HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-09-03dld CON STRU CTTON/PLACEM E NT PERMIT CO}IPLETE THIS BLOCK.PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT.IIIS FOR OFFICN USE ONLY Parcel SizetrPLANNING/ZONING:,"raRA , ,r"^, (?()' Partition #Parcel # llilimum Setbacks Conments: C L ", =,o, ,43 ,nterior 4t **_47 1'wo Copics of plans f fwo Copies of plot pLans f]l,lechanical Checkl_rst f] etumbing Clrecl:list Plan Check fnfo Sheet Applicati Permit # RANGEo2,T? f(eside:rtia1 [-l commercial I rndustrial flruutic P US m Proposed i s ting NUMBER print)SI s- H"-+NAME structure rt TIAVE CAREFULLY INEDE XAM COMPTHE D,LETE PLIAP FORCATION PERMI do hc rha he ao.)n d arrd thcUTrtithatandfyanyalLworkrme dfoper sh be done n accordance rh othe rd 1t ce of CountLane theandY oLao he s ofthworkdecrrto ntlbedhereithatandOCCUPANCYNObemadeofanythothernssoforlpeButhe1donurLr)9 her g(Eha 1S ra !'reg lon th Buithe Ider Boards 1S 1n fu fo ce and t,s redrequi oRsby 10 o t the basixenpt S for exenF r:dnothereonandthatonsubcon1yandractorswhoarei.nemployees Ian ce th oRscomp 70t wil055 be used on READHAYE At]Dct CI THIIEC}:EDProTHOROUGHL,YION t-^Ll L'wr Le l &ot..r.'-.. ! es.,nt 8 tr FLOODPLAIN:In flood hazard area? S. I. # Fr" f] vus, see atracrred sheer Date: Date: Date: -2t> -g tr RURAL ADDRESSING: GRID COORDINATE N SA}JITATION: E B. P. #lnstallatiori Record Issued? ! v"= f] n" lnstall ation Specifi-cations: Gal]on Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Maxlmun Depth of Trerrches n Date:o W PLANS EXAMINATTON: TyPe 4tJ ",*r-W Use Corments: Date: CONSTRUCTION AUTHORfZED BY THIS PERMTT Fixed Feel Unit Cost Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Fee \ Sewer/Storm Drain/Water --.1-nr"*ing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge TOTAL FEE FEES PATD BY: By: Sq.5't.S $ z--77- t-r) -) Z.q 4etgttu _-_----=- .J'/6.93b.9 $ $ ; $ s $ $ -. kTOTAL VALUATION S W*L:* Date PERI"IIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFF]CIAL,/DE (per ORs 456 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EU C74.Lg4 SEE REVERSE I a- DATE *-\oREGON 97401 I.ELEPHONE NIJMBER I (_c rt i thafl a1 trlF I li l_C La iOretl-)t\[/] r1t that 1S I Conments r SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED' VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT' cITATIpN SNDER pRovrsrolrs oi tRrr iourutv,s ir'trnncuoru oRDiNANcE, AND/0R 0THER REMEDIES ALL0I^IED BY LAll' I.IHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. GMN. Have the fo1 lowing informatioq*1 your name and phone number' and any spec BUILDING DIVISION: A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST.BE "ulyr- i.rrii number,'joU uJir"tt; irpa of inspection, when it will be readv' ia'l directions to site. REQU IRED INSPECTIONS 1 ) F0UNDATI0N INSPECTI0N: To be made after ffiob. where concrete materials need not be on the,Job' ?) