HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-01-11t#..REslDFNTlAL.. " APPLICAT\-/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Sprirqfield" 1regon 97477 BuiLding Dittisio.n 7 26-37 53 SPF|INGFIELD l51Lt t oP- \B.[ Signgd:r\)3 rob Loeation, a)= N '\|rtP Aesessorsuap*l]0)b 13I Dl l oo far, Iot ll &bditieion: z-----:- Atmer: Address 14) DescrLbe h'otk Ir ValueqD f--l Neu I e5 nr\Date of App Lication tr Oc Additian ffirn oa"r General Plurnbing - nical -LIec ec tfE a Elec tt:clanSu.n DETIOLilIO!] OR Sanila4 aanet capped at propetty lire Septic totk pttrped ard fi.Lled trith gra;tel Final - llhen abcrte itens are conpleted and uhen de.nolition is canplete o" struc- ture moued otd prenrLses cleaneC up. e Blocking od, Set-up Plwtbing eonnectione -- aa)e! otd. uater Electrical connection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing cotnections mtst be appnot;ed before requesting eleclrLcal inspectio;t Accessory Building skirting, decks,pcrchee, Leted. Final - After etc. ate comp Page 1 of 2 It iB the reeponaibility of tb pernrit tpldet to aee that aLL inopections ate nade at tlr PtoPet tisne, that eaoh ailreea ie reaCable fron the etreet, atd that the permit aatl ie Located at the frcnt of the propenty. tBuitdiryT D,Juicion approoad plan,altall nenain on tlp Building Site at aLL tinee. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECAION REQUEST':CALL726-3769(recotder) etate your Citg deeigna-ted job rumbet, iob aCdteee, typTof inspecticn eadyfolinapection,contracto"go|ra*,n,,-,o,e-andpla,enwttber.Reque8tsreceixedbefcre7:00an 'aiLL be made the eone day, "equesta made aftet 7:00 an uvtll be nnde tke nect tntking day. Iour Citg Deaignated Job Nwnbet fo SrTE fNSPEC?I1N: ?o be ttade aftet e&;au;ti-on, m prtor to set ip of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHA.IIICAL: To be nade before ang ffiTiaooet ed. FOOTIN} & F)UNDA?I)N: Io be rru.de Afiet'fietlcies a"e acaoated and. forns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBINC. SSHER, I,I.ATER. D84!!t4eE, To be trude priot, to fil- T@T6nchee. UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANTCAL: o7 fToor ineul,ation o" decking. POEL AND PgA!!: To be made prior to ffiiiTdlan o1 floor insulation or deckittg. 1URB & APP8AqII 4?i9!t: Aftet fonnsa,e;;e"tAfrt pfi; to pouring contrete. SIDEWALK & DRMAY: For aLL con- et eti paoi.ng uithin etv'eet right- 2f-tng, to be nade after aLL ecca- oating eanplete & for'n Lsork & sub- base natertaL i,n pl,ace. f-- INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION:txlI required oapon bafiere ee in place ': . but before oty Lath, gypswn board or rnLL coueting is appli.ed, and. before ay inaulation is concealed. i DRY\|ALL INSPEC2I)N: Tc be nnde @er-77'fiyuat-t e in place, but prior to any topirs. \IASINRI: Steel Loeation, bond ffilgrouting or oerticals in accordmtce ttLth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: etnpT;T;A. After inetallation ie r-- ROAGH PLUIIBIIIC. ELECTRICAL & MECH- t *'t - until these inspections hatte been tion. ITV rnuttttc: t"tust be requeated after V) @"o"L of rough plitrbing, ilectri- cal & neclnnical. ALL roofing btacing & chitrmeye, ete. rruat be conpleted. No uork ie to be eon- , cecled until this inepeetton lae 'been nade anC apptoued. made and. approoeC, ETP.EPLACE: matenials FTilAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTBICAL PrLot, to plccirg facing and. before franing inepec- IENCE: h4ren conPlete -- ProuiCe gates or nottable sections through P.TI.E. ALI project eonditions, such as tle installation of street trees, conpletion-of the ,"qiL.rna-iiri"ipi*g, Ztc., mtst be eatisfied before the BUTLDING FrNAL canbe requested. *AT,L MANIICLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIqENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CI?Y /--\a FINAL BUILDING: The Einal Buildirq Inepection mot be requeoted dlter the Firal Plwnbing \a ElectricaL, attC Meclunical Inspect'ions lauc been nade atd approoed' Date: ll tll D Q,*roa.l ,-.T a I r 2 Accegs.House CaraqeP.L North llEastlSouthlWest LOT ?WE _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhanlle AtL-de-sac Lot Faces - d Zone soLAR ACAESS REQ.-JOB NO.L-CO Bedroons Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Caserage, # of Stories Total Height Topography -- Fees -- ITEM FTG Y Lue Building Volue & Permit This perw[t is granted on the e*f)r'ess condition tlnt the, saidr-c^onsttaction iiiirt, ;n alt rZspecti,- conform to the ordinance adopted t)v the city 2f sotitnfield. includ."Jnq'til'\oi;"g cvdinance, negulating the ccnstracticn, *i """2 of 'buildtrqe,- and may be euapen_ded or reookec at cny t'.me upon ulc- T.ation of anA prcoisions of eaid ?t'ditnnces' ?OTAL VALUE 1.5 x Building Penrit Fee Date Paid: State t#: ?otal Clwrgea ?. 