HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-06t! Date: )il r(l{c'lles on I rilL: (icne r;l l s l'Iunrlli trg Ilcclrirn iclt APP L filfl' -t 0 N / P tl tll't l'l' 225 North |th SLreet Springfie.Ld, 1regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 . . REq'-\ E NT I.A, L. . SPFIINGFTELD T 't'cx tot ll J ob t,oca.ti.cn tlssttssorc I'lap ll ) zi;t Sttbtliu")sion Ci ty Asnet': Address Dest:r'ibc h'ork ,ldditicn VaLueDate of APPLicrtt it.:rt ) OC) t ) n,,,,r,!rt' Il.lrlrl I -tt s,.'. lt , \(cr,l r =, ul(U (! [']Itrt: tr J'ron lilcr'f ll( iilrr :: (tpi..'Pota.l P oet'mtt L',u slu/. li; I Srttl L't:v1-t1 l.tl IL ia the resPottsi.bt.L'i.ty oj' tlv permi.Ltlct' to seez tltrtt ttll insl'ectionti at'e nade at llte ptoper tinre ' that ecch address is readabi'l- lut the atreeL,atvJ Lhat the ^ l]ut Ldin11 D')u t;: t,t ,:tntl t:; L<taab,zil 'tt Llw fttn.i vtlrn,v!.n o,'t l:lE: l.)uiLLlhu;t Si. t of the proPertY L: at rtLL times. P rt o c s D u P E F o n I)l s t' !.-"!l o!!--!!I9!!!i!' C A tc,i;;ti"*fi|*.t 1ou ui'Ll ltc readY tiLL be made the r;ane dcY, reque$ts LL 726-37G9 (recorder) stttte your City Tesigrt.t t:erl jctb nwnbet',job aCdress,type of insPec)i-cn 1'cr i.nt:1tct: t: iotr,(:ot ttr\'tc l:ars or' (h)rte;'s ,Etne {itul plone nwtbcr Pequests receiu-etl befcte 7:0C ct n,;Je ,tJ'Ler 7:00 on t-ti.Ll be ntutle Lhe nc*b :"ntki-ru3 dail Ycut' Cit;y DttstgrrtLed Job Nwnbel Is lleot.ri 711sp v2 [ i.1: t tt: SITE I,To ;"";;;ffi; )'ut ltr"i.ot eonp cecL Le-tcd, |lo r,vrk -i:; to be acttt- etl unLtl thts int;Peation lus been made tut,:! tl?Prou-ed. I.' I IIA T, P T,UI.! R T IIC T' I I,IA I, MT:C I 1,1 N I L'A I, F I NA L E I,I; C'I'I I (.: A t, be ,Mde al'Lrr, tc slt u1.t .tJ' rN{;ltl,A vAl'(tli uA Dt:ilo\,l'tlo!! oR ::o VED BUILDI; L] I 'l'o b,z af tc:r' <tl. L li Lt t i.cn er'$ are i.n plnce Sanilaly seaet eapped tt properti; Lir'e requ !-rel oaPot' l:at't'i buL l;eli.tre atrY l.ath,qyp:;um bc;arc! or *tl.L couerirtlt is aPP Lietl, aru[ beJ'ore Septic tank p;uped and filled uith gra:te oty i.rt;ulation is concea l.ed Final - lrrhen abcoe itens an'e ecnpleted o:;d u\rcn Cenol'ition is aornplete ar sf:'ti-' ture moueC and' prenises cleaneC up' l,lt'b'iLt, llcnu:: ,I forms. uN pEtisLA B r u.:ra1i1c,_11,8c',|s 7 q41L utcittlTnr-'lt': 'l'cs be ntocle befor'': ,tttt.1 6iFE-io,.,crn,l' FCOTINC g t'OitNtlA'IICN: 1'o be matlt: ;fte;tren"rr':.s,rrc etaduLtted ail, I fbtns are et'eatid, but Priot' to pourtng ccttt:t'etc, t!N!!!!!g!t!L l, !,! t!l!J!!!, _: r'!/!.:L- u!:" i l':,, DRAIilA(;l:: l',t ln: mt..!,' I't'tt.'t' Lo J: t- Tl*0'-i'ii,u,t,,',t. u il D E : I t' L0 il t. :'.!' ! n : r].tj! c'!.- !! !!! ua !!i: : T7ii-r,uJu -yi,'ii, rno t't,; L r t l' I a L i i t t t' J' floor tn::uL,:|,'iort or ler:ktng. POST AND BEfi!: 'fo be rr,,ttl': Prior Lo i;" t;lT;;l;;' o;' ftoot' insuLa tio; i rtt' decking. R 0 u a i r t t r i L"' ( ;, - ! : ! J;!:ji ! t:! 