HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-12-16-- RESIDEN !. -- COI.IBINATION/A.PPLICATION PERMIT SPRINGFIELD F.ECEIPT iI Bur: I cii ng Perm'i t 4% Pl an Check Fee Cru Oi S?RIIICFIELD 9n< !a',4tt <ril "nar|e'' sPRr:tcEIELD, 1RECOit 97427 1uildir,4 Diuisiotl 726-57 53 $32.00 t.2B 10.80 TMr,€. Job Location 450 I'1. 34th Street S&d.ioieicn: Assesso?s tta? l{ 17 -02-31-24 ?@ tot # 9SO0 Anne!Sam Branom 450 N. 34th Street Phsre # r47-6561Addtess Sprinqfiel d, 0R ziP 97477eLe!1 4 x 24 Garage Foundation already constructed on iob # 810420 Deecribe 9lotk Value: $4760.00 n ndCi,tion 3anode7, Cor.t?acto?s lldE Addtees Lisc#ErY;.res Plone f General r |Lectria,L l.!echoticcl Cottstotctioa Levdq REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibiUty of the pennit holder to see that al1 inspections are made at the ProPer tine, that each addr:ess is readable frcn the street, and ttra: the per1ldt card is located at the front of th€ ProPerty* .4.L1 manholes and cleanouts are tc be adjusted at no cost to the City fotns. WDEP.SLAB PLqr.rBrNG, ELECIP.ICr! ! !E@: To be nrade before any work is covered. EOOTIIIG 6 F0UUDATION: To be made:ffir tr;tffi?EeT:icavated ard forms ar.e erected, but pricr to pouring concrete. to be made prior to iostal.Lation of floor insulaticn or decking. ca} 6 mechanical. AJ.l roofing' bracing t chimaeys, etc. must be cmpleted. No rork is to be con- cealed until this inspecti.on has been made and approved. !I00DST0VES: After installation iffi-pretea. CURB 6 APPROACH APP,ON: After foms ffitopculing concrete. SIDEWALK 6 DF.IVfTIAY: For all con- ffih-G stleet right- of-way, te be rl.ade after all exea- vating ccnplete 6 form work t sub- base rEteni3l in place. SITE IIISPEC?ICN:&E;;eiffi-c To be made after pnior to set up of EIREPLACE:;ffi t10u. FF.{!{IIIG:ffii DRY1IALL INSPECTTON:ift-arr arnar:. is Prior to placing facing and befene frarning inspee- !{ust be t'equested after of nough pluibing, electri UNDERGROUND PLUMBIHG, SEWER, IIATER, DRAU{IGE: To be made prior to fi].- ling trenches. MIDERFLOOR PLUI.IBING 6 MEEHANICAL: INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : To be rnade after af1 insulation and required vapor barrlers are in placa but before any lath' gyPsr,uo boa::d or waLl covering is applied' and any iasulation is concealed.OT!{ER I}ISPECTI0}IS: may bc required in accordance rith Building Code, to be indicateC in ;la::s or bY no- tice f:rom Building Inspector. Posr e gEeu:Effi'" on Cecking To be nadc prion to of floor insul-ation To be nade in place, ROUGH PTUMBING, ELECTP.ICAL I HECI{- AllCIl\L: No 'eork is to be covered Gffth."e insFections have been oade and apProved. but prior to any taping MASONRY: Steel location, bond Effinrouting cr verti.cals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2q15. All project conditj.ons, such as the installation of st:!'eet trees, completion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied befone the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection must be requested a-ater the Pinal Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have been nade a::d apprcved llo occupancy of the premises