HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-07-16.. RESIDENTIAL.. z2s ttoy,th sttt streeAPPLrcAT r,N /PERllrr SprLngfield, )r,egon 97477 Building Diuiaion -nA -a.-/ 4O-O t/ DO SPAINGFIEI.D ?e 1, ?r+f,\Job Locaticn: Assessore !4dD #Tcs tat # Subdiuision: \t-r"- tAqFr\SCu>te,r:**&1, ' i4 -?f, :,r .,.phoneAddtess7e=7 Desct4be h'ot k: p-!"aidor.,Iio-Don ?EAL-Value I Date of App Licattcn ad.o.l.tlAdditicn RenoCeL ,w Cont?acto?s Atidtess r: --Eaites Phane Geteral Ccurr-a e Plumbin4 ELectrical !:0 ; Sanilozn1 seaer cqped ct ptopetty lina Septic +-ank p'"qed ari fil|ed ith graiel linal - l'tlnen abcue itens ate cctalevei ani uhen lqtclition is comple=e br str^e-ture nouei atC. prertses eleaned'ap. !1Cnes Blocking od, Set-up PlunbinX eonnectiazs -- sare? od, acier Electr[cal Catzeetioe - Blockir4, set-uc crui pltnbing connections m;st le qpra;ed be;'or e request.ng e! eelrical insp ec'- [o:: Aceesso?i Builiitt4 tcrci.es, skirting, deol<.s,Final - Aftet etc. oe catp ?qe 1 oJ' 2 I-t ia the reepotcibi-Lity oi tla permit hode" to see tlut aLL inspectioft, dre nod.e at lhe ;;ropen tine, t!.at 23sfi -/,hsss is ren;ac';e fron- tle st?eet, and tltct the perdit cod ie L,aa*ed. at the fzrttt of the ptope?ta.tBuildiY Diuiciot qproxed pl,ot sltz.Ll rema"i,n on tlz Bunk;nng Siie'at aLL'tiines.' PP1C DUPE FO4 lySPgC?lCN,W||EST;CALL726-3769(tecorder) state !ou? City desigraated job nnnber, job aiiress, tgpe of inspee--icnneq"iested, ati. ulen you';iLL be readg fcr inspeetion, Contraci;crs oi annrs'rrrr,r. L"a pi-"" t!urt)et,. -p.equesLs r.L"r:iZ; bLi.re- z:io an'-iLL be rade the sane tbg, "eq)ests ncd.e aft* 7:00 on uiLL be rmCe the nc.xt.atking'day. 6zo8 a? Constrtcticn Lenden qT?C flt<Draa-1\t. t^ ietlt :.te::u--J.t. LU Ue after etcauation, but pricr tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLA!,EIIIC, ZLECTRICI.L,S IECM-iIICAL: lo be nade bei'ote any uot k is cotez,ed. FA2IIJIC 1 FAaNDATICII: ?o be rmCeAfffii;;'GAcasated dtd. forns ate erected, but arior to pourirq ccnctei€. AIID1RCRAU:\D ?LAMET;|G, SIWP. ttA?!R, DRAIIIr'.GE: lo be rm.de ptlor to fil-Lir4 i.7sr.ir"t, WDERFLCCR ?LUI.,IBXIG 2, IIECqANTCAL :rob@o1 floor insulction o" decking. you! Citl'Desigr,a.ted Job Nunbet fs: ilISULA?ION /VAPCR BARRIER IIISPICTIAil : lo be rrude aftet aLL insulaticn ed. tequired uqot baviers @e in pla.ce Lwt befcre oq 7,ath, Wpsutn bcarC or tnLL eouering is cpglt-ed, ad. before ozy insulatton is concealed. DRfiiALL IIISPETICN: Ic be nade after cLL dr-guall is in place, but priot' to cny tay)n4, lIAS1NilI: Steel location, boni beans, grouling or uerticals in aceordowe vith U,B.C. 1ection 241.5 . After instal1.ation is K Ir I 'yiC1DSTC'tE: ccnpLeced. ?OfL$\tsEail: To be nade prtot to -^- installattan oi floor insulatiai or CURB d APPRCACI] APPON: e,e ,"e.tAn;rV4o" d?tvn. Aftet forrnsto pour.ng deeking. ROUG|I .DLNBT]IC, |LEC?RICAL A MECq- ANTCA.L: :lo uork ,)s to be co"^ez.edGlTthese iwgectians iuue beer nad.e and, apgrouei. corte"ete. SID|TiALX & DRf'|EAAY: For aLL con- crete patirq uithin street right- of-uny, to be naCe after aLl. exca- oatina 2qnolete & fotn utork & eub- base naterlal in place.II?.EPLACE: nanerials Pr.Lar