HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-01-11- - RES IDEN'- .-.- - - COI,IBINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT FECEI4I tr SPRINGFIELD CET A! SPRITIOFIELD 9 n < .,4m atu aa??FF SPRI1ICPIELD, 1RECON 97477 tsuildit4 Diuisio:. 728-37 53 Adent qJ(n Sin6o'|r.,Job Eocation:.3Lpq SubCivi sicn: f\t) .4lsossora llop l( ti i i , ,. : .-. ,' It t r@ tnt # g< 7 oz, Phore tt 00te" Addtese Deecriba llotk SoLf-. AdCttion t )I0rrq-: .,3$h,oc__l lle;u €ofltmccors il@E Add,reea Lisct EzV;.tea Phone # Genetal Plmbing lLecL:riq,L [\).rrnQ^-llechaiaal Cottatrustioa Lendet REQUIRED INSPECTIOUS It is th€ responsibiuty of thc permit holder to see tb3t all ilspections readable frcn the street' ard tha: tha Pe:mdt cand is Iocated at the fTont a AIL raaaholes and cleanouts are tc ba adjusted at no cost to thc Clty alc nsde at the p:aoPer tine' that each address is of the ploperty. SITE I}ISPECTICN:ffiffi To bc made after pcion to set up of FIREPLACE: P:rion to Placing facing nEte:iial5 and before fraaing inspea- tioo. W@q!TqYES: After installation ,IG6-retea CIrRB E APPROAC!{ APP.oN: Afte. foflns:are erLcted but prior to Pcuring coocrete. U!{DEPSLAB PLUMBING. EL!CTP.IC.qL 6 HECHANICAL: To be nrade before anyi6iiFs co*,ered. forrrs. fOOttIltG t FOUIIDATION: To be nade aftlr trenches are e>:cavated a:ld foms are erect:dt but Pricr to porrring conctete. FRAMI}IG: approva]' llust be reguested after of rough plutlbing, el€ctri cal 6 mechanical. A11 roofing, bracing E chinraeys, etc. must be ciltPleted. No work is to be con- ccal.ed until this insPectioa has bean rnade and apProved. SIDEIIALK 6 DRIVEIIAY: For all con- crete paving within st:ieet right- of-way, tc be Eade after all exca- vating ccmplete 6 form work E su.b- base rEteri3l in P1ace. UNDERGROUND PLWBING, SEI{ER, I{ATER, !@99, To be rnade pnior to fil- Iing trenches. TJNDERFLOOR PLIJT,IBING 6 MECHANICAL:@orfl.oor insulstl.cn or decking. P0ST 6 BEAfi: To be nade prior to Gffin of fLoor insuration on Cecking. RCUCH PLI,JI{BING, ELECTP.ICAL 6 MECI{- AllCIlL: No work is to be covered Gffth"se inspections have been naCe and aPProved. EINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRIC.{L FINAL MECHA}IIC}.L TNSULATTON/VAPoR BARRIER rNS?ECTIo{ : fo Ue rnaae aften al1 iasulation and rcquired vapor bariers are in place but before any lath, gyPsun board or wal.l coveriag is aPPIied, and any insulation is coneealed.OTHER INSPEETIONS: in acco:rdance with to be. indicated in tiee from Building may be rcquired Building Code, ;'la::s or by no- Inspector. DRYI{ALL INSPECTICN: To be nrade ffier .ffi is in p).ace, but prior to any taPing. IIASOMRY: Steel }ocation, bond 6ffitgrouting cr verticaLs in accordance rith U,B.C. Section 2tt15. A11 project conditions, such as the insta.:.lation of stneet trees' cotlPletion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIIIG: lhe Final Building Inspeetion must be requested after the Final Plurnbing Elect:ica1, and Uechanical Inspections have been maCe ard apprcved. llo occupancy of the premises ean be made untiJ. the Final Building Inspection has been rnade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE 0F 0CCUPANCY HAS BEEU ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SION AND POSTED ON THE PREI,IISES. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: Cal.1 ?26-3769 (reccrder)stat€ your Clty designated job ;ffier;fob address, typi of -nspection requested and when you will be ready for inspec- tion, Contlracto?s or ognens nane and phone nunbers. Requests received before 7300 a.m. niI]. be F.ade the sane day, requests nade after 7:00 a.m. rill be made the next workingdav. youR crry DEST6NATED J6B NUMBER rS: RfrO&l-\ n n Ranodal Page 1 of 2 P3ge 2 ))L-COrl .'',-'REFERENCE \IIB,:BERSJOB Nt'}lBER ?,a& IYPE/ CONSTRUCTIOI{OCCUPANCY GROUP BEDROOMS Lot S@are !tg. i cl Lot Cooeredt of StcrLeslotal Height lc2ogrcghg r ^f ?^^-a. )r llouae ,a?ege ilcce6s llorth Sortth l,lest Setbacks He4.ter Lot ?A?e fnterior Corner Potltsnd 0thet E Lb,) BA TLD I II G VALUE /PER! ET F!9. eatcge Tlzi.s penrut is gzw*ed on the ezp"€ss czndi'-ion thct the said cov-st?ucti,on shall, in ali'teeiect.., confor. to tl'e Mina.eee adopted bg the Ci;y o;- Spr|ngiieki' ineluding 'Che Zoning M,inanee, reqtlating :'re ecn' structiort old. uee of btildings, sE 1q be racet:ded or re.toked at oV tine tqon tLolaticn or' dtl ?"ati' aions of said ordinatuea. ?fa t'^n+L '9. v4 a-. - ?znr,)t C'\araes Plan Check lee TOIAL CIL4RC'S Date Paid # PLUABINC PWILIT Sani Se,ter No pe?son alnll conetnrct, inetell, allen ct chotge @ry neu or eztettng plutbing or dtainage syaratl in uhole o? in pet, mlees weh pereote ie :he legal poaseeso? of a ualid pl.tnber'e Liceraa, eaee2t that a pe"sot ncy do plnbing uork to pro?e":! atach i,s ourad, Leaaed ot operated bg the qilicant. swTdI.4L State Sweharge rqIAL CHARGES ELEC?RTCAL PERIE? !la, or lJlvre Stale La.r tequitea tlut the eieo*tcc'!,, aotk be done bg ut Elactr.ical Ccnttactot, the eiecdcaL po"-tiott cf tlrie pexrit alull. not be oaiid tatii the ta- bel has been sigzed bg the ilec*iccl Ccntueto?. lle ET,ectyical Safety ta't doee not rcquire . ?e"sonto obtain a License as at elect?tcian arl./oy elee-trical coattactc" b nwke or electr'leal ins=:Llzticn ot prc?e?tl ahich is a"med bg hinsaii or a -rtbe: ofkis iltuedicte jotrLly ukich ia tat .)*endad i:t sale, Lease ct tent. eo19*Ltcaion SUg?frAL L CIK?GES MECEAIIIC.AL P8MTT Ecluust Hood Vent For EltcR1AcHMEyT Seeun ty PLan Esanrltet DCtte )ldincn@@e I EAW C.4REFUAI EXAMIIIED the anpleted qplication fot penrit, and. dohetebg cettify tlnt aLL infonntioi herean is tmte otd, corteet, eld. Iftstlet cettifg thdt otg cwl aLL wrk petfctned EIaLL be fune.in aceor- d.anee utih the Minorces of the city of Springfield, etd, the ta,te of theState of 0?egon pe?td:ning tc the Lro"k deoc"ibed h*ein, dd. t at NO OC-cWAllCI vill, be mdc of ory stnoture vitlrout pe*rles.Lcn of tlo BuildbtgD.'Lrieion. I f,uther cettifg that onlg cont?dctors od etrployeea ulo atbin conzpliance uith oRs z|l.-os| DiLt ba uaed on this project.- Pefltrit ANOA!'IT D!]E Sideasalk Fenee lleetrteat La,bel 32 AT4OUII? DUE lb.iutes. Nuision qpaned plet shall yqein on the Building at aLL ZONE