HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-05-24'. RESIDL,{TlAL" 22 5 North rr, irrnno"""cAT roN /PERllrr Springfteld, 1regon 974?7 Buildi.ng otuision 726-37 53 SPIIII{GFIEI-D Recei t# Date ,r24-ff t^t ia the teeponsibi;Lila of-tte petmit tptdet to aee tlnt alt inspections ee nade at the p"ope" tine, that each address is tenCqhief.y.-tly stree.t,. and tlldt the-pezwrlt.eatd is Located. at the trc"i o7 the properfu r'vrv' ve"e' er'*' *Buiuing Diuicion appro"*ed plot shc.Ll vemain on tte a";.Lal."i- siie at aLL tines. P.R)1EDUPT F)n, rySPEcu)lt R1?.WS?:CALL 726-3769 (recotder) state yout, City desigrated. job i:r":W""dv for inspection, c.";";.i;;;- ov, a,mers ncrne and pTnne :|L'LLL be made the sone dcg, "equests ncd.e aftar ?:00 @n uyill be rrud.e the neat uoz,king'd.aa. nw;bet,, iob aCiress, tgpe of inspec=icn rrutnbet,. Requests receixed befcte Z:00 an 3q;Your Ci,tA Desigr,ated Job Number fs:Reati-norl I nsDaef,7.an9 Job Loeaticn:b 3lAssessots Map #Tcz Int # Subdittision: auner: )Addz,ess:Phone: o(Z'ip: 414)City: fA o*orro, Value t--t TI RemodeL Date of App Licaticn il"*8B !r,lu-: /t GeneraL L SII9 INSPEC?I1N: ?o be nlade aftet:ezcaoryon,Tt prtoz, tc set up of rorrns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELFCTRTCAL &wcutr!icAWny .t'totk is cotleted. F0OTLNG & FOUNDATICN: To be ntade@Eencn;;-Ae eacattated and forns ate erected, but prior to pow*ing ecncreta. UNDERGPOU!]D PLUMEING, SIVEP, IN,ATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be maCe pnion to fil-Lirq trenches. ailDqRFL)1! pLUtEINc & T4ECHANTCAL : ?o be nade prior to instalLatioi of floor insuT,ation or decki.ng. TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn and required uapor bavie?s @e in placebut before any Lath, gApswn bca.yC ortnLL coueting is dpplied, and before any insuLation is eoncealed. 0R |.:)wt B Mobi Hcmes Blocking ord, Set-up Plunbirtg connections -- aau)e? otd, aater Satilary saner eapped at W,operfui Line Septic totk g"tped and. filled trith gz,a;sel Final - Wen abctse itens ate eanoletedcd. uhen Cqtolition is eomplete Zr s*,uc-ture nooed and. prenn ses cleaneC up. DRIVALL LNSPECII)N: Ic be madeafter aLL &,yuall is in plaee, but prior to any taping. MAS1NRI: Steel Zocation, bond beons, grouting or uerticals i,n accordawe Lltth U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: ;ctrple-tA. After instaLlation is CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: After forns @,e e"ect7EtniA tu pourihg cotlcrete. SIDEWALK & DRflEllA!: For aLL eon-ctet; pau@Affi st?eet night-of-tng, to be maCe after aLL etca- uating corplete & foz*t tnz,k & sub- base nater.ial in place. ElectticaZ Cauection - Bloeking, set-ua and plutnbing conneetions rnist be apprcr;-ed before z,equeating eleelrical inspecliot Aecessory BuilCnng POS? AND BEAM: ?o be nade prioz, toinstallatian of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLU4BI!|G. ELEC?RICAL & I,IECE- .util these inspections Tntse beer, nad,e and, approoed.. FIREPI,ACI: Prion to plaeirg facingmater"ials and. before franing inepeb-tion. FRAI|fNG: Ltust be requested aftet, apptortal of rough plurbing, electu"t-a,L & neclnnical. ALt roofing btacittg & ehinmegs, etc. tntst be . cotryLeted. lto uotk is to be con- , cealed unttl this tnspeetion lnstbeen nade anC approoed. skitting, decks, IENCE: hlhen complate -- ProoiCe gates on mouable sections through P. U.E. ALL project conditione, such as the installation of street trees, co:pletion of tie rcquired Lanlsecping, etc., rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDING PfNAL can be requested. EINAL BUfLDfNc: The Final Building Inspeetion must be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, ard Meclnnieal fnspections late been nade atd approtsed. Pinal - Afteretc. at,e eomp pct ekes, Leted. PIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL AWHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEAN)U?