HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-08-08?cce:t: ! Dato: t& 9Leetr!.ccl ileclwiccL Consrn "icn_!$s!_ -a I) ie 2he responcibili;y of tla pearit hol-d,* to see ',hlt aL!, iwpectiotLs @e r,ade at lhe propet tine, ilat 234fi .'iitlss is ro-a;-iie fron tiu stteet, anJ, li1dt the_pintit cail, ia Lccated at the frctti of the property,,2uild.itq lvic:.o:,: q;rot:ed pbn shcll reaain on tVE Euiiciing Syte at aLL' tines.' >Dn'?n't=c FAD t'teD?oti|1 7.!g.g!37.'CltLL 726-37CO(recorCer) stai;e yow, City desigr,ateci job ntmber, job aCitess, type o:' instee:icn@ec'ig;.orirspecticn,cittactcisoia-n"t".,-,,"bii,,;"ru,,ber..-PequestsreLe;lZab2fcre.7:cCc:l'-iLL be rade lhe sa;;e icy, requests nc.ie aftet ?:00 ca viLL be nade the nzzt.arkitr,g da-g. Y6\qrtoIour Cifu Desigra,ted Job llwtber Is: ?cmt.'ra,.l -n<r A??L,:;.: ICil /PEF.MI! 225 ilorih 1th Slreet Spr)ngf'.eli, Cv,eccn -.7 -.177 Builitng Divisr,an 7 26-37 53 ..RESIDENTIAL.. SPFIINGFIEL.D Job ioccticn:2- Aasescorc !,!ac I Subd.Ju.)sicn: j-zer: 337 Plonz:idCress.' Pt<xe<a) ,"n 2'?f'83 Descibe ilork (Foraaws vai.ue JffiQ. og # 2 4rx 4e*;oa icze of Apgliear !tobi ACC'Jticn RaroCeL General DitDLrTi0!! 0R !:c'/z) 3t,tlLDl;;cs Sanilarg seter ecp;oed :t pt,caet4 Lite Septie tork p',xpeC ad f'-Llai tith graizi Flnal - l.then c.bcxe itens cte cclcle;ei arC uhen ie:tcl'J:ion is ccn>Lele Zr s:z-;:- tuye noueC a,l. cre:r')ses eieaned. tt. !.!obile Blocking o.d. Se't-up PltnbinX ccnneccicns -- sa)e! sl ucler Electriccl Ccmnection - Blccking, set-u, and plunbing conrections r;st be qprctei bey'ore requbs dng electfr cal insteb: iot: Accessc..,; 3uilding 2orckes, skitting, Cec)'s,FircL - .!i,ft.? etc. de cq:",p, ?z7e 1 o1' 2 ,l.rae2<r . a af ir.a ?tra ,7 =Fa?a t " taLav-,1:.-.14 7 i9CU.;;.iC;L: lo- be ncae be;ote cny :ror< 1s ecoclec. fi .rcc::;c t :cL,::ca::c.t: lo 'ce :aia l\) ci:er :tenchas c.re ezestct,eci ari fcrns cte erec=ei, lut crior to po"t?"-ng ccnciete. To be maCe aftez, aLL insalcticn cd. required tqot, ba,r,Je?s @e t)n glace but before ory Lath, gypsLn bcarC ct tnLL couering is cpplied, crd. before @tA ,:nsulation is concealeC. DRY',IALL i!lS?!C?ff)l: Tc be ra.Ce -.. efter aLL crguall is in olcce, but pr'ior to any tapin4. !'tASC!lP!: Stee! iocatior'., borui beors, grouling ot verticals in accorbzce ,,)Lth U.ts.C, Secticn 2415 . ,iCCDS!)|/E: After installatton is aroLe-.eti. CaP.B ,l A?PRCACI! AP!.CN: Aftet forns,*e erecteC but prion to pcur.Jt4 corB?ete. SIDSIil.L;( I DRI',TiA!: ?or aLL cctt-e"e;;VAAA;E; st"eet n isht- of-uny, tc be ncCe aftet, aL! escc- oatina canoiei:e t fotn';ork I eub- base nctertal in piace. S;19 -i.';-(Pjf:i:Y: io be r*ie ai:er eacaucAcn:1G prlar lc sc: u,g of fonns. ||ISULATIAN /IIN.POP SARRTZR I]IS?ICIIC1I : r-"1 llr u:!riRc2ru:!D ?aL't!?1::c, stE?,',r.17!3. DPA:::AGE: lo be r.s:e Vr-ot =o j:.i- Lirq trezci".ee. u:t9EPPaCC? ?iii:.S i:tc I !,!C1!.!t ! C;! : @ai f?,oor ,!.neui^c,cian or deckinc. ?0ST AilD 3EA!,t: lo 'ie ncCe ,y-or :o#iiLffiVcf Jlcon ir.eu-azz'-cr. cr Ceckrng, PC|-'C:; ?:',X19::;C. i!!?:P!::a 1 ,.e,:i- A:l;r;.:: :;o :cti. '-s ic Je aa.