HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Bike ShareAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 2/6/2023 Work Session Drew Larson/DPW 541-726-3661 30 Minutes Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: BIKE SHARE ACTION Receive brief presentation from City staff in response to Council questions about REQUESTED: bike share. If supportive of providing bike share in Springfield, direct staff to pursue additional grant funding sources for bike share expansion in Springfield and launch bike share expansion when funds are secured. ISSUE City Council discussed expanding bike share in Springfield on 2/10/2020 and STATEMENT: 3/14/2022. While Council was interested in exploring bike share expansion in Springfield, Council wanted more information before making any decisions. Council requested information regarding the following topics: • community feedback about the potential expansion, including bike shops and businesses • more details about the bike share expansion proposal • evaluation criteria and process to determine whether the program is successful, and • an operations plan with clear roles and responsibilities, timelines, and funding details. ATTACHMENTS: 1: Council Briefing Memo 2: Draft System Map 3: Springfield Bike Share: Operations & Maintenance 4: Projected Costs: Launch & Operations 5: Springfield Bike Share: Community Engagement & Feedback 6: Letters of Support 7: Bike Share Questions & Answers (From 3/14/2022 Meeting) 8: PowerPoint Presentation (For 2/6/2023 Meeting) DISCUSSION/ Since the March 2022 work session, staff gathered broader community and business FINANCIAL feedback and determined more details. This agenda item will focus on these newer IMPACT: pieces of information. See previous Council agenda items from 2/10/2022 and 3/14/2022 for background information, including question and answer documents about bike share and Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) support. See Bike Share Questions & Answers (Attachment 7) for more information. City staff will provide an update on bike share and answer questions raised by Council in the March 2022 work session. Cascadia Mobility staff, the PeaceHealth Rides bike share operator, will also be available to answer operational questions. See Council Briefing Memo Attachment 1 for more information and Attachment 4 for Financial Impact. MEMORANDUM City of Springfield Date: 2/6/2023 To: Nancy Newton, City Manager COUNCIL From: Jeff Paschall, Community Development Director BRIEFING Drew Larson, Transportation Planner II Subject: BIKE SHARE ISSUE: MEMORANDUM City Council discussed expanding bike share in Springfield on 2/10/2020 and 3/14/2022. While Council was interested in exploring bike share expansion in Springfield, Council wanted more information before making any decisions. Council requested information regarding the following topics: • community feedback about the potential expansion, including bike shops and businesses • more details about the bike share expansion proposal • evaluation criteria and process to determine whether the program is successful, and • an operations plan with clear roles and responsibilities, timelines, and funding details. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel While Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality MITy CICe4 21101 113 Existing Bike Share in Eugene -Springfield: Currently the City of Eugene owns 300 pedal bikes that comprise the PeaceHealth rides bike share system. The City of Eugene contracts with regional nonprofit Cascadia Mobility to operate the system. The bikes are primarily located in Eugene in the University of Oregon, Downtown, Whiteaker, and South Eugene neighborhoods. However, there are a few stations at Riverbend Hospital in Springfield, as PeaceHealth is the title sponsor of the system. Community & Business Engagement: City staff launched a community engagement process in fall 2022 in response to Council's questions and directions from the March 2022 work session. Community engagement included newsletters, social media, posters, flyers, direct mail postcards, in-person surveys, and an online platform to collect information about where community members would like to see bike share operate in Springfield. In -Person Surveys The input received via the in-person surveys indicated a strong support for bike share, with a preference for bike share operating in, and nearby, the Downtown core. Other neighborhoods that were popular included Gateway/Riverbend, Thurston, Mohawk, and Glenwood. The in- person surveys were conducted at the Library, Downtown LTD Station, Gateway LTD Station, and Willamalane Bob Keefer Center and showed of the 91 people who provided responses to the survey, 76% were familiar with bike share. 86% of the people surveyed indicated they were interested in seeing bike share operate in Springfield. Attachment 1, Page 1 of On-line Feedback The online feedback platform engaged 1,121 people, asking them to indicate the zones in which they would like to see bike share operate and specific hub location recommendations. The input gathered via the online platform showed a similar desire to see bike share operate in the Downtown core. Other neighborhoods that were popular on the online platform included greater Downtown, Gateway/Riverbend, Mohawk, Centennial, Glenwood, and Mill Race. See Springfield Bike Share: Community Engagement & Feedback (Attachment 5) for more information. Business Outreach Business outreach focused on the Downtown core. Staff delivered bike share information packets to Downtown businesses and property owners, answering questions, recording comments, and asking if they would like to sign a letter of support. While Council requested City staff reach out to bike shops, the Springfield bike shops closed since the last work session. Staff engaged with Peak Sports, but shortly thereafter, the business closed its doors. Over ten Downtown business owners, several property owners, and Willamalane signed a letter of support for bike share. Staff engaged Willamalane throughout the public engagement and hub siting criteria process. Willamalane indicated strong support for bike share, signing a letter of support, and giving valuable input on hub siting in parks and near Willamalane facilities. See Letters of Support (Attachment 6). Expansion Proposal: After the community engagement process and site visits, a bike share system proposal was developed by City staff. The proposal recommends a system of 100 bikes with approximately 16 hubs located in, and nearby, the Downtown core. Staff propose an initial Springfield system of 100 bikes because 1) this is an appropriately scaled pilot program based on our community size and 2) 100 bikes are funded for refurbishment and will be available for deployment. Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) has dedicated $100,000 in Transportation Options funding for the refurbishment of approximately 100 bikes that were donated to Cascadia Mobility. To ensure a viable and successful system, the following guidelines will be used to site the approximately 16 hubs (rental/return locations): • Visible location with engineering staff review for safety and operation • Stable concrete or asphalt with ability to bolt in bike racks • Located on, or near, bikeways and low traffic streets • Space for users to rent and return bikes easily and efficiently • Space to install at least 3-4 bike racks • At least 16 hubs for 100 bike system (recommend 1 hub per 6-8 bikes in system) • Hubs located ideally no further than'/4 mile apart (or 2-6 blocks) • Fronting property owner permission when applicable The bike share system would be operated at a regional level so that a user could pick up a bike anywhere within the regional service area and ride between Springfield and Eugene without any penalties or fees. Given the desire for cost-effective and flexible investments, City staff are recommending the option to install regular bike parking racks at bike share hubs instead of bike share specific infrastructure. This approach would both improve bike parking for community members using personal bikes as well as provide hub locations at lower cost. The hubs would likely be a designated color and be accompanied by a sign explaining how to access the system. See Draft System Map (Attachment 2) for further details. Operations Plan: Attachment 1, Page 2 of 4 While a formal contract would need to be established after funding is secured, the following information about roles and responsibilities is informed based on City staff conversations specific to the Springfield context and will be incorporated into a specific City of Springfield operations plan. These conversations were also informed by how the City of Eugene and Cascadia Mobility contract operates. See Springfield Bike Share: Operations & Maintenance (Attachment 3) for more information. The following provisions will be included in an operations plan, outlining clear roles and responsibilities, that is developed with legal support when funding is secured to proceed: • Hub bike racks and signs owned by the City of Springfield and bikes owned by Cascadia Mobility • Install of the hub bike racks and signs handled by a contractor (with direction from City staff) • Relocation or removal of hubs handled by Cascadia Mobility (with direction from City staff) • Ongoing system operations and maintenance handled by Cascadia Mobility including, but not limited to rebalancing bikes between hub locations, fielding and responding to requests for maintenance or removal of bikes, and maintaining communications with users including through a website, social media, and enforcement emails. Per City policy, City Council must review and approve any contract that exceeds $100,000. Staff will return to City Council once an operational contract has been vetted and agreed to by Cascadia Mobility and staff for final Council approval. Launch Timeline & Pilot Duration: City staff recommend a three-year pilot program, giving the community time to acclimate to the system and staff time to fully evaluate the system. Timeline is funding determinate, as it can take a while to deploy a project once the funding is secured. However, staff will begin actively pursuing funding for Springfield if directed to do so by Council. Once the program launches, staff will bring an evaluation report to Council after a year of operation. Staff suggests the system be evaluated by Council at the half -way mark using the following criteria: • Trips over one year (ending or starting in Springfield) • Miles over one year (ending or starting in Springfield) • Engineering staff review for safety and operations • Review of public input after bike share launches A realistic goal for Springfield's size would be 25,000 trips per year. At the evaluation mark, Council can recommend discontinuing the program if deemed unsuccessful or provide direction to pursue funding to continue the program beyond three years. Budget & Funding Options: The PeaceHealth Rides bike share has a long history of successful operation and funding. PeaceHealth Rides is currently funded by sponsorship (Peace Health is the title sponsor), regional transportation grant funds, group pass sales, and rider revenue. The program has had the same title sponsor since launch in 2018 and the City of Eugene pursued and was awarded several grants for bike share, including Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) grants. Attachment 1, Page 3 of 4 Springfield has received partial funding for bike share launch and operations, including $100,000 to refurbish bikes and $49,435 for hub infrastructure. Operational costs for the three-year pilot are estimated at $865,290 with sponsorship, rider revenue, and group pass income estimated to cover $527,070. The total grant funding needed to launch and operate the expanded system, including contingencies for discontinuation and removal, would be $410,814 for the three-year pilot. City staff are requesting Council approval to pursue the $410,814 in grant funding to fill the funding gap to expand bike share in Springfield and operate a three-year pilot program. The City will be required to provide the local match funding for any grant pursued, which typically ranges from 10.27 % - 20% of the total grant. For the three-year pilot program, the local match needed would range from $42,190 - $82,163. See Projected Costs: Launch & Operations (Attachment 4) for more information. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to: 1) Request Peace Health sponsorship to expand bike share in Springfield ($1,000/bike per year for 100 bikes) with Mayor's support. 2) Pursue transportation grant funding to identify $410,814 needed to expand bike share into Springfield and operate it for a three-year pilot. Grants typically require 10.27% - 20% ($42,190 — $82,163) local match. 3) Update Council if funds are secured and program launch is moving forward. 4) Finalize hub locations and service area according to guidelines. 5) Return to City Council with a finalized Operational Contract for approval. 6) Bring program update back to City Council after 18 months of operation with opportunity to evaluate. Attachment 1, Page 4 of 4 TBeltline Rd a Gateway Mall r — +LTD Gateway Gate+Station IVp 1 Harlow Rd RiverBend S V St Ln M T St Ith Harvest Landing Park North Springfield /'ayden Bridge Rd it Springfield Bike Share: Operation Zone & Hub Locations Community Feedback: Popular Hub Locations By Votes Location Popularity ■ Low Q Current System Boundary _ -.j Proposed System Boundary High 0 0.5 1 Miles I i 1 Vitus Butte 444 ft J T St T St r d el ley St rn R St MarccP _ Q St a W Fairview Dr W Centenniaht Olympic St a a Olympic St s _ Y Center Fenttrrnr3l-Bftd- — — — — -- s 1 � I Centennial Blvd v Will hmalaneIPark St Swim Center 1 1 Willamalane Adult ^ 1 t E St L E St a Alton Ba Park -East, _ _—Ac`ivity Center D St 1 D --- V Springfield 1 5t N v n n D St m N a m n r woodlands Island Park Cit lall3 ^ M -C m i o Springfield Chamber LTD Springfield M M v s w, of Commerce Station 1 Glenwood 1 a — Oregon Ave m — Lo�g� n ° ae E 19ti�� N Pond S F St n v Virginia Aveco s O y N M A C 2N r�` v, M Cherokee Dr 0 1 C o 0 s m 2 �1049ft Coryell Pass 119 9 �r Dorris Ranch ,898ft Living History Farm 4 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1 Jasper Rd N Ln Clearwater Park C 126 N Highbanks Rc! G St 7E F St 10 E St `n D St I_- 004; m75 � `r B St 126 Main St v Daisy St 571 ft 6� . 