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: urrw"- or flooi itrbat[tng insta]led, including t trenches are excavated and forriis erected and when all materials-for the foundation from a centra.l mixing;i;.;-i;;il.niy termed "tiansit mixed") js to be used, To be made after a,l.l in-s.lab br under-floor building service equipment, iii..v A;iil.;i items'ari in prui" but before anv concrete is poured he subfloor. blocking and br-acing are in place-and cal and ilumbing are approved. A11 : 3) 4)TH t wa]'l' {nsulation and vapor barrief' :. GYPSUM re any p AS Setbagks -.Subsurface Sewaqe Disposal.............,-..- I From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation ^,.-- . -.!,lells, other water sources ea'fter thp roofi. all fra$ing Seotic Tank Drainfield -T0'r- -T0-,- are comp lete and a'11 rough el ectri are in P.lace. To be made after a'l'l lathing and gyp sum board, interi or and exterior, is in Place ' s .app or before gYPsum bpard io,ints and fasteners are taped and finished. To be mad and vents , fire 5) FINAL.INSPEq.II0N: To be made after the building is complete and'before gcqupancy' APPR0VAL REQUIRED. No wolk shall be'dong 9n aly par:t of lhg.blild-ing.q1 strY:lYl:,bevond the point indicated in each success.ive inspect.ion-*ii1ori iirst obtaining-ii,"';pprovai or.tn" trirai.ns'oifi.'iul. -Such aoproval shal'l be given on]y after an .inspection Jr,'lii"nir"'u"!; ;;il or 6uit' suttessive steri-in'ttre'l6nit"rition as ind'ii:ited bv each of the inspections ,NSTE: AI1 building pey,mits require inspections for the work authbr"ized, such as but not limited to: A. BL0CK WALL: To be nracie after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured' This inspection'is required for each bond beam pour. There wi|l be no iipiouur until tire-plumbing'and electrical inspections have been made and aPProved. B. ritOoD sT0vE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and. when insta'llation is comolete' instaj.lation shall be in uc.o.oin.e with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- facturer's instal lation instructions' c..-l,loBILE H0ME: An .inspection is required.after-the.mobi'le home is connected to an approved sewer or sept'ic system tori- setuaCk'requiremenitl"uii.tiril'rooting-.onnection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connecti ons. a(1) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements nfor mobi'le homes or as recommended (2) {i,uif. home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain r'' "mhnagement letter'(3) l4obile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection -iihi; ;; i.;;;-3tj iivi"rit.r'o..rpiniv. Tiedowis and skirtins shall be installed per enclosure' D. sWIMMING p00L: Below grade when steel is in p'lace and before concrete is poured' Above grade when pool is installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I^IORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT I^IILL EXPIRE IF I'IORK DOES NOT BEGIN l^tITHrN 180 DAys, 0R rF r,loRK rs suspENDED 0R ABANDoNED foB llqBE.THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSI0N 0R REVoCATIoN MAY oCCUR IF THIS i;iRMit wAs issuto oN-iHr-gAsiS 0F INcotIPLETE 0R ERRoNEoUS INFoRMATIoN. ANYONE PR0CEEDING PAST THE PoINT 0f REQUIRED INSPECTIoNS IIILL D0 S0 AT HIS ot'lN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (r ) (2) permits shal'l be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Uoon comoletinq the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder shall notify.the. ;$;rffi;i-;v"iririitii.g-ttre-initatration ricbrd form. The Depaltment^sha'l1 inspect,the construction to aei"irl."-ii"ii iompriei with the.rules contar:ned'in this aiviiibn. 'lf the construction does comply with such rules, the Departnient stra'g'issue a cerii+iiat. oi iuiitructoiy completion to.the permit holder. If thel. construct.ion aoes not-iomply with such rules, the Department shall notify the pbrmit holder and shall require iiiiiricioiv completion ubt-ore issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory io*pi"iion *ittii' a reasonable time c6nstitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this ru'le. 'I 0' 5' 50' 'I 0' l0' 'I 00' h:lii.tlli, $t_ri !rrJ 1 Lit, T'|...'ii' J'rs:::{ ?}{:Jt}:,itr.$:: "r.Lrrlrlr!, 1;{T' rql}}:t.rl:r_}i.l N*il.rr;*E:i-ln L.{ll. :lt'lHt'J lli"ll{; T'Yf:'h. iJ;{H Ii i'{u r,}rii'i,:i t}:r i.,rfi Lti.i l:'r;{ , i}0 { ru{1 ,:;l'iirt i:tr.:; t,t{i F[..t:fis, ,u,t::t"'u" rii:rril... t{il f*T'l:rtr l}f:;iitt::r.'i.r:riir ],;r F'r' ir.{r:T. *nsi. i;,-,i"iri1:L}i,t rr*[:: rJri I1 l:r Li {:i tl ri f.'r [] ii f' !... i: J ,ii {.i:il i:i I Ii f\ ft ,:ii::'i... Nt-l " i::.ii"il'l.JIlH...i : HIrFl t'L, t'r i tt l ,::. Li .:.r ii {.t t.}i'i F,t Ii. {.1 1' t.i i:l,t:i : i'.1[i il i-lf:r N .I r-i rt l... r'i:::[: ;il' fi l'li:. ;iJi.J Iir.li-ir:r i;;r., lii l:r[..r::ri''J i-]i-!!::.t::lc; f i:::fi: { ri "ift i rJi:i{.}fj I:.,..1 t.. lj :::: r:l'rH l:.Iii It., T'tl T'ttr l-. F'[i [:. x x I I'l t] " _\ -. t.lt.l '1 t.tI't 1 a{ t'Il.l.- :.. ... iJ -1. !-t t.t i::'t'f {;: f.ii:,F i, H:i,ltj : i.i 1'f:,|,i[::i{ i::'.r, F.:l_l_l i:lt:i l::'l:i l::' i!'r'1... r.i I l ;-i:ti'-tj ji: I ,i t-:ilHIit_H1' l: ilH Iift T'ti i" t... t\. !rr::! -i ,.t i:.i 4 l-, / A'tI LI I r Ti J rl o ( ( ( 'E t-c (.C G hne county APPLICANT INFORIVIATION : 6l!' - CHECKTIST PLUMBING /MECHANICAI or TIN-ease PLUMBTNG coNTRACToR n Yes Firm Address fl r'lo E s"rr MEGIANICAT CONTRACT0R fiffis Firm Address fl No I serr 1ng sq Cont. OSR# 1p ?t. osR# /2 I / L_ PLI]MBiNG Type of Fixture Nurnber of Each Fee On Each Total Sink I $ s.ooJ.avatory .Wash Basin's. 00rub={@th or without shower)5. 00 Showcr !eparate 5. 00tertoi.5. 00 5.00Disposer I 5. 00 5. 00 5.00Eloor Drain 5. 00Sewer--1st 50ft.15.00tional 10 10.00 Water ce--1st 100 ft.15. 