n.4563' East: 4267721.0332' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:884878.4112' East4267706.6138' Segment M4: Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:50.00' North:884885.6209' East41677%.0913' Perimeter:300.00' Area:5000.21S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:300000000.00 Name: Property: 332 End North: 884770.8360' EaR:4267%1.8759' Segment#1 : Cue Length:6.28' Radius:4.00' Delta:90.00W (d.) Tangent:4.00' Chord:5.66' Course:NW17'26"W Courseln:NW17'26'W Course0ut S8P42'34"W RPNorth:884774.7942' East:4267661.2992' End North: 884774.2193' East:4167657.3385' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length:%.W' North:8848%2161' East: 4267643.4959' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 63.78' North:884878.4117' East: 42677M.W94' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884719.4578' East: 4267721.0287- Segmentp5 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 59.78' North:884770.8379' East: 4267661.8734' Perimeer:325.84' Area:6374.57S,R. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course:N5Sll'26"W 17 OF 108 Error North: 0.00188 EaR:-0.00252 Precision 1:104909.68 ........................................................................ Name: Property: 333 End North: 885056.9636' EaR: 4268300.8579' Segment#1: Curve Length:14.14' Radius:9.00' Delta:90.0000(d.) Tangent9.00' Chord:12.73' Course:NW42'34"E Courseln:N8P42'34"E Course Out NW17'16"W RP North: 885058.2613' East: 4268309.7638' End North: 885067.1689' Eel: 4268308.4673' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 37.00' North:885072.5041' East 4268345.0806' Segmentp3: Line Coume:S08°17'26"E Length: 300.00' North:W4973.5491' East 4268359.4999' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 46.00' North:884966.9162' East 4268313.9807' Segmentp5 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 91.00' North:885056.9652' East4268300.8591' Perim ter:288.14' Area:4582.62S,R. Error Closure: 0.0021 Coume:N3T42'34"E Error North: 0.00167 Ea4:0.W124 Precision 1: 136538.10 Name: Property :334 North:885072.5024' East 4268345.0794' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 45.00' North:885078.%11' East 4268389.W91' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Length: 300.00' North:W49W.0362' East 4268404.0284' 18 OF 108 Segmentp3 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 5.00' North:8849n.3152' East 4268399.0807' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 40.00' North:884973.W5' East: 4268359.4987' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:W8 72.5024' East4268345.0J94' Perimeer:290.00' Area:4500.005q.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.000W EaR:O.W0W Precision 1:290000000.00 Name:Property:335 North:885078.%U' East: 4268389.6091' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 45.00' North:885085.47%' East: 4268434.1388' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884986.5249' East: 4268448.5581' Segmentp3 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 10.W' North:884985.08W East: 4268438.6626' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 35.00' North:W49M.0362' East: 4268404.0284' Segmentp5 : Line Course: NOS'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:885078.%U' East4268389.W91' Peri.eer:290.00' AreaA5W.WSq.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East0.00000 Precision 1:290000000.00 Name: Property: 336 19 OF 108 North:885085.47W East: 4268434.1388' Segment#1 : Line East: 4268478.6686' Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 45.00' North:885091.%86' East: 4268478.6686' Segmentp2 : Line East: 4268518.2505' Course:S08"37-26"E Length: 100.00' North:W4993.0136' East: 4268493.08)9' Segmentp3 : Line East: 4268532.6698' Course:581-42'34"W LeNth:15.W' North:W49%.8507' East: 4268478.2446' Segmentp4 : Line East: 4268517.8266' Course:S81-42'34"W Length:30.00' North:884986.5249' East: 4268448.5581' Segmentp5: Line East: 4268493.0879' Course: NOS'17'16'W Length: 100.00' North:885085.47W East4268434.13W' Perimeer:290.00' Area:4500.00S,R. Error Closure: O.OWO Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:29000000.00 Name: Property: 337 North:885091%W East: 4268478.6686' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 40.00' North:885097.7364' East: 4268518.2505' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:W49%.7814' East: 4268532.6698' Segmentp3 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 15.00' North:8849%.6185' East: 4268517.8266' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 25.00' North:W4993.0137' East: 4268493.0879' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 100.00' 20 OF 108 North:885091.9686' East4268478.6685' Perimeter:280.00' Area:4000.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:WWW00"W Error North: 0.000W Eel: -0.00000 Precision 1:280000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property: 338 North:88509).)364' East 4268518.2505' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 40.00' North:885103.5041' East 4268557.8325' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:885004.5492' East 4268572.2518' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 15.00' North:885002.3863' East 4268557.4086' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 25.00' North: 884998.7814' East 4268532.6698' Segment#5: Line Course: NOS'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:885097.7364' East4268518.1505' Perimeter:280.00' Area:4000.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Coume:WWW00"W Error North: 0.00000 East -0.00000 Precision 1:280000000.00 Name: Property: 339 End North:885109.1160' EaR:4268596.3445' Segment#1 : Cue Length:1.08' Radius:635.00' Delta:0.0551(d.) Tangent0.54' Chord:1.08' Courae: Wr39'38"E Courseln:NW17'26'W Coume0ut S08°23'ST'E RPNorth:885)3).4M' EaR:4268504.7819' End North:885109.2J26' EaR:4268597.4131' 21 OF 108 Segmentp2 : Line Course: 508'17'26"E Length: 100.00' North: 885010.3177' East: 4268611.8324' Segmentp3 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length:40.W' North:W8 N.5500' East: 4268572.2504' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NOS'17'26'W Length: 100.00' North:W5103.5049' East4268557.8311' Segmentp5 : Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:38.92' North:W51W.1169' East41685%.3444' Perim ter:280.00' Area:4000.WSq.R. Error Closure: 0.0009 Course:N08'18'54"W Error North: 0.00091 East -0.00013 Precision 1:311111.11 Name: Property: MO North:885010.3170' East: 4268611.8339' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS'17'16'W Length: 300.00' North:8851W.2719' East4168597.4146' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:40.03' Radius:635.00' Delta:3.36431d.1 Tan,M:20.02' Chord:40.02' Course:N7TW21"E Courseln:NW23'17'W Course0Ut SIrM50"E RP North: 885737.4192' East42M8 4.7828' End North:885116.3548' EaR:4268636.8028' Segmentp3 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length: 101.33' North:885016.0838' East: 4268651.4139' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 28.00' North:885012.0464' East: 4268623.7065' Segmentp5 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 12.00' 22 OF 108 North:885030.3161' East: 4268611.8319' Perimter:281.36' Area:4018.11Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0022 Course:56F26'19"W Error North: -0.00090 East: -0.00198 Precision S: ]2)886.36 ........................................................................ Name: Property: MI North:885016.0847' East: 4268651.4159' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS'17'16'W Length: 301.33' North:885116.3558' East4168636.8048' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:35.15' Radius:635.00' Delta:3.1019(d.) Tan,M:17.58' Chord:35.15' Course:NW24'51"E Courseln:N1 00'00'W Course0Ut S16"10'19"E RP North: 885737.4)95' East: 4268504.7819' End North: 885124.6126' East: 4268670.9713' Segmentp3 : Line Course:SM-17'26"E Length: 104.57' North:885021.1354' East: 4268686.0495' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 13.36' North:885019.2090' East: 4268672.8291' Segmentp5 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 21.64' North:885016.0886' East: 4268651.4153' Perimeter: 276.06' Area: 3597.63 Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0039 Course: N08'25'37'W Error North: 0.00390 East: -0.00058 Precision 1:)0)82.05 Name:Property:342 North:885021.1315' East4168686.0501' Segment#1 : Line Coume:N08'17'26'W Length:304.57' North:885124.WST East4168670.9718' 23 OF 108 S,rnentk2: Curve Length: 35.39' Radius: 635.00' Deka:3.11%�dms� Tan,M:17.70' Chord:35.39' Course:147S13'S3"E Courseln:N15'30'19'W Course Out 518'21'55"E RP North: 885737.4756' EaR: 4268504.7818' End North: 885134.8190' EaR: 4268704.8570' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:S08"37'26"E Length:109.79' North: 885026.1763' East 4268)20.68)9' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length:35.00' North:W5021.12%' East 4268686.0537' Perimeter:n4.76' Aea:3745.58S,R. Error Closure: 0.0041 Coume:S61'40'59"E Error North: -0.00193 Ea3:0.00359 Precision 1:69451.22 Name: Pmperty:343 End North: 885134.8222' EaR:42MM4.8531' Segment#1 : Ou,e Length:35.75' Radius:635.00' Delta:3.1331(d.) Tan,M:17.88' Chord:35.74' Courae:N) 01'19"E Couraeln:NW21'55'W Coume0Ut S2P35'26"E RPNorth:885737.4798' Ea4:4268504.7811' End North: 885147.0331' East: 4268738.4424' Segmentp2 : Line Course: 508'17'26"E Length: 118.70' North:885029.5736' East: 4268755.5581' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:58426'13"W Length:32.31' North:885026.4414' Eaat4268723.4003' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:58426'13"W Length:2.73' North:885016.1768' East4268720.6831' Segmentp5 : Line 24 OF 108 Coume:N%"17'26"W Length:IM.79' North:%5134.8194' East: 4268704.8522' Perimeter:299.28' Area:3992.585q.R. Error Closure: 0.0029 Course:S1823'30"W Error North: -0.00277 East -0.0W91 Precision 1:103196.55 Name: Property: 344 End North: 885147.0334' East: 4268738.4433' S,nnent#1 : Curve Length:2.%' Radius:635.00' 3elta:0.1607(d.) Tan,M:1.49' Chorda.%' Course:Wrl6'30"E Courseln:N2r35'26'W Coume0ut S2r51'33"E RP North: 885737.4800' East: 4268504.7816' End North: 885148.1364' East: 4268741.2117' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:49.19' Radius:565.00' 3elta:4.5920(d.) Tan,M:24.61' Chord:49.18' Course:N7 38'07"E Courselre52P51'33"E Course0ut N16'52'13"W RPNorth:884623.7589' East:4268951.5761' End North:885164.4436' East:4268787.6094' Segmentp3 : Line Course:501-57'55"W Length: 27.27' North:835137.18%' East: 4268786.6742' Segmentp4 : Line Course:501-57'55"W Length: 35.00' North:835102.2102' East: 4268785.4739' Segmentp5 : Line Course:501-57'55"W Length: 35.00' North:835067.2308' East: 4268784.2737' Segmentp6 : Line Course:501-57'55"W Length: 35.00' North:835032.2514' East: 4268783.0734' Segmentp7 : Line Course:58426'13"W Length: 6.30' 25 OF 108 North:885031.6406' East: 4268776.8030' Segmentp8 : Line Cdume:S84"26'13"W Length:11.34' North:885029.5719' East4168755.%35' S,mamtp9 : Line Course:N08'17'26'W Length:118.70' North:885147.0314' East4168738.4478' Perimeter:330.78' Area:48%98Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0049 Course:566'34'54"E Error North: -0.00194 Ea3:0.00449 Precision 1:67504.08 Name: Property: 345 End North:885184.8069' EaR:4268884.8752' S,mamt#1: Curve Length:16.23' Radius:9.00' Delts:103.1918(dms) Tar enn:11.38' Chord:14.12' Course:54S07'07"E Courselm SOV46'46"E Course Cut583Z728"E RPNorth:885175.8699' EaR:4268885.9376' End North: 885174.8433' EaR:42MR94.8812' 5egmentp2 : Curve Length:42.29' Radius:175.00' Oelta:13.5045(d.) Tangent2125' Chord:42.19' Course:S='S4'W Coumelm NW27'28'W Course0ut S69°3643"E RP North: 885194.7820' East: 4268721.0198' End North: 885133.8130' East: 4268885.0562' Segmentp3 : Line Course: NW'02'05"W Length: 98.44' North: 885137.1889' East: 4268786.6741' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NOl"57'55"E Length: 27.27' North:885164.4428' East 4268787.W93' Segmentp5 : Curve Length:99.51' Radius:565.00' Delta:10.0527 (d.) Tangent:49.88' 26 OF 108 Chord:99.38' Courae:N)8'10'30"E Coumelp:SIT52'13"E Course Out N06°46'46"W RPNorth:884623.7580' East:4268951.5756' End North:885184.8061' East:4268884.8MT Perim ter:283.74' Area:4191.565q.R. Error Closure: 0.0052 Courae:N77°08'34"E Error North: 0.00115 EaR:0.00506 Precision 1:54115.38 ********tttttttttttttttttttt******************************************** Name: Property: 346 North:W5137.1927' East 4268786.6702' Segment#1 : Line Coume:588WOS"E Length:%.44' North:W5133.8168' East 4268885.0523' Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 36.08' Radiva:225.00' Delta:9.1119(d.) Tan,M:18.08' Chord:36.04' Course:S16"47'37'W Coumehn SW36'43"E COurse0Ut N7rW02"W RPNorth:885055.4321' Eaet:42eW5.9571' End North:885099.1374' East4268875.2aT Segmentp3 : Line Coume:NW-02'05"W Length:89.83' North:W5302.2180' Eaat4268785.46W' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:N01'57'55"E Length:35.00' North:W5137.1974' East4268786.6663' Perimeer:259.35' Nea:3177.37Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0061 Course:N39'33'45"W Error North: 0.00471 EaR:-0.00389 Precision 1:42509.84 Name: Property: 347 North:W5302.2133' Eaat4268785.4700' Segment#1 : Line Coume:SWT2'05"E Length:89.83' North:W50%.132T East4268875.2472' 27 OF 108 Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 35.16' Radius: 225.00' Delta:8.5709(d.) Tan,M:17.61' Chord:35.12' Course:SW43'23'W Course1n:SW48'02"E Course0UtWT45'11"W RP North: 885055.4321' EaR: 4269095.9625' End North:885064.2542' EaR:4268g71.1356' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:NW-02'05"W Leigth:86.91' North:885067.2347' East4168784.1768' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:N01-57'55"E Length:35.00' North:885102.2141' East4168785.4770' Perimeer:246.90' Area:4076.93SQ.R. Error Closure: 0.0071 Cdume:N8T44'46"E Error North: 0.000)) EaR:0.00A Precision 1:34769.01 Name: Property:348 End North:885064.2534' East:4268871.1335' Segment#1 : Cue Length:1.11' Radius:225.00' Delta:0.1654(d.) Tan,M:0.55' Chord:1.11' Course:50T06'22"W CoUrseIn:S8T45'11"E Course Out:N8r02'05"W RPNorth:885055.4320' East:4269095.9W5' End North: 885063.1442' EaR: 4268871.0927' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S01-57'55"W Length:33.W' North:885029.2741' East 4268869.9305' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N88"02'05"W Length: 86.91' North:885032.2546' East4268783.0716' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:N01-57'55"E Length:35.00' North:885067. 3Q' East4268784.2719' Segmentp5 : Line 28 OF 108 Course:583TV05"E Length:85.91' North:W50%2535' East4268371.1308' Perimeter:243.83' Area:3041.92Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0027 Course:WT57'52"W Error North: 0.00010 East: -0.00273 Precision 1:90303.7!1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property: 349 North:885031.6436' East: 4268776.)9)9' Segment#1 : Line Course: N84 -26'13"E Length:6.30' North:885032.2544' East: 4268783.0682' Segmentp2 : Line Course:583TV05"E Length: 86.91' North: 885029.2739' East: 4268869.9271' Segmentp3 : Line Course:501'57'55"W Length: 35.0' North: 884994.2945' East 4268868.7268' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NWT2'05'W Length: 305.51' North: 884997.9128' East4268763.2789' Segmentp5 : Line Course:N21'50'31"E Length:36.34' Norh:835031.Wl' East4268776.7991' Perimeter:270.07' Area:Me.11Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0013 Course:N68'29'33"E Error North: 0.W047 Ea3:0.00119 Precision 1:207738.46 Name: Property :350 North:884997.9130' East: 4268763.2779' Segment#1 : Line Coume:SWT2'05"E Length: 105.51' North: 884994.2946' East: 4268868.7258' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S01'57'55"W Length: 35.0' North:W4959.3152' East: 4268867.5256' 29 OF 108 Segm ot#3 : Line Coume:N88°02'05"W Length:118.17' North:W4963.3677' East: 4268749.4251' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:N21'50'31"E Lengft W.22' North:W4997.9158' East 4268)63.2)2)' Perimeer:295.90' Area:3914.45Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0060 Course:N6P19'20"W Error North: 0.00286 EaA:-0.00523 Precision 1:49316.67 *****************ttttttttttt******************************************** Name: Property :351 North:W4917.0791' East: 4268806.2916' Segment#1 : Line Course: N66°52'56"W Length: 35.01' North:884930.8248' East: 4268))4.0929' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N66"52'56"W Length: 35.01' North:W4944.5705' East: 4268741.8942' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N21'50'31"E Length: 20.25' North:884963.3668' East: 4268749.4282' Segment M4: Line Course:SWT2'05"E Length: 118.17' North:W4959.3143' East: 426886).528)' Segmentp5 : Line Course:S01'57'55"W Length:67.43' North:884891.9240' East: 4268865.2162' Segmentp6 : Line Course: N66"52'56"W Length: 29.06' North:W4903.3336' East 4268838.4898' Segment#) : Line Course:N66'52'56"W Length:35.01' North:W491).0)93' East 4268806.2911' Perimeter.339.94' Area:5341.575q.R. Error Closure: 0.0006 Course:NW14'39"W Error North: 0-00014 East: -0A0052 30 OF 108 Precision 1:566566.6) ........................................................................ Name: Property :352 End North:884821.8032' EaR:4268g62.8118' Segment#1 : Nrve Length: 20.27' Radius: 175.00' Delta:6.3817(d.) Tan,M:10.15' Chord:20.26' Course:505'17'01'W Courseln:N88°02'05'W Course Out 58123'53"E RPNorth:884827.8046' EaR:4268687.9147' End North: 884801.6293' EaA: 4268860.9461' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:50836'07'W Length:2.76' North: 884798.9003' East 4268860.5333' Segment#3: Curve Length:6.95' Radius:4.00' Delta:99.1916(d.) Tangent4.71' Chord:6.11' Coume:55820'45"W Coumeln:N8P23'S3'W Cdume0Ut S18'05'23"W RPNorth:8847%.4986' EaAA268856.5783' End North: 884795.6939' EaA: 4268855.3323' Segmentp4 : OuNe Length:55.74' Radius:375.00' Delta:8.3059(d.) Tan,M:27.92' Chord:55.69' Course:N6A39'OS"W Coumeln:NW05'23"E Coume Out:W36'22"W RP North: 885152.1581' East 4268971.7720' End North: 884816.8687 EaA: 4268803.8250' Segmentp5 : Line Coume:N21-50'31"E Length:93.16' North:884903.3411' East 4268838.4850' Segmentp6 : Line Coume:S66"52'56"E Length: 29.06' North:884891.9315' East 4268365.2114' Segment#7 : Line Cdume:S02'57'55"W Length: 70.16' North:884821.8128' East 4268362.8054' 31 OF 108 Perimeer:278.10' kea:42)2.)5Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0115 Course:N3T50'36"W Error North: 0.00958 East: -0.00642 Precision 1:24104.35 **ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt******************************************* Name: Property: 353 North:W4917.0791' East: 4268806.2916' Segment#1 : Line Course: 566'52'56"E Length: 35.01' North:884903.3333' East: 4268838.4903' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:521-50'31"W Length:93.16' North:WQ16.8610' East4268803.8303' Segmentp3 : Curve Length: 32.95' Radiva:375.00' Delta: 5.0204(c.) Tangent: 16.49' Chord:32.94' Course:NW52'37'W Courseln:N2T36'n"E Course Cuts rM'15"W RPNorth:885152.1509' Eaet:4268971.77%' End North: 884832.8924' East: QW75.0W' Segmentp4 : Curve Length:2.36' Radius:425.00' Delta:0.1905(d.) Tangent:1.18' Chord:2.36' Courae: N5r31'08"W Courseln:531°38'25'W Course Cut N3r19'20"E RP North: 884471.0651' East: 4268552.3063' End North: 884834.1249' East: 4268))3.0421' Segmentp5 : Line Course:N21-50'31"E Length:89.36' North:W491).0)93' East4268806.2920' Perimeer:252.84' Area:3203.665q.R. Error Closure: 0.0005 Course:N56'W'48"E Error North: 0.00026 East:0.00D38 Precision 1:505680.00 Name: Property :354 End North:884834.1290' East:42W73.0434' 32 OF 108 Segment#1: Curve Length: 35.28' Radius: 425.00' Delta:4.4523(dms) Tan,M:17.65' Chord:35.27' Course:N6P03'22"W Courseln:S3P19'20'W Course0ut N2605T'E RP North: 8844)1.069)' East: 4168551.301!1' End North:884851.1981' East:4168741.1789' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N21-W31"E Length: 85.78' North:W4930.8202' East 4268774.0931' Segmentp3 : Line Course:SW51'56"E Length:35.01' North:W4917.0745' East: 4268806.2918' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S11-50'31"W Length: 89.36' North:WQM.nW' East: 4268773.0419' Perimeer:245.44' Area:4056.50SQ.R. Error Closure: 0.0091 Course:WTQ'30"W Error North: -0.00898 East: -0.00153 Precision 1:26970.33 Name: Property :355 North:884944.%95' East: 4268741.8967' Segment#1 : Line Coume:56652'56"E Length: 35.01' North:884930.8238' East: 4268774.0954' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S11-50'31"W Length: 85.78' North: 884851.2016' East: 4268742.1811' Segmentp3 : N,e Length: 35.04' Radius:425.00' Delta:4.4326(drns) Tan,M:17.53' Chord:35.03' Course:WF47'46"W Courseln:S2T33'57'W Course0ut N2rW31"E RPNorth:884471.0727' East:4268552.1302' End North:884855.5634' East:4268730.2305' Segmentp4 : Line 33 OF 108 Coume:N21'S0'31"E Length:85.12' North:W4944.5729' East: 4268741.8992' Perimeter:240.95' Area:2982.39Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0043 Course:NW29'25"E Error North: 0.00344 East:0.00254 Precision 1:5W32.% Name: Property: 356 North: 884963.3675' East: 4268749.4313' S,nnent#1 : Line Coume:521'50'31"W Leigth:20.25' North:884944.5712' East: 4268741.8974' Segmentp2 : Line Course:521'50'31"W Length:85.12' North: 884865.5616' East 4268710.2287' Segmentp3 : Curve Length: 35.01' Radius: 425.00' 3elts:4.4311(d.) Tan,M:17.51' Chord:35.00' Course:N7 31'05"W Courseln:52r50'31'W Course0ut NST07'30"E RP North:884471.0708' East4268551.1085' End North:884877.2345' East:4268677.2325' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N37"11'40"E Length: 156.19' North:885026.4439' East: 4268723.4047' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N84"2613"E Length: 32.31' North: 885029.57W East: 4268755.5625' Segmentp6 : Line Course: N84"26'13"E Length: 21.34' North:885031.644T East: 4268776.W20' Segmentp7 : Line Course:521'50'31"W Length: 36.34' North:W4997.9135' East: 4268763.2818' Segmentp8 : Line Course:521'50'31"W Length: 37.n' North:884963.3653' East: 4268749.4342' 34 OF 108 Perimeer:423.78' Area:6983.545q. k. Error Closure: 0.0036 Course:S53"38'09"E Error North: -0.00214 Eal:0.00290 Precision 1: 117713.89 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property :357 North: 885026.1783' East: 4268720.6843' Segment#1 : Line Course: N8426'13"E Length: 2.73' North: 885026.4430' East: 4268723.4015' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S17"11'40"W Leigth:156.19' North:884877.2335' East 4268677.2293' Segmentp3 : Cue Length: 35.04' Radius: 425.00' Delta:4.4325(d.) Tangeet:17.53' Chord:35.03' Courae WF14'23"W Courseln:53A07'20'W Course0ut N1223'55"E RPNorth:884471.0700' East:4268552.3046' End North:8848E6.1583' East416E643.3553' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N12"29'23"E Length: 136.27' North:885019.2035' East: 4268672.8256' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 13.36' North: 885021.1299' East: 4268686.0460' Segmentp6 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:885026.1767' East: 4268720.6803' Perimeter: 378.59' Area: 5985.41 Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0044 Course:%T%'34"W Error North: -0.00165 East -0.00407 Precision 1:86040.91 Name: Property: 358 North:885016.0847' East 4268651.4159' Segment#1 : Line 35 OF 108 Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 21.64' North: 885019.2051' East: 42686)2.829)' Se,mamtp2 : Line Course:51229'23"W Length: 136.27' North:WQN.15%' East: 4268643.3594' Segment#3: Curve Length: 36.04' Radiu5:425.00' Delta:4.5133(d.) Tangeirt:18.03' Chord:36.03' CPurse:NW01'51"W CourselmS=3'55'W Course Cut NOT32'22"E RPNorth:884471.0720' Eaet:4268552.3069' End North: 884892.3974' East4268W).8)34' Segmamtp4 : Line Course: N07331'22"E Length: 120.70' North:885012.0539' East42686233103' Segmamtp5 : Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:28.00' North:885016.0913' East4268551.4176' Perimeter:342.65' Area:5325.72S,R. Error Closure: 0.0068 Course:N15'12'32"E Error North: 0.00657 EasT0.001n Precision 1:50388.24 Name: Property: 359 North:885010.3170' East: 4268611.8339' Segmamt#1 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 12.00' North:885012.0473' East: 4268623.7085' Segmentp2 : Line Course:50732'22"W Length:120.70' North:884892.3908' East426850).8)16' Segmamtp3 : Curve Length: 35.05' Radius:425.00' Delta:4.4330(dnns) Tan,M:17.53' Chord:35.04' Course:W8 49'23"W Courselm S0T32'22'W Course Out:N0T48'52"E RPNorth:884471.0650' Eaet:4268552.1079' 36 OF 108 End North: 884895.5525' EaR: 4268572.9745' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: 107.96' North: 885002.3843' East 426859.4074' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 15.00' North: 885004.5472' East 4268572.2507' Segmentp6 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 40.00' North:885010.3149' East 4268611.8327' Perimeter:W.70' Area:920.%Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0024 Course:W17'33"W Error North: -0.00209 East -0.00122 Precision 1:137191.67 Name: Property: 360 End North: 884895.5567' East: 4260.929755' Segment #1 : Cur ae Length: 40.45' Radius:425.00' Delta:5.2710(d.) Tan,M:20.24' Chord:40.43' Courae:N89°W%"W Courselm SOT48'52'W Coume0ut N0T38'18"W RPNorth:884471.0694' East4268551.3074' End North: 884895.6189' EaR: 4268532.5456' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 102.07' North:8849%.6222' East 4268517.878' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 15.00' North:884998.7851' East 4268532.6710' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 25.00' North:885002.3899' East: 4268557.4098' Segmentp5 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 107.96' North:884895.5581' East: 4268572.9769' Perimeter:290.47' Area:4187.51Sq.R. 37 OF 108 Error Closure: 0.0019 Course:WT14'44"E Error North: 0.00141 Ea3:0.00133 Precision 1: 152873.68 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............................................. Name: Property: 361 End North: 884895.6188' EaR: 4268532.5440' Segment#1: Curve Length: 40.07' Radius: 425.00' l3elta:5.2406(c.) Tan,M:20.05' Chord:40.05' Course:SW39'39'W Coumelm S0T38'18"E Couise0ut:N0r02'24"W RP North: 884471.0693' EaR: 4268552.3074' End North: 884891.8921' EaR: 4268492.6678' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: 300.00' North:8849%.8471' East 4268478.2485' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 15.00' North:884993.0100' East 4268493.0917' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 25.00' North:884996.6148' East 4268517.8305' Segment#5: Line Course: 508°17'26"E Length: 302.07' North: 884895.6115' East 4268532.5483' Perimeter:282.14' Area:4018.W Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0085 Coume:529-W53"E Error North: -0.00735 EaR:0.00423 Precision 1:33190.59 Name: Property: 362 End North:884891.8918' EaR:4268492.6647' Segment #1 : Cur ae Length:1.86' Radius:425.00' 3elta:0.1502(d.) Tangen0:0.93' Chord:1.85' Course:S8T5005"W CourselmSW02'24"E Coume0ut N08°3J'26"W 38 OF 108 RP North: 884471.0693' East: 4268552.1071' End North: 884891.6276' East: 4268490.8236' Segmentp2 : Line Course: 581°42'34"W Length:38.14' North: 884886.1281' East: 4268453.0821' Segmentp3 : Line Course: NOS'17'16'1N Length: 300.00' North: 884985.0831' East: 4268438.6628' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 10.00' North: 884986.5250' East: 4268448.5583' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 30.00' North:8849%.8508' East: 4268478.2448' Segmentp6: Line Course: 508°17'26"E Length: 300.00' North: 884891.8958' East: 4268492.6641' Perimeter: 280.00' Area: 4000.00 St. R. Error Closure: 0.0041 Course: NW13'41"W Error North: 0.00403 East: -0A0058 Precision 1:68292.68 Name: Property: 363 North:884886.1281' East: 4268453.0821' Segment#1 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 40.00' North:WQW.3603' East: 4268413.5002' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N08'17'26'1N Length: 100.00' North:884979.3153' East: 4268399.0808' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 5.00' North:8849M.0363' East: 4268404.0286' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884985.0830' East: 4268438.6628' Segmentp5 : Line 39 OF 108 Course:S08"17'26"E Length:100.00' North:8848%.1281' East: 4268453.0821' Perimeter: 280.00' Area: 4000.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:582-52'30"E Error North: -0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:280000000.00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property: 364 North:8849n.3153' East: 4268399.0808' Segment#1 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length: 100.00' North:884880.3603' East: 4268413.5001' Segmentp2 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 884874.5926' East: 4268373.9181' S,nnentp3 : Line Course: N08'17'26'W Length: 300.00' North: 8849)3.54)5' East4268359.49W' S,nnentp4 : Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:40.00' North: 8849)9.3153' East4268399.0808' Perimeter:280.00' Area:4000.005q.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:280000000.00 Name: Property:%5 End North:884868.5364' EaR:4268332.3571' Segment#1: Curve Length:6.28' Radius:4.00' 3elta:90.00W (d.) Tangent:4.00' Chord:5.66' Course:NW17'26"W Courseln:NW17'26'W Coume0ut S8r41'34"W RPNorth:884872.4946' East:4268331.781' End North:8848J1.919J' East:4268327.8196' Segmentp2 : Line Course:N08-17'26"W Length:%.W' 40 OF 108 North:884966.9165' East: 4268313.9))1' Se,mamtp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 46.00' NorthwW4973.5494' East: 4268359.4964' Segmentp4 : Line Course: 508'17'26"E Length: 300.00' North:WQ74.5944' East: 42683)3.915)' Segmamtp5: Line Course:581°42'34"W Length:42.W' North:884868.5383' East: 4268332.3546' Perimeter: 290.28' Area: 4596.57 Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course: N5T17'26"W Error North: 0.00188 East: -0.00252 Precision 1:93438.71 Name: Property: 366 End North:885180.32J8' Eas1:4268945.5538' Segment#1 : Curve Length:13.61' Radius:9.00' Delta:86.3719(d.) Tangent8.48' Chord:12.35' Course:NW59'40"E Courseln:586°39'00"E Course Cut N00°38'19"E RPNorth:88519J4%' UA:42M954.5352' End North:885188.)514' EaR:4268954.5852' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:16.37' Radius:565.00' Delta:1.3936(d.) Tangent:8.19' Chord:16.37' Course:SW51'53"E Coumelm SW18'19'W Course Out NOP57'55"E RPNorth:88462 3594' EaR:4268951.5748' End North:885188.42J0' EaR:4268970.9519' Segmentp3 : Line Course:588'02'05"E Length:15.50' North:885187.8955' East42689g6.4428' Segment M4: Line Course:S02'57'55"W Length:W.W' North:885097.9484' East4268983.3564' 41 OF 108 Segment#5: Line Coume:N88°02'05"W Leigth:%.68' North:885099.8922' East4268926.7097' Segmentp6 : Curve Length:17.31' Radi.:175.00' Delta:5.4016(d.) Tan,M:8.67' Chord:17.31' Coum:N1A33'09"E Coumehn575'16'59"E Course Out N69'%'43"W RPNorth:885055.4345' EaR:4269095.9684' End North:885116.3%3' EaR:4268931.9301' Segmentp7 : Ou,e Length:65.60' Radius:225.00' Delta:16.4117(d.) Tangent:n.W' Chord:65.37' Coum:N1 02'09"E Coumeln:NW36'43'W Coume0Ut S86°19'00"E RPNorth:885194.7830' East:4268721.0253' End North:885180.3293' EaR:4268945.5612' Peri.eer:275.08' kea:4129.035q.R. Error Closure: 0.0076 Coume:N7TM26"E Error North: 0.00144 East:0.W748 Precision 1:35997.37 Name: Property: 367 North:885097.9466' East: 4268983.3522' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS -57'55"E Length: W.00' North:885187.8937' East:4268986.4386' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:SWT2'05"E Length:45.50' North:885186.3333' East: 4269031.9118' Segmentp3 : Curve Length: 14.14' Radiu5:9.00' Delta:90.00W(d.) Tangent9.00' Chord:U.73' Courae:W02'04"E Coumeln:501'57'55'W Course Out: 588'02'05"E RPNorth:885177.3386' EaR:42690.31.6032' End North:885177.0285' EaR:4269040.5%3' 42 OF 108 Segmentp4 : Line Course:S01'57'55"W Length: 61.00' North:885116.0643' East: 4269038.5074' Segmentp5 : Line Length: 1.37' Course: N88"02'05"W Length: 30.50' North:885117.1103' East: 4269008.0253' Segment M6: Line Delta:12.4506 (dam) Course:S01°57'55"W Length: 20.00' North:885097.U21' East: 4269007.3395' Segmentp7 : Line End North:885099.8%0' EaR:4268926.7021' Course: N88"02'05"W Length: 24.00' North:885097.9451' East4168983.3536' PerimMer:285.14' Area:4277.62Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0021 Course:543'02'05"E Error North: -0.00152 East:0.00142 Precision 1:135109.52 Name:Property:368 North:8850%0620' East: 4268921.0164' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS -57'55"E Length: 1.37' North:885061.4312' East: 4268921.0633' Segmentk2 : Curve Length:38.95' Radius:175.00' Delta:12.4506 (dam) Tangent 19.56' Chord:38.87' Course:Wr20'28"E Courseln:5WOTOS"E Course Out N7S16'S9"W RPNorth:885055.4297' East:4269095.9W4' End North:885099.8%0' EaR:4268926.7021' Segmentp3 : Line Course:SWT2'05"E Length: 56.68' North:885097.9462' East: 4268983.3487' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S83TV05"E Length: 24.00' North:885097.1232' East: 4269007.3346' Segmentp5 : Line Course:S01'57'55"W Length: 40.W' 43 OF 108 North:885057.1467' East416%05.%29' Segmentp6 : Line Coume:NW-02'05"W Length:85.W' North:W8 WMV East4268921.0129' Perimeter:246.00' Area:3344.MSq.R. Error Closure: 0.0035 COwse:S8FW'52"W Error North: -0.