1dS�Pr R 4' Mt Vernon R SPRINGFIELD OREGON Springfield Bike Share: Operations & Maintenance While a formal contract would need to be established after funding is secured, the following information about roles and responsibilities is informed based on City staff conversations specific to the Springfield context and will be incorporated into a specific City of Springfield operations plan. These conversations were also informed by how the City of Eugene and Cascadia Mobility contract operates. The information will be included in an operations plan that is developed with legal support when Council approval and funding is secured to proceed. Additional operational agreements could include a site access agreement between Cascadia Mobility and Willamalane and an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Springfield and Willamalane to site racks on Willamalane property. Hub install, relocation, and removal roles: Infrastructure Install Relocation Removal Hub Bike Racks Contractor Cascadia Mobility Cascadia Mobility Hub Signage (18" x 24") Contractor Cascadia Mobility Cascadia Mobility Delineator (hubs located in right of way) Contractor Contractor Contractor Striping (hubs located in right of way) Contractor Contractor Contractor System operational roles: Infrastructure Owned Maintained Hub Bike Racks City of Springfield Cascadia Mobility (including, but not limited to, cleaning, graffiti removal, and replacement of racks) Hub Signage (18" x 24") City of Springfield Cascadia Mobility (including, but not limited to, cleaning, graffiti removal, and replacement of signs) Bike Share Bikes Cascadia Mobility Cascadia Mobility (including, but not limited to, routine maintenance and upkeep, rebalancing between hubs, and removal of damaged bikes) Attachment 3 Page 1 of 1 Bike Share Projected Costs: Launch & Operations Springfield has received partial funding for bike share launch and operations, including $100,000 to refurbish bikes and $49,435 for hub infrastructure. Operational costs for the three-year pilot are estimated at $865,290 with sponsorship, rider revenue, and group pass income estimated to cover $527,070. The total grant funding needed to launch and operate the expanded system, including contingencies for discontinuation and removal, would be $410,814 for the three-year pilot. City staff are requesting Council approval to pursue the $410,814 in grant funding to fill the funding gap to expand bike share in Springfield and operate a three-year pilot program. The City will be required to provide the local match funding for any grant pursued, which typically ranges from 10.27 % - 20% of the total grant. For the three-year pilot program, the local match needed would range from $42,190 - $82,163. Launch - Budget Breakdown Bikes (100 bikes refurbished, operating software) Launch Funding Costs Secured 110,000 100,000 Funding Needed 10,000 Hub Infrastructure (Racks, signs, bollards, install, permits) 69,435 49,435 20,000 Administrative (Software, legal, management fees) 13,630 - 13,630 15% Contingency (Additional needs, inflation, discontinuation) 28,964 - 28,964 Total: $222,029 $149,435 $72,594 Attachment 4 Page 1 of 2 Operational Projected Funding Three -Year Pilot - Budget Breakdown Costs Revenue Needed Operational Costs (1st Year - $277,194, 2nd Year - $288,282, 3rd Year - $299,814) 865,290 - - Projected Rider Revenue (1 st Year - $67,936, 2nd Year — $70,654, 3rd Year - $73,480) - 212,070 - Projected Peace Health Sponsorship (1st Year - $100,000, 2nd Year - $105,000, 3rd Year - $110,000) - 315,000 - Total: $865,290 $527,070 $338,220 Attachment 4 Page 1 of 2 Attachment 4 Page 2 of 2 Springfield Bike Share: Community Engagement 91 people provided responses to the in-person survey at five locations: Downtown LTD Station, Gateway LTD Station, Springfield Library, and Willamalane Bob Keefer Center. Who took the survey? PARTICIPANT AGE 0-21 Gateway/Riverbend 17% 13% ■ 0-21 ■ 22-34 65+ Other/Non- 27% 22 34 ■ 35-44 17% ■ Centennial ■ 45-54 55-64 ■ 55-64 19% 45-54 35-44 6% ■ 65+ 11% 9 0 Mohawk ■Thurston Downtown 10% Non- PARTICIPANT GENDER Binary 1% PARTICIPANT NEIGHBORHOOD ■ Male ■ Female ■ Non -Binary What was their opinion on bike share? FAMILIAR WITH BIKE SHARE? ■ Yes ■ No EloySHOULD BIKE SHARE OPCRATE IN SPRINGFIELD? Opinion 4% Attachment 5 Page 1 of 2 ■ Yes ■ No ■ No Opinion Gateway/Riverbend 13% ■ Gateway/Riverbend Hayden Bridge ■ Hayden Bridge Other/Non- 8% Springfield ■ Centennial 29% Centennial ■ Mohawk 6% ■ Central Mohawk ■Thurston 7% Thurston ■ Downtown 23% Central 1 111E. 4% ■ Other/Non-Springfield What was their opinion on bike share? FAMILIAR WITH BIKE SHARE? ■ Yes ■ No EloySHOULD BIKE SHARE OPCRATE IN SPRINGFIELD? Opinion 4% Attachment 5 Page 1 of 2 ■ Yes ■ No ■ No Opinion An additional 1,121 people gave feedback online, placing pins on a map to indicate potential hub locations and/or voting on their preferred operation zones. Both in-person surveys and the online feedback indicated a preference for bike share located in Downtown, Mohawk, Gateway/Riverbend, Centennial, Glenwood, and Mill Race. If bike share expands in Springfield, where should it operate? PREFERRED OPERATION ZONES (IN-PERSON SURVEYS & ONLINE FEEDBACK) 100 91 90 80 70 U 60 O 50 40 U 29 27 30 22 19 20 17 15 14 10 111 0 M M E M i 2 1 oho a�� eoa ora\ ooa ace 1a1 loo X011 �`\a� rw5 o� or oO 0i6°` 10(2` 0 N LU F- 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 MOST POPULAR HUB LOCATIONS 28 (ONLINE FEEDBACK) 21 Le��et a'c�o Q o� e � Sao �o �a 16 14 13 12 12 9 8 8 8 8 ■i■i o S\o eye r a o\ a0 '5 oo\ \a�/\o o\\coo <a aJ�Oo C\J a\o r �` �\a�0 �O ar 1�ao cep atm �e�oo Qat Q �\eta �Le� \a�aQ a Qa t\� \oo �y oya �Q 5Sa1 Attachment 5 Page 2 of 2 ALKO Hotels Dear Mayor VanGordon and Springfield City Councilors: PeaceHealth Rides Bike Share, currently operating in Eugene, has proven to be a highly utilized mode of transportation. With an average trip length of approximately 1 mile, bike share gives people the option to connect between points that are often too far to walk, or too inconvenient to drive or ride transit. Convenient and immediate proximity to bike share could meaningfully improve access to and within Springfield, allowing people to easily connect to transit, get to work, meet a friend, run an errand, or go shopping. The beauty of bike share is the access with no worries about theft, and no need to plan. Just find a bike, ride, lock it and forget it. There's freedom in biking, and it's an easy way to burn a few calories and bring a smile. Springfield has experienced a renaissance, and downtown arguably showcases the most desirable concentration of dining and shopping in our region. Bike infrastructure has recently been installed or improved throughout the City's