4.:.-!-.iJl' t', ! ;.- ANI(;AL: fl.t .','r',/' Is !.t' l't'cot:ct't"t Gifthr,t,,,t i.tt:;pecti<tt:s h,nte lto"r' nade arul .7P\!\,DA1. FMEPLACI]-: I'r'i.or to plcc:ing fa'':'ittg ,"t;ial; a*l bcfott: frcunittg ttltil'u:- tion. I"ht::t: bc requesLetl aflcr h plwnbirtg, elet:l.r'i- . AL! t'ctoJ'ing braci.ru1 8 chinrn;:y:i, eLc. tmt$L ,c DRYtlALt, lNiiPLC'l'loN: Tc be made ;ft,,t;n <Wau is .in plaee, httL 1'v'i.sv' l;o t;rty baPtng. llA;;()Nt?\' : !,:tceL l.ocation, bontl lriiiil,"gt rrrt, t;tni ot uet Lictil':t in ,tt:r:tntl,iltijrl dLLlt ll, B.C. Set.:ti.ot t!-11!!l:!!!t:: Af tet' insLallatiorr is &)ry,1.e l.L(1. Blocktrtg and Set-uP Pltonbtttg connections -- sa,er ant! ualer Electrical Ccnneation - Blocking, set-u' and ohubinq eonnections nr;st be ap?rcti' be fc,'rc requZsting e Lec lv tcal inspe'c !io:; AccessoP! Build':.ng Fbtal - y',fter pcrckes, skirting, decks' eta. an'e comPletad. t'Utitt ,Q .41'l'lrA(;!! AP:loN. ,ar'J ;:,;: L c.T b*' il;; ;1,217..:1'e l;e , After fontsto ponring :.:lD!.1,/Al,X ,t DRI!'lil't,4y: Fot all aan' ",:ri l,i -r, u, t)trlGlirfr s treeL r tgtt L- of-t,t'.:,r, l.o ltc nnrle aj'ter aLL etar ,tltt,,i.i conl'Let'e ti forn uot'k & sub- basc w;ttt"i.al in Place' !"ENCE: Nhen cotnPl.ate '- ProoiCe griiiti or irtottable sectians Lhrougl: P,U, E, tlll. 1;rrt,iitt:L ctttt':Ll[.L'l'tttts, Itl{'-'Jl oli Ll.tc itts!rtL-Lat'ion o!'8!l'eeb t1e-e-s--, aon!''TcLion of Lhe r,,,t1rri.t,t,l l.ttn,l:tr:ap.i-r:g,'itt,it.', *,,"t trc sattttfi,t,l t,ali're the BuILDTNC I'INAL can be requesLcd' :,,1N.4t, ltUILt)lN(:: '|',trt l.'i.tl:.'L Lltdlrltnlt rnttit,:t:L'i(til nnrct. bc requested a!'tet thc I'tnal PlwnbtnS t;t.,tctri,tol, utr! t'tn.traria',-ri 7,ropo.ti"nc 'lrauc been nnde arul altproued' P:-tt:e ! of '.: tAJ,[, lL1"tttti !.':ANi) Cr,nAhlLt'.t'.:: tfits.T nl': Acctii;7r\t,ti, AD,tt)sT:t::irT TO nE i't'4r)r: t'T ln rcsT TO CUv & \ Pl;o*:: o!' E Sott acc:i:i ti P.1,.llouse Lot Faces - {tb Lh Iot Sq. Ftg. x cf Lct Ccoerage ! of Stortes Total tleight TopograPhY R EQ.-SOLAR ACCE G+ ?.onc: JOB NO. L-CO n,1,:!t'ot)tils: --F VaLur:XSQ. FTGI',tn't l1nin Gtraoe Carpor b Accessottl TOTAI, VALUE s.D.c, 1.5 t Ilee Iteacipl; ll l|,tLc la")l: l'Lrrtt CIt Building Volue & Permit Thispermiti:;lranLtrlortLlttz'2'xl:t't':i:^(:arul,ibionLtntLhes'tid'constructiott slnl1, in al.L t',tspr'ats,"'"'oi''i"""i" Llt,': otdinai;cc tlo.;te;l t:'y l;he Cit, of f)pringfieLt!, i.retu,li.tr1:i'-ll'ln"i''"u;"u (:rt'i:tt'ltt(:,e' reguleLt-rt4 tl,u acnst?ut-\:-":.,^ ona- rr'in of ituikltni.,t,- ""'l ''".11 bi. tttt:';1"'trleil or rcockcC aL t!t:!l t'-nrc upon utc' t tion of or',, prcut:;i'tttt:; of :;aid ordti't:ttttctzs' BuildiryT Penrrtt State Total Ctrn"gea Si17:rd: ITEM NO.cllAR0[:Plumbing Permit No pet'sott t:ha-ll .cottttttttct, ins!;al!''