HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-08-17Iicce)Pt lt.. RESIDF NTIAL" =r",*oFrELD \< bbs. APPLICATI.*/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Spri,rqfi.eld, 2regon 97477 Building Noisio.n 7 26-37 53 Date: LLAfr I ,tob tacation: I lJ. I ?c,slatt OlllAeceeaors I'lap fr @A,mer: a ll, 3Addreas:PLone: [U{dtrqt4 fr 'lt^' ,*YD ?r/*t,r? ,Vao' ' Deocr.ibe h'ork: Date of App t-l Ne0 Addition RenoCel 0()0 , 0-0g-1-Value r 5 ctrGeneral P lurnb in ect,rE lanectt:Su OR Saniloty aaser capped et propettg' lir-e Septic tank p.c;tped ard filled uith gra"tel Pinal - lfiien abcte itans are eatpleted and uhen detolition ie corplete or strltc- ture noueC and prenrises cleaneC up. e llcmee Blocking otd Sat-uP Plunbitq connectione -- aa)e? and ualer Electrical Cotnection - Blocking' eet-up and plmbing connectione trust be apprcted befoie requeeti.ng eleclrtcal inspectio:t Acceasory Building Final - After pcrches, ekirting, decks, etc. are eanPleted. Pa.ce 1 of 2 oard ia Located atI reaain on the Bui 26-3769 (recotder) state youn City des ignated job ntmber, inspection,Contrdctors or Asners ncme -and phone numbcr after 7:00 on L/|LL be nnde the nett wrkitq dag It ia the reeponoibility of tlo petmi fron the etreet, atd that tlta permit ,Buttding Dioicion approted plan ehal the ftont of the PtoPertY. Lding SiLe at aLL tines. SI?E INSPECTION: "zcauatiorl, Tut forme. FIPEPLACE:ffi FITIAL PLUMBING PIIIAL UECIIATIICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL To be trude after prton b eet up of t lold* to aee that aLL inopections ate nade at the pro?er tine, that ecch cddrees is reaCab|e eBpgsD.U?,E Fon INSPE;II1N R1WEil;CALL 7 @eadyfortill be rmde the sane dcg, reqtteete mcde I]NDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELEC'TRICNL & MECHA.NICAL: To be nade befote anYffif,|froared. 7V roornc a F)UNDATT)N: To be rmde til AAAffi" """ ."cauated and forme are erected, but Prior to pouring ccncrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SSI/I,R, W,4TEN, DRAINACE: To be nnde P"Lon to !LL- Tbs--iF6nches, UIIDERPINOR PLUTIB II,IG 8 MECH ANICAL : Io be nade prior to inatallatlon of floor ineuktion or decking. rcST AND BEAM: To be nade PrLot to i.nataEtlZ€ff o7 floot inaulation or deckitg. ROAilI PLUIBITIC. ELECARICAL 8 AECH: ANICAL: No wrk ie to be cove?ed GilT'theee itupectiona haoe been ,nde atld approoed. I-l1 TNSI]T.ATION/VAPOB BARRIER IIISPEC?ION:lxt - required oapor barriere are in place i bui befiore otg l.ath, gypsun board or txLL couering ie applied, attd before l-,1 DRYYALL INSPECAION: Tc be rmde W l;FaZnai,*tfie in place,u but prior to cny taPing, Iour Citg Deaigr,ated Job Nunber fa: MASONRI: SteeL location, bond iffilgrouting or terticcle in accordotce t|th U,B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTOVE: e,npffiA. After inatallation ia iob aCiress' tYPe P.equests receited of inspec:ictt befcre 7 :00 c:t ?q0 ro X E facing inepec- CURB 8 APPRCACIT 4!,'?ON: Aftet forms ar;-;;;;iA6t p;lo, to pouritts concrete. SIDEVALX 8 DRfVEVAY: Por aLL con- ;rete woGArEfr street right- ef-rxA, to be made after aLL exca- oating canplete I fona wrk & sub' base natenial 4n Pl.ace.Priar to placirq atd before fnoning tion. fAtl paat:tnc: lhtet be nequeated aft'en l/) approo"L of roug-h ptirhing,-.electri- cal 6 neclanical. ALL roofittg bnacirtg A ehinmeya, etc. naet be , cotnpleted. No t'tork ie to be can- , ,cecled unttl thio inepeation lae 'bee.n nade anC appnooed. IENCE: hrhen conplete -- Prouide @6i or mouable aectione through P.U.E. aLL pnoieit eonditione, such ae bhe i'nstal-Lation of street t:?e-:.'