HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-07-17Rece:- Date !..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERI,ff? 225 Noyth ith Stv'eet Springfield, 1regon 974.77 BuildLng Nuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFtEI..D Phone 10 zip: Hoyk: Value 8S,- o il/-o/L- U- Job locaticn: Aesessore Map # Subdioision: O,mer: Addness ci Na) Additicn RemoCel GeneraL Date of App Licatian /-to -97 ?cz Iot #0A3 2 C3 Plwnbing It ie the respono'ibility of the perrrit ttotlet to aee that alt inspeetions oe nade at lhe p"ope! time, that 244h :;;rsss ie vsas4Ai2 fln tlu Bt?eet, and tltat the permtt eatd is Located at the frcnt of the propez,xy.*Euilding Diuiciott approu*ed plan slnll remain on tlp Building Sitr at aLL- ttnes. ELeetrical Mechar:ieal I ConsJruction-leder PPOC9DUPE FOR INSPECru)il R!1WST:CALL 726-3769 (recot'der) state youz. City designated iob requested and uthen you uiLL be reacig for inspeetion, Cont?aetc?s oy Anne"s rune cnd pinne ,viLL be made the eane dcy, ?equests mod.e aftet 7:00 an urLLL be made the nest torkirq dag. Remti,roil Tn <nan*i anc Iour Cifu Desigr.ated Job Nutnber fs: 'nrmber,, iob aCitess, type of inspec=icn nw-,ber. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 c:t Eto (?{ SITE INSPEC?I)N: To be rrude after e-carratton;W pt"iot tc set ip of fonns. ANDERSLAB PLAMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & MECHT-\IICAL: To be made before any ,tlork is cooez,ed. POO?IN} & F)UNDATICN: ?o be naCe afrer-tl';;;Ees ar.e e.scaated and forns ate erected, but prior to pout"Lng ccncreta. aNpgRGR)uNp ?i,lry? r!c, sgw?., w.4!ER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made ptiot, to fil- .Lirg trenchee. ANDERFLOOR PLUI.EING & I,IECIIANICAL : of floon insu1,ation or decking. POSI AND BEAM: To be nade priot to66titTffion o7 floor insuLation ot, decking, ROAGH PLU,IBII'IG, ELECTRICAL & MECH- .dil these inspeetions haoe been nade and aoptoued.. EI-DEPLACE: PrLor to plaeirq fceingmatenials ard befoz,e froring inspee- tion. !@!!t9: Must be requested aftet, approoal of rough plwnbing, eleetri-cal & meclwnical. ALl, t'oofittg braeLng t, chinmeys, etc. mast be i eontpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be eon-. cecled until thio inspectton las'been nade anC apptooed. FNIAL PLUAAIilG FIIIAL MECHANICAL PTNAL ELECTRICAL IN saLArr1N /vAp)R Ba!!f!! lll$!i! tlpl;! :DEI,IOLTTIOII OR !.:OW) BUILDIi;CS To be made aftet, aLL insulaticn a.-d t equired oapor bez,ie?s @e in place but before oty Lath, Wpsutn boa.rC ot, rnLL coueting is applied, and before oty insulation i.s concealed. K DRWALL INSPECTT)N: Ic be made aftez' aLL dryuall is in pl.aee, but prior to cny taping. !\4SQ!,R!: Steel Location, bond Eeanijg?outtng ot oerticals in accord@rce dth U,B.C. Section 241 5. After installation is Sanitory saser capped ct propet4i Litce Septic tank puryed and. fi,Lled ttth gra:sel linal - h4ten abcue itens are ccrnpleted and uhen Cqtclition is complete or st?ue- ture moued otd prenrLses eleaneC up. Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-ttp Plunbing eonnections -- aeo€? od, uatet Electrical Canneetion - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing eonnections m;st be apptcxe<i before requesting electrLcal inspeetio:t Aecessory* Buiding Fitnl - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc, are conpleted. I il B Irr :l wooDSr)t"tE: cc*pT;teA. CURB & APPRCACE APPONue ez,eeteC but ptiot,.: After formsto pouz.tng concrete. SIDEWALK & DRfWWAY: Eor aLL con- crete p@Atffi st?eet right- of-teA, to be nade after aLL e*ca- oating canplete & forn wtk & eub- base nwterLal in place. IENCE: h4ten eonplete -- ProtsiCe gates or motsable sectians through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, conoletion of tie rcquired Lattdseqirg, etc., mtst be eatisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be tequested. FINAL BUILDI\I7: The Final Building Inepeetiott mtat be requested after the Final Plunbittg Electrical, atC Mecltancical fnspections l1a)e been nade ard approoed. 