HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-07-20..RESIDt^lTlAL" zz s North rrr r,ronnaPPLrcATro* /PERMrr SprLngfield, )r'egon 97477 Bul,Ldlng DLDLsLon 7 26-37 53 i Job Lacaticn: Aesessore Map # Subdioision: I Address: { SPFlINGFTELD Otmet: {rl-o /c--- \lllI l^) t--l oesfibe Y"u'n Az."-1X- {nH_ a.)q+F Na) Addition RemoCel Date of Zo -V Value Ics Ipt # Phone:/ cL MechanticaL GeneraL Plwrbi.ng ,L Consj?uetion_ 7end9!_ rt ia the respons:ibility of tle petmit holt* to eee tlut aLL inspee-tions oe nade at lhe p"oper time, tv.at .asfi a'litess is teazahle fln tte ettebL and, that the _permtt -ca?d ia Located qt .try. fry.! of the -propetfu.ieuitdins Nt:iiion approxed pLot slnll remain on tVp Buildinq site at aLL tines- qROCEDUilE FO4 INS?EC?ION,WWS\:CALL 726-3769(t,ecotdet,) state youz, Ci.ty desigrn-ted iob nttiibet', iob aCiress, type of inspec=icn requested, and uhen -iou 1,rLLL be reaaA Jo" Lnspection, Contractoo" i, atners rtane Znd p'tnne rut'-tber'. Requests tecei'xed befcz'e 7:00 cn t"'tit te nade the sane day, tequests-mcd.e after 7:0a an uLLL be nnde the nest aoz'kirq d, rout' City Desigr,ated Job Numbez' '"' "'' 8?0 50 [ Reouire,T Tnsoections ulosncnouu D PLUME_IIILEEWEEL r/!!!&',J- Lirq trenchee. 7 uuomrrooR zLUI.BTNG & IIECqANTcAL:llof floor insul,ation or decking. P1ST AIID BEAM: To be nade Priot' to TiitiTTilcn of floov' insulation ot' decking. ROUGH PLU,DIIIG, ELECTRICAL E LIECH: ANICAL: Iio uol'k i,s to be co,-eYed ffiiT-these inspections lnoe been nad.e and. approoed.. SI?E INSPECTION: To be nade after ee;aoatlon, but prlor tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUI,{BING. ELECTRICAL & WCHA-IfiCAL: To be made befot'e ang ffi'li-6ooet,ed. POOTLNG & F)UNDATICN: Io be tnaCe @A't"ffi." a". e"caoated attl fonns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION=: ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn qtd required oapon buriera tre in Place but before oty Lath, W7sum bcatC ot tnLL cotsering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DEI.\CLI?IO]] OR :'!OW) Sanitaty seser eapped ct pt'operbg Line Septic tank pznped e,d. filled t'rith gta:;eL Final - l{hen cbcoe itens ate eanpleted and uhen Cenclition is conplete ot struc- ture mooed and. g'znrLses eleaneC up. Ecnes Blocking od set-uP Plwnbing connections -- aal)ev otd. ualer Electtical Ccnnection - Blocking' set-up Lunbing co-nnections mist be apprcuei before requeeting eleelrLcal inspectiott skirting, decks, DRYWALL TNSPECIf)N: Ic be made After atT-&,a;Afis in p'taee, but prior to any taPittg. I,IASONRI: Steel Location, bond 6iffi, g?outing or oet'ticals in accord.orce LvLth U.B.C. Seetion 24L 5. WOODSTOTIE: After irtstallation is t' rctrpleted. CURB & APP8)4!8 4!!9lt: After fortns ee-erecteC tut prioi to DOltt>Lt?a oating conple base materLal p cofie?ete. SIDIJ,\ALK & DRTIW\AY: Fot all con-Aecessory BuilCingeretepaoLTtguithin street tight- of-tny, to be made after aLL etca- te & forn uork & sub-Piral - After . are conp pcrckes, Leted.FTSEPLACE: - mate?LaLs FII|AL PLUMBIT]G FINAL AECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL Pt-tor to placirg facing and before fz'aning inspee- in place.65 ti,on. FRAI.II\G: lhust be requested aften @pnoo"t of rough pltttnbing, electt'i- cal & nechanical. ALL roofiztg btaeLng E, chinmeys' ete. rmtst be . ampLeted. lto ucrk is to be con- . ""ilnd until