HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-03-30I i ..REsloEtITIAL 2zs North rfi iro"ff'LicATro, /PERI'trr Sprtngfield' 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIEI-D Date: Job Loecticn: Tcs Lat #Aasessore Map # Subd.)urst-cn: jnter: -5Phsr-teAdtbess ? Desertbe l'lor'/<: Vai.ue ac. Date of App RanoCe GeneraL )!eclvt:icaL DE!.IOLITIO!! OR :.:C Sanilat1 seser ea;ped zt Wcperi! Lire Septic totk p'^::-ced atd. frlled uith gra::zl linal _ i.,4ten cbcue itens aye cc;toiecei arC uhen lencl'.tion is :cncle:e ot slt-tt- tuye eoueC al =rerJses eleanei u>. ijcfles ?Lutrzbing ccnnecticns -- saiev al. ua=er ELect?JccL Ccnnect.:o't1 - Blcekir,4, set-u: and pltnbing eonnections m:st be apptcted before nequesting elec:ieal insaec=iot: .4. c e e s s o,.3' 3ul Li'- n4 Firzal - .t,fter :crekes, skirting, Ceci-s, etc. @e c;nole-.ed. tsLocking ad 1at-:tp ConsJrtct:en_ !endg!- I) ia lhe resporibility of tle penrtt ioller to see tho.t eL! ,Jnapecttorls @e r,acie at )he proper !'Lne ' that each aldrese is ro-a;al':-e jront tha st?eet, anC:ha.x the pet*rtt cazd, is l*ca'.ed at the frctzt of tl'e property.lSuiUitq v)uiciot cpirw^ed c!,qt s'itcll remain on the Suil<izng S'Jtc at aLI. i;.nes. ?ROC1DUP| IOR IltSPSq)lpll_$2t'ES!;CALL 726-3769 (tecorCet) state yout City Cesigu.ted iob nurben, iob aCiress, lAPe- of inspecticn @eeiyforinspeciion,conitdctcl8o-ran,.rs-,,a,,e-e,dpt.anernmber.Pequestsreceitedbefcro.7:00r,'-ILL be rnde the sane Ccg, "eouests ncde aftet, 7:00 an vLLL be naCe the ne.xt'.nrkinE daE. tOSDL/ si!9 iitsP,c:2t!:u;AfiaruAC To be natie afterprior tc set up of fotns A1D|PSL;3 ?LL":.BIIG, ZL;C:PIC,I.L ) )!ECE:.;||C;L: lo be nctie be;'ore cny - tb?K Ls ccoetted,. q! Lryqlg tt:ip ? r!!? :; c,--5!wi,_!]l_!1, DRllllArjE: ?o be nnJ.e pr.or to fil-a-LLr4 tr2|:Cl"e,e. UilDEPF,C)R ?iU!9 i:lc 1 ;4!a:!.a.:trcAL,ffi fLoor ineula.tion or Cecking. ?OS! AilD 3EAt,!: lo be ncde prJot to TGlalGiiof ftoor ir.suittzion or Ceekinq. EOI.IC:I ?'O|EI:!C. ILECIPICAL i IIECH- 4!-A:: .:;o ,orZ i; tc ce eou'etei w:til ;kese irscec'.iaz:s h;ur- been noie ard. qoorcue!. PI?IPLACZ: Pm)or '"o plcetrq icctngmcxerials ard. before i'ra:dr-g inspec- tion. FRa,I'lIilC: i4ust be rec.testeC af'-et approual of z'ough plwr,btng, electri- cal & nechanieal. ALl, rooijq btacing E chinmeys, ete. ntsc be conpleted. ilo ,;crk is to be con- cecled until this insoeeicn hzs been mad.e cnC apotc"*ed. FIIIAL PLU!|BI:IC FI1IAL !,!ECEA:IICAL |!!IAL ILEC!?ICAL Iour Ci,ty Desigr,ated Job Nunber Is |NSULA?:AN /VAPCR tsARRIiR I|IS?IC?ICII : lo be nade after aLL insulcticn ei tequired uqor beriers Ge in pTace but before oty lath, Wpsutn bcatC cr unLL corsering is cpplied, cnd befote ay insulaxion is concealed. DRYIIALL IIISPZC?I1N: Tc be naCe after. atT@iArt-is in olace, but p*ior io aay tapitt4. MAS1!!.I: Steel Location, bond 6ffiijgtautit4 one?ticdls in accordorce btith U.ts.C, Section ,|)ODS!C'/E: After ir.stallation,)s atryLeted. lA pcor:tG ,, ?ar-,itDAllcv: ?o be tp.Ce L) 4t;;'"r"-""Es """ "rcanated ard. forms are erectei, but prior to pourirq canclet€.,I I cuPB & .A?P1CA.C\! .4?9.2N: ae erecxeC but crior coficTete. SIDgl,lAL;{ 1 DRf',Tl!,Y: lor aLL con- Ai'ter fornsto Pofi*,,n€ tight- ! ezea- erete pauirq aivhtn sxr'eet of-,;cA, *-c be nade afta-r aL uatinq eanolete d fotn wrk & aub- base rcternJal it place. I I :l !ENC!: 'rrher conolete -- ProuiCe @G or mooable' secticns through P, A. E. ALL project. cor.Ci;ions, suci as the installatlcn cf 6..reet trees, 21:cl.eiion ci iie required Landscc,pir.g, etc., aasi be sattsi'ieC before the tsUiLDIilG ?MAL :cn be requesteC. ?mAL tsafLDlflc: Tne Final Bulldtnq lr.soection "-ast be requesteC =ftet, the linal Plur.birqElectrical, cnC t4eciun.iccl inspectlcns tlaue been naCe ad ctotouzi. 