core, connecting with the river trail networks, nearby neighborhoods, and beyond. Studies show that people who arrive by bike spend more money overall than people who drive. The time to expand bike share into Springfield has arrived. We write to you today to strongly urge the City of Springfield to join the PeaceHealth Rides bike share program. The benefit of expanding upon an already successful program is straightforward — a larger and more connected network of bike share bikes will have greater utility to the region, to the benefit of Springfield residents, businesses, and visitors alike. In support of bike share, Alpesh and Tina Patel CEO and Managing Director, ALKO Hotels Attachment 6, Page 1 of 6 Dear Mayor VanGordon and Springfield City Councilors: PeaceHealth Rides Bike Share, currently operating in Eugene, has proven to be a highly utilized mode of transportation. With an average trip length of approximately 1 mile, bike share gives people the option to connect between points that are often too far to walk, or too inconvenient to drive or ride transit. Convenient and immediate proximity to bike share could meaningfully improve access to and within Springfield, allowing people to easily connect to transit, get to work, meet a friend, run an errand, or go shopping. The beauty of bike share is the access with no worries about theft, and no need to plan. Just find a bike, ride, lock it and forget it. There's freedom in biking, and it's an easy way to burn a few calories and bring a smile. Springfield has experienced a renaissance, and downtown arguably showcases the most desirable concentration of dining and shopping in our region. Bike infrastructure has recently been installed or improved throughout the City's core, connecting with the river trail networks, nearby neighborhoods, and beyond. Studies show that people who arrive by bike spend more money overall than people who drive. The time to expand bike share into Springfield has arrived. We write to you today to strongly urge the City of Springfield to join the PeaceHealth Rides bike share program. The benefit of expanding upon an already successful program is straightforward — a larger and more connected network of bike share bikes will have greater utility to the region, to the benefit of Springfield residents, businesses, and visitors alike. In sup of bike share, Attachment 6, Page 2 of 6 Dear Mayor VanGordon and Springfield City Councilors: PeaceHealth Rides Bike Share, currently operating in Eugene, has proven to be a highly utilized mode of transportation. With an average trip length of approximately 1 mile, bike share gives people the option to connect between points that are often too far to walk, or too inconvenient to drive or ride transit. Convenient and immediate proximity to bike share could meaningfully improve access to and within Springfield, allowing people to easily connect to transit, get to work, meet a friend, run an errand, or go shopping. The beauty of bike share is the access with no worries about theft, and no need to plan. Just find a bike, ride, lock it and forget it. There's freedom in biking, and it's an easy way to burn a few calories and bring a smile. Springfield has experienced a renaissance, and downtown arguably showcases the most desirable concentration of dining and shopping in our region. Bike infrastructure has recently been installed or improved throughout the City's core, connecting with the river trail networks, nearby neighborhoods, and beyond. Studies show that people who arrive by bike spend more money overall than people who drive. The time to expand bike share into Springfield has arrived. We write to you today to strongly urge the City of Springfield to join the PeaceHealth Rides bike share program. The benefit of expanding upon an already successful program is straightforward — a larger and more connected network of bike share bikes will have greater utility to the region, to the benefit of Springfield residents, businesses, and visitors alike. In support of bike share, C-i1VMPrqa4E7 60 Na -11k Crkf4wi �t� �+c� l� V3Ve�Yk 6 Y\- \�A Y i �h f SPO(q's er4 4f chmer��, Pa e 3 of 6 - 9 Dear Mayor VanGordon and Springfield City Councilors: PeaceHealth Rides Bike Share, currently operating in Eugene, has proven to be a highly utilized mode of transportation. With an average trip length of approximately 'I mile, bike share gives people the option to connect between points that are often too far to walk, or too inconvenient to drive or ride transit. Convenient and immediate proximity to bike share could meaningfully improve access to and within Springfield, allowing people to easily connect to transit, get to work, meet a friend, run an errand, or go shopping. The beauty of bike share is the access with no worries about theft, and no need to plan. Just find a bike, ride, lock it and forget it. There's freedom in biking, and it's an easy way to burn a few calories and bring a smile. Springfield has experienced a renaissance, and downtown arguably showcases the most desirable concentration of dining and shopping in our region. Bike infrastructure has recently been installed or improved throughout the City's core, connecting with the river trail networks, nearby neighborhoods, and beyond. Studies show that people who arrive by bike spend more money overall than people who drive. The time to expand bike share into Springfield has arrived. We write to you today to strongly urge the City of Springfield to join the PeaceHealth Rides bike share program. The benefit of expanding upon an already successful program is straightforward — a larger and more connected network of bike share bikes will have greater utility to the region, to the benefit of Springfield residents, businesses, and visitors alike. In support of bike share, BOO U,: Y\) k&e(" 54,rt Gf N aAt C f- (3 30 (31I-7 fna,,O) Attachment 6, Page 4 of 6 CDC MANAGEMENT CORP. 800 WILLAMETTE STREET, SUITE 750 EUGENE, OR 97401 January 25, 2023 Dear Mayor VanGordon and Councilors, I'd like to join the chorus of downtown Springfield business and property owners supporting the expansion of the PeaceHealth Rides bike share program into Springfield. As a user of bike share in Eugene, it is an easy, economical means of transportation, and I'm certain that its availability in Springfield would result in greater patronage of area businesses as well as cultural and recreational destinations. As we look to further develop properties owned by CDC Management -run entities, we are confident that access to yet another effective — and fun! — means of transportation will help further Springfield's ongoing improvement. I urge you to support the expansion of bike share into Springfield. Thanks for your consideration and your service to the community, I �_ Philip Farrington, AICP Director of Planning & Real Estate Development CDC Management Corp. Attachment 6, Page 5 of 6 r^k,,willamalane Park and Recreation District Willamalane Park and Recreation District 1 250 S. 32nd St., Springfield OR 97478-6302 541-736-4544 1 willamalane.org October 12, 2022 Dear