HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-10-10.. RESIDFTITIAL.. z2s North sth s;treeawLrcArMP4RMrr Sprtngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 5s "tob Iocaticn: Aeaeeeore Map ll Sttbdittision: Auner: ci Descrtbe h'ot'k ldditian SPFINGFTELD OO Iour Citg Desigr,ated Job ltutnber fs: INSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn ard tequired uapor batrie?a @e in place but before ang Lath, gypswn boaz,C oz, tnLL cotseting is applied, and before ag insulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECII1N: ?o be ntade-_::.---.--;;.-_-.-;-.after aLL dtyunll is in place, but prior to any tapirq. MASINRI: Steel location, bond 6Zfrijgrouting or uenticals in accotd@tce tith U,B.C. Section l,/00DSTOVE ccrpTAA After installation ie ! J I $rD L r^t ic the responcibi-Lila of-tne petmit holder to see that aLL inapeetions ate mad,e at the prope? tine, that ecch cd4rees is t,eadabi.efroat the otreet, and, tlat the-permtt catd ia Located at the fnoni of the propetty.tgui'!-ding D,Jui:iot appno"*ed plun sfu:tl remain on tlp auLlalng- siie at all'tihes.' PROCSDUPE. FOR I.'EPECTION RI?UEST;CALL 7 nequested and u:en gou uiLL be readg fortlLL be rrude th.: sane dcy, nequeets mcde Ilc nc Date of App Licaticn General Plurnbing SI?E TNSPE:?ION: esca'ation, but FIIIAL PLUIIsITIC ?INAL MECH,INICAL ?INAL ELEC:RICAL Date: Value re 26-376 9 ( recordet, ) state yout, Citg designated job rurr,ber,, iob aCdress,type of inspeelicninspection,Contraetors or A^mers ncrne and phone nunbet,.Requests recei"*ed befcre 7:00 o:taftet,7:00 on tiLL be nade the next tnrking day.nq \o8J-, fonne ANDERSLAB ?LUMBINC, ELEC?RICAL & WCHAIIICAL. Io be made before anyffi7ii&.'* ed. P01TING & ,')UNDATICN: To be naCe ;f 6T en, +-;;'A;-er. c at; at e d attl forns ate t)"ected, but prior to Wu"'ing cctlct,ete. UNDERGR1UU.', PLUMDTNG, SSllERz W.4TER' Nntuct: To be maCe prtor bo fil- @-f,Fdr";,ne. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECHANICAL: To be mad.e arior to installation floor inau:..Ztion or decking. P1ST AND B\AM: To be rnade Priot to ffif,itG€l,iof floor insulation oY decking. ROUCH PLUlt7rIlG. EltECtRr_QAL & MECH; ANfCAL: N., uot'k is to be co'*et'ed ffilTthes,, inspec*.ions haue been nad.e and anprotseC. FLPEPLACE: PrLot to Placirg facing,rcte"AG ,:nd 'oefore froring insPee- tion. PRAI'\IN}: :tust be "equeoted after ffit o.' r,ough pLwnbing, electti-q,l & nechr:nical. ALL roofing bracitrg & .thhmeAa, etc. mtet be ?o be made afterprior tc se+. up of of CURB & APPS)4ZILAPRON: After fonns6e er,*telWV;lo" to pouring concrete. SIDELIALX 8 DRM'IAY: For all con- ct,ete pao6;it etreet right' of-uA-, to be made after aLL etca- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base naterial in Place- ; conpletad. No uork ie to be cot- .oe;Led unt-L this inapection laa 'been rrude cnC approoed. ?ENCE: t{hen eonPlete -- Ptotside @ or notsable eections through P,U.E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the instaLlation of street trTe-1, conPletion-of the ,nqr|n""d- Landiccping, Lte., ,m.st be eatisfied befoie the BUTLDTNG FINAL can be requested' FINAL BUITDINC: The Final Building Inepection mtst be requested aften the linal Plunbing Eljoin;;;i-,-'otd ueclanical rnspeetions h*ue been made ard appt'ooed' fts\ar) c ?at lot fl It Phone nt rac Eo rS l.Iechanical Elec t r l.an ca l- E ect Su DqtloLrur)!] 