-etecGlf :'"ese'.rscec-"iorcs'n;,ue ! een FI;IAL PLU:,IBI:IG fI:IAL :,IECIA:IICAL ?!:tAL ZL1C:9!a;t nde td. nortte!. i I i:.?I'I;t:.' *)or '.o :'c.zeira '=r|nal-) ncter-A crd, before|rair4 in"p"L- l.' ^- s) lp-a::::tc: lttst'ce :ectettec cf,er''l) A?"ot"L cf rcugh Viurcinq, elec=r)-cal I necianieei. ALI moiir4 brccirq I chitrncys, etc. t-tsc be ccrnlese<i. )lo .:crk is ,o b4 con- - cecied ur.til ;his insoec?Jcn i.as 'been tsd,e cnC cp_orcceC. ltllCZ: Ilhen conplate -- Prouiie gates or aouable sectians throttgh Dil? /ln 1INAL BUI!.Di)\G: Tne Eincl Suildrnq Inscecticn n-ot be tequested =fter che iircl- ?!a:::bitS \l-/ lleccrical, cni :!eci:a,-.:.eci inseecctcnc iauc been neCe arl apprcvzd. ,l II 'ALL l4A:lticLZS Ail? 1LEAilCUTS !MS? 3E;CCASSitsit, .LDJUST:!Z:;I lO 3ZI:ADE !.1 !:O::ST ?C Cry tr ALL proje* cot.iitions, suc.i cs che i.nstai-Lcxion cJ'si?eet trees, :c-?!e.ic4 c;'zi'te required Lanascactzg, ctc. ' Iwst be saxisiied belcre the SU|\DI::C ?!::AL 3cn ce rzeaes;ed.. JOB N Lot Sq. Ftt. 7 cf Lct Ccoeraga I of Stor)es !o'"a! ?.eigh= Togogryhy Plrnbz,ng Pernit L Peri'- Stcte Meciuntc=L ?etn;.t 9-^a 9 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-5 Cci:t9crc, Cr?13: L-CO G+ %*a/a /3t?-??a X b.teyicr Cormet ?cn|nruile CUL-de-sac I -j Plumbing Permit llo ?e?ecn shall ca.stzwet, inslall., alter or change 6ng net cr e:is;ing plunbirg cr drainage stJstez in uiole or in patt, utiess sueh. Verson is the Legal possessor of e ualid plunbet's License, e.cePt that a ?e"son r,ay do plunbtng aork to propett! uhich is auzed, Leased or operated by the q?Li= can|. Electricol Permit Uhere Sh,te la,t reqttires tha.t the electi,cal uork be done by an llectrnical Conttzetor, the eleelrical portion of thie pernit slnll not be ualiC'antil the label has been sigzted by the Electrical lontz,actor,.r{d.r€: /F €aa<n ztqzrug aR Twsa u lgrEap€?/ t*y ./PZt Zta eA < pa7*t t.7 4*p ,/.Ys?€<Zr6r?,s /5 iF+L,/.r+. rfZS-fiy<<aR /7./ Mechqnicql Permit 2eitcons: ;cces s)r iot ?aces - -- Fzes -- Building Volue & Permit This ?ern1t is gnanted on the e*ress coruiiticn tlwt the said-ccnscrtction siu,Ll-, in ail tbseeccs, confo*n :o the hdinarce tdopted by th.e C'"t7 t-f Springfield, incluc.ing ;he loning Crdinarce, rzgulct:-ng the tcns--:'-tct'.cn otd uie oi bu:.kiin4s, cnd n=t1 ce susoerieC or reuckei at r:r'i t'.ne uictc lic- laticn of .aty prcu.Jsions of saii Crdirances. -A6af ,t1f a.d 5. r. c. :!C K TaLue 6 R .i?:)t !o'.al Cla:ges ?uild.ing ?erdt Stcte n-+^ )-:5. Reeeipt #: Si4teti: I !i=iutes iesi<iznti.a.L ! 