r.o placirg fcc")ng and. before frontng inspee- I tion. PRAl.'lIllC: l4ust be reouesied after apptoual of rough plutrbing, electri- a,L & neci.anieal. ALl. roofing braing E chirmeys, ete. mtst be . conpleted. !!o wrk is to be con- 'cecled until this insoectian ha,s 'beea rade cnC agproted. lfilAL PLAY;BMj PIIIAL WCANICAL FINAL ILECTRICAL Hher conplate -- fuoliCe oz, nouable aeetions th.raaah D tt I ALL proiect eor,.di:iors, suci as che installaxton of st/,eet trees, 3aeie;!or,- o! ile required Lard.sccping, etc. ' trust be satisJ'ied befoz,e the tsUILDIiiG FfIAL ean be requesteC- ?IllAL tsUILDING: The iinal Suiltitn4 Insaection ru.st be teotested ciler lhe linal ?lunbiqEleccrieal, ard Meei,ariccl inspectacns itatc been nade arvi approuei *ALL i4AtlHcLES AtlD cLEAilours:tus! BE A1CESSTBLZ, ADjusr:E;g !0 eE t,Jri !t?::o::s? ?c crl:! \' ( Date city: +7?lt)A?taJ->zip: q\A1-7 Itechaniccl T T JOB NO lat Sq. Ptg. 7 cf kt Ccueraga I of Stortes lotal leight ?opogtaghy Plwnbing PeyrrLt Neu/Ectetd Cireaits Pexnit issuanee l,leehaniccl Penilt Si<ia,:alk OLAR AC-ESS REQ.- LCT !!?S _ Interior _ Cormer _ Paninarz.Le Cul-de-sac ,+ L-CO G* Date PatC: .t Plumbing Permit No pereon shall conscmtct, 'lnstal!, dltet ot change an! ".eil cr e:isiing plutnbittg or dz,ainage sgstet in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal posseasor of a r:alid plunber's License, escegi ti'an a person naX do pltnbing aork to p"a?e!fu uhich is ou'ned, Leased or opez'ated by the appLi- cant. 1 L I HAW CAAIFULLy 9X+LE:|1D the conpleted tgplr.caticn for perm'it, crui dc hereby certiii chat aLL l:tfo:ra=ion heyecn is t'rae afi.d. ca?lecr, dd. I f"tz,tker cettif'g thai; anA ard ail uork aerformed slnll be Cote it accon- dance ',rtth the tudincrces oi tie City of Sprtngfield, od. the Laus of tne State of 1regan pe"tainino to the aopk Cescz.lbcd here,Jn, crl. :hat l0 1CCA- ?/-llcl wLLi be naee of anA sf,:uctu?a uithcut pernission of the 3uilit-ng N-oiaion. f fw,ther cettify thtt otly eontnactors o:d enplcyees uko ara in con1liance aath cRS 701.0s5 aiLL be used. on this ptoject -(_Cta"t tseivoons: Lot Faces - Teat DT icuse -- Fees -- M:4 ftu Y Vai,ue TATAL '/ALUE cinl<a PLan Check Fee:Z { IteezLDX ! : 2 This pertr*t is gtanted on the eqress condi.tion that the sail.-construction slnll', in all iesoects, eonfcrm to the Crdinance adopteC b:V the City o.i Spriqfield., rrc\.ulir,.g the -\onit'.g Crdinazce, regalcting ,ke ccnstn)ctacn sd. use cfbuildtnEs, ar,cinay be susgend.ed or reuokei at cnA tine upon uic- Lation of cn1 prcoisions of saiC Criirances. Euild.-ng ?et'ait lotal Clztgea Stdte Building Volue & Permit ! ) :..:aat pc? Pisa,ces Resil.ettti.a.L ( 1 bath) Seuer Seruice Total S :iC !,J ,-tt,t DaT ') bhast HooC tlent ?ot ilcod.sto;se Mechqnicsl Permit -- ENCRCACA\E:]? -- !2TAL AilOUltT DUt: .2tr i Mobile itcne a-e 7-te-X>ffi- C-?:,a., U \ ttt/ur ?mo: I Electricol Permit ,l\e?e State La reqaires that the electrical uork be done bg dn Electrtcal Contraetor, the eleelr'ical portion of lhia pernit slu.Ll rot be uali.C. until the Label las been signed by the ElectricaL aontrector. M:,! Total Charqes State Surchaae Storeae i4ain::erar,ce M# -.4 -)Lgr.2a t'' 22s ltorth stlr stneeAPPLrcAr r,N /PERl,ry Sprtngfield, 1regor'. 