HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-03.. RESIDFNTIAL.. Zzs North stlr streeAPPLicArr,N/PERl,rr Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 5s SPFIINGFIELI) Date: S*otre 15"o *1" .1,r0 .# 6bo I-) ia lhe t'esponsibtlity of the petmLt holler to see tlwt aLL inapeciians Ge nacie at'.he croper *"1)n€, thet 2ssft.-,1irqs6 is rea;alol.e ;'roat tJze street, anc tlmt the pdnnt catd. ia Located, at the frczi of the property,t3ui!ii:'4 viuictot toptou'eri plan s;,c.tl reaain )n the suiidnr-g- Sitc :x eLL'tines." C o n s!.tc ti cit_ lC t li e!_ ?OR a:iiau Conttactcts or A;nez,s ae-ereiiZ irut pn6i to cov3?ete. SfDgWA.Li( ,t DRI',TiA'I: For aLL ecn- crete pauing aixhtn s;reet ri-oht- of-t;cA, tc be nade af'.e2, all exee- uating conoLere & fotn ,,:ork & sub- base rr,cteriaL in plaee. !!NCE: llhen conplete -- Prouide gates or nouable aections thtough P. U. E. nw;ber, job aiitess, type of instee=icn nunber. Pequests receiued befcre 7:0C ct (z.ecoyCey) state youz, City d.esigzeted job nane arL planeL be r,ade the sone dcy, "eouests naie after ?:00 on viLL be naCe the ncct :,nrkin4 dag. you! Citii Desigra.ted Job Nztntber fs:Taasa 4r Ir SE! iltSPZCllOll: ?o be mad,e aftere*caation, bux prtar tc set ugt of forms. UND,RSLI.S ?LUI,BI:|G, IL|C?PIC,\L 1 i,lECii!.iliCAL: ?o be ma<ie before cngwtk is ccueyei. EppLnlG t ?0UilDA7:C!l: To be taCe Ciet t""-ncG; are *ezcanated. ard. forms ate etectai, but priaz. topouring ccnc"et€. u!!DxRc?0u:tD pit;!.fi r:G. stw,?.,'r.1rtR. DRAIIIA.GE: lo be nvie pt-Jot t.o iil-lir4 renckes. UIIDEPFLOOA, ?LU!,3 EIG 1 ]4!C!!A!IICAL :@ci fLoor inaulctian ot Cecking. POS? AilD 3EA!,1: To be nade prior toinstallattan of floor irsulaticn or Ceekinq. EA|'C:! ?lItE!:tc, i:i::PI:,ii t )!tc:]- ur.t';L ,keoe -)nsceelior.s haue been node crd zgprc:ied. Prior '.o plcc'-"4 fcc--naat"d before i'ro.rir,4 inepel- i/,"sULATr1N /vAp1R tsA.RRIER IilSplcifi it : To be naCe aftet aLL insulcticn ei requited tqor bez*ie?s Ge in pLaee but before ory lach, gqpfll)n bcezi :r tnLZ coueriag is applied., crd be2.ore ag ittsulation .)s concealed. DRIWA-LL INSPIC?ICI|: Tc be naCe afvet, aLL ityuaT-L is in ola,ce, but priot to ang tapin4. \ASj!|R!: Steel Location, bonC beans, groutirq or uertlecls Ln accoz,rjozce Lith a,ts,C. Section 7q After instalLation is CURB & A?PRCAC\I APP.ON:After forns ' pc.un)r4 !Rq)li!lG: ltust be "ecuested ef:er cporou;L cf rcugh pLwr,bing, elaclri,-cal d neci'anieal' Al.1 qn":-' bracing t ehiicgs,"Zi.." rir"! *completed. llo .;crk is to be con- - cecled until this insoecicn 'i:as 'been nade cni aporoxeZ. mcteriai-s FilAL PLUit;BI:iC ET\TAL :4EC\IA:IICAL FINAL TLEC!?ICA' ALL projeet concitions, cuck cs the tns'tai.Laxicn cf st"eet ea,ees, :o=cleticn cf =ierequired Laniscqirg, atc.' nust be satisi:-si befoz,e the SU|LDI1C ?IliAL:cn be reqested. ( ) IINAL tsUILDINC:. Th'e Fi.nal Buildirq Insaection rast bo. recuestei citer the iiral ptu,rbirq \_/ llectricaz, artd ]teeiuriccz inepecttcns -'naue been nad,e ard'acorouei. .lob Loccticn: Assessore .