1 bcth) Sa,itart Seuet Tctet ,,io C:i;3GE Res. Sd. fta. tlas/Eztend Cir*iis Ze rkl*r /.f.c J enoc"eu JerrJ'i.ce /,ca .k/SO :?:.u "n I --?-at, I Da4 ?znece ?TU'S *hast looC Tent ?at ',lcoisto:;e J,lobiLe !{cne I HAW CARSFULU EX,&E\|ED !!e cott.oleteC cppltcaticn jor perr*=, crui co hereby cefiifg thct dli itfc:na;ion hevecn 'i,s true arl, cortec=, al. i f.E'.ker cet*-ify lhat ang crd ail '-vnk =c-riotned slull be dote i:z acccr- danee- '"tich ine Ardintnces of che City cf Spr.)ngfieU, ani =he ict;s of the State of 1regon gez,i:ainina to the uork Cesc:')bcC heretn, cnC :fu,= :i0 :CC!.i- PI.ICI vLll be nade oI' cfl! sttuc1ia,e aithou'. petw;-ssioa oi the 3u"-!ciing 2z- uision. I frsther ':etxif'g that otly .cnitdc.ors a'i anplcgees xla atz tn ccnpl:.cnce ulth CRS 701.-055 vLLL be useci cn +.hia ptciecv *JJ trs -- !:lczcACi:.:a:t: -- Sec.ty):u Datcsi: Stota.oe :,!d.z7tt er.cr.c e c Leca?--c1 L !-d:;e L ?crAt JLrlou:E Dus:.{/,72 SiEne<i Aate --\ 4rF1; #:s_35_ \ {I^^J*^.- ee, :c..e, bHl State Swchaoe !o),t! lreqes d I }=r -':nTn^l /DTalnTd-r../ - 225 ilor=h Sth Slreet Sor.r-gi'-elc, Cregcn -27 -:77 truLLCAnz DLiaSLCn / 40-o / do ..RESIDENTIAL.. SPFI:NGFIEI N ,iob Zoccticn:2 o Aasescor: )!a.o I 3 ?-tter: .iC4-ass.' ci:g: Phozre 2 4rR 4t**qaPl<xlce) Descr)be h'ot,k:)lqs (Fo,uoo" l-xl icte o1' App riu:t"n 2'?i'83 oOVaiue .lCCit!cn PenoCeL General J Daxe -J i!ech*icaL CoNtflctainJg"ce!_ I) is lhe reapoasdbility of tlo pertri) hatd,er lo see tl@t zLL inapectiofis, @e ratie at lhe ptoper ttne, that ecch cl&esa is yc-a;a'.i. ;:y.-t!p s:reZt,. crd. liat lAe pirric c;cd, ie Lccated. at thi ,"rcat'of the p.ropez.ty.azuilCi-4 iui:loz cgiru^eci ;tb. shsli renain on tize euiialnt- stte Zt eLL' ti,nes.' 'Dn"^r''? eno u"oo=-rCl! P9CU!9.'CALL 726-37e9(recttriey) stace yoit? City ;iesigzt=teci job nw;;ber, job aCiress, type of ins>ec=icn@ecii11.c.ni*pecxicn,Contlactcisoia-n","",-,";iiL;"t.n.rlbcr..-P.equestsreZeii;.etiz2icre,7:c0;'-ill be tra<ie the sane icy, ?eo.1iest3 ne.e aftet ?:90 at aLLL be tade the n.t rorki,lg'da.U. e(o\q\toyouv CitV'Desigra,ted Job llwtber Is:?cer'ao)l -noton ei-c:r(rr,-?-!r. escanlcticn, iul ' fo be r*ie ailer picr lc aet u? oi' fcrns. ilrra?2er.2 )r,trDllta =r=4)ta1t t i9C!.).iiiC)L: lo be rcie ceiote cnyuori is ecuetei. u:!,ii?cPa u:!9 ? !u!!?\:c, sE4l,_jf,::?. DPAI!:ACE: lo be rs:e Vr)or =o jt"- Lir4 ttarci:es. !I:IAL ?LUJ!3T:;C altt I f rt?at. tr7,-. ? ?IIAL ZL!C:?IC;| iilsuLA?laN /t/np1p 3!.RRriR iu!?!c!rc| : To be naie after aLL insalcticn ed req,x)red oqor bariers @e ia pTace btt before ory lath, Wpstn bcatC crtnll couering is aoplied, arri beibre @.A 1:nsula,'"ion is concealed. D!].|0LITIO!! 