97477 BuiLding Diuision 726-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPFlINGFIELD Job bcaticn, /OLC +,, a' 4'1n\ /-Tcs Iot #Assessoto :4q-o il tubditision: o.men: 1\7l- f-/1q-VJ i ur- tAF-.r\r?:> zip: Cl attt/l-:L> ?J Y{ -a;a; ,. , ,.PhoneAdbess: '/-? 2.O A city: t;>lt v'ul da 1:'1 t" Desu-"be l'!otk: ^'f+-1,A;A daruLta,lGCL&LLLo r"l I ,wn VaLue # ?t-sz--Date of App Le lone Additicn RenoCel Genetal tLeetrJcaL Pltnbina BU ILD!:]CS Sardlaa sa:er ccpped ct prcperi; lir-e Septic t,ztk p',tVad ati iilleC u'Jth graizl linal - l{hett cbcue itens d?e ccttletei ard uhet iqpl:,tiot: is conple'ie ot stv-c- ture noued. ai prerLaes cieanei ap. ,t!obi Le iicnes Blocking ord Szt-tg Plumbing connec;iotts -- sate? orl. actet Electn)cal Cctr,.eetion - Blockir4, set-ut arui plunbing cotnections n;st le qprcxzd bei'ore request)ng elec:rical inspec'-io:t Accesso?i gunl<iin4 !::2 : 3t ! It, id lhe responaibilit! of tle penilt hotd,et to see tlut aL! inspections d?e nade at lhe 7roper tine, that 234ft '4'1-sss is reaiebie fron the stpe'et, atd, titct the permit car4 ie Leated qt -!h_e- ifint of the-propetty.'r1uizdirq Diuicict qptoted glan sltz.Ll remain on tlte Buil<iing Site at aLL tines. 26-3769 (recorder) state yout Cont?d.c'io"s or Au'nets City Cesigr,ated iob ntm.ber, iob aicte rc,ne crui piwne rutrbct'. Requests tss, tgpe receiueci of inspec=icn beicre 7:C0 a-,?POCSDUP| FoR M1?gcircu RgQt,tlSTrCALL 7 re,i;;ttd dtAiien s-ou ts'ilL be teady i'ortiLL be rade the sane cic:J, requests mcde T SI?9 IllS?2C?IC:t: To be nad.e afterqcauctlcn:rG pt4cr tc se! up oi forne. inspeet'-on, aft* 7:0A on till be nwCe tke ne-st wtking da'g. Iow Cittl'Desigr,ated Job Nunber Is:6zot d? iECEI.]iCA !o a4a Lb?K eouared. PC)?!IC , ?)UlDATiClt: lo be tmie aftet crench2s d?e enn farns cre ereeted, but prict to pourirq ccnc?eta. UND'RG?CU:]D ?LL',M?I:iG, Slrtt?, 7.1r!3.+DRAIIA1!: ro ,a ru.;e prlor co iil- Lir4 ;renches. UTIDEP,FLCCS ?LUIg I:IG 1 :,IECIANIC AL : @of floor insuktian or decking. POS? AND tsEA!.|: To be nade Ptiot to GffilcToi floor insulaticn or deeking. ROltCi! ?LU',!3l::G, .!I!.!:!?rcAL, :ltcq- AilICAL: :lo to"k'-s ;o oe coueled ffilT-these insoec--ict:s haue beer noie and. c'porouei. FI?SPLACE: PrLor r.o plccirq fcc')ng mcieraars and belo"e J"o,rung Lnspee- tioz. i1 pRu:t:tc: iltst be reotesced affer U "?p*u"L of rcug-'n plitrbing,..electrt- a,L & nect:afltcdL. ALt lvoI"-'/lg braitt4 ! chinmcys, ete. rrust be conpleted. :!o ucrk is to be ccn- . cecled uztt:.L this insgecticn ias 'been nade cnd cgpro"ed. ill S u"L /.T I0 It / V t PC R 8.4R R IE R I ttSP?C T I a I=: foE ,raae after aLL insulcticn ed' rcquired uqor baT ie?s @e in PTace bat befcre ag lath, WPsun bcarC or tnLL eouering ;-s qylt ed, cnd before aty insulatton is concealed, DRY.\ALL iitSPlQIC!: Tc be naie -,. after cLL ctluali is in place, bu! pr'tot to dtty ,a?ing. W.S0N:11: Steel Location, bct'i ffijgfi"tin4 or vetticcls in accordstce vixh U.B,C. Section 2415. IICODS?C'IE:@ta.After installation is I K |l T I I CURB & APP1CACI] A.PPCN: d,e ""ectez-;"tfro"coTerete. Aftet fornsto pcur.ng SLD!:IALK 3 CRIIT||A!: For aLL ccn- crete pal fr-ifr; st?eet righ!