. a! L(:r or clnrulc dnlJ neD.cr existing plwnbing oP dralna(le "'ii*'i'L"'- i"-"nole t-tr. in part' 'unlesit such pet'son is the legal possessot' oJ d ;iti'i';'I'L'--b;;*''"' l it'.o'o-'L'' etcept Lhat a fe:'son nay do plunbing ttork to pnopn'r','ir",)r,i"iil,"1',, n,,:,,,ni, Leoscd. or oltct,cte,l by the apptli- cant. Fiztures Restdential (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbin(t Pertxit State Neu/Efiend Circuits Electricol Permit h4e*e State [,at') requil'(?s t;tvtb the al'ec1:t'i'cal uork be rlone by -an Electt'ical Cotttt'actot', the ereetr)icnl^p'ontLo" o! !'ltis pernnit shall t:ot- be oaliC until 1"n"'ilirf inrn L"n, signe<l iy the LilcaLrical cotrtraator" Service L Stcte Total a ITSM NC.DCtl CIlAlICI:Mechqnicol Permit E*luusb ilood Vent Fat l.loodsto;te Pernri.t fssuance l'leehanietl Pet'nrit * -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secarittl DePosit Storage Pcrmit httbcu! Sidettalk Mobile Hane Dttl.t:PLant Excntner Cha I ITAVE CAREI]ULL.y gxAlrINDD t!rc conq>LeLcd apytlication for pe'nn'tt' and do hereby eertify that ail-:in7o:'rnatiort 11a1'2o)i is true and ccrru:ct' an'C I fut,tlten cerl-ify *ot 'i'y-'oi'ult' ''n''l' I;e-rfontcd sluLL bc 'lone in aceo?' dance vith tt,e orrtin,l'11'"';f ;;t;;;;!'""'f.bp,i''alftel.t' an', L,. La;s of ttrc St<tbe of \regcn p".t'i'"i"'J"'to't1'" ''n'''k Ces'cri'b'cd hcreitt' cnd tlutt No occlj' ptNcv ditL be n*.de of ';;:,;,' "i;";;7':; ;';;;;;;;1' pir"tssion ol ilrc But'tdi'ryr Dt'- uision. I fitrtlicr "o,tif:; thet o:'tl'l "ont'o"'Lo,|" atd enp-'l-cyces ul':o are in ;;;;1.;;""; iu'itt cns tol'b'is t^tit't' t"i ttsad on tttis proieat /2 /),r',' ,u/,h^ r rt.Att^rf tttrla. I &3 -/-?, T,CT TYPT: _ Intertcr Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac ..RESI: .NTIAL.. APPLICAYLON /PERTIIT 225 Nov'th Sth SLreet Springfi-ttlil, Oreqon 97477 Butlding D'LuLsi-ctn 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTELD- "tob Locaticn: Tc;r Lot llAssessora MaP # {;ubdiuision: Phone Amer AdrTr,e s s Ci t{RP &u! Detict,ibe ft'or4<: lddition llOn2 Va !Lte -) nn^oa"t Date of APP Lirrtt icn tlt Date (- lSso rerrilc t oI'l General lilet'f t'tt i;ttt I r:c t ri t:a S Lt lr e rv r'ti i.n DE!.1OLI'1ru!,1 OR \|OVED linal - h\ten abcue i.te:ns are ccmpleted and uhen Cemolition is complete ot sttti:- ture moued and pttemises cleaneC up. Ilcnes Blocking and Set-uP Plutnbtng connections -- sede? anC water Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking' set-ut and pltunbing connections m;st be appr.cuet! befoie requesting electrical inspectio:z Accessor',g Building Ptnal - After pcrckes, skit'ting, decks, etc. ane completad. Pa,.te 1 of 2 i) I umb i.n l.lechanica PIIOC.FOR reques liLL be nade the scune dcy, tt Uineady j'cr inspection, requests m,;Je aftet' 7:00 It ia +-he responsibiltty ttj'the