0R !:CW) Scnitoty saner eap?ed =t ptcpct:r; lire Septic tork p:iryeC ad fillei:.ith gzate; L2 EC:\2S Blocking od. Set-'tg Planbing ccnneciicns -- ceDZ! e,l. uctet Final - Afier icrckes, skirxing, !ec)s, etc. @e catpletad. pl pce:::c t :c,-,::ca:::t: lo ie :c,ie llll ci:er zto-nches cre a:cr.tcteri cri fcnts ate ereciei, iut trict ;opouir,g c.nc!et..il I-l u.v:r.q-":cc? ?a;t:.sttc I i.zrlr..urCi!:| | lc 3s n.zce pr.-cr :o --ns;clic=ian oi floor ineuician ot d,eek:-nc. 7't mst A:tD 3EA!.!: lo be ncCe =-ior :o, I ir,siaii;;'an c;' Jloon irau--z='-cti cr CecktttE. T =at:a': 2r tlro f .te =,:4o f a: t 2. t.c,^2- )-:l:a;:: .:o :c"1 .); :c te .o.;erec ut:t"-L ;Zese '.rscee:!cr:s 'n:ve leetc nd.e :rd aprc:ie!. nct;A= crl, beiore|rair4 inspel- 2iar. l?-r:a!r!!: iftst 'ae tectesteC cf'.er aVc:ou;L cJ' rcuch ;itra,Jrq, eLecar:- cal I necianl-ca':.. AL! rcoijrq brcctrq " chi*,ttc-rts, etc. -.sg,g lg congleted. ilo .;cnk is :o be ccr- - cecled tn=il th.-Js ins=ec-Jcn )-zs 'been tude atC ;pozeveC. a DR'!|/A-LL illS?!C?1C)l: Tc be naiealier aLL arguall is in ol-tce, but prto" tu any '"aping. MAS1-\PY: Steel Location, bottd beaas, gzouling oner'ticcls in aecorbtce ,,rLth u.ts.C. Seet"Jon 2418. kCODS?0'/t: After instalTation is aaoLeteti. qUPB A A?PRCACH APP.ON: Aftet fornsa'e ,"e.teC 6G pior to pa"u-|,)q concrete. SIDETI{LK d DRI',EiA!: Por aZL co-tt- erece pavitq wtxh:.n street mght- of'-E!, tc be mcCe afta-r aL! ercc- lating 2qttoLete .1 fon wrk I sub- base r,cterial in place. Elecdcal Ccdnec'"ion - Elccking, aet-ui cnd pltunbing connections r;st Le qprctri bey'ore tequest'Jng e! eczn)eal ins;ec= iot .4.ccasscrg Suiliire ',{hen cotaolace -- Proulie or aouable ;ectians thno,ugh ALL pro.jecx cor.ii!|ons, stci cs che installeeian cJ'sireec trees, :crlczicn si =i'erequired i.anisecping, ctc., lfiist be sax'Jsi'ied belcne the 3U|LDI|:C i!)lAL :cn :e teates=ad.. ?IilAL tsUIiDi:tC: Tt".e Fincl Su:-Ld!r4 lr.steetlcn zst be reauected zi'-eyihe !!nc,L ?!:*birs Ileccrical, otc ileei"anicci :ns?eci'-cns iavc been zaCe ,zri c,=crctaa. gac2s P, U. E, I 'ALL i,lA::ECaZS AilC CLii.ilCATS ltUST 38.:,Cri$I-ai.i, .4DJt-',5?:!l::!:0 3i i!10!:i! !:0 a:57 72 CI:!!2:2 : Ot -J I ?inal - ll4ten cbcue itens c:e cc,t:cle;ei ari then .!encl);i.on is ccr=Lele Zr st-,i:- tute naueC ad. arer)ses clear-ed ui. €) ?::e 2 JO8 N soLAR ACCESS REQ.-5 Cr:t=:-/ X :nxeticr Coolet Paaiuruile Ctl-ie-sac 3ear2on9: f EAW CARE?ALU IXAIII;IED i!'e corryLateC zoplr)caticn i'on perrt'-, ctti io hereby cettifg tllc.t al'i, ilfcna;--on hetecn is tnte crl. ccttecx, ari i fa:her cet'-tJ'y )hat ang cd. ail';otk:erionted slwll be dote it acccr- dance ',rich ihe 1rdincnces of the Ci;y cf Springfield, atri ;he ia;a oi the State of 0re-ccn gerttinino ,o ,he Dotk Cesc--bcC herein, sd.:;Et :;0 :CC!,l- PI.ICI 'nLLi, ba na.ie oI' cn? atr.tctur,a ailhout pemnisia- of the Suild.ing 2i- uision. I f,-rther :ettiiE tkt: otly conttcciors ci a.rgloyees xia a,2 in cczp!.ic:nce aath CRS 701.055 r,rill be used cn lhis ttcject L-CO Gl t^1 a- Ia-4b !.1. L 't. 7 cf lct Catetzge ! of Sto*es lo;cl lleight Togogq'ng >,,-'1).'