HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-02-24..REsIDENTIAL.. C OMB IN Ai I ON APPLT C AT IO N / PW!,E I 225 North Sth Stteet SprLngfi,eE, 1regon 9?477 Building Diuision / dO-O / Od SPRINGFIELD iob Locaticn: Aeaesao?s lhp # Ad&ess: 3a tc,s Lot # Plzone: Deaq,ibe ttotk: U)oodslo t V 4?u /5,04 b0 / s,b0Asaet: ldli*ictt Date of GercnL 0r4t rrrsert A/ yahtc 1 50 i'hte: r!'i8 ihe rcspoaeibi-Litg of-tttz petmit tlotda'-to eee-tlat-all inapecttons oe rade at ;tB prqs tine, t',,dt eq,sft J,tttrssg ia yealabiefun-tly st?ea.t,. ord tat the pdnit cal, ie Located at thc rr-rriir li-""***^rBuiuing v!,uician avswed ptot slnll tezstn o"-tte srrilibb^iii"-'ot''izt''tii7r.'' Kdot5(, nmber, job aCdtess of inspeeticn 1Lb "37b7 . Ialo. CtQ Decignatd, Job thnbe fa: S@rilaA aa.t* eqoei =t p?op€!+! Zine Septic totk p'atoed €i tnlled tith gztsel linal !.,hen aDcue @ei'.ms Leted Cqtcuhen corrLete naed.ture te@leaP?ailses uP. Hcnes Blockittg otd, Set-ltp Plwbing connecticne -- ad.)€? *td, uater Elecdcal Cotnection - BLcclirsod. plunbing connectians netst bLbefore teqrcating elec=rica Accessory Bui'kiing Pizal - After-Vctehee, skittinc, decks,etc. @e catpleted. ', get-uo L )nspeetiott fonna FTilAL PLAABTNG FTNAL IIECAAilTCAL FIIiAL ETECTRICAL lo be aft*SE! IflSPESION: aqucttan, htt priat b 4t te of lMst{um! / vttP1? SARRIzR ilrs?sc?ro f, : ?o bo nade afta aLL i:r.sz,kti"il dA rytitd, Deot be?i.r, oe in placehft befote any Lath, gypsw,t bo&C. ottnLL ooerbtg ia qplied,, od. before ozg ituulatian ia concea|d.. DRWNL ilISPECA\1N: ?c be nad,eaftet aLL d"g,dll ia in placa, but prior to any tqing. r;rcrlk is cottetd. PC0TING , FOUNDAT|CN: To be mda d.Jte? ttEnci@g crle e:EccrDated ad, farne oe etected, htt prtot UpourLna ec-nc?ata. UNDNGPOUIID PLUMEING. SggTER. U.LTEP- )RAiilACE: io be rm:iz otzot, to :'i1- LLr4 t?etEhea. ,J,llDEPStp2R lLa,BItc, :|ECSANICAL : l'o oe na,ae pm.o? to insxaLiation of floot insuketotr ot decking. POST Ai,lD tsEAM: To be nlaie crtorTnsGLTiffi of J'Loori.wtrZrrio"dzckittg. 1OL'GE ?!U!TBIIC. qLgEqlCAf, & YECH. uzxil these inspecttons haue beqt trade ald, ooroueC. FP3?EACE: Not t:o placirq fcstnqncxem)ala od. before fradng -Jnqei- tLon. FRN.IIIG: l,fiLrt ba teotested afterqploual of rough phnbing, electrl-a,L & neolrotical. ALt rc-ofirlg cractng 3 ehinncys, etc- miEt beccnpleted. lo uc?k is to be cott-cealed unti| this ineoecticn l@a been nade an aVpwuid. IIASOf,RI: Stael beans, gzotttittg accotdoue with ,IOODSTO'/E: atnpleted. T,ocation, bond, ot uet+-icals in 4.8.C. Section Afte! itlstallation is to o? CURB & ALTPREACE APPON: oe erecteC irut prior Aftet formeb pot*itr4 ,&?laate. SZD*IALK & CRDWA!: Por" aLL con-*ete pattittg tlitMn stteat rtght-of-uE!, to be twCe ayltet aL! erca-oating catplete & fonr untk & sub-inse octerial in place. gatec |lhet conplate -- *aileor aooable secticns thtouah ALL project conditione, such ae ttw instal-Lation