HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-10-07d fft CON STRUCTIOI --,PLACEM ENT PERM IT )R OFFICE USE ONLY i2i'":i"i,-""21b+z I f rwo Copies of Plans f rwo Copies of Piot Plans fi l.lechanical Checkl-ist Illumbing Checklist COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. Plan Check Info Sheet TOWNSHIP t7 RANGE -()z '""i'4 3 glTAX I,OT OUT I Residential I commercial I rndustrial flruuric PROPOSED USE OFCITYzrPtc S VALUE # OF E-FIPLOYEESaq OF BEDROOMS \1 s disting l9 to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Buj.ldirlg Di.rision. I further c,:rtif,' that registration with the Builder's Board is in futl force and effect as required by ORS 701.055. that if ex€-mpt the basis for.rxemf,t,ion is not.d hereon, and that only subcontraccors and employees who are in conpliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this projec!. I HAVE READ AIID CIIECT.ED TIJIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. /o- 7-e 1 DATEj-nt)NAME (please accordance with the ordinances of FOR , and do hcroby i fy that shal 1 and Cbe Lails of hhe St.rLc of Oreqln I,,)iLaining fl o*t,.' f| cont.a.'-ot f| ee..t I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAHINED certify that any and alf work infornation hercon is true and aorreat nrld I furthe fl pr,aNxrNc/ZoNrNG: l"li:r1mum Setbacks: C" Zone , frbnt Partition # t" , " id.. Parcel # interior Parcel,pr.ru L053 rear #AAIN O,/\A$LV. Comments : FLOODPLAIN:In flood hazard area? fl nunar, AppRESSTNG:cRrD cooRtINATE N I sarlrrATroN: te:to-1-8t m D *" I v"s, see attached sheet.Date: Date:E s. r. #B. P. *rnstal-fatiorr Record rssued? f v"= f] ll" Maximum Depth of Trenches Installation Spe ci ficat.ions : Comnents : Ga1 lon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield ,"r", D-1.X1 J fl e ns ExAMTNATToN: rype aJ o,ou, W a Date: De r]- CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THlS PERMTT Fixed Fee/ Floodplain Fee Sg. rt Unit Cost Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sewer,/Storm Drain/Water Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge TOTAL FEE FEES PAID BY:fcn""x flcasir lo,7,7l ) $ ) C $ $ $ ) ) ToTAL VALUATIoN $ By: Date: PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESI (per oRs 456.DATE LANE COUN1Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON g74}l- C74-L94 SEE REVERSE l- T SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITION5 ,f APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOiTTIION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMI{cITATIoN UNDER PRoVISIoNS 0F LANE CoUNTY'S INFRACTIoN oRDTNANCE, ANDIoR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED By LA}I. WHEN READY FoR INSPECTIoN CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 HoUR ADVANCE N0TICE FoR INSPECTION REQUEGIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it wiltyour name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IIISPECTIONS 1) FoUNDATIoN INSPECTIoN: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation are delivered on the iob. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used,materials need not be on the Job. 2) EqNC&ETE SLAB 0R UNDER-FL0OR INSPECTI0N: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor bui]di ST MUST BE be ready, ci1.laryequipmentitemsareinp1acebutbeforeanyor floor sheathing installed, inc'luding the subf'loor 3) FRAMING & INSULATIoN INSPECTIoNS; To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place andal1 pipe';, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and alI rough electrical and plumbing are approved. Al1wall jnsulation and vapor barrier are in p1ace. 4) LATH AND/0R GYPSUM BOABL If,llPjqTI0N: To be made after al1 |athing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place orbeforegypSumboardjoinisand-?astenersaietapedandfinished 5) FiNAL INSPECTIoN: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPR0VAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given onlyafter an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of tne'inspettions required. NOTE: A11 building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not l'imited to: A. BL0CK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. tl|00D STOVE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is comotete. Installation shal'l be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- facturer's insta'l lation instructions. l,l0BILE HOME: An inspection'is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, foot'ing conneation, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connecti ons . (l) Footings and piers to comp'ly with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recormended by the manufacturer(2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management Ietter." (3) l4obile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be insta't'led and ready for inspection within at least 3O days after occupancy. Tiedovns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when stee'l is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is instal led. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I,IORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF l,lORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF I^IORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERiqIT UIAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOI.IPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS OI,JN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS D ng service equipment, concrete is poured Permits shal'l be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the pennit holder sha11 not'ify the Departhent by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies w-ith the rules contained in this division. If the construct'ion does comply vtith such rules, the Departmehf'shall issue a certificate of satisfactory gompletion to the permit holder. If the constructi.on does not comply.with such rules, the Department shall not'ify the permit holder and shalI require satisfactory tompltition befsre-issuing the..certfficate.'Faililre to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reisonable time cons{itutes g viol.at-ion of :RS,O5O.lO.U to.,a54.145 and this.,rule. . Setbackl --Subsufface Sewaqe Disposal L (l ) (2) From:Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Seotic Tank t0' 10, 5', 3U Drai nfi el d -TOT-10,'10' I 00' LJ LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD OWNER'S NAME PHONE NUMBER PHONE ER DIRECTIONS TO SITE o l.* a\.-I q 3.J A1 Q reS PERMIT N BE FOOTIhIG / FOUNDATION INSPECTION OR MOBiLE HOME SET UP INSPE C TI ON Appro'ved__--Correction Disapproved_Date I nspector CONCF{ETE SLAB / UNDER-FLOOR INSPECT ON Approved Correction DisapProved Date-i ns pec tor UNDTR SLAB / PLUMBING GROUNDWO RK INSPECTION Approved Correcti on Di sapproved--Date--I nspector ROUGH PLUI'IBING INSPECTION Approved Correcti on D j sapproved-Date I nsp ector FRAMING INSPECTIONApproved Correction_--.Disapproved Date I nspector MSnmN-ON7 VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTIONApproved Correcti on---Di sapproved Date insp ector IA_TH-TGVPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved Correctjon Disapproved IDa te I nspector FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTIONApproved _ Correction- Disapproved Date I nsp ector FINAL WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I NSP ECT i ON Approved Correctjon Disapproved Date Inspector FI Ap Y'NAL INSP N BUILD ING0 ILE HOME Correction Di sapproved -Eate /Z- 7-A I Inspector OCCUP TEMP TE OF OCCUPANCY Approved___Correct j on Di sapproved Date roved I ns pec tor Form C74-L9l Y CERT -{l v iv,lil(l .t- a A,-Z \ 1 )v 60 !t 1 ! l8 |0 .1-f'ri", ii''-."."i.i'T -''F fl'1'i t2 .., i::1: 'r"'r... .:. i.. i'i:\: I i.3 i: ; r i '' i .' i':..'il' 1 "'?r;l;:i ?-{{:i{j:'i?i ''} 14 l'JL-t'j l*i.-*r:; '!'YIii: -.r:{:l {}H itjl!:'l- 'l'l{:J fli:1' 35 .!.-i !-' .tr 38 -.!:'"'Li i:]r-'! 40 ti !" 1:, f,] It F!:1 1{ -,]i"1i::i::iir'! , i l-,+ 1.lla 46 |'t., !'. !-r r-r lif' 1.., L 48 sl i.,r:rJ.i,: r'ttlF' - i1r [:il L! : i:'] J,4-'l'rrlll::t{ EiY f.$}i-) il ll i'i I'l I t]'!' t] F( -{ : itEit-:HirIt i. f, fi l- f:i:l: r:T &Tfi: SLlliI l"if'fi$i:: rl..fti'j {:!lIi]l{ i: IH ri 1 t..: i,'.lli'i[:.i,:i-}|jlil.'iii:::::11.i::.i.i.,,,iti.;.].1:ii:;:tji::::i::.i.ll':.:i::ii,iiii.i,ii;.i:'it::i]l:1:ii].I ..: :i it i:I .* :li ::'i .: :'i i1r'i'11 li ' 'i' 4'i'i-i il i:j i;']"i ' ' i': !:'j i:i l'; i i i'i :i.i.jij{*i:t ;ii:iii ',:ri;ii 'iii t'ifiFji'f:iri::1"i"'ii ftllltli'i: i"'iJ'I i:it "t}i*ii:' i l.i,'j;i::. .,1 i:lrIiiti'1J; t: i.ii'i::'i;1 tli:ii ;1:{iit:i':':;:; ii'lii'-iii;ji: *r;ii i:'!-ii:ii'i[:' 'T'i'': ?i;t:i::! l:iti,t i:'t1.iji;;i:tIr"iIilt{ 5i';} i:'l' iii+'::;' {:llji'I ve!-'ti*Tilli''l rijil: jir'\Tr; ::i =?*1 iis lrrii'i'uF:f s:i * " tlf.j! i] - *i4 ,? - i.i i1i l.ii:r ".$;i ::l'i t l; z 2 50 50. - Fl:' k..11 " ;ils .i:L r:sllF't-L:T I llN BA'it t-'{: li 4I i *i ?*t 'r f f ? 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