'ALL I,TANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJaSIltiltT TO BE ti.4DE n? NO CCST T0 CI?y Pegelof2! /k tr T tr SOLAR AgCESS REQ.-r--co * Gr Iat Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Ccueraga # of Stories Total Height ?opogtqhy rTEIl I tt*/ttt"rd circuits LCT TWE _ Intericr Conner Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac BeCtoons Sources Ileat Electricql Permit We?e State Lan z,equires t1",at the eleetrieal uotk be done by an Eleotr.ical Cont?aeto", the electrical portion of this permit shall not be ualil. untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electyical Contracto?. 7 ?otaL * JOB NO, Lot Faces - ks Df House Carage Aecess Water :leqteyNoPthRange East FirepLace South Hoocistot;e West I -- Faes --I?EII F?G x Value Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the ecpress condition tlnt the said-eonsttaetionsltall, in all nespects, eonfonn to the Czdirnnce edopted fiiy the City of Spz,ingfield, includtng the Zoning Czdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn and, use of buildings, old may be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon uic- l.a.tion of anA prcoisions of said Ordinances. e G t/o ra'd7a.ao/?n@..r, 7a a v4,a C 7 5r--zr-C D v € TOTAL VALUE E2/7 />)2<rG ena1<-t/€.v./r '1 Euilding Permtt c: Check Eee:,50 State "4 Date Paid: ?otal Clntges 6 Reeeipt # Signed: NO FEE CEARCE Firtures Plumbing Permit No per.eon shall constzttct, instal'!., alter ot, cltan4e GnA net cr existina pLwnbing ot, drainage systetn in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plutnber's License, eacept that a pelson nay dopltnbing uork to property uhieh is ouned, Leased or opez,ated by the appli- cant. Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plumbi.ng Pertrit Res. Sa. fta ?apctey Seroiee i ITJI4 ,,s Mechonicol Permit I HAW CAREFULLy EXLMINED tle eornpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify tlnt all infotntation heneon i-s true anC. ecweet, and f furtket, cet,tify that any ard aLL aork perforned shall be done in accor,- dance vtth the 1z,dinanees of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the of l'ri , jr,egcn pez,taining to the uotk Cescy,ibed herein, cnd. tlnt N0 )CCU- lL be naCe of any structure uithout permission of the Building DL-uision, f further certifg that only eontractots ard. enplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project i bhanst HooC , Vent Eol llcodsto;se Sec"r'i Per-trit ?otaL C'utbcut Sida,talk Fence ELeetz*icaL Mobile Horne AF Perwi.t fssusnee MeehaniceL Peymit -- ENCROACEMENT -. State Pr',TICY ln nU ,( )IAL t;!:..:Ao;l' DirL:' FEE CIIARCE cv- 4 ra. ,r7 i. 4 (*L 7 74 ,/O L-coG-q1 -- ENCROACHMENT -- 5L,LAK AUL;E5J KEV''JOB NO. PLan Eiotlner uate Per.trit ?otal Cv?beu! Sid,aialk Nobile Hoore TUTAL AMOUIU DUE:. f HAW CAREFULLy EXAUINED tle cornpleted applieation fot petnit, ald. dohereby certify tTut aLL information hereoi is tznte ar.d. eiow,ect', anc rfuttket cettify that any ard aLL uoz,k perfozned slnll be done i, o..on_dance :,vith the otdinanees of the city of spr"ingfield, and, the Lcas of thestate of