HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-04-02SP,lI]\rGFIELD RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 JOB NUMBER 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 r! LOCATION OF PBOPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP:/ ?D2SA9{ BLOCK:6 TAX LOT:oaSot Apr ls &ry/LOT:SUBDIVISION C/o ,fdzy',/Z*-^/ S*a,n*PHONE: Se,pL>,STATE: 7 7/E 22/-Jo*^t =rr, ?n/FlCITY: ADDRESS: OWNER NEW -- BEMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER ADDRESS PHONE ./tt /l' PLUMBING EXPIRESCONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: CONST- CONTRACTOR # \\ ?-z _ OFEICE USE - RANGE: LAND USE:FLOOD PLAIN ZONING CODE: r OF BDRMS:OCCY GROUP: * OF UNITS: WATER HEATEB: I OF STORIES:SECONDARY HEAT SQUARE FOOTAGE: QUAD AREA: * OF BLDGS: CONSTR. TYPEr HEAT SOURCE: To request an inspection, you must call 726-3769. This is a24nour recordlng. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. wlll be made the same working day, lnspectlons requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. REOUIRED INSPECTIONS Temporary Eleclric Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. Final Plumbing - When all plumbing work is complete. Site lnspection - To be made after excavation, but prior to setting forms. Rough Electrical - Prior to Flnal Electrical - When all electrical work is complete.cover. Underslab Plumbing / Electrical / Mechanical - Prior to cover. Eleclrical Service - Must be approved to obtain permanent electrical power. Final Mechanical - When all mechanical work is complete. Footing - After trenches are excavated. inal Building - When all Fireplace - Prlor to faclng materlals and framlng lnsp. required inspections have been approved an completed. ldi ts Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting.Framing - Prior to cover. OtherFoundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement.Wall/Ceiling lnsulation - Prlor to cover. Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling trench.Drywall - Prior to taping. Underlloor Plumblngl Mechanical - Prior to insulation or decking.Wood Slove - After installation. MOBlLE HOME INSPE TIONS r4l.-.4 Slocking and Set.Up - When all )# blocking is complete. fietumaing connections - When f nome has been connected to water and sewer. Post and Beam - Prior to floor insulation or decking.lnsert - After fireplace approvql and installation of unit. Floor lnsulation - Prior to decking.Curbcul & Approach - After forms are erected but prior to Sanitary Sewer - Prior to filling trench. laceme nt of concrete. 0-r.^f+AIOUt.,ta-eclrical Connection - Whenlk&Driveway-After blocking, set-up, and plumbing inspections have been approved and the honre is connected to the service panel. n Storm Sewer - Prior to filling trench. excavation is complete, forms and sub-base material in place. Water Llne - Prlor to fllling trench. Fence - When completed Street Trees - When all required trees are planted. Final - After all required inspections are approved and porches, skirting, decks, and venting have been installed. E Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. DESCFIIBE WORK: WYI- E fl E Pn E tl tl E tl E tl tl E V \ Lot faces Lot sg. ftg. Lot coverage Topography Total height Lot Type - lnterior - Corner - Panhandle - Cul-de-sac Set PL.HSE GAR ACC N S E TIIE PROPOSED WORK IN THE HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OB ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTEFI? - lf yes, this application must be signed and approved by the Historlcal Coordinator prior to permit issuance. APPROVED; X $/SO. FT,VALUE UE (A) 5)a3 BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. Main Garage Carport Building Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on tlre express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inctuding the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Plans Fleviewed By Date Fleceipt Numbe Plan Check Fee Date Paid: Recei SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE Homsg, )(S Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within tlre City limits which are being improved. Fixtures Residential Bath(s) Sanitary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Mobile Home FEE No FT. FT. FT. (c) MerNc PiRrvrrr Plumbing Permit State Surcharge Total Charge PLU ITEM ADDITIONAL COMMENTS \ Wood Stove/ lnsert/ Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent (D) NoVent Fan Mechanical Permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit MECHANICAL PERMTT Fu rnace Exhaust Hood By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I f urther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05S will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front property, and the approved set of plans will remain IV D R he site at all times durin s ig tonSt ,-'z,/-7-s of the VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMB DATE PAID AMOUNT R RECEIVED MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State lssuance State Surcharge State Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permits a (E) L!-x ft ut is\.