HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-02-04..RESIOENTIAL" 2zs North sth streeAPPLicATr,N/PERI,rr Sprtngfield, ?regon 97477 Bul-LCLLtut DLU1,SLOI 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD 2^^^.'a; ! Date: w N'&' Job Locaticn: Assesoore )!d? # Subdi;tisicn: Ltner: 4nAd.tbess:Phcne: Desct4be h'ork: ReaoeeL l-l tate of App S..pn--S,} -LLp{ttoh-,.-t-u S.^,n 8*rd.r-- General rl DZI,IOLITtCI! OR ):CW' SUILDI.:CS Sanilar1 seser eap?ed zt prcpet4- Lire Septic tank pu:ped atd ftlled ,,rith ;ratzl linal - i,1ten abcue itens aye comlexei arC :;hen lancl'Jtior: is eorclele Zt s:t-;:- tuye noued gl. cret::lses eleaned. u=. ll l !,lobiLe ilcnes otd Sat-up conneccicns -- sarer al, aa:er fir,-zl - Aftcr, :ctckes, sklrting, deci.-s, etc. @e ccnoLe2ad. Electr,"Jcal Ccnrect.)on - Blccking, eet-ut and pltunbr|ng connections mst be apprct:ei b e for e z,eques t'.ng e! ectz,i cal inso ee -- io:". Aeeessat.y tsuild:.rq P ] X ffi "o"'o* furr**r* ---. - v,j r ft ia the resgonsibililg of tho penrtt hol.d,* to see that aL! inspectiors @e nade at the propez, ti-ne, thet each ad,lress is rea;abie ;toat tiu st?eet, an:i tiut the pentrtt cazi ie Located at the frcnt of tle wooertzt.12ui!Cir4 iluicion cop"ou-eri pt-cn sfuLL remain on th.e tsuiltiing Site 'ax aLL' :i^es.' Canstprer-tcn_lede!_ SE! IiISP!C!!)!!: To be nade after etcancticn, but prior tc set up of forms. UXDSRSL;.3 ?'L':,8::IC, !LJC??!',IL 1 ttzt,c!..lr'.Ap: ;a 3e r,AAe te:Afe any wrk is ec,seted.. PCC!:JG t !OU::DA!:i!t: lo be rsie ;F;r trencA; at;-;caoated and. fcxns ee erec:ei, but pt:.cr to pouir,4 ccnc?et€. U!!DERG1CIJ:!' ?iU!.!EI:iG, S':,EP.'T.IT!R. DRAMAGE: lo be naie piaz, xo ;-iL-Lirg arench,ee. ltrlnFoc? aia a- r'r@ -la ) r.-alJ A rtaa 4 r . @aifloor ineuktion or decking. PCST AilD 3EAl4: To be nade tr.Jot toTiiTiTffiTcf f|,oor i,sut)!,-c'n ot decking. RCtJCi! ?LABi:tC. ILEC?PI1AL " :1EE1- GIT;hese irscectior.s hcue bee,r, naie zrd. rgprcu-el. !1?.!PLACZ: - tion. FR.4]|MC: ltust be rec-,resteC cf..er aporov;L ci rctigh plut.-bir.g, aLact".:-cal I necinnicai. ALI rooflr4 brccirr4 C chilncgs, etc. rtsc be . conoLe=ed, llo .;crk is to ce eon- - ceiled until this insoecicn i:as'been nod.e cni cporou^eC. Pn)CfiUP?=?04 InSPiCrrcil |IOWST;CALL726-3769(recorCer) state yottr City Cesigra.ied jo'c re.quested ar.ci uhen ycu -uiLL be read.y for inspe.cticn, Cont?acta"s o? Antets nane ird. plone ', :.iLL be nade the sane Ccg, reauests maie aftar 7:00 on utill be nnCe the nert wtkinE'day. ntmber, job aCiress, type of insceeticn nunber. P.equests receixed befcz,e 7:00 c:i Yow Cifu Desigra,ted Job Nu,tbet fs: INSULA?TON/'/APOR BA.RRTER TIISPICYAII : To be nade aftet aLL insulcticn ed. required uqor bez,ie?s @e in olace but before @19 Lath, Wpsltrn boarC cr mLL couez,ing is cpplied, ari before @zU ,:rgula'"ion is eoncealed, DRY|IALL iISPlCf1I: Tc be naCe after aLL atguall ,l,s in clace, but prior io cng tapin4, llAS)llRY: Steel Locaiion, bond beane, groulin4 oz: ,teyticcls :"n accorioue Lith U,ts.C, Section itcaDSTc'/t: - ecxa Letad.. After i,rt s tallation ")s CURB & ,IQPRCACH AP.C.ON: Aftet forns,z.e etecteA1"tndo" tu pourlttg corerete. SIDiWLLK d DRf':,TWA'I: For aLL ean- crete pcuirq aichtn street right- oi-LEA, tc be nade aftet eLL ercc- uating canolete & fozn ,;ork & sub- base rcter)al in plaee, =tlta?. D lt a Ga ,.-]ll I I I Prtor '.o ;Lcc:-rq factno anl. before fro-,rir4 inspec- , 'a1ten eonpiete -- ?roy'Jie ar nooable' aect:-ans throtgh FIIIAL PLU!4BI:iG PI;IAL WC.]A:IICAL =llAr af=i40f,-., ALL pro;ect. condicions, suck as the installaxicn cf street itees, :c-p|-eticn cf the required lanl.sccpirg, ctc.' nast be sat;.siieC bel'ore r.he SuiLDIilG ElllAL:cn be requested. fiNAL tsafLDfNG: Tne Fi_nal_ BuiLdtnq Insoection nast bo. requested,zfier th.e iiral pla:nbirq Electrical, cnC ],leeitarical inspeetians ttaue been naCe ard.-c=arcuzd.. iALL ]4AI\HCLZS AltD cLEAil1UTS ttUS? BE ACCESSItsLE, .4DJUST:9:1! tO 3E:.gDt !,.t lto::ST TC CI:y / 154 lu 3 q tr-' .\-a t-LLr-r\ Tl'l-tl,l-p r I I I , JoB No.K Y soLAR Ar ;ss REQ.- ?zge 2 L-CO G+ lAad: Sig*ed Electricol Permi t Vhene S',ate Lan reqtit,es tha.t the eleetm)cal uork be done by an lleetz*ical Conttaetar, the electrical porlion of this perntt sLaLL not be ualiC until the Label ias been aigned by the Electrical Contractoz,. Mechqnicql Permit bt Sq. Ftg. z cf Lct Casetage_ ! of Stoi,es iota1- lleight ?opogrqhy L Pennt Total PeytrLt fssuanca Mechaniccl ?etnrit LCT ?Y?E _ Interior _ Corner _ Paniund.Le Cul-de-sac J,-, a-n.t-n f HAW CAREFULLY lXA.l|IilED the eornpleted coplicatiot" for pernit, cri ia herebg certt fy that aLL infornatton heveon is true ard. ecrrect, cni i furlker ca!+-ifA )hat any crd eLL uot:k 2erfonted eha.Ll 'oe done in aceor- dance',rith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and. ;he icus of the State cf 1regcn pertainino tc ihe ao"k CescribeC herein, cr'C :iat :i0 )CC|.)- PA|CI viLL be raie of citA aE?ucltse aithout petmission oi the 3uildig 9:.- uision. I further =erttf'1 th.et onlg ccnt"cctcps and *:rplcgees uh-o aze in eonpliance u.th CRS 701.05S uiLL be used on ,.hia prciect ,( Ceeurancu Crouu:lipe/Cor-st Sedtcons Lot leces -Znerau Sottees :;eat Df ,^,, -^Carace A,2eess i/d.ter:!eate"llorth Range tast South 'iaoastore |lest -- lzes -- ra=t.J :{Value Building Volue & Permit This perrwt is gtanted on the eup"qss condition ti.a.t the said-consttwction si.al-L, in zil yesceets, :onj:m:o the )"din4nce =docte,7. by :he l:1 c;' Sprt)ngfleld, :.ncl.uiing ;he Zonlt.g Crdinance, regulcting ike ccnlt=tct':cn qnd use of butl,Ttngs, and mtu be susoeryieC or reuckec at ctJ '.lne ;i:.n uLc- l-ation of ny prcuisicns cf seiC Crdir,ances, d^fiaf rrtrt,o (cna1<-* ?uilding Pernit Check Fee: ?otal Ch,an gee FEi CAP.GE Plumbing Permit Ilo perecn sha.Ll canstzttct, install,, altet' or clcnge cny neu cr esis;it'.gplmbirq cr drainage systen in ahole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessot, of a ualid plwnber's License, e.ce?t that a petson r,ay do plu;bing xoz,k to ptopert'! uhich is oxmed, Leased or aoez,ated bg the appli- ccttt. ?lbses Residential (1 bath) Seuet Plwnbing Penrit State S ti).irP Res. Sa. ftc Nau/tctend Circuits larocroy Sentice ai3 F'utrz.ce STUtS bhanst HooC Vent ?an 'rlcoisxaie -- z:tc.?.cAC:il15:!: - - Q ^n ,s' +., h--^^"' + Storaoe i4a:'ntencee Pezmit Eleca,ieal Label + 4g l-'6 Mobile ilcne oo TOTA' A,UOUY? DUE:.4 ( ,-- \ )4, /0 nn /0,N\u(\ 10, (-t^ !ence _') () N u) E --\b4 n 34*#' 83OS?? hmK'trp -uP t \ aA \t erqri:l\ ] \\A I r,n+e J $d oo"90uev'polL 14/ la-X Ll 5 +* . 1 ;5 ( .t t a + d'od ) $ x t=> rp Fro n-1- 6,a e- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD--BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN ST. 726-3753 (BUSINESS) 726-3769 (INSPECTIONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRfCAI I.ABEL(S) BY A BUILDING CI^INER The Electrical Safety Law of the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrician and/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by himself or a member of his immediate fanily which is not intended for sale, lease, or rent. (PLEASE PRINT) APPL]CANT.S NAME tLL,t-n M.l lr ( ADDRESS il PHONE ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED I,IORK S C-t-ry-rr--q-- BUILDING OWNER (TT OtgTR THAN APPLICANT) ADDRESS PHONE I certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiring system reguiring a l-abel as applied for herein and intended, to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure sha11 be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: I 2 3 Temporary Service Underground Service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mobile Home Connections Signs Swinuning Pools I further certify that I will notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAI INSPECTIONS are ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner, I am a member of his or her immediate family. Signature Date INSPECT]ON REQUESTS SHOULD BE I.IADE ON THE BUILDING DIVISIONIS 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION LINE. THE INSPECTION NUMBER T.S 726-3769. INSPECTION REOUESTS WHICH ARE CALLED IN BE- FOR 7 A.M. WILL BE MADE ON THE SAI,IE DAY. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LABEL NUMSERS /-LABEL fSSUA}iCE FEE RECEIVED BY 0r^ful-DATE aq -,f z ^1/- P 3