'ALL !4AilHCLES AND CLE{ilOATS tlUST BE.lCCES3Itsi.E, .r.DJUS?:!i::l lO 3z:.,JiE ll !10 j35? ?C Cl?y ?cie 1 of 2 \ I*b tr D--6 ' JOB NO :cv. Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lct Couerage_ I of Stor-es !ota1. leight ?oooarehu ),,-'1).'-- .^*'' Total Cl"aryes PermLt fssu,stce Mechdnicel ?erntt soLAR. .CESS REQ.- LCT !Y?E _ Interiot _ Corner _ Panhantile _ Cul-de-sac ,ecraons t# Siqred: Mechqnicol Permit L-CO G* Building Vqlue & Permit This geotct is granted on the etc?esa eondiiion tlat the said consytwc;ion s-)uL.L, -in.aZl .r.bsoeets, lon!:rn':o the )z,Citwt:ce zd.ocied. biy the CiJT oiSpr.tr4f)e7.e, incltcing :he Jcn.Jno CrCi":cnce, negalcit,tg :iL ecr.st:._ti:--cnand.use oi butl,Lirqs, and mau be ;usoerieC or reuckeC at "r.y t-Jne upcn uic_lation cf zr,.y crcui;tozs cf ieJc jrdirances. Lot ?cces -inettru Soutces Setbacks ieat Df Cctaee Aceess.i,later i.a:erllorr it iireoLace Souxh riooastore llest x anf 4r .raf t,d s.D.C. r.5 : i !a LfllTUL Fi:zutes Resi.dzntial (1 bath) Sa,i Seuer oo Plumbing Permit No_ person shc.ll eonstp"tct, instal!, alter or eltange dnA "ea cr ecistingqlm2iru cr dtainage sysr? in ,shole or in part, -rnt.es-s sueh person is- theLe-gal.possessor of e ualid plwberts License, e.eept that o pZtson na.1 doplunbing uork to ptope?t! ahich is otsned, Leased or operctei lg the oppti-@tt. PZunbing Pen::it State 'io Neu/Eztend. Cinctits !ql@c"@V Setvice Electricol Permit were state Lan requires tlwt the eleetrLcal uork be done by cn llectrtealcontraetor, the electrical portion of this permit slta,Ll not be ualic untilthe LabeL iu.s been eigned. ly the Electrical'Contr.acto". ?oldl Ci4lces Stcte F!g CIIARCE ?TU I *ha/st Hood. tlent ?at |lcoistote -- ilc?.cAC!]E:l! -- Stora.ce i4ainteacnee Pormit ;7a75Cutbeui s/ Leca?Lcl ?o?.4t A,r!0u:1? DUE:'fl)st i'Lclt Ea6nlne?LtACe f EAW CA-REFULLY 9XA!4fNED t!"e cotnpleted copllcation fot pezmit, cnn da herebg cettify tlut aLL info:natton hereca is true anC cbn,ect, cni I fwlker celtiii that ang crd aLL xork >eriorned elall be done it accor- dance trith the 1rdinorces of the City of Springfield, anC ..he Lcxs of theState of 0reccn peri:ainina to tke wrk CescribeC herein, sC :iuv :10 OCCA- P!.!lCy aiLL be rm,ie of dry st"uctute aithout permission of the Suil,dinE Dt -uision. I futther :ertifE that o:tlg ccnt?acto"s o-d. mplcgees aha cte in ccnpliance ar,th CRS 707.055 uilL be used cn thie project ?ence i , :,lobile Ecne Label SiEneci ( /ION TINE INSPECTION IINE 72&3769 CIIY OF SPRINGTIETD COI\ABINAIION APPI'tCAIION /PERMII '53 Job Addrerr Legol Dercription 33d*02"3 ram rt Sq. Ftg. Moin 600.o9 Fo Residen P"r-;r l.fo, Dercribe Work (i'e,Euild Single of Work: Woter Heoler EN ERGY Heo t ohv.cAddrersC 4 e- ts o $ PhoneAddre rr (lics. no.) DESIGN IEAM no.)