O?egcn pertaining to the uork cescr.ibbd herein, od tha.t No occu-P!;NC! ttil! b^e nyde of arly st?uctu,e uithout permtssion of the Buitding DL-vLaion. r further certifg that only cont"acto"s ozd enployees uho aie incanpliance uith ORS z01.0|s uiLL be used on this project 4 o? Enztou Sc'oees Tuoe Seat Aceess.l,ldter lledterCaraaeP. L.House RangeNorth LaceRast South Weet Intetior CoraE? Panlundle CUL-de-sac BeCtoore: [.at Faces - 7 of Lct Caterage- Lot Sq. Ftg. { of Stortes Total P,eight TopogrqhY -- Fees -- SQ. FTC x Value Building Vcllue & Permit This permtt is gz,anted on the erptess eondition tlnt the sciid eonsttaetionsltall, i.n aLL respeets, conforn to the Ordinance ad.opted fuiy the City ofspringfield, inclid"Jng the zoning cydinance, regulating thL ecnstntbtibn @1d..use o^f buildings,- and may be_ suspend.ed or reuokeC at ctty tine upon oic- La.tLon of @ty ptcuisiona of aaid Ordinances. ?OTAL VALUE. S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Pa,,rit State Date Paid: ?otal Charyes *Reeeipt #: Sigted: N0,t,fiAtt{rL Etbturea Plumbing Permit No person slall consttaet, insrall, alter or erunge ana ned cr ertsting Zl*e;r,s o, drainage sy,tqn in urale or in pott, Lnles's su.h peison is- theLegal.posaessor of a oali-d yl3tnbel,s LieensZ, e,cept that a pZr"onnay doplu:;bing uork to p?ope?ta ihich is ourned, Leased or operatii ty tt'," "pplr-carlt. Resilentia.L (1 bath) Sa,set Pltmbing Perrit State 7 * NO. NailEstetd Cireuits /5 Electricql Permit where state La,s requires tlnt the electrLcal oork be done bg'dn Eleotricalcontt'aetor, the electrical portion of this permit slnll rot be uali.c. w*itthe Label ltaa been sigzed ty the Electr-ical' Contractor.Iatpcrey Semtice PentrLt ,75 7 S,,+ F3E CIlARCE htrnaee YIUTS bhanst HooC Vent Pot Vcodsto;se , Mechonicol Permit Permit fssuance Meeltanicel Permit aln ,20 - / 53s Signed Date lL{rf ,l Woodstor;e ITZI't uai-n Caroorx Accessoru 7 ,,.:lyil-:iti-.r-i,.1r.!:'rrjrl... .?i-1-\ . . ;-..,-.bi-...,! -;-- ..e-.>:;!"d*-ir$W+rit-L.X *-;. r_i^.;t ..RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs North stt, irr"ffPLrcArr,N/PERtEr Springfl:eld, 2negon 97477 Bui,Ldirq DLoision 726-3753 SPFINGFIEL.D Iar Iot il2a-3 Job Locaticn: Aeeeesors Map ll Subdhsision: Onter: Address: 'cifu: Aaldition /k il/-o/u # t/ Phone: zip: 10 l'l l AoD f two U-L hto -r/VaZue gs?>- o Date: Date of General Plutbino cc@_ I! i. lhe rcsponribtli? of tlo penrit hold* b aee tlut aLL i'nspeetiotts oe nade at lhe p?o?e? tine , tLat s4sfi e,l,insss ie vsa)aii;fivn the at?eet' dnd tlrdt the p*nrtt catd ie Located at the ftpttt of the orooeytu.*Buiuing Diuiciott apptoted pLoz shc.Ll remain on the auluirtg site'at all'7ihes." of inspee=im befcre 7:00 cn SI?E INSPECTTON: To be trude afteracauation, but prtor tc se! up of JOtn8. TNSULA.TTON /VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?TON : To be made after aLL insulaticn ed. tcquired oapor borie?s @e in pl.a.ce Lwt before ory Lath, gApan boatC ot, tnLL couering is applied, otd. befoteay insuLation is concealed. DEI,IOLI?IO!.] OR Sutitory sanet capped. ct properti Line Septic tank p;.lped and. filled vtth gra,-ei I ANDERSLAB PLUI"IBING. ELECTRICAL & IECH4ilICAL: To be made before anyuotk is eotseted. FO9?ING & F)UNDATICIT: ?o be nvCeafter trenches a?e escauated arld. fotms ate erected, but priot topu*tng ecncreta. ANDERGPOUIID PLUMEINC, S|WR, W, TER, DRAIIIAGE: ?o be nade prtor to fil- .L.irry trenches. UilDERFLOOR PLUI.ETNG & I.IECHANTCAL : To be nad,e priot to installatioa of flool i;tl'sn.btta ot deckirtg- POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade pr.iot toinstallatian of floon insulation ot d.ecking. ROUGH PLUIBIIIC. ELECIRICAL & I,{ECH. ANfCAL: No uork is to be cou*etef .wltil these inspections haue been nad,e and. apptotsdd.. FfPEPLACE: PrLot to plceir4 fceinannterials and before franing inspel-tion. PAmtff, ltust be requested. after appz,oval of tough plur,bing, electri-cal E neclwntcal. ALL roofing Lwactng A chimnege, etc. rrust be i anpleted. llo upnk ts to be con-. aealed until this inspectton lae'been nwd,e anC approoed. 1! f7l DRYVALL TNSPECAT)N: Ic be madev) ;fte;vn@rs .in ptace, but p?iot to any taping. linal - l{het abctse itens aze eanpleted and uhen Cqtcli.tion i,s eotnplete o" at/lal-tute moueC od. prennses eleaneC up.. MAS2NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or oetticals in aceotdotee Lrith U,B.C. Section 241 5. IIOODSTOVE:enpTM.After instal|-a.tion i.s CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After formsue ereeteC but prior to pour.tng @n2?ete. I SIDE\IALY & DRfIWAY: Eot aLL cotr-c"et;n@-;i;ffi street r.Lght-of-rxA, to be nqde aftet aLL erca-'vating canplete & forn wrk & sub- base naterial in place. Le Blocking od, Set-ztp efufiiag eonectiotzs,- aana d, uatet Firal - After pcrekes, skirting, decl<s,etc. are conpleted. Electtical Ccmneetion - Blocking, set-ua and plunbing eonneetions tn:st be apprcu*eri before tequesting eleetrtcal inspecliot : Aeeessory- euilCing lENCE: gates I,lhen conplete -- fuovil.e or nooable eectians thnough IIr-l FTilAL PLUMBIIIG PIIIAL MECHAIIICAL PITIAL ET,ECTRICAL P. A.E. AIL proieet eonditiono, sueh ae the i.nstallation of stteet trees, eo.ryLction of thetequired Landsccping, etc., rmtat be eatisfied before the BULLDINb FLNAL can be requeeted. FINAL BaILDINC: lhe Final Buitdittg. Inepection naat be tequested aftet the Pinal PlmbingElectrical, otd, Meclnnical fnspeetiona 'hate been made atd'appnoved. .ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUT| MIIST nF t..ar.<cilr? Anrilezlpta eA Dc.rrnd ra tA FAda ^A ^nv tlo3k:TI N a,s be tade the T u r u @ soLAR A*:Ess REQ.-L-co c BeCroons: Electricol Permit Wet,e State Lan requires tlnt the electrtcal uork be done by an ElectrLcal Cont?aetor, the eleetrLeal portion of this permit shall not be oaliC untilthe Label lus been signed by the Eleettical Contracto!. Mechonicol Permit ?!?-*>Dafe f HAW 1AREFULLy EYAL|INED the completed qplication fo? permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infomotion heteon is trae and correet, crd f furtker eertify that ang ard aLL aork perforrned slnll be done in acoon- dance ttth the 0rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the La;s of the* State of Oregcn pertaining to the wtk Cesc?ibcd herein, crld. that N0 1CCl- PANCy Lltll be rmCe of anA structure uithout pernission of the Building DL-oision. f further certify that otly cont"actot,s ard anplcgees who are in catpliance uith 2RS 707.055 uiLL be used on this project Na,t/Ertetd Circuits TotaL blwnet ltooC i vedt Palt Petnrit fssuance Mecltadczl Penrit Pentrit Cvtba* Sila,talk lilobil.e llane L Petmit * 1 JOB NO./- Lot Sq. ?tg. I of Lct Ccoerage t of Stories ?otal Height Iopogrqhy LCr lwE _ fnter'icr _ Corfie? _ Panltand,Le CUL-de-sac Aceesa. lleat DT House tat Fdcee - -- Fees -- FTG Value Building Volue & Permit Ihis permit is granted an the eiF;rels eondition tlwt the said-eonstntctionslall, in aLL respects, eonform to the }rdinance adopted b:y the City of Spri.ngfield, includtng the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn otd, use of buildings, otd may be suspended ot