permiL lu-t_Ld.et' to see thctt all inspec-tions are nade at lhe ]'rom- thte- stne'et, anC thlat -ttte -perrrt-t..c-cu'tl is Located at .t-h.g front of the -propenty'ieillding- itrii,tior.,rppr.o,-n,1 pl'an slzcll. :t"emLtin on tlp Butlcl'ing S'LL: at aLL tines. S?;CALL 726-3769 (rec:oncler') state yout City Cesignated iob Cotttv,actot's or AsneY's ru:me and phone trn aiLL be nade t?te nctt 'aorking daii fcut' City Desigrated Job NwnbeY fs propel' time, that each cddress is readabie ,nunben, job aCCt'ess, type of inspectictr nw,tbet,. P,equests recei',-ed befcre 7:00 ana.t:ert gctu SJTE JNSpEC,:,1t..)N: To be ffi tqffi made aftet' etcaoati-on,1u,l prior tc set up o!- forne. UNDERSLAB FLI.'."EING. TLECTRIC,lL') UnCULttIClt: To be made before an11 6ii-li-iorse,ud. FOOTINC & FOUNDATICN: To be rnttde a|tei-tren.nes are ercauated an,l fotns are erected' but Prtor to pouring ccteTet€. decking. u N DIR C RO t t.\; D ? :, Ut\t3 I N C, EvFlr_ !!-l l':-,aDRAI\\ACE: t\, be nuJL prt.,t' to f il- T@-trenchec. iluDE,L:FLOOR ?!.t trB tNc ,t ;.rEt:!tAN tCA;. : f;-b-e narl" ?'1;;,' Lo ttt;lal.latio,t .t1' floor insttiaLion or deckirtg. POS? AND BEAM: To be nadc Prior to TiitiTTiltc,t of floor instilatioii ot' oty insulation is concealed. DRYHLL| INSPECAION: Tc be nade after att tlrywall is in Place, bu.b prior to c.nli taPing. MAS1NRY: Steel Location, bond GJfiilgrouting or uerticals in accotdance uith U,B.C. Section IIOODST1W): After instalT-ation'is ccmp Le tetl. CURU & APPRCACH APPON: After.fonns ate iiic'teiri but pt'ior to pourtng concrel:e. SID\UA\,K & DRIItEIIAI: For aLL con- ."" t "i"ur-J-;lTit; stre et right- of-ucy, to be made aftez' aLL etca- Da'birtg cornplete & fonn usotk & sub- ba;:e natenial in Place. INSI,ILA To be nctCe requlned uapor but before any tmLL couering i f:R IAN aLL insu barriers are in Place Lath, gypsutn boarC or s appLied, and before v I il il ."*rk FIIIAL PLU!,IIIIIiC FINAL MEC\IANICAL FINAL ELEC'|'R TCAL aO ur e l'L' e inspectiors haue beet: made and. aporoued. FIPEILA!!: t'tior to placirq facittg ^at;fiC anr) before'fratning insl';lc- tion. ' FRAI|IN?: Must be requestecl after apptoual of rough plturbing, electPi- cal & mecluznical. ALl ro'cfin-r1 bz,acing & chinneys, etc. rntst be conpleted. !1o ucrk 'Ls to be con' cealed unt[L this inspection Lrns 'been made anC appro"-ed. IENCE: h\ten conPlete '- ProuiCe gaii or noualtle secttons through P, U, E. tl'LL pt,ct.jttL:L cot.Lltti.ons, sut:h as Lle i.nstalktt'ion of sltreet trees', conpletion-of the t,equ,tr,;tl Lnnrlsr:cyring, ctc., m.rst be satisfiad befote the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested' IINAL BUI|,I)INC: The Final Building Insper:tiort mtst be t'equeated aftet' the Finat Ptwnbing Elcctt'tcal, and Mechanical Inspections lruuo been nade and approoed' *Al,r, MA!