HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-08-08.. RESID-NTIAL.. APPLTCATYIN/PERILTT 225 North |th Stteet SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Bui,Lding Di,ttision 7 26-37 53 General Plurnb l.lec lc It ie tlte fian the*BuiHi.V a -22-9 2 to aee tlwt aLL inspectioftE, @e nade at the propet tine, that eceh addrees is realabie ia leatad. at th9 ftotrt of tle z,emain on tha Building Site at a -?Tdp*tyL tLmes. SPFIINGFTELD t# Date: \) c..r' L PRocgDUPE FoR INSPECfiOU E1,O.UEST:CAiaq,teeteA-A@enlou tiLL be readY l,vill be nade the sone dca' tequeste , LL726-3769 (reeotdet) etate yout Citg ted job ntmber, for ir,spection,Contrd.cta?s ot' A,mers designa' rcme crtd plane nur,tber. made aftet 7:00 on ttill be nade the neot :'nrki.ng dag. Iou! CitA Deaigr,a.ted Job Numbez' Is: job aCitess' tyPe P.equelts teceixed of inspeericn befcre 7:00 dn qohtl nad IuanoafT-afr9 Job Locaticnt 3 a .H Tc,s Iot #Assessors Map #{-) $tbdioision: 0.mer: Phone:Addtess zi-p:ci.fu:7 9;zf4/ ffi% hueha,//a*ir.& fu,frdfi Descrtbe Wot'k: Date of AiAiticn L Ya'!.ue /i./(y 4 rSontrac ectrE a tr c 1anE1_Su Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPECTION: "icffion,nutfonns. P1S? AND BEAM: To beffitilffiGi-o1 floor decking ANICAL: No dllT-these mad.e and approoed.. To be nade afterpriat tc se+- up of INSULATION /VAPOR BARRTER IIISPICTIOII : Io be made after aLL insulaticn ed tequired uapor baviers @e in Place bui before ory Lath, Wpswn baarC or tmLL cooering is applied, attd before oty insulation is concealed. ANDERSLAB PLUWING. ELECTRICAL & WCHA-IIICAL: To be nade before any ffitZiaooered. FOOIfNG ,9 F)UNDAIICN: To be rul,e af;A-$enctrs ate eccaoated and fonns are ereeted, but prior to poul"itq ccncz'eta. UND9RCPA UIt D PLLI\UE ING, 9EWE!2_ WATI& !Onl.tltl.Ct: fo be naCe prior to fil- @-trenehee. AIIDERFLOOR PLNEflG & T,IECEANICAL : of floor ineul.c.tion or decktng. DRWALL INSPECIION: Tc be made fitet, m-@naZl-is in place, but prior to cny taping. I,\ASON{: Steel Loeation, bond ffijgrouting or tserticals in accordanee Lltth U,B.C. Section 24L5. VOODSTOI|E: @ntpT;tA. After instalLation is CURB & A"PR1ACH APP,)N: After fornsoe erecteC but prior to pouring eDnerete. SIDWALK & DRfIWAY: For aLL ean- e"ete pat A-fitffi street night- of-tny, to be maCe after aLL eoea- oating carplete & fotn uork & sub- base matertal in place. DEI.IOLITIA!: OR :.10W) BUILDI, Sanitatg ser,ter capped at Pt'oPetfui Litte Septic tank punped and filled trith gra;tel Final - llhen abcte itens oxe eanpleted and uhen Cenoliti.on ts eanplete otl strae- ture nooed ord prer'rLaes cleaneC up. e Hcnes Bloeking od Set-up Plunbing connections -- sate? otd, uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloekitrg, set-up and plunbing connectt)ons m;st be apprcted before requeeting eleclrical inspec'-io;t Accesco?i Bui.LCing Pinal - After pcz,ckee, skirting, decks, etc. ate c.cnpleled. nad.e pt'iot to or e beer, FIPEPLACE:mct;ii; PTilAL PLUI4BITIG FTNAL I,TECHATIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Pt'Lor to placirq and befot,e frotrtng faeing Lnspee- tion. EW|fNG: l'lust be requested af',er approual of rough plwr,bing, electri- cal & neclnnical. AL! r'oofing bractng & chhmeye, etc. rntst be . cornpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspeetion lus 'been moLe anC apptooed. IENCE: 'a4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates o? motsable secti.ons through P. U. E. eet conditionl, such ds the i.nstallation of slreet trees, conoletion of the' lanCseeping, etc., rrust be satisfied before the BUILDINC FI\IAL ean be requested. ALL proj required -]n F-LNAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Bui.Lding rnspection mtst be requested after the Final ptunbing \J Eleetrical, anl l,leclnnical Inspect.i-ons hqoe been nade ald'appToueC.( *ALL I4ANhICLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACEESSIBLE, ADJASTIEiII ?O BE I,L4DE !.? NO C1ST TO CITY l-l ,-, T JOB NO.SOLAR AC-^ESS REQ.