Mayor VanGordon and Springfield City Councilors: Along with providing exceptional parks and recreation, Willamalane strongly advocates for the use of paths and trails to improve transportation options in Springfield. We have seen the PeaceHealth Rides Bike Share that is currently operating in Eugene to be highly effective at providing people with convenient access to transportation options. In addition, it also provides new options to enjoy alternative routes, many of which run through Eugene parks and trails. With an average trip length of approximately one mile, bike share gives people the option to connect between points that are often too far to walk, or too inconvenient to drive or ride transit. Convenient and immediate proximity to bike share could meaningfully improve transportation options in Springfield. Not only is this a great thing for transportation, but it would provide more opportunities for our community to enjoy our existing paths and trails. As bike infrastructure has been installed and improved throughout our community, so has Springfield's development. As Executive Director of Willamalane, I feel an obligation to continually enhance this infrastructure, and we think a bike share is a wonderful step forward and an asset to this community. We strongly support the PeaceHealth Rides bike share program coming to Springfield and we think this program would be wonderful compliment to our parks, paths, and trails. Thank you very much for your consideration, Sincerely, Michael Wargo, Executive Director Willamalane Park and Recreation District Attachment 6, Page 6 of 6 mwargoCa)willamalane.org Bike Share Questions and Answers Updated March 2022 The following Q & A responds to initial questions about bike share. City staff and PeaceHealth Rides staff will be at the work session to answer additional or more detailed questions. Table of Contents Q: What are the benefits of bike share?...................................................................................................2 Q: How would bike share work with the existing bicycle infrastructure network and are there any key gapsin the network to fill?........................................................................................................................2 Q: How many PeaceHealth Rides bikes are there currently?....................................................................2 Q: How many PeaceHealth Rides bikes are available for expansion? Can bikes be added incrementally or is there only one opportunity expand?.................................................................................................3 Q: Could the system be expanded to include electric assist bikes?..........................................................3 Q: Where are people currently riding PeaceHealth Rides bikes in Springfield?.......................................3 Q: What is an ideal density of bikes and hubs?.........................................................................................4 Q: Where would bike share hubs be located?..........................................................................................4 Q: What did the Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) propose as an initial service area and potential hub locations?.................................................................................................4 Q: How is rebalancing done? How often does the system get rebalanced?.............................................5 Q: What would prevent bikes from being left all over the place?............................................................5 Q: How is theft reporting handled? How often has bike share bicycle theft occurred in Eugene? .......... 5 Q: What happens to the bikes if Cascadia Mobility goes away?...............................................................5 Q: What is the true cost of bike share? How does the PeaceHealth Rides budget work? .......................6 Q: What is the current membership fee structure? Would it stay the same with further expansion? .... 6 Q: What about financial transparency?.....................................................................................................7 Attachment 7 Page 1 of 7 Q: What are the benefits of bike share? • Bike share further expanding in Springfield could help fulfill the vision articulated in the Springfield Transportation System Plan Goal 1, which states: "Community development — Provide an efficient, sustainable, diverse, and environmentally sound transportation system that supports and enhances Springfield's economy and land use patterns." • Bike share increases accessibility for people to the transportation system in a way that can help people get to work, appointments, or other activities, enjoy our community's scenic beauty, and improve their health through moderate physical activity. A reduced fare option provides a very affordable form of transportation that increases equity and accessibility for people who cannot afford to own their own car, buy a transit pass or a personal bike, or pay for another form of transportation, such as a taxi, Uber, or Lyft. • Bike share supports economic development and provides visitors with easier access to Springfield businesses and the various regional multi -use paths along our scenic rivers and Mill Race. • Bike share would help improve City of Springfield's national Bike Friendly Community ranking. • People do not need to know how to maintain a bicycle to use bike share, since maintenance is performed by professional mechanics. • Risk of bike theft is not a concern to individuals using a bike share bicycle. • For people trying to purchase a bicycle in the current context, bike share could bridge the gap for people between ordering a bicycle and receiving it months later. They could enjoy riding while they wait for pandemic caused supply chain delays. Q: How would bike share work with the existing bicycle infrastructure network and are there any key gaps in the network to fill? • Bike share would increase access to biking in Springfield and enable more people to use the existing bike infrastructure and transportation system in which Springfield has invested. • As City Council heard during the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee interviews during the January 27, 2020 work session, there are still missing gaps in the bike network. Bike share may further highlight these gaps as more people start riding and finding out that it is difficult or uncomfortable to navigate to certain parts of the city by bicycle compared to other locations. In some cities that have launched bike share during the last decade, the increase in bike ridership led to jurisdictions further investing in bicycle infrastructure projects to support safe, convenient, and connected bike routes throughout their communities. • The City of Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan identifies a list of bicycle infrastructure projects that would dramatically improve the bike network and fill many of the gaps. City of Springfield seeks out grants and works on constructing the planned network as funding allows. • The funded West D St and Mill Street projects will help improve bike network connectivity in the proposed service area. • Bike share systems collect trip data on where the bicycles are being ridden, which could help inform future bicycle infrastructure improvement prioritization. Q: How many PeaceHealth Rides bikes are there currently? • There are currently 300 bikes in the PeaceHealth Rides bike share system. Attachment 7 Page 2 of 7 Q: How many PeaceHealth Rides bikes are available for expansion? Can bikes be added incrementally or is there only one opportunity expand? • Up to about 200 additional human -powered bicycles are available for expansion. The proposal is to initially use 100 of the available bikes to provide service in Springfield. More bikes could potentially be added to the system later on. • The number of bikes typically depends on density and having a lot of users in a small geographic area. It is also important to have bikes at key destinations. Q: Could the system be expanded to include electric assist bikes? • Yes, in the future. • ODOT is likely to secure about $4M in federal funds that would be allocated to small and mid- sized cities for capital equipment purchasing. Cascadia Mobility (whose startup funding was provided by ODOT) will work closely with ODOT and interested cities to optimize these funds, helping to coordinate planning and equipment selection. • There are at least two vendors that could produce an e -bike that would be compatible with the PeaceHealth Rides bikes and the donated Nike bikes. • Adding e -bikes to the system may be a future opportunity in 2024 or beyond. E -bikes could provide options for expanding or replacing the PeaceHealth Rides fleet bikes. • Springfield has existing municipal code language (Section 5.126) that prohibits motorized vehicles, including e -bikes, from being used in certain locations. These locations include trails in public parks that are not specifically designated for such use. If the fleet were to expand to include e -bikes, it would be logical to update the code at the same time. Q: Where are people currently riding PeaceHealth Rides bikes in Springfield? • Bikes are being ridden to and within Springfield. Some members ride from the main Eugene system area to the satellite service area at Riverbend Hospital. • Other than Riverbend, trips rarely end in Springfield due to the $25 out of service area lockup fee. Riders may use the "hold" feature to lock up mid -ride to avoid this fee. • Below is a screenshot "heat map" showing over 11,000 trips taken in May 2021. It provides a sense of the current bike share trip volume and routes in Springfield. Most of the current trips are south of OR 126 Expressway, west of 14th Street, and along the Middle Fork and Mill Race Path. wdi Attachment 7 Page 3 of 7 Q: What is an ideal density of bikes and hubs? • Density should not be more than 1/4 mile between hubs. Less is better. • Cascadia Mobility would work closely with Springfield to identify the service area and optimal locations. Specific hub locations should be on or near bikeways and low traffic streets. • Hubs should provide sufficient parking for at least 4 bikes. More is better. Cascadia Mobility recommends a hub for every 6-8 bikes, on average. For 100 bikes, this would be approximately 16 hubs total. Q: Where would bike share hubs be located? • Hubs could be on streets or on sidewalks depending on available space and access. It is important to ensure sufficient clearance to safely park and remove a bike. • Hubs should avoid private property unless the property owner is supportive of 24/7 public access. Some private property owners are excited to host a bike share hub. • If Council directs staff to continue pursuing this, staff will work closely with Cascadia Mobility to identify the best hub and geo-fenced locations. Q: What did the Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) propose as an initial service area and potential hub locations? • The BPAC Planning Subcommittee had an initial conversation in 2019 and brainstormed the following draft list: o Service area: west of 14t' o Hub locations: ■ City Hall ■ PublicHouse ■ Plank Town ■ Springfield Station ■ Gateway Mall/apartments ■ Centennial Marketplace/shopping center ■ Swim Center/Willamalane Park ■ Willamalane Adult Activity Center ■ Meadow Park ■ Mill Race Path Booth Kelly Trailhead? ■ Boat Ramp on Northbank Path? ■ Island Park? ■ Bob Keefer Center? ■ Grocery Outlet? ■ Prime Time? ■ Paramount Center? • During the discussion, committee members noted that some of their brainstormed hub locations would vary depending on whether the bikes are human pedal -powered versus if they have the electric -assist "boost" that can help people go further with less effort. • During a 2022 staff discussion, the Mill Race Path's Jasper Road Trailhead was also suggested as a potential location idea. Attachment 7 Page 4 of 7 • If this proceeds, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee members will be involved further. Q: How is rebalancing done? How often does the system get rebalanced? • The current system is rebalanced daily, throughout the day (7AM — 7PM). Rebalancing redistributes the bicycles that have accumulated in certain areas. • Some rebalancing is done with a van and some is done with an e -assist bike trailer, which is a bicycle that can carry other bicycles. Q: What would prevent bikes from being left all over the place? • Bike share bicycles cannot be moved without being unlocked. • When someone uses a bike, they have to unlock it with a bike share account. People are charged for the time the bike is unlocked. Since Cascadia Mobility started operating the system, the "out of hub fee" has increased from $1 to $2. This convenience fee helps cover operating costs associated with collecting bikes and returning them to a hub, typically within 24 hours or less. • Additionally, all of the bikes have GPS locators embedded in them which enable operations staff to know where each bike is. • Cascadia Mobility has implemented an "improper locking" policy. Improper locking is defined as locking on publicly inaccessible private property, to a bus stop sign, in a way that impedes public right of way or ADA access, or "freelocked" (locked to nothing). Cascadia Mobility would be interested in expanding the definition of improper locking to mean "anything other than a bike rack." The first infraction is $5, second is $15, and third is $15 plus suspension. • The fee for locking up outside of the service area is $25. • These fines and fees, together with education through social media, newsletters, customer service, the bike share website, and through the app lead to minimal issues related to improper locking. Q: How is theft reporting handled? How often has bike share bicycle theft occurred in Eugene? • No bike share bicycles have been stolen in Eugene so far (bike share started in April 2018). • PeaceHealth Rides worked with Eugene Police Department (EPD) to register the bicycles through