of s*eei tveea, corc!;cot of ;ierequired Latdscqirg, etc., 'riust be satiefied arfi"itri-iurLDrxc FI?AL =an be'r)cuested.. !Il1'4L aarLllttc:, ..fr| F1nai, tsuiid,irt4 Inaection rrust ba ?equested af2er :he litul ?tunbing\_/ lZ.ecirtcal, od lleciza:icaL tnspeexli-'rr*; b;,;";-;;aZ' i,Zpprou"a. *ALL tuttHcLES AND cLEArtcws MU€T BE A1IESSTBLE, ADJUI\ENT ?o BE I,L4DE tr N0 c0s7 r0 :*y F:ie 1 of Z 7 ,rourr" r^" acceiet it 5F/ /2/ oncnacxote be node ths eane T tr u u Etlr f] r r T T D--^ ' Iot Sq. Ftg. % ci Lct Ccverage # of Storues Total Eeight iopogrqlq Euilding P&dt State ?otal Clanges LOT TWE _ Interior _ Cormer _- Panlnndle CuL-de-eac Referer"ce llumbevs: BeC,z,oome: Building Volue & Permit This pernt,t is granted. on the eap?eas condition t?wt the said constmetion shall', in aLL r"espects, confonn io the 1rdinance cdopted pU *e C.ntA 2tSpilgqr:ntd, i.netuding- the 2oni-ng Cvdinoe-e, regulating the ccnstructicn ,hi iuL of -buildirqs, otd may be- suspended or yeuokeC at d,a t*ne upon rtic- LatLon of any prcuisions of said 1rdirartces. Job funber: Aceesa.DT flouse Lot Faces - ITEM Jq,rju x VaLue ildin G@dae C@po?t Aceegso?u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c PLan Check Fee: Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Siqred: NO.?EEJTEM Fistures Resid-anti.a,L (1 bath) Suritag Sa,set tlcte? Plumbing Permit No Dereon alnll eonstnllt, inetall., alter ot change dnA nan cn e't:tsting ;ir;i;A on d""t"rg" ayetat in uho|e or in pot, unleea auch petson ie the iljil plott"r"o, of" o o"alid plunb*'s Lie-ens-b, escept tlut a P?"s?f mdv q. piiiti"g aotk to b"op.iE itttot i" owed, Leaed or operated by the qPli- @flt. * PhnbLrtg Perrrit State Electricol Permit Itlene State Lan teqtireslil;'#. elect:rical uork be done bg -ot Electrical' Cia-"ti", tiln edotilol ii"tto" o7 this -pernLt slall not be oalid until the Lobel -\us been aigned b, the ELeetrieal cont"acto?' * Mechonicol Permit N a,t /Ert end, CircttL ts Sensice EEka,rst EooC llcodstote Vent Fan Petwit hsuaee lleehanical Petqrit -- EIICR0ACP,ME\I? -- Secaritu Deposit Sto"ege l4ai-nternnee Pentit *sbcu! Siia,taLk Fezce El.ectrical ta.bel Mobile Hcne I IUW CAREPULL| ZXAMINED tle completed appltication fot perwLt' and do i";;L; iJiltra-tni;-"1:i-1"i;*'"'ibn heret ia ttue arui eartect' arui r irrinL" eerti"Ty that ang c;.d aLL uov'k petforned eiull be dpne i;t d'cco?- d;";i;;;; tiL' o"ai)".\r""f 7i cits of bprinsfield' .and' th? Lass of the #itZ "i 6"L,gi, p"otr1iiig-Lo tn" "oi, c"eb*Lbbd hetein' cnd that N0 ,ccu- PANC| laLLL be nade oY any" struct';?e d1:tltout pernrLsaion of the Bui'Ldi'ng Dt- oision. r ftuthez'""";:;7!";h";-''"1u-"i-i"citors and3nplcyeee uho ore in Lonpllartel tnith cRS ?01.'055 uiLL be-used on this proiect PLan EranrLner uate )-?', /zr'L-.*rh TO?AL AUOtt?iT DAE: ' Zone:)ecupanetl Group:Tape/Cor-st: (DeLue) i'aE Pas- Sa- fta- Stete Swclwqe Totdl C71@ces PeztnLt