- Type/Const: L-co d BeCroons: Lot Faces - lleat PLan Eroniner Date I HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the eornpleted application fo" pennit, and. do hereby eertifA that aLL infotnation heyeon is ttae and. eorrect, and f further ee"tifA that any ard aLL t)ork perfo?.1ted alnll be dote in aecor- dance rrith the ordinances of the CitA bf SprLngfield, atd the La:,;e of the State of )regcn pertaining to the tnrk Cescribed hereln, end that N0 OCCU- Pl-tlcy ttill be nnCe of any strueture uithout permission of the Building DL-uision. f further certify thct only eontracto?s ad enplcyees dho are in cotnpliance arth CRS 701.055 ai.LL be used on thia projeet t/)c * Df House# of Stories ?otal Height Iopography LCT ?WE _ Intez,icz, Cor.nel Panhandle CuL-de-sac Int Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couetage ITEM IJU x Value TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1..5 d Date Paid: Receipt # Building Vqlue & permir \is--eennt,i-s gnanted on the ec'p?ess condition trnt the said. consttaction 2?1!:-!.1,111 .respee.ts, gonform io the hdinance "d"pr;e Li- tl"J-'ctty .fEp"Lng;ield' i.ncludtng th,e zontng crdinance, regulatzng th-e ecnstnrcticn ?y,yon of building.s,. and m-ay b.e- suspended ot, y,buokeC -ot "ry time upon uic_Latlon of any prcuisions of said Oz,dir,ances. Building Penrtt ?otal Clwrgea State Signed: NO.FEE CEARGE Fistuz,es Reeil.etttial (1 bath) Sani Seuen Plumbing permit No person sLnLL consfuact, ine*all, alter ot etonge any nel cr eristingq!4"irrg o-r,dtainage eA2l? in ulwle or in patt,'u*Les"s such pe,son ie theLegaL .possessor of a ualid plunberrs LicensZ, eseept that a pZtson nay dopltnbing ao,k to pt,operty ihich is orsned, L.-asea o'" opi"it"ilu-ln" ippli-@nt. Plunbing Pernrit State Neu/Eetend Circuits Sensice Permit Total Electricol Permit Whez,e State Lan re-quires tlat the electri-cal uoz,k be done by an Eleetticalcontraetor, the electrieal pontion of this pernit stnll iot- be oalil, untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electtical- Contracto". ,+ NC Frr CIIARCE khanet Hood Vent Fot Vcodstooe I Mechonicql Permit Permit fssuutce Mechanical Permit State -. ENCROACHMEN? .- Permit C'urbcut Sida,talk Mobile Eotne TOTAL AI4OUI|? DIJE: * Signed Date tl. -- _ .. REslDr !TIAL.. APP L I C AT LT)TV / PE R 14 I T 225 North |th Stneet Springfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 Plurnbing SPFIINGFTEI-D Date: 3 \Job Locaticn: ?c,s lpt #Aesessore MaP i Subdiuision: Otmer: 5r4r -Addtess:Phone zip: Describe tr'otk: Value ( &, oo Date of L nl \:-qo Additian rSt General nical EJ,ec Eri;:a 1 Srroervqqrlz:rf; Elec tr ic ia n OR :.IOVED BUILDI\ICS Sanitary serser eapped et propertg Lix.e , st;1 r,1,,,l161 irlY/Idt,,,,bl i,,! ; i,,r., t Septic tank ptnped and. filled uith gra;sel Pinal - t{hen abcue itens are eanpleted and uhen Cenolition is eomplete o! str,uJ- ture moued and. prenrises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking and set-up Plwnbing eonnections -- aaie? cnd uater Electrical Ccnneetion - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing eannections rrust be apprcv-ed before requeeting eleclrical inspeelio:t Aceessor.i Bui.lC:lng pcrehes, skirting, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc. ate contp Page 1 of 2 It ie the responsibility o! the pernrLt hotder to aee that aLL incpeetions ate nade at lhe proper tine, that ecch ,;ddress is readabie fnom the stneet, anC that the permit catd ia Located at the front of the propenty.l9uildiry Diuiciot approu*ed plan slu:Ll remain on the Building Sitc at al-L times. PROC|DUPE FOR INSPECNOII RIQUEST:CA requested and ahen Eou uiLL be ready 'siLL be nade the sane dcy, "equests SI?E fNSPECTI)N: To be nade aftet, acau;;l;;;-bE prtar tc set up of fotne. UNDERSLAB PLUI"IBING, ELECTRICAL & \ilECHL]|ICAL: To be made befoz,e any6iia fiotsered. PCOTINC & FOUNDATICN: ?o be naCe aftet trenches a?e and forns are erected, but prior to poun'ing ccncrete. u lt D r R c?, Q Ullp l!!l!!!_a!