the city's registry and installed stickers on all of the bikes. The GPS system on every bicycle makes tracking down a bike easy. • It is possible that bike share could be helping to reduce bike theft in general as people choose to use a shared bike instead of using a personal bike that needs its own secure locking mechanism. Q: What happens to the bikes if Cascadia Mobility goes away? • Cascadia Mobility is committed to expanding services in Eugene and throughout the region. Eugene owns its 300 bikes and Cascadia Mobility was the recipient of the Nike bike donation. • If the City of Springfield desired, Cascadia Mobility would be happy to transfer bike ownership to Springfield at launch so that Springfield could guarantee continuity should Cascadia Mobility stop operating. Attachment 7 Page 5 of 7 Q: What is the true cost of bike share? How does the PeaceHealth Rides budget work? • Bike share in Eugene is now run by a 501c3 nonprofit, Cascadia Mobility, which was awarded the City of Eugene's operating contract in April 2021, after JUMP/Uber cancelled the contract. • PeaceHealth Rides is a partnership between the City of Eugene, LTD, UO, PeaceHealth, and Cascadia Mobility. If PeaceHealth Rides expanded into Springfield, the City of Springfield will be invited to participate in the Partner Group, where programmatic decisions are made. • In Eugene, operating costs are covered by a mix of revenues from system usage, PeaceHealth Sponsorship, and City funds. There is an annual funding gap of about $200k. Program partners are seeking to identify a sustainable source of funding to close this gap. Possible sources include the UO, MPO discretionary funds, and/or ODOT STIF funding. • At the proposed scale, bike share costs about $2,000 - $2,500/bike/yr to operate in total. This includes both direct and indirect costs. Therefore, adding 100 bikes to the PeaceHealth Rides network would cost about $200,000 - $250,000/yr. Cost could be covered through a mix of revenues from system usage, PeaceHealth Sponsorship, and public funds. • Cascadia Mobility has up to 200 bikes that could be refurbished and used to expand the PeaceHealth Rides System. If the City of Springfield can commit to funding operations, refurbishment costs could be covered by ODOT. • Cascadia Mobility submitted a grant proposal to the Oregon Health Authority, seeking $1000 per bike per year in grant funding over an 18 month period. If awarded, PeaceHealth committed to match the grant with sponsorship funding for at least another 15 months. As a component of the grant submission, Cascadia Mobility also sought funding to make bike share completely free for low-income individuals. Grant awards will be announced in early April. • The City of Eugene bought the existing pedal bicycles and other equipment with a grant. They own the equipment and contract with Cascadia Mobility to operate the service. • The City of Eugene also funds a subscription membership for City of Eugene employees at a group rate (using Risk & Safety funding) and it pays for staff time to work on the PeaceHealth Rides project (maybe 2-5 hrs/wk max). • A contract between City of Eugene and Cascadia Mobility specifies a level of service. Q: What is the current membership fee structure? Would it stay the same with further expansion? • There are several different membership types: o Per trip: $1/15 mins (10 cents/min after first 15 minutes, prorated by minute) o Monthly: $15/month (includes 60 minutes of ride time per day, additional time billed at 10 cents/min) o UO Student: free 15 min/day or $5/month o Reduced Fare Plan: $3/month, available to people with SNAP accounts, or affiliated with one of several local CBO's. If grant funds are received, this could be reduced. • Users get $1 credit for each bike returned to a hub that they pick up from a non -hub location. Users who lock up a bike in the service area, but not at a hub, are charged $2. • If the bike is locked up outside the service area, the user is charged $25. Attachment 7 Page 6 of 7 • Rates have not increased since PeaceHealth Rides launched in 2018. Cascadia Mobility and the City of Eugene are considering raising some or all rates in summer 2022. However, if sustainable funding for operations could be secured, there is a possibility that rates would remain the same or even be lowered, if maximizing ridership is the goal. (2022 Update: Bike share rates increased in June 2022 for the first time since program launch in 2018. Rates were changed for University of Oregon rate plans and "Per Trip" rate plans. The key change being a $1 unlock fee for "Per Trip" users. The per minute price remains 10 cents. Monthly pass prices remain the same, with no unlock fee and free 60 minutes of ride time per day. The price change led to a 27% increase in rider revenue vs. budget over the entire 2022. In addition, total trips exceeded target by 12%.) Q: What about financial transparency? Cascadia Mobility is a new nonprofit, with startup funding from ODOT, whose mission is to operate equitable shared transportation programs at scale in partnership with Oregon's small to mid sized cities. Over time, Cascadia Mobility expects to provide a range of active transportation operations services through the state, sharing resources, costs, information, and technology to the benefit of any city interested in operating shared transportation programs. Cascadia Mobility is led by a team of bike share industry professionals. Program costs and revenues are fully transparent. Cascadia Mobility commits to annual budgeting and purchase and loss statement transparency with the City of Eugene. This transparency is critical since the City covers funding gaps. Any large deviations from the budget are identified and agreed to by the City. In Springfield, there could be a similar agreement and structure. This is a significant difference between the former, privately run model. Cascadia Mobility being a locally based nonprofit with its mission aligned with public interests ensures a higher level of financial transparency. Attachment 7 Page 7 of 7 i•' ' r' . "i '+r r rrr7 '/ / i'�I �' s • af � y � � 1ol kill ol 'moi: �' ;" � �r s � f,•` ' � �.` w''r �,i � '! 1 1.0 op r ti :.