HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-10-12?.cce'-lt < Date 7 r ConatrtcCat Latdee 22s itorth sti, itonf?!'rcArrcx/PERltr! Sgr.ngfield, 1regon 97177 Buildinq ?iuision 726-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPF|INGFIEI-D 3 sJob bczeicn: Aacesaors :,!ao I las bt il Svbdir)sicn: axer.. 7?g ra /3ilC&esd:Plone: r-zip: pd 2*;'"|"2)*--1 Data oJ' Appl ,/4 crd/Va &*/Accillicn [l io,oa,t Gg.netz,L rcaVonaibili;y of tlu peat: iroder to eee ihat al!inspecttons oe nade qt :he Pto?e, tutc, t,Lzt 34ft -))tssg is ten;.-'^:;rvtl th. screet, c*C that the lJ i, !h. .3ui!di:4 ilui:io- ct=tor:ed p ct the fzvttt of the orooerat. tsuaLdsA si* -at aLZ' tthes.' !ou ') state youc Cifu Cesigr.tteC job ,oober, cont?dctcts c"Otie:s ne,te and,ghone nutbct.tiLL be zede the aarie C.cg, teq'ueltg :nd,e cfte ?:00 ctt vtlL be rml,e the nat xrking d41. IotE City'Desigrated Jab ttumbet Is:X4 o>z 3 To be na,ie aflerpricr +-c se! u> of iob o?.'-ess, t:!?e Pequescs recsh:ed, of inspec:icn befcre 7:00 ,=z I-l si?s .r.?iFrrii.T..I lffi;fr - 1'otms. wDi?sLA3 ?:L':t3I:tC. ZLiegIC,la';ac?:!i;sL@y .rrrt ie covc:ed. I Wnc I icu:tonrrct: lo be taceL) ai:et a?encn?s cye e=catated crd, fcrns cre etecced, but prio? bpt*trq ccnaetit.I flSULATICN /VAPOR SARRIZR IIIS?IC?fi iI : To be naie after aLL insukxicn cti required uoor bmie?s @e in pta,ce btt before azg la.th, Wps1zl bcari ortnLL ouer-Jng is qoZieci, od. beicreoty ins-tlatian is concealed. Satil*J sele:" eqTed .t FopcttJ |-it:e Septic totk V"it=eC ad. fiLLeC ttth irbe: ra3,e DPY,IALL filSPlClClt: lc be lanieaiter aLL cr1lnll is in place, but prior to atg tafirq. !!SCE!: Steel Locatiott, botd. beois, grcutin4 ot perticals in aceorbtce ,,nxh U.B.C. Seetion 2415. Pinal - i{hen cban it*ts are ccnoleted c-ci uiun CaplJtion is cotalete or: st-.,--tute nouol, ai ?ra:rtses clbaed up. f, ulcFps=cc3 t,-a:sr:c I :ttcznrc;1, fkor ir,suktiot or dcckirq. | | pS? l:tD 3lA:,t: To be n:aia pf-cr to'. I itp=alkz.-cn sf 11oor insubticn cr&ckiry. RO':C.: ?!i:3!::C. ?!3-9:a;! ' :.tzc?-iuW w.='-L ;hesa i*cectiots h:ue beezncie z! q?pz.r'ea. Fi?*LAii: }.llor y >1.c:Jr4 fcr)rgaccertcla ard before frairg inapei- ciort. 3?- 1!:!til i.i.Bi be rectaeted afler c7p-rcva! of ratgh plttr.ci*1, alecti-a,L J aeciant*ll. - ALI mbi:ry bndrg I chitotcgs, etc. r.tsc- beonpletcd. !!o l,rr< ie to be cctt- . cq,led ucal :hi! iweec;.cn iae'beea naie atrC cVptoueZ. llfupArcn, After i,Lstaltaiion is ft) en-olexeci. - CL'FS t APPRCACE .a?fiN: Aftet forasce erecceC but ?rtor to potr|tq coneaete. SfDiltALK d gRETnA!: For aZL cott- caete Dauirlg ,ith'-n etreet rigit:-of-,x!, to be nal.e aftet aL! ezca- vdtdng sqnelete I lon lrlrk & cub-ixse ncterial in glz.ce. ilcres tslock;trg od, let-tp PLubizrg eorunecz'Jcts - Ea/r€p d, tarar Electriccl Couzecciort - Blockirq, aet-tE otd. pknbing cotneet-i,ons m;st lZ e?rctedbefore reqte atlrg e'Le*rical ir.sg cc: ioz, Accessorg guililttg Fin-zl - Aftet :*ekes, slCttirq, d,ecir.s,etc. @e can-oia=ed. =renei":s. Fr::A! ?!A:.B!:!C III;L :!I:U:IICAL ?!:IAL :-fSTC;L 5 ,,VCY: tthen eoaplete -- *oviCe gatea o? nouable sectibns tltwugh P. U.E. ALL prc.iec; corzii:ions,;ucl cs she inszallc.z-Jcn oJ'sareet i?acs, :c-lcciorz o;'tiereqaireci lcttzscqirS, .tc., rnlsc be sa*siied. befcie d.e i,UiLiIlE IIIAL:en ie regested.. i::lAL aulJr:tc: *,e Fi.nal S_uild,iv4. :nsaect.t-cn ?rat be yeqttesteti :j:er lhc Finat ?ltnbinj!'!,eccrica,L, .ttc l,lecisn-ccl Inspec=tcns 'i-ctto been ncci crti'ctc:ouz7. f llI 'A!i :!A:iPC!:s A:to cLgAilcws :tus! 9t .4ccist:l|i, .