(e (nome) /( Mechor,i ( Str It )l I RS PTUMBING It tl t{ It El e <tri co I Mcchonicol CHARGE A{ECHAN ICAL FEENONO. ETECTRICAI. CHARGEFEECHARGEFE9 furnoce/burner to --BTU'S Residpnce qf fr.t!oc la,9l1 Eoch rinole {ixture Applionce vent reporo le New cirsuils, olterolions or exlension:Relocored building (new fix. odcjitionol) 2,- 4?925i!sERvrcES 2o0a*a+lL Slolionory evop. cooier Vent fon with sinqle CuclTemporory ConitructionDuolex (l bolh) eoch S.F. Residenge (t t'4") Vent sysiem oport from heotinq or A,C,Addirionol borh Mechonicol exhourl hood ond duct Ampr. Woter rarvice Wood rtove/ heoterI oP9 Heot PumpFEEDERS Air hondler to r0,000 cfA{Ampr. $swerI Sewcr -too Pt Air hondler over 10,000 cFM tSsu{NcE oFTPERMIT TOTAI. CHARGESoo TOTAT CHARGES SIGNATUR a rTE 0 thisof sholi banot unrilYolidclcctricolthaConlrocror,porlion pcrmitlheE!ertritolbeworkdonewUIRESEOthcrhotElscrricolby 'I WHERE ,IEA LA' the alccrricolloCotlolntro ponel.otrochedsnCn0nElactricolhorlobclbcrbyrigned EXAAIINED ihc comPleied oll work performed :holl City of withoutof ony required thot if exempt on lhi3 proiect, ond furtherItionformohereonnitueltcortect,ondthotollffodoondcertifyt.herebyopplicolionpermiYEFUTICARHA,VE ofLows Stotethe oflhe OrcgonondofrheSpringf ie ldthwithOrciinoencesbelndonerdq nceqc@thotondonycerrify 3!lon lheof Build Divi slo n.furiherthengstructurePermwitlbeomdethotondoNOCCUPANCYthckheri n,dercribedloPertoining t5 notedfortheboris70tORSexemption.055,oeffe ct bytnIfuondforcerllheBoordBuilder'sihotwirhregiilIotionetli(Y ny 701 will.0s5 urcdbeoRswithemqtewhoomplionceondnttoglottqndthotployecrrubcoonlyheron, fi."9 TOTAI CHARGES Bosir for Builder'r Eoord cremPtionl NAME (pleorc prinl) -O- FOR OFFICE UsE ONIY 'ftl.><>;E G,oup-E3L- l't I ---- Acce ss a*,Flood Ploin Nr> x x 'AI.UA' xFtg Ftg Sb5 Zone Fi re Sq. 5q. Sq. .Type / Conrl. Ecdroomr Sy:tems Development Chorqe (l.5"i,)Plon Ck. Comm/lndBUITDING PSRMIT 1,tog l,L9 ob 30"/"i Per Plon Ck. Res OD 66^, ^ ----9-b---- Chorgcr ond 5 u rcho rge s tagr.ErE PLfe- L zo\r(, loSfotol Comb. Permit PLUMBING PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorges _Jo Demo rt 3lELECTRICAL PERMIT L2- A cz---t _5L,Sidewolk Curb Cut Chorger ond Surchorges MECHANICAT PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorges ' 4oAA TOTAI .Y6 Frg. Other Acce rr. -Altar Ure Euilding With Atoched 9"t"9.) tr NO. I I o L s-5'6t|t56427 I I I ' COMBINATION APpLICAT|ON, r -.(MtT (CAp) l. Applicoru. to f urnish A. Job Address B. Legol Descriptionl. exomple-tox lot .l00, Lone County Mop Reference lZ 03 432. exo-EjE-Lor l. Btock 3, 2nd Addiiion ti Sp.iisit"td Ertor.,C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. Energy SourcesI. exomole-huotr{rg.kol gstng /or forced oir gosz. exomote-woter heoteri electricolu.or solorr. sqr;;;oge or rolrorioilii: I. exomole-.1 25g rq.foot house,500 sq. foot goroge2. ex.ompie-if new proiecr, checkiEi_if oddirtn, checkodd, etc. F. Building permit informotion: l. exomple-construcr single fomily house with on ottochedgoroge 2. exomple-remodel existing goroge into fomily room3. exo;Fj-e-convert single fomily risidence into restouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Section 303 (o) of the Structurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction deloys, Building Division Stoff must be oble ,o contocl oppropriote p.rro-n, regordingdesign information or job site correclions, etc. ll. AbLrevioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Elecrricol Schedules A. Except where blcnk spoces occur in the description portionof the Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, the oppiicont need fill-in only rhe No. Boxes odiocent to the oppropriote. item(s) to be insrolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building Division 'l . To conserve spoce on the permii form the schedules .: hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the irem(s) to be insrolled ore not covered on fhe obbrevi-. oted schedules you should consult rhe full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ATL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEOULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the iniriol opplicotion will be used os o worksheer only. Where possible, Building Division Sroff will prepore o typewritten copy ond return it to the opplicont of the time the oouol permit is issued for his signotuie. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the opplicolion, ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. .nll other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when ihe permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk PERMIT VALIDATION PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISF|ED BEFORE OCCUpANCyT ( Additionql Proiect lnformorion: PLANS REVIEWED BY: ?atnomesignotdote t * CtIY OF SPIINGf IETD COMEINATICN APPTICAIION / PERT{IT rrt INFOPMAIION LINE 726-3753INSPECIION TINE 7?63769 ts o s-02*^2- oo{-]..o9 cne Phone (licr. no.)(oddress) 3 /7 c e-' (no.)(ex(nome) c Ro J 3 g Fom Re ri dence o D"r.r;b. Work (i e., Build Single ran of Work: EN ERGY Heo I Woler Heoter Addre rr De rcri p tion Owner Ad drc: r B u ild ing Permit I nfo: 4 Addrc rr DESIGN TEAM Sq. ttg. Moin -New_-Add -Alrcr -RcP'- - -Fence '-Damo-Chonge/ U re n6,^,, <ol M:chor,icol /( )l /t l( ress)ACTOTS honeli cs.nomo) /t FEECHARGE ({ Mcchonicol MECHANICALETECTRICAT tr. PI.UMsING No.FEENO. r i r:g I C!-TARGE furnoce/burner io -BTU'r Resid.e4ce qf 4- -sq. ft Applionce vent seporq te New circuilr, olterqtions or extensicnt Stolionory evop. cooierc0aSERV ICES2- Vent fqn wilh :inglc ducl ?i. Temporory Contlruclion a: aa)t^ 2i- Duolc I bolh) eoth Aciditionol borh Ralocoted building naw fir. oddirionol) S.f. Reridcnce I both) ?,:r., : Eqch Vent ryrlem oport from heoting or A.C. Mechonirol exhourl hood qnd ducr Ampg. Woler:crvicc Wood stove/ heoter') Heol PumpFEED ERS Air hondler to r0.000 cFiiAmpr. v'_I SewerI Sewcr 1 ^:r-t ) < ) Air hondler over r0,000 cFM ISSUANCE OF,PE?I'1IT TOTAT CHARGESTOTAT CHARGESTOTAI CHARGES SIGNATUR + TE {A aa0,09 othirofrhsliuntilbcvalidnotclcclricglthctheConlrsElcrtrirolclo7 I portiori pcrmilworkElartricoldoncbeREOUIRESwlhcbythot5IWHEREtAAIEloottochcdclcdricolthocto?Conlro snc Ponel.bcon o El.(rri(qlnhorrig ned bylobcl HAVE of ony requireci nd ond furtherollthothereoninformotionlruerlocortect,for doond certifyrh.ED ,leied l.herebyICAu.REFU EXAAlIN comP opplicotion parmiY thesnd 3Low theof ofSioicoIn<e i rhe Orcgonofn<e rhwith Ordino ciry SpringfieldeIIbetndoneqcerdqoondilkfrformcd:hoP.thol onycettily In.thathout l!!ton theol Divirio furtherBuilding3lrucluredemqPermwillPANCYDEtholqndoccuNOtothGdeworkCtrher i n,ixdperloining I3 notcdfor70roRsthoittlhcbosi.055,aromPl exemptionoeffcclbytnItforcef ull ondthcrhuilder'B Boordsthotmyragi tttolionetlaly 701 will.055 uredbe ihitoncomoRswilh proioct.ho tnqre plionceondondlhqtcmPloyeG3lubcontrqstoruheron.only Borir for Bvilder't Eoord exemption: NAI!