HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-11-18225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97-177 INSPECTION REQITEST :'7 26 -31 69 ELEI- JCAL PERN{IT APPLICATION Citl'Job Number ,5"a / OFFICE: 126-3"t59 ALLATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION J DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transferable and expire 3. CON{PLETE FEE SC}MDULE A. Nen' Residcntial-Single or Multi-Family per drvelling unit. Sen'ice Included: Iterns Cost Sum 4f-.u 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional500 -or Feeder zO ation, Alterirtions or Rclocation 200 amps or less 20 I amps to 400 amps $ 106.00 =-- ifrvork is not started rvithin i80 days of issuirnce or if rvork is I tiO days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLA Electrical Contractor Address ciq @trLA_pno,.,"tTdG*Ab 4()1 anrl)s to 600 amps .$ 12-5.00 _ t10 I anrps to 1000 aurps ...'.-'.-_ $163.00 _ Over l()00 an-rps/r'oits $i75.00 _ Reconuect Onh, - $ 50.00 _ C. Tcnrporarl' Sel-lices or Feeders Installirtion, Alteration or Rclocation xJ::.x"li:s$- t-,Dl $ 50.00 €,wl)y4 A ,g*/0 E $ 75.00 re lxdtt?l&.7t & IT Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date 371/ Si ing Electrician Atldress Phone INSTALLATION The instaliation is being niade on properr-y- I orvn ri'hich is not intended for sale. lease or rent. Orvncrs Signaturc "B" above l). Brirrrch Circuits Nur Altcnrtiorr or E.rtcns.ion Pcr Panel dl0[,tg$ THts PERMIT SH ALL EIP!-RFJff bffi $rcft{'- :ffiffiffi###r'-^HRfffi;f#- , n,*."[$,Y;l,9?'gtY.rF.ll3P; ot inc,u ded) -Each installation Pump or irrigation S50.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $50.00 Liniited Energl,/Res S2-t.00 Limited Energy/Comm $15.00 I\'Iinimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is S-15.00 + Surcharges ]. SUBTOTALOFABOVE 7%o State Surcharge 8%o Administrativc Fce Over ,\Lc.(A '2 5c zLto ITOTAL f,o $ 19.00 -- or I Expiration t/ o*'ners Nn*. f\al fJ\. t \q6 $"/ 225 FIFTH STREET LEGAL DESCRTPTION Z 2sl JOB DES zoning,and Da Permits are non-transferable te if r,vork is not ofissuance or 180 days. sttrrted ture ifrvork is suspended for 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical' Contractor Address Phone Signlture of Supcn'ising Electrician Multi-Family per du'elling unit. Sen'ice Includetl: Items Cost Sum6 -o /? sq. ft or portion Manr.rfd Home or Feeder B. Services or Feeders Insttllirtion, Alterations or or Fxtension \\\S 1\\t \S 1\'I i N d, SUB ABOVE 10/tate Surcharge ffiHl!tsfis,HIT,, $ 106.00 $ 125.00 $ 163 $ 50. en ice A-$3.00 ZL{ $i t9.oo -- Rclocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 arnps -101 anrps to 600 amps 601 anips to 1000 antps Over i000 amps/volts Reconncct Only C. Tenrporarl' Scrrices or Fce dcrs Over 600 or1 D "8" above Brtnch Circuits Nur Alteration One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or u ith S or Feeder Pennit /-$6300 # _$7500_ ciq' Sup rA ST Citl'73b OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being ntade on proper[" I orvn r,vhich is not intended for lease or Signrttu f . I\Iiscellaneous (Serrice/l'eeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation \t N Sigr/Outline rent.00_ 00_ 00_ 00 25 $4s ion Fee is SJ5.0() * Surchrrrges s-l--66q---L-?r6- TOTAL ef I 3. COMPLETE FEE SC}IEDULE BELOW ./ [t $50.00 _ $100.00 $43.00 Expiration Date I lr, 200 anrps or less 201 amps to 400 Over 401 to 2...\ oryncrs N"*",irnall D Utalla, < 8%n Administrative Fec