-fgyE R __y!LLL D llltlpE: ro be naCe prior to fil-Tfi-Tiinches. LL 726-3769 (reeorder) state yout, City Cesignated job nutnber, for inspection, Contracto?s ot Oumers ncme and plane number,. nade aftet, 7:00 @n uvill be tnde the ncrt :mrking dag. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fa:. I N SULA? ION 1 VAPO R BA ILILRJ !E?EE!!9! : To be nade after aLL insulaticn atd required oapon bawie?s a.?e in place but befone any Lath, gypstun bcarC oz, raLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYI,IALL INSPEC?TON: ?c be nade Vfiei-au dryuitT-ts in pla.ee, IENCE: h4ten conPlate -- ProuiCe idles or nottable seetians througli P, U. E. job aC&,ess, type Requests reeei"*ed of incpectior befcre 7:00 ct 7-1 uaomrLooR pLUtErlG & LIECIIANrcAL:itof floor insulction or decking. PQ L ANp BEAM: To be made prioz, to TifrTTillc-Tof floor insulation or decking. RO!,|Cil PL,U!,!BAG, ET,ECTRICAL & I|ECII: ANICAL: No uork is to be co"*ened ffii-L these inspectioris haue been nade and apptotseC. but ptior to cny taytng. MASONRY: Steel loeation, bond Eiffiilgtouting or uertieals in aeeordotce L/ith U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTOVE: ccntpTAT;A. After installation is 1URB & LP|B949!_E!9!: After forns at " ereciA-ilt p;lo" to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRII.E\'IAY: For aLL eon- c"ete parr@Atd; stneet right- of-rxA, to be made after aLL exca- oating conplete & fom LPrk & sub- base material in Place.FI!?EPLACE: ^ct;;ia-G Prior to plccir4 and before froning facing inspec- tion. ttust be requested after approual of roughcal E mectanical. plwnbing, electti- ALI t oofittg braeing & chinmeys, ete. rrust be conpleted. Ito ubrk is to be con- cealed until this inspection lws'been made anC approved. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FIIIAL I4ECIIANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL 'AI,L l.lANIlCtES AND CLEANOUTS llusT Bti ACL-ESSIBLE, ADJUST\IEiIT TO BE l.t!1DE LT Il0 CCST fO CITy ALL project conditions, suck as the i.nstallation of street trees, conoletton of the required Landsccpitg, ctc., tmtst be satisficd befoTe the BUILDfNC FfNAL ean be requested. FINAL BUILDINC: ?he Final Building fnapection rmtet be requeeted after the linal Plwnbing Electrical, and Nechariccl fnspections hquc been nade ard approoeC. T n r tr JOB NO. Duilding Pernrit ?otal C'lwges Plunbing Peznit State State Total Total Cha SOLAR A-^CESS REQ.-L-co d Bedroons Lace tote Building Volue & Permit This penn:tt is granted on the erpress cond_ition tlwt the said.construction slwll', in atl rZspects, conform to the ordinance cdop.te'7 liy bhe ci'ty gf Spi;ng7i.eta, inctlud.'i,ng- the 2oning Crdinanc-e, regulating the ccnstructicn ira ""oL of 'buildings,- and mey be suspended ot, reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of any prcoisions of said 1rdinances. Check Date Paid: Receipt ll: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall constmtct, t)nstal!,- alter or change -cnA neu)-cr ecist|ng il*rtl"g or drainage sAstan in atale or in part, unless such peyson is the iegal p"osses"o, oT"o rLlid pl*rtnt"s L'ic-ensZ, eacept th'at a pe,son 'au 49ptiittirg uork to'property ihi"t i" otned, Leased or operated by the appli.- eant. Electricql Permit llhere State Las t:equi|es tt",at the electri-cal uork be done bg an Electz'ical conttaetor, the electticaL portion of this permit slnll not be oalic until the Label ltas been aigned by the Electrical Contractot:' PLafi Eeanlne"uate I HAW CAREFULLr \XA\4INED the completed application fo-r permit, and do n"inty cettify that aLL infotmation he,eoi ia true and eor,ect, anC I f"nti"n" iertiig that ang ard aLL agt'k pe-nfotned a.lnll be .do.te in accon- iiile- tttn the" odinane-ee of the City of Springfield, anl th-e Lc";s of the * State of \regon pertainina to the oork Cescribcd hereln, cnd tlnt N0 OCCU- ANC| iltt b"e ,nde of any" strueture uithout permisaion of the BulldingT D.i'- urision. f further eLrtiill that oily contyactors and ezplcyees uko are i;t eonpliance ultt, oaS ?01-055 uiLL be used on this proiect r/t-r /qo t Accesa t P, L.House Lat Faces -Lot Sq. Ptg. % cf