HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-05-08.. RESIDENTIAL.." APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, 2z,egon 97477 Buildi.ng Ditsision nda oar- tt 40-O / DO Recei Date: # SPFIINGFIET-D 6frwl \l\l Job Locati,cn: Aesessore Map # I-l - De - 4 -+e - rcsro* bl1[O Svbdittision: Otmer: Phone:Address Ceor+*-t Lra>..<fl @ "('v(.)l\e-pet"Vb Desctibe tlotk: Addition Value tt Ned t-t ed @' *n oanr <,8Date of GeneraL L Cottstructton Lendet Flomtt'na) Tn It ia the tesponeibility of tle pernrit hoder to eee that aL1, inapecti.ons ate nade at lhe pnope? tine, th,at each address is yea?,able fra n the atteet, dnd that the petfiit catd, de located at the ftptrt of the wope?At.*Building Ditsicion apprw*ed ptan shcll vemain on tLe Bunlding sitc'at aLL' tiines." PR)CEDURLFo4 I\SPEC?L2N.4!=8yEST.'CALL726-3769(z,ecotder) state Uouz, City desigrnted job ntmber,, job aCCress, type of inspecti.mrequested and uhen gou uiLL be ready fot, inspection, Contraetars it 1umers twne and pione numbet,. Requests receixbd bef*i 7:00 anltiZl be nade the sane dcg, ?equests nade aftx 7:00 on urill be nade the nezt wz,king'day.gao?EIour City Designated Job Nzunbet: fs: UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHAiIIfCAL: To be made before anytlotk is coueyed. POO?ING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be naCe @A t" eneh-;;- at ;-ercao at e d and fornrs ote ez,ected, but prion to pour-irzg ecncrete, ANDSRGROUIID PLAMBTNG. SEWER, WATER, DRAIIIAGE: Io be maCe y,iot, to fil-lirg trenchee. AilDERELOOR PLUT,EING & I4ECI|ANICAL :Io be mad.e ptiot, to installation of floor insulation or decking. P)ST AND BEAM: To be nade prLor to installation of floor insulation oy decking. ROUGH PLT]IIBING, ELEC?RTCAL & I,IECTI: ANICAL: No uotk is to be cooezted -.- wtil these inspectiors Tnue been nade ard appz,oued.. EIPEPLACE: Pr*tor to placirg facingmaterials and before froning inepee-tion. FRAI,IING: I'tust be requested aftet, apptottal of rough plunbing, electz,i-cal & neclnnical. ALL roofiztg btacing & chhrmeys, etc, rmtst be . completed. Ito ucrk is to be con- ., cealed until this inspeetion lnstbeen made anC approoed. SnE INSPECTION: To be nade aftez, eccauation, but pt tor tc set up of forns. TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER II\SPECTTON :Io be nade aftet' aLL i.nsulaticn cld tequired oqor beriers @e in plaee but before oty Lath, Wpsuln boatC or tnLL couering is appli.ed, md. before oty tnsuT,ation is eoncealed. DRYWALL fNSPEC?f)N: ?c be made @erAT@;A-is in place, but prior to any topirr.S. \4ASONRI: SteeL Location, bond beons, gz,outing or Derticals in accordqtce Dith U.B.C. Section 241 s. W00DST01,/E: After installation is cctrpleted. DEI-IOLilrcll OR Sanitary seser eapped ct ptopetbri Line Septic tatk pmped and filled trith graxel Fi.nal - ttrhen abcue itens are eawleted and uhen d.atplition is cornplete'ot, sttuc- ture moued an"d. prennaes cleaneC up. I CURB & APPR2ACH APPON: After fonnsue ereeteC but prior to pouring conctete. SfDEWALK & DRfIWAI: Eor aL|, con-cz.etenAfiAffi stu eet n)ght- ef-txA, to be made after aLL erca- oating canplete & fonr Ltork & sub- base material in pl.ace. I tl\6{ ilcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Pltunbing connections -- sare! od. utatet Electtical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up ard plwnbing connections rnist be apprcted before requesting eleclrtcal inspection Aecessory &ilding Final - Aftet, etc. ate eotnE) pcrehes, leted. skirting, decks, FTilAL PLUMBING FTNAL ATCHANTCAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL f,)z?tnct: h4ten complete -- ptouiCe La g&es or notsable- sections through P.U.E. ALL projeet eonditions, such as the installation of street trees, eonpletion of therequired Landsecping, etc., tmtst be eatisfied befot,e the BUfLDfNc EINAL canbe z,equested- FINAL BUILDING: The Einal Building. fnepection rntet be z,equested aftet the Finat PlunbingElecttical, and Mechanical fnspeetions hqte been mad.e atd'approoed. Page 1 of 2 *ALL MANHCLES AND CLSANOU?S MIJS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIEN? ?O BE I,L4DE A? NO COS? ?O ENY T T tr \qg l1 ,,,uorn ro^n z soLAR A( :SS REQ.- Zone:?Epe/Const0eeupartcaCroup:Bedtoons: L-co c Lot Faces -Enez'tlu Souyces Tyoe Setbacks I!eat DT House Cdraqe Access Wate,n lleoten North East Fireplace South tloodstoDe % of Lot Cooerage_ # of Stories Interior Cornet, Panhard.Le CUL-de-sac LCT TWEbt Sq. Ftg. Total Eeight. Iopography llest -- Fees -- ITEM FTG x Value Building Volue & Permit Ihis permLt is granted on the erp"ess condition ttnt the satd constructionslnll, in aLL rbspects, confomn 1o the Crdinance adopted by the City of Springfield, ineT-uding the Zoning Cydinance, r,egulating the ccnsttacticn and. use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of dtA prcoisions of said Ordinances, t41t@- TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x * Building PetttrLt /u r LanoDate Paid: ,ba Reeeipt #:?otal Clnrges *Signed: NO.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No person sltall consttttct, inetaL7., altet ot clnnge an! ned cr ecisting plutnbing or dtainage systan in uhole o! in paxt, unless such person is the Legal possesson of a ualid plwnbet,'s License, ercept tlwt a person nay do plwnbtng uork to property ulyich is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Fiotutes Resil.entia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Pernit State Electricql Permit WVpre State Lau requires tVnt the eleetrical uov,k be done by an ELectuical Contraetor, the elec+-yical portion of this permit shall not be oaliC until the Label has been signed bg the Electuical Cont"acto?. IotaL TEE Pezmit * NC FEE CHARCE Mechqnicol Permit Neu/Extend. Circuits Sezryice Hcodstooe Vent Fa-t bhanst HooC ETUI S PermLt fssuance Mechanicel Petmit -- ENCROACHMEN? -. Sec,u"ity Deposit Storage Mainternnce Permit Cvz,bcut Sida,taLk Electrical LabeL Mobile Horne zCI, bo PLan EianLnel,Date i,zte f HAW CARE?ULLy EXA-I,IINED t?n eompleted application fon permit, and do hereby cet,tify that aLL inforrnation het'eon is true and. correct, and f furtket, certify that ang ard aLL uoz'k perforned slnll be done in accor- dance tith the )rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of the State of Or.egon pertaining to the uotk Ceseribed hev,ein, and tlnt NO OCCU- PANCy uvLLL be tu.Ce of any struetuz,e uithout pernission of the Buil,ding Di- oision. I further eertify that otly contraetors azd enplcgees uho are in conpliance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect TotaL ,t State Fence (