^$ C^.f Sidewalk TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C, D, and E Combined) ar SP]lI]\lGF!ELI)qAIgU BLOCK: MAP:j U JOB NUMBER LOT: LOCATION OF PROPOS ASSESSOFIS SUBDIVISIO RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 225 Fifth Street Springfleld, Oregon 97 477 IAX LOT: I'IIONE:/1 / ZIP: --- STATE: OWN ADDR CI ITION DEMOLISH OTI1ER DESCFIIBE WORK: NEW_- REMODEL __llbLulEXPI RES PI.IONEADDRAME \r-\\ CONTBACTO MECHANICAL ELECTRI PLUMBING: GENERAL: CONST. . CONTRACTOR # _ OFFI EUSE_ OUAD WATER HEATER:SQUARE FOOIAGE: LAND USE SECONDARY HE,AI': FLOOD PLAIN ZONING CODE: r/ OF BDBMS: , .Y OF BLDGS OCCY GROUP: I OF STORIES: To request an inspection, you must call 726-3769. This ls a 24 hour recording. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same worklng day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS f.l remporarY Electric Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. Final Plunrbing - When all plurnbing work is contplele. Site lnspection - To be made after excavation, but Prior to setting forms. Rough Electrical -- Prior tcr Firral Electrical - When all electrical work is conrplele.cover. Underslab Plumbing/ Electrical / Mechanical - Prior to cover. Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain permancllt electrical power. Final Mechanical - When all mechanical work is complete. Footing - After trenches are excavated.Fireplace - Prior to facing materials and framlng lnsP. Flnal Building - When all required inspections have been approved and building is completed.Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting.Framing - Prior lo covcr. Ollrer Foundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement.Wall/Ceiling lrrsulatiot'r - Pri<;t to cover. Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling trench.Drywall - Prior to taping. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS Underlloor Plumbing / Meclranical - Prior to insulation or decking.Wood Stove - Af ter ittslallzttion Post and Beam - Prior to floor Insulation or decl<ing.Insert - After fireplace apl)rov;rl and installatlon of unit. R-Z Slocking and Set-Up - When alllfC btocxing is <:ornplete. Floor lnsulation - Prior to decking.Curbcul & Approach - Af tct forms are erected but llriot ttl placernent of concrete. M Plunrbing Contreclions - Wlten holne has been cotrtrected to water and sewer. Sanitary Sewer - Prior to filling trench.tr Electrical Conneclion - When blocking, set-up, arrd plumbing inspections have been approved arrd the home is connected to the servlce panel. Storm Sewer - Prior to {illing trench. Sidewalk & DrivewaY - After excavalion ls comPlete, forms and sub-base material in Placc. Water Line - Prior to filling trench. Fence - Wlten comPlotctl lr.,y'rinat - After all required4 lnspections are approved and porches, skirling, decks, and venling have lreen installecl.Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. Slrest Trees - When all requircd lrees are plantetl. i , OF UNITS, --- - i;;;: ;"J_ vt\/ir- HEAT SOURCE: -- { :-C RANGE: .-) --_ r E fl E tl E tl tl tl r rI tl tl Lot faces Lot sq. ltg. Lot coverage TopograPhY Total height ry Lot Wpe -Vnr.,i,,, - Corner -,- Panhandle -- Cul-de'sac etbac P.L.GAR ACC N S E E J THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE I-IISTORICAL OISTRICT, OFI ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTE lf yes, this aPPlication must gned and approved bY t e torica I Coordinator Prior to ss u;tn ce, APPROVED: BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is grantetl on the express conditio constrtrction shall, in all respects, conform to adopted bY the CitY of SPringfield, Development Cocle, regtllatinO the constru s Reviewed BY Date n that the said the Ordinance inc ing the and use of at any tilneay be sr,rspended or ord i nancesions ofany provis Date Paid: Receipt Num Received buildlngs, and m upon violation of Plan Check Fee: BUTLDING PERMIT -Mi@___ 44sO (A) t SO. FT. X $/SO. FT. J55oD Total Value Builrjing Perrrrit Fee Slate Surcharge Total Fee ITEM Main Garage Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being improved'DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) SYSTEMS NTSMADDIT] tnto- IONAL C .l=n(tITEM Fix t u res Rcsiclcrrti;rl ttiit lt(s) Sirrrit:.rtY Scwrlr Watr-'r 'Stoiln Scwe r Moltile Ilottlt-' FEE \Slp (c) t I PLUMBING PERMIT Plumbing Perrlit State Surcharge Total Charge N0 FT. l'T. FT. Wood Stove/ lnsert/ Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent MECHANICAL PERMIT (D) N0 Mccl),-inicill Pr:l ttti t ls su atr ce state sLllCllarge Total Permit Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I f urther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springf ield, and the Laws ol the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with OFIS 701.055 wlll be used on this proiect. I f urther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from tlle street, that the permlt card ls located at the front of the property, and the aPP roved sel of Plans will rentain sis nature /t -l€ -Date ru cton the site at all times durlng MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mol;ilc llotrte slate lssuance State Surcharge Siclewalk f t Curbcut f t Demolition state surcharge Total Mlscellaneous Permits (E) c0 \-u) .ci VALIDATION: RECEIPT NU DATE PAID AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C, D, ;rn<l E Cornbincrl)RECEIVED ER I M C'TY OF S OREGO'U fZ-/s?6 slr lt t 225 FTFIE STRBBT SPRTNGTIBID, OREGoN 97477 INSPBCTTON BEQUESTz 726-3769 OPPICB: 72,6-3759 1. LOCATTON OP.INSTALI^qTroN/3 c,F lt - 74- I;-:. SPIIINGFIELO LD3 BIJCTRICAL PERHIT APPLTCATION cit ,%o*rro* v Job Nurnber PEE SCMDULE BELOS LEGAL DESC"IPTION JOB DESCRIPTION 7oo Permits are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started vithin 180 days of, issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTALI.ATION ONLI Electrical Contrac rcr fu.