-- a^--;- Stdte ?otal Clanges Stcte Azvces Pad,: lssuzcz Mesi'c.nic=L ?ermit %8o/E B'?22a Building Vqlue & Permit This oenrJt is grcrzted on the .l..},ess coruiiiion thlt the s?id-ccnscrtc=ion siwlL', in ail rZseeeis, eonfcrtt'zo the 32'/i.ttance ado-r*-2! b:y th-e Ci!7 ti' Spr)rgfielti, lnclucrng ;he -Zoning CtCinare, tegtlctitzg tke ecrs:-tc'-1cn &Ii rse of bu:.Ltiings, cnd n:'g aa susoeruieC or reuckei at d.'! tiee u:cr: uic- Latian of .ny Vrcr:isions of saii Crdbcnces. Electricol Permit tlhere S-"cte ta,t teqtires tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleccznlcal Contrs.ctor, the electrical portion of this petnit shall not be oaliC until the label ius been si.gned by the Electtical Sontracto"..t{or€: /F €4€<n ltqzavq, a,< 7w5-< 6 ly7E "D€?/.*t 4?zt zto ty,2 < rDaz*t r.V fitp ,/*sPq<7a+s /5 FF+u/.7G>. _f6-/rv<<a,r* /7./ Mechqnicol Permit l,lobila llarc aat ?acas I ':erGce llora4 A'l36I I I !'-te So"t;it 5a' iiest .//'ll .-^ :na :(TaLue ib!n C,=:ce s?a fu.n ?c!.11 iry.Lu! s. D. c, a I /. /e Reeeipt #: (a I 1?.fz Stgrei: 6!{1b@1 !i*pes iesiizntral (1 bcth) Seuet Plumbing Permit Ilo perscn shcll castmtct, instal!' alter ot chanqe .6nA nea cr e:is-.:..ttg plti*irA cr drdinage sgsten in uiple or in part, unless such. ;etson is tl'.e iegal pbssessor of a uilid plwtber's License, e-=ce?t that d ?e?sort nay loplG,biig t';o:ak to propett'! uhich is ouzed, Leased or apetc*-ed by the c??Li- @tt. ?L'tnbing Perrit :io llat/Eztetd Ciratits Za il018t Santice /,f4 6e/so :?::t ?s.=ce ?!UtS bJ@/st llooC 'lent lat vcoisr.o:;e -- i:lC:CAC:z:.:!:l: -- 9ectr):u ge=csi: StotT.ce :1a17-t€rc:Ee Cttcei €rt /57 , Jic4)dL< EteCJf-C7.1 ,CteL :C?A' J.IIAU:IT DUg:.?4,72 SiEne<i Da:e !- II -1 I 4e4233)t't I Pas- Sa- t'tr- /9-c State $trciteoe !o!,2!. lrc:qac SPRINGFIELD CTry OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works Ma::ch 30, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr:. Doyle Cook 1332 Nor"th 34th Street Spningfield, Onegon 97478 Dean Mr". Cook: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requi::es that, in ordenfor a per"mit to ::emain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days fr:om the date of punchase of the permit. If wor"kis suspended or abandoned du:ring the counse of construction for a peniod exceeding 180 days, the permit wil-I automatically expire. If a permit has expir^ed and suspension and/or abandonment of work on aproject has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be pur^chased for one