00each addit 1 100 ft.10. 00 Storm and Rain Drain- -1st 100 ft 15.00each additional fOO ft.10.00 Was te Connec t 10n 5.00'e j ector s.00 1 1 r 10. 00 C1 SIIB-TOTAI (Minimum $10. 00) TOTAT FEE MEG.IANiCAL Type of Equipment Ifuinber of Each Fee on Each Total Mechanical Permit Base Fee $ ro. oo Furnace to 100 000 $ 6.00 Furnace over 100,000 BTU/H 7 .50 Clothes Dryer Vent 3. 00 Bathroom Ventilation Fan G fucf )5. 00 L :-' - Range Hood with trlechanical Exhaust 4. 50 Wood Stove 6. 00Air Conditioner 0n1y 6. 00 Heat Punp 6. 00 Floor Furnace 6.00 Gas Piping System 1 to 4 Outlets Per Ourtlet .50 Other (specify) SI.E-TOTAL TOTAL FEE OFFICIAI USE ONLY Appli./ Permit #- Pr1ntJ (Ma11 [ulty or' l8o2-E'li.r.at ilo _ PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT T0: DonaLd & Marlene Aubrose Datel B/27/81 Inropoee to furnteh all matertale and pErform all labor Beceeaary to conplete the fol}ovtng: AlSXAl fanlly roon addltlon and a ner eeptlc tank. All of the above uork to be coupleted ln a substantlal and workman li.ke manner accordta6 to etandard prctlcee for the cost of $10r000.OO Paynents to be made ln fuII a8 the work progreaae66 to the value of IOO%. Ihe entlre amount of contract to be patd vlthln l0 daye or lOth of the non after com pletton. Any aLteratton or devtatlon from the above epeclfl- catlons lnvolvlng extra coet of matorlal or Labor rtll onLy be executed upon urltten ordere for Bame, and vtLl becone extra charge over the eum neuttoned 1n thla contract. A1I agreenepte must be made tn urltlng. byr AgCEPTANCE Iou are horoby authorlzed to furnlsh aIJ. natsrlal and labor roqulred to conpLete the work menttoned above, for whtch we agrse to pay the amouat nentlonod tn aald proposal, and acsordlng to the terns there of. ACCEFTED tsY: -7n DATEC fr - I 7 -r/ hne county Environmental Management ACTIVI-I-/ INFORMATION SI ;ET 6r - COMPLETE THIS SECTION. TNCOI4PLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED: o ERTY/REF I{h I LINC MAILING ADDRESS ??rc- CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE Z7P ffi oSLs{g7c Lf.{ BGIKESs TELEPHoI,TE xuneen }IOME TELEPIIONE NUMBER BUSTNESS TELEPHONE NUI'{BER HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER @ l,lerl rNFoRIuATroN To: ,paenlicaNT,/REpREsENTATTvE ! nnoernrv oI^INER/coNTRAcr PURCHASER @ tAX MAp/pROPERfy OESCRIpTION NUMBER (from tax maps in Dcpartment of Assessment & Taxation or from tax statement): Tax Map Number:/2- ?-Tax Lot (s) :2asL ! o,rt of TL *--- BY Partition *- Tax map nurnber of adjoining property in same ownershipt ,ZFnon" f] Unknown Tax Map Nunber: n h z LOT:/4@ SUeorVrsIoN (if apglicabte): @ nsQussf (briefly cescribe information needed):I COI\,IPLETE THIS SECTION FOR I.AND USE, CONSTRUCTION APPLICA SEE **FOR STAFF USE ONLY** NUMBER DATE: TIME INITIATED CHECKED BY: ATTACHED EXHIBITS: |] d Fltr @ torer. coNTrcuous PRoPERTY rN SAME owNERSHTP: @ Nuuern oF STRUCTURES oN PRoPERTY: standard home Modular home- RV in use as residence carage_ ShoP- acres Road Easement @ rrnn DrsrRrcr: I^lidth Rot SPr iaq tLc@ rnrsnNt usE oF PRoPERTY: @ rnornnrv ADDRESS: @ orurn EASEIVIENTS OVER PROPERTY: 1) r:xrs't'rnc PERI.lrrS ON PROPERTY: O t'rntuu D1s1'Rrc'r Mobile home. Storage Barn #of Users I erot plans (2) I constr. Plans (2) ! site nlan f] copy of Tax Map flo.r,".