HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1997-04-28= 4+/l/rlr SP"'o(^{) Qet S -oslo PER #? Sand Fi_lter f nstal-1ati on T FOR Car tem;en Br t S a sr9 -0001 e disr sewafilte1 sandfnsta1 &Ha31st site;ht toturn r l- 2425 N.34th s t. 2425 N 34rh s t., Sprin field Tom lrlarx 34th s t., Mar TOM IIAltx 9 T .1 11 eto3 4rh 7 26-107 o 7 26-7A7 o field field 97 477 97 477 sa1 x,25 N. 97 477 om 4 34rh st.,spr ingfield x sides oJ thiscarefullyread B APPROVED BY: DATE FEES DltE: ., LMD 040 Bsv. 6/92 true CALL FOR rsEE BACK OF FOBMSEPTIC FORpermltsaregoodtorone 687-406syear.ALL other permits expire alter 180 unlessdays lnspectlons are current. ffi xsHffimffi'm-muffi:ffi 'ffi um,THro cIrArloNsMAY B*Drury uriv"- '---- ,-- -,^..'^n rnrc,r pE .=rvF-N FoR INspEcrIoN REQUESTS AMINIMUMoFATLEAST24HoURsADV.{I.{CENoTICEMUSTBEGIVENF( Have the following information ready when you call 6874M5 Permit numb€r - Job ad&ess - Type of inspection required ' - When it will be ready Your name and phone nurnber - il' *""ti ditotio* to the site l PowERToBNTaRUPoNLAND''--"tr*$ffi**: HffiHg.XH] e,t"* "on fr t""'J -* *t* "**^' REQUIRED INsPEcrIoNs . ,oinforcins steel is in place. ffitifffiiHffi$#$#trffii1tf"'Ii T"a*''prP''e i"s"Jl"fi "iffi $:ratr,Emr:'ff#,#ffi HH:tr*Tffi"f,;',illffi ffi lf ffir'rru:'J;'"T5l"subn"r l3trht'H133ffis;;U#i#ilq#lt##H'fii#*ff#*::m:li:*?lH'*"chimnevsandven*arecompre'[e ffirffinffix#tiigm:tt#9,mfr ffi '*u"*'o"''isinp'Iacebu'lber'reanv ,'f,.1,r-a;*ur"r-*ilfiil;'"';;fru.m:mf0ffi,fl,*r, ..-nisrequiredroreachbondbeampo,r. rhero ioorrroNeL rNSPE( BLocK wAIr, t" * ,rr"ul "ri"r r.*"*ir,g l, ir,prr"., but before -, *r*r*il.a The inspection is required for each boncw '#fr#::j;:ffi; i^,ii p'iurvmlNc INsPEc"TioN: To be made j ;il*fr;i'il;ntc INSPEc'IIoN: ro bemadtr e MOBILENANUTActi,n6-iooo*, o" or"*Tiri'rr-*i"rrJ-.n"rg."rir"-n"-" is connected.to ' app'r'oved sewer or septic *,-;;;E;i?*,:T13,::;,ffifjffi *ffiffitiT;mrrurac'[*er Footings ano Prjs- T *":lY-:::;;;J "".,in"a *t * required by Floodplun nnarut"'ll::'^-. .Fiar{nms shall be installed per enclosure' f,ffiTff'l#Ii#**{Sffif' 'riedownssha,beins ",r*"*"*;l:'Jt*":ffiX.:'"-l-':::*i'einspectionwi0routrirstoboiningthe arrorova.ofrhebuildingofficiat. suc'app1ov$,hru;F;r"r,rv"t**'iri.:il"*rart.r"u"""t"i"-Jt'J;s.cc"ssivestepintheconstn'rction ::ffi t;ilU ;; "f-'1" irspections required' *-"*,,Hfffim#,{i#"mffi"*m#mxBR.mxsv,ffi 'feB*:' rHrs pERMrr wILL_EorREcrF woRKffHAHff&Hrliifihlr *iiil-.uED"* r*r^* "rljll Do so Ar rHErR owN RrsK. "'*TT};X, PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQIJIRED INSPECTIONS WI **:,m,qqxef$fqffi;,ur.m,ry;ffi$ffix*ffi;i;;,tr;{ti#mlfiti,m#m,tm:"*t"X#ffi [XT,H'']'J f3,";t3*IrmXLf t il;;t'a; *iu u",''a on ttre iou' SUBSURFACE & ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: when subs.rfa." *r,J*oio' o--.n*r. ,ry ##ii"iJ"{1r* r,otirv ri" cou,,tv r-Tl Y.