- of-,,ry', to be mdCe aiier aii- eecc- oatinq cqroiete & fotn ',nrk I cub- base -nc;erJal in Pi,ace. lEltCE: lther: conPlate -- Pro:tiCe fiG or nouable sectians th.reagh Dlt, IT|IAL .?LUI4,BI:iG II:IAL !4EC!4:IICAL FINAL ?LJCIPICA' ALL prc;ect cor.di:iar.s, srch as che i'nsxai.lcticn of street ,tee,s,-:o-:!ec"on o: ihe ""q"i""| iiisccpi"g, Z;c. , mst be satisJled befcre the AUILDI:;C i!IAL :cn be rzqtes'.ei. FIyAL tsUfl,DIlt7: 1he iinal 3uildin4 kspection nlet be reoteste<i.:te! the !'lncL ?!'unbirq |Leezrical, ,ac !,tecizcr-iccl itsceetict'-s i',atc been ncCe ari ctctot;al, *ALL ilAi]HCLiS AIID CLEAIICUIS:IUS? 3S ACCISS|SLE' AD;US::3::! ?O 38,',!^.ii,1.7 lIO'335? ?C CTY \' r ALasaEztLresess Lisc' Cons jruslicn-!er'rlgr Final - Aftet Tcrekes, skirting, decks, etc. @e cmPTe'.ed. n r tr ,--- 9 JOB NO Tttx OLAR nCCESS REQ.- I zor- !.ot Sq. Ft3 t-co c* 7 cf Lct Caoeraga_ # ol Stories ?otal leight !ogogqhg Stcte ?otal Pernit lssuanee l,lechaniccl Penit Sida,nik ]lobrTe tsne LCT !y?9 _ Intericn _ Corner _ ?a:niurale CUL-de-sac 2 Electrico! Permit llnere state Las reouires tlut the electrLcal uot k be done by an Electr.tcalcontractor, the eLecrm'cal portion of thia pernit shall rat be ualic untilthe Label has been aigned by the Electr.ical- Cont"ector. f HAW CARSFaLLY ?N;.!E:;ED tie conpleced apl:.caticn for perw)t, cnd dcherebg certi;i ;;12.t d.LL itfc:ra=icn h.ey,eon' ls trae itd. c'cr.ect', d. I fuyther _cet*-if,; thev crry ani aLL uot,k aerfor-neci slnl! be Co:,e in acccr- Cance Lrith the Crdincnces oi tize Ctt! bf Spdngfiatd, a.nd. tha Lc;s of ;heState of Crecan pertann"Jna to the uork Cesc:4bcd herein, aZ. :l.d-. JO 1CCU-?/.llcy DLLZ be rad.e of c?lA sr:ucxure uithctt pernissio:t of the 3uiiiing U--uision. I fur=i-,er :ertif3 ;hs'. c:tlg cotrt?c.cto?s ani atplcgees uho arZ inco;acl|ance utxh CPS 701.055 aiLL be used cn ihis ptoject tseitoons Lot Faces - I?A=r -EIar!! Sour.es .1eat ?.1 Access 'lat2P '!4at2" llot'rn lcs =I iireoLcee 'tlaocis=or;e 'r/e sx -- ;' 7m=!\-i:tF X Vaiue dnaAr rr4tt.? S.D.C. 1.5 c Receipt !:2 Building Volue & Permit This penr-t is gzunted on the eq"ess eordition tlut the said conatptc..ionsha.Ll, in all rescects, eonfcrm to the 2rdino;ee adogteC 5;'J the Ci,tl oiSoringftelC, :.nclwiit.g the Sonit^.g Cz'ciina,ce, regzlcting ;ke ccnstr,teticn od..uee of bu'.L;i:'t".4s, ari aa,g be suspend.ed. or reuckei et ,a! tine uton uic-i.ation of a.:1 prcuisions oi eaiC Cvd.ir,ances. Euilding ?er,irtt ?otcl Cy'angea State Sureharge NO I L3 Frbutes Resil,zni;ial (1. bath) Sani Ssaet No_ per.son shall cotstmtct, instal!, altet or ciurge 6n! vea cr e:isling llm:o-ing cn dtatnage sys_tq in uhole or in part, -unles-s such penson is the Legal -possessor of a ltalid glunbel,s Licensb, ecceet that a person naX doplunbing aork to prope?ty uthich ie ouzed, Leased or opez,eted q *e "ppli-cdnt. Plunbing Pet,*tit State Sutch,atae Plurnbing Permit ila,s/Zzterd, Ciredts Sezvice *lwtst llooC Vmt ?a ilcodstoi;e fl,tavt Mechonicol Permit -- ENCRCAC|{iIE:IT .- Secti Pe*nit :CTAE AilOtJYr DUZ:'7,2tr a- 7ta-Y> - 'io.CiI,?CT /V/g Storeae i(air.!27a72a ?ence