Lct Couerage_ LOT TYPE _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac SQ. F?C X VaITEM ! of Stortes Total lleight Topogrcphy tlain Cctaoe Ca"port Aceeesoru TOTAL VALUE 0es.D.c. 1,5 x CHARGEN0.FEE Fi.rtut es Residential (1 bath) Saniteta Seaen Wctcr NO. Res. Sa. ftq. Neu/Extend Circuits Tqnpora"y Sensice CIIARCE { Mechqnicol Permit llcodstore Vent Fa bhanat Hood F7llnaee Permit lcsuanca llechanieel Perwit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secaritu Deposit Storage l.laintenance Pcrmit C'utbca! Sideualk Fence Electrical ta.bel Mobile Hone TOTAL AI,IOUNT DUE: *+le'13 w-7- State , 1-:4 * \stq0 STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSI BI LITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28: 1 ! own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A. OR My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. B I will be my own general contractor. lf ! hire subcontractors. I will hire only subcontractors reoistered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe mv mind and Eo hire a oeneralcontractor. I will contract with a contrattor -who is reoistered w'itn theConstructibn Contractors Board and I Will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contraitor. I hereby certily that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reYerse side of this form. Signature of Permit Applicant CONSTRUGTION CONTRACTORS BOARD v244J 10t24t8p B#k- ro rssurNc AGENcy pERMrr FrLE Ehf,( coPY TO APPLICANT tDll&o-@s Permit No: CIDO e h tAddress: lssued Date: \ o\R?i DATE:fuf r:cY? JOB ADDRESS: .?to -i,-fr<?&-tr OI{NER,: OWNERS ADDRESS: "( APPLICAT{T: :r-*'?r.4- rL-r /7)>22/\- APPLICANTS ADDRESS: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Plannin Bui I d'i ng Saf et 225 North 5t Spri ngf i e1d, 0r 726- 3753 (Bus. ) 72 g andv D'i h st egon 6- 37 ?u' 'l opment vl !_Jn reet 97477- 69 (Insp. ) HOUSING INSPECT' APPI,ICATION SPRINGFIELD A S35.OO INSPECTION FEE TS REOUIRED AT TI{E TII.fE OF APPLICATIOI{ THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY TI{E O\,,,I.IER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. /4u SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OI^iNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF REPORT: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE COIO{ENTS: RECEIPT NU}{BER:l7t a>a DATE PAID, 1*3 -? c> (o,q o FoR ACCESS To PROPERTY--PLEASE INCLUDE TELEPHONE NUMBER , 7/( -fuVd SPRIi|GFIELE, % FENCE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION Offi ce: INSPECTION LINE: 726-3759 7 26-37 69225 Fifth Street ipiingrield, oregon 97 477 CITY OF Onrcoru --)D 33 Assessors MaP #:7 oZTt 3I 0wner: Tax Lot #:ool a- Phone #:("1 441 d^ Addre City: SS gn ure e(d State Value of Fence:.oD Fence Permit is $5.00 Contractor/I nstal I er : Address:Phone #: City:State: D Li p 1z'{ l; Construction Contractors Registration #:Ll (t bU Ex pires tL 3t -?e ,, /v /zotr*er ) Z By s'igning th'is permit/app'ltqq!i9!r l agree-to call fol an inspection once my f"ence"has been c6nstruct'eb Q264769). -I also state that all 'informat'ion on t[ii-appiicat'ion/permit is iorrect and that I was provided with the Springfie'ld Development Code requirements for fence standards. FOR OFFICE USE Date of Applicat'ion r-1L-82f)Job #: Receipt #:l3t t I Issued By:n n-v\L_ Total Amount Collected , q-A) Checked for Del inquencies:-/ Checked for Historica'l Status: /" Job Locat'i on : .U:p.9fif3- CITY OF SPR OREGO'V SPRu--FIELD DEVELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBLICWORKS M ET R O PO L I TA N WAST EWAT E R M A N AG E M ENT JuIy 19, 1990 CERTIFIED LETTER 225 FIFTH SIEEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 Ms. Laree Richard Mr. Jay Russell 7087 Aster Street Sprlngfield, Oregon 97478 RE: llousing Inspection At 310 South 35th Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Rlchard and Mr. RusseII3 ,i At your request, a Housing Inspection vas performed at the above referenced address on July 10, 1990. The inspectlon revealed condltions vhich do not meet the minimum