{g}'i,si..f.1,3 :o sg :.!tDE !.: ::o ::sr !2 cry ?ziz i of 2 r I tr u So-uz,ces House NoPth East tt FirepLace South ll West il SQ. FTG X Ccrace Ceport Accesso"u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 x CHARGEil0FEE Fi-xtures Residential (1 bath) Sani.tary Seuer CHARGEt'tlO FEE Res. So. fta Itas/Eetend. cirauits ?enpcnuy Setwiee atrADrFICtcr Furntee 9?U'S Ezhanst HooC Vent Fot tlcodstote /) fUa .bd /-11 b o -- ENCROACIII.IENT -- Sectrttu Deposit Storage l,laintenance Pemit Curbcut Sideualk Fenee E LEETPLCA L L,A.bE L I'lobile Hcme 70TAL AlvI)UIlT DUE: *t{ 6o ./ua iJcb Nwtber:0 Zot.e: Reference ilwnbers:L-CAC T )ceupancu Grou;BeJtooms: itot sq. etg. % ci Lot Cctsez,age # of Stortes lotal Height iopogtuphy I?Ei.I Euilding Petnrtt ?otal Clanges |,latet, Planbing Penrtt 9tate Total Iotal Pennr.t fssuance Meehanical Penrtt State LCT TYPE _ fntericn _ Corner _. Panlland,Le Cul-de-eac Value Lot Faces - - Faes - * Building Volue & Permi.t This perrrtt is granted on the exp"ess condition that the said. consttuetionshall, in all respects, eonform to the }tdinance adopted by the City ofSptingfield, includ"-ng the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstmtcticn qnd use of buildi,ngs, otd meg be suspended or reuokeC at ety time upon uic-'lation of arry prcoisions of said }rdirances. Date Patd Reeeipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll construct, install, alter or cttantge dn7 neu cr ecisting plzonbing or dtainage systan in ulwl.e or in patt, unless sueh person ie tlte Legal possessor of a oaLid plwnber's Lieense, e.ocept tlnt a person nay do plttnbing uork to propert! u?rLeh is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Whet,e State Lan requiz,es th.at the electrical uork be done by an Eleetr"ieal Contra.ctot, the electrieal portion of this permit sltall rot be oalil until the Label lns been, signed bg the Electrical Coni?acto!. Mecho nicol Permit PLan EratrrLner Date I HAVE CAREFULLY gxAl4INED tlte cornpleted application for penfit, and do hereby certify that aLL infonnation hereon i-e tmte and ccwect, and I further certify that any ard. aLL uot'k perfotned shall be dote in aceor- dance wLth the )rdinanees of the city of Spr"tngfield, atd, the Ians of the State PA,NCYoision. f further certify that only contractors cd. anplcyeea aho are in conpliance dith oRS 701.055 tvi,Ll be used on this proieet /o ofti h,egcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd tlat N0 )CCU- lL be rmde of any sttuctu?e tLthout permission of the Building Di- SLqned /'l ?otaL Date Z ilain PLan Che,ck Fec,: SPRINGFIELE, CMT OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1 885- I 985 Sprinqfield Centennial year Nlay 24, 1985 Mr. Darren Engle 5705 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Mr. Engle: The Springfie'ld Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for apermit to remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandonedduring the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automatically expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for more time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Building may choose togrant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder of a written request exp'laining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advisethis office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. rely, Li sa Hopper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North sth Street o Sprinsfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3753 Si I JOB ADDRESS: .:: 465 South 35th Street JOB #:840733 I"A,ST ACTIVITY DATE:NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERNIIT: VALID: However, your pernit will expire on ' If you wish to request an-extension of your pernit, please notify this office in writing prior to the above nentioned date. xx EXPIRED: Your pernit expired on April 12,1985 If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be applied for. * *If the rtexpiredl box, above, is checked and we do not hear frorn you by June 4. 1985 (ten (10) days from the date of this letter), we will clear ourfiles of all related information with regard to the permit.