*fr.u fQ-r-\a< Address /o fz ;tuZ ciry {.i*q, ,* Phone Nev Residential-Single or MuIti-FamiIy per dvelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or -Modular DveIIing <fervicFbr FeedEr Services or FeedersInstallation, Alterations or Relocation: s 8s.00 s 1s.00 $ 40.00 A B c Sum ee rrBrr a6ove- -----T Supervisor Lieen-se Number Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number t7t3 i a9 Expiration Date 2 73 Signature of Supervising Electrician 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps over 1000 amps/volts -Reconnect 0n1y 200 amps or less S 201 amps to 400 amps - $ 0ver 401 to 600 amps - $0ver 600 amps or 1000E-f[s s Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 7{s-.> $ s0.00 s 60.00 s100.00 $130.00 s300. 00 $ 40.00 00 00 00 00 40.00 5s. 00 80. 00 1zt-- 0vners Name Address .4"-l vJ ,&,*- cit Phone OIINER INSTALI..ATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intendedfor sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circui t Each Addi tionalCircuit or vith Service or Feeder Permi t s 3s.00 $ 2.00 B. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $Sign/OutIine Lighting- S Limi ted Energy/Res - S Limi ted Energy/Comm S 40 40 20 36 SI,BTOTAL OP ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL So- os RBCEIVED -)p q ,!^ az7 -21 zFda CITY OF SPR"VGFIELD, OREGO'V SPRINGiT!ELO one of fol 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-s75s DEVELOPMENT SENVICES PUBLIC WOBKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MAN AGEM ENT MANUFACTURED HOME SET-UP AGREEMENT As required by the City of Springfield Developrnent Code, f understand and agree that vith the approval of the attache manufactured homes viII be placed at Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number d Type I ManufactulgC lg4g. A multi-sectional (double vide or vider) oor area of not less than 11000 square feet, that has a nominal roof pitch of 3 feet in height for each 12 feet in vidth, that has no bare metal siding or roofing, and that has been certified by the manufacturer to have an exterior thermal envelope meeting performance standards vhich reduce heat loss to levels equivalent to the performance standards required of single family dvellings constructed under the State Specialty Codes. Type II Manufactured Home. vItI an enclosed floor area a nominal roof pitch of 2 f that has no bare metal sidi A unit of not less than 12 feet in vidth of not less than 500 square feet, that has eet in height for each l-2 feet in vidth and ng or roofing. lt 244 z DaTEr I further state, by my signature belov, that I have been provided vith the folloving information: - Manufactured Home blocking - Sanitary sever connection - ltrater ].ine connection - Electrical connection - Street tree standards Minimum requirements for permanent steps I also understand that if I am installing a Type f Manufactured Home, the home shall be encLosed at the perimeter vith stone, brick or other masonry materials, and vith no more than 12 inches of the enclosing material exposed above grade. al: 5r.rilNGl:IGLU ( 225 FI["TII STRI.:IiT SPTUNGFI[LI), oltI':GoN 9747 INSPP.CTION REQUIIST | 726 OFPICF,: 7?.6-3759 t.or N JOB Permits arc non-transferable and explre if vork is not started vlthin 180 days of issuance or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. CO}NRACf,OR INSTALINTION ONLY CATION HuIti-FamiIY Per dvelling unit' Servlce Included:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additlonal 500 sq. ft or portlon thereo f Each Manuf 'd llome or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 85.00 $ 1s.00 s 40.00 B. Services or Feeders Installatlon, Alterations or Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect 0nly C. Temp orary Services or Feede Sum fr IiLec t ri Addr:ess Ci ty Supervisor License Number 7{s-s Iixpiration Date /o,/ r E cal con tro"t.o, /*rh:u-. &oifu {SE a), ztsw ,WPB Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 anrps to 400 amPs rnone 3ff75q>401 amps to 600 amPs 601 amps to 1000 amps- $ s0.00 $ 60.00 $r00.00 $r30.00 s300.00 $ 40.00 rs ReIoca t ionCons tr Cotr t r. N -Z9a< E>:piration Date Signature of Supcrvising Electrician Ouners Name Arld res Ins t allatlon, Alteratlon or D 200 amps or less $ 40.00 over 4b1 to 6oo amps - $ Bo.oo , 0ver 600 amps or 1000 volt-s see rrB'r above Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extenslon Per Panel cit ALLATION Tlre installation is being made on property f oun vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. DATE: RIiCET PT One Ci rcui t Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permi t s 35.00 $ 2.00 E. 14iscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/0utIine Light ing- Limi ted EnergY/Res - Limited EnergY/Comm 5. SI'BTOTAL OP ABOVB 5I State Surcharge TOTAI, ,,,.";11'kr-217 I s s $ s 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 riti(:t.:Ivt:l) IIY @ ELECTRICAL Ci ty Job Number qfr, Ar.nherBFd 4 DELOU A Ez" ' Ovners Signature: