HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-06-19CIIY OF sPRINGTIEID COATBINATICN APPIICAIION / PEEMIT INFORMAIION LIN€ l2t37s3INSPECTION tINE 77(-3769 \\\ \ + d De:crio ti o n ENERGY 5OURCES: a"ot ' ''/ A' Wol"f H"oler ''\:/'A : Use Ron _.-Fe, -/o, td* ^.. Volue of Work: Building Pe,mil lnfo: Fomr ,@y{'/1(/ Gor i.c., Svild 5in9leDe rcri bc PhoneAddrarr so s '/ PhoncAddrarr (phone no.)(lic. no.) DESIGN TEAM (nomc)(odd re rr) ETECTRICAL Mcchonicol PTUMEING fi rtura!ocn r?2 I CHARGE furro."/burner to tRe:idenca of -rq: fr. Applionce vent !eporo te Ncw <ircuils, olterolionr or exlensionsRalocored building (ncw fix. odditionol)Stotionory evoP ccolerSERVICESS.F. Reridence (l both)Vent fon with sinqle ductTemporory Cgq!ry:I9"-Oupler (l both) coch Vent tyrtcm oporl from heotinq or A,C.Ampr.Acidirionol both Mechonicol exhoutl hood ond ducr \l/oter te.vice Wood rtove/ heoter Hest PumoFEEDERSStor.m Scycr Air hondler ro I0,000 CFrriAmpr. Air hondler ovcr 10,000 cFM lssuANcE oFnPeRA\lT t HAVE CAREf ULLY EXAMINED thG comPlci€d oPPlicotion for permit' ond. do h cerrify lhot any ond oll work pcrformcj r!ot] fc. -done in oc@tdonce with lh pl""irr.g t" lira work d:rriixd hcrin, ond lhot NO OCCUPANCY will be mo taify $-ot my .Ggitt?otion wilh lhc Esilde/r Boord ir in full forcc ond effcct o h..o., ond rhor Jnly rubontroctorc ond employeer who ore in complioncc w ereby certify rhot oll informotion hereon ir lruG ond correcl, ond I further e Oi.iinon.", of the City of Springfield ond the lows of the Slot' of Orcaon da of ony rtructure without the pcrmirrion of rh.e Building Divirion. I further s rcquirej by ORS 701.055, lhot if cxempt tha boris for cxemplion is noled irh oRs 701.055 will be usd on thir proiccl. Bo:ir for Euilde/r Eocrd cxcmPtion, TOIAT CHARGESTOTAI. CHARGESTOTAT CHARGES nilr ---Volue 1/ ' \'7 -t Ya,'aLood --5q. G.o,pJLJ-sq. I xFtg. Accer! onotunlilbcvolidthisoIrlcclricslrhaPGrrnitConlrqcroe,porliotE!arlriccldoncthcworkElcrtricolbrthcbyRESthotAIESIwTA'NEOUIWHETE lhe clcclrisol ponel.ottochsd loondC o ntto Glc lonElacricolhorlobolbonb,1rigncd Ftg. Moin NAIAE (pleorc prinr) FOR OFFICE UsE ONIY fire Zonr-Bcdroomr Flood Ploin Zone .Typc / Conrt. Frg. Olher-r -Volue IOTAL VAIUAIION SIGNATURE DATE Plon Ck. Comm/lnd 651Llgl<1q ?et fee Syttemt Devclopment oroc (1.593) Plon C!. Rer 3096/Bldq Per Fe" BUITDING P:RMIT Chorger ond Surcho rg c r 1q Totol Comb. Permil PlUMBING PERMIT Chorger ond 5 urcho rg e r Demo Sidewoll tl crlt / eTOIATCurb Cul MECHANICAL No. Chorgcr ond Sur chorgc r MECHANTCAT PERI'\IT Chor-oer ond Surchorgcr rrl. rcce,r. llg 4 -New-Add -Alrcr -RaP' 5q. CHARGEFFF Sewar rholl ':1, {, rn Fcnte a/C Po"ino Addirionol Prolect tnformqrion: PLANS REVIEWED 8Y nome signo ture dole I ,//( ^rr-rt coME|NAI|ON AppLtcATtoN, PERMIT (CAp) l. Applicoru to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Descriprion l. exomole.rox lot 100, Lone County Mop Reference I7 03 432. elii,-ore--Lor l. Elock 3, 2nd Addition ro springfierd Estotes Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender Energy Sources r forced oir go or soloi PERMIT VALIDATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CirY Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT I{0. B 56768 r9 I. exomole-heotr electricol ceilinq/o2. ;E;;E-,",o re r Jr-ilIilEGEiiio t r' Squore footoge or roluorio[IIl- l. exomole-1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot gorog i2. eE"-6iE-iTE^/ proieo, .h".[ ,rui-ii oddirlon, c, L;aa:,. F. Suilding permit informotion: I. exomole-construcr single fomily house with on o (h, s,oro9e2. exomole-remodel existing goroge into fomily roc3. exo'.npE-converr :;ngle fomily rlsidence into (ffiro-nt (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Seciion 303 (o) of the Structurol Speciolry Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction cieloys, Building Divi Stoff musf be oble to contoc, oppropriote persons re(designinformo'ionor]obsitecorrections,etc. Abbieviored Plumbing, Mechonicol & Etecrricol Schedule A. Excegt where blcnk spoces occur in the description p, of the Mechonicol on<j Electricol Scheiules, the oppiir need fill-in only rhe No. Boxes od[ocent to the opprol. ilem(s) to be insrolled B- Full Plumbing, Me<honicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble or the Building Division l. To (onserve spoce on rhe permit form the schedule hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the irem(r) to be instolled ore nol covered on the. oted schedules you should consul, the fuil schedule C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILI OUT ALL FEES AI CHARGES ON THE SCHEDUTES lll. Applicon? to sign onci dore Whenever possible, the iniriol opplicotion will be used os worksireei oniy. \?'here possible, Buiijing Divisi,rn Sioff -prepore o typewrirten copy ond relurn it to the opplicont lhe lime the octuol permit is issued for his signoture. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond ooyoble ot the time of the op ond no plons will be procersed until lhese fees ore poid.'/ other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when ih" pe, is issued- V. FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY C. D. E. s ( For: ll k I ( ( ( Am ounl Received Permit Clerk SIGXATURE EUCENE. Ol aTaot (t, +- ( PROJECT CCNDTTIONS TO BE SATISFIED EEFORE OCCUPANCY: ( z; ( ('