%030 East -0.00351 Precision 1:)0262.86 Name: Property :%9 North:88%25.0825' East: 4268919.8162' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS'57'55"E Length: 35.00' North: W8 W.0620' East: 4268921.0164' Segmentp2 : Line COurse:SWT2'05"E Length:85.W' North:88W57.1470' East: 426%05.9664' Segmentp3 : Line Course:S01-57'55"W Length: 35.W' North:W8 n.1676' East: 426%04.7662' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NW -02'05"W Length: 85.W' North:88%25.0825' East4268919AM' Perimeter:240.00' Area:1975.W Sq. R. Error Closure: O.OWO Course:NOPW00"E Error North: 0.0%W East O.WO% Precision 1:240%WW.W Name: Property: 370 Nonth:88%25.0825' East: 4268919.8162' Segment#1 : Line COume:SWT2'05"E Length:85.W' North:W8 n.1676' East: 426%04.7662' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S01'57'55"W Length: 40.W' North:W4982.1911' East: 4269003.3944' Segmentp3 : Line 44 OF 108 Coume:N88"02'05"W Ler th:85.W' North:884985.1061' East4268918.4444' Segmentp4 : Line Course:N01'57'55"E Length:40.00' North:885025.0825' East: 4268919.8162' Perimeer:250.00' Area:MW.WSq.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Name: Property: 371 North:W4985.3061' East: 4268918.4445' Segment#1 : Line Course:S88'02'05"E Lengh:85.00' North:W4982.1911' East 4269003.3945' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S01'57'55"W Length: 35.00' North:W4947.1117' East: 4269002.1942' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N88"02'05"W Length: 85.00' North:884950.1267' East4268917.2442' Segmentp4 : Line Course:N01'57'55"E Length:35.00' North:W4985.1061' East4268918.4445' Perimeer:240.00' kea:2975.W Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East0.00000 Precision 1:240000000.00 Name: Property :372 North:W4915.1472' East 4268916.0441' Segment#1 : Line Course: N0S'57'55"E Length: 35.00' North:884950.1267' East: 4268917.2443' Segmentp2 : Line Course:SWT2'05"E Length: 85.00' North:W4947.2117' East: 4269002.1943' 45 OF 108 Segmentp3 : Line Course:S01'57'55"W Leigth:35.00' North:884912.2323' East426%W.%41' Segmentp4 : Line Course:NW-02'05"W Length:85.00' North:W4915.1472' East: 4268916.0441' Perimeer:240.00' Area:298.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOPW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:240000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property :373 North:W4915.1472' East: 4268916.0441' Segment#1 : Line Course:588°02'05"E Lengh:85.00' North: 884912.2323' East: 4269W0.%41' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S01'57'55"W Length: 35.00' North:WQ77.2529' East: 4268999.)938' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N88°02'05"W Length: 85.00' North:884880.1678' East4168914.8438' Segmentp4 : Line Course:N01'57'55"E Length:35.00' North:W4915.1472' East:4168916.0441' Perimeer:240.00' Area:298.00S,R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOPW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:240000000.00 Name: Property :374 North:8846M.5895' East: 4268789.2409' Segment#1 : Line Course: N20 -45'32"E Length: 90.00' North:8847543467' East: 4268821.1402' Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 29.38' Radius:425.00' 46 OF 108 0elta:3.5741(dpntt) Tan8ent14.70' Chord:29.38' Course:571'13'19"E Courselm lY20°45'32"E Course Out SIT47'S1"W RP North: 885152.1558' EaR: 4268971.7755' End North:884745.2892' UA:4268848.9%4' 5egment #3 : Cor ae Length:5.71' Radius:4.00' 0elta:81.4816 (d.) Tangent:3.47' Chord:5.24' Coure:S3TMWE Courselm SIT47'S2'W Course Out S81"23'52"E RPNorh:884741.45%' Eal:4268847.8W4' End Norh:884740.8W1' UA:4268851.7564' S,nnantp4 : Line Course:50836'07"W Leigth:87.20' North:884654.6409' East4268838.7140' Segmentp5 : Line Course:N72-M'OS"W Length:51.98' North:8&4 M.5883' East4268789.1407' Perimeter:264.27' kea:3793.13Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0012 Course:S11703'18"W Error North: -0.0120 East-O.OW21 Precision 1:219833.33 Name: Property: 375 North: 884687.2420' East 4268750.2351' Segment#1 : Line Course: N25 -28'43"E Length: 90.00' North:884768.4892' East 4268788.9508' Segment p2 : Cor ae Length:35.01' Radius:425.00' Delta:4.4311(d.) Tan,M:17.51' Chord:35.00' Course:SW52'52"E Courselm N2F28'43"E Course Out S20'45'31"W RPNorh:885152.1562' East4268971.7748' End Norh:884754.7467' East4268821.1400' Segmentp3 : Line Course:520-45'32"W Length:%.00' 47 OF 108 North:8846M.5895' East: 4268789.2408' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N66"52'52"W Length: 31.40' North:884682.9184' East42687W.3615' Segmentp5 : Line Course:N66'52'52"W Length:11.01' North:884687.2414' East:4268750.2 66' Perimeter:257.42' kea:3472.16Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0016 Course:S67"30'50"E Error North: -0.00062 Ea3:0.00150 Precision 1: 100881.25 Name: Property: 376 North: 884687.2420' East: 4268750.2351' Segmenttil : Line Course: N61°16'25"W Length: 23.98' North: 884698.7675' East: 4268729.2065' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N61'16'25"W Length: 17.39' North:W4707.U56' East: 4268713.9568' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N25'36'54"E Length:89.65' North:884787.9647' East: 4268752.7144' Segment#4: Curve Length:41.16' Radius:425.00' Delta:5.3254(d-) Tsn,M:20.59' Chord:41.14' Couae:56r44'50"E Courseln:N3P0l'37'E Course Cut S25'n%"W RP North: 885152.1578' East: 4268971.7700' End North:884768AW& EaR:4268788.9533' Segmentp5 : Line Course:525'28'43"W Length:W.W' North:884687.2435' East: 4268750.2376' Perimeter: 262.17' Area: 3687.15 Sc. R. Error Closure: 0.0029 Course: N6170005"E Error North: 0.00344 East:0.001W Precision 1:90400.00 48 OF 108 ........................................................................ Name: Property: 377 North:884717.6387' East: 4268674.1775' Segment#1 : Line Course: N25 -26'39"E Length:90.87' North:884809.6947' East: 4268713.2181' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:40.55' Radius:375.00' Delta:6.1146(d.) Tan,M:20.30' Chord:40.53' Course:S6P27'28"E Courseln:52S26'39'W Course0ut N3r38'25"E RPNorth:884471.0681' East:4268552.3063' End North: 884790.3293' East: 4268748.8223' 5egment#3 : Curve Length:4.55' Radius:425.00' Delta:0.3648(d.) Tan,M:2.27' Chord:4.55' Course:55r39'59"E Courseln:N3r38'25"E Course Cut531"OS'37"W RP North: 885152.1566' East: 42689)1.))0)' End North: 8847829632' East: 4268)52.708)' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:52536'W'W Length: 89.65' North:884707.1140' East: 4268)13.9510' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N61"16'25"W Length: 17.60' North: 884715.5879' East: 4268698.5084' Segmentp6 : Line Course: N6339'34"W Length: 2216' North:884727.6389' East4268674.1683' Perimeer:270.39' Nea:4059.11S,R. Error Closure: 0.0092 Course:N8r52%"W Error North: 0.00018 East: -0.00915 Precision 1:29388.04 Name: Property: 378 North:884740.4561' East4268642.5266' Segment#1 : Line 49 OF 108 Course:N18°33'15"E Length:W.84' North:884826.5746' East: 4268671.4320' S,mamtp2: Curve Length:45.09' Radius:375.00' Delta:6.5324(d.) Tan,M:22.57' Chord:45.07' Course:SW00'W"E CPurselm SW33'15'W Coume0ut N2S2('39"E RP North: 884471.0659' East: 4268552.3066' End North:884M9.691J' EaR:4268713.2204' S,mamtp3 : Line Coume:525-26'39"W Length:90.87' North:884727.6357' East: 42686)4.1)98' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NW39'34"W Length: 18.26' North:W4735.7422' East4168657.8068' S,mamtp5 : Line Course:N72-51'39"W Length:15.99' North:884740.4543' East4268642.52e' Perimeter:261.07' Area:3589.12Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0018 Course:S06"48'13"E Error North: -0.00183 East:0.00022 Precision 1:145022.22 Name: Property: 379 North:884749.3045' East 4268613.8343' Segment#1 : Line Course: N08'52'00"E Length:90.14' North:884838.3673' East: 426862).)281' Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 45.29' Radius: 375.00' Delta:6.5514(d.) Tan,M:22.67' Chord:45.27' Course:S7P54'22"E Courselm S11'38'01'W Course Cut N18°33'15"E RPNorth:8844)1.0) ' East:4268551.1084' End North:884826.5J89' East:4268671.4363' Segmentp3 : Line Course:SW33'15"W Length:W.84' 50 OF 108 North: 884740.4605' East: 4268642.5309' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N72'51'39"W Length: 30.03' North:W4749.3102' East4268613.8345' Perimeer:256.30' Area:3412.15Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0056 Course:N01°50'16"E Error North: 0.00564 EaR:0.00018 Precision 1:45764.29 *********tttttttttttt*************************************************** Name: Property: ME, North:884753.4155' East: 4268579.2123' Segment#1 : Line Course: NO2'20'37"E Length: 91.46' North:884844.7 W' East: 4268582.9523' Segmentk2 : Curve Length: 45.26' Radius:375.00' Delta:6.5456(d.) Tan,M:22.66' Chord:45.24' Course:58r49'27"E Courseln:SO4"43OM Course Out NST38'OS"E RPNorth:884471.0696' EaR:4268552.1076' End North:884838.3653' EaR:4268627.7325' Segmentp3 : Line Course:508'52'W"W Lenth: W.14' North:884749.3025' E ast4268613.8387' Segmentp4 : Line Course:N83'13'43"W Length:34.87' North:884753.4140' East4268579.2119' Perimeer:261.73' Area:3648.9Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0015 Course:S1T51'06"W Error North: -0.00149 East -0.00034 Precision 1: 174473.33 Name: Property: MI North:884753.4155' East4168579.2123' Segment#1 : Line Coume:N83'13'43"W Length:22.11' North: 884756.0224' East4268557.2565' 51 OF 108 Segmentp2 : Line Course:585°54'26"W Length: 15.96' North: 884754.8833' East: 4268541.3372' Segmentp3 : Line Course: NO2'30'27'W Length: 90.98' North: 884845)9)8' East: 4268537.889' Segment#4: Curve Length: 45.11' Radius: 375.00' Delta:6.53321d.1 Tangeirt:22.58' Chord:45.08' Course:SW43'41"E COurseln:SOT10'27"E Course Out WO a'05"E RP North: 8844)1.06)8' East: 4268552.1121' End North: 884844.)9)1' East: 4268582.9546' Segmentp5 : Line Course:50220'37'W Leigth:91.46' North: 884753.4136' East: 4268519.2145' Peri.eer:265.62' kea:3)6)JOSq.R. Error Closure: 0.0029 Course:55127'31"E Error North: -0.00181 East:0.00228 Precision 1:91582.76 Name: Property: 382 North:884752.3509' East: 4268505.9339' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS°13'58"W Length: 90.00' North:884841.4234' East: 4268493.0463' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 5.04' North:884842.1502' East: 4268498.0336' Segmentp3 : Curve Length: 40.03' Radius: 375.00' Delts:6.0659(d.) Tangent:20.04' Chord:40.01' Course: N84'46'04"E Courseln:SW17'26"E Course Out NOT10'2T'W RPNorth:884471.0691' East:4268552.3061' End North:884845J988' East:4268W.8769' Segmentp4 : Line 52 OF 108 Coume:502-10'27"E Lengthe90.98' North:W4754.8843' East 4268541.3285' Segmentp5 : Line Course:585-54'26"W Length:35.49' North:W4752.3513' East: 4268505.9290' Perimeer:261.54' Area:3658.18Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0049 Course:NW"'22"W Error North: 0.00037 East: -0.00490 Precision 1:53371.43 ........................................................................ Name: Property: 383 North:W4752.3509' East: 4268505.9339' Segment#1 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 39.91' North:W4746.5962' East: 4268466.4430' Segmentp2: Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: 90.00' North:WQ35.6556' East: 4268453.4636' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 40.00' North:WQ41.4234' East: 4268493.0456' Segmentp4 : Line Course:508'13'S8"E Length: WOO' North:W4752.35W' East: 4268505.9331' Perimeer:259.91' Nea:3595.91Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0008 Course:585'10'06"W Error North: -0.00006 East: -0.00076 Precision 1:324887.50 Name: Property: 384 North:W4746.5963' East: 4268466.4419' Segment#1 : Line Coume:581'42'34"W Length: QW North:W4740.8286' East: 4268426.8599' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: WW North:WQ29.WM' East4268413.8825' 53 OF 108 Segmentp3 : Line Coume:N81-42'34"E Length:40.00' North:884835.6557' East4168453.4645' Segmentp4: Line Coume:508°17'26"E Lengh:90.00' North:W4746.5963' East4268466.4419' Perimeer:260.00' Area:36W.WSq.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Coume:NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:260000000.00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property: 385 North:884740.8285' East 4268426.8599' Segment#1 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 35.00' North:W4735.7M' East 4268392.2256' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 90.W' North:884824.8412' East 4268379.2482' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81'42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884829.8880' East 4268413.8825' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:508'17'26"E Length: 90.00' North:W4740.8285' East 4268426.8599' PerimMer: 250.00' Area: 3150.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Wnne:Property:386 North:884737.4869' East 4268347.4110' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS'37'26"W Length: 77.85' North:884814.5233' East4268336.1855' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:6.28' eaclius:4.00' 54 OF 108 Delta:90.00W (dam) Tangent:4.00' Chord:5.66' Courae:N3T42'34"E Coumeln:Wr42'34"E Course Out:N08'17'16"W RPNorth:884815.1W1' East:4168340.1437' End North:884819.0W8' East:4268339.5689' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81°42'34"E Length:40.10' North:884824.8429' East: 4268319.2498' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length:W.W' North:W4735.7835' East: 4268392=2' Segmentp5 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 44.20' North:W4729.4101' East: 4268348.4891' Segmentp6 : Curve Length:8.15' Radius:325.00' Delta:1.2612(d.) Tan,M:4.08' Chord:8.15' Course: WT34'20"W Courseln:SW08'46'W Course Out:N8P42'33"E RPNorth:8W%.6253' East:4268025.8116' End North:884737.4891' EaR:4268347.4151' Perimeter:266.59' Area:3965.885,R. Error Closure: 0.0047 Course:N rW52"E Error North: O.W220 East:0.00413 Precision 1:56587.23 Name: Property: 387 End North: 884650.7560' East:4268348.3530' Segment#1 : Curve Length: 78.84' Radius: 325.00' Deka: 13.54 (d.) Tangent: 39.6' Chord: 78.65' Course: NW'05'46"E Courseln:NB 57'14'W Course Out:N8S08'46"E RPNorth:8W%.6231' EasT4268025.8075' End North:884729.4059' EasT4268348.4849' Segmentp2 : Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:44.20' 55 OF 108 North:W4735.7792' East: 4268392.2230' Segmentp3 : Line Course: 508'17'26"E Length: 89.1T North: 884647. 5411' East: 4268405.0807' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-46'02"W Leigth:6.04' North: 884646.6762' East: 4268399.3029' Segment#5: Curve Length: 47.44' Radius: 175.00' Deka: 15.3157 (dma) Tangent: 23.87' Chord:47.30' Course:SW32'O1'W Courseln:N08'13'%'W Course OUt SOT17'S9"W RPNorth:884819.87117' Eaet:4268374.0438' End North: 884646.2911' East: 4268351.8045' Segmentp6 : Cue Length:6.26' Radius:4.00' Delta:89.4447(dnntt) Tangent3.98' Chord:5.64' Courae: N3T49'37"W Courseln:NOT17'59"E Course Out:N8 57'14"W RPNorth:884650.2587' East:4268352.3128' End North:884650.7460' East:4268348.3456' Perimeter 271.96' Area:4171.94 Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0124 Course:536 'STW Error North: -0.00998 East: -0.00736 Precision 1:21854.84 Name: Property: 388 North:884652.5588' East: 4268439.7222' Segment#1 : Line Course:581-46'02"W Length: 35.00' North:884647.5470' East: 4268405.0829' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 89.17' North:W4735.7851' East4268392.2252' Segmentp3 : Line Course:N81-42'34"E Length:35.00' North:884740.8319' East4168426.8595' 56 OF 108 Segmentp4 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Lengh:89.20' North: 884652.5641' East: 4268439.7215' Perimeer:248.37' Area:3121.45Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0053 Course:NW05'53"W Error North: 0.00524 East -0.00075 Precision 1:46862.26 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property: Me North: 884652.5588' East: 4268439.7222' Segment#1 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: 89.20' North:884740.8267' East: 4268426.8602' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 884746.5944' East: 4268466.4422' Segmentp3 : Line Course: 508'17'26"E Length: 89.24' North: 884658.2870' East: 4268479.3100' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-46'02"W Length: 40.00' North:884652.5592' East: 4268439.7222' Perimeter: 258.44' Area: 3568.89 Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0003 Course: N0P49'54"W Error North: 0.00034 EaR:-0.00003 Precision 1:861466.67 Name: Property: 390 North:W4658.2866' East: 4268479.3301' Segment#1 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: 89.24' North:884746.5940' East: 4268466.4423' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 39.91' North:W4752.3488' East: 4268505.9352' Segmentp3 : Line Course:S08"13'58"E Length:89.38' 57 OF 108 North: 884663.8899' East: 42685187340' Segment#4: Curve Length:6.50' Radius:225.00' Delta:1.3924(d.) Tan,M:3.25' Chord:6.50' Course:S8T35'44"W Courseln:SW34'34"E Couise0ut:Wr33'58"W RP North: 884440.3)02' East: 4268544.5016' End North:884663.0522' East:QM512.2882' Segmentp5 : Line Coume:581-46'02"W Length:33.31' North:834658.2824' East:4268479.3115' Peri.eer:258.35' kea:3558.%Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0122 Course:569'34'15"E Error North: -0.0424 East:0.01139 Precision 1:21175.41 Name: Property :391 North:8847%.0229' East: 4268557.2527' Segment#1 : Line Course:502'18'49"W Length: 90.90' North:884665.1970' East: 4268553.5831' Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 34.91' Radius: 225.00' Delta:8.5323(d.) Tan,M:17.49' Chord:34.88' Course:S8T51'07'W Courseln:SOT18'49'W Course Out:N0534'34"W RPNorth:884440.38(W' East:4268544.51=' End North:884663.8%8' East:4268518.7272' Segmentp3 : Line Course:N08'13'58"W Length:89.38' North:W4751.3587' East: 4268505.9285' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N85'W26"E Length: 35.49' North:884754.8916' East: 4268541.3280' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N85"54'26"E Length: 15.96' North:8847%.0307' East: 4268557.2472' 58 OF 108 Perimeter:266.64' Area:3857.865q.R. Error Closure: 0.0095 Courae:NW38'42"W Error North: 0.00784 East: -0.00542 Precision 1:28064.21 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property :392 End North: 884661.1556' EaR: 4268587.8741' Segment#1: Curve Length: 34.56' Radius: 225.00' Celta:8.4804(d.) Tangenrt:17.31' Chord:34.53' Course:NW17'09"W Coumelm S1T06'53'W Coume0ut N0T18'49"E RP North: 884440.3759' East: 4268544.4999' End North:884665.1927' EaR:4268553.5809' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NO2'18'49"E Length: 90.90' North:884756.0186' East 4268557.2505' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:S83"13'43"E Length:22.11' North:884753.4117' East: 4268519.2062' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:S83"13'43"E Length: MAT North:884749.3002' East 4268613.8330' Segmentp5 : Line Coume:S16"24'36"W Length: 91.89' North: 884661.1534' East 4268587.8733' Perimeter: 274.34' Area: 4130.48 Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0024 Course: 520'37'45"W Error North: -0.00221 East -0.00083 Precision 1:114291.67 Name: Property: 393 North:W4735.7437' East 4268657.8076' Segment#1 : Line Coume:S=7'02"W Length:91.47' North:884651.828T Eaat4268621.4064' Segmentp2 : Curve 59 OF 108 Length: 34.84' Radius: 225.00' Delta:8.5218(d.) Tangent:17.45' Chord:34.80' Courae:N7P26'58"W Courselm SIT59'11'W Coume0ut N11'06'53"E RP North: 884440.3)96' EaR: 4268544.5021' End North:884661.1582' EaR:42M%7.8803' Segmentp3 : Line Course:N16-24'36"E Length:91.89' North: 884749.3051' Eaat4268613.8400' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:S72-51'39"E Length:30.03' North:884740.45W East4268642.5365' Segmentp5 : Line Courae:S71'51'39"E Length:15.%' North:W4735.7433' Eaat4168657.8164' Perimeter:264.22' Area:3675.235q.R. Error Closure: 0.0088 Courae:587"16'50"E Error North: -0.0042 East: 0.00878 Precision 1:30020.45 Name: Property: 394 End North: 884642.4563' Eaat: 4268643.4370' Segment#1 : Curve Length: 23.95' Radius: 225.00' Delta:6.0558(d.) Tangent:11.99' Chord:23.94' Courae:NW57'50"W Cduaelm S2T05'W'W Coume0ut N39°59'11"E RPNorth:884440.37%' EaR:4268544.5W7' End North:884651.8243' EaR:4268621.4060' Segmentp2 : Line Courae:N=7'02"E Length:91.47' North:W4735.7392' East: 4268657.W72' Segmentp3 : Line Courae:SW39'34"E Length: 18.26' North:884727.5327' East:4268574.1803' Segmentp4 : Line Courae:56339'34"E Length: 27.16' 60 OF 108 North:884715.5817' East: 4268698.5203' Segmentp5 : Line CPume:S30T5'45"W Length: 90.12' North:884637.6110' East: 4268653.3298' Segmentp6 : Line Course: NW54'51"W Length: 11.01' North:W4642.4522' East4168643.4414' Perimeter:261.98' Area:3628.375q.R. Error Closure: 0.0060 Course:546°52'37"E Error North: -0.00407 EasT0.00435 Precision 1:43661.67 Name: Property: 395 North: 884698.7698' East: 4268729.2023' Segment#1 : Line Course:528°31'24"W Length:85.24' North:884623.8672' East4268688.4940' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:33.10' Radiu5:175.00' Oelta:10.5018 (d.) Tangent 16.W' Chord:33.05' Course:NW20'W"W Courseln:N15'14'51"E Course0ut516'05'09"W RP North: 884792.70)0' EaR:4168734.5171' End North:884635.5315' East:QM657.5708' Segment#3: Line Coume:N63'54'51"W Length:4.72' North: 884637.6114' East: 4268653.3226' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NW -05'45"E Length: 90.12' North: 884715.5821' East: 4268698.5131' Segmentp5 : Line Course:561-16'25"E Length: 17.W' North:W4707.1183' East: 426873.9557' Segmentp6 : Line Course:561-16'25"E Length: 17.39' North:884698.7602' East: 4268729.2055' Perimeter: 248.19' Area: 3197.89 Sq. R. 61 OF 108 Error Closure: 0.0101 Course: 518'12'14"E Error North: -0.00%0 East: 0.00316 Precision 1:24569.31 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property: 396 North: 884682.9181' East 4268760.3632' Segment Ml : Line Coume:52437'35"W Length:71.7.5' North: 884617.6942' East 4268730.4650' S,neentp2 : Line Course: N87"04'24"W Length: 4.88' North: 884617.9434' East 4268725.5913' Segmentp3 : Curve Length: 37.63' Radius: 175.00' Deka: 12.1915 (dma) Tangent: 18.89' Chord:37.56' Courae:NWW46"W Coumelm NOT55'%"E Couree Cut:SI34'S1"W RP North: 884)92.)151' EaR: 4266734.5264' End North:884623.8J55' EaR:4266668.5027' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N28'31'24"E Length: 85.24' North:884698.))81' East 4268729.2130' Segment#5: Line Coume:561°16'25"E Lengh:23.98' North:884687.2526' East 4268)50.239)' Segmentp6 : Line Course: 566'52'52"E Length: 11.01' North:884682.9297' East 42687W.%55' Perimeter:234.51' Area:2972.955q.R. Error Closure: 0.0118 Courae:N1T29'31"E Error North: 0.01155 East0.00 35 Prec6ion 1:19866.95 Name: Property: 397 North:884613.6378' East4268809.7243' Segment#1 : Line Coume:N87"04'24"W Length:) .37' 62 OF 108 North:884617.6898' East: 4268)30.46)8' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N34 -3735"E Length: 71.75' North:884682.9137' East: 41687W.36W' Segmentp3 : Line Course:SW52'52"E Length: 31.40' North:884670.5848' East: 4268789.2443' Segment M4: Line Course:S72TS'01"E Length: 51.98' North:884654.6374' East: 4268838.7175' Segmentp5 : Line Course:50836'07"W Length:20.W' North:834634.8624' East41688353262' Segment M6 : Curve Length: 36.79' Radius: 25.W' Delta:84.1919(d.) Tangent:n.64' Chord:33.56' Course:SW45'52'W Courseln:Wr23'S3'W Course OutS@'55'36"W RPNorth:884638.6016' East:4268811.0074' End North:884613.6353' East4268W9.7322' Perimeer:291.29' Nea:4961.315q. R. Error Closure: 0.0083 Course:572-38'28"E Error North: -0=248 EaR:0.W792 Precision 1:34704.82 Name: Property :398 End North:884729.0632' East:4268900.5378' Segment#1 : N,e Length:6.31' Radius:4.W' Oelta:90.1517 (d.) Tangent:4.03' Chord:5.68' Course: N5S48'46"E Courseln:58r23'S3"E Course Out NDT01'24"E RP North: 884728.4649' East42MW4.4928' End North:884732.4168' EaR:42MW5.1220' Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 33.06' Radius:425.00' Delta:4.2727(dms) Tan,M:16.54' 63 OF 108 Chord:33.06' Courae:583'12'20"E Coumeln:NW0I'24"E Coume0UtW33'57"W RPNorth:885152.1572' E aat4168971.7776' End North: 884728.5055' EaR: 4268937.9499' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:SO4'33'57"W Length:%.0' North:884638.MT Eaat 4268930.7855' Segment M4: Line Course: N83°01'05"W Length: 43.42' North: 884644.0691' East 426888).68)4' Segmentp5 : Line Coume:N08'36'07"E Length:85.96' North:884729.0622' Eaat4268900.5444' Perimeer:258.76' Area:M07.5Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0067 Coume:S81-37'58"E Error North: -0.WW7 East0.00661 Precision 1:38525.37 Name: Property :399 End North:884728.5W5' Eaat4268937.9446' Segment#1 : Curve Length: 19.29' Radius:425.00' Delta:2.3602(d.) Tan,M:9.65' Chord:19.29' Courae:SW44'04"E CoUrse1n:NW33'57"E Course Out WP57'55"W RP North: 885152.1558' EaR: 4268971.7765' End North: 884)2).4057' EaR:4268957.2032' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:SWT2'05"E Length: 15.71' North:884726.8669' Eaat 4268972.9040' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:S01-57'55"W Length: 90.0' North:884636.91%' Eaat 4268969.8176' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N87 -15'26"W Length: 39.08' North:884638.78%' Eaat42689303823' Segment#5: Line 64 OF 108 Course:N04-057'E Length:%.00' North:884)28.5043' East: 4268937.9467' Perimeter:254.09' Area:3327.94Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0022 Course:584'46'29"E Error North: -0.00020 East: 0.00217 Precision 1:115490.91 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property: 400 End North: 884725.3851' East: 4269016.0956' Segment#1 : Nrve Length: 14.14' Ratlius: 9.00' 3elta:90.0000(d.) Tangent9.00' Chord:12.73' Course:W02'05"E COurselm S0r57'S5'W COurse0Ut S88"02'05"E RP North: 884716.3903' East: 4269015.7870' End North: 884716.0812' East: 4269024.7831' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S01'57'55"W Length:5.63' North:W4710.4535' East:426%24.5900' Segmentp3 : C rae Length:75.92' Radius:365.00' Deka:11.5502 (dam) Tangent:38.10' Chord:75.78' Course:S07'55'26'W Courselm N8802'OS'W Course0Ut S7TWW"E RP North: 884722.9707' East: 4268659.8047' End North: 884635.3970' East: 4269014.1432' Segmentp4 : Line Course: NW'02'05"W Length: 44.35' North: 884636.9181' East: 4268969.8193' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N01'57'55"E Length: 90.00' North:884726.85W East: 4268972.9057' Segmentp6 : Line Course:S8802'05"E Length:43.22' North:884725.3832' East: 4269016.0903' Perimeter:273.25' Area:4485.16Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0056 Course:SM"'12"W 65 OF 108 Error North: -0.00186 East -0.00532 Precision 1:48517.86 *ttt************ttttttttttt********************************************* Name: Property: 401 End North: 884606.3806' East: 4268878.7250' Segment#1: Curve Length: 22.05' Radius: 75.00' Deka: 16.5039 (c.) Tangent: 11.10' Chord:21.97' Course:N1A01'27'E Courseln:NW33'14'W Coume Out%rP '53"E RP North: 884638.6053' East 4268811.0008' End North: 88467.3879' EaR: 4268885.1573' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS'36'07"E Length: 16.87' North:884644.0681' East 4268887.6805' Segmentp3 : Line Course: 583'01'05"E Length: 43.42' North: 884638.7902' East 4268930.7785' Segmentp4 : Line Course: 587'15'26"E Length: 39.08' North:884636.9201' East 4268969.8137' Segmentp5 : Line Cdume:SMTTO5"E Length:44.35' North:W4635.3992' East 4269014.1376' Segmentp6 : Ourve Length:36.99' Radi.:365.00' DeW5.4 2(clns) Tan,M:18.51' Chord:36.97' Course:S16'47'08'W Coumeln:NWOMV Course Out 570°18'41"E RP North: 884722.9742' East: 4268659.7994' End North:884WO.0044' EaR:4269003.4611' Segmentp7 : Line Coume:N8704'24'W Length:124.90' North:884606.3815' East4268878.7240' Perimeer:37.66' Area: "77.385q. R. Error Closure: 0.0013 Coume:N49'16'49"W Error North: 0.00088 East -0.00102 66 OF 108 Precision 1: 251969.23 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property:402 North:884572.0895' East: 4268863.9651' Segment#1 : Line Course: N31"46'11"W Length: 10.11' North:884580.M47' East: 4268858.6421' Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 32.88' Radius: 75.00' Delta:25.0657 (d.) Tangent 16.73' Chord:32.61' Course:NW00'15"E Coumeln:N3T26'17'W Course Cut56433'14"E RPNorth:884638.6081' East:4268830.9989' End North: 884W6.3803' East: 4268878.7207' Segmentp3 : Line Course:587T4'24"E Length:124.90' North:884600.0032' East426%03.4578' Segmentp4 : Curve Length: 37.19' Radius: 365.00' Delta:5.5015(d.) Tan,M:18.61' Chord:37.17' Course:52236'26'W Courseln:N7 18'41'W Course0Ut SWn'26"E RPNorth:884722.9746' East:4268659.7966' End North:884565.6893' East:4268989.1692' Segmentp5 : Line Course:N87-04'24"W Length:85.57' North:884570.0583' East: 4268903.7109' Segmentp6 : Line Course: N87"04'24"W Length: 35.00' North:884571.8453' East4168868.7565' Segment M7 : Line Course:N87-04'24"W Length:4.80' North:884572.0904' East4168863.9628' Perimeter.330.45' Nea:4507.12S,R. Error Closure: 0.0025 Course:N6T41'34"W Error North: 0.00087 East: -0.00236 Precision 1:132064.00 67 OF 108 Name: Property :403 North: 884481.)956' East: 4268899.7339' Segment#1 : Line Course: NO2'34'53"E Length: 88.35' North: 88457!1.0560' East: 4268903.7131' Segmentp2 : Line Course: 58704'24"E Length: 85.57' North: 884565.68)0' East: 4268989.1715' Segmentp3 : Curve Length: 103.08' Radius: 365.00' Deka: 16.1052 (d—) Tangent: 51.89' Chord:102.74' Coume:S3TWW"W Courseln:NW28'26'W Course0u:SW17'34"E RP North: 884722.9736' East: 4268659.7995' End North:884480.1292' East:4268932.2911' Segmentp4 : Line Course:N87-N'24"W Length:32.W' North:884481.7937' East: 4268899.7336' Perimeter:309.61' Area:5469.615q. R. Error Closure: 0.0020 Course:WT58'07"W Error North: -0=197 East -0.00028 Precision 1: 154630.00 Name: Property: 404 North:W"81.4569' East: 4268864.6831' Segment#1 : Line Course: NO2'34'53"E Length: 90.48' North:884571.8451' East: 4268868.7582' Segmentp2 : Line Course:S8704'24"E Length: 35.00' North:W45711.0581' East: 4268903.7125' Segmentp3 : Line Course:S0234'S3"W Length: 88.35' North:W"81.7977' East: 4268899.7334' Segmentp4 : Line Course:589'26'47W Length: 35.05' 68 OF 108 North:884481.45%' East4168864.6850' Perimeer:248.88' Area:3129.54Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0029 Course:WrWD3'E Error North: 0.00216 Eal:0.00192 Precision 1:85820.69 ************************************************************************ Name: Property: 405 North:884483.0282' East 4268829.7184' Segment#1 : Line Course: NO2'34'53"E Length: 84.12' North: 884567.0628' East 4268833.50M' Segmentp2 : Ourve Length: 28.76' Radius: 75.00' Delta:21.5832 (c.) Tangent 14.%' Chord:28.59' Course:N6r32'59"E Courseln:N1T27'45'W Course Out S3T26'17'E RPNorth:884638.6063' EaR:4268811.0009' End North:884580.6830' EaR:4268858.6442' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:531-46'11"E Length: 10.11' North:884572.0877' East 4268863.%72' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:58704'24"E Length:4.8' North:834571.8427' East 4268868.7609' Segmentp5 : Line Coume:50234'53"W Length: 90.48' North: 884481.4545' East 4268864.6859' Segmentp6 : Line Course: N87"15'37'W Length: 35.00' North:884483.0257' East4268829.7212' Perim ter:253.27' Area:3189.235q.R. Error Closure: 0.0037 Course:548°46'08"E Error North: -0.00243 EaR:0.00277 Precision 1:68405.41 Name: Property: 406 North:884564.1545' East4268798.3403' 69 OF 108 Segment#1 : Line Cdume:S8704'24"E Length:8.84' North:884563.7031' East 4268807.1688' Segmentp2 : Cue Length: 26.69' Radius: 75.00' Delta:20.2321(d.) Tangent 13.49' Chord:26.55' Course:N8 a'55"E Coumeln:N0T55'36"E Course0Ut S1T27'45"E RP North: 884638.6054' EaR: 4268830.9981' End North: 884567.0621' EaR: 4268833.5055' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:50234'53"W Length:84.12' North: 884483.0274' East 4268829.7168' Segment M4: Line Course: N8632'44"W Length: 35.00' North: 884485.1363' East 4268794.7804' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N0234'53"E Length: 79.30' North: 884564.1561' East 4268798.3430' Perimeter:M.75' Nea:2814.525q.R. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course:N59°40'18"E Error North: 0.00155 EaR:0.00265 Precision 1:75353.06 Name: Property: 407 North:884565.9416' East 4268763.3853' Segment#1 : Line Course: 58704'24"E Length: 35.00' North: 884564.1546' East 4268798.3397' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:50234'W'W Length:79.10' North:884485.1349' East 4268794.7771' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N88°40'20"W Length: 35.01' North:884485.9461' East4168759.7765' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:N0234'53"E Length:W.07' 70 OF 108 North:W4565.9349' East: 4268763.3828' Perim ter:229.18' Area: 2785.515c. R. Error Closure: 0.0072 Couae:tUW46'46"W Error North: -0.00675 East -0.00256 Precision 1:31830.56 ************************************************************************ Name: Property: 408 North:W4567.7287' East: 4268728.4304' Segment#1 : Line Course: 58704'24"E Length: 35.00' North: 884565.9417' East: 4268763.3847' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S0134'53"W Length:80.07' North: 884485.9529' East: 4268759.7785' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N85"49'36"W Length: 35.01' North: 884488.5007' East: 4268724.8613' Segment M4: Line Course: NO2'34'53"E Length: 79.31' North:W4567.7303' East4268728.4333' Perimeter:n9.40' Area:2789.27Sc.R. Error Closure: 0.0033 Course:N6TW'56"E Error North: 0.00157 EaR:0.W295 Precision 1:69512.12 Name:Property:409 End North:884571.4702' East:4268693.5635' Segment#1 : Cue Length: 29.69' Radius: 225.00' Delta: 7. 