can be made until the Fiaal Building Inspection has been rnade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE 0F OCCUPAICY HAS BEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SICN [!'ID POSTED ON THE PREMISES. pRocEDURE FOR INSPECTIoN REQUEST: CaIl 726-3769 (recorder)state your city designated job ectionrequestedandwhenyouwi'I1bcreadyforinspec* tion, iontractors or Onners name and phone nunrbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m, $iLl be Erade the same day, I.equests made after 7:OO a.m. will be mad.e the next uorki'ng day.YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER 1S: FI!{AL PLUI,IBING FINAL ELECTRIC.CL FINAL MECHANICI.L Page 1 of 2 til JOB NITIEER RETERENCE NII!,IBERS L-COC t! OCCL]PANCY GROUP ;I41 TYPE/C0NSTRTTCTION y-ry BEDROOMSZONE i,'aterllot th East South I,leBt Lot Squa"e !tg. :i ct' Jot Covered': oi Stortee '- ataL .tlzLdh! :c?ogrq4V Setbacks 0thet Lot Tgpe fnter-ior Cor.ner Ftg. Cotage Ftg" Cocgort -81" = 1 ;VJAt UF-+frtJLJ tla Chataes This penrit is grotted on the ee?!€as c.rd.iiaon that the said co?tsi'ntctaorT shall, in all ?es=ecrs, ccnfcplto the 1yditotees adapted by the Ci,:,1 o;' Spr)ngiieU, ineluiing the Zoning ?tdincnee, reVtlat')ng :7,e ecn- st"uction std uae of b.tildirtgs, oti tag be s'tsoz'rd.ed, o? reloked at o1U tutre upon tioZati:n cf dt! ??cri-eions of said Crdtnotcee. BAILDTil C VALLIE /PER!|TT # PLan Oteek lee $10-80 Date Padd Serner No pe?son ahall conatzttct, lnstall, alter ct chotge dtA neu on azzstin4 plunbing o" dtcaflage syaaen in uhcle ot in pot, unlesa such peteot ;-a lhe '.egal po*seeeo" of a oalid pL.*ttbet's Licerae, ere..t ehat a pe?son nay dc plwnbing uolk to p?o?e?=! ahich ie ounad, Leaed o, oparated. by the q:Licant. PLIIMBTNG PERMTI ,WTdt.4L ?MAL CHARGES State Swehoge o? Ce:e*uction ,lhe?e State La'r requires that the elect=icai. uotk be done bg qt Eleetr'ical C2nt?actot, tea elecL*)cal por- ti.on cf this petwlt elull not be uai-id untii the S-bel las been szgmed bg the ilectricti Ccnt"e!o". The Electn)cal Safety ta't does not require c ?alsonto obtain a Licerzse ae an electrician cd./oy elee-Lylq,l co,ttractc" b make a elect"acal )ns=:Llsticn 01 p?o?e?ty uhich is oumad. by hthtseii or a --aabey ofIris tmedicze fantly ulrlch ie not intenizd ;':r sale, Lease ct rent. DfnfroTnif Dffirrtil SUET@AL ClTA,RCES Vant Fot lJood IECflA!|IC.4L PIRMIT SAB?qTAL EltcRcAcHilEil? Seour|Deposit itaincnatce ?enrit lOTlL 5LdA)ALk EZectrieat Label ,ICIAL ATIOUIIT DUE $44.08 I IIAW C.4RE?UAY EXAMIN0D the conpleted application for petntt, @d dohereby certifg tlat aLL infonntion he*eott- is tmte oi col*eet,'ald If-bthn" c.ertifg that @v awt aLL unrk perforned shall be cone Z, o""in-danee utih tlte Minowla of thg Ci.ty of bprtngfield, atd, thi ia,ti of thes-\te of 9"egon pe?tdining tc the .*.k deabribed herein, otd tttat- ttto oc-cwA\c! vtll be rmile of dry et?rctupe vttttout penrissicn of the Build,ittgD.i,sision.. I f,ttther centiiil tlnt otlg eontyactoys od e,,piogeL"-it- or"Ln conplience tmlh 2RS 701.055 ttill be used on this ptoject. Dtutsion approad plan stull rezain on the guilding at allBui timee Lo+. Faces: douse ACCAA;