�. •I i � 1 j` r � rr Y f � L R' _AMAI kv • � 1 .. ,y r' l Cw PeaceHealth � 4 • ' • Rides n' iryVy Background Previous City Council Presentations Discussed 2/10/2020 and 3/14/2022 Interest in exploring expansion More information requested Information Requested ✓ Community feedback ✓ Expansion details ✓ Evaluation criteria and process ✓ Operations plan (clear roles/responsibilities) ✓ Timelines ✓ Funding details V, Bike Share Basics ➢Automatecl self-service bike rentals FAvailable 24-7 y Short, one-way trips ➢Compliments and expands transit ➢Dense network of hubs PeaceHealth Rides Eugene Launch - April 2018 300 bikes and 40 hubs Located near retail, transit, and housing Diverse Ridership • Visitors, residents, and students • Past 12 months - 150,000 trips by bike share Used For Transportation and recreation Quick trips around town Work — home, bus — dinner, work — gym Community & Business Engagement Online Interactive feedback tool and webpage Print ✓Postcard, flyer, and direct mail postcards Digital Newsletters and social media In -Person ✓In-person surveys ✓Business and property owner outreach The City of Springfield received grant funding to install new public bike racks and Is seeking fe idturck on where to site the bike racks. Qualifying businesses, organizations, and housing Ihatare nominated will be considered to receive tree bike parking nearby (ruck +install). The City is also seeking feedback an whore to locate potential bike share hubs (bike rental locations). Peaceilealth Rides bike share has successfully operated in Eugene since 2018 and Springfield is exploring the opportunity to expand the system into o unity_ The current bike share system ops, with 300 biter A system expansion wn,td sit, about 100 additionalbikes in Springfield that could beused regionally. SPRINGf Questions? Contact Kelsey Moore, Transportation Options r Specialist, at 541-W4425 or kcmoore@Icagorg ❑ • qe ■ OREGON Springfield needs your input on where to place bike racks and site bike share hubs. The City of SpitingField received grant funding to install new public bike racks and is seeking feedback on where to site the new blke racks. Qualifying businesses, organizations, and housing complexes that are nominated will be considered to receive free bike parking nearby (rack-install The city is also seeking feedback o where to locate potential bike share hubs (bike mental locationa). PeaceHeal[h Rides bike share has operated in Eugene since2CISand Springfield is exploring the opportunity to expand the bike share system into our community. The current system operates with 300 bikes, A system expansion would site about 100 additional bikes in Springfield. Visit the link below for point your sme artphoncamera at the Qn code) to nominate public bike rack and/or bike share hub Ixaticns. + Online Feedback Tool - 1,121 visits c°b°rg a In -Person Survey - 91 responses ® ® v itis ® sp......o.m Eugene W57,1 V 1, Are you familiar with bike share - in Eugene or other communities? College Hill ❑ Yes E ❑ NQ °snn 2. Are you interested in seeing bike share operate in Springfield? ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. What neighborhoods would you like to see bike share located in? Gateway/Riverbend I-lairrlan Rririna Mohawk aur G, �4 me G'd !,a„y Esri. NASA. NGA. USGS I State Waite rville GEG. Esri. NErZE Garm,e SareGra... Pin -It: Suggest Bike Share Hu Rainbow Dr at Janus St Aspen St (Heron Playground) 10th St at D St 4th St at B St (Public House) - Ov Franklin Blvd (Glenwood Hotels) Island Park Parking Lot (Island P W D St at Kelly Blvd (island Park C St at Water St (Willamalane Ad Willamalane Park and Swim Cen G Stat 10th St (Catholic Commu ErnX Station and Rosa Parks Pat Feedback: Interest in Bike Share No Opinion 4% No Feedback: Operation Zones PREFERRED OPERATION ZONES (IN-PERSON SURVEYS & ONLINE FEEDBACK) 100 91 90 80 70 N 60 Lu O 50 ' 40 29 27 30 22 19 20 17 15 14 10 NONE ■ ■ 1 0 ° ea °� \\tea � rJcy` ���a CJe�� aJy'`c �epor 0 Feedback: Hub Locations MOST POPULAR HUB LOCATIONS 30 28 (ONLINE FEEDBACK) 25 21 20 Ln 16 LU O 15 14 13 12 12 10 El 0 = ■ 61 9 8 8 8 8 0 Willamalane Downtown LTD Plank Town Public House Dorris Ranch Heron Island Park City Hall Rosa Parks Path Springfield High EmX Station Island Park (W D Park Swim Station Playground (Parking Lot) (Main St) School (Centennial St) Center Blvd) Letters of Support 13 Downtown Businesses Property Owners &Developers David Loveall Phillip Farrington (CDC Management Corps.) Alpesh and Tina Patel (ALKO Hotels) Willamalane Expansion Proposal Springfield Proposal o100bikes 016 hubs (rental/return sites) o In, and near, Downtown core Why 100 bikes? Appropriately scaled pilot program 100 bikes are funded for refurbishment Springfield Bike Share: Operation Zone & Hub Locations Pea"Health - •Riverbend Community Feedback: Popular Hub Q Current System Boundary Locations By Votes So red mart Proposed System Boundary RiverBend Location Popularity Gateway Mall :�a:ccst • Landing Park LOW LTO Gateway 'Station North � High 0 0.5 1 Miles •i Springfield I r S �,arlow Rd ydyden Bridge Rd Vitus Butte V St _�. T sr f N r J£ 75i 75[ `R 'Pne �a sr K Y m R St Marco�a QSt W Fairview Or Centennial- olympir 5[ 9a fi CiYm P4 St -- _- - -. Center ;, g rte ��C [rrmlTYBiv[t— -- — — —- Centennial BlVd HfghdankS 1Mllainalae Park I Swim center 1st _ Rd N Willamalane Adult r sl t F St Gs[ _ 6 5t - _ ~Activity Center-. - YF ^ iv nggeltl ,. • Spt rtl N N D St a c N Q n y .. e St Y _ o St r ` Wand Perk City -Hall; sr t n m m L r m Springfield Chain6er_• LTD Springfieldm m " v v v 8 St of Comme`metiony t Glenwood , 999���'se°° I Main St Oregon Ave _ y E j9�h Pie N Pond 7 _ + 5 F St Virginia Ave +'„ P, Da1sy St a Cherokee Or 225 ., {• \L 1 `per Jasper Mala Vd ner Ra �4 yr C Mt Vernon R i Dorris Ranch O Living History p Farm �r x SPRINGFIELD Clea rw�[-. }UlmREGON ;SS Expansion Proposal Springfield Proposal o100bikes 016 hubs (rental/return sites) o In, and near, Downtown core Why 100 bikes? Appropriately scaled pilot program 100 bikes are funded for refurbishment Dnerafic System operational roles: Hub install, relocation, and removal roles: Install Relocation RemovalInfrastructure Hub Bike Racks Contractor Cascadia Mobility Cascadia Mobility Hub Signage (18" x 24") Contractor Cascadia Mobility Cascadia Mobility Delineator (hubs located in right of way) Contractor Contractor Contractor Striping (hubs located in right of way) Contractor Contractor Contractor ✓Funding determinate ✓Will begin actively pursing funding if directed by Council ✓Give community time to acclimate to the system ✓Give staff time to fully evaluate the system ✓Trips over 18 months (ending or starting in Springfield) ✓Miles over 18 months (ending or starting in Springfield) ✓Engineering staff review for safety and operations ✓Review of public input after bike share launches Budget &Funding Options PeaceHealth Rides Funding Sponsorship (Peace Health) Rider revenue Regional transportation grant funds Grants Awarded Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Budget & Funding Options Funding Secured ✓$100,000 to refurbish bikes '$49,435 for hub infrastructure Grant Funding Needed ➢Total grant funding to launch and operate a three-year pilot: $410,814 ➢Operational costs: $865,290 ➢Sponsorship, rider revenue, and group pass income: $527,070 Local Match Funding Grants typically require: 10.27% - 20% match This project: $42,190 - $82,163 local match needed Recommended Action 1) Request Peace Health sponsorship for Springfield pilot. 2) Pursue $410,810 in transportation grant funding. Grants typically require 10.27% - 20% local match. Update Council when funds are secured. Finalize hub locations and service area. Bring Operations Contract to City Council for approval. 6) Update City Council after 18 months of operation. Questions? Community feedback Expansion details Evaluation criteria and process Operations plan (clear roles/responsibilities) Timelines Funding details