- conPletion.of bhe iqr'ir)|-inlr"iprrg, Lu., ^r"t be eatiefied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested' FINAL BUILO1NG: the Final Building fnepection nalt be requested cfter the Final Plunbitq A";;ir;;1':'i'd. uechanical rnepectiona iate been nade and approoed' .ALL MATIIICLES AIID CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE ILIDE AT NO COST TO CI?Y 'es Phone 1fr.?tinn lmu tzsbl l llouse Can aqe Accesa.llater lleaterP. L. RangeNottlt Fineplacellast -wo;lstot ASouth We at tat Fdceg - dJOB NO. I-ot Sq, Ptg. L-CO Bedroona:Grc Corner PanhandLe CuL-de-sac SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Total Height Topogmphy Z of lot Couerage_ I of Stortee TOT TYPE _ fnteriot ValueITEI'I SQ, FTC l Lbin Cctaae Caroott Aeceaaory lffi.4TOTAL VALUE ,a S.D.C. 1.5 r Date Paid: Receipt il 2-27 "v Signed: Building Vqlue & Permif ThispetmitiagrantedontheeaPfesacotld.i.tionthattheaatdconstruction slnll, in alt *eapeets,-'ioiioi'to- the brdirnnce adop.te,1 by the City of ip*irrgri"ti, ineliding' til \i"rng cydina.nc-e, regulati_,g the ccnsttacticn nfu ,""L of Luild.ingt,"orrrl ,ry be euapended or reookeC at cn\ time upon oic' btion of any prcuisiona of aai.d, 2tdinances' Buildingl Permtt ?otal Clwgea State ITEM No.FEE CHARGE P lumbing P itFi.stures erm Residential (1 bath)No pet,oon olull constrttct, inat'all,- alter or clnnge -any nel.cr existing olwnbiw or drainage ayatan in utoie or in patt, inleas euch petson is the iZi"t"'i.t"'"";;-;T;ill1i pt*ntur"s Lic-ena'e' ereept ttat a pe?son "-v 41 ptiitihg uot'k to prop"ity ini."h i, offied, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Seuer Plwnbing Pernit State 8a ],1'EM NO.Electricol Permit whet:e state Lau requinea tt@t the electt'i.cal uonk be done by -an Electrical Cintia"ton, the elictrical fortion of this,pernit st&tL not be oaliC until tte label ttas been aigned by the Eleettical Contractor'Nas/Extend Circuits Set'uice 2 State Total 2 , NC.ctrrr CIIARCE Mechqnicql Permit,s Ezhanat ltooC Vent ?@1 l,lcodsto,oe PermLt fsauanoe e 4 -- ENCROACTLMENT -. Securitll Deposit Storage Mainternnce Permit Cvrbcu! Sideuatk lence .?aL tabel Mobile Hone I I\AW CAREFULLy EhANINED tle conpteted application fo^n pernit' and do l"iioi iirit.fy ttnt ail-inf2nmtibn heteoi-ie true atd cowect' anc r iirliZ" iertiiy that any afu aLL wrk pe-rfotned alall be done in accor''iinli"'*i* thZ" Ordinai'c"ee of the cit! of bpringfield, .and th.e L,'aa of thc itate oy ^regcn pertaining to the .-ik Ceabribcd herein, and tlat NO OCCU' irtiCy ,i;tt b"e ,raZe oY ang" atruc,ture uithout permiasi-on of the Building N' uieion. I further certiiy that otly cofi-t?a;toPl ad etployeea uho are in Lanpliance iitt, ons ?o1.bss wiLL be- uaed on thie ptoiect 3-t r -sf Total /"t67 Signed ITSM uechanical Pernit r4/ s. Total Charoea State ,/, :? --' ATte