HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Glenwood RFPAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 1/23/2023 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Department: City Manager’s Office Staff Contact: Allie Camp S P R I N G F I E L D ECONOMIC Staff Phone No: 541-726-3688 DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Estimated Time: 5 Minutes ITEM TITLE: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) S3147 GLENWOOD RIVERFRONT MASTER PLANNING ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt or not adopt the following Motion: Award RFP S3147 Glenwood Master Planning Services to Rowell Brokaw Architects and Walker Macy and authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract consistent with the proposal received in the RFP. ISSUE STATEMENT: Should SEDA award the RFP to Rowell Brokaw Architects and Walker Macy based on existing negotiations, continue negotiations to lower the cost, or terminate negotiations and proceed to negotiate with the next ranked proposer? ATTACHMENTS: 1. RFP S3147 Glenwood Riverfront Master Planning Services DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: SEDA issued a Request for Proposals S3147 for Glenwood Riverfront Master Planning Services on July 29, 2022 (ATT 1). Adopting a Master Plan is a key phase in the land use entitlement process needed before SEDA can enter into a final disposition agreement with Edlen & Company and deChase Miksis to develop the Glenwood Riverfront. The purpose and goals of the master planning work can be seen on Attachment 1, page 3. The foundational land use document for the Glenwood Riverfront, the Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Area Refinement Plan, was adopted in 2014, setting the overall vision for the area. For this master plan area to reach its full potential, many areas of expertise will be required to be incorporated into the project. The first area of expertise was redevelopment partners. The second is a master planning team. To achieve Glenwood’s vision requires operationalization of the refinement plan through a master planning process. SEDA received five proposals, and three were invited to attend a formal interview and presentation with the review committee before final scores were compiled. The review committee was comprised of City staff with expertise in the areas of finance and planning. Development professionals and adjacent property owners were also invited to participate in the interview process and share feedback with the review committee. Following the formal interviews, the proposal submitted by Rowell Brokaw Architects and Walker Macy was the highest-ranked proposal with 105.2 points. The Proposal was reviewed in Executive Session because it is exempt from public disclosure until after execution of a contract, per ORS 279C.107. The second and third place proposers scored 80.85 and 80.78 points. The Board is asked to award the RFP to Rowell Brokaw Architects and Walker Macy and authorize the City Manager to executive a contract for the master planning work on the basis of Rowell Brokaw Architects and Walker Macy’s proposal. {00025101:1} IMPORTANT NOTICE!! If you download these materials and wish to be added to the proposer contact list send an email to: purchasing@springfield-or.gov Information to be provided: ➢ “RFP# S3147 Glenwood Riverfront Master Plan” in the subject line ➢ Company name ➢ Primary contact name ➢ Primary contact title ➢ Primary contact direct phone # ➢ Primary contact email It will be the responsibility of each participating supplier to refer daily to the City of Springfield – Purchasing/Contracts website http://www.springfield- or.gov/city/finance/itbrfp to check for any available addendum to current opportunities, cancellations or intents to award posted. Attachment 1 Page 1 of 15 {00025101:1} Request for Proposal #S3147 Glenwood Riverfront Master Plan City of Springfield Springfield Economic Development Agency City Manager’s Office Department Springfield, Oregon 97477 July 29, 2022 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 15 {00025101:1} I. Project Overview The Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA), an urban renewal agency of the City of Springfield, is seeking an experienced consultant or consultant team to prepare a Master Plan of the Glenwood Riverfront area. Glenwood is an urban development neighborhood, sitting between I-5 and the Willamette River. SEDA and the City of Springfield own land in the Glenwood Riverfront and is engaged with the abutting property owners for a new mixed-use development project. The successful proposer will provide a well-developed Master Plan to govern future specific development plans for the Glenwood Riverfront area, anticipated to be developed over the next five-ten years. The successful proposer will be expected to work with SEDA and City staff, elected officials, and current and potential future public and private property owners in the Glenwood Riverfront area to develop the Master Plan. The project’s purpose is to prepare a Master Plan for the Glenwood Riverfront area to be adopted by the Springfield Planning Commission. Specifically, the Master Plan will : 1. Facilitate the review of multi-phased developments in the Glenwood Riverfront to be constructed over a five-to-ten-year period and ensure that individual phases