HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1986-12-30.. RESIDL.TIAL.. 22s lloyth stlt streeaPPLrcATr,N/PERtIrr Sprtngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 Job Iocaticn: Aasesso?c llap # )o Z ?.cce:-tt t (o 7d? 7 SPFIINGFIELI) t J/-TlL?az Iot fl ao Subdioision: Asnen: A&bess: =5 3 RenoCeL ienercl q\9 | 4vtoo )nW| Desctlbe h'orl< Date of Ap?Li"atian | 2 - bo- *G \2a,,=o \-,, t f,- 5tr.,-19\, tre.-> a-+ a-\re \, e- c.dA, re-.> > Date: /Z- b -AL'iaiue Phone: 747 :-t i8 the respors,ibility of the penlrit hoTd.er to see that aLL insoections ee nad.e at lhe ptoper tine, that 2-aft ari,jrsss i" n"r;-^--s'y-tJy at?eet' dnd titdt xhe petmtt ear<i ia Loeated at the frpnt of tl-,e D?oDe"taSuiuitq H;;iciot: aoproxeci p'bn sh=LL remain on t'ne Builcirng s.r-tc'at all'iines." -4.^?ntto? u^. T,teDa.dTart Dc^lEqn.ln Al I 7re_?rao /__^^-_3--- t -L _4.:CALL726-3769(leeordel')stateyou?Cityc.esignated'1ocn|oiDe?'c.quescea aic D"ien gou:siLL be reaciy fot, irsoeetion, Cont?actcy" o,-, Asners ttone Lnd phone nunber.-i"LL be nacie tize aane dcy, ?eouests mcie after ?:00 @n ttill be nade the ncst:-ntking dcg, , iob aiitess, Peques-.s rece of irsoec=icn befcre 7:09 r-iua'ed tt oQzl l l l l l SM l::S?icfru:l: Io be nade after escaoaxion, but prtor tc set up of forms. AilDIRSLAB PLAI.STilC, ELECTPICIL & ]-3Ci!-::iC;L: 7o be natie beiore angtntk is eouered, lQ1llic P, F)UtlDA?rCN: lo be maCe - afier xtencnes a?e eacanated and fotms ate etected., but prior to pout Lr,g ccnetet€. you" CitA Desigr.ated Job Nwnbet fs: il]SULA.?IAil /VA-POR BAPRTER I]lSPlC?fui| : To be nad.e after aLL insulcxicn a.-1. reouired zsapor berie?s dre in pl.a.ce but before ory 1a.th, Wpswn baard. or rnLL corseting is cpplied, and. before oty iwulation is concealed. DRYWALL filSPlCIf)N: Tc be made afxer aLL aryuall ie in place, but prior to any taping. I'IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting ot, uerticcls in aecord,orce uith U.B.C. Section U!:D9RGPCLI:]D PLI-)|,f1!]G. S!I1E?, \I.4TEP. DSAIliLC!: Io be naae pri.or xo fil-Lirq trenchee. I trtntot 14EClIAIIICAL 7o of floor insulction or decking. P1S? A!;D EEAI4: ?o be nade ptiot, to installaxi.cn of floor insulation ot, deckirg. ROI.IC\! PLNSITC, ELECTPICAL 8 !/IECH: A|iICAL: iio uo"k is to be co.*ez,eri w*il tizese insoections haue beer nad.e at"ti cpproued, FIPIPI,ACZ: Prion to plceirg faeingmc.terials artd. before froning inspee-tion. FPJ-llIllG: ltuct be tequested aftet @croual of rough plwr,bing, eLectri-cal & neciuntcal. Al! roofi;",g braeirq 8 chinmcys, etc. m,Lst be . conpletei. !1o ucrk is to be con-. ceclei uitil this inspection lu.s'been notie anC approted. Ef l!. f ltaauartf aAt ntrtrt a'a^-rr^.7 WCODS?O'/E: ccnrpLeted. Aftet installation is l l l l CURB & APPRCACII APP)N: After fornsee eveeteC but prior to pouz,irq cortct ete. SIDEI,IALK ?, DRTITW+I: For all con- erete pa-uing uithin styeet right- of-DeA, to be maCe after aLL eaca- Dating conplete & fotn uork & sub- base mctertal in place. ?El:lCE: h4ten conplate -- ProuiCe gates or mouable sections through P.U.E. trt, -,/-dAfl rin* erulurc(€nu 6q ue>ALL pro,iect conditions, such as the i.nstaLlation of stteet trees, cc:olction of tie nequired LanCsccping, cte., rmtst be sati.sfied before the BUILDI\IC FMAL can be