3 O(d.) Tangent: 14.87' Chord:29.67' Course:SW17'34"E Courseln:N1729'16"E Couae0ut:WT55'36"W RP North: 884792.7113' Eaet:Q 734.5193' End North:884568.0W9' Eaet:Q 713.0304' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S8704'24"E Length:5.41' North:W4567.7286' East4168728.4334' 71 OF 108 Segmentp3 : Line Coume:502-34'53"W Length: 79.31' North:884488.4991' East: 4268724.8614' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N%"08'31"W Length: 35.01' North:W"%.8548' East: 4268689.9307' Segmentp5 : Line Course:NO2'34'53"E Length:80.70' North:W4571.4729' East4168693.5653' Perim ter.230.12' Area:2785.24Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0032 Course:N3P1605"E Error North: 0.00268 East:0.00182 Precision 1:71906.25 Name: Property: 430 North:W"92.2824' East: 4268654.9578' Segment#1 : Line Course: NO2'34'53"E Length:88.59' North:8845%.7825' East: 4268658.9478' Segmentp2 : Cue Length:35.88' Radius:225.00' Delta:9.M17(d.) Tan,M:17.98' Chord:35.85' Course:S7P56'%"E Courseln:N19°37'33"E Counse0ut S10°39'16"W RP North: 884792.7113' East:4268734.5100' End North:884571.4696' East42M8 3.5670' Segmentp3 : Line Course:50234'S3"W Length:80.70' North:W"W.8514' East4268689.9324' Segmentp4 : Line Course:148739'30"W Length:35.00' North:W"92.2815' East4268654.%17' Perimeer:240.17' Nea:2945.485q.R. Error Closure: 0.0039 Course:57T13'13"E Error North: -0.00087 Eaet:0.00383 Precision 1:61574.36 72 OF 108 Name: Property:411 North:8845%.0085' East: 4268624.5987' Segment#1 : Line Course: 563'54'51"E Length: 12.23' North: 8845%.6308' East: 4268635.5829' Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 25.37' Radius: 225.00' Delta:6.27%(d.) Tan,M:11.0' Chord:25.36' Course:56A08'39"E Courseln:NW05'W"E Course0ut S1537'33"W RP North: 884792.7114' East: 4268734.5192' End North: 884580.7806' East: 4268658.9517' Segmentp3 : Line Course:50234'S3"W Length:88.59' North: 884492.2805' East: 4268654.9618' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N89'44'01"W Length: 35.03' North:884492.4434' East: 4268619.9322' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N0234'53"E Length: 103.67' North:8845%.0082' East426%14.W33' Perimeter:264.89' Area:3349.74Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0027 Course:58T26'54"E Error North: -0.00035 East0.00263 Precision 1:98103.70 Name: Property :412 End North:884W9.3134' East:4268590.1630' Segment#1: Curve Length: 33.48' Radius: 175.00' Deka: 10.5738 (d.) Tangent: 16.9' Chord:33.43' Course:569°23'40"E Courseln:51S07'31'W Coume Cut NW05'09"E RPNorth:884440.3759' East:4268544.5001' End North:884597.5483' East:4268621.4543' Segmentp2 : Line Course:SW54'51"E Length:3.50' 73 OF 108 North:8845%.0093' East: 4268624.5978' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:50234'S3"W Length: 103.67' North:884492.4445' East: 4268619.9286' S,mamtp4 : Line Course: N89'44'01"W Length: 35.03' North:W"92.6074' East4268584.89%' S,mamtp5: Line Course:N0234'53"E Length:116.81' North:884EW.3089' East41685%.1604' Perimeter:292.50' Area:3882.04Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0053 Course:tUTW49"W Error North: -0.00459 East: -0.00256 Precision 1:55119.25 Name: Property: 413 North:W"93.7978' East: 4268549.9195' S,mamt#1 : Line Course: N0234'S3"E Length: 121.36' North:884615.0347' East: 4268555.3854' Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 35.30' Radius: 175.00' Deka: 11.3333 (dma) Tangent: 17.71' Chord:35.24' Course:SW39'16"E CourselmS 33'58'W Course Out:N15'07'31"E RPNorth:884440.3735' East:4268544.5CW' End North:884W9.3105' East:4268590.1675' S,mamtp3 : Line Course:50234'53"W Length:116.82' North:W"92.60W' East4168584.%61' S,mamtp4 : Line Course:NW-W'0S"W Length:35A0' North:W"93.7986' East4268549.9263' Perimeter:308.49' Area:4189.17Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0069 Course:N83°17'36"E Error North: 0.W080 EaR:0.WM2 Precision 1:44700.00 74 OF 108 Name: Property :414 North: 884496.3824' East: 4268515A005' Segment#1 : Line Course: N0234'53"E Length: 117.43' North: 884613.6932' East: 4268520.2893' Segmentp2 : Curve Length: 35.18' Radius: 175.00' Deka: 11.3106 (c.) Tangent: 17.65' Chord:35.12' Coum,N8TQ'25"E Courseln:50T57'M"E Couise0u[: N0333'58"E RP North: 884440.3761' East: 4268544.5001' End North: 884615.0372' East: 4268555.3836' Segment#3: Line Course:50234'53"W Length: 121.36' North:W"93.WW' East: 4268549.9177- Segmentp4: Line Course: N85°46'01"W Length: 35.01' North: 884496.3845' East: 4268515.0033' Perimeter: 308.99' Area: 4199.55 Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0035 Course: N5T35%"E Error North: 0.00213 East0.00278 Precision 1:88262.86 Name: Property: 415 North:884608.5927' East: 4268485.0238' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81"46'02"E Length:M.78' North:884613.5730' East: 4268519.4454' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:0.86' Radius:175.00' Oelts:0.1650(d.) Tangent:0.43' Chord:0.86' Course: N8T54'D"E Courseln:508°13'58"E Course Out N0T57'OS'W RPNorth:884440.3765' East4268544.5045' End North:884613.6941' East:4268520.2968' Segmentp3 : Line 75 OF 108 Coume:50234'S3"W Length: 117.43' North: 8844%.3832' East 4268515.0()9' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N83 -11'31"W Length: 35.30' North:884500.5441' East4168480.1554' Segmentp5 : Line Coume:N0234'53"E Length:108.16' North:884608.5944' East4268485.0268' Perimeer:296.32' kea:3947.85Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0034 Coume:N6W470 "E Error North: 0.00168 East0.00300 Precision 1:87155.88 Name: Property :416 North:884603.4903' East 4268449.75V Segment#1 : Line Course: N81'46'02"E Length: 35.63' North:884608.5923' East 4268485.0230' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:50234'S3"W Length: 108.16' North:884500.5421' East 4268480.1497' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N89'14'26"W Length: 35.02' North:884501.0062' East4268445.1327' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:N0234'S3"E Length:101.59' North:884603.4921' East4268449.7532' Perimetere281.40' Area:%88.0SSq.R. Error Closure: 0.0053 Coume:N69'26'57'W Error North: 0.00186 East -0.00497 Precision 1:53094.34 Name: Property :417 North:884502.0062' East4168430.1474' Segment#1 : Line Coume:N0234'53"E Length:%.48' North:884598.3883' East4268414.4927' 76 OF 108 Segmentp2: Line Course: N81°46'02"E Length: 35.63' North:884603.4904' East: 4268449.7555' Segmentp3 : Line Course:50234'53"W Length: 102.59' North:884501.0045' East: 4268445.1350' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N88"21'50"W Length: 35.00' North:884502.0038' East4168410.1493' Perimeer:269.70' Area:3483.67Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course:S37"46'03"E Error North: -0.00245 East0.00190 Precision 1:87000.0 Name: Property :418 End North: 884594.9406' East: 4268379.3017' Segment#1 : Cue Length:27.08' Radiva:225.00' Delta:6.5344(dnns) Tan,M:13.56' Chord:27.06' Courae:N85'1 WE Courseln:N0P20'14'W Course0Ut SW13'58"E RPNorth:884819.8793' EaR:4268374.0509' End North: 884597.1979' East: 4268406.2673' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81"46'02"E Length: 8.31' North:884598.3878' East: 4268414.4917' Segmentp3 : Line Course:50234'S3"W Length: %.Q' North:884501.0057' East: 4268410.1464' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N%'57'15"W Length: 35.00' North:884503.8654' East4268375.1958' Segmentp5 : Line Course:N0234'53"E Length:91.17' North:884594.9429' East4268379.3030' Perimeer:258.04' Area:32e.715q. R. Error Closure: 0.0023 Course:N08'll'23"E 77 OF 108 Error North: 0.00232 EaR:0.00034 Precision 1:112182.61 aaaaaaaaaxxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property :419 End North: 884594.5894' EaA: 4268336.2950' Segment#1 : Curve Length:5.68' Radius:4.00' Delta:812005 (d.) Tangent:3.44' Chord:5.21' Course: N5T51'15"E Course1n:57T48'47"E Course0Ut Wr31'18"E RP North: 884593.4075' East: 4268340.1164' End North:884597.3616' EaAA268340.7M3' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:38.72' Radiva:225.00' Delta:9.5132(d.) Tan,M:19.41' Chord:38.67' Couraa:SW24'28"E Courseln:N0831'18"E Course Out WT20'14"E RPNorth:884819.8775' EaAA268374.0476' End North:884594.9387' EaA:QM379.3003' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:50234'53"W Length: 91.17' North:W4503.8612' East 4268375.1942' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N%33'38"W Length: 75.2' North:W4508.3739' Eaat4268300.10%' Segmentp5 : Curve Length: 36.04' Radiva:275.00' Delta: 7.30301d.1 Tangent: 18.04' Chord:36.01' Courae:N2334'52"E Coumehn S7 10'23"E Course0UtMT39'S3"W RPNorth:884415.0%3' Eaat4268558.80%' End North:884541.3769' EaR:4268314.5153' Segmentp6 : Curve Length:57.56' Radius:325.00' Oelta:10.0854(dnns) Tangent:n.86' Chord:57.49' Course:N=5'40"E Coumeln:N6 39'52'W Coume0ut S7T48'47"E 78 OF 108 RP North: 884690.6172' EaR: 4268025.8073' End North: 884594.5820' East: 4268336.2942' Perimeter:304.39' Area:5158.31Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0075 Course:WT27'02"W Error North: -0.00745 East -0.00084 Precision 1:40502.67 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ........................... Name: Property: 420 End North: 884612.1595' EaR: 4268289.3761' Segment#1 : C rae Length: 43.07' Radius: 275.00' l3elta:8.5824(c.) Tan,M:21.58' Chord:43.02' Course:52P03'S3'W Courselm N7r25'19'W Coume0ut S6P26'55"E RPNorth:8M%.6229' EaR: 4268025.8074' End North: 884572.0143' EaR: 4268273.9138' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 104.67' North:884556.9216' East 4268170.3376' Segmentp3 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 37.50' North:884594.0298' East4168164.9304' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:N81-42'34"E Length:125.76' North: 884612.1635' East: 4268289.3762' Perimeter:311.00' Area:4344.855q.R. Error Closure: 0.0040 Camme:NOP10'22"E Error North: 0.00395 East0.WW1 Precision 1:77737.50 Name: Property :421 End North: 884651.3097' EaR: 4268297.9829' Segment#1 : C rae Length: 40.12' Radius:275.00' l3elta:8.2132(c.) Tan,M:20.10' Chord:40.08' Couree:S=3'55'W Couraelm N8r46'51'W Camme Cut S73"25'19"E 79 OF 108 RP North: 884690.6237' EaR: 4268025.8075' End North: 884612.1547 EaR: 4268289.3751' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S81-41'34"W Length:125.76' North: 884594.0210' East: 4268164.9293' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: 37.50' North: 884631.1291' East 4268159.5221' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N81°42'34"E Length: 139.92' North: 884651.3060' East 4268297.9898' Perim ter:343.31' Area:5001.225q.R. Error Closure: 0.0078 Course:561°54'39"E Error North: -0.0368 EaR: 0.00689 Precision 1:44010.26 Name: Property :422 End North: 884687.0876' East 4268300.7848' Segment#1 : Cue Length:35.91' Radius:275.00' Delta:7.2857(d.) Tan,M:17.98' Chord:35.89' Course:SW28'40'W Couraeln:NW15'48'W Coume0ut S8P46'51"E RPNorth:8M%.6233' EaR:4268025.8075' End North: 884651.3072' East4268297.987' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S81-41'34"W Length: 139.92' North:884631.1302' East: 4268159.5151' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N08'1726"W Length: 35.00' North:884665.7645' East4168154.4683' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:N81-42'34"E Length:147.86' North:884687.0849' East42683W.7831' Perimeter:358.70' Area:5050.12Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0032 Coume:W48'31"W Error North: -0.00277 East -0.00165 80 OF 108 Precision 1:112087.50 ************************************************************************ Name: Property:423 End North: 884722.1956' EaR: 4268298.9891' Segment#1 : Nrve Length: 35.18' Radius: 275.00' Delta: 7.1945(d.) Tangent: 17.61' Chord:35.15' Course:SOT55'41"E Courseln:583°24'27'W Course Ciut:589°15'48"E RPNorth:8846%.6236' EaR:4268025.8074' End North: 884687.0915' EaR: 4268300.7846' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S81°42'34"W Length:147.86' North: 884665.7711' East: 4268154.4698' Segmentp3 : Line Course: NOS'37'36"W Length: 35.00' North:884700.4053' East 4268149.4231' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:W4705.4521' East 4268184.0573' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884710.4988' East 4268218.6915' Segmentp6 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 35.00' North: 884715.5456' East 4268253.3258' Segment M7 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 46.14' North:884722.1987' East: 4268298.9836' Perimeter:369.18' Area:5245.68Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0063 Coume:N61747'13"W Error North: 0.00308 East -0.00550 Precision 1:58595.24 Name: Property:424 North:W4715.5421' East: 4268253.3287' Segment#1 : Line 81 OF 108 Course:N08'17'26"W Length:W.W' North:WQN.W16' East: 4268240.3513' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 42.26' North:884810.6952' East: 4268282.1696' Segment#3: Curve Length:6.28' Radius:4.W' Delta:90.0000 (d.) Tangent:4.00' Chord:5.W Course:S5S1T26"E Courseln:SW17'26"E Counse0ut N8r42'34"E RPNorth:884806.73M' East:4268282.7W End North:884W7.3119' East:4268286.7071' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length:77.85' North:884730.27M' East: 4268297.9326' Segment#5: Curve Length:8.15' Radius:275.00' Delta:1.4153(d.) Tangeet:4.08' Chord:8.15' Course:S0i26'30"E Courseln:58r42'33'W Course0ut N8T24'27"E RPNorth:884690.6230' East:4268025.8066' End North:884722.1941' East:4268298.9881' Segmentp6 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length:46.14' North:884715.5410' East: 4268253.3303' Perimeter: 270.69' Area: 4159.95 Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0020 Course:556-19'57"E Error North: -0.W110 EasT0.W166 Precision 1:135030.00 Name: Property :425 North:884715.5421' East: 4268253.3287' Segment#1 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 35.W' Noth:W4710.4953' East: 4268218.W44' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS"17'26"W Length: SOW 82 OF 108 North:884799.5548' East: 4268205.71V Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884804.6016' East: 4268240.3513' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length:%.W' North:884715.5421' East: 4268253.3287' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 31W.W Sq. R. Error Closure: O.OWO Course: N00'W.0"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.WOW Precision 1: 250000000.0 Name: Property :426 North:W4730.4953' East: 4268218.6944' Segment#1 : Line COume:S81-42'M"W Length: 35.0' North:W4705.4486' East: 4268184.0602' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: SOW North:884794.5080' East: 4268171.0828' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884799.5548' East: 4268205.7170' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length:90.00' North:W4710.4953' East: 4268218.6944' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 31W.W Sq. R. Error Closure: O.OWO Course: N00'W.0"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.WOW Precision 1:250000000.0 Name: Property: 427 North:884705.4485' East4168184.0602' Segment#1 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length:35.W' North:8847W.4018' East4268149.42W' Segmentp2 : Line 83 OF 108 Coume:N08"17'26"W Leigth:90.00' North:884789.4612' East: 4268136.4486' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884794.5080' East: 4268171.0828' Segmentp4 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length: 90.W' North:884705.4485' East: 4268184.0602' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Name: Property :428 North:8847W.4017' East: 4268149.4260' Segment#1 : Line Coume:S81°42'34"W Length: 35.00' North:884695.3550' East: 4268114.1917' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS"17'26"W Length: 90.W' North:884784.4144' East: 4268101.8143' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81°42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884789.4612' East: 4268136.4486' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length:90.00' North:884700.4017' East: 4268149.42W' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.