---- By: Date Time In:Out: [-l Rccept I-l neiect Routed to: *NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF TAX }4AP; SHOWN EXISTING STRUCTURES AND TAX LOTS IN YOUR OWN- ERSHIP. OBTAIN TAX MAP IN SELF HELP AREA. 7 /8r (OVER) t Tax Lot(s): @ accnss ro IRoPERTY: puiltic Road Name lYo 5/ ?' 24.E Eost Ei 'l' / lof a, 4..,'^ SCREENING VERIFICATION : COI\,IPLETE TH]S SECTION FO ,AND USE OR 1\I L,\-/PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY IN DETAIL: APPLI **FOR STAFF USE ONLY*I ZONE/LAND USE: Bv: all Date: E-ZL) @ eurlorxc REeuESrs Contractorrs #lztt t*(for mobile home setup also) rime rnrl'.&) out' li3[ I accept f] Reject [-l planninq Application -{n= r, u"t io" o.r* ia noo. f| rnformation only : Zoning : Directions to Site:71 Check the type of permit regucsted: J--l owelring: ! uew l-l Replacement fl additional; [,aaai-tio., fl alteration; f] uodular Home f] uouiru Ilome - Model-. Year_ E nv fl standard Construction; tr Plan Check only f| commercial: us"Floor Area Comp. Plan Designation: Comments: SANITATTON: Date: i Time In:_ Out: . ! accept E neject i I slt. Evaluation Issue PERMIT ISSUED Permit * (SAME DAY ONLYi): By: Time In:Out: l-l aqricultural: Use tr @ saurratroN REeuESrs: f Sit" evaluation for SDS feasibility f llew system installation f] nePa ir,/reP lacement p or a.tuaion/re locat ion f] uoot to existing othcrs: use eor^r'l.u R*r*Ploor nr"" 339 I cf,..,g" of use - How? ADDITIONAL INFOR}ATION RA ,' *By i :Date, - lane county HOLID SLIP m!r-ttr APPLICATION # LOCAT I ON nY llt ?? NAME ADDRESSt Fl**": fi*'lt l4 ry? The above appl icatjon is bei n ld for the following reasons: E t Fr,tu" 4rWPoa,oti l*tw7oeza, \j {rW4* ffiae-AlWo*:**frgJ.v& la, Wt\ lu:i?qu,gP A* W & V+l* fnr4:il€r.q WN\W, t,\A€"e 4* tw NTt,tE[] ?tEftrxE t rvtT]l"# 1,44l.uf/',rfL lf&&s fuapu4l^, i4') lvlqALc{l* \ l\l ^ K'L SIGNATMT This appl jcation wi I I above has not been fur hel d unti I b*?-4{61 PHONE If the informatjon required cation w'i I I be cancel 'led.be ni shed by that date Vour appl"i Building fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances w'ill be prorated according to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellat'ion. BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East Bth Avenue / Public Servjce Bui'lding / Eugene, 0regon 97401 / (503)687-4061 ) I\. A 4-cl.