HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-09-22.. RESIPENTIAL.. zzs North silr streeaPPLrca-t,N /PERMrr Spnngfield, 1r,egon 9Z4ZZ Buildirq Diuision 7 26-37 53 Rece.)ot ! 1?= SPFIINGFIELD- 1\sD \\? q'7 tl GeneraL Conatmction Lend.er Iout, City Desigr,a.ted Job Nunbe" 7r, BOg'€ Date: :.:owt Sanitaty seuer capped at Wopetfui Litce Septic tank p-"o-,ped a-,-td fitled urith gra;se tlobile Hcmei Pital - Aftet pcrehes, skitting, decksetc. az,e leted ll/dzrlY 4,zfsaF ^ '<, It ie the teepons.ibility of the permit tpldertry tln st?eet, atd tltat the peimlt oord i,*BuiUing Nuiciol aprot:ed ptbt stctl-".^i;n ' to dee tlnt aLL insoectiotta ate nade at the propet tine, that ecch address is tea.4abiLocated at the fraai of the orooetht-on the Bunlding Site -at aLL' tihes.- PI?1?EDUPE FoR r\sPEeroll .E-lqws?:CALL 726-3769 (vecotd.en) state yorz, city d.esigna-ted. job nrtnber, job accress, type of inspeelicntequested a,d uhen uou uiLL be readg fot'inspection, co;;".r;;;'oi a,mers-nanteLnd prane nunbet,. p.equests receixed. befcre ?:00 c:t'itl be nade the edte d,cy, ";A;;;;;;; -i}tlo z,oo'*, "rli-i;- r"d;ih:;;L'f;Z;;;"rLr. forna SITE INSPEC?|ON: e.ccantation, but Io be nade afterpr.tor tc set up of aLL insu hhen eonplete -- fuotiCeor mooable seetions through Io be lENCE: gates tr m * .t'lork ia cooered. PO_?TING & F?UNpArrcy ?o be npCealxer t?enches a?e eceaoated afid. fotns ate enected, but pz,ioz, to Wurlng ccncrete. UNDIRGROAIID PLUMEING, S|WP, TI,ATER,qftrrtA@ lirq trenehes. uilpFPFL1oR PLWrilc q ME1UANT1AL:'Jo be nad.e p?io? to installation offloor insuktion or decking. POST 4t!l 4EAil: ?o be made prtor toinstallatian of flooz, insulation ot, decking. ROUGH PLUIBIIIC. ELEC?RICAL & MECE-ANICAL: No aork-is-io be-d6iet,ei-ttitil these inspectiors hatse been nad,e and. approrted.. FIPEPLACE: Prlot to placira facinamaterials and befot,e iranin| ,:r"p.L- xl,On. FRA|.,!INC: l,tust be requested afterapproval of rough plwnbing, eleetpi_aL & mecTanieal. - ALL rob|trq bracing & chinme7s, etc. mast- be . completed. lto tprk is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetion lns'been made anC apptoued. require4 uapor bu,z,ie?s dre in pTace but_ before ang Lath, Wpsum baaiC ortnLL -couering is applied, atd. beforeoty irculation is concealed. DRYIIALL fNSPEC?I1N: Tc be madeaftet, aLL d,ryuall is in place, but prio? to any tapirrg. IUSONRY: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting ot, tetticals in accotdotce Lrith U.B.C. Section 2415. Wo2DSTOVE: After installation is r i,atnpleted. >L/ (-,'t' CURB & APPRCACH AppON: Aftet fow--tee erecteC but prior to pouring i r' conc"ete. SfDEWALK & DRftCilAy: Fot aLL con- a,-ete paoiry uithin stteet night- E : oflxA, to be naCe after aLL e.iea-- "oating conplete & fotn w?k & sub- base nateyial i-n p|.ace. linal - t{hen abcue ttens are canpleted and uhen Cq.ealition is conrplete bt styac-ture maued otd. ptenriees cleaneC up. Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- 8c1)e? otd ualet Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, ee-u-uc and; plwnbing eonneetions mtst bb dpp?cu{'ecbefore tequesting eleelrtca'|, inspec:iott Aeeessory BuiWing 6r>fry M/N. 72? fua7tS>+ FTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL P. U.E. ALL pnoiect eonditions, such as the installat'r.on of stteet tyees, conpXetion of tierequired Landsecpirq' etc., rmtst be aatisfied before tle aui-{olnb iiiit-iii-1"'r"qr"sted. FrilAL BUTLDIN?: The Final Building rnepection irust be requeated, afte" the Final ptunbi*XElectrieal, md, Meclnr,ical Inspeetion" 'haun b."i ^oie- ord.';p;;;"d. 479Job Locaticn: Assessors Map #Ict lat # 4Svbdiuision: A.mer: Address Phone: hs r.s< < l* aa' k/6'xtt'€-rz-r% r?@rz r,va.z.e; Ly €oiz2rr, >/a.y ( e> f*rryro,-,s ( Jjba. ',: Date of applieation 7-3-# Describe hlork: t-t Value Additicn L/. Pcge 7 of 2 r *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS \'IUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTtlElll TO BE LL4DE tl.T No COST TO CI?y V ,,ourrn ,*u l JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ r /V-r /*ft-za c/t/ 57v- . 6 Beitoons: Soutces Lace Date Paid z?-8E Reeeipt #: fat Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Couerage # of Stories lotal Height Iopography Building Permt State Iotal Clnrgea Plumbing Penit ?otal Pertntt fssuance l,leclnnical Permit LCT TWE _ Intericr Cormer _ Panhanl.Le _ CUl-de-sac Lot Faces - Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erpress condition ttut the said constrwctionslwll, in_a-ll -r,es,peets, gonform to the 1rdirnnce adopte,i, yiy the City ofspringfield, including the zoning cvdirance, negulating thZ ccnstra-ctiZndnd.use of buiLdings,. ord may be suspend.ed ot, reuokec at "ny tine upon oicLatton of atty ptcuisiona of aaid Ordinances. Nq person sha.Ll eonsttttet, instal!, alter oz, elwn4e -ana nea cr ecistingp.L**-irrS or drainage sAs,lq in .ahole o.z, in patt, -unlesZ such pei:son is theLe-gal.possessor of a ualid plwtber,s License, eccept that a p-erson may doplunbing uork to property ultich is ormed, Leased oi operated ty ttte ippli-cant. Electricol Permit where State Lan re_quires tlat the electrical uork be done by an Electnicalcontractor', the eleclrical portion of this permit slnll not be vali.c, untilthe Label lns been signed by tne Electrical- Contractor. Plumbing rrn it Mechqnicql Permit AI 3) 1 * f HAW CAREFALLY EXAMINBD the completed application fot pernit, and dohereby cet,tif_g tha.t aLL infottnatibn het,eon- is tmte ard. cbrcect, anC tfunther eertifr- that any ard aLL uork perfortned slnll be done in acoon-dance rrlth the ordinancbs of the city of bpringfield, atrd. the Las of thestate of )regon pertaining to the wrk cescribed herein, cltd. tlat No occu- P!.NC.I tlLLL_b-e n,ude of any sttwctu"e uithout permission of the Buitding Di-D7.aio-n, I fuyther eertifg that only contractot,s utd enplcyees uho arZ incatpliance uith CRS ?01..055 uiLL be used on this projeet E#z-€z og DT House Cav,aae Access Not,th East ll South ll West ll ITET,I SQ. FTC x Value tbin C,@dqe CarPot't Aceessot u ArvE 5 (54* TOTAL VALUE .{1./t " S.D.C. 1..5 t * 2u-F - CEARCE Signed: FEE Fi.etunes Resid.zntia,L (1 bath) Sazi Seuer ,4 *q{-.F /.tr"" + ->9/s 2s ITEI,I ilo FEE CHAP,GE .Res. Sq. fto. Nau,/Erterd. Ci,cuits ?atpcrey Setoice Y{aQazatqr<,fu zn zz2/>- Lecxra /9-*F CI!ARCEFAD hsraee STUtS kha,Bt EooC Vent E@t -- EilCROACHMEII? -- Sea,a-it! Deposit Storaoe Maintetnnce Petmtt Asbcat Sida,talk Pence ,f 70 Mobite Hotne %oe 2Z ?, .Z TOTAL /i,!OUTI? DIJE:T a7/5' :+u Date -ZZ8 tlcodstotse State Suyehctae Total CTaraeg -