requirements of the Springfleld Houslng Code and are potentially hazardous. The belov listed items must be repaired and/or replaced vlthin 30'days from thedate of this letter. AII applicable permits must be obtained prior to beginnlngthe vork. MECHANICAL/PLUMBING A temperature and pressure valve (relief valve) is requlred to be installed on the hot vater heater in order to prevent the build up of hlgh temperatures or pressure. The laundry sink trap needs to ie secured to the waII.in an approved mannerto prevent the possibility of leakage. STRUCTI'RAL 1 Plans are required to be submitted for plan reviev for the completion of the bathroom. 2. A handrail betlreen 30" - 34r' in height must be installed on.the stairway toprevent the possibility of personal injury. ELECTRICAL Replace all existing ungrounded grounding-type receptacles with nongroundingtype receptacles or provide ground fauLt circult interrupter protection for-these receptacles. 1 2 1 \ Housing Inspection 310 South 35th Street JuIy 19, 1990 Page 2. 2. Provide physical protection for the exposed vater heater wiring. 3. Provide a hood fan for the range or terminate the viring in an approved junction box. If you have any questions, please phone me at 726-3790. IY' Lisa Hopper Building Technician I cc: Dave Puent, Building 0fficial 2B PM (\ /990 A3 J'J LSENDER INSTRUCTION Print youi namo, addlose and ZIP Code in the space below.. Complole ltems 1 , 2, 3, and 4 on lhe reverSe.. Attach to front of artlcle lf sprco permhs, otherwiss affix to bact of articlo.. Endorse article "Return Recoipt Roquostod" adjscont to number. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS E'. llil PENALW FOR PRIVATE USE, $3OO RETURN TO I>qr\ GFIELD, OR 97d77 Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. rrr-Y r_L\rrtvtE tI I DE I(YluE 5225 FIFTH STREET + additional services aie deiired, and complete items (Extra this willthe reverse side. Failure to this card ressee's address. 2. E Restricted Delivery 4. Article Number oA A7aO1 0-12 Type of Service E Registered Ehertified D Express Mail E lnsured E coo T-'l Return Rsceiotu for Merchandire Always obtainlsignature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. l,'ls. Laree Ri chard l4r. JaY Ru ssel I 7087 Aster Street Spri ngf i el d , 0regon rticle I $ 97 478 5. x - Add T-isnat..rt" - Ase"t x 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY d requested and fee paid) PS Form 381 1, Apr. 1989 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT c'5-JXi'f address TO"in the z-./a ..RESIDI\TIAL.. - APPLICA?LUI{/PERILIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield" )regon 97477 BuL Ldl-ng DLUI,S'.LO4 726-37 53 t# SPRIT':GFIELE Pege 7 of 2 Blocking od Set-up Plwnbing connections -- saoe? od. uater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and. plwnbing eonnections rntst be apprc"*ed before requesting eLeclrical inspection Aecessory Buildi.ng Einal - After pcrekes, skirting, decks, etc. @e ecmpleted. Job Locaticn: Assessore Map #\?cz Lot # svbdioision: Otmer: Phone:Address: City: -,'Dlornfit I Descrtbe Hotk: r6 Date of AppL t-t t-l Value AiAitian RemoCel Plumb Date: General ec Su Electr ].an It ie the reepono'ibility of the pe*ttrtt hode" to aee tlat all inspections oe nade at the pyope? time, that each addrees is reaAable fron tlu etneet, and, that the penrtt cad. ie Located at the frcnt of the Wope?tA.*Building Nuicion appro"*ed plan slnll remain on the Building Sitc at aLL- t'ines. PRocBpupE FoR rvsp*crrpy- n?0.wgg-lcalL z@eadyfor,tiLl be trude the sone dcg, tequests mcde Reati-*arf T*cnan*i nne 26-3769 (recorder) state yout, Citg designated job nttnber, job aliz,ess, type of inspee;i.cn inspecti.on, Contractots ot A,tneys nctne and pTone nwber. P,equests z,eceixed befcne 7:00 ott aft* 7:00 on tiLL be nnde the nert ;nrking dau. rot/r ci,ta Desi.gr.arted. Job ltunbet, ,"r" " q(Y\q SI?E INSPECTION: er;a*an.n, ill ?o be nade aftez,priar tc set up of forrns ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH|IIICAL: ?o be made befoz:e