0R !.towD Sani*-ary saner capped at ptope?vg^ Line Septic totk V"unped and filled tith grattel Final - hlten aboue itene are canpleted and uhen Cenolition is complete o? sttuc- tuye noued and. prenrtaes cleaneC up. e Blocking otd set-up Plunbing connectione -- aa)er and. Dater Electrical Cortnection - Blocki,ng' eet-up and plwnbing conneetions mtst be apprct;ed before requeating eleelrical inspecli,on Aceeseo?i Building skirting, decks,pcrchee, Leted. Fitnl - After etc. ate comp Page 1 of 3*AT,L IuANIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTS MIJST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD'TUSTIIEIIT ?O BE I'I!1DE !1'? IIO CCST TO ErcY Address: CX' JOB NO. Iat Sq. Ftg- 7 of Lot Cooeraga- # of Stori.es Total Height TopogtaPhY SO LAR ACCESS REQ.- Gro IfrT ?WE _ Inteti,or Cor-ner Panhandle CuL-de-sac L-co c3 Bedrooms: Lot Faces - Accese.CarageHouseP. L. No"th East South toxe West ValuexSQ. FTGITEM Main AccessorY TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Date Paid: il: Building Volue & Permit This oermib io grortef,on the exprees eondi-tion ttwt the s,z"4.constraction slnLl', in al-L nespeets, conforn to ^the \rdt'-ince adopteC by bhe Ci'ty of sprinqfield, inctuding the \oning crdinnnc-e'li)g"htli'"g Lh-e ccnsttucti'cn ' and, use of buildings,'o''i^l'i1-Ln" s-ispenaed br rbuokec at a"' b;'me upon otc- Lation of ony pt'cttisions of said wdlnaflces' Building PennLt Total Clnrgea State NO,CHARGE Plumbing Permit N2 pereon o*," ,?.o-n-"-'X""i:^,iii,tXll:r""'"1";,";;f"nXrZil" i?,2,'i"1;Zi,tiin ,nn 12fir'3",2;"ffX':?Z"":,1i;"o1"u;;'''" Li'".nn"'nl "L"ipt ttut .a inrson ila! do plwnbins uork to prcp'"iif "lni;;l'" -';;e' iZl"ia il operate'' bv the appli- cant. Fistw'es Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Seuen Platnbing Pemit State * NailErterd Cincuits Electricol Permit Wlete State La,t requiree that the electrLcal uotk be done by an Eleetrieal contractor, the electu7'c"i';;";;;"- ,7 tnt" -pnii.i shall not be ualic until ;;;;;;1't-"-L"n" nis"ed bv the Electrical contractor' Sensice State Total NC Mechonicol Permit .S Erhant Eood Vent F@l PennLt fsaudrce Meclwnical Perrdt t I HAW CAREPULLy EXA\'IINED the conpleted application for perrr'it, at'td, do hereby cetti.fy that aLL i.nfomatibn heteoi ie tnte attd corre:t, attd I furthbr eertifA that any ar.d aLL uork perfontted elull be done in accor- danee rrith the- Ondinances of the City of Springfield, ard thc Laas of the* State of Oregon pertaintng to the wt'k Ceecri,bed herein, and tlat N0 )CCA- pANCy itLtl bb ruie of any structure uithout permisaion of the Building DL- uision. f further certify that onty contvactote ar'd enplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith 1RS 701.055 ui.LL be ueed on thie proiect ?otaL Mobile Horne /o- /o -87 Date TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:, Date Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- PLan Eaaniner C'utbcu! Sidanlk arrnaa )