HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-08-16.. RESIDENTIAL.. /PERII?SPFIINGFIEI-D 225 North ,rn ,rrnff""O" SprLngfield, Orecon 97477 BuiLdi.ng Dirsision 7 26-37 53 ,lob Locaticn:3 r-) Aeseesors Map ll ,?o 3 , Subdiuision: Otmer: Addt,ess: cifu: Additicn RanoCel Cenetal Plwbing Tas Iat # zip: oo 7o q ( (\(" eo Date of eppU*tio, 9-Z-8* 1 Value ,soffi L Phorc:T3 Pfecltozieal Remi,ned t-t ia the teeponoibi_Lily of -tle permtt loldet to aee tlat all inspectiotts oe nade at the prope" tine, that each addrees is vsnlahlgfraa tle at?eet, and, that tha pxrtt cail. id Located at the fipni of the orooetht ,*BuiUi.W Ditticion aerw^ed pLot sltcll remain otz the BunHing site 'at aLL' tihes.' I .' PPoc DUP\ Fo\ II\SPETI)N .EIO.yEST;CALL 726-3769 (yecotdet,) stdte Uouz, City designated job te1uested ard, uhen ilou uiLL be ready for inspeetion, Conttaetor" oi Asner-s nane -cnd plone ,lzLl be nade the aane dcy, ?equests nade aft* ?:00 an tiLL be rnde the na.ct wrkirg'd.ay.crl 6a? ntmbet,, job aCiress, type of inspecli.cnrunbs. P.equests peceixedbefcre 7:00 an Iour City Desi.gr,zted Job Nunber fs: QTry? TAIQD?'6fA^I To be nade aftez,TNSULATIOIIy'VAPOR BARRIIR il\SPECTION :DEMOLruIO!! OR' !.!OWD BU, PO1TTNG & FOUNDAIICN: ?o be na.CendFiiffii6i-G-eo c a at ed and.,-l forns. a.re etected, but prioz, to *a, pow-ing ccneeta. J a 71 wmnrLooR pLUlErNc & MEIHANTIAL:to7 floot ineulation or decking. I POST AIID BEAM: To be nade pt'iot toI Gid|Gild-of iioot, ittsuition oy &eking. Tt RoucH pr,unmcrffiful & r,tEc*- ,.r\1 . ". - .ffii-theee inspeetions haue besri \ rrcnie arui approued.. 1 fnwtACE: fuLo? to olaeira faeino' I Ai&;l; and. before f"*rinS ir"pn".-tion. j1 fnitnc, ttust be requested after 4) appro,ral of rough plir,bing, e'Lectri- .a,L & neclanical. ALI toofing .' btacLng E chittmeys, etc. rrust be , .: eompleted. Ilo uork is to be eo/r- _. -.-..cecled until this inspection lae ..?been nnl.e anC approued. FTUAL PLUAAINC PIIIAL MECITANICAL FIIIAL ELECIFICA'$$ esccuation, but prior tc se! up of fotns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHL\IICAL: ?o be nade before any Dork ie couered. \ Io be rm.de after aLL insulaticn ed. t,equited oapot berie?s @e in pla,ce but before ory Lath, Wpsun baaz,C or tnLL cooering is applied, otd beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPECIf)N: 7c be nade after aLL CryuaLL is in pLa.ce, but priot to any taping. I"|ASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accotdotce Ltith U.B.C. Seetion 24L 5. WOODSTOVE: enaT;T;A. After installation i.s Sanitarg ae"tet capped at pnoperfii Lir:e t. Septic totk g,z-,ped atd fiLted d.th gta;teli' IFinal - I{hen obove i,tane ue eorpleted cnd uhen Cqtolition is corpleteio? at?uc-tute noued otd. pranises cleaneC up.'a- 1 '-/il.4 toIo CURB & APPRCACH APPON: ee etecteC but pr.Lor eonc?ete. SfDfiIALK & DRfIE'ltAI: Fot all con- crete paoing uithin etleet tight-gf-rxA, to be nade aften all ecca- tating canplete & forn wtk & sub- base ttaterial in plaee. Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connectiorts -- sate? otC uater I Elecfu,ical Cotnection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing eonnections nr;st be apprctsed befoz'e requesting eleclyLcal inspection Piral - After pcrekes, skirting, decl<.s, etc. ate conpleted. 