HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-08-10Job Locaticn:bq TT Assessore Map # /o 3 t J/o dTc"n Lot # Phane ..RESIDFNTIAL..Receiot # APPLfCAT: -,/PERIIIT 225 Notth Sth Stv,eet Spr.ingfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision I au-o/ do SPFII]\lGFIELD (2p75 4<J/u tc- q>2'tlt'I 0 ,, \\ Siqned:CC Date 8-/o -r8 ".- *(a/{i d 7 DE]IOLITIOI] OR I.!OW) BUILDI;:CS Sanitaty saset, eapped at proper-"g- Line Septic totk p"rped and filled tr[th Et a:tel Pinal - I{lten abcue itens ate eqroleted and uhen Canclition is eomplete br s*uc- ture moued oni preniaes cleaned. up. Le Hcmes Blocking and. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aane? o'd. uater Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-u: and plwnbing eonnections rn;st be apprcrei befot,e requesting eZeclt"ical inspeelio;t Aecessoty BuilCing ' pcrekes, skiz,ting, decks, Le!ed. Eitnl - After etc. ate eomyt Pege 1 of 2 Sttbdiuision: Asney,: Addzess:V ,t/ Desctobe llork: Additicn RemoCeL ,r^l-'1 ^ Date of App Licaticn ff -/a +{<ffiVa'!.ue GeneraL ELectrieal l4echctieaL Consttaet'ton Lender PI?)2EDUEE FoR INSPE CTI!|I_BE9IIEITCALL 7 26- 37 6 I ( r ecot det, ) s tat e your City designnted job nwnbet,,requested. aid unen s"ou-ilTL be ready for inspection,Contyaetcrs ot Oumez,s nane cnd pitone nunbu:.*-iLL be nade the sane dcg,?equests nade aftet ?:00 an mLLL be made the ncrt uorkirg da.E I-t ie the responsibi_LilA oi the permit holdez, to aee that aLL inspectiotts a.z,e nade at the ptopel, tine, that each addyess is t'eadqbi-e f1ory t1e street, and that the-permit-c-azd is Located at the froni of the propet,tg.*Buil-ding Nuicion appt'o"*ed plan svtc.Ll xemain on the Building site'at aLL' tikes." job aCi-tess, type P,equests z,eceii;ed of inspec=ict befcre 7:00 c:, ftcrrrr UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEC?RTCAL & MECH{IIICAL: To be nade before anyuotk is cotset,ed. PCO:IING & F)UNDATICN: To be maCe;fie" t"encGs a"ei$eat:ated. and. forms are erected, but prior to pout*ing ecncrete. I ulllxncpout:D ptuueruc, sywp, w,qrtn,J Lirry trenches. 1 unouprtloR pLUtErilG & uECrrANrcAL:lof fl,oot, insulati,on or decking. -1 posr fito ngM: To be natie pz,iot, to ) T;;tAT;tTc" of floor insul)iion or decking, -.-- ROUCH PLUIIBIIIG. ELEC?RTCA: & I,IECH- I,- - urtil tnese iruspections haoe been natie arui aopz,oued, I EIp.EPLAC.E: Ptioz, to plaeirg fccingI mctenials and before franting inspee- ti.on. -1 fnmrNC: ttust be requested aftet ) app".n"L of rough pltor,Uing, "1""1"t-cal & mechanical. ALT. roofing bz,aeing & ehinmegs, etc. rmtst beeorrpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be eon- eecled until this inspection has'been made anC appz,oued. qTqe TttaDramrnit. escaoGr-orl,-rC forne FIIIAL PLUIIAIIIG FTNAL MECHANTCAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL Io be nade after pt iot, tc set up of Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nutnbay Is: rNSULATION/VI.POR BARRTER INS CIIAN: Io be nade after aLL insulaticn etd. required uapot, burie?s are in pLace but before any Lath, gApswn boarC or tnLL couering i.s appli.ed, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: Tc be madeafter aLL d.ryuall is in plaee, but prior to anA taping. I,IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting ot, uerticals in accotdotce Ltith U.B.C. Seetion 2415, WO)DST)VE: After irrctallation is ccrnpLeted. * CURB & APPRCACH APP,ON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pauring concTete. SIDEWALK & DRf"EWAY: Fot aLL con- crete patsing uithin styeet right- of-dcA, to be made after aLL erea- oating conplete & forn uotk & sub- base matertal in place. ?ENCE: Wen complete -- ProuiCe gates or mouable sections through P.U.E, l ll l ALL p'oiect conditions, suck as the installat.ton of sl;reet trees, eoltoletion of iherequined LanCsecping, ete,, rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDIN1 pIliAL ean be requested. ?fNAL BUTLDTNG: The Final BuiLding. Inspection mtst be requested after the tinal plwnbir1Electrical, otd MecLnrical fnspections itaue been mad.e and'apptoued, *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE" ADJUS?IIEIII ?O BE I,!.4DE ,^.? NO CCST TO CI?Y i t-l .,,, JOB NO.' Lot Faces -Enerqu Sourees Tuoe lleat Df House Caraqe Access llater lleaterNot,th East Fireplace South L'loodsto"*e LCT TWE _ fntericn _ Corner _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Zone:Bedtoons Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couerage # of Stoz.ies TotaL Height Iopography L-CO * West -- Fees -- rYEM fJU x VaLue Building Volue & Permit ?his pennt.t is granted on the espress condition tlnt the said constyuctionslnll, in all respects, eonfonn to the Ordirnnce adopted 6iy the City ofSptingfield, incl.uding the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulating the ccnsttabticn and. use of buildings, and may be suspended oz, retsokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of anA pncoisions of said 1rdinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c Building PernrLt State Date Patd Iotal Clnrges Receipt #: Signed NO FEE CHAEGE Fi.rtuz,es Plumbing Permit No pereon slta1.L consttttct, install, alter or ehange dnA neL) cr eristing plwnbing or drainage sAsten in uhole or in part" unless such person is the Legal possessoz' of a ualid pltlnberts License, except that a person nay do plunbing uork to pr:operty uhich is oumed, Leased oz, operated by the appli- cant. Resil.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Petnit State Sutcharae Electricol Permit Nau/Ectend Circuits Were State Lan nequires that the electrical uoy,k be done by crt Eleetrical Contractor,, the eleettical portion of this permit slwll not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor.Ienpora?A Setltice L u State Total * NC ITF co >a Mechqnicol Permit Ilcodstote Vent Fqt bltanst HooC ETU I Pennlt fssucnce Meehanicel Pet+tn,t -- ENCROACHMEN? .- Seci.trit?l Deposit Storage l,ta'intenance Permit l'La|'L Ll$on1-ne? f HAW CAREFULLY EXLMINED the completed appli.eation for perrnit, and do hereby cettify that aLL infornation het,eon is tt'ue and. correct, cnC f furtker eertifg that ang ard aLL uot'k performed slnll be done in accov'- dance wLth the )tdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of the State of )regcn pertaining to the uork Ceseribed herein, cnd tVnt N0 )CCU- PANC:I oill be made of any structure uithout permission of the Building Di.-oision. f furthen certif'g thet only eonty,actor.s and enplcyees uho are in eorrpliance uith ORS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this projeet Total r Curbeut Sideualk Mobile Hone E- ru -rtr ,,TOTAL AMOUIIT DUE:*/s. 75 Sig:ned Setbacks Mai.n farnao CarDcrt Aeeessoru af LIut Wctev ITgM