HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1987-10-13.. RESIL-,{TIAL.. 225 NOrth Sth SITTEEAPPLICATTON /PERMIT Springfteld" )r,egon gZ4Z? Butlding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Constructton Lede? t! SPFINGFIELD U6E rll I Qo) t c plt{ CO rt i8 the tespwts'ibLL'Ep of -tle permtt holder to aee that aLL inapectiotts oe nade at tle prope" time, that each .d4rees is t,eacqhieIy--tly at?.ee.t, d tltdt the pa,mtt card ia Located at thi frcnl' o1 the p"opetta.*Buiaing Nuiciot ryrou*ed plbn shcr.L renain on tlte ai;,\itr"ig' s'iic at aLL times. Date: LL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigrnted job nwnber, job aC&,ess type of irapec|icnreadg for inspection,Contractots ot, Otmers rotne and pTtone nunber. P.equests receixed befcz,e 7:00 c:i TNSPECYI,OIl wuL be trude the sane dcy, reEtests mad.e after 7:00 on vytll be nade the neet aorking day your Citg Desigr,ated Job Nutnbez, fs ?-10 qlc Reoui,red Izsoectictts Job Loeaticn:J2 H Aesessoz,e Map # t AC 3l Ias lat #CO ZO Subdittision: Antet: Js ,1Addz,ess:7 H Phone:55 x Desq,ibe llotk: Value -4 1e,tu<-A, 1D-13-8 ,Date of Additi.an RemoCel, GeneraL Plunbino qTqS TNaDD.TT^^t. eccauation, but ?o be nade aftet pt ior tc set up of INSALATT)N/VApOR BARRTER ntSpECTTON :Io be made aftet, aLL insulaticn and required oapor berie?s @e in plaee but before ory lath, Wpsllrn baatC ot,tnLL couering is applied, cnd beforeag insulation is concealed. !.:)wt BUTLDTilCS Scnitatg seuer capped at ptopetey Lit:e Septic totk p"ir,ped and filled ttth gra;tel UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL &tacrltttJc@ny .tlOtk iS eotsered. P0OrINc ,LF)UNDA?rCN: Io be naCealte? t"enches are escauated and forns ate erected, but prior topourtng ccnerete. UND1RGROUTID PLUMEINC. SEWEP, H,4TER. DRAillAGE: To be naCe y.ioz, to fil-Lirg trenchee. uNp4RFL)1R pLur,tBlilc & MECUANTCAL :Io be mad,e prior to instaTlation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade prLot, toinstallatian of floot iraulation ot decking. ROUGH PLUIBII'IG. ELECTRICAL & MECH-aurcAi:ffiwttil these inspections hatse been mad.e and. approueC. EIPEPI,ACE: Pm)or to placirg lacingmatetials and. before franing inspee-tion. forme FMAL PLUAAINC FINAL MECITANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL pIUilALL fNSPECIION: ?c be made @A-an@-ie in ptaee, but ptior to ang taping. MAS1NRL: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting ot oerticals in aceotdotee Lrith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. WO2DSTOW: After instalTation is ccnrpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPAN: After forrnsee eveeteC but pz'iot, to pow"Lng concrete. SIDEWALK & DRTIWAI: Foy aLL con-ctfi;na dGtifr street right- of-teA, to be nade after aLL etea- oating conplete & forn tnrk & eub- base material in place. linal - l{hen abctse i.tens aye cqnoleted and uhen Catclition is canplete Zr s*uc-ture moueC od. prerises cleanei up. Mob Hcmes Blocking old. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aet)er od. uatet Eleetrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing connections rn;st be apprct;bd before requeating eleclrtcal inspecliott Accessory- Builcing I Pinal - After etc. a?e conp pcrehes,. skirting, deeks, Leted. FRA.I'IING: l4ust be requested after apptooal of rough plurnbing, electri-cal & necTwnical. ALL toofing bracing & chhnneys, etc. rntst be . anpleted. llo ucyk is to be cqn- . eealed until this inspection lws 'been nade anC approoed. !E!!E: hhen cornplete -- tuouiCe gates or nottable aections thtough P,A.E. ql ALL pnoject conditions, such as the ;".nstallation of s!"eet trees, conpletion of the z'equired Landsccping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL ean be requested. ?TNAL BaTLDTNG: Tlze Final Building Inspeotion mtst be requested after the FiwL Plunbing ElectricaL, qnd Mecharical fnspections hate been made atd apptotsed.o *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{EII! TO BE ILADE r'.T ilO CCST TO CI?Y Page 1 of 2 1 0 soLAR /^'Ess REQ.-r--co C Bedtoomst Lot Faces - IleatSetbacks House Ca"aqe Access llater lleatet'P.L North FireEast South West % cf Lct Cooerage_ # of Stories JOB NO. Iat Sq. Ftg.LOT TWE _ fntetict Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac TotaL Height Topography Building Volue & Permit This pennLt is granted. on the erpress eondition tlwt the said,consttwction stnll', in all rZspects, conform to the Cd.Lnance edopted 6iy the Ci.ty 2f ipi;.rrg7+da, lnc|ltding' tie 2oning crdinanc-e, neguLating the cc.nsttucticn i,l u"u"" of 'buildings,- crd ^ay be suspended or reuokeC at cnA tine upon uic- lation of anA prcuisione of said 1rdi,tnnces' -- Eees -- TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: x Value Eee Siyed S.D.C. 7.5 a ITEM lbin Building PernrLt ?otal Clanges Stdte Plumbing Perrnit No person shall eonstmtet, instal!,- altet or clange -any neo-c? etisting pl**f.i or dtainage sAstqn in uhole or in pott, unless such pe,son is the iegal p"osse""oo oio o"alid pltnber's Lic-ens-7, e&-ePt tlnt a !?"sot1 nay !o-ptiit;ig ttork to property ihi."h i" ooned, Leased or operated by the cpPli- eant. PLwTtbLng yerTt:Lx NO FEE CHARGE State rTEM Fiotures Resil.znt'Lal (1 bath) Seuer Electricql Permit Whet,e State Lan requires tllat the electrical wot'k be done by att Eleetrtcal contraetor,, the eleetr"tcal portion of this permit stnll not be oalic until the Label lns been sigrcd by the Electrtcal Contracton. CHARCE Net/Eotend Circuits Sem;ice State Total Exltanat HooC ITEM NC FEE CAARGE State * Mechcrnicol Permit Ilcodstooe PermLt fssuance Mechanicel Permtt -- ENCROA,CHMENT -. Seeuritu Deposi,t Storage Mainterance Permit Cutbcu! Sidewalk Pence 5.oo Eleetrieal Label Mobile Hone Reeeipt #: PLan Exaniner /0'r Date TotaL f HAW CAREFALLY EXAIIINED the conpleted application for pennit, and do heteby certify that aLL infotmation hereon is ttue and. eorreet, attd. f furtker cettify that any ar"d aLL uork perforned shall be dote in accoz'- danee rrith the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the wrk Cescribed het'ein, and tlnt N0 )CCU- PANcy urLtl be rmde of any st"ucture uvlthout pennission of the Building DL- tision. I further certifg that otly eonttactors ad e:nplcgees uho are in eonpliance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect I:OTAL AT4OUNT DUE:' \q Stgned Date 3-{/ 5-oc Wctan ,t Vent E@t ,{