HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1984-09-28ld zlat/*a a4 ?.ccetlt ! Date ?Lwbiry CorueFrcCdt L*de!_ ... RESIDENTIAL.. A?PLICATIC:I/PERI.E! 225 ilorch ith Street Spr-n4field, 1regon 97177 BuilCinq ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIEIS Ta i-ot il\ Job !.ocz:icn: Aesesaors i,lao I Subdiisicn: a,'vrar.. Pl"one: Sn Ltd Qzqz.lc!:g: ACI'JCca Dat. of Applia,:ica. l,lork:rt l*,t ) v,u"# q/, o,i) Generc.L peniJ iouer to aee lhat all inspections oe node at lhe prope, !in6, ilst a4aft '))tsss is ten;.n'^' the front of the Ldag Site at aL otoDeuAl L XLmeS. state lour Cifu lesigtzted. job ttr,ber,uhen '-;ou be nrc,<ie tlt a@B Ccg, teques;s Conadctcrs ct A-rtels tteae ad, chone ntzbct. job ay'.'-ess, tgpe P.equests receL"-ed of inspee2icn bei'cre 7:a0 ,= 7:.00 c;tt viLL be role the *rry dag. ?cai-oi lout Citl'Desigra.ted Jab Nunbet fs:da erF 7r-_aa-'...r. acaocc'-on, ,ut ?o be nace af2et pticr )-c ae'- u? of TilSALA?ION /VAPO9 BARRIZR I)ls?lc?rcil :lo be rnd.e aftet aLL insttkxicn ei rcquired uqor bwiets @e in pla.ce Lwt beforc @q lath, Wpstol bceC ontnLL ouer.ing is qglied, od. befcre ozg ir's.alation is concealed. l?r.nf .nfnv ^J r.^.rE^ Sani'.r1 set* eqged =t Fopatii Lite Septic totk V.itVeC ad fil,Led vtth g*;e T WDIPSLA3 ?!L':/gT:IG. ZLZCPrc;!. ';aci:tiice@,1 .trrt ie cotsc:ed. F?.dltic I ?ca:!D,1?E:t: To be :;cceailer zrenches cts ezcasatad crd, fcas. *e erecced, but F"ior topurirq c.nc"e;a. , ,1:nac:c,t:o l:tyz::;c, sl;=p, t.t::p.I I -:::-...-'- I DPA::r;Ca: Io be r.o.:e 2r-ct :o .:iL-Lir4 :rer.cice, V ttncepyaccl ?LJ:sD:c t :1tc7A:tICA!:t t lo be rzz,e pzicr -,a instzli-ztzon of flaor luuktion or dcckirg. V)S? AitD 3tAi.t: fo bJ ,aie pricr co itpzalk--'-cn oi Jloor iwula.;iori cr 4cRarq. R1,?E .?rir!9!:;c. ?a3:9:a;! I )t7c7-AtilL: :lo )o"i- ;-a =o be coce?ec utz'-L ?hcsa irscecliaz,s 'rzzue beet ncie zl q?t r'e*. Fii.*LA;Z: bbr .a pl,e|r4 lc:-rynccenzla ard beJ'ote itedng inapec- ciot2. iP-{,!r!itC: i*Bt be reqtea?ed af)er aTprcva! of rcugh plurcir4, e!.ecti-a.L I aecisniczl. AL! noi-Jry bree|rq ! chitotcys, etc. r.aac- beongle:cd. .'.b inri -Js to be cdt- . c*led uncil :Lis iweec:-an i.aa'bec'l nan* and, cpprsue1. !'otms. FT::A' ?!A:.8!::A IIX;L :||:?A:IICAL ?IIAL !-rSIC;L W,\ p.a.e. DPY,LALL filS?l*lOll: Tc be nanie a;ter aLL dr11nll is in pla,ce,htt pr'tor to ctty '"agirg. llAS1N2!: Steel Locatiott, ilod. beons, arcuting ot oertiecls in aecordswe vLzh U,B.C. Section 2415. ',|OODS!C'/7: After irctallati.on ie analaxed. t CUPS E APPRCACE !.?fiN: After fomsce ereeceC but prtor to patrJrq conctete. SIDITALK d ,RETIA!: Fot aLL car c"ete Pa)irq rithtn st?eet rigitt- of-trg, ,o be naCe a;'!et aL! ezca- vatir.g ccnplele ,l fon uotk & tub- base ncter)al in Vlace. Piacl - ilhen &cue i,teas aye cazoleted.c.d uhen l,erol:.!ior: ie catplete or s:r:tr-ture aouol, oi prxtees eleaned up. tsLockitq od Sat-zp Plubinn corunectictts - sare? otC ualer Etectriccl Cctznecxlon - Blockitzg, sei-u, anl. pltnbing eclueet.ions nast te qprot;bc before requeatlrg e!.ec|rical irspcc:ic- Accessorl SuiUing ?inzl - Aften 7:rehes, sbJrt"Jr.g, 4,eci,-t,etc. @E caz-ole;ed. rthen conplate -- bouiCe ot nooable Eect'ians thtvugh fl _l ALL ptc;ect cor:ii:icns, ;uci cs che -lnstallc.ticn oJ- sareet :tecs, :c-lcrjon o;'lje reqtireci lctascccir4, itc., ntst be sac'-siied beJore ,i.e i{.:iL}J.:C iI:iSL:an be regested. ?:JAL autJrJC: *,e i'Jnal Suild,i,4 lnsoection arat