HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-01-03,t 4 Dal;e [']lec:tr t,: al APP Lj t ;/|',m ( )N / I )l;:l iltt I 1, 225 Nor.Llt 5Lh SLree'L Sprtngl'iel.tl, )rcqon 9?4'i? Buildtnll Diui.:;ion 7 26- 37 {;3 ..RESIT'NTIAL.. SPFIINGFIEI r\- ,.lob Locaticn: Asse$iopc llap ll !'t;tc Lot ll Srtdioision: Otmer: l.'.(.'.s s ,is,.:. ll It.l <l rs I De:;<:t4be hltnk Vrlue (lcrre r;l I Addness ci Dat.e of App Lir:at iort N\F-3-q &eu CT ,lddi ti.crr Rerno;lel. ilol.trl 3 k)(U Ono(}.i+) Ile c lan Ic{.t I l'I rrurlti rr S rr llt'rv un bhr::;,: nade arul liIrcl,'r'l( iirr I L ia the reap<trrci.bt l.i.Ly ttf Lle permi. J'non the $LrecL, a*J that. the oermit.| 3u t !<liq1 D,- u i ;: i,, t : t t Lt;. rot: cJ p t'. u t shi i. L lokler to ,ce t'lrut aLL inspsasler" an'e nade at the plopel tinte, that acch addrees is readabi,,::tr<l _is .La-atel .z.t .L.h,c fpont. of the propet,tyt t,(,m,ti.n Lnt LIE lfuildh4t :].iL; at uLL' tihes.' Ft! oc s pu p q Foq t N, t,!!L[ o!_Jt sQ ur sr.. C A L L 7rc,(luestc<l d-n.l L'.t:..,,t 1,.ttt ui.ll bc reatly 1,:tr';ill be nade thc :,-dnc Jc!1, r.crlucsts'nt,;,!c r Tn b: mtde aJ't,.t, 1;r,i.ct' tc sel: u1, , t1' S 1?E JN{;I,ft\ :']. I :)!excauaLiott, !.,ut. forme. 26-376 9 (rtx:orclcr) stat;e yout' Ciby :losigrttterl j<tb rtwaber , job aCdress, tyie of inspeeliot'i.nx1tct: t iott, Co, ttt\tetor$on (hstvt:s rulne ,2ru/plone nwnbcr.tlequests teccived l;efcre ?:0C t:i,z!'ter 7:00 Gn trtll be ncule the nctt wrk i.rrg ,lax- Icut" Cit;y Desigrnted Job Nwnber fs 1'o nruJe aftcr a rtsu L;; Dt:il(t LI'r OR :,1OVED '1, ,,,,, P}_qTINC ! [,O!!;D,1T\CN: To be na,.!,:alter tlcrk..Jt,?$ df,e .)J:.:(n)dted an,l forns. are ereat,)d, but y;rior topout"ing ccn<rtatJ. I Wlltll nt t :: D !, :, t.t t t : ! t N e 2 _ :; tJtj.:!r__H.L:,, ! ., t,'.-J g@. ri'- 1;,*,;;i' p:{,;:G;'J;i'i'-TTff'frr:,r,:tc,:. I uan*rtout .n:,ut:!j ntt;,t t!E().ttANlCA;.:L-),to b e,aJ; -t: ; ii;,: :- i;- i; t :,;; f 't,fr i; i,. 1.floon .tnsu i,: L iort ,tr tleck ittg. P-.05r.4-t!D UU!: ,to bc r,,ul,: pr ins taL LaLicrr oi I I oot, ittsuluL decking. reqtlred uapor Lat rier,$ are i.n place L'ut _l;c!itt,e any l.ttth, glf!ilun boai,r! or r,xl LL .Lluc_rttng i.s applietl, and beforctmy ittsulation is aoncealed. UIUALIJNSPtCrl(tN: Tc be nncleaflcr,<tll dryuall is in place,bttl ltpt.or Lo cny Laping. UN!!!t!t t.iLeel locati.ott, bondbetat:;, r1r,<ttt!.itti1 ot' oerLiacL:; itt tti:t:()t1Luu:e hittt tt.B.C. Seatf.ott :!4.tt. tr,0!!!:,!:AW: Af Lt:t, itu;Lallati<ttt is(Dtqt !a LLl. Sanilary seuer eapped :t propart.; Lire Septic tank putrped ard filled uith grate Final - L\ten abcue ite:ns are ecnpleted an<l ulen Cer.ol.ttion is canpl.ete'or stni:.tut"e moued, ard prenises cleaneC up. 'iot. Lo iot; ot, (:ulil .e but pr ctt, to Afte:, J'rntns pouring(ll\) i)ltl It, llcue:: Blocking and. Szt-up Pl.nnbtng eonnections -- sa)er anC ualer Flleatri-cal Ccnneation - Blockin.t, set_u: and- plwnbing eonnections nast L'e apprcie,be{orc requesting elec!ricaI inspeL':iol Accessor'; Buitding Jon;,tto l;c A!!'ll/!:x _LA_|U!J: ?ot aLL con_ct,eltt I'eDinq uiblrin street right-o|--h\:y, to be nmle alter aLL brca_ uali.rr1t comylsTe ti forn unrk & sub-ba::e na,tettal in place. u:;pr:c !.. i.