#l DAIE OFFICE HOURS THIS MAP IS TO A.SSIST LOCATING PROPERTY. TI-:E COA!P,r.'riY ASSUjITIES 3{m 21 'No LTABILTTY roR TNACCURACTEFIRST ADDIIoN To IVIONTEBELLo AoRES RF5TR.IC7,OIJ -.tuq M pu sE.t*{ 1* <:E-*rd d /-d /,2),4lS.ret, t 67 4e7a4 DA1ffi,Ea 44. @ g vE ,w 4 A/k .* #iet B N ere - d4 l&.*.*ffiffip€M& Eea a44.ea*<*@tnd- /J1^t A.ArrY lfradrl.***er / / /J( *--* .|<L.a c. )-* ,/'AffiG@a- sEcTloN t9, Tt7s, R2W, W.M. LANE CoUNTI OREGoN D€SCElPT|ON , q$/u*ryA!.r ,7 A t4,4r 4ol4orcc.s@ O't.l4r'Wcn *, Pdo ,u dE AEa * Gttzt Fao No.6t (r4ttAr &raCea.)-bad A6'J5'Ea 9n4 66..n M tD /rtzncrtrJ ** Z'w ,@to Lto. 7€!, (t/2,S*€rr),w ,rytr i /org-7/d oc/ua /49a.24ter5oud 4p? /32o.&@ Z:& € rta ,l/o*e* @az a m ftut.*2zaw lrcdrd i,/o. dZ u 7*tsttz ,/7 54,r*, 'er/6e 2 W€t. 4 tr l(/a-4t -C /LrEtuaat, Ru4 7*& -bd6o'-r4',-54* /2Z.OZ Eer.zee N*d4'€4'5t'Ers7 //e15 Fce D * w* k6.u e 34dSr*ee7.. d€<E .gd 6/.Za'/ffur ez.oisr: 70 * H, Y4?6r^/ F Jl4d s;76i) rct< 5e* 77'a/'-.b'E i A2.7J .ce i zg,e -5* /'2s'&'la@&a,2.<ilwcte _Sax 74'5b' WEs g.sr. eo rcir1 Tazi ,Uoad 0'/5-49. Z?sr /or/. 32 ;ce D 7* Mr 6 fu.*6. *2, t4'/-ate Gu*, Op..N. t vr d{ { II II\ &4Le: t..te' I ((.,.i 9ta'w t/rr,?cl_Bse4 a. N*rErtLta 4*E 7 I I rl ,i' ti UJ q I| lr a ,J' i{ 'is t{ts u p._ ;tfr, $[ li .t 5 kfta da: t{oaer Atua a* Oerut ial &,w cfras AFFIDAVITstfrE * dddl 7zr-AdtY e la. I I, Jott l-auazt, Je., gl 7fi J tetc cezeoty *N7Ce 'Y Va: ?u7 * Sr'os*ra& 4@ SoN a ue w _-!!-!- pta I Feetztqr , tX2 a.a. */ota tu* ru Oaat --Z*Z ^?Z%--Jlk au,$d erplaas r-zt- t- ? /4PPEOYALS /t* Cqtn R<wtx 6tuea Aa€.rr fr * w&2 voL4!r/c/ aq 1@ oea. a.PP.5t/qt2 @u.srotcc CN4,S/NCz 4-//-17- /4u*d 54JeYa1 v n;2-. Z'&c-/L ./ aEGlS7Fe&t J4/fE 5A^/4L EN6/ilC6a.&^a '& pll 54e N OA4Juffi/tD ,14o g4@ w,rd RoZQ iloru4€!6 Ve L1!O E2E-'Ftar z4OotrtU m Ll*aao Aaet'As :slbwN leel:N 4e zr&f f A*tO t 4 wc /p/7te. Pdq ra lALvautUO .!'a53'ttu P/?F, a r4s rc@s :r-rc %<1 c da 4tulo. 7{r g.o fur7 tf*,5aq/ O'/t'43't4€u ,at4o rli FEoa a tdd td fr. effi a Gq ?Bo,.b.A/ .&*t Zae)xta fufr 8i..1,5* 66'Js'eas 94.6a Fa tu * tud € /tE s€cr.N € @€-zNa e dq .6o /^,to.a,t iuo &m fut$,Zg,.g,o EN Gffi@e /tt*7N ,e,re 494.24 fta| .fu'rrt /ldo /r2o.@ rccr Slsr C * .U.*e9 CoUe *,fuS@r7 a*a.rd L4/c Cr1.4 No-O2 tu TrTS-, e 2 Na h/.t*f., tu .Le^z, aq.!rl. &6a "' 94.1--.LL. ,?T EILEDfi*_otrocr_-_-J APa 2J lE 7' .t lT1 ;r Ir,h p.i rl t i ?'btfuM @.d a-arNr s4$cN&t* *O-d Z 5&a44 DEO|CA ENod TION 14 ltt do /,evill L. 14il!A4t ao tar&L c.WLL|iU', tqu^ro ,4o p.E,.ap€ * *t d re ..% e ,4'loova otsaoEo ,4odd/ & 7w wa @ t&,a/ q q &o $a/v/G * * 4t w 4 xr 4*C, ,ar7 a{ 74"r,0 a. /tt,'t.' , ACKNOWLED6EAIENT (letetU zeor4nC D * RBq ttuAvct? 14 524,fr 15 sW-1 t'-t\'t" c. ,{/t/./Al/s, ldato a{ stt; e* 4!O a*Y 4@P.sxe ?41 rurap, tr,j, .t ! zf- -f r ( "\.