revokeC at dry tine upon oic- Lation of dny prcoisions of said }rdinanees. e ctg TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r ue * Building Pertrrtt c> Cheek Stdte -)Date Paid: 6/l-Reeeipt #?otal Clangea blol?ea: FEE CEARGE Plumbing Permit Ilo person slnl,.L cottsttaet, instal!., alter or cltcnge anA nev cr e:isting plwnbittg or drainage syste'n in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessoz, of a ualid phtnber's License, eccept tlat a pe?son nay dopltnbing aork to prope?tg uhieh is ouned, Leased-or opez,ated by the appli- @rtt. Pi.xhres Resid,znti.al (1 bath) Seuet Plumbing Pertrtt * Res. Sa. fta Ianperoy Sentiee CIlARCEPCF h.ot'aee PIU'S - JIAL Ai.:Cir,ii' Di,i :'4rc-,r7 r' 7n 'Src>z? ,,/O =1 ', t'^ JOB NO.q Semtiee -- ENCROACHMENT :'ULAK AU(;EDJ KEV.-L-CO G- o? t PLan Etanriner Penrit TotaL C\ttbcu! Sid.a,tdlk Mobile llae TdIAL At'lOUttT DUE: t r HAW CAREFULLy EXA-,I..NED ttte conpleted. application for pernrtt, and dohereby cettify that.aLL ;"toi"iiLi-iZiro"-is ttue and eoneet, orC rfurtket.cettlfa tlnt any i"a^"!t y.":i-p-i1ro*ed srnll be dote in aeeot-dance vLth the Ordir 'i;; ;r"'o";:;2"";*ffX'rin'l""Tn"'ijr,u.I"Ir.#lZ!;i,!izrf ":*; r*;-iZir:*rr_PANcy vill be naCe of any" sttaiir*" *rtiort permission Lf ie- Sui.Uing DL_ttsion. r ft*ther "21!.i:t- inll-;ia-;;;;"ctors o.d, enp.csees uho are incanpliance uith oRS ?01.0-ss uitl be"usZi on this ptoject I a Df House Aceess.7 cf Lct Coverage # of Sturtes ?otal P.eight Topogtcphy I,AI TWE.U _ Inter.Lor _ Corfie? _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac Ipt Faces - Beiroorts Lot Sq. Ftg. Ctd -- Fees -- IT'LI FTG x Value TOTAL VALUE veS.D.C. 7.5 c Date Paid: {. Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the espress eondition that the sciid constnactioflslull, in aLL respects, eonform to the Ordinorce adopted fiiy the Ci.ty of Spz,ingfield, including the Zoning CVdincnce, regtlating the ecnstructicn otd..use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or teuokeC at qrA time upon oic-la,tion of dty prcuisione of aaid }rdilt@Ees. Ja Building Palnit ?otal Clwges State Signed: NO CHARCE Eiztures Resid.zt'ttial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Penrit Stdte NO- N a,t / Eot end. C irc,tti t s /5. , Electricql Permit wltere state La,s tequires that the eleetr-Lcal uork be done by'tm Eleetricalcontz'aetor, the electrLcal portion of this permit slnll rot- be oalil. w*ilthe label lns been signed by the Electr.Lcal- Cont dcto". ?otal { I?gM FEE CILARCE , E*hatet HooC Vent ?ot llcodstotte * Mecho nicql Permit Permtt rssuance Meelwnical pendt t20 - / 53s Signed Date L{ Enerau So.oees Tuoe lieat Canaoe Water lleatcn No"th Easf,FirepLace outh t'loodstote leet rTEM FEE 'llatps, Plumbing Permit No- person slull consttaet, instal!, altet ot ehange anA ned cr ez:isting ylz^onbirq ot drainage sgsten in uhole or in pott, unless sueh person is- theLegal possessor of a oalid plwnberts License, escept that a pbtson natl do plwnbing uork to property uhich is otmed, Leased or opetated by the oppli-cant. .. RI5IDEN IIAL.. z2s North sttr streeaPPLrcATraupgp,uySprtngfield" }negon gZ4?Z Buildtng Diuision -6^ -^ -^/ 40-6 / b,5 SPFIINGFTPT N L ((?o(o Job Iacaticn: Assessors Map # S\bdiuision: O,mer: Addtess:4 o o ia 5rv Tat Iot # Ph,one P^& \a tr+, {L a"I ft Na) Descz.Lbe Wotk:\-11\ €Xt 9]l^6 y'trt**,r -\e c*+,fora-4-. 