HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1995-10-13SPIIINGFIELO AAv I'IiNCIi T'IIITHI'T AI'PLICA'TION CITY 0{. SPt(rNclrrlll.D I}UILDING SAI,I.:TY DIVISION 225 North Flfth Street Springfleld, Oregon 97477 0fflcct INSPI}CTION LINE: 726-3759 726-3769 Job Locatlon: J4 1 n).<<v1 nl,, Asscssors tlap llr Tax Lot ll: Ovncr: Adclrcss z Pn &o,t, A4b k Phonc ll: Lf4'D zlp:qCl ty:fitaeAn-Statc OE Valuc o[ Fence:Ircnce Pcrmit is $5.00 Con t rac tor:/Ins taIIcr : Adclrcss ' e)(LlyV.- ,y'* /)t,nn I rln 4rr,/- Phone lt: Cl ty,Statc!zl p: Constructlon Contracrors Reglstratlon ll :-Explres:- Dy slgnlng thls pernrlt/appllcatlon, I agrce to call for an lnspcctlon oncc my fcrrcc has bccn construcred (726-3769), I also stated that all informatlon on this applicatlorr/pcrmlt 1s correct and tlrat I vas provldcd with tlte Sprlngflcld Dcvclopnrcrt t codc rcqul rcmcn ts f or f cttcc s tandards uuc tc FOR OFFICE USB tl' Date of Appllcatlon: Rccelpt ll /7zz? Tota1 Arnount Collccted: S,a ;l Issucd By: t Jori tt: Clrcclrcd f or Dcllnqucncl cs:Clrcck.cd for llistorical Status: i )