HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 1/31/2023AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 616/ MS Teams Staff Review., Tuesday, February 14, 2023 9:00 — 9:30 am. 1. Site Plan Review 811-23-000015-TYP2 811-22-000205-PROJ Jennifer Oeker Assessors Map: 17-0336-21 TL: 4700, 4800, 5700, 5800 Address: 1600 H Street Existing Use: medical office Applicant submitted plans to develop a supervised youth detox center Planner: Liz Miller Meeting: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 9:00 — 9:30 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: httD://www.sorinafield-or.aov/weblink8/browse.asox 511t VICINITY MAP 811-23-000015-TYP2 Site Plan Review 17-03-36-21 TL 4700, 4800, 5700 & 5800 1600 H Street Jennifer Ceker 'City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPRINGFIELD Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: ❑ Ma'or Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal: ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: Major Site Plan Modification Submittal: ❑ 9991111111will Q-34111 A plicant Name: Jennifer Oeker Phone: (541) 735-9421 Company: G Street Integrated Health Email:Jocker@gstih.org Address: 1435 G Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Applicant's Re ,:JohnSchmidt Phone.(541)68E-4540 Company: The Satre Group Email: John@satregroup.corr Address: 375 W 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 Property Owner: Wood Duck Properties, LLC Phone: company: Wood Duck Properties, LLC Email: Address: PO Box 10691, Eugene, OR 97440 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-36-21 TAX LOT NOS :04700, 04800, 05700, 05800 Property Address: 1600 H Street, Springfield, OR Size of Pro ert :1.7 Acres E] Square Feet El Proposed No. of Dwellingr acre. N/A Proposed Name of Project: Kaitlin's House De$Dri PtlOn of if you are filing in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal• Develop a supervised Youth Detox Facility Existing Use: Medical Office Development New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area :0 sf Si natures: Please sin and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next page. Associated Applications: Si ns: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: I Date: Reviewed by. Application Fee: Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 KL 1 of 11 January 23, 2023 KAITLIN'S HOUSE Site Plan Review Map 17-03-36-21, Lots 04700, 04800, 05700, and 05800 WRITTEN STATEMENT In accordancewith Site Plan Review requirements, thiswritten statement describes the proposed development and demonstrates that the proposal complies with the standards contained in SDC 5.17-100 through 5.17-125. LAND USE REQUEST A. Development Objective G Street Integrated Health was founded on the principle that everyone in the community deserves comprehensive, professional health care, delivered with respect and kindness, including to those most vulnerable. G Street Integrated Health is interested in opening a youth detox facility at the above referenced property. Included in the application and written statement is information about G Street and the proposed facility specifics. Subject Propedy RLID Maps 2022 B. Project Directory Owner Wood Duck Properties, LLC P.O. Box 10691 Eugene, OR 97440 Contact: Jennifer Oeker Email: Jockeraastih.ora Phone: (541) 735-9421 Planner (arid Applicant's Representative) Landscape Architect John Schmidt, ASLA John Schmidt, ASLA The Satre Group The Satre Group 375 West 4b Avenue, Suite 201 375 West 4b Avenue, Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: (541) 686-4540 Phone: (541) 686-4540 Email: John(alsatrecrouo.com Email: iohn@satrecrouo.com THE SITE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Development Site The development site is located on and accessed from the south side of I Street and north of H Street, in Springfield. The site is primarily large, single -story multi -unit office building with a large parking lot, adjacent to the McKenzie Medical Center. The site is made up of four (4) tax lots and is approximately .60 acres (26,136 square feet) in size. Abutting the site to the north and east is single-family residential, to the south is a large right-of-way (H Street) and then single-family residential, and to the west is the medical center. The project area is fully within the Springfield city limits. FW + w.o:r�PEMr..rrTT + PLANNERS + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS 375lNesl4th, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 9]401 Phone: 541.66fiA540 www. satregroup.com I I I Kaill'n's H.. Stile Plat Review Map 17-03-38-21 Lots 4700, 4800, 5700, 8 5800 B. Planning Context 1. Planning and Zoning. The Eugene -Springfield Metro Plan designates the Kaitlin House property as Nodal Development (ND) and the zoning is Low Density Residential (LDR). The site is within the Mohawk Special Development Plan Area, the Hospital Support Overlay District, and the Drinking Water Protection Overlay Zone (the site is within the 5- and 10 -year Time of Travel Zone Concentrations). Mel. Ran Ran 2010 Page 2 of 7 2. Transportation. a. TransPlan. The metro area adopted transportation plan, The Eugene -Springfield Transportation System Plan (TransPlan) shows that Mohawk Boulevard is a Minor Arterial and that there are no future projects in the vicinity of the subject property. Springfield 2035 Transportation The City of Springfield's Local Street Network diagram shows no proposed future streets within the area of the project. The plan is illustrative only and is not parcel specific. Future local streets, their locations, and projects can be adjusted at time of specific development proposals. Local 9lred NdWolk Map City of Spnngfidd August 2018 c. Public Transit. The nearest public transit service is an LTD bus stop a quarter mile west on Mohawk Boulevard. 3. Utilities. a. Stormwater and Wastewater. The Springfield Stormwater Facilities Master Plan shows the property as being serviced as built within the O Street Floodway Basin. There are no future stormwater projects planned within the area of the property. The Springfield Wastewater Master Plan shows two future projects, just north and south of the site. These projects are upgrades to the existing lines and the project as proposed will have no impacts on these lines. The Satre Group • 375 Wed Avenue, 3uie 201, Eugene, OR 97,401 • (541) 886-4540 • vrew.sisrec.up.. Milan's House Stile Plan Review Map 17-03-3&21 Lots 4700, 4800, 5700, & 5800 Ow t. Millreee J Stamwater Facilities Master Pla City of Springfield, October 2008 b. Wellhead Protection. The subject property is within the 5 -year and 10-yeartime of travel zone of the i nearby 16' and Q wellfield. Wellhead Protection Areas Map Excerpt City of Springfield and Springfield Utility Board January 2813 1? Page 3 of 7 Centra likI f Wastewater Master Plan City of Springfield 2008 c. Water & Electric. All infrastructure is in place and as such the water and electric infrastructure exist on and adjacent to the subject site. 4. Natural Resources. a. Springfield Natural Resources Study. The Springfield Natural Resource Study Report does not identify any resources on or near the site that would be impacted by the proposed project. b. Springfield Wetland Inventory / Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLVV). Neither the National Wetlands Inventory nor the Local Wetlands Inventory document the presence of jurisdictional wetlands on or adjacent to the subject property. Springfield's Water Quality Limited Watercourses inventory also documents that there are no WQLW features on or adjacent to the subject property. The Sal Group • 375 West 4 Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) (58&4540 • w .salreereuo.can Kaillin's House Stile Plan Review Map 17-03-36-21 Lots 4700, 4800, 5700, & 5&00 Parks and Open Space. a. The Wllamalane Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan has one proposed project (1.12) to the east of this project site. This would be the acquisition and redevelopment for a new neighborhood park in an underserved area. Excapl WMmalane Future Pmjeds Map Page 4 & 7 III. SITE REVIEWSTANDARDS This section is presented in the same order of applicable requirements found in Section 5.17.125, Site Plan Review Approval Standards the Springfield Development Code. Applicable sections ofthe Code are in bold italics, followed by proposed findings in normal text. The Director must approve, approve with conditions, or deny an application for Site Plan Review based upon the approval standards listed below. 5.17.125—Approval Standards (A) The Director must approve, approve with conditions, or deny a proposed Site Plan Review application based on the following standards: (1) The proposed land use is a permitted use or is allowed as a discretionary use in the land use district Response: The Metro Plan shows the property as Nodal Development (N D) and the Zoning as Low - Density Residential (LDR) for the site. The site is also within the Mohawk Special Development Plan and is designated as Low -Density Residential in the plan. The property is also within the Hospital Support Overlay District (Section 3.3.1100) and Group Care Homes are an allowed use. The zoning allows for a Residential Care Facility (6 or more people) as a permitted use if it is in conformance with cited code standards. The Site Plan Review is required due to the change in use, Section 5.17.110(A)(1)(c) which states that "Additions, expansions, and changes of use, regardless of size or intervening use, that: (iv) Are located within 50 feet of property in a residential land use district or residentially designated land (as measured from the property line of the subject property)."Therefore, the use is an allowed use, and the following criteria and code standards will be discussed below, followed by the findings for each section. (2) If a use is allowed as a discretionary use, in addition to meeting the standards below, a Discretionary Use application must be approved in conformance with the standards in SDC 5.9.100. Response: The proposed use is a supervised youth detm center within the Hospital Support Overlay District which is an allowed use per SDC 3.3.1120. The Satre Group • 375 West 4 Avenue, 3uie 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 68&4540 • �.serenmun.oan Kaillin's House Stile Men Review Map 17-03-36-21 We 4700, 4800, 5700, & 5800 Page 5 of 7 (3) The proposal complies with the standards of the land use district of the sub)ect property. The zone is LDR which equates to R-1 Single -Family Residential. In the R-1 Zone, Residential Care Facility — 6 or more people, is an allowed use if it currently meets the Residential Care Facility section 4.7.350. The project meets the section as shown below: Section 4.7.350 Residential Care Facility (A) These facilities must have a front yard setback of 15 feet and side and rear yard setbacks of 20 feet. The landscaped setbacks for parking lots and driveways may be reduced to 5 feet when the Director determines, through a Type 2 process, that adequate buffering has been provided. (B) A minimum of 25 percent of the lol/paroel shall be landscaped. (C) No parking is permitted within the front yard setback. Required parking must be screened from public view. (D) For structures on the Springfield Historic Inventory, any external modification must be in conformance with SDC 3.3.900. (E) The maximum density in the R-1 District is 24 bedrooms per net acre. Response: The property is already developed, and the use is changing from medical offices to a supervised youth detox care facility. The project meets the setbacks required above (see sheet L 2.0 and architectural plans) and the lot has 33% (8,728 square feet) of landscaping which exceeds the 25%(6,534 square feet) minimum landscaping required. There is no parking within the front yard setback, off of H Street, and all parking (located off I Street) is screened from all sides with landscaping. Any distressed or missing required landscaping screening is proposed to be replaced with this application (see sheet L4.0). The primary area for re -landscaping is the planting adjacent to existing parking along the street, adjacent to residential, and the property line along I Street. Additionally, the site is not on the Springfield Historic Inventory list and the maximum density does not apply to this use; therefore, this project meets or exceeds the standards listed above. (4) The proposal complies with any applicable approved masterplan, rnaster facilities plan, refinement plan, and/or special planned district Response: The project site is within the Hospital Support Overlay District, which provides an area in the immediate vicinity of the McKenzie- Willamette cKenzie- WIlamette Hospital with options for future hospital expansion and for hospital related support services. The plan has design standards (Section 3.3.1125) and those standards guide development within the overlay. The design standards state: (A) All yard, lot/parcel size, coverage, density, fencing, parking standards shall be subject to the same standards as professional offices in residential districts. (B) A minimum of 25 percent of the lot/parcel shall be of planted material. (C) Parking lots shall meet the planting standards applicable to commercial development. The Satre Group • 375 West 4 Avenue, 3uie 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 68&4540 • w .salreomuo.c Mflin's House Site K. Review Map 17-03-36-21 Lots 4700, 4800, 5700, & 5800 Page 6 or 7 As stated above in section 3 the project meets all setbacks, landscaping requirements, parking, and associated standards. Therefore, this criterion is met. (5) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.2, Infrastructure Standards -Transportation. Response: The project site is an existing, approved, and developed medical office complex. The infrastructure is readily available for the site. There are no new public streets or new driveways connecting to the public right-of-way, or public intersections, public sidewalks, or any new street trees proposed with this application. Vision clearance areas will be shown for the existing drive aisle to I Street. The existing parking lot lighting was constructed and is in operation currently and will be discussed below in section 8. Therefore, this criterion is met. (6) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.3, Infrastructure Standards -Utilities. Response: The project does not include any new facilities requiring additional services, water, or wastewater systems or modification to current service. The project stormwater has been designed and is operational. There are no identified or visible natural resources located on-site or adjacent to the development site area. Electrical service to the site is existing and operational. All existing utilities have been researched and shown on the plans. (7) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.4, Landscaping, Screening, and Fence Standards. Response: The project is an existing medical office building that will change the use to a supervised youth detox center. The parking lot, landscape areas, and screening are existing and are in excess of the requirements listed in Section 4.4. There are eight (8) street trees along 16a Street, two (2) street trees along I Street, and three (3) street trees along H street, which is no longer a through street to 16' Street. None of the street trees will be impacted and no new street trees are proposed. There are also five (5) trees within the property in the landscape areas. There is no fencing on-site and none is proposed. There are some distressed shrubs and screening landscaping areas along the eastern property line and within the street frontage along I Street. As part of the project these are proposed to be replaced and enhanced to the standards (see sheet L4.0). All existing mechanical equipment is proposed to be screened. The material will be a solid screen painted to match the existing building. The project is proposing a new trash enclosure (see sheet L3.0) for roll away trash receptacles. This enclosure will also be constructed and painted to match the existing building. Per the email received by the City Engineer Clayton McEachern on 1-18-23, the city will waive the sanitary connection within the trash enclosure since the use is not intensive and no underground site work is being proposed for this project. (8) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.5, Orr -Site Lighting Standards. Response: The three existing boxed lighting for the parking lot and all are shielded downward including the light adjacent to residential property. See sheet L4.0 for locations. (9) The proposal corrplies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.6, Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking Standards. Response: Per Section 4.6.115, Table 4.6.1, the existing parking spaces meet the dimension requirements for standard spaces, 9 x 18 feet, and have 24 feet of aisle width for backing up. The Satre Group • 375 West 4 Avenue, Suie 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 68&4540 • w satreomuo.can Mflin's House Site Man Review Map 17-03-36-21 Lots 4700, 4800, 5700, & 5800 Page 7 of 7 There are 31 spaces, of which 21 are standard size spaces, 2 are ADA spaces, 8 spaces are compact, and all spaces meet the dimensions for size and required 24 feet of backup area. Per 4.6.120, the existing parking area is paved, and has a permanent concrete curb system along its perimeter. All spaces will be clearly marked. One existing space is being remove to accommodate the trash enclosure. The number of parking spaces required is based upon the number of employees at the busiest time. The applicant has provided awritten description on how the facility will be operated. The busiest time would have approximately 7-10 employees on shift and there are four (4) bedrooms. This would require one space for the bedrooms and 10 spaces for the employees, requiring 11 dedicated spaces. There are 31 spaces within the parking lot, therefore exceeding the required parking. The project site has two (2) short term bicycle parking spaces adjacent to the entrance on I Street. The standard for bicycle parking is one (1) space per every five (5) employees. This would require two (2) spaces, and this is covered by the existing two spaces on-site. See plan sheet L2.0 for location information. (10) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.7, Specific Development Standards. Response: The standards at 4.7.350, for Residential Care Facilities, was discussed above in Section 3. To recap, the facility meets or exceeds the 15 -foot front yard setback, and the 20 - foot side and rear yard setbacks. The percentage of landscaping is proposed at 33 %or 8,728 square feet, which exceeds the minimum 25% required. There is no parking in the front yard setback and all parking is screened from public areas or proposed to refurbish the existing landscape areas. The east property line and street frontage on I Street will be replanted to replace any of the missing or dilapidated shrubs as part of the development. (11) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.8, Tenporary Use Standards. Response: None of the Temporary Use Standards apply to the project site, therefore this standard does not apply. IV. CONCLUSION The above information represents known applicable planning, zoning, and site development requirements for the contemplated project. It presents known physical conditions and contexts. It captures the project's primary objective. Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement, associated attachments, and plan set the proposed Kaitlin's House project meets the Site Plan Review criteria of approval contained in the Springfield Development Code. Therefore, the applicant requests that the City of Springfield approve the proposal. Both the applicant and the applicant's representative are available for questions. We look forward to working with staff to ensure this project meets the goals and objectives of the applicant and the city. If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact John Schmidt, at The Satre Group, 541-686-4540, or ohn0satrearoup.com. Sincerely, John Schmidt, ASLA The Satre Group The Satre Group • 375 West 4°' Avenue, Suie 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 68&4540 • w , satreorouo. com G Street Integrated Health Proposed Services Located at 1601 I Street, Springfield OR Dba Kaitlin's House September 6, 2022 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth St Springfield, OR 97477 RE: 1601 I St, Springfield, OR 97477 To Whom It May Concern, G Street Integrated Health is interested in opening a youth detox facility at the above referenced property. Included in this packet is information about G Street and the proposed facility specifics. I have included our Site Plan Pre -Submittal and a check for $449. Our Mission G Street Integrated Health was founded on the principle that everyone in our community deserves comprehensive, professional health care, delivered with respect and kindness, including to those most vulnerable. Our History G Street Integrated Health developed through a Trillium Community Health Plans grant, and opened on October 1, 2019, as a non-profit 501(c)3. We were soon hit with a global pandemic and when other ambulatory clinics were furloughing employees and closing their doors, we stayed open and experienced exponential growth. We started in 2019 with eight employees and within three years have grown to a staff of 57. Each member of our team shares in our mission and provides unsurpassed care to our patients, regardless of their economic status. We are a Five Star Patient Centered Medical Home as designated by the Oregon Health Authority. This is the highest honor bestowed upon clinics who undergo a rigorous auditing process to prove their commitment to patients, quality, and the health care experience. While Family Medicine is our core service, we also expanded our offerings as we identified gaps in service availability within our community. We have dual Certificates of Authority from the Oregon Health