HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-06-12.. RESID.-{TIAL.. 226 North str, s;tonitPPLrcATr,N /PERM Sprtngfield, )z'egon 97477 Building Ditsision 726-37 s3 Receiot I Date: -Aeceesors Map fl I 02 Job Iocaticn: Subdioision: Asner: Address: LL Ta, Iat # t0 rx_ l--t Ne) additicn RenoCel tzW-U* Descz.tbe tlork VaLueDate of Applrcati cn (,-( z-trL ft/ {a;,Z GeneraL t1 ^^+-,! ^^7 L Consirteticn Leruier It is !he' responsibility of the penrit holder to see that aLL inspections at,e nade at the p"ope? time, that eceh cliress is rsa;n"'., i'ron the atteet, anC titat the pendt catd is Loeated at the frant of tb,e prooerty*zuildiq' Divi:iovt az.)?ou*ed. VLan sizcll yenain on tlz Euiltitng Si;e Zt eLL' tines.- ::C::r')?S F1P :::S?:C?ICtt PIAL'ZS!:CALL 726-3769 (teeordet,) state uout, City Cesigra.xed jo - "zou2s--ea anc u.;;en iiou uiLL be reaay fct ir:spcction, Cont?dctc?s c? O"me;,s rcne cni aianet'iil be nacie xize sone dcy, ?eouests na<ie cftet 7:00 on tri.Ll be maie tite nctt toykinc acu. b ntu;ber, job aiitess, t';:e of ir.scee--i.cn nuqber. Peques;s receixea beicre 7:CC r, ycu! C1:tA Desigra.ted Job Nwnber fs:t6 Crc( -l -ef:E f.','-.,-:l:_-f1.. Io ce ncde after i "r"ar.,;,Drc", ,r* pricr xc se= up oJ' - fcrme.l l l I l l l l ra.-. i .n-^.: /tlAD4= D. rDf a> trre=r.--rn'.. required oapor burie?s @e in pLa.ce b'ut before oty Lath, gypsutn boatC or tmLL couez,ingr is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. -'L,,-'pA- tU;; w: ...Ji':r D u:lDE.lsLA? -pLt-'j? I::C, Z:!::PI C,"L & iTCi:..:.llIi.i-: lo be nacie bejove cnyt,rrk is eouct,ed. FOOT.tiiC t FOU:1D,1TICN: lo be ttaCe afte:: xtenches a?e ezcansated and forns are enected,, but prior topourirq ccnc"et€. U !] DSRGPCU:.|' P LU!.:9 I Ti C, SII.TE.?. H,AT E R, DRAIIIAG|: Io be naie prior to fil-Lirq creneizee. llllnED?f nia Df ftr@trta 0 ttfau^ttTa^r. To be naie pz,icr to installation of floor insulcti.on or decking. POST AllD BEA!4: To be natie prior toinstallaticn of floon insulation ot decking. POI-IGH ?LL1:31:,'C. ELEJ?!?TCAL ,1 LIECH- AI|ICAL: iio uotk is to oc cotereciuntil these inspeetiors Tutse been made and. aprooeC. FfPEPLACE: Prior to plccir.g facingmaterials arul befote franing inepee- tion. FRAitIltC: I4ust be tequestei after approual of rough plurbing, electri- a,L & neclnnical, AL!. roofing btacing A chilrmcys, ete. rntst be eonpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled until this inspectLon las been nade anC apprcoed. DRYI,IALL I||SPICTIC\I: TciJEi'ilTEfiil-ts in but prior to any taping. be nade place, MAS)llRf: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or oerticcls in accotciarce dth U,B.C. Seetion After installation isWOODSTO],IE: ;crrpT;iA. l Fl l o FIT|AL PLU!,,!BIIIC FIilAL UECHAIIICAL FII|AL ELENRICAL CURB & APPROAC\] APPON:After formsate ereeteC but prior to pout"ing concrete. SIDEWALK & DRfIEWAI: Fot, aLL con- crete pauing uithin street right- of-uny, to be maCe after aLL e.zca- uatinq canplete & fotn utoz,k & sub- base ncterial in place. ALL project conditions, suc!'