'After fornsto pourtng Il a l ?ENCE: hlhen complete -- Prouide gates or motsable sections throughP.A.E. 1 ALL proiect eondit'ions, such as the instalZation of street trees, congletion of t;@ required landsccpittg, etc., rmtst be eatisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. PINAL BUfLDfNc: The Fi.nal Building Inepeetion mtet be requested after the Final PlunbingElectrica,L, orl l,leelarical fnspectiono ]t4ve been made atd-approued. Pege 1 of 2 x 'ALL MANHCLES AllD CLEANOWS MUS? BE ACCES|IBLE, ADJUST\IEIII fO BE I'L4DE /lT NO COST TO CI?I I IZ,J? o q \I Date: T tr 0JOB NO. tSecari Pernit Cvtbc.u". Sida,talk Ltobile llone TMAL AT,IOUNT DUE:' 5ULAK A(-UE)D KEV.- Sentice Perwit fssudtce Meclanicel Pentrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -. ?otaL 4- L LabettV- L-CO G- Mechonicol Permit -*- {tDaIA f HAW CAREFULLy SYAMINED the cotttpleted application fot pennit, and. do hereby certify that aLL information heteon is true and eowect, aruC f funther certify that any ard aLL aork perfomted shall be done in aeoor- danee vLth the 2zdinanees of the City of Sprtngfield, and the La,;s of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the uotk Cescribcd herein, cnd tlat N0 1CCa- PANCy vLLL be nad.e of any stractuve wtthout permisaion of the Building DL- ttision. I futther certifE that otly contractops ad. enplcyees dho 8e in cmpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this p?oject { j\ BeCroons !!eat Df House Aecess. Lace toxe I{"T ?WL _ Inter.icr _ Cortter _ Panhandle _ Cttl-de-sae tat Faces - Gr.c,^\ Lot Sq. Ptg. Z of Lct Caterage t of Stortes Total Height Topography -- Fees -- ITEN FTG x Value f @ TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c 5o PLan 7 2-2 Reeeipt #:7 Building Pezw[t Total Owges State Signed Building Vqlue & Permit This permLt is granted on the er??ess eondition tlnt the scii.d eonsttwetiott slull', in aLL r-espeets, conform to the Ordinonce ad.opte,l.6:y the City of Springfield, includtng the Zoning Cvdinance, regulating the ecnstracticn otd. use of buildings, otd mey be suspend.ed ot reookeC at cttA tine upon oic- lation of ow prctsisione of said 1rdiflances. k * FEE LrufrUL Fi.zhtres Resilentia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instal!, alter or ehange cny ned cr e*tsting pltonbing or drainage systeTt in ulale or in part, ur.Less sueh person is the Legal possesson of a oalid plumber's License, escept that a pe?son nay do plwrbing uoz,k to property uhieh is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli.- cant. * Plunbing Perntt Na,t/Ezterd. Cireuits Electricol Permit Vhere State lan requires ttnt the electt LcaL uork be done b{ im Eleetrical Conttdcto?, the electz.Lcal portion of this permit shall not be oaliC utttil the Label lns been signed by the Electrieal Contrdcto?. Total L u { rrcM FSE Eg,h.a$t HooC Vent Eot llcodstoite .--I za;a Signed Date L\.dnnee FTllt s 20 PLANNINC AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINCFIELD Oon Moore Ao@N SyoeH=aq 3* S. 35tL =r.$r-e tNaFteLD, G, . 1 Z4 Fg T*ts eeocHuBE sfiouLb t+4.p you ,N FG.]=r-aF'.t\l4 pLr4rus ffi youR NE'A/ 4ARMB, As w€ bt>u,(s6.ED, /fu ioffi) TO SuBtrlr T?t6rt PR A pA<Mti- As,4P, /,,", Planning & Development Job. No. JoB ADDRE ss sbg> 5 , 3 g& , gllrf' OF SPR,I}TGFIEI,I \ OFFIUE OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 225 North 5th Street Buildjng Division Da te TO: v cAfrrcffi'Gffiir=ryffiPm zd .6& 4/)k)€ **** CALL FoR' --- INSPECTi0N 726-3769 ---- I Ti0 3753 Jr a - L //,, l- I lt 2.1 la , P-1 ) FdL