half the fee required fon a companabJ-e new permit, pnovided that no changes have been made in the oniginal plans and/orspecifications. If a permit has not yet expined and a permit holder" anticipates the need fon more time to begin constr:uction work, the Supenintendent of Building may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt fnom the penmit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most necent information in oun reco::dswith ::egand to constr:uction activity associated with youn permit. Please advise this office of youn intentions with negard to the permit by ten(tO; 6"r= fnom the date of this letten. Please dinect all inquil^es to the Springfield Building Safety Divisionat 726-3659. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper: Building Safety Division attachment ch 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 JOB ADDRESS: 1332 Nonth 34th Street LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: October: 24, 1984 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: JOB #: 831916 CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: xx VALID: However, youn penmit will expilre on Aoril 24^ 7954 If you wish to request an extension of your permit, pl-ease notify this office in wniting pnior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your^ permit expined on If you plan to stant on resume wonk on the project, a new permit must be applied fon. *If the ttexpiredrt box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by (ten [fO] aay" firom the date of this letter"), we will clear our files of all r'elated infor"mation with regard to the permit. ch to'no 3 Lc (DoN . SEiloE8: ComDlots lterns 1. 2, 3, and 1. Md iour addross ln tho "REIURN T0"- spaco on rorSrs€. {cot{sulr msTilAsTEB mn FEESI L lhc lollowlng soNl$ h roquestod (check 0n0). El$outo wtrom and &h delwlod . E $pwo*tom, &10, andaddrGs ot dollvary.. z. E nesrnrcnD fflrvERY........(w tosttblild thgv,fyfr B ciu@h Mw, Afifiutoto@y'ho.t IOIAT t_ 3. ARIICTf, ADOBESSEO TO: Mr. Doy'le Cook 1332 North 34th Street t. IIftOFSLttaCtr I u' vr uv Eneersrsmo Erusunro&tilrrrro flcoo flurus mrur {dTle(fliuilBEn 329968?73 (Aluayl obtdn slgnrture ol addrssrsa or rgonl) SIGIIATURE EAdoressee EAuthortzedagent \ ilxR3 I ()F OELIVERY 6. ADOHESSEE'S AI)DRESS 7, UNAELE TO I)ELIVER BECAUSE: tm cuz, EIo t!!! t r982€7S593 - 7a. EilPlJI <;e-Y sEt{DER tilSrRUCTtOilS fnnt t0or rrn , .dOBt' .rU aP Cod. lrh sFCo Uot.. GorDhb lbr! 1, 2, t, md a cr tlF tlr.Itl.. Atbct b roil !, !r[cs I tDrc. 9rilb,dl,lrdt. rlfr lo i.cl d rtch.. E[dqr. rtth "R.lur0 nlcdDt hqurrhd".ldFc.olb molar. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE oFFlcutl Bu8[{Etg RETURN TO --.r.--a si n'ilcnmpolgstdtfil-' - (Street or P.O. Box) (Clty, State, and ZIP Code)