will be coordinated with each other over the duration of the Master Plan; 2. Ensure that a full range of public facilities and services are available or will be provided for the proposed phased development and to plan the extension of necessary public infrastructure in a timely and efficient manner; 3. Determine specific land uses, a range of minimum to maximum square footage of non- residential uses and a range of minimum to maximum densities of residential uses, the arrangement of uses, and the location of public facilities and transportation systems; 4. Identify potential impacts of proposed development, including, but not limited to noise, shading, glare, utility capacity and traffic and consider alternatives for mitigating these impacts to affected properties and/or public facilities; 5. Provide current and future property owners with an opportunity for the concurrent review of related aspects of the development entitlement process (including but not limited to design review, zoning and development variances, site plan approvals, l and divisions, and utility approvals); and 6. Provide current and future property owners in the Glenwood Riverfront area with the assurance needed over the long term to plan for and execute the proposed development. Attachment 1 Page 3 of 15 {00025101:1} II. Overall Project Description and Scope of Work SEDA’s purpose for issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to establish a contract with a successful proposer for master planning services, which includes but is not limited to land use planning services, architectural design services, landscape architecture services, civil design services, and transportation planning and engineering services . The specific anticipated scope of services is described in Attachment 1 - Scope of Work. III. Proposal Submission Requirements Your response to the Request for Proposal must contain all the information requested in this Request for Proposal along with acknowledgement of all addenda. A completeness check will be conducted for each submission. Incomplete submissions may not be accep ted. Submissions must include the items organized and numbered to correspond to each requirement below: 1. General – Proposals will be clear and concise. The SEDA encourages green options and discourages the use of materials that cannot be recycled such as PVC and spiral binders, plastic or glossy covers and dividers. Further, SEDA encourages proposers to print on both sides of a sheet of paper whenever possible. 2. Cover Letter – All Proposals must be accompanied by a cover letter signed by an individual who is legally authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the proposing individual/firm. The letter must: a. Introduce the proposal and explain your qualifications to provide the scope of work as described in the Attachment 1 Scope of Work; b. Affirm that the proposer accepts all terms and conditions of this RFP as provided in the Attachment 2 Sample Contract terms and conditions, or list any exceptions to the Sample Contract terms and conditions; c. Designate the proposer’s contact person during the proposal evaluation process; d. Identify whether you qualify as resident bidder as described in ORS279A.120 (1) (b) and if you are licensed to do business in the State of Oregon; e. Include a statement of the firm’s ability to begin work in early October 2022 and a statement that the submission is a firm offer for a 90-day period; and f. Pending Litigation: Identify any past, pending or threatened litigation or administrative or state ethics board or similar body proceedings to which you or any of your partners are a party and which would either materially impair your ability to perform the services enumerated herein, or, if decided in an adverse manner, materially adversely affect the financial condition of your firm. Any firm selected pursuant to this RFP will be required to advise SEDA of any developments during the term of this appointment with respect to existing and/or any new civil or criminal legal investigations, pertinent litigation and/or regulatory action involving the firm or its employees which could impact the firm’s role or ability to perform the consulting services. Attachment 1 Page 4 of 15 {00025101:1} Qualifications. The statement of qualifications must- include a detailed statement of the qualifications of the firm and sub-consultant firms who will be assigned to the project. This should include organizational history and public master planning experience. Please include three examples of similar master planning projects. Include information such as client, scope, public engagement process, challenges identified during the process and how those challenges were addressed, and proposed staff who w ere involved in the project. 3. Resumes. The proposal must include a resume for each member of the project team (proposing firm and subconsultant firms). Please describe each team member’s role, if any, in the example master planning projects described in the statement of qualifications. 4. Approach. The proposal must set forth a work plan, including an explanation of the master planning methodology to be followed, to perform the services required in this request for proposal. The Approach must the following information: a. Identify key personnel, including sub-consultant key personnel, who will be working on the project, as well as an itemization of each member’s direct involvement by task. b. Specify a project manager and a primary contract person for project delivery. c. Demonstrate, through narrative, the proposer’s understanding of SEDA’s needs, goals, and objectives as related to the project. d. Describe in detail the proposed approach to providing the requested services. e. Include the sequence of activities to be undertaken and identification of specific tasks and deliverables within each activity. ▪ Provide a detailed work plan showing tasks and the schedule. ▪ Include task completion dates and each team member’s direct involvement in tasks. ▪ Allow ample time for SEDA staff review of the draft products and subsequent revisions. f. Describe in detail the expected work products, which include but are not limited to, meeting notes, progress reports, technical memoranda, presentations, reports and maps (draft and final), and other applicable materials. Work products should be described by project task with relevant information such as size, number, media, and format. 5. Fee Proposal. Do not submit with proposal package. The fee proposal must be completed in conjunction with the proposal and be ready to provide to SEDA within 24 hours of notification of the Intent to Award. The fee proposal must list the total person- hours, hourly rates, and cost by work task and function. The fee proposal must show all costs for the project, including overhead costs, miscellaneous expenses, and sub- consultants and must include the proposer’s method of calculating the fee. In addition, proposers are to break those hours down by type of employee that will be assigned to this engagement. A suggested format is: Attachment 1 Page 5 of 15 {00025101:1} 6. Additional Services - If it should become necessary for SEDA to request the consultant team to render any additional services to either supplement the services requested in this RFP or to perform additional work as a result of the specific recommendations included in any report issued on this engagement, then such additional work shall be performed only if set forth in an addendum to the contract between the SEDA and the firm. Any such additional work agreed to between SEDA and the firm shall be performed at the same rates set forth in the Fee Proposal. 7. References - Provide a minimum of five (5) references for Master Planning Services for organizations for whom you have provided similar services. The references should include, at a minimum, the name of the organization, the address, the contact person, title, email address and a telephone number. References cannot include current or former SEDA or City of Springfield staff. (Former staff include staff employed by the City of Springfield within the last five years.) 8. Attachment 2 Sample Contract. (Exceptions to the terms and conditions must be noted in your cover letter.) The proposal does not need to include a signed sampled contract. 9. Attachment 3 Authorization to Legally Bind Bidder. The proposal must include a signed authorization to legally bind the proposer to their proposal, except as may be negotiated between SEDA and the successful proposal following notification of Intent to Award. 10. Attachment 4 Minority Women Emerging Small Business Form (MWESB). A complete and signed MWESB form must be included in the proposal. IV. Evaluation and Selection Criteria An evaluation committee comprised of representatives from SEDA and the City of Springfield will review proposals for conformance with the requirements of this RFP. Conforming proposals will be evaluated according to the criteria listed below. 1. Proposal Review Job Title Number of Employees Estimated hours Partner Manager Supervisor Senior Junior Total *Job titles may vary between firms. Attachment 1 Page 6 of 15 {00025101:1} a. The proposals will be examined to determine that the firm satisfies the mandatory elements as identified in section IV(2)(a). Firms who do not meet the mandatory elements may be eliminated from further consideration. b. The evaluation committee will score each proposal according to the criteria in subsection 2 below. Based on the preliminary scores of each proposal, the committee will select no more than four finalists to provide an oral presentation to the evaluation committee. Following the oral presentation(s), the committee will make a final selection based on the highest overall score. The final score will be based upon information provided in the proposal, during the oral presentation, and by the proposer’s references. 2. Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated using two sets of criteria. First, the evaluation committee will determine whether proposals meet the mandatory criteria. Next, the evaluation committee will evaluate and score proposals that meet the mandatory criteria using the proposal evaluation criteria and possible points as provided below. a. Mandatory Criteria: Proposal Submission Requirements (Section III) b. Proposal Evaluation Criteria Criteria Possible Points Firm Qualifications and Experience (Reference Section III (3)) 20 Key Personnel Qualifications and Experience (Reference Section III (4)) 30 Approach (Reference section III (5) 25 References (Reference Section III(8) 15 Proposal Presentation and Professionalism 10 Total 100 Oral Presentation for selected firms (if any) 30 Grand Total 130 c. Oral Presentations and Final Scoring i. After the evaluation committee completes a preliminary evaluation and scoring of the proposals, the committee will select no more than four finalist proposers to make an oral presentation to the committee. Presentations provide the firms an opportunity to answer any questions or provide clarifications to the committee. Attachment 1 Page 7 of 15 {00025101:1} ii. Finalist proposers who do not respond to SEDA’s request to schedule an oral presentation within three business days of being contacted by SEDA may forfeit the opportunity to provide an oral presentation. iii. The evaluation committee will score the proposer’s oral presentations in the context of the criteria listed in section IV(2)(b) of this document and whether the presentation and responses enhance the scoring of the written proposals. Firms may receive up to an additional 30 points on the presentation. Following the oral presentation, the evaluation committee may adjust their preliminary scores based upon the information provided during the oral presentation. iv. The evaluation committee will compile final cumulative scores for each proposal by adding the final score for the written proposal with the oral presentation score. The highest ranked proposer will be tentatively selected as the successful proposer and SEDA will issue a notification of Intent to Award. Negotiations will be conducted according to section X. d. Tie Breaker i. If two or more proposals have the same preliminary score, the evaluation committee may decide, in the best interests of SEDA, whether it is necessary to apply a tie-breaker or else invite all tied proposers to give an oral presentation. If the evaluation committee applies a tie-breaker, proposals will be ranked by the preliminary score for Key Personnel Qualifications and Experience. ii. If two or more proposers have the same final cumulative score, propos als will be ranked by the oral presentation score. If these scores are also tied, proposals will be ranked by the scores for Key Personnel Qualifications and Experience. V. Selection Process 1. Schedule for Selection Process RFP Available July 29, 2022 Pre-Proposal Site Visit August 10, 2022 10:00am PDT Request for Change or Protests Due (if applicable) August 25, 2022, 12:00 pm PDT Last Day Addenda may be Posted (if applicable) August 31, 2022 Proposals Due September 2, 2022, 2:00 pm PDT Oral Presentations September 12-16, 2022 Notice of Intent to Award (approximate) September 23, 2022 Contract Award (approximate) October 4, 2022 2. Pre-Proposal Site Visit Attachment 1 Page 8 of 15 {00025101:1} An optional pre-proposal site visit will be held for all interested proposals to discuss the project and the scope of services described in this RFP. The time and location of the meeting will be 10:00am PDT August 10, 2022, at 4330 Franklin Blvd, Eugene, OR 97403. Attendance is not mandatory. 3. SEDA Contact during Proposal Process Prospective Proposers may contact Sam Kelly-Quattrocchi, Legislative and Economic Development Analyst by email at purchasing@springfield-or.gov for further information regarding this process or to request clarification. Contact with other SEDA or City of Springfield officials regarding this RFP may be grounds for disqualification. Please note that SEDA has implemented this policy to ensure fairness and transparency in the selection process. VI. Instructions to Proposers This RFP may be found on the City of Springfield website at www.springfield-or.gov (http://www.springfield-or.gov/city/finance/itbrfp select the document titled RFP#S3147 and Glenwood Riverfront Master Plan). Each Proposal must include one (1) original signed submission, marked “RFP# S3147 and Glenwood Riverfront Master Plan” and (1) electronic copy (PDF format) on a CD or USB drive. Each original proposal and required materials must be contained in a sealed envelope or box and must be received no later than 2:00 pm PDT, September 2, 2022 at the following address: Springfield Economic Development Agency City Manager’s Office Attention: Sam Kelly-Quattrocchi 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 VII. Late Proposals Not Considered Proposals must be received by the time specified at the address listed ab ove. Any Proposal received after the deadline will not be considered. Faxed or emailed submissions will not be accepted. VIII. Addenda to RFP 1. Prospective proposers may submit a written protest to anything contained in this RFP or may request clarification or a change to any provision, requirement, or contract term by submitting them in writing to Sam Kelly-Quattrocchi, Legislative and Economic Development Analyst by email at purchasing@springfield-or.gov, no later than 12:00 pm Attachment 1 Page 9 of 15 {00025101:1} PDT August 25th, 2022. Each protest or request for change must include the reasons for the protest or request, and any proposed changes to the RFP provisions, requirements, or contract terms. 