-"ffTent Division-bv *b'ry]gf the installadon record n*;rx**#*m#Jlr,9ffiffift #ff $.ffi!ffi.t,#:ri#,*##*Tffir iriit rt"iJ' Failure to mcet satisfacto'ry con suBsuRFAcE sEwAGE DrsPos$:jPr'rLSi **o,"*t'*!Jn* nnnnffD ile".ti,"iiir,..r-*"v t$ i|, Building forurdation Wells or other water sources 50' 100' FI ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE i:UGENE, OR 97401 SEWAGE DISFCSAL PLA}.I APPROVED permit# qll-17 DATE BY .o\ov (,\,. \ I YO b at^ 1/ {\ lo/ I ??-ls tl tci 5o'78 SErPALE \-TPEaCH i.6o \l t9 \s --JI-. /9/a- ,i= , vtdd l^/-A"1 .;",a1dJil l 8t 8 ltt,7 0,vy5 rt4iv(J s --\L oZ ,01 ol9/-t?L'rt y?22 -!?L - Nr I \.$ I9I A Y, I I I lJ e82'iL^t^€ vr)iSti 4ltttiil.t- ;iVl 1-qS ?rVi 'FZ lrt)ti d 0nto-td t Z_ hC tcte Z )1d Sl ta<' lvc$rd ldd ,01 Ll tt h tb Atd bz'tr j turY4g Ls til- n2 'tV 5 zh? xd v w '/vol 9L nL a)oJUvl I hi llsl xl ,vyI ?y9 eao'l +1 _L1-- -_ ,l:_ ) / ,L 5(t, g o do!5ofo MUST BE IN BLACK INK Range ?-.section ,',# 5. I Thx Lot {'1"''/4 @6'f !p. 6'p, f+e(t,z!,3o 9o oo oaa C.oo J CI'ozp = =U' o,=(Doo oI =(D T Permit No. DETAIL 1.1P tzt),.iq 5t * ot tt6 , System ET (' t; F f:\t>t'lr- l* Lot Block .--.--.--------Parcel I I PI^AN .t- PLOT..j Scaleo {ao t"c l" lgo FF ta fl.! e\ t d"! (:l*- ..d- $t rk,t9/ ! t 4 YICINIIY MAP i0 4 N -w Jrt .%;- t 4 ll \!r ffid,rn6y: I 7#,tp 'EdtT trID #ar '?6 ),I /t rga * ATTACH MATERIALS LIS; System APProved O Disapproved E Needs Correctiea FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY: COMMENTS: System CaPacitY INSTALLATION RECORD evidence as Per ORS 454' return all three (3) coPies * gal./daY Signature Date f 'l/;' ,; ,. When signed by the CountY certilicate is sewage disPosal sYstem at the above location ol this form to: Lane CountY I f ugTtrr# c4Fit.pT 1 lJ ,4 ,3* Ipsr i]nzurE Nlitt I{r* "?n $$1r d fiarrR To request insPection, Service Building' 125 E.8th Avenue'Eugene, OR 97401 Land Management Division, located in the basement of the Public ni',?r iir i-) 7y ( 1 Date .- .. nqrhd) b lryt a$tE IIJG' r,5' OFFIC€ 6HIEI.O OEIAIL TOP VIEW 3() MIL Pl'C UNEN PlrC fgG OradEia'h€,Dmld gruq6 rr.D!{ FIAEFGLAS9 LID wlTH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS ANO GASI(ET PVC HOSE ANO VALVE ASsEMBLY luo u rqcqll atts h .te@*rtl a-cl slt1?3aurTIEo PT'G UNOEET'RAIN PIP€(ruy b. bd nil aq FLUSHING VALVE DETAIL uv#dft'oed/ AOI.,STAALE FU,AICOU n PUMP BAEN UND€BOEAIN FN.ItN FAEEIC LU rVgto valvE sox Orawn UrWun lha att rad *l -L "'s,r^l, L€!&nv6 IAYTFI lbolcw g ,rn P!C lrv) oAlp UNO€NONAIN OETAIL FLOAT ASSEMOLY OEIAIL SIDE VIEW MI 2O'x 18'SAND FILTEH w/ PUMP BASIN Defr EUlg, EE EAEIN Vr/ml GEOMMEIE FU'AI BUBMERSIOLE ttDt/a'a 20t6 P GAOMMET IPnPI\AL AIR @L FLUSHINO VAI/E ANO aa4'*o.o.) Pt,C UNEN ll H 3" Top of wills typical Access Riser 5"+ Access Port: l8" Diamerer minimum, Positit'n access so that outlctf ttinls .are fully cxposcd; samc forinlet when a riser is uscd Coupler: Neoprene (ASTM C-564) and/or approved watenight equivalenr Accesc Port 8' Diameter minimum; Position access so that inlct firtings arc fully cxposcd 8' PVC inspocrioo pon w/ cap 8'epdvc (8onl w/ PVC PVCisat iank ccrunt or z-pan cpoxy) 99'Top TOP VIEW Slope to drain away from tid #3t @ 15'o.c. 4' li4's @ 13- o.c. Outlet 63'Top Riser and Lid: 24' Dia ribbed PV( polyurethane gasket 30' Dia. rcquircd p, of bury grcatcr thin All riscrs sholl be ar walenight manaer Lids shall be kcpt se l'cl{ Rlser/Tank adaot Cast into concrerdrc (Bond the riscr and, cemcnt or 2-pan cpt orfibcrglass riser-at rank cmbcd l!