anywrk ie caeted, Fj)TING & E)UNDA?ICN: To be rmCe @A-tl,ffi are ercauated' and fotns ate etected, but prior to ccncrete. ANDERCROUTID UIIDERELOOR PLUT,DING & MECI|ANICAL : TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION: Io be nade after aLL insulaticn ad required uqor berie?s @e in place but before oty l,ath, Wpsun baarC or tnLL couering is applied, azd before ag iraulation is concealed. DEI.IOLITfi|I OR !,|OVED BUTLDI|ICS Sotituy seset eapped et p?opevw" Lite Septic tutk p*;tped artd fi.Lled tith gra:;el Final - tt4ten abotse itens ote eanpleted and uhen Canolition is carplete or sttuc- tuye nooed otd prenrises cleaneC up. Hcmes @onoffloor insulction or decking. PQE! 4!! PLaU: To be nade pyLot' to installaticn of floor iraulation or decking. ROUGH PLUTIIBII.IG, ELECTRICAL & MECE: ANICAL: Ilo uork is to be cotset,ed ,ffiil these inspectior,s haoe been nade and approued.. EILryIACL: Pm)or to plccitq fccing matez.tals and. before franing inspec- tion. FRAIIIIIG: l4ust be requested after apptooal of rough plwnbing, electri- eal & neclunical. ALt z:oofing brucinq & ehinvtegs, etc. rmtst be : eonpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- . cecled until this inspectlon Las'been nade anC approued. \ rram PLutqBINc PINAL I,IECHANICAL Ihe Fi-nal Bui,Ldi'rq Inspecti'on mtet be re4uested oftet the FiruL PLmbLtl ;;;;;;; -tip n ii'""n"'hqr> e b e en made and' appr oo ec' DRYWALL fNSPECII1N: Ic be nade--:-_-;=-'-;--,after aLL dryuall is in plaee, but prior to any tarynq. IIASONRY: Steel Loeation, bond 6i6ilg?outi,ng or oerticals in accordotce ?,/ith a.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTOVE: @rrpT;T;A. After installation is CURB & APPROACH APPON:After fonnste erecteC but prior to pourtng coficrete. SIDEWALK & DRf"EWAY: Fot aLL con- cret;Vat GAffi street right- of-w,!, to be nade after aLL e*ca- oating conplete & for"a rnz'k & sttb- base rnaterLal in pLace. IENCE: hthen cornplate -- ProtsiCe gatel or mouable sections thtough P.U.E, ALL project eon&itions, sue?. as the i.nstallation of stl,eet trees, conpletion-of tie ,nqiirna Landsceping, etc., rm.tst be sati.sfied before the B\ILDLNG FIttAL can be z'equested. TINAL BUTLDING: E1,eetri.cal, and \AL ELECTRICAL *AiL I4ANHCLRS AII,D CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE' ADJUS?IIENT fO BE l'44D8 A? NO cOSr TO CITI tr tr soLAR AC^Ess REQ.-cL-CO BeCtooms Aceess. Sout ces Df House Lot Faces - Lace tou"e Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Cooet'aga # of StorLes Total Eeight Iopogrqky LOT TWE _ Inteticr Co?nez, Pan?nnlle - ,ul-dn-"o" JOB NO. Building V<llue & Permit Thi.s perndt is granted on the e8press cond-ition tlnt the sciid consttaction "not[, .tn aLL r"espects,- ioitiri 7i- the CrdLnance adop.ted 6y the City o.f spit"g|i.nd, inc|.iiing'the 2oning crdinanc-e' regulatittg the ccnstmtcticn *ra "Z"n of -buildings," and may be suspended oy ret:okeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of attA prcoisions of said 0r'dir,ances. -- Fees -- Value TOTAL VALUE x tbi.n Fee: S.D.C. 1.5 c Building PenrLt ?otal Ctnrgea State Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No person sLnLL conshntct, instaLL'- alter ot change,any ned-cr existing ilit+rrg or drainage systql in ulale o,r in patt, unless such pe,son is the ingil p"o""n""o, o7"o uiolid plu^bnrts Li-c-ense, ergept tlwt a !'?"8?n ^aa 42 piwrbiig uork to p?ope"ta ihi"h i" ot^med' Leased ot' operated by the appli- cant. CEARGEN0. Sazd Sa,tet Pi.ctutes Resiletttial (1 bath) Plwnbing Pen'1|t State Electricol Permit where state Lan ?equires tlnt the electyical work be done by,an Electrical Contraetor, the el)etu"Lcal porti.on of this permit shall not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electtical Contractor' FEE Total Na,t/Eatend Circuits Set"uice CEARCENCFIE ,( Mechonicql Permit I,lcodstotse Vent E@t b\@.tst Hood. B?U, S PermLt fssucnce MeeTnnical Pefirit -- ENCROACHT4ENT -- Pezhit Ctttbeut SiduaLk MobiZe Hone PLan EsotLnet, ToxaL f EAw CAREEULLY ExAl,fillED t?e cornpleted application for pennit, and do hereby eettifg that aLL infornation heyeon is ttue and eorreet, and I furthet' .cettify that ang ar.d aLL aork perfor-ned alnll be done in aecoy_dance tith ,r, o,or::i:.: o{-tt:: cita.Zt.sprtfsfj"t;: ;,rd-;i; La*s of the* state of onegcn oerta-ining to the uoik cescribed herein, cnd trat N0 occu_'iff*?'