=W Eas1:0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Name: Property :429 North:884695.3549' East4168114.7917' Segment#1 : Line Coume:S81°42'34"W Length:35.00' North:8846W.3082' East4268080.1575' 94 OF 108 Segmentp2 : Line Coume:N08'17'26"W Length:90.00' North:W4779.3676' East: 4268067.1801' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884784.4144' East: 4268301.8144' Segmentp4 : Line Course: 508'17'26"E Length: 90.W' North:884695.3549' East: 4268114.7917' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Name: Property :430 North:884690.3082' East: 4268080.1575' Segment#1 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length:40.00' North:884684.5404' East: 4268040.5755' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 90.W' North:884773.5999' East: 4268127.5981' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 40.00' North:W4779.3676' East: 4268067.1801' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 90.W' North:884690.3082' East: 4268080.1575' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 36W.W Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1:260000000.00 Name: Property :431 North:884684.5404' East4268040.5755' Segment#1 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length:40.W' 85 OF 108 North:W4678.7717' East: 416WW.%35' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: 90.W' North:884767.8311' East: 4267988.0162' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 40.00' North:884773.5999' East: 4268027.5981' Segmentp4: Line Course:S08°17'26"E Length: 90.W' North:884684.5404' East: 4268040.5755' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 36W.W Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00'W00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:260000000.00 Name: Property: 432 North:884673.7258' East: 4267966.3593' Segment#1 : Line Course: N08'17'26"W Length: 90.W' North:884M.7853' East: 4267953.3819' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884767.8321' East: 4267988.0162' Segmentp3 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 90.W' North:884678.7726' East: 426WW.9935' Segmentp4 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length: 35.00' North:884673.7258' East: 4267966.3593' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00'W00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Name: Property :433 North:884673.7258' East4267966.3593' Segment#1 : Line 86 OF 108 Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 35.00' North:884668.6791' East: 4161931.7251' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 90.W' North:W4757.7385' East: 4267918.7477' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884762.7853' East: 4267953.3819' Segmentp4 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length: 90.00' North:884673.7258' East: 4267966.3593' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.000W Eas1:0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Name: Property :434 North:884668.6791' East: 4261931.7251' Segment#1 : Line Course:S81°42'34"W Length: 35.00' North:884663.6323' East: 4267897.0908' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS'17'16"W Length: 90.W' North:884752.6918' East: 4267884.1135' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:W4757.7385' East: 4267918.7477' Segmentp4 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length:90.00' North:M46M.6791' East: 4261931.7251' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Nanne:Property:435 North:884663.6323' East4267897.0909' 87 OF 108 Segment#1 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Leigth:35.00' North:8846%.5855' East: 4267862.4566' Segmentp2 : Line Length: 35.W' Course: NOS'37'26"W Length: 90.W' North:884747.6450' East: 4267849.4792' Segmentp3: Line Length: 90.W' Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884751.6917' East: 4267884.1135' Segmentp4 : Line Length: 35.00' Course:S08"17'26"E Lengh:90.00' North:884663.6323' East: 4267897.0909' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Name: Property :436 North: 884658.5855' East: 4267862.4566' Segment#1 : Line Course:S81°42'34"W Length: 35.W' North:W4653.5387' East: 426)82).8224' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS'37'36"W Length: 90.W' North:W4742.5982' East: 4267814.8450' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884747.6449' East: 4267849.4792' Segmentp4 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length: 90.W' North:884658.5855' East: 4267862.4566' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.005q. R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: NOWW00"E Error North: 0.00000 East:0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Name: Property: 437 88 OF 108 North:884653.5387' East: 426)82).8224' Segment#1 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 35.00' North:884648.4919' East: 426))93.188' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 48.0' North:884695.%03' East 426))86.2669' Segmentp3 : Line Course: NOS'17'16"W Length: 42.00' North:W4)3).5514' East: 426))80.2108' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:W4742.5981' East: 4267814.8450' Segmentp5 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length:%.W' North:884653.538T East: 426)82).8224' Perimeer:250.00' Area:31W.WSq.R. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course:NOPW.O"E Error North: 0.0000 East0.00000 Precision 1:250000000.00 Name: Pmperty:438 End North:884e3.1028' Eaet:4267677.3665' Segment#1 : Nrve Length:22.24' Radius:29.00' Oelta:43.5644 (d.) Tangent 11.M' Chord:21J0' Course:N30'15'48"W Courseln:143T45'50"E Course0ut38'41'34"W RPNorth:884716.0285' East426M5.1264' End North:884)11.8455' EaR:4267666.4302' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:1408-17'26"W Length:5.03' North:884716.8229' East4167665.M49' Segment#3: Curve Length:6.28' Radius:4.00' Delta:90.000 (dam) Tangent:4.00' Chord:5.66' Course:lBT42'34"E 89 OF 108 Coumeln:N8r42'34"E Course Out:NW1J'26"W RPNorth:884)1).3%7' EaR:4267669.6631' End North:884J21.3W4' EaR:4267669.0882' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 112.30' North:W4737.5533' East 42677&).2147' Segmentp5 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Length: 42.00' North:884695.%n' East 4267786.2708' Segmentp6 : Line Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 99.44' North:884681.6537' East 426)687.8)00' Segment M) : Curve Length:15.61' Radiu5:46.00' Delta:19.2W (d.) Tangent: ).88' Chord:15.54' Courae:WT30'52"W Cdumeln:S5T12'27'W CoumeCut N3T45'50"E RPNorth:8M%.7401' East4267649.2006' End North: 884693.1083' EaR: 4267677.3684' Perimeter:301.91' Nea:4662.835q.R. Error Closure: 0.0058 Course:N1512'34"E Error North: 0.00550 EaR:0.00192 Precision 1:52012.07 Name: Property: 439 North:884648.4919' East 426))93.1882' Segment#1 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Length: 13.16' North:884635.46W East 4267795.0857' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N87"04'24"W Length: 84.0' North:884639.n40' East 426))10.4M' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N37'55'44"W Length: 25.03' North:884659.5 M' East426)695.110)' Segmentp4 : Curve Length:23.52' Radius:46.00' 90 OF 108 Oelta:19.1759 (drrtt) Tangent 12.02' Chord:23.27' Courae:NW08'34"W Coumeln:SW30'26'W Coume0ut N5T32'IPE RPNorth:8W56.7346' East4167649.1%1' End North:884681.6501' East4167687.8W' Segment#5: Line Course:N81°42'34"E Length:%.44' North:884695.%87' East4167786.1656' Segmentp6 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Length:48.00' North:884648.4903' Eaat4267793.1868' Perim ter:293.85' kea:4837.35Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0021 Course:!WW 9'40"W Error North: -0.00158 East -0.00133 Precision 1: 139809.52 Name: Property : "0 North:884594.2186' East 426))20.6589' Segment#1 : Line Course: N37'52'53"W Length: 50.%' North:884634.3931' East4167689.4048' Segmentp2 : Curve Length:26.14' Radius:46.00' Deka:32.33141d-1 Tangent 13.43' Chord:25.78' Courae:N1 47'03"E Coumeln:NW56'20'W Coume Cut N8530'26"E RPNorth:8846%.7373' East4267649.1%1' End North:884659.5438' East4267695.1116' Segmentp3 : Line Coume:S37"55'44"E Length: 25.03' North:884639.8008' East 4267710.4971' Segment M4: Line Coume:5870424"E Length:84J0' North:884635.4762' East 4267795.0866' Segmentp5 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Length: 45.97' North: 884589.%%' East 4267801.7152' 91 OF 108 Segmentp6 : Line Coume:N87"00'23"W Length:81.17' North:W4594.2257' East4267720.6559' Perimeer:313.91' Area:4461.48Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0077 Coume:N= 07"W Error North: 0.007!18 EaR:-0.00292 Precision 1:40722.08 *ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt******************************************** Name: Property:"" North:W4531.4675' East4267830.2406' Segment#1 : Line Coume:N87"01'05"W Length:68.92' North:884535.0528' Eaat 4267741.4139' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N37'55'44'W Length: 106.71' North:884619.2229' East4267675.8211' Segmentp3 : Curve Length:20.54' Radiva:46.00' Oelta:15.3441(d.) Tangent 10.44' Chord:20.36' Courae:N4rWOS"E Coumeln:N3F21'39'W COurse Out S60%'20"E RPNorth:884656.7369' EaR:4267649.1998' End North:884634.3963' EaR:4267689.4117' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:537'52'53"E Length: 50.90' North:884594.2218' Eaat 4267720.6657' Segmentp5 : Line Coume:S87TO'23"E Length: 81.17' North:884589.9827' Eaat 4267801.7250' Segmentp6 : Line Coume:S08"17'26"E Length: 59.13' North:884531.4706' Eaat 4267810.2511' Perim ter:387.37' Area:5913.87Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0110 Coume:WT16'50"E Error North: O.W316 Eaat0.01052 Precision 1:35200.00 92 OF 108 Name: Property: 442 North:884535.0531' East: 426))41.4099' Segment#1 : Line Course: N87"23'35"W Length: 82.97' North:884538.8269' East: 4267658.5258' Segmentp2 : Line Course: NO2-55'36"E Length: 733.91' North:884612.6W5' East: 4267662.2995' Segmentp3 : Curve Length:15.10' Radius:46.00' Oelta:18.4845 (d.) Tangent: ).62' Chord:15.04' Courae:N6P02'44"E Courselm N16°32'S4'W Course Cut SW21'39"E RPNorth:8M%.7352' EaR:426)649.19)5' End North:884619.2229' EaR:4267675.8226' Segmentp4 : Line Course:537'55'44"E Length:106J1' North:W4535.0528' East426))41.4154' Perimeter:278J0' Area:3844.87S,R. Error Closure: 0.0055 Course:586'28'35"E Error North: -0.00034 Eaet:0.00W Precision 1:506W.00 Name: Property: 443 North:884538.8271' East: 426)658.523)' Segment#1 : Line Course: N87'01'47'W Length: 112.87' North:884544.6758' East: 426845.WW Segmentp2 : Line Course: NW48-11"E Length: 114.22' North:884612.1298' East: 4267637.9799' Segmentp3 : Curve Length:24.62' Radius:46.00' Delta:30.3947(d.) Tangent 12.61' Chord:24.32' Course:N8r47'W"E Courselm NW06'S3"E Course0ut S16'32'S4"E RPNorth:8M%.7411' Eaat4267649.1976' 93 OF 108 End North: 884612.6464' EaR:4267662.3W4' Segmentp4 : Line Coume:502-55'36"W Leigth:733.91' North:884538.8328' East4267658.W7' Perimeer:325.61' Area:4940.92Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0091 Coume:N5W5200"E Error North: 0.00576 EaR:0.00n Precision 1:35750.55 ........................................................................ Name: Property: 444 North: 884545.1634' East 4267536.4040' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOB'17'26"W Length: 68.22' North:W4612.6704' Eaat 4267526.5671' Segmentp2: Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 66.39' North:884622.2434' Eaat 4267592.2633' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N58"34'57"E Length: 20.56' North:884631.9607' East 4267609.W91' Segmentp4 : Curve Length:35.94' Radiva:46.00' Delta:44.4603(d.) Tangent 18.94' Chord:35.03' Courae:553'30'06"E Coumeln:NW52'%"E Course UUt S1P06'S3"W RPNorth:8M%.7335' East4267649.1900' End North:884612.1249' East4267637.9688' Segmentp5: Line Coume:S53°48'11"W Length:114.22' North:884544.6708' Eaat4267545.1942' Segmentp6 : Line Coume:N87"01'47'W Length:9.41' North:884545.1590' East4267536.3868' Perim ter:314.75' Area:4900.99Sq.R. Error Cloaure: 0.0177 Coume:S7F38'13"W Error North: -0.00439 East -0.01716 Pieusion 1:17731.07 94 OF 108 ........................................................................ Name: Property: 445 North: 884612.6724' East: 4267526.5668' Segment#1 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 45.00' No th:88465Z2021' East: 426820.0781' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 85.84' North: 884669.996' East: 4267605.0210' Segmentp3 : Curve Length:38.00' Radius:46.00' Delta:47.1945(d.) Tangent20.16' Chord:36.93' Course:SOT2792"E Courseln:S7X47'19"E Course0Ut SW52'56"W RPNorth:884656J3733' East:4267649.1930' End North: 884632.9617' East: 4267W9.8115' Segmentp4 : Line Course:55834'9"W Length:20.56' North:884622.2443' East4267592.26%' Segmentp5 : Line Course:581-42'34"W Length:66.39' North:W4612.6714' East4267526.5696' Perimeer:255.80' Nea:3676.22Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0030 Course:9P27'01"E Error North: -0.00300 East:0.W283 Precision 1:84906.67 Name: Property: 446 End North:884683.5514' East:4267611.8187' Segment#1 : Curve Length: 15.61' Radius: 46.00' Deka: 19.263) (d.) Tangent: 7.88' Chord:15.54' Course:52S55'59'W Cdurseln:S54"20'42"E Course Out N72'4)'19"W RPNorth:8M%.7378' Easte426)649.195)' End North:884W9.5)62' East4267W5.0228' Segmentp2 : Line 95 OF 108 Coume:581-42'34"W Length: 85.84' North:884657.1986' East 426820.0798' S,rnentp3 : Line Course: NOS°17'26"W Length: 42.0' North:834698J597' East 426)514.023)' Segmentp4 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 83.22' North:W4)10.)595' East: 426)5%.3)40' Segmentp5 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 15.48' North:884712.%30' East 426)611.)022' S,rnentp6 : N,e Length:6.28' Radius:4.W' Delta:90.00W (d.) Tangent:4.00' Chord:5.66' Course:S5Sll'26"E Courseln:SW17'26"E Counse0ut Wr42'34"E RP North: 884709.0348' East:4267612.2789' End North:884M9.6W7' EaA:426)616.239)' Segment MJ : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length:5.03' North:884704.6323' East4167616.%50' Segmentp8 : N,e Length:22.24' Radius:29.0' Delta:43.5644 (dam) Tangent 11.M' Chord:21J0' Course:S1 40'%'W Courseln:58r42'34'W Course Out:SW20'4i"E RPNorth:8847W.4507' East4267588.2680' End North:884683.5481' East4267611.8321' Perimeter:275J1' Area:4091J4Sq.k. Error Closure: 0.0138 Course:576'04'54"E Error North: -0.0331 Ea3:0.01W Preckion 1:19889.86 Name: Property: TRAaF End North:884n4.1509' EaA:4268910.3837' Segment#1: Curve Length:26.06' Radius:225.00' 96 OF 108 Oelta:6.3812(d�) TanpM:13.05' Chord:26.05' Cour :NOFIVOS"E Coumeln:Wr23'S3'W Coure0Ut S88°02'OS"E RPNorth:884827.8039' EaAA268687.9147' End North:884820.0902' EaAA268912.7826' Segment#2 : Line Coume:N01'57'55"E Length:%.12' North:WQW.1649' East4168914.8440' Segment#3: Line Coume:S88°02'05"E Length:85.00' North:884877.24%' East42689%.7940' Segment#4 : Line Course: NOS'57'55"E Length: 35.00' North:884912.2293' East 426%W.9942' Segment#5 : Line Course: NOS'57'55"E Length: 35.00' North:W4947.2087' East 4269002.1945' Segment#6 : Line Course: NOS'57'55"E Length: 35.00' North:884982.1881' East 4269003.3948' Segment M7 : Line Course: NOS'57'55"E Length: 40.00' North:W8 n.1646' East: 426%04.7666' Segment#8 : Line Course: NOS'57'55"E Length: 35.00' North:885057.1440' East 426%05.%69' Segment#9 : Line Course: NOS'57'55"E Length: 40.00' North:885097.1205' East 426%07.3386' Segment M30 : Line Course: NOS'57'55"E Length: 20.00' North:885117.1087' East 426%08.0245' Segment M31 : Line Coume:S88°02'05"E Length: 30.50' North:885116.0628' East 426%38.5065' Segment#n : Line Coume:S01'57'55"W Length: 332.22' 97 OF 108 North:884784.0382' East: 4269027.1134' Segment#B : Curve Length: 14.14' Radius: 9.00' Deka:90.0000(d.) Tangent9.00' Chord:12.73' Course:SW57'55'W Courseln:NWOTOS'W Course Out SOP57'S5"W RPNorth:884784.3468' East:4169018.1187' End North:884775.3507' EaAAM017.8086' Segment M34 : Line Coume:NW-02'05"W Length:58.93' North:W4777.3716' East4268958.9132' Segment M35 : Curve Length: 46.63' Radius:375.00' Delta:7.0726(d.) Tangen:23.34' Chord:46.60' Courae:NWn'22"W Courseln:N0P57'55"E Course Out W505'11"W RPNorth:885152.1511' East:4168971.7734' End North:884781AW1' East:4268912.5299' Segment M36 : Curve Length:6.25' Radius:4.00' Deka:89.3046(d.) Tangent3.97' Chord:5.63' Courae:N36'09'16"W Courseln:N0T05'21"E Course Out:N8r23'S3"W RPNorth:884785AM' EasT4268913.1618' End North:884786.4059' East:42MW9.2084' Segment M37 : Line Course:N0-M'07"E Length:7.83' North:884794.1478' East4268910.3795' Perimeter:%7.67' Area:18981.37S,Ft. Error Closure: 0.0052 Course:S%'43'21"W Error North: -0.00308 East -0.00419 Precision 1:174153.85 Name: Property: TRACT End North: 884564.3434' East: 4268270.0991' Segment#1: Curve Length: 57.79' Radius: 325.00' 98 OF 108 Deka: 10.1115 �d�rtt� Tangent:n.97' Chord:57.71' Course:S=4'W'W Coumeln:SQ39'S3"E Course Out M7T51WW RPNorth:884415.3045' East:4268558.8079' End North:884510.9273' Ea4:4268248.2551' Segment#2 : Line Course:N87°18'54"W Length:438.50' North:834531.4688' East4167830.2365' Segment#3 : Line Coume:NM'17'26"W Leigth:59.13' North:&g4589.