HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1990-04-10IC'TY OF OREGON h SPFtI}lI.' iELD DWELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION PI/ANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC I,VOFKS M ETROPOLITAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AGEM ENT CERTIFIED LBTTER April 10,1990 Mr. Robert Vanloo 527 North 34th Street Springfield, 0regon 97478 Dear Mr. Vanloo: Our records indicate that on October 3, 19899r you submitted plans for the proposed construction of a storage structure to be built at 527 North 34th Street, Springfield, Oregon. To date the plans and required permits for this construction have not been obtained. Section 304 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Admlnistrative Code provides in part: 'rApplications for vhich no permlt is lssued within 180 days following the date of'application shal} explre by Iimitation, and plans and other data submitted for reviev may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. The Building Offieial may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not to exceed 180 days upon request by the applicant shoving that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. No appllcation shall be extended more than once. fn order to renew action on an application after expiratlon, the appllcant shall resubmlt plans and pay a new plan revlev fee.rl Prior to this office destroying your plansr you have tvo options to consider. 1. If you have decided not to build at this time, but vould like your plans returned to you, you will need to pick them up at this office within ten (10) days of receipt of this notice. 2. To vrite and request that a 180 day extension be granted, explaining the circumstances that have prevented you from obtainlng your permits. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 726-3790. incerely, sa Hopper Building Technic 225 FIFTH STRL- SPRINGFIELD, OR 974 (503) 726-375 cc:Dave Puent, Building 0fficial --.*=' UNITED STATES POSTAT OFFICIAL BUSINESS ill l I ( I I RETURN TO Print PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, S3OO below&rI> STREET INGFIELD' 12 APR 4 B PH /990 UJ ?.9 Prlnt your name, address and ZlP ln the 3paco bolow.. Complote ltoms 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the revorce.. Attach to front of article lf apace permits, othorwlsa affix to back of artlclo.r Endorse article "Return Receipt Requosted" edlacent to numbcr. + I additional services are desired, and complete itemsoitems 1 and 2 when Number4. E tnsured E coo Mr. Robert Vanloo 527 North 34th StneetSpringfield, Oregon gl47g 3.A to Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 6, x rgnature - f-z- 7 (oNLY il requested and fee paid) s8. Add PS Form 38 11, epr. 1989 DOMESTIC RETURN RECETPT 2,D thistne'*R'ETuHlv ro,,this willside. Failure to Type of Sclvice: n Registered EFCertified ! Express Mail YI ,