this inspectLon lns 'been nad.e anC approtsed. IENCE: L4ten conPlete '- ProtsiCejfiii or mouable seetians through P.a.E. ---ALL pnoiect conditions, sueh ae tte i.nstal^Lation of street t11e-2' eo:vletion of tie required Landseqlr.glLti., i"t ae satl,slLei- tifZre- tt e BUILDIN| EINAL ean be requested' ?INAL BaILDING: The Einal Build.lttg Inspeetion,*", ou tequested cftet the Einal Plwnbitq Electri-cal, ora un"n"ri)"Zi ntpZiti"i-'tate been nade atd approved' I II :l ,ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE' ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I'L4DE I''T NO CCST TO CEY Pagelof2l r I D I I tr Ipt Sq. ftg. % cf Lct Cooerage # of StorLes Total Height Iopography Ser"uiee Total : Eeharct EooC , Vent Fot ''i,lcodstoue Secuz.i Receipt #: Electricol Permit wet'e state Lan re_quiz'es tl'wt the eleetricaL uork be done by an Electticalcontractor, the electtical poytion of this permit slwLl not be ztalil untilthe Label lns been signed ly the Eleetrical'Contraetoz,. cal Penri 3> r1 PLan Mechonicol Permit PerwLt fssusrtee Mechanieal Pertntt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- t I4ain Penrrtt TotaL sida,talk L Mobile Hmte r HAw 2AREFULLy EXAUTNED the eonpleted appli.cation fot perrnit, ard dohereby cettif.y that aLL infomation hereon- is ttue anc. eZr,ect, anc rfut'tker'.certify that any ard aLL uo,k pe,fotned shall be dote in aeeoz,-dance urith the ordinancbs of the city of bpringfietd, and the Laus of the* state of 0r'egcn pentainina to the uo-tk ceserib""d hnrZ"n, end. tlat No occu- Pr'.NCy uill be na.ce of an-a st?ucture uithout permission by tlr. Buitding Di--oision- r fut'ther certify that otly contraciors ard. enpicyees aho ar'e incanpliance uith 1RS Z01.0SS uiLL be used on this projeet /1"- JOB NO.ESS REQ.-SOLAR /cL-CO Bedroons Access. Ileat DT House Lot Faces - -- Fees -- F?G x Value Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erp"ess condition tlnt the said eonstruetionslnll, in all respects, eonform to the Cr&i.rnnce edopted by the City of Spr-t-ngfield, ineludtng the Zoning Cydinance, regulating the ccnsttueticn otd use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon uic- Lation of anA prcoieions of said Ordinanees. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 e ,( Building PerwLt PLan State Date Paid ?otal Charges Signed NO FEE t- tlAticL Fi.stuyes Plumbing Permit No person stwll constzttct, install., alter or elnnge anu nel cr existing glwnbing or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unlesi such person is the Legal .possessor of a ualid plwnber,,s L.icense, escept tlwt a person nag doplunbing uork to prope?t! uhich is otmed, Leased or operated ty the ippli- cant. Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Perr:it .oo -3t.25 FEE Res. Sa. fta. Nel,/Estend Ci,cuits e\Ols75 - at, n Dt? /3"75 fEE 95 "co.E//o _l 2e .JlAL &IJUiI DUL:'57-7rt" ( -2-e, - k ? LCT TYPE _ Intericr _ Connet _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac I'i0.CilARGi ] i 7o I I iie ):.'- (ttJI i ai rt l. t,,l rl ll li rl'l I I I i I I ( : I i i ,"L bo, ilq t1 I I Ir_\i$\( 7,/. ?S ' t6 t7,') g/ t1 \_, $.; .i .l I '),, ; Ui- o l U = 4.P*'ttf* .J i . I I r.{l I{ \)I qJ + /3t7 o '*r&' ;o't ' .2 Yt\ t7/ MO /L/ (I Ziid"t z?h)si i'€;.lL lZl+r't o) t{J' \ a\ \ t t4 Lo I t N,I'l Jl (ol =\r ^c0\.r I 7 t\ \\ .o''),nzz' "' :':---!-"a-+iE# t)