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI\EID T0 BE \L4DE A? ilO CCST TO Cr?v Pagelof2 | T D I JOB NO. Lot Faces -Enerqu Sourees Tuoe Ileat DT Itouse Carage Access.Water lleatet,No?th East FirepLaee South Vood.stou*e West soLAR AQCESS REQ.-d LOT TWE L-CO Inter'iot Corne! PanhandLe C\tl-de-sac Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Caserage_ # of Stories Total Eeight ?opography BeCtoons: -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penn:tt is granted on the erpress condition tlnt the said-constzuction slwll, in all respects, eonform to the Ordinance edopted by the City o-f Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Crdinance, negulating the ccnstraeticn ord use of butldings, urd nay be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lati.on of dly prctsisions of said Ovdinances. ?O?AL VALUE ITEM FTG x Value €i)/ 3 & S.D.C. L.5 x b-.Building PermLt Iotal Clarges State 5? .zg 2.33 Date Pai.d: Signed: Receipt #: f,a Plumbing Permit No per,son slnll consb"uet, instal1., alter or ehattge _any neo_c/' eristing pttinbin4 or d.r,ainage systan in uhole o7 in patt' unless such pet'son is the iegal pZssessor of a oZlid pl*tbet's Licensb, etcept tlnt a Pe"son nag Qo pti^ontLi'tg uotk to properta ihich is otstted' Leased or operated by the aPpll:- cant. NO.FEE CEARGE * Fi.stutes Resid.ential (L bath) Seuer Plunbing Pernrit State Electricol Permit where state La reEtiz,es tllat the electticaL uonk be done by an Eleetrteal Contnaetor,, the elietrLcal porti-on of thts pennit sFnLL not be oalil until the LabeL tas been signed by the Electrical Contractor. 2 o = Nau/Estend Citctrits Sevntice State TotaL khanet HooC NC ttt A Drn Mechq nicol Permit Vettt Fol llcodstote PermLt Issuance Mechanical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sea"r'itu Deposit Stotage Maintenance Perwtt Cutbcu! Sida,talk ?enee ?o Mobile Horne y#z - I HAW CAREFULLy EXN4INED the cornpleted applt,cation fon pennit' and do herebg eertify tha.t aLL information het'eon is tt'ue and eorrect, anC I furtkez, certify that any ard aLL uork pez'forned elnll be d,one in aecot'- dance trith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield' and. the Las of the* State of fu,egon pentaining to the uork Cescribcd here;-n' end tllat N0 )CCA- PANCY LI|LL be rmCe of anA structule r,rlthout pernission of the Building DL- oision. f fu.tther cet,tilE tlnt only eontractot's and anplcgees uho are in eonpliance uith ORS ?01.055 ui-LL be used on this proiect TotaL ?O?AL AIIOUNT DUE: *d s=,ra Date Job Iacaticn:A Assessors l"lap #3t ?ac lat # Subdiuision: Anter: Phone:Address: city:q)Lr) Date of AppL Descz4be llork: ^ c( &,b,r,Addition L ll \ zh") Dvalue (-p, GsneyaL ..RESIDT ITIAL.. APPLICATIlN/PER\LIT sPFllNGFlEr rr 225 North Sth Street Spwingfield., }regon 974?? BuiLding Diuiston 7 26- 37 53 ILLC 7Y 0c J-ffia?'I Date: I l Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nwnbey fs q ; forme.nbut prtot tc set uP of ?o be nade aftez, OR Tol lW."IZ,Zox* !ol-". *. ez,eeted., r"t-p"iZi TJ,pow-ing ccncrete.Wii"iL:r" Septic totk p;arped, "na f;.tiea urith g,naxei Pinal-- lrttten abcue iteand uhen c;ru;;;""1f,'" o*? ecnpleted tur e no u ed oi- ;;:;o:: "..