{E (plcorc print) -C- FOR OFFICE U5E ONTY ')fll)C);;T c,ouo-E3l- H.L mt 5b Sq. Frg. Moin 5q. Ftg. Access Zone .Type / Conrt.x ----Voluex Vo luc Sq. Frg. Orhcr-r - TOTAT VATUA' Sy!rcmr Developmenl Chorqe (1.5?6)1,r9 a:,DrE P4{4e-_c:i 1;;fl, Plqn Ck, Comm/lndBUItDING PERr\tlT 4h --sJ:e NA r FJ-30"h1 Per Per Plon Cl. Res tsb 'j*_Chorgat ond Surchorge: o zoL*\=cJ frr-3,b9J.tv fiztac tolt\Flv.Tolol Comb. Permil PLUTASING PERMIT Demo / o,09Chorges ond Surchorgar ?9-7r'r-- rt 1l Cvrb Cut <A C oa) Sidewolk i I I, Chorgcs ond S ur cho rge: A ECHANICAL PERMIT Chorocr ond Sr.<h-orger 'TOTAL I tt tl IrI (-HAPGENo- I t] ,i(: ,1!: Flood Ploin Fire J COMEINATION APPLICATION, l. Applicoru ?o furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Description *I -a,trtr (cAP) 2. foot house, 500 sq. foot goroge roiect, check new-if oddition, che, F. Euilding permit informotion:l. exomole-consrruct single fomily house with on ottc (a goroge PERMIT VALIDATION Ciry Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportmenl of public Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT c. D. E. I. exomole-tox lot 100, Lone County Mop Reference t7 03 43 1: ",;;;-Lor t. Block 3, 2"d AJJi;rn'iSsp.insrietd EsroresNome, etc. of owner ond construction lender Energy Sources 2. e-GiiJlE-worer eO le r,.ectr or forced oir oos // --?+ l/ or solor CITY OF SPRINGFIELDl. exomole-heot/elecr ricol ceilin Squore footoge or voluo lion, etc. (.' exomole- I 250 so. --- exomore-ti new o;?a-rc. ,Kl llo. B 5BbB1 2. exomole.remodel exisring goroge into foniily roon3. exompl-e-converr single fiiiiy residence into- resrouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Seciion 303 (o) of theStructurol Speciolry Code H. OESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction cieloys, Building DivisStoff musr be oble ,o contqc, oppropriote p"rrJr,, ,"gdesign informotion or iob site correclions, etc. It' Ab6reviored prumbing, Mechonicor & Erecrricor scheduresA' Except where brcnk spoces occur in the description ocof the Mechonicol oncj Elecrricol ScheCules, ,i; ";pi;;need fill-in only rhe No. Boxes odiccent to the opjrop. irem(s) ro be insrolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Elecrricol Schedulesore ovoiloble or rhe Building Divisionl. To conserve spoce on the permit form the schedulehove been obbrevioted 2. tf the irem(s) to be insrolled ore not covered on the. ored scheduler you should consult the full schedule C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILT OUT ALL FEES AICHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dore Whenever possible, rhe iniriol opplicotion will be used osworksheer only. Where possible, 'Building Division Stoff vprepore o typewrirren copy ond return it to the oppliconlthe time ,he oc?uol permit is issued for his signoture. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyobte ot the time of the oond no plons will be processed until lhese f.", or. poid.other feer ond chorges ore due ond poyoble *t"n ih" pir irsued- +_V. FOR OFFICE UsE ONLY R \ ( For: ( C / a = o OD 3 rlo m ( 'rL. ( ( Amounl Received ( rit AUTHORIZEO SIGNATUREaxa!iot-YuitauLL aitillEi3 aucEtE oi 97aot !a!lt.a Permit Clerk (. I l I l I -.( rl /-r PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additionol Prolect tnformorion; PTANS REVIEWED BY signotu dole s-2&l ?at ( I (. ( IY ""-" -l ^r^.\ Sha,,ab.*