%09' East4267801.7103' Segment#4 : Line Coume:N08"17'26"W Length:45.97' North: 884635.4705' East 426))95.0818' Segment#5 : Line Course: NOS'17'26"W Length: 13.16' North: 834648.4929' East 426))93.1842' Segment M6: Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' Northe884653.5397' East 426)82).8184' Segment M7 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:M46M.MM' East 4267862.4526' Segmen[k8: Line Course: N81°42'34"E Length: 35.00' North: 884663.6332' East 4267897.0869' Segment#9 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884668.680p' East 4267931.7211' Segment M30 : Line Course: N81 -42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884673.7267' East 4267966.3554' Segment M31 : Line Course: N81°42'34"E Length: 35.00' Nonh:W4678.7735' East 426WW.%%' Segment M32 : Line Course: 1481-42'34"E Length: 40.00' 99 OF 108 North: 884684.5412' East: 4268040.5716' Segment#13 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 40.00' North:884690.3089' East: 4268080.1536' Segment#14 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:884695.3557' East: 4268114.7878' Segment#15 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 35.00' North:8847MQ24' East: 4268149.4220' Segment#16 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 35.00' North:884665.7682' East: 4268154.4688' Segment#17 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 35.00' North:884631.1340' East: 4268159.5155' Segment#13 : Line Course:508'17'26"E Length: 37.50' North:884594.0259' East: 4268164.9228' Segment#19 : Line Course:S08"17'26"E Length: 37.50' North:8845%.9178' East: 426817(1.3300' Segment M20 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 104.67' North:884572.0104' East: 4268273.906' Segment M21 : Cun Length:8.%' Radius:275.00' Delts:1.4M2(d.) Tan,ent:4.28' Chord:8.%' Course:52T26'36"W Courseln:NW26'55'W Course0ut S6T39'52"E RPNorth:8W%.6236' EaR:4268025.8015' End North:884%4.3460' EaAAM270.0943' Perimeter: 1231.78' Area:59561.285q. R. Error Closure: 0.0055 Course:N6P2107"W Error North: 0.00262 East: -0.00480 Precision 1:224127.27 100 OF 108 Name: Property: TRACT North:W"85.7576' East: 426830.2807' Segment#1 : Line Course: N05"53'20"E Length: 59.68' North: 884545.1626' East: 42675%.4039' Segmentp2 : Line Course: 58701'47E Length: 9.41' North: 884544.6745' East: 4267545.8112' Segmentp3 : Line Course: 58701'47E Length: 112.87' North: 884538.8258' East: 4267658.52%' Segmentp4 : Line Course: 587'23'35"E Length: 82.97' North:884535.0520' East: 4267741.4137' Segmentp5 : Line Course: 58701'05"E Length: 68.92' North: 884531.4667' East: 4267830.2404' Segmentp6 : Line Course: 587.18'S4"E Length: 438.50' North:884510.9252' East: 4268248.25%' Segment M7 : Curve Length:62.57' Radius:325.00' Delta:11.0151(d.) Tangent:31.38' Chord:62.48' Course:51P37'57'W Courseln:57T51'08"E Course Cut MT52'59"W RPNorth:884415.1031' East:4268558.8119' End North:884449.7383' East:4268235.6630' Segmentp8 : Line Course: N8704'24'1N Length: 706.30' North: 884485.&104' East: 4267530.2842' Perim ter:1541.23' Area:42781.03S,R. Error Closure: 0.0044 Course:NW0729"E Error North: 0.00278 Ea3:0.00345 Precision 1:350256.82 Name: Property: Tl A I North:884481.4569' East4168864.6831' 101 OF 108 Segment#1 : Line Course:N8946'47'E Length:35.05' North:884481. 56' East: 4268899.7315' Segment#2 : Line Cdume:S8704'24"E Length:32.60' North:884480.1311' East: 4268932.2889' Segment#3: Curve Length: 95.68' Radius: 365.00' Deka: 15.0109 (d.) Tangent: 48.1' Chord:95.40' Course:W13'00'W Courseln:NW17'34'W Coume0ut S3$16'25'E RP North: 884)22.9)45' East: 4268659.7966' End North: 884417.8158' East: 4268860.0535' Segment#4 : Line Course: N8704'24'W Length: 158.94' North: 884425.9309' East: 4268701.3208' Segment#5 : Line Course: N8704'24'W Length: 416.18' North: 884447. 1801' East: 4268285.6836' Segment#6: Curve Length: 63.02' Radius:275.00' Deka: 13.0745 (c.) Tangent: 31.65' Chord:62.88' Course:N13'15'44"E Courseln:S8818'OS"E Course Out MO'10'23"W RPNorth:884415.3062' East:4268558.8068' End North:884508.3831' East4268300.3088' Segment MJ : Line Course: 58633'38"E Length: 75.n' North:884503.8704' East: 4268375.1933' Segment#8 : Line Course: 586'57'15"E Length: 35.00' North:W4502.0307' East: 4268430.1438' Segment#9 : Line Course:S88°21'S0"E Length:35.00' North:884501.0114' East: 4268445.1296' Segment#10 : Line Course:S89°14'26"E Length: 35.02' 102 OF 108 North:W4500.5472' East: 4268480.1465' Segment#11 : Line Course:583'11'31"E Length: 35.10' North:W"%.3863' East 4268514.9990' Segment M32: Line Course:S85"46'01"E Length: 35.01' North:884493.8121' East: 4268549.9135' Segment#13 : Line Course:588TTOS"E Length: 35.00' North:W"92.6125' East: 4268584.8933' Segment M34 : Line Course:S89"44'01"E Length: 35.03' North: 884492.44%' East: 4268619.9229' Segment#15 : Line Course: S89°44'01"E Length: 35.03' North: 884492.2868' East: 4268654.9525' Segment#16 : Line Course: 58739'30"E Length: 35.00' North:8844%.8567' East 4268689.9233' Segment M37: Line Course:586TS'31"E Length: 35.01' North:884488.5011' East: 4268724.8540' SegmentM : Line Course:S85°49'36"E Length: 35.01' North:W"85.9533' East: 4268759.7711' Segment#19 : Line Course: 588'40'20"E Length: 35.01' North: 884485.1420' East: 4268)94.))1)' Segment M20: Line Course: 58632'44"E Length: 35.00' North: 884483.0331' East: 4268829.7081' Segment M21 : Line Course:S87°25'37"E Length: 35.0' North:884481.4618' East 4268864.6728' Perimeter: 1366.92' Area: 3&)35.08 Sq. R. Error Closure: 0.0114 Course: NWW17"W Error North: 0.0493 East -0.01025 103 OF 108 Precision 1: 119867.54 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Name: Property: TRACT J End North: 884417.8125' EaA: 4268860.0567' Segment#1 : Nrve Length: 59.62' Radius: 365.00' Celta:9.1134(d.) Tan,M:29.88' Chord:59.56' Course:56P24'22'W Courseln:N3 16'25'W Course Out523°54'51"E RP North: 884722.9745' EaA: 4268659.8039' End North: 884389.3072' EaA: 4268807.7630' Segmentp2 : Line Coume:S66T5'09"W Length:82.22' North: 884355.9819' East 4268732.W84' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N24 -05'40"W Length: 76.Q' North:W"25.9263' East 4268701.3289' Segmentp4 : Line Cdume:S8704'24"E Length:158.94' North:884417.8112' East4268860.0616' Perimeer:377.40' Area:5672.53Sq.R. Error Closure: 0.0051 Coume:575-00'44"E Error North: -0.00131 EaR:0.00491 Precision 1:73986.27 Name: U STREET CENTERLINE North: 884735.5011' East 426892.7628' Segment#1 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 44.49' North:W4741.9162' East 4267636.7879' Segmentp2 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length:677.56' North:WQ39.6157' East 4268307.2671' Segmentp3 : Line Course: N81"42'34"E Length: 189.14' North:884866.8884' East 4268494.4305' Segment#4: Curve 104 OF 108 Length:278J7' Radius:400.00' Delta:39.5551(d.) Tangent:145.32' Chord:273.16' Coume:S78'19'31"E Course1n:SW17'16"E Coume0UtN rM'25"E RPNorth:884471.0685' Eal:4268552.30))' End North: 884811.6130' EaA: 4268761.9394' Segment#5: Curve Length:128.65' Radius:400.00' Delta:18.2539(d�) Tangent:M.88' Chord:128.W' Cdume:S6T34'24"E Coumeln:N3T38'25"E Coume Out S1S1T46"W RPNorth:885152.1563' East:4268971.7732' End North:884)62J466' EaR:4268880.3418' Segment#6: Curve Length: 78.52' Radius:400.00' Deka: 11.1451(c.) Tangent: 39.39' Chord:78.40' Coume:S8 24'40"E Coumeln:N1 12'46"E Couae Out WrW'55"W RPNorth:885152.1578' EaR:42689)1.)689' End North:884)52.392)' Ea4:4268958.0551' Segment#) : Line Coume:588'02'05"E Length:67.93' North:884750.0632' East426W25.9451' Na.: PIERCE PARKWAY CENTERLINE North: 885053.3587' East 4268276.1191' Segment#1 : Line Course: 508'17'26"E Length: 216.00' North: 884839.6160' East 4268307.2648' Segment#2 : Line Coume:508'17-26"E Length: 106.85' North: 884733.8826' East 4268322.6719' Segment#3: Curve Length: 108.78' Radius: 300.00' Celta:20.4629 (dms) Tangent 54.99' Chord:10g:LS' Course:50T05'49"W Coumeln:581°42'33"W Coume0ut:S77"30'57"E RPNodh:884690.6233' Eal:4268025.8072' 105 OF 108 End North: 884625.))51' East: 4268318.7140' Segment#4 : Nme Length: 77.76' Radius: 300.00' Deka: 14.5104 (d.) Tangent: 39.10' Chord:77.54' Course:SIT54'35'W Courseln:WT30'57'W Course Out:%T39'52"E RPNorth:8M%.62W' EaA:4268D25.8073' End North:884552.8696' EaAA268292.3086' Segment#5 : N,e Length:IW.71' Radius:3W.W' Delta:20.5M8 (dam) Tangent 55.47' Chord:109.10' Course:SIT51'33"W Coumeln:56T39'S3"E Coume0Ut N8337'01"W RPNorth:884415.1306' EaAA268558.8090' End North:884448.4587' EaA:4268260.6674' **************t****tttttttttttttttttt*********************************** Name:36"PLACE/TSTREET End North:885125.1075' Eaat:42MWS.4895' Segment#1 : N,e Length: 64.31' Radius:200.00' Deka: 18.2522 (d.) Tangent: 32.43' Chord:64.03' Course:S1T10'36'W Courae1n:SW36'43"E CouRe0Ut WF02'05"W RPNorth:885055.4322' EaA:4269095.9605' End North:885062.2919' UA:42MR96.0783' Segment#2 : Line Coume:S01-57'55"W Leigth:241.49' North:884820.9440' East4268887.n67' Segment#3 : N,e Length: 23.17' Radius: 200.00' Delta:6.3812(d.) Tangent11.60' Chord:23.15' Coume:S0537'01'W Couraeln:NW02'05'W Course Out58P23'53"E RPNonh:884827.8027' EaA:42MM7.9143' End North:884797.8923' UA:4268885.6649' Segment#4 : Line Coume:50836'07"W Leigth:35.54' North:884762.7422' Uat:4268880.3477' 106 OF 108 S,rnent#5 : Line Course:S0836'07"W Length:133.12' North:834631.1196' East: 4268360.4371' Segment M6 : Curve Length: 73.59' Radius: 50.00' Delta:84.1929(d.) Tsngent45.28' Chord:67.12' Course:SW45'52'W Courseln:Wr23'S3'W Course Out SOT55'36"W RPNorth:884638.5981' East:4268830.9995' End North: 884588.6656' East: 4268808.4492' Segment M7 : Line Course: N87"04'24"W Length: 84.25' North:884592.%72' East:4268714.30%' Segment#8 : Cue Length: 80.84' Radius:200.00' 0eka:23.0933(drns) Tangent40.98' Chord:80.29' Course:N7S29'37"W Courselm NOT55'%"E Cowse Out: 6T05'09"W RPNorth:884792.7063' East:4268734.5206' End North:884613.0789' East:4268646.5787' Segment#9 : Line Course:N63 W51"W Length:15.73' North:884619.%56' East4268532.4510' Segment M30 : Curve Length:119.79' Radius:200.00' Dega:34.1%7 (d.) Tangent:61.75' Chord:118.01' Coume:N8T04'24"W Courseln:S2T05'09'W Course Out:N0rB'S8"W RPNorth:884440.3683' East:4268544.5076' End North: 884638.3072' East:4268515.8704' Segment M31 : Line Course:581-46'02"W Length:114.35' North:884621.9329' East4268402.eW Segment M32 : Curve Length:57.25' Radi.:200.00' Delta:16.2401(d.) Tangent:n.8T Chord:57.05' Course:SW58'02'W Courseln:N08°13'53'W Course Out S08'30'03"W 107 OF 108 RPNonh:884819.87W EaR:4268374.05%' EnENonh:884621.9005' EaR:4268345.6488' Segment M33 : Line Coume:N81-49'57"W Length:27.20' North:884625.)64)' East4268318.)14)' 108 OF 108 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17023000 1806 (on the date of execution) KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC Grantor(s), in consideration of the acceptance by the City of Springfield, Oregon, Grantee; said Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, all the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows: Tracts F, G, and J, Marcola Meadows Phase 5, City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. THE CONSIDERATION for this conveyance BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.366, 195.361 AND 195.365 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 42A, OREGON LAWS 2667, SECTIONS 2 TO 9AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2669, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2616. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.616 OR 215.616, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 36.936, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IFANY, UNDER ORS 195.366, 195.361 AND 195.365 TO 195.336AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2667, SECTIONS 2 TO SAND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2669, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 6, OREGON LAWS 2616. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Grantors above named have hereunto set their hands and seals on 20 SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: Kiril Ivanov TITLE: Manager COMPANY: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC STATEOFOREGON SS COUNTY OF J This instrument was acknowledged before me on 20 by Kiril Ivanov as Manager of Marcola Meadows Neiehborhood LLC Notary Public for Oregon THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. CRY OF SPRINGFIELD By: Jonathan Driscoll - For City of Springfield Surveying/Engineering Date AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ATTN: SURVEYING, JON DRISCOLL CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT &PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINANCE DEPT. 225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 QdpnaTroenemnde'.s. Wl. 1m SM1�16 tFam= Mw Im.Sa ,Mn �Mens =0117 ems N. Tad. Fa dna REVISED: ORafia 4, 2022 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17023000 1806 (on the date of execution) KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC Grantor(s), in consideration of the acceptance by the City of Springfield, Oregon, Grantee; said Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, all the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows: Tracts H and I, Marcola Meadows Phase 5, City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. THE CONSIDERATION for this conveyance BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.366, 195.361 AND 195.365 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 42A, OREGON LAWS 2667, SECTIONS 2 TO 9AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2669, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2616. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.616 OR 215.616, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 36.936, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IFANY, UNDER ORS 195.366, 195.361 AND 195.365 TO 195.336AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2667, SECTIONS 2 TO SAND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2669, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 6, OREGON LAWS 2616. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Grantors above named have hereunto set their hands and seals on 20 SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: Kiril Ivanov TITLE: Manager COMPANY: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC STATEOFOREGON SS COUNTY OF J This instrument was acknowledged before me on 20 by Kiril Ivanov as Manager of Marcola Meadows Neiehborhood LLC Notary Public for Oregon THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. CRY OF SPRINGFIELD By: Jonathan Driscoll - For City of Springfield Surveying/Engineering Date AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ATTN: SURVEYING, JON DRISCOLL CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT &PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINANCE DEPT. 225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Qeynairoansmmem.�w.m..m...sw��em.�sry�ah w..s�.s,.,:Yn.ne�a u�nnseens mvoxs eesow ine.x-ima REVISED: ORa6a4,2622 After recording, return to Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 DECLARATION OF 20.00' PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT The tine and actual consideration for this declaration is other than monetary. RECITALS: 1) Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Grantor, is the owner of certain real property described as Parcel 3, Land Partition Plat No. 2022-P3052, recorded February 15, 2022, as Recorder's Number 2022-007203 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 2) The owner desires to create an easement and define maintenance responsibility on certain areas and facilities for the benefit of future owners of the Marcola Meadows Phase 5 lots as described below. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: A) Easement Created: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, hereby creates aperpetual access and utility easement for the benefit of the Lot 367, Marcola Meadows Phase 5, over that certain area of the aforementioned Parcel 3 designated as "20.00' PAUE" (defined as a Private Access and Utility Easement) as described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. The easement will be used solely for ingress and egress, utilities, and the maintenance of a private road. B) Use of Property: The owners or occupiers of the lots affected by this easement shall have the right to use their property, including the area described as the easement, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the easement as granted by this instrument. No vehicle parking or storage of vehicles that restricts access to the benefiting lots of land shall be allowed by any party within the easement area, including the agents, employees, tenants, and invitees of said owners. C) Maintenance and Repairs: The cost of any maintenance or repair of the access road within the easement area shall be split equally between the owners of Lots 366 and 367. The cost of any maintenance or repair of private utilities lying within the easement area will be the responsibility of the owner(s) of the respective facility. D) Successors in Interest: The provisions of this instrument touch and concern and relate to the use of Lots 366 and 367 of the aforementioned subdivision and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens are binding and inure to the heirs, successors, assignees, transferees, and personal representatives of all owners of the aforementioned Lots. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this DECLARATION OF PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT on this day of ,20 Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Kiril Ivanov, Manager STATE OF OREGON ) ss County of Clackamas ) On , 20 personally appeared the above named Kiril Ivanov who is the Manager of Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, and who is known to me to be the identical individual who executed the foregoing instrument and who does not hereby acknowledge said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said company. Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: 129655W Herman Road, Suite 100, Tualatin, OR 97062 AKS Job#7736 P: (503)563-61511 www.aU-eng.com OFFICES IN: REND, OR - KEIZER, OR - M$kUTIN, OR - VANCOUVER, WA EXHIBIT A Private Access and Utility Easement Description A tract of land, 20.00 feet wide, located in the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, being a portion of Lot 366 of the plat "Marcola Meadows Phase 5", Lane County Plat Records, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast comer of Lot 366, "Marcola Meadows Phase 5", Lane County Plat Records; thence North 88002'05" West along the south line of said Lot 366, 56.68 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of 30th Place (25.00 feet from centerline) and a point of non -tangent curvature; thence northeasterly along said easterly right-of-way line on the are of a 175.00 foot radius curve right (the radius point of which bears South 75016'59" East) through a central angle of 05040'15", 17.32 feet (chord bears North 17033'09" East, 17.31 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence continuing along said easterly right-of-way line on the are of a 225.00 foot radius curve left through a central angle of 00053'23", 3.49 feet (chord bears North 19056'36" East, 3.49 feet to a point on a line which is parallel with and 20.00 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to, the south line of said Lot 366; thence South 88002'05" East along said parallel line, 50.95 feet to the east line of said Lot 366; thence South 01057'55" West along said west line, 20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above described tract of land contains 1,080 square feet, more or less. 2/2/2023 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON JANUARY 17 1993 GARY E. PAUL 2898 RENEWAL 12/31/2024 EXHIBIT B A PORTION OF LOT 366 OF THE PLAT "MARCOLA MEADOWS PHASE 5", LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON V STREET QI-MARCOIA MEA LOT 345 Q i CURVE BEARING RADIUS DELTA LENGTH CHORD Cl S7516'59'E 175.00' 05'40'15' 17.32' N1733'09'E 17.31' C2 Cl L=1Z3Tti;;iS4 225.00' 0053'23' 3.49' N19'56'36'E 3.49' V STREET QI-MARCOIA MEA LOT 345 Q i LOT 366 i0 /S88T72'05'E C2 L=3.49' 50.'. LOT 346 Cl L=1Z3Tti;;iS4 .AIWA -1 m 2/2/2023 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SW HERMAN RD, STE 1 0N, OR 97062 25' N88T)2b5'W 51 LOT 368 I OWS PHASE 5" LOT 367 SE COR TRACT F PREPARED FOR SCALE: 1"=30 FEET N MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 30 0 8 15 JO PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT MAP After recording, return to Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 DECLARATION OF 20.00' PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT The fine and actual consideration for this declaration is other than monetary. RECITALS: 3) Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Grantor, is the owner of certain real property described as Parcel 3, Land Partition Plat No. 2022-P3052, recorded February 15, 2022, as Recorder's Number 2022-007203 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 4) The owner desires to create an easement and define maintenance responsibility on certain areas and facilities for the benefit of future owners of the Marcola Meadows Phase 5 lots as described below. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: E) Easement Created: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, hereby creates aperpetual access and utility easement for the benefit of the Lots 403-405, Marcola Meadows Phase 5, over that certain area of the aforementioned Parcel 3 designated as "20.00' PAUE" (defined as a Private Access and Utility Easement) as described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. The easement will be used solely for ingress and egress, utilities, and the maintenance of a private road. F) Use of Property: The owners or occupiers of the lots affected by this easement shall have the right to use their property, including the area described as the easement, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the easement as granted by this instrument. No vehicle parking or storage of vehicles that restricts access to the benefiting lots of land shall be allowed by any party within the easement area, including the agents, employees, tenants, and invitees of said owners. G) Maintenance and Repairs: The cost of any maintenance or repair of the access road within the easement area shall be split equally between the owners of Lots 403-405. The cost of any maintenance or repair of private utilities lying within the easement area will be the responsibility of the owner(s) of the respective facility. H) Successors in Interest: The provisions of this instrument touch and concern and relate to the use of Lots 403-405 of the aforementioned subdivision and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running ning with the land. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens are binding and inure to the heirs, successors, assignees, transferees, and personal representatives of all owners of the aforementioned Lots. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this DECLARATION OF PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT on this day of ,20 Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Kiril Ivanov, Manager STATE OF OREGON ) ss County of Clackamas ) On , 20 personally appeared the above named Kiril Ivanov who is the Manager of Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, and who is known to me to be the identical individual who executed the foregoing instrument and who does not hereby acknowledge said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said company. Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: 129655W Herman Road, Suite 100, Tualatin, OR 97062 AKS Job#7736 P: (503)563-61511 www.aU-eng.com OFFICES IN: REND, OR - KEIZER, OR - M$kUTIN, OR - VANCOWER, WA EXHIBIT A Private Access and Utility Easement Description A tract of land, 20.00 feet wide, located in the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, being a portion of Lots 404 and 405 of the plat "Marcola Meadows Phase 5", Lane County Plat Records, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of Lot 404, "Marcola Meadows Phase 5", Lane County Plat Records; thence South 02034'53" West along the east line of said Lot 404, 20.00 feet to a point on a line which is parallel with and 20.00 feet southerly of, when measured at right angles to, the southerlyline of Lot 402 of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 5'; thence North 87004'24" West along said parallel line, 50.40 feet to an angle point on said parallel line; thence continuing along said parallel line North 31046'11" West, 20.58 feet to the southeasterly right-of-way line of T Street (25.00 feet from centerline) and a point of non -tangent curvature; thence northeasterly along said southeasterly right-of-way line on the are of a 75.00 foot radius curve left (the radius point of which bears North 24006'48" West) through a central angle of 15019'28", 20.06 feet (chord bears North 58013'27" East, 20.00 feet to the most westerly comer of said Lot 402; thence South 31046'11" East along the southerly line of said Lot 402, 10.11 feet to an angle point; thence continuing along said southerly line South 87004'24" East, 39.80 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above described tract of land contains 1,200 square feet, more or less. 2/2/2023 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON JANUARY 17 1993 GARY E. PAUL 2898 RENEWAL 12/31/2024 EXHIBIT B A PORTION OF LOTS 404 & 405 OF THE PLAT "MARCOLA MEADOWS PHASE 5", LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CURVE BEARING RADIAL RADIUS I DELTA I LENGTH CHORD Cl N24'O6'48'W 1 75.00' 1519'28° 1 20.06' 1 N5813'27"E 20.00' - _ � T STREET 2/2/2023 c. LOT 406 L Lor 406 OT 407 LOT 405 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SW HERMAN RD, STE 1 ON, OR 97062 ARCOLA MEA LOT 401 COR LOT 404 I LOT 402 1'46'11'E 10.11' O W S PHASE I5 I LOT 404 I LOT 403 TRACT I PREPARED FOR SCALE: 1"= 30 FEET N MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 30 0 6 15 30 PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT MAP ••..s Kate Br ,Governor September 17, 2020 Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Department of State Lands 775 Summer Street NE, Suite 100 Salem, OR 97301-1279 (503)956-5200 FAX (503) 378-4844 www.oregon.gov/dsl State Land Board Attn: Kiril Ivanov Kate Brown 9550 SE Clackamas Road Governor Clackamas, OR 97015 Bev Qarno Re: WD#2020-0256 Approved Secretary of State Wetland Delineation Report for Marcola Meadows Master Plan Lane County. T1 7S R02W S30, TL 1800 (Portion), Tobias Read T1 7S R03W S25AA, TL 2300 State Treasurer Springfield Local Wetlands Inventory, Wetland M-32 Dear Mr. Ivanov The Department of State Lands has reviewed the wetland delineation report prepared by AKS Engineering and Forestry for the site referenced above. Please note that the study area includes only a portion of the tax lots described above (see the attached map). Based upon the information presented in the report, and additional information submitted upon request, we concur with the wetland and waterway boundaries as mapped in revised Figure 5 of the report. Please replace all copies of the preliminary wetland map with this final Department -approved map. Within the study area, one wetland (Wetland C, totaling approximately 0.40 acres) and one waterway (Pierce Ditch) were identified. The wetland and the waterway are subject to the permit requirements of the state Removal -Fill Law. Under current regulations, a state permit is required for cumulative fill or annual excavation of 50 cubic yards or more in wetlands or belowthe ordinary high-water line (OHWL) of the waterway (or the 2 -year recurrence interval flood elevation if OHWL cannot be determined). This concurrence is for purposes of the state Removal -Fill Law only. We recommend that you attach a copy of this concurrence letter to any subsequent state permit application to speed application review. Federal or local permit requirements may apply as well. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will determine jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act, which may require submittal of a complete Wetland Delineation Report. Please be advised that state law establishes a preference for avoidance of wetland impacts. Because measures to avoid and minimize wetland impacts may include reconfiguring parcel layout and size or development design, we recommend that you work with Department staff on appropriate site design before completing the city or county land use approval process. This concurrence is based on information provided to the agency. The jurisdictional determination is valid for five years from the date of this letter unless new information necessitates a revision. Circumstances under which the Department may change a determination are found in OAR 141-090-0045 (available on our web site or upon request). In addition, laws enacted by the legislature and/or rules adopted by the Department may result in a change in jurisdiction; individuals and applicants are subject to the regulations that are in effect at the time of the removal -fill activity or complete permit application. The applicant, landowner, or agent may submit a request for reconsideration of this determination in writing within six months of the date of this letter Thank you for having the site evaluated. If you have any questions, please contact the Jurisdiction Coordinator for Lane County, Matt Unitis, at (503) 986-5262. Sincerely, Peter Ryan, SPWS Aquatic Resource Specialist Enclosures ec: Julie Wrth-McGee, PWS, AKS Engineering and Forestry City of Springfield Planning Department (Maps enclosed for updating LWI) Benny Dean Jr, Corps of Engineers Charles Radon, DSL WETLAND DELINEATION / DETERMINATION REPORT COVER FORM Fully completed and signed report cover forms and applicable fees are required before report review timelines are initialed by the Department of State Lands. Make checks payable to the Oregon Department of State Lands. To pay fees by credit card. go online at: htwTi/aoos.areumo.odv/DSL/EPS/omomm?key=4-4. Attach this completed and signed form to the front of an unbound report or include a hard copy with a digital version (single PDF file of the report cover form and report, minimum 30D dpi resolution) and submit to: Oregon Department of State Lands, 775 Summer Street NE, Suite 109, Salem, OR 97301-1279. A single PDF of the completed cover from and report maybe e-mailed to: Watiand-Delineation@dsi.staW.or.us. For submittal of PDF files larger than 10 MB, a -mail DSL instructions on haw to access the file from yourft or other file sharing website. . Contact and Authorization Information. _ ❑x Applicant ❑X Owner Name, Firm and Address: Business phone # Kiril Ivanov Mobile phone # (optional) Mandela Meadows Neighborhood, LLC E-mail: karlQDiandeconstruchon.com 9550 SE Clackamas Road Clackamas, Oregon 97015 Authorized Legal Agent, Name and Address (if different): Business phone Is Mobile phone # (optional) E-mail: I either own the property described below or I have legal authority to allow amass to the property. I authorize the Department to access the properly for the purpose of confirming the information in the report, after prior notification to the primary contact Typed/Printed Name: Kiril Ivanov Signature: Date: 05/012020 Special instructions regardingsite access: __— Project and Site Information Project Name: Marcola Meadows Master Plan Latitude: 44.066913 Longitude: -122.987094 decimal degree - centroid of site or start 8 and points of linear project Proposed Use: Tax Map # 1702300 Residential development Tax Lot(s) Portion of1800 Tax Map # 17032511 Project Street Address (or other descriptive location): Tax Lots) 2300 North of Marcola Road and west of 31st Street. Township 77S Range 02W/03W Section 30/25 DO 11 Use separate sheet for additional tax and location information Cit : Springfield County Lane Waterway Pierce Ditch River MlleN/A ;Wetland Delineation Information Wetland Consultant Name, Firm and Address: Phone # (503) 4C0 -6C28 Julie Wirth -McGee, PWS Mobile phone # (if applicable) (971) 707-3783 AKS Engineering & Forestry E-mail: wirthmcgeelaaks-el 3700 River Road N, Sud. 1 Keizer, Oregon 97303 The information and conclusions on this form and in the attached report are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Consultant Signature: �`� Data.5-5-2020 Primary Contact for report review and site access is ❑x Consultant ❑ Applicant/Ownat ❑ Authorized Agent WellarmiWaters Present? ® Yes ❑ No I Study Area size: E7.59 Total Welland Acreage: D.4D00 Chock liwble Boxes Below ❑ R -F permit application submitted ❑x Fee payment submitted $ 466 ❑ Mitigation bank site ❑ Resubmittal of rejected report($100) ❑ EFSCIODOEProj.Mgr:1 Request for Reissuance. See eligibility criteria. (no fee) ❑ Wetland restoration/enhancement project DSL# Expiration date_ (not mitigation) © Previous delineatlondappl!cation on parcel ❑ LWI shows wetlands or waters on parcel It known, previous DSL # 07-0032.13 0055 17-0352, 19-0117 Wetland ID code _ For Office Use Only DSL Reviewer. MU Fee Paid Date: / I DSL WD Date Delineation Received: 05/ 05 /2020 Scanned: ❑ Electronic: Cf: DSL App.# March 2018