57 Signed: ITEM N0.FEE CHARCE Plumbing Permit No person slnll eonstruct, install', alter o? clange-any ned-cr eristing olr^hrbitn on dtainaqe susta"n in ultoie ot in part, inlees sueh person is the iZi""t"'i""rZ";;-;f ; illti pt*naer,s Lie-ensZ, ereept that a person nay Qo. ptiit;.ig tto,k to poopnity ihi.h i-" otmed' Leased ot opetated by the appli- cant. Ei.rtutes 22 Reeidenti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plwtbing Perrrii 9tate I * Electricol Permit Wet,e State Las nequires tlwt the eleettical uork be dane by -an Eleotrieal Ciitno"too, the etictiial pot,tion of th.is _pernit shall not be oalid until' the Label lns been signed fiy the Electtical Contractot" Neu/Estend Circuits Seruiee ??-s2 +r Stata lotal NC F!E CIIARGEIT!M hrnace DIUTS Eshanet HooC Vent Fot Ilcodstore * Mechqnicql Permit Pendt Issuqnea Mechanicel Pertntt Securitu Depoeit Stu)aae Maintenance Pemrit Cttbcut Sida,talk I?ence Electrical Label Mobile llone ?otal * T)TAL AM)UllT DUE:*/7t,7" IHAwIAREFULLyL0AMINEDthecompletedapplicationfor,pennit'anddo n"'iiay .i"tl,jy ttnt ait- inforuatibn het eil^ t)s trae and. con,ect, artd f nrtil* .etl'\y that any ord oLL ugrk pelf^orned elnll be done in aceot- 'iince vLth the" hrdinai.c'n" oy ihe City of bprtngfield, .and th.e La"ta of the State of 0regon pertainino to the w,-rk ceacl,ibed herein' cnd tlnt N0 occu- pANCy vi.ll be nade oy'ony" "truliinle ui.thout perniesion of the Aulldine !,-uiaion. I further c-ertify that only con-tracto"8 and anplcgees uho are Ln Z"rplt"""" "rl.ttt oas ?01.b55 uiLL be- uaed on thia proiect l,loodstoxe l*ti.n an?natt Aeac,asoru S rrm (ucLue) 2-.f 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services 225 North Sth Street Building Division Job No. JOBADDRESS 1/-?-S N,3q nl Date TO: wo t, -f,' 5 OOo , fiD t) n/*< INSPECTOR /mCALL FOR REINSPECTION '*"'CALL FOR: - INSPECIION 726-9769 - INFORMATION: 726-3759*'*' /-r/* 7o i 3I\"1033 CITY OF ONEGON ?T SPFlINGFIELO DEyELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTBATION Pr/NNING / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ETROPOLITAN WAST EWATER M ANAG EM E NT March 1, 1990 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Ray Bruce 91655 Marcol a Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 RE: 225 North 35th Street, Springfield, 0regon Dear Mr. Bruce: S'inceqely, Lisa Hopper Bujlding Te chnician cc Dave Puent, Building 0ffic'ia1 th 0n January 11, 1990, an'inspection was conducted at the above referenced 'locat'ion. The inspection revealed that you were repdryrot, insta'lf ing windows, and performing electrical and plumb work without the required permits. At the time of the inspection, Tom Marx, Building Inspector, left anotice informing you that permits were requ'ired for the work which you were performing. To date, a permit has not been app'l'ied for. PIease contact this offjce w'ithin l0 days from the date of this letterto apply for and obtain the required permits. I have enclosed an app'l i cati on for your use. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 726-3790. ai ri ng ing 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-375s I I Z"{7" o o ,..,1. \ C'TY OF OREGO'V hDEIIELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION P/-,ANNING / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ETROPOLITAN WASTEWATER M AN AGEM ENT February 5, 1990 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Ray Bruce 225 North 35th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 RE: 225 North 35th Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Bruce: SPRIFIGFIELD s conducted at the above 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, AR 97477 (503) 726-375s 0n January 11, 1990, an inspection wa referenced locatjon. The inspectiondryrot, installing windows, ahd perfo work without the required permits. revealed that you wefe rming electrical and pl rep umb ai ri ng ing pection, Tom Marx, Building Inspector, left ahat permits were required for the work which youate, a permit has not been applied for. P'lease contact this office within 10 days from the date of this letterto apply for_and obtain the required peimits. I have enclosed an app'l i cati on for your use. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 126-3190. At the time of the insnotice 'inform'ing you t were performing. To d i ncerely, Lisa Hopper Building Technici an cc:Dave Puent, Building Official th v a\