2. SEDA will post an addendum to this RFP if SEDA determines it is necessary to amend, revise, or supplement any part of this RFP. Addenda will be posted on the City Springfield website at www.springfield-or.gov (http://www.springfield- or.gov/city/finance/itbrfp select the document titled RFP# S3147 and Glenwood Riverfront Master Plan). SEDA will make a reasonable effort to provide all addenda to prospective proposers to whom SEDA provided the initial RFP. SEDA is not responsible for any explanation, clarification, interpretation or approval made or given in any manner except by written addenda, including any statements made at the pre- proposal site visit. In case of any doubt or differences of opinion as to the services to be furnished hereunder, or the interpretation of the provisions of the proposal, SEDA’s determination is final and binding upon all parties. IX. Contract The successful proposer will be expected to enter a professional services contract with SEDA. The contract will specify the extent of services to be rendered, the means and methods of providing the services, and the amount of compensation. A sample contract is included as Attachment 2. X. Negotiation of Final Contract SEDA reserves the right to negotiate a final contract which is in the best interest of SEDA considering cost effectiveness and quality central control. After the evaluation committee scores and ranks each proposal, SEDA will begin negotiating a contract with the highest ranked proposer. If SEDA and highest ranked Proposer are unable to reach agreement on a contract within a reasonable amount of time, SEDA will formally terminate negotiations with the highest ranked proposers orally or in writing. SEDA may thereafter negotiate with the second ranked proposer, and if necessary, third ranked proposer, and so on according to OAR 137-048- 0220(4)(e), until negotiations result in a contract or until SEDA determines to terminate this RFP. XI. SEDA Selection Discretion SEDA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to cancel this RFP at any time if doing either would be in the public interest as determined by SEDA. SEDA reserves the right to seek clarification of each proposal. XII. Proposal Ownership Attachment 1 Page 10 of 15 {00025101:1} All material submitted by proposers is the property of SEDA, and SEDA will not be required to return same to any Proposer. The material submitted by proposer will be treated in the same manner as the SEDA’s own records. After opening, all proposals become part of the public record unless exempt under Oregon Public Records Law. Proposers wishing to exempt appropriate portions of their proposals from disclosure as public records are encouraged to discuss their concerns with SEDA prior to the submissions of their Proposals: Sam Kelly-Quattrocchi City Manager’s Office 225 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 XIII. Exceptions to Request for Proposal If, for any reason, a proposer should find fault with this RFP or with the evaluation process, concerns may be submitted in writing to: Sam Kelly-Quattrocchi, City Manager’s Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3713, (541) 736-1032 purchasing@springfield-or.gov SEDA will make every effort to answer questions and, if warranted, to amend the Request for Proposal as provided in section VIII. Proposers who are unable or unwilling to meet any of the requirements of this Request for Proposal must include, as part of their response, written exceptions to those requirements. XIV. Protest Procedure Any Proposer who has submitted a proposal to SEDA and who is adversely affected by SEDA’s award of the contract to another proposer has seven (7) days after issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award, to submit a written protest of the award to SEDA. A proposer submitting a protest must claim that the protesting proposer is the highest ranked proposer because the proposals of all higher ranked proposers failed to meet the requirements of this RFP or because the higher ranked proposers are otherwise not qualified to perform the services described in this RFP. This right to protest shall conform to the written requirements of OAR 137-047-0740 and specify the grounds upon which the protest is based. Attachment 1 Page 11 of 15 {00025101:1} An adversely affected proposer must exhaust all avenues of administrative relief and review before seeking judicial review of SEDA’s contract award. Protests must be submitted to: Sam Kelly-Quattrocchi City Manager’s Office 225 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 XV. Cost of Proposal SEDA is not liable for any costs incurred by prospective proposers for the preparation and presentation of their proposal. This includes any costs in the submission of a proposal, attending the pre-proposal site visit or oral presentation, or in making necessary studies or designs for the preparation of making a proposal. XVI. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT COMPLIANCE If any prospective proposer requires special assistance or auxiliary aids during the proposal, evaluation or award process, please contact Sam Kelly-Quattrocchi, purchasing@springfield- or.gov 541.726.3713/541.736.1032. at least two (2) business days prior to the required assistance. TTY users dial Oregon Relay Services at 711. Attachment 1 Page 12 of 15 {00025101:1} Attachment 1 Scope of Work 1. Project Management 1.1. Coordinate and manage weekly project team meetings. 1.2. Coordinate and direct activities of subconsultant team members. 2. Initial Analysis & Review of Existing Glenwood Refinement Plan and relevant city codes 2.1. Collect relevant site data, documents, and digital models. 