HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-08-23x l! .. RESIDENTIAL" =PTTNGFTELD \?lgAPPLTcAT---'ERI'[r 225 Nonth |th Street ipr"Lngfield' 0r'egon 97477 Butldi.ng Diuision 7 26-37 53 ^\)ht$' 4o-), Itll L( Date DEI,IOLITIO!] OR Sanitmy seuet eapryed et properQi Li-ne Septic tutk p;rped a'-td filled trith 7a;sel Pi.nal - I{hen abcue itens are cc,ttpleted. and uhen Cenclition is eonplete o! st!a3- ture natted ard. prarrLses cleaned up. Le Hcmes Blocking and Set-;tP Plunbing connecti.ons -- sare? and' uater Electtical Connection - Blocking, set-u: and plutnbing eonnections trr;st be apptc"'ei before requesting eleetrLcal inspeclio:t Aecessory- BuilCnng skirting, decks,pct'ckes, 1 ^!^S Pinal - After etc. are cqnp Pege 1 of 2 Job Locaticn: Assessore MaP # Subditsision: Asnet,: Address: Addition Tar Lot # Phone: Describe llot'k: Value /77;v;vz-c f**.t 4 a -€/ ./> ba 7 rn oon, /sk2>,4a- 5r.rzzz/za>-€-(E=-c7 7F6'ur k '4 F*e oc) c=E Hone €-27-=a nade after set up of tq a Date of APPLicaticn Genet'al Consttru,2"ion-lende! Erz tnspsc:rcN, To be<ereatsaticn, but Pr"Lcr tc forns 2q FTUAL PLUAAING PINAL MECHANTCAL FTilAL ELECTRICAL 1 to see that aLL inspections ee nade at the p?o?er time' that each adltess ls readnb"e It ie the responsibiLitg of -the pennit ho.Ld,et fron the striet, att'C that the -Per'7rLt -ca?d' Ls ibitla;rrs Nuici-ot appt'oxed plan shcLL Pemdln Located at the ftant of on thz Building Site at the _proPertYaLL tlmes. PROC1DUPT FoR, ITSPECTT1\| RIQUEST:CALL 72 Pequested ana tnhen go;;iTT;;eadY for 'eiit be made the sone day' requests made ' 6-37 69 (veeordet') state Your Ci'tY Cesi.grated job ntonbet, iob aCitess, tYPe of irsPee=ict'' nctne and p'ttone nutnbet'. Reque sts v,eceir;ed befcre 7: A0 ct inspection,Contractc?s or A,mers after' 7:00 oa uvLLL be nade the nert wrkirg day Io be after a required uaPor baniers are in place rour city Desigr.ated Job Nwnber '"' ffiO24= UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELFCTRI-CAL & tECttd.lltAf,: To be made before any 66it7i-io,set'ed. PO}TfNG & FOLTNDATICN: To be rnaCe ;f;er Z;;A; at' e -erc ans at e d and forns ane erected, but Prioz' to pouting ccncrete. --l unqgncnouto pLuqgttrc. svt'Fp, w.qrIi' I DRAIilAGE: To be rnace prLor to JLL- Lirq trenehee. '-1 uuntnrtooR zLUI.IBTNG & tlECltANrcAL:lof floor insu1,ation or decking- -1 posr AND BEAM: To be nade pniot' to ) Zfinffi"tt;of floon insulation ot deeking. -- ROUCH PLABIIIG, ELECTRICAL & I,IECH-ti - MtiL these inspectiors hatse beer" made arui aooroued. I ptptpr,act: PrLor to plaeirq fceing| ^a;;;ials and before'franirfi Zn"pn\- tion. -1 rnlatruc: Llust be nequested aften ) "pp""rnl of rough plwr,bing, eiectni- eal & meclnnical, ALl, roofiztg braeing & ehinmeys, ete. rrust be eonpLeted. llo tprk is to be con- . cealed until this inspeetLon lws'been made anC appz,otsed. Lath' -gYP-swn 2oy4 or, is applied, ard before . is eoncealed. '( w but before atY mLL cooering ay insulation DRYWALL IIISPECTf)N: Tc be made afiet -dT@Cdt'ts in ptaee, but prior to any taPirq. MASINRI: Steel Locati-on, bond ETffilgrouting or oeY'ticaLs in accord.otee tLth U.B,C. Section WOODSTOI,/E: ccmpT;m. After instalLation ie CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but pt'ior to Pouring COtt:t'ete. SfDE\IALK & DRIYEWAI: Eor aLL con-c"A;nao@ilffi street risht- of-txy, to be nade after aLL eaea- oati.ng canplete & forn uork & sub- base rruterLal in plzce. , ?ENCE: h4ter conplete -- ProtsiCe gates or motsable sections tht'ough P,U.E. eet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of slreet trees, conpLexion of the Landsecping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FIIIAL canbe requested.4 l _l l ALL g,oj, nequired fA FrNAL BUTLDTNG: rhe Einal Build.ing rnspection mtst be requested. cftet, the Pinal plwnbiu f-/ EZeetrical, otd Meelnnieel fnspeetions haue been nade and.-approoeC, *ALL ILAiIilCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJAS?ltiiIt ?O BE I.IADE I? IIO f3ST ?O CI?Y *r( JOB NO. L-COG* SOLAR ACCESS RE a- lleatDfHouseAceess South LCT ?WE _ fntetict, _ Co?nel, _ Panhandle _ CUl-de-sae Lot Sq. Ftg.BeCtooms:Lot Faces -% of Lct Cou.rog"- L # of Stot"ies Total Height ?opography Hest x Value TO?AL VALIJE S.D.C. 1.5 c CHARGEN0. Eui Lding perwit ?otal Clnyges State Sigmed: Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Fistt;.z,es Residential (1 bath) d Seuer a pFt r * No, pet eon sVnl,L construct, instaZ! 1l*"rrU oz. dtainage sAsten in uhoLlgaL .possessot, of a ualld ptr_iirpLwxbing uork to propez,ty ahich iseant. s Lieensb, e.zcep ot^tned, Leased oz. P I U m b I n Pe rnr I tg a 7 ter OT ellange neLnana etistingeLnot1pa?t unless such pe?son thethaape?3on domauoperatedthebyLi-apP State Plunbing peznit Neu/Ectend Circuits Setwice c-a> LesXt %. CIlARCENCTLE ?otaZ -'l an EZeetnica be ualid unti 7 bhanst HooC Vent Fol, ilcodstooe Mechonicql permit Permit Issucnee Mechanieal pemnt Seeuri -- ENCROACHMENT -- Stot aae i Petmtt TotaL Asbatt Sidewalk tt ical Mobile Hane r ilAw 1AREEULLY ExAj.I!.yEq the eompleted applieation fo, pernit, and dolyzrebg certif.y that aLL infonnation hez,eoi is t*ue ":i .Zii"Lt, *ra rfut'tket'^cer'+-?fa that ang ard aLL aork perfozned shalL be doi. r-n d,ceo?-dance rith the ovdinancbs of the city of -spring7i.eid., L"a:tn" L-;s of the* s_tate of 0regcn pertaining to the uoik cescriblla nniLl.i, "ii- tt-t No occu- PANCY DilL be made of afv struetltl,e without pennission -o1 tt n Buitding Dt-uisio_n. r fu,ther certify that only contrac'tot,s and enpicyees uho are incatpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet #-e>sa x-z <.-t-Fa<)- TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*3a.{o t1 L.: Date 7-8v tvoPxn tasf Finen 4pgessot 4 ) Purnaee pIUtS Mainterwree ,)