|?:=Vi;:l*fyo"{Xi:Xi;"'}l*p"*tiirii."r-ii"nilahsoi,- eonp zianc e'"i ti' ias z o t . b s s " ii t"';;, .;;;':I, ii;: #:Jtrtcy e e s uho arl in TOTAL 4g6sp7 pyg, *J Permit No: Address: lssued Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28: 1 a.a::1 lown,residein,orwillresideinthecompletedstructure 2.4 My general contractor is STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOiGE iO PNOPERTY OWNERS "' IE6Ui ConsriUErloN RESPoNSI BlLlrlEs Note: oregon Law, oRS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not regisie;; ;iih i6d C"L;iil;ti". c6.iractors -Board to sisn the following stat"m"ni;;d;ineouiroin;;;*''t t3-l!? ltt'ed' Licensed Architect and Ensin.", "ppiil".it,.i9,,.'ol lidfr iJsistration under oRS 701'010(7)' need not submit this .ilt..i"hi. Thi; staGmeit will be filed with the permit' Date Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must"beiegistereO with the Construction Contractors Board. I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I change my mind and do hire a general Contractor. I will contract with a contrattor -who is reoistered w-ith the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contradtor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. Signature of Permif Applicant CONSTRUCTION @NTRACTORS BOARD o24J 10124t89 Date pkilF*py ro rssurNc AGENcy pERMrr F,LE , ' ,)85, COPY TO APPLICANT LL4t LfE- @s 5\D3X,,, OR B. l---l 2 --.. ., RESIDT ITIAL,. APPLICATIZ\TPERMTr 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, 1r,egon 97477 Butlding Diuision ooe 2cF2/ au-o( oo SPFl'ruGF'ELD Iout, City Desigra.ted Job Nwnber fs: t .tt E SrrDerrra-f,2;izt Elec Er:c]'an STTE INSPECTION:;;;;;i"4a"t ?o be afterpricn to set up of foms. a N DE& s L4P P L!w!!!,_! m8!!9!I_! P 1-urnb ing l.lechan ecE.rica nade and aPProoed. F(PEPLACE: PyLon to Plccir4 ^ct;;l;G and befot'e ftaning tion. FIIIAL PLUI|BII]C FINAL I|ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Date job aCdress, type of inspecliot Fequests recei"^ed befcre 7:00 ctr f--1 TilISULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTTON : tcquited oapon botrie?s a?e in place but before anA Lath, gypsun boar.C or tnLL covering is appLied, and before ay insulation is concealed. t-1 DRYWALL INSPTCII1N: Tc be nade l@ts.inplace,u but prior to cnY taPing' MASONRI: Steel Location, bond Sifiilgrouting or oet'ticals in aecordalrce ttith U.B.c. Section WOODSTO'IE: After instalZation is cctrpT;tA. CURB & APPR=1ACH APPpN: . dfler,lyns diZt'ecteC but Pt'ior to PcurLng eoncrete. SIDEI'IALK & DRII-EI!4Y: For all eon- crete paolrrg nlthin s-t?eet night- n-r-r*u'- to be made aftet aLL exca- "LtL"L'"ooptete & forn uork & sub' base 'rnate.r"tal in place. IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- Pt'ouiCe ffn, o, nouable- sectians through P,U.E, I^t ie the resPonsibi-Lily oi-the permit hozder to aee that aL'!. inspeetions ore nad.e at the p?opet, tine, that eceh cd.4ness is z,eadabiefton-tle st?eet'. and that the-penmt-card ia Located at the front of the propenty.tBuilding D.iuisiot appro"*ed plan shcll remain on the Aunidin:q- iiie at aLL tines. PNOCSDUPE FOR JNSPECTIOII R\QIIEST:CALL 7 nequested and uhen gou uiLL be neady fot,tiLL be nlade the sdte dcy, nequests-mZde itECtttltICAL: To be made before any ffi1{iluercd. FC1TING & F0IINDATICN: To be rmCe after trenches dte eleauated ara 7or^" *n erected, but Pnior to pouring ccncrete- TNDERCROUIID PLUM7IN1,, ssqER, :ti!try-;l'O?l,ta-eCt: To be naCe p"LoP to ILL- TQiinchee. i-]; u a om ru.o on p ru t nlq a- -!!Eq!4a{ElL'l-) ro be made priot floor insulation ot' decking' POST AND BEAM: To be nade Pt'iot to ffiof floon insulation ot' decking. RoLlcll=pr,ul,BLtc...EtiE-^AZTebtLz:L,a*,ZF ANICAL: No 'nork Ls t( ffii-th."" insPectiotts haoe been of fccing inspec- FRAI':IIIC: ltust be requested afte? " t of t'ough Plwrbing' electni- cL't E neclanieal. - AL! roofing bracirq E chtnmcYs, etc' ttrtst be comoLeled. lto ubrk is to be eon- , oeiled until this insPection las 'been made anC aPPt'oted. - ..