2.2. Review Glenwood Refinement Plan, and other relevant plans. 2.3. Review relevant City of Springfield plans, policies, and zoning code, including but not limited to Springfield Development Code (SDC) 3.4.200 Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use Plan District, and SDC 5.13.100 Master Plans. 2.4. Confirm or review documentation of site conditions, including existing buildings, infrastructure, views, circulation characteristics for transit, service, and general vehicular and foot traffic. 2.5. Participate in an introductory workshop with the city, current and future adjacent property owners to establish an understanding of the parties’ interests and needs, including top priorities, merits of past planning efforts, and areas needing further study. 2.6. Prepare an analysis based on review of existing Glenwood Refinement Plan and other planning documents, and introductory workshop, focused on identification of where the greatest opportunities exist. 3. Develop Master Plan Concept 3.1. Working with the city, current and future adjacent property owners and the consultant team, prepare a draft development program. 3.2. Participate in Development Initiation Meeting per SDC 5.1.210. 3.3. Participate in Design Workshop with city, current and future property owners. 3.4. Prepare master plan concept, considering street configuration and circulation for all modes; location, scale, and purpose of open space; building orientation, height, and massing; parking; and other elements required for the Master Plan. 3.5. Present master plan concept to city and SEDA staff, current and likely future property owners, noting any proposed changes from the Refinement Plan and any potential deviations from city land use regulations. Document feedback received for further refinement prior to Preliminary Master Plan submittal. 4. Master Plan Pre-Application Report 4.1. Incorporating feedback from Task 3, develop refined concept at a higher level of detail, including phasing plan, utility plan, detailed transportation plan and key development guidelines. Attachment 1 Page 13 of 15 {00025101:1} 4.2. Participate in Design Workshop with city, current and likely future property owners. 4.3. Prepare draft Master Plan Application. 4.3.1. Prepare draft Preliminary Master Plan and Pre-Application Report as required by SDC 5.13.115 and 5.1.120(B). 4.3.2. Conduct one (1) round of review / feedback / revision with city, current and likely future property owners on draft Master Plan Application. Document feedback received for further refinement prior to submittal of the Master Plan Application. 4.4. Submit Master Plan Pre-Application Report. 5. Preliminary Master Plan Application 5.1. Following staff review of the pre-application report, consult with city, current and likely future property owners, and consultant team to determine responses to staff comments. 5.2. Conduct Neighborhood Meeting as provided in SDC 5.13.117 5.3. Prepare memo summarizing responses to staff comments and the questions raised and responses made at the Neighborhood Meeting. 5.4. Prepare findings of compliance with criteria of approval for Preliminary Master Plan as provided in SDC 5.13.125. 5.5. Revise Preliminary Master Plan and submit a complete application. 5.5.1. If needed, provide any items noted by City staff as needed for a complete application during the completeness review period. 6. Master Plan Review/Public Hearing Process 6.1. Participate in Springfield Planning Commission Initial Public Hearing. 6.1.1. Prepare presentation in coordination with city, current and future adjacent property owners and present to Springfield Planning Commission in the role of “applicant.” 6.2. If necessary, determine changes to Master Plan Application in response to issues raised or identified in Initial Public Hearing. 6.2.1. If necessary, perform revisions to Master Plan Application for presentation at Continued Public Hearing. 6.2.2. Prepare any additional information or findings necessary for submission to the Planning Commission in writing for the record. 6.3. If necessary, participate in Continued Public Hearing. 6.3.1. Prepare presentation in coordination with SEDA/city staff, current and likely future property owners and present to Springfield Planning Commission in the role of “applicant.” 7. Support Public Engagement 7.1. Prepare materials to support and participate in public open house led by SEDA/City. Attachment 1 Page 14 of 15 {00025101:1} 8. Provide takeoffs for required public infrastructure including streets, utilities, parks and open space to facilitate high-level pricing. 9. Final Master Plan 9.1. Following Planning Commission approval of Preliminary Master Plan, work with SEDA/City staff and current and likely future property owners to address any Conditions of Approval. 9.2. Prepare Final Master Plan application as provided in SDC 5.13.131-133. 9.2.1. Conduct one (1) round of review / feedback / revision with SEDA/City staff, current and likely future property owners on draft Final Plan Application. Document feedback received for further refinement prior to submittal of the Final Master Plan application. 9.3. Submit complete Final Master Plan application. 9.3.1. If needed, provide any items noted by City staff as needed for a complete application during the completeness review period. Attachment 1 Page 15 of 15