-----l q) { -JI f *, bs 7 A_ u ( \\ r h * / /I ./ / / / / Ir/ r /Z- oz - /7.J z ?SZ /dndd. e,zZ*,rldA \r LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD PH ONE NUMBEOWNER'S NAME C E ET BACK REQUIRE TS SIDE #PLUMBING F I XTURES FRONT I NTERI OR REAR I.J RK BY PERMiT DiRECTIONS T SITE zbtC ST BER T proved ON INSPECTI N Correcti on MOBILE HOME SE P INSPECTION D'isapprov ed Da te I nspect CONCRETE SLAB / UNDER-FLOO R INSPECTION Approved Correcti on_ Dj sapproved Date Inspector urffrR Sl-nB / PLUMBING GRo NDI,JORK INSPECTION Approved Correcti 0n Di sa p ved Date I nspector ROUGH PL Approved LIfiEII.IO INSPECTION---tZ-cr..Eiiio. oisapproved-Dat e ? - 3 .'-il Inspector # FRAMING INSPECJION Approved / Corcection Disapproved I_--t'-Date /O -8/tns pector BARRIER INSPECTION Approved Correcti on_D'isapproved Date /a=/ -$lnso ector LATH / GYPSUP BOA Approved u/ Co rrection DjsaPProved - Date,b-r/-Ftrnspector 91 - RD INSPEC I I N rINAL PLUMBING INSPECTi ON ion i s approved Da e ,i/*3a_1f,l I nspectorApprovedCorre FTNAL WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I NSPECT iON i sapproved Date 1( (fl Q4)Approved zf Correct'ion D Insp ector I ECT N ILE Approved Correct'ion sapproved Da te ns pec tor CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAN CY TEMPORARY CERTIFI CATE OF OCCUPANCY Approved___Correcti on Di sapprroved Date-_--.-- Form C74-197 Insp ec tor 7 l. _,/ n h1 ! '12?), lt1 qQ 1 MUST Bt1 r-7A1) E!N Range L4&e YICINITY MAP Permit No Standard System d-A Iternative m tr (Specify Job Location (Street Subdivision / Partition # I'ETAIL SYSIEM f-/ous€ l<- f'-<-v ll Eu) FDP;fiau 1' sn Jft 5 t ),, form c55-11- Section /q, 3 Tax Lot 2G Block-42- CONSTRU TEID lo' -+ l8a2-8 I Twnshp K Parcel- r( \t PLAN IXIt-1 ,LUA \ d'i'a w ,sau Kd DT t(, l. \.., 's -t r,lJ t 6?,8c -i, I ,! ( N I I I J a { 1?4\\ ){r N ..h \ A<A ,D tsC\..fet.{,f riu4fx t9 y-l ltL v $^r ,,,staller Rou u/;u)ernc t\ cnulriu USE BLACK INK ONLY(Tiile as shown on DEO license) Telephone License No. Bondi ng Com lf lnstalled By Owner- COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF A PUMP WAS USED ON THIS INSTALLATION: I (installer's certify that a (Mfg oate2:/1:El and Mercury Switch (tv[g. and. No Signatu FOR INSTALLER'S USE:Trench Tank Ca Manufacturer Measured Distance Well to Tan From Drainfield_Total Length of Lines_ (Model No.) Pump have been installed with this sewage installation. Da Date- --- USE O LY p'systemFOR SAN Disapproved E Needs Correction(Signaluro of Own€r) s Name I trS System Capacity l.lday Signa INSTALLATION RECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per ORS 454.665 of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Xeturn this form to: Building and Sanitation Div., Dept. of Environmental Management, located tn the basement ot the Public Service Building, 125 E. Bth Avenue, Eugene 97401. e-q 47 AJ . 2,4+L , ) 7.9 a(- s Gravel Depth Below fk 6 " a - COMMENTS: r {...L/'itr\..,}.,,.-)\-,4r\i..rr:qr}'!+it-,rr::'ii{.e1,.{.).';\"/;') Sco A 3q lhqt ? r/ v /67.57 fr_ _ .Y :r t^.,) oJ'\ ,OJ oli -o,-{ _ L---. 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