\tll(t[E:; AND CL\IAN\UT! Mt]Sr BD ACCTSSIBLE, ADJUSTII'iNT fO BE t't.!lD\ lT ll0 C1ST TA ClTy I $)' Sanila:"y saser capped ct property Lire Septic tank punped and filled uith gra:sel i;oi0eo st' t!.'l Zone OLAR ACCI-*QS REQ.- it',,;lv66txi1; L-CO G+ [,ot Faces - IleatSetlnci::; ACt:e:jSDTilouseCal,age Norl:h F:as t 50utn t,)Di) tlesL Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooerage_ I of Stot'i.es Total Height Tonoaraphtt JOB NO. LCT TYPE _ Intericr Corner Panhantlle CuL-d.e-sat: -- I'ee-s -- ITEM sQ. rTc x Valuc Building Volue & Permit This permit is g1r'anted on the €tptils;3 c'onrlition tfuz-t the. t:'ticl'consttuctiott slull, in all respects,- confonn'tLc' /)t,''. atdivL't;ae arlopte'1 i:i1 i;he city 2f ip"i"if;."ta, h.tllidrnlT' th)':,oni,'tl i'r(i:'tt'111c.e, xrt'1ul';t'i,tt4 ,ti1'' c1:s-r7:t:-t:..^ oirrl u'r'n of LuiLding:;, ruicl nty be su:i7t'trttlc'l t'1' velt'''-keC al ':t:tt tLme upon DLC- Lation of any prcuislor"s o!' t:aid Orrlittttttctts' A TOTAL VALUE *s.D.c. 1.5 a Building Perrtt I'i t tt t',rl " I\titl State Total Clnt'gea t l,i i.,t:tod N0.T'EE CHAIi(}I'Plumbing Permit No percon sLutLL constttrct, insl;a|'!,. a.L'l'er or chnn'7e altlJ 71"eD.cr e*isting ;L;;b;"g ,; itainogln ,'i1,rtu, itt aho:Le ttx in part' unless such pet'son is the Legal possessor of o ,'ntii yLu'Lc.r'' lic,ensZ' ete'l't Lhat a .pe?son nag do plwnbing uork to propo,itr-',it,i-"h- i' '''""'d, Le"'tcd tr opct'cled by the appli- canl;. Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plwnbing Pemrit S1;ate L Electricql Permit Whet:eState[,rntrequire-sthoLthe':l'tttri'calutorkbedonc!:yanElectrtcal Contracl:or', thn nln"trli."r,t,"p',,tt'"' ol ih.is -pc:rmit slwll not be uaLiC until llr'n litrnt irns been si'gne'l btJ the tiitti ti':al lontPactor'Nan/Ed;end Circuits Seruice L State Total NC Eql CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit Eehanst Hood Vent Fcrt llcodstooe PermLt Issuance Meclnnical Permit State -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seanritu Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cut'bcut Sidasalk Fence Elecl:rical Label Mobile llone L'ALi: f HA4E CAREFULL| L1AMINDD tle contpl';:led appltcation fo,r p'ennit' and do ;";:;L; L)l'*i-in"t aLL }nfotnal:ion t:':x'eoi ts true and ecxrect' and r iTrlLLi i*ti.iy that o',v o""1 aLL t'totk perforned ehal'L be do:'rc in aceo?- dnnce uith the ord"inancl"*rif |n" Citrl of sptLngfield' .an'l Lhe La;s of the state of ,regon p"nt";n'ing"'to- tke "o'.-k CesZti"tbd herein' c>td lhat N0 occu- pl,Ncy witl be nade or"o.r*" ,-trrl,iur,z ,tLthout petmission of the Buitding D-i-- oision. f furttter certifii thcL on7'11 conLracto?s LTiid enll:U''€l 7sl6 61'2 itt "iipll.o""'n lrith cRS 701."0'5.. r,till' l:i used on this project P'Lan Exantner TotaL 1-/ L Lz i' ?OTAL AMOIJN? DIJE: I Si11tt.':d -// Ilt:r..'i.pt ll :