. ae the i.nstallation of street trees, co::roletion of the required LanCsccping, etc., tmtst be eattsfied befone tl".e BUILDIIIC FfilAL ean be requested. FINAL B\IILDII,|G: The Final Building fnspection mtet be requested cfter the Finel Plunbin4Electrical, anC l,teclanical fnspections ha[e been nade atd approueC. Sanilat1 saser ecppei ct ptoper;y lite Septic totk p:,rped e.d. fiLLeC trLth gratei lincl - t{hen cbcue itens are cc=clexed ard dnen denclitior is cot=rLe:e b:' si:z:- tute r,aued. cnc ore:rLses clZanei up. t!cbi Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connecti.ans -- sa)e? d, ucier Eleettical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-u: an<i plwnbing eo"nnecti,ons tn;st be c_t2rctec before z,equesting el,eer"ical insp ec=iot Aeeessory BuilCing Pinal - After pcrekes, ski"ting, decks, etc. a?e eonple|ed. Page 1 of 2.ALL I,IANHCLES AIID CIEANOWS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUS'IITE\I? TO BE T.|ADE /.T IIO CSSI TO CIIY Phone: SPRINGFIEL.D /ft u V ltllct, h4ten eomplete -- ProuiCe I gates or motsable seetions through t-lP.U.E. L_J JOB "" 860 4os SO LAR AC C/<S S R EQ.-r--co C --l Lot Faees - Setbacks Df House Caraae Access No"th RanFe East Sotith Uest Ee:l.yoons: lieat t of Stortes lotal lteight ?opogtaphy LCT ?WE _ Intetict _ Cor.ner _ PanhandLe CUL-de-sae :?E:.1 This permtt is gtanted on the ecp?ess condition tlwt the said. eonstntctions_lall, in_a-ll -res_pe-c.ts, gonfcrrn to the Otdinance adopted. b,y the City ofspringfiel4' includrng the zoning crdinance, regulat'it.tg tl-rZ ecnsttacticnotd .use of building-s,. otd may be, suspended or rbuokec Zt "ry tine upon oic-l,atLon of any pncoisions of said )rdinances. S.D.C. 1.5 : ( ?OTAL VALUE Bui.Lding Pettrit State Total Cherges Reeeipt #: Sigtzed X Vaiuc PLar. Check Fep, Date Pald Building Volue & Permit :?Ei! -.i:i:ires Tesiiettial (1 bcth) 3qnitart Seuen Pli"nbirg Peynit :ll Plumbing Perrrit llo person slnll constntet, lnstall, altet oz, ehanzoe cny neD cr e:istincqlmging ct' drainaqe sys_lel1 in uhole oz. in part, -unlesZ sueh person is'theLegal possessor of a ualid plwnber,s LieensZ, ezceDi tt^,at a o'e?son nau d.oplunbing uotk to propert! uhieh is owned, LeLsed. oi operatZ;ry-ti;;epl;-cant. 1 at CiuTiCz' c Electricql Permit Itrhet'e stdte Lan reouires ti2ai the eleetrical uork be done bu an lleetrieaicont?acto", tite elec=rtccl ;o,xion of this pernit siull not be oclti untiltize Label ilas been stgnea ay xhe Eleextical Conxtcctot. ;.-s/Z:teni Circuits State ti;rJ1-: ':h.ast Hooi '€nt Fo1 'codsto;se Penn t issusnce Mecinniccl Per,rtt L /4.4o--*-7- I{.bo Mechqnicol Permit -- L:I]CROACH!48!:T -- !o?aoe u.beu! iCeuaLk e r HAw 1ARSEULLY EYA!4rNED the completed application for permit, cnd dohereby cettify that aLL infotnation heyeon is ttue and e'crrecc-, cruC f fuz,ther, _certifg that any ar.d aLL uotk perforrned slnll be do::- -ir. aa=or-danee tLth the Ordinanees of the City of Spningfield, anC thc Lc;s of thestate of )regcn pe?taining to the uork ceseribed henein, cnd til,x.t No occu-Pl-Ncy vttl_b^e,yce of any structute tLthaut permission of the 3uilding D:--u1-sion. r funther eertifii that otly contractops anid enplcyees ulp a.te ineanplianee uith ORS Z01.0SS uiLL be-used on this pnojec't Tatal Charoes L L fiile Eane /- /7/ --z--- ,-iAL A}IOUiIT DUE:'/5.A0 Signed Date Lat Sq. Ptg. Z of Lct Ccoe?ag._ fL?aa