requested. FIl,tAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Insoeetion trust be reouesteC cfte" the Firal PlunbingElectrical, anC Meclnr.ical Inspections haue been made arui acproueC. ll l DEi.:3Lr?rO!l O? :.:ow) Saniloty seuez, capped ct propzrti- Lir,e Septic totk p:,reed dnd fnlleC tith gratei Pinal - I{hen cbcue -itens ate ccnleted and ahen tenclition is co:lltLete or si-i:- ture moueC ad. grer,zises cLeanei up. )Y tlobiLe ilcnes Bloeking ord. Set-up r Plunbing connecticns -- sal)er a,C aa:er Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-u. and plunbing cmnections rn:st be apprc--ei before requesring el,ecr"ical inspec !io- Aeeessory* Buildirry Firal - After tct,ches, skirting, decl<.s,etc. are canoleled. Ptge 2 of 2.ALL I.IAI:ECLES AIID CLEAI:OUTS IIL'ST EE ACCESSIBL', ADJUS?:E:,'I TO 9E I.'JDZ I.? I:O C!S? TO CIIY -l -_l Cong!ruetlon_Udg!_ Wo*^^o't- lTle^/ JOB NO SOLAR ACC^SS REQ.-L-co it !one: Iot Sq. Ftg. z cf Lct Catercg:c i of Stories ?otal P.eigh: Topogrcphy Oecttoancv Cret= _ Intericr _ Co"nef _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac oe/Cozst Harr"-,: Lot I'aces -?nertt Sotrao3 Setna:i:s leei Df ii ou s..Caraoc llctr" !aai.??llortrl r-- + Sout h ilooastoxe Ilest x VaLuc WP-- :TZ:,! n Building Vcrlue & Permit This pertntt is granted. on the erpress condition t\",at the said..eonstntction shall, in all respeets, conform to the ordinance edopted by the City of Springfield, includ.ing the Soning Crdinance, requlcting the ccnstraeticn qnd. use of buiZdings, otd nay be susoen-ded or reuokei at clty t:-me upon uic- Lation of ctty ptcuisions of said Ordir.ances. PLan Cheek Fea: Date Paid: Receipt # i ucLs.D.c. .7.5 : TOTAL VALU! State Strchoge ?otci Chstges 6.-o -o- ,d,e -z<\ - a^-.';4+.'-1 /1 \--Lt :-.'+-*, Q^.\^- Piurnbing Pernrit No person slnll cons'ttttct, t-nstaLi, al.xer or e'nar,pe cny neL\ cr e:ictit:c plwnbirq or rirainage sltste:n in t'nole or. in part, unLess sueh cerson L3 the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's License, eseeDt tist a Delson nay io plunbing uork to prope?ay uhicit is or,med, Lease<i cr oDerated by t'r,e cppli- cant. tyieal Pevnit ?ct:! #abe Yl...---k )*aF=.*-\: t "lcryptl "-d -tb = e.-L^s c.-\r Q- ,4F ^a.N r,t Electricol Permit Wev,e Stdte Lan teouires t'ra.t the eleett ical uoz,k be done by cn EZec;rtc:i cont?actcr, the eleeticcl aortion of tilis oetmit sizcll not be vai:-c ut:.:ii the Label itas been aignei by the ELectyical Contrcetor. :h.anst HooC codsto;se f :: ?ez,n:>t Issutrce Mec-r=riccZ Pernit :e '- (r:raes I\{echo nic<ll Fermit -- L,twnJALbl'-'i.ir -- :tn Platt Lxontnet' I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED S]1p asrnpLeted aopli.cation for permtt, cnd dc hereby certify tlnt aLL itfo:'nation hereon is true ar,.C. ecz.rect, a,.7. I fut,ther eertif"- that an11 ard aLL uork performed siull be do;te in aceor- dance:,rith the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield, anl. the Lc;s of the State of Oregcn pcrtaini.na to the aork CeseribcC hcnein, cnd tiaat ti) OCC'J- PANCY DilT- be ntCe of ary1 st?ucture uithout pentission of the 3uilCing Di- uision. f further certif!; th.t o:tly eont?actots o;d. ezplcyees ti.o ane in eo;:rpl':.ance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project t^. -1 f,.----- -iesalk. 'na e bile Hane N /Z-7o-*A (6 ."6 -^u tulJt.t- -/6 .:o