<tt s h,nse be,,t apptt trlr:2,7, FI?El.'l,ACE: I,ri.,tr Lo f,Lcr:ixq fc<:ittoncteriaLs rut,l lrcl'cn,tt'ft,uninlg irr,,i.,i',-tior.. Fitnl - l,fter pcrckes, skirting, d.ecks,et<:. ate aonpleLed. rNC thr::t: lrc requesLed aftat, t,ou, th pl ut:;ltin,7, cLe,: l.t,i- bract tul L,hl,Ln0i,::,tl.. A l! rctol nncy:t , e Lc. nilst bt: Al,{Ji: Hhen conplatc -- proui<le gttlet or ntouable secL.tans tlnougl: P, U. E. iLl tnl,,i,:,:L atndi!,.i.ot'tS, iilal:J: (I$ Llttr irtr;t.oi-l,rl.aon o!' a!t-'dat tlrc-s-, c'o-xpZ(rl !''n.of Lhe l,r,,,Ji,,,ii"r",ii"i|"i)''"t,,., mtsL be saLisJ'ic,l bi:fone the BUILDTNC i'rNAL c<ttr be request"r' j,'ll1;.4l, lllrll,l)lN(;i 'llrc- I'Lrutl Bui'Ldtn'1. InsVt'<t.Li'ott ntroL bc requested o'''cer t'rc t'inal I-tumbinj t'il.tx:Lt'i:aL, o"'l t*",i'ii"il:""pili;""t't'uuL"'inn" *in "'d'approoec' conrpLetacl.llo t^tork .t:; to lte arnt- cecled untLL tlr.'s inspeation lw:; 'been nade c)rri irfrprouird. ll(t, PLUtlfiIIt() f INAt, MECIIAII I L:Al' FINAL ELL:CI'SICI'I'Prrl:e ! of'l ril/,f, tl,l:lllill l'::; AND (:l',,i1N()l.,Tl; fllrs? Bll Ac(:nssr Bt,t:,, N),t lJsr! ti:it'l ?o 3ll lL4nli 47' Llo ccsr TO crlY Pl;oni:: It aotcf, JOB NO. [:t;t 5o: t,ot Foces - c(:dIlouseP,L Lh )ie f i.rat, Wio(l;" l.ac, L' R EQ.-SOLAR ACC.LSS G+ t L-co [],r !toottts b % cf Lct Ccoerage TNT TYPE Jntetict Corner - Po,ho'ulL" CuL'de-sac'Iotal P,ei'ghb TopograPhY Valur:l' luI'TEM tlcc S.D'C. 1'5 z l;(.1 Lc I'a:-d Si11t:r'tl: Buildi-ng Permit State Total Clnrges -l -1) TO'IA I, VALUE l',t>t t rlllulcLit't'.1 rr,ntckerf a tmreP&eIoUVdn LorltgUBt'1,1ccons$il 7.tll:let1.llationaontli.f(ts;Lhe etpotl vthee.:!it 1rgrankxluloT:nQ?icecrdirhiLl u' of icnpetmi.l.()tt'itcaCnScon!'otnttl;l:lLL(1 re{;l)ccL11t r li1,tce cluts').(:ULI L,,ltc t':-trc ulon!;l t itllt Ulwli.rr(tLncL.tle ovlc;Ili.SptLng ltr,l tn ill( lllliLdi11,,1I'uielltiof lC()sandO*l i r',tr:i(71,to'ti;ri.rtittalpt'ot)t!tLionoJ-La cllAltGt:FEENO, Fistwes Resi.den ti.aL (1 bath) Sant V{,!izuiiiil:"iij,;,!,'if i/ii,'pt,"una;io r'tork to Ptoltc a Peil ed bY tmrePInbmUgP existi-ttgc,'r,et)titTyclnnl|eot'cr hea1,sperson{;sucltLesunLNr do()pot'tc son naaLhrteicepi cetls€ ,t.the APPLot'operv:;edLtlt,:t'LCd cant PLwnbing Pernit State taL Nau/Ert end Circuits Serotce e8 lJtisrequit'tts eleetrtca p;ortio ltu Lhe tmrePoctcr LeEgLeett'icadtlcrlonb;:byllorkL LLo,:tt'1.cd ut7LCttu:t;vatlnbetiohasI'ar,tSLaLee pe:rmi-Llher oj'L ol'Lracthe(:otLtrdcLortt'Con I.cct:el'lbe :)i.llnedln.s'l.abetlrc State Total CIIAIICIi['SIt:NC lbhanL ltooC Vent Fatl Vcodsto;te PermitMechonicoI l'!ectwnir:t'L fernit Pet'nOt fssuance CIIMENTENCROA Sec,tt'L t Pcrmit Cvrbcat' Sidanalk Le Hcne l?e<:ci,Pt ll: DtLtt /), r ,, Total \ab l,)r s t 5t .tt;tt\ttf lntL'. I