74!L- value ,\n CU U tl ldditicn RemoCel i.lobile Hone Date Date of App Licatian Addtess GeneraL tdeclto:icaL rA ,*Art?t,t t I D0rn6 t Constnrctian Letldet Reouir erl Tnsn e eti,ans r-t ie the respottsibi_Lity of the permit holder to eee ttnt aLL inspeetions oe nade at the prope? tin€, thdt ecch cddress fs psasahig fy_t]y stneet,_ atd, tlnt the_penrit-c-ard ie Located at the fzottt of the propez,ty*tuitdins N"ia:ir; apvriea iti it-tl ";;4"-;;-t:; t"nii"b'siie at aLL t[nes. I PR1CXDUPq F04 Il-lSPEtrIoN .8,!.AyEST:CALL 726-3769 (reeotder) state yout, City desigrnted job ntorbet,, job aCi-z.ess, tyaereQuested alxi ut':en Eou uiLL be readg fot, inspection, Contraeta?s or A,mers nane cnd plane nunbet'. Eequests receii;'edliLL be nade the sane day, "equests nad.e after 7:00 an uyLLL be made the nest -,nrkirq'd.ay.frao/rs of ir"spee=icn befcre 7:00 sl You" City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs: --1 SIIE INSP||IION: Io be nade after I a;Aa;o";E prLor to set up of - UI|DERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & 1 . ITECHP-]IICAL: Io be naae before ang ItorK Ls cooz?ed-. INSULATION /VAPOR B4ERIER ilLSPECTION :DEI-IOLTTIA!] OR IIOW' BUILDi;|CS?o be made after aLL insulaticn e"l. required oapot, borie?s @e in pl.a.ce but before any Lath, Wpsutn baalC oy tnLL couering is applied, od. before oty insulation is conceaLed. DRYWALL TNSPECTf)N: Ic be made after aLL dryuall is in pLace, but pz,ior to any tapirry. MISOIRI: Steel Location, bondGd{grouting or uetti-cals in aceotddrce DLth U.B.C. Seetion 2415. WO1DSTO',/E: After installation is arnpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fonns@,eZ;AT;{il;nAo" to pourtns co7t2?ete. SIDEHALN & DRIIEWA!: Eor aLL eon- Sanitoty seaer eapped ct ptoperfii Lir,e-i Septic totk p,,r,zped aad fnlled tith gra;tet ; l Final - tt1zen abcoe itans are ccnpleted and uhen danclition is cotnpletet ot sttwc- ture moued otC prznrises eleaneC up. t l x - u NDERGzIU!: D pLUMBlt t L_EWEL- n!!E$) .Lirq trencles. 1 unnmruolR nLUIETNG & r,rECnANrcAL:lof , floor insula.tinn or decking. ---1 posr AilD BEAN: To be nade pr"io? to I iistallaticn of floon insulation ot' P))TINC & FOUNDATICN: ?o be truCe afi;i-tz,en;nes ate elcauated and forms ate ereeted, but prior to pouring ccncteta. decking i.nspections lnue been nad.e and approted.. 1 rrPtrrort: Pt'i.or to plaeirq faeing) ^atAfuLs otd before franing inepeb- tior.- -1 fn*ltttc: I,htst be requested after I ffi"r"t of rough plwr,bing, eLectri- - &-t & necinni-cal. ALI t'oofing .' bracittg & chimeEs' etc. rrust be' i anrpleted. lla wrk is to be con- .....-ceiled until this i.nspection lns ..rbeen made atd. aPtooed. ) rrnot PLUMBrttc 1 ptnm MEcuAitrcAL -J \-{q \) FINAL ELEtrRICAL,4l cr:ete pauing uithin street right- gf-txA, to be made after aLL eaca- oating eonplete & for'n :.irz'k & sub- base materLal in place. IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- ProoiCejat6i or motsable sections through P.U.E. ALL g,ojeet conditions, such as the instaLlation of stteet trees, co:wletion of tie re qu'i r e d Lands c cPiz:.g,ctc., mtst be satisfied befote the BUILDING ELNAL can be teques ted. \INAL BaILDfNG: The Final Buildittg Inspection mtat be requested' after the Einal Plwnbirtg E L ;; ;; ;;;:-' i'a u *no'i' i "i i" p n " i; o' "'t." o b e en made ard app r o tt e d' Mobile Hcnes Plttnbing conneetions -- siae? otd. uater Eleetrieal Connection - Bloeki.ng, let-up and plwnbing conneetions rn;st be apprc"*ed before requestlng eleclrical inspection Aecessory Bui\.C'-rg Einal - After pct'ckes, skirting, decks' etc. a?e comple!.ed. Blocking otd. Set-up Page 1 of 2AALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOWS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE I'L4DE AT IIO CCST TO CI?Y tr tr T \ r,1 w