-*) Pump dosing assemb R-O. Optional Slanttary Tce(s): 4'rnin. Dia- Sch. PVC or approved 40 ABS, g, 54 3"Taper(typ) > rt" rarr' -l 31"93" r 18" Minimum Lap Typical at all comers top and bonom (2'Miaiwckar) On f 48" 46' f 3t' 657o t- I'Typ. ' to 757o Typ. Min.)Rcdudqr Ofi/ of LL l8' U2' #3's @ 18" o.c. #4's @ 13'o.c. #3's @ 13'o.c. Wacr Alem Ogtbml l'Clcr 50.00 - 30 oslls - 5 stage T I T @ 9193 4 200.m 30 osl10 F - 5 stage F H dAoF o tr:, U z z o J Foi- i!.:- -:-., .-.-; 1il.00 100.00 I i 40 OSI05 - Z staBe' 50.00 Refer to Pricc List page 5 t15VorZ30V I 20.00 30.00 1,/Z}{p to 1 1/2 Hp SINGLE PHASE, 6OFIZ 115/230 VOLT Pc#3 - 4 stage30 osl07 30 05 -3s \ \ \ 'Aveihbl 0.m 0.m 10.00 NET DISCHARGE, GPM {0.00 i0.00 I \ l;}'clo l'Cls ,4 hop l-clry F l8'LaP*Use a holding clip to anchor wall reinforcement to the ute rior fratnc whi le be nding lf4 @ 13'o.c. l{ "t to center of venical steel ir mid height 4' l'Clc{ 57" VC nser w/ latching lid and :et or approved per ',40-71-200 whea depth rn 36' attafied in d pcmuncnt and secu:elyfastcncd at all timcs 18" I-aPt l'-'*l"Cl@ 57' END VIEW General Notes: Tank Yolumes: Total Volume: 1200 erll Operating Volume: q87 galt Average unit volume full depth : 2l gal,/in.t Unit volume at typical operating deprh ; 22 s llin-! pten to!, j:-.r adapting to riser. d adlptcr togcthcr w/ PVC 'po4. Sprcad around PVC adr,ttcr. If riscr cast iruo nbly Loads: Concrete: Installation: Tank Markings: Place marking on the upper most surfcce over the outlet. Liquid capacity: 1000 sal. Max burial depth: 4ft. Max traffic (wheel): 2500 lbs. Date manufactured: _ Permit no.: Top = 4gn ,t1l:reral Load = 62.4 Wf Concentrated Wheel Load = 2500 lb. The septic tank shall be capable of withsranding long-term hydrostatic loading. in addition to the soil ioading, due to a water table maintained at ground surface. Soil Bearing = 1500 psf (rc-evaluate suppon bo:e if soil bearing is less or unequa!) The walls and bonom slab shall be pourcd monolithically. Reinforcing steel shall be ASTM A-615 Grade 60, fy = 60,000 psi. The concrcte shall achieve a minirnum compressive strcngth of 4,000 psi in 23 dayli [c = 41000 psi. Concrete shall be ready mix with cement confoniring to ASTM C-150. Type II. There shall be a content ofnot less than six and one half (6 l/2) sacks per cubic yards and rnaximum aggrcgate size of 3/4 inch. Water/Cement ratio shall be kept below 0.4, (W:C 0.351). Air-entraining agents and librous reinforcement will enhance workability, curing and warenightness of the tanh howeveq their usage is optional. Tanks shall not be moved from thr: manuficturing site to thejob site until the tank has ctred for seven (7) days, or has reached two-thirds of the design strcngth. Proper curing techniques must be used to ensure watertipht hnks. Installation. bedding, compaction, etc.. shall be in strict