\!ap # Subd*tistcn: j->ter: Addvess Phona Descibe h'ork: UooJslove - Pone<y^ tl-3-8L Vai-ue Ztao 9c' t--l Date of App ACditicn RenoCaL Cqneral , Plwrbing \ Eleetrtcal !.!echariczl -o-rru a,-h o r* s QtnO S, c{ I st. Ie<rtt"A J;;CSiU Scni:otg set:er ecpced -t prccer4- Lite Septic tank p:i::zed atd. fiilei with gz,aiel Fincl - l'lhen a.bcue itens aye eatai.etei and. uhen lenclt:ton is earle=e cy st:.r:- tuye noueC ari =re:--ses cibanei ut. !.lobile Ecnes tsLocktng ad Set-up Plutnbing ccnnec.-icns -- sare? d. aatet Electrtcal Ccnnectlon - Blceking, set-ut and pltnbing canneeticns m;st be apprcr:bd. before "equesttng electtieal inspeetiot: Aceesra.,i BuiLd'Jrq Pinal - After,:crckes, skirtina, dec!-a, etc. @e c,cno|e;ed. I,I 'ALL i4Att1cLts AttD CLiAitcurs llus? 3E AcCESsrtsLE, .cDJL,Si:t:;:l io 3E:.t4DEll lto::Sr ?c Cry D--- ' JOB NO. lpt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Ccuerage ! of Stor|es ?ctal- leight Iopogrqiq SOLAT.eCCESS REQ.- _ Interiot _ Coner _ Pcnhard.le _ CUl-de-sac Recel.pt # L-co d TdtS-- \\ -- I:1C?.CAC:;.:!:!? -- I HAW CA-RE|ULLY SXN|INED lle conrpleted apL"-cation iot permit, an<i d.o heteby cettify t\tat aLL ,j,nfornation hetecn is trae at^-C. ecz, ect, cnC i furlhet, certiJi that any cr"d aLL Dork ?erforxed slwll be done in aceor- dznce wLth the ardinences of the CLty of Springfield, and. i:he La;s of the State of Oregcn pertaining to tke uork Cescv'ibeC here:-n, cnC :ira'v ll0 1CCU- ?/.!tCI ltuLl be ,mCe of cnA st"ucture uithout permissiott of the Suilding Di- uision. f frtyther tertifg thet o:tly ccntracto"s o;d etrplcgees ah.o cre in co:tpliance u:-th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used cn this az'cieet P Lan Eacnlv.e? ) Eeircons: tnetau Sourees '1-uoe J iieet Dr ilouse Cayace !.ccesa i/ate" tlec:zr tlor.th ,- L?eD Lae2 South rr'/oocistoxe Vest -- Fzes --;/aLue Build ing Vq lue & Perm it This pernnt is granted on xhe erpress :onditicn tLat the said..ccnsttwction slwll, in ell tesoeccs, confcm to the Crdinance adoateC b:A the CitT oi Springftelci, .)ncluiing :he Zoning CrCinance, reaulctina the ecnstr,eticn cnci use of butltiings, and nau be sueoerujeC or reuokei at cz'1 t.)ae uTcn uic- La*.tan cf aq prcuisioas of saii Oy,iinances. 4nfr4f tttf tt? S.D.C. 1.5 r EuiHing Pernit Sta.te ?o+-al Cl"ataes !?::4 a5t Plumbing Permit No pere,on s|,a.LL cozstntct, tnstal7., a!,tet or chcnge etA ned cr ecisting pltnbing ct dz'ainage syste'n in ahoLe or in patt, unless such person is tha LegaL possessor of a ual-id plutber's Lieense, e.ce?t t|^a,t a person na'g do plmbing aork to p"opetb! uhich is oxmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. ?i.ztutes Resi.d,etrtial ( 1 bath.) Seuer Plunbing Peorit Electricol Permit Were Stcte Lan reqtirea tha.t the electrieal woyk be done bg at Ylectt'ical Contraeto", the electrteal pottion of '-his permit shaLl not be ualiC until the Label las been signed by the Electr"tcal Coflt"actol,. tl a,t / Ezt end. C ir etti t s Sentice :?i:4 CIiAP,CE Mechqnicol Permit *halst Hood Vent ?at Tcodsto:se oc) Perttot fssucee Meciunictl ?errit oo : ea,E-- Stotaqe ilaintetczce ?erwit llobile llone :OTAL L\!OU:I? DUC:'/s,b C(3 EQ t'_i, nJarace 2T!l'S I lolel Cht:rce.s State Surchaqe ?en=e 'flJ0,