Authority for our co -located Behavioral Health Services and Addiction Services. Not only do we have a Board -Certified Addiction Medicine physician on Page 1 1 staff, we also are so fortunate to have two Psychiatrists on staff - truly unheard of in a Family Practice setting. As we continue to find voids in the medical offerings in our community, we add needed services. Most recently, we added a dental clinic, and in-house Pharmacist for consultation on patients with complex pharmacologic regimens. Our Proposal There currently is no medically supervised detox facility for youth in Oregon. The closest is in Spokane, WA. Most residential treatment centers for youth require that the patient be detoxed prior to placement in their facility. Currently, the youth of Lane County are detoxing at home or in the Emergency Department of one of our two local hospitals. Kaitlin's House is designed to serve 10 youth, all genders, ages 13-17, in need of medically supervised detoxification prior to placement in a residential treatment center. The youth are divided into two wings based on gender, are roomed with youth of similar age and substance use background. The program will provide a safe and secure environment for youth to detox, under medical supervision, for three to seven days. Youth will be welcomed in a home -like environment and receive their initial assessment including medical and dental care. We will provide stabilization services and lay the groundwork for successful treatment at a residential treatment center. Family participation and partnership is paramount in the child's quest for a drug and alcohol free life. We will contract with both the State of Oregon and all commercial insurance plans for services provided to youth. Admission Criteria Kaitlin's House will welcome youths of any gender between the ages of 13 and 17 years who are in need of short-term, secure, medically monitored drug and alcohol detox and stabilization. With a very specific screening process, Kaitlin's House will protect those in its care; therefore, the following conditions will exclude youth from detoxing at Kaitlin's House: • Non -treated sex offender • Current predatory sexual acting out • Severe Development Disabilities (mild impairment considered on a case-by-case basis) • Severe mental health diagnosis as primary presenting problem o Severe psychosis o Auditory or visual hallucinations o Extreme suicide risk Proeram Structure Kaitlin's House will be designated as a Detox for Youth facility. All staff will pass a background check and be cleared to work with children prior to start date. The building as well as its grounds will be monitored by 12 CCTV cameras that are backed up to the cloud. Visitors to Kaitlin's House are allowed during regularly scheduled visitation times only and are limited to immediate family members. Exterior doors are to remained locked and staff will have access badges to enter the facility. Youth are not allowed to leave while in Page 12 treatment unless removed from the program by a guardian, in which case they are no longer eligible for services moving forward. The staffing model will include: • Medical Director - Michelle Kaplan, MD (board certified family medicine and addiction medicine) • Director of Youth Services Kaitlin Richardson • Medical Staff Services o Sebastian Brunning, PA -C o Anna Hancock, PA -C o Amanda Aldrich, FNP o Six Registered Nurses to provide 24-hour coverage • Security - six security workers to provide 24-hour coverage • Behavioral Health Workers o Three Qualified Mental Health Associates (QMHA) will work with youth on skill - building o Two Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADC) will work with youth in one-hour individualized counseling sessions with family in attendance to help prepare for residential treatment. There is no foot traffic in this design. Youth have an intake, stay in the building three -seven days, and then are transported to a residential treatment center. The campus at 1601 I St is perfect and requires no modifications to the interior or exterior of the building. Staff Trainine All staff will have mandatory training to include: • Trauma Informed Care • Attachment Regulation Competency • Collaborative Problem Solving • Basic Mental Health • Oregon Intervention System or Crisis Prevention Intervention • Effectively Engaging with Parents • Child Brain Development • General training in child abuse prevention • HIPAA • Behavioral health/substance use disorder records laws • Office policies, procedures, and compliance Page 13 In Conclusion Kaitlin's House will be the only medically assisted youth detox center in the State of Oregon. The locality of 1601 I St, Springfield, OR, is ideal for this program, given its close proximity to G Street Integrated Health (its parent facility) and McKenzie—Willamette Hospital. We truly hope that we do not experience a medical crisis but are well supported and prepared if we do. It is my hope that the City of Springfield will support and endorse this program and its proposed location. This property was recently purchased and I have met with the new owners, who take possession later this month. They have indicated they will offer G Street Integrated Health a five-year lease, contingent on our ability to gain Springfield's Planning Division approval for our project. If you would like additional information, please let me know. With sincerest thanks, Jennifer Ocker Executive Director G Street Integrated Health dba Kaitlin's House 541-735-9421 desk jocker@gstih.org Page 14