-- -.-: ALLprojectcondit.ions,suckasLheinst,allationofs+-reettree-s,congleLionoftie required Lond,sc"p"r.g)-Lt"".','i"t a" "rtt"fiZTi')fZi""" tn""--'t't'rbin:c FIiaL ean be requested' FINAL BUILDIN\: The Final, Building Inapection n1.ust be neouested alter the Final Plwnbing \J Eleetrical, i't uLin"'t"at rnspectio;:;i';2";;;;l'ioii a"d' opprou'c' Job Locaticn: Assessot,s Map #?c,.r lat ll svbdiuision: Address Phone: t0cr-LL-s n Neu c{ ,1 Value . Deser.tbe h,otk: \q Date of Appl ieaticn Additicn RenoCeL Ceneral Fi.nal - 't{hen abcue itens are eanpleted and uhen Catoli-ti.on is conplete o! sttruc- ture moued and pt'etrises cleaneC up' Le Hcnes Blocking and Set-:tP Plutnbing connections -' aa)e! od ualet Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking' set-up -ZiTifurtl."q connecti'ons mtst be apprct;ed i; ;7"i " requ-eating eleclrtcal inspee lion Aceessor.l BuilCittg Pirnl - Aftet' pcnel''es, sklrting' decks' etc. dte conPleted' P.:tL':e 1 of 2 ,AT,L I,IANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCES,IBLN'ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE |I,4DE II.T NO CCST TO CTIY U\* tr vt \ ft <: Cita:rt @ tsldrs llxo -! aesBoarcl Ree. Sanitaty eeset ecpped at pt opents- Lir:e r rtt,r,,,,,i!gl1yA,1rr/r,,r,,1if i.l;il.,t Septic tutk ptnped and filled uith grartel I Lob Faces - L.P tast South West LOI TYPE Interi'cr Corner - Pant'andle I ,rl-d,'"o' Iot Sq. Ftg' % of Lct Corserage TopograPhY x ValueSQ. FTGITEM I'lain C,crdqe Caroort Accessory TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 t CHARGENOFEE Eistwes Resil.ential (1 bath) Set'lerSani CHARGENO]TEM Res. Sa. ftq SeruiceTanporarY $ E L-co SO LAR CESS REQ.'Bedrooms:t: I!eaL Zone tote -- Fees -- Building Volue & This permLt is gtanted on th-e n"p.'n'.? "o:4:.slwll', in all nespects, conform. to tne uPaLl spring\ield, inc|uding the Zoning Cndinanc,e and. use of buildlngs, and mzy b.e- susp.enaea Lation oY ony prcolsions of said ordir'ances Permit tion that the said-constt'uctton nance adopteT 6iY the CLIY o.f , regulct'ing tlzb ccnsttuettcn .or reuokeC at cnY time uPon otc- * Euilding Permi,t Fee: Date Paid: State t ll: Total Charges Si,gted: Plumbing Permit No person sln-Ll .constntet, inslall"' altet ot change GnA nel 'c? existing plwnbins or dralnase ;;ZZ;"';;";;i"',1-i" p'"t' -unlesl such person is the Lesal possessor of ";:;;Z"pi:';;'nl';iit"n"t-L-' *"npt that a pet'son na's do plwnbins uonk to pr"o;xi;""i"i;;"r-";;;e: tzl""a o'r operated by the appLi- cant. Plwnbing Pernit State CIIARCE Electricol Permit Whet'e State Lau requires th'at the eleetrical uork be done by -an Electrical Contractor, the electrZcotlo't':o' of thts e"y't't shall not- be oaliC until ;;;1;;;L- n"" L"L" si,gned tv the Electri'cal conttactol" Total NC.FgE Fvrnx.ee PTUTS E=hanet Hood. VenX Fot tttcodstore * Mechqnicol Permit Pernat fssuance llechanical Pennit -- ENCROACI(MENT -- Secartt! Deposi! Stdrage l4aintetunce C-utbca! SideuaLk Electrieal l_a.bel Mobile Hane PLarl Eedmlner TotaL r HAW CAREFULLy ExAt4r_NED the eotnpleted appli-cation for permit, and daherebg certif-y that aLL information heneoi ie true and correct-, or,i. ffu*ther certify that any ard aLL aork perfonted etnll be done in aceor-danee tith the ordinances of the city of bpringfield, anl. the La;e of the* state of 0regon pertaining to the work cesZribLd hnnbir, cnd tlnt No occu- PANcy uiLL be nace of ala structure without permiesion of the Building Di-ttisio_n. r further certify that only contrae'tot,s and enpicyees uho are i;teazpliance utth ORS 701.05s wi.LL be used on thie projec't TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: */J At Access.House ncks CataQe Tsrc rTEM l,leter. JOB NO. * Nau/Eotend Circuits IT9M Pcrmit 9ence I