#:i,l"o i;. " r, " _ Sanitary seJe? capped et p"ope?cs* Li/:e Bloeking @d, Set_up 1 & anawkcoueted. x yyttR!: Steel Zocation, bond.';#i:d;Zl;;ZA:,:Z:;i;:l* W After instalZation ie W'*o['iio!,;*, W::;t,Jr:uatLng canplete & fol_t" " " i-t2,i"7"i."" r:r:Z.r'sot'k & sub- Plznbing conneetians -_ ae.ie? otC uatet, E L e c tz,ie aL C cttne c tionqtl p Lwnbing o*r".ti"i -Blocking, set-upberoie""q"Z";;;-;il,Ziio\i'oi:ry:r;Xb, Aeeessory- BuizCnng tr I I uztttL these itwpectiotts h"r;- ;;;nade and, oppnouZC. PfREPL,ACE: pt-tot to^"ffi' "ixz;.n r;#4 {;#:z _ PRAl.,lfttG: Must ha no.9 n: "i{:a;"' ;'7;E;:,;: Zl;".i,, -t;my. :;;il,,ili,." !.i "?',,{i? u. ceaLed until th;,n ;_..o.. "- i"Z.' oi a" fr; ;;;r: "'i o n tu s yff ' ; "^[H; r!"xiiol " "' s ki' rt nns' d ec fts, ffi'..,^Y";.xr"z\Zr;;"I?,:jlro aul pno\ect conditio, ".q"2".'a-iii!JZi";;:"' ,such as the i.nstazetc.,a7as6-bi;;;;Z;i:3"2:r:{""rf""'rr};:r;"rli*li*.ir*- G FMAL can be requested.tr'#i,!,1:i!:m,#:"X::i?i:l*x.:*tii,l,.::,_,bereques,ed , Deen mad.e ord oppnor#tet the Pinal plwnbing FTNAL PLUABIUG TINAL ]'EC']AA'TCAL |NAL ELEC?RICAL *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOA?S MAST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?IITTII ?O BE I.L4DE A? ilO CCS? TO Cr?Y Page 7 of 2 /,,tq': n @ L-coc Beirootts: JOB NO. Zone: SO LAR A-C CESS REQ.- Ct. lleat This perwit is granted on the etpress condition tlat the said-construction stnll', in aZL r'espects' confom to the ordircnee adop-t.C ['y the City 1fSprtng|ield, inctuding- the Zoning Crdinanc-e, regulating the ccnstructicn irl u""'" of -build.irrys," orzd, .ay be- suspended ot, z'euokeC at cia time upon o'ic- Lation of dtA prcoisions of said )t'dinances' Where State Las teqn)tes tlnt the electri3aL uork be done by c ant? ae tor, the ele cti"' "7' ;;" t';;;." f 3- -\i1 rv n*i t s'tnll to t the labeL Lns been '"iii-ig-|ne Elic*icaL contrd'cto"' Mecho nicql Pe r mit Building Vqlue & Permit Si-gned: CC Electricol Permit Building Permtt State Total Clangea Plwnbing PemrLt State Swel^atge Stete Total Pendt Issuorce Mechanice.L Permtt * Plumbing Permit No pet'son shall consttuct, instal!,- alter. ot clan4e gnA neL) -cP e:isting phrnbing or drainage "i"tL"- ii-it'ie ot'- in part' -unLesi such person is the lesal possessor of " ;!;;;" ,L:;Z'J'-'-" l;'t-n""'n' icept that a pe"son na'g do plunbins uo?k to p""pZit",,ini;;;'";;;e' lnL"ed' ot' operated bv the appli- cant. * I crt ELeetr"Leal be oal,i.C. until 5 -/r- Lot Faces - Setbaeks DT House Caraqe Access No?th East Fire South Ipt Sq. Etg. % of Lct Cotserage_ # of Stortes Total Height LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Cor.net _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac SQ,. FTG xITEM Topography Main C@aqe Caroort Aecessotu >17/6.*dZr-raa<//6dl,h TOTAL VALUT {a S.D.C. 1.5 x -IbPLan Date Paid:2.83 #:€? .zE CHARGEFEENO Fistutes ResiLzntia.L (1 bath) SanitarY Seuer tlate" FEElt0 auz.EAZaNao/Etterd Ci,rcuits IanpcrdA Setvice ?31? 1-/3 2vGV CIlARCEFSENC. I bl@tst HooC Yent Fa lliodstotte Permit LSec'ri 20 Mobile Hone L Atrbeu+. TlTAL ltl1UltT DUE: *d.a=.ra * Signed Date D{a/?84 ( DeLue ) ITEM Res. Sq, fts-r-a2.50