compliance with the manufacturers standards and state of Oregon's on-site rules 340-7 I and 73. All tanks shall be set level on a minimum 3 inch thick compacted sand or approved granular bedding overlying a lirm uniform base. The base shall be stable and uniform in order to ensure equal Lrearing across the tank bottom. Installations with 30 inches or less of ground cover may rer;;iie additional buoyancy considerations as described in the manufacrurers instrucrions. A minimum cover of I 2 inches is required over the tank in areas subject to occasional light whecl loads. Test: Tanks shall be rested and cenified walerrighr per oregon on-Site Rules 340-7 t and 73. Dcing: Dosing volumes not to exceed matimum limits set by Oregon on-site rules 340-71 and 73. Maximum percent of projected daily flow: l0% to sandfilters ot 20?o in other applications. Maximum discharge.rate from. single comparml€nt dosing tank 30gpm. Ftoot iid dosing levels may vary within thc limits of thc oniile rules Willamette Graystone lnc. P.O. Box 7816 Eugene, OR 9740'.1 Phone: 5O3-726-7666 Orenco Systems lnc. 814 Airway Avenue Sutherlin. OR 9747919012 Phone: 5O345$4449 rri o,otfE io.E o b oo v o a r_ 5.siE 6 dS -\<eOPS€()a- Q r,B 6^". g, 6HH Q)\Jsdst8 l-O -$F = ui o.o(IL io!o Eqq oo J.(I) s o rl Rol S E o t\r I e 6 _I { oo e- t co de q4/ -q7 PIea* complete all llnes lnslde white boxes, if possible AmngAlmlgstb*provemenlrorlhe W - House - Bam - Garage - Mobile Home :Shed -'" SEPTIC INSTALLEO? rfl,oO( Dlsricr-YesVNo -Walsr 11 t't rtt f ft lnddf.r f Buildcr / contnctor rAfr C1A' Ownor of Parcal (it not sarne as abovo) Hnons , ziq Phon6 PhoneCCB Uctrso # EtC ztP 2 Oh,n6( Addrs$ 0t not samg as abovo) Dlrcdlons to clte lrom n e a rest m a I n lnte tre ctlon AI I frAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Foud on trr rn F h ttr lDrrnrrr f Trrelbn Drprl t7 /,> fi 2l nttt6Ioirllp n rr9. tlrodqr tra 3rcdqt Trr Lor !5ifrffi- .IF -EI6- -fl.-5il6- Ioiffi- .ffi -*ilm -iraEl6- fufot T.r Eot Site Address r Ftt Mail Permit lot Il.D VP IN,AA For toblle llome Plaement Only startc wift X)Lkrnsel (No. Year €iize No. ol x-___ Dlctane irom Home tot Water LtD $aft can IIOT be held responrlble for evaluatlonr or recommendatlonr based on talte, lnaccurate or lncom-plete lnformatlon. LCPW t.o q'7 47>t< L,I 7>l -10>0' 4 -7 -?7 6Ere-- h v( 3 r t1*, T, r Th 2-rt, W: -3 APP],ICANT MARX, TL# 1,7021931_01-l_1 NEW BLDG TYPE OhINER NME MARX, CODE APPL NO BP BP BP BP BP PL #FIX/BATH: NE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RE - .PT # 941.97 DATE 040897 TOM - ADDR 2425 N. 34TH ST., SPRINGFIELD 5 SUBDIV LOT BLK USE R BDRMS O UNITS OO1 STORIES #BLDGS OO1 PHONE 726 1O7O TOM ADDR 2425 N. 34TH ST., SPRINGFIELD ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UN]T COST VALUATION FEE DAYS MECH SUR PCK SDS LC SDEQ ADM TECH 94197 SDSF FEE SDSF FEE FEE SWR: FT. WTR: MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE ISS 2 FT. RAIN: sz 2sz / st orR FT 57s.00 30.00 86.2s 5.00 CATG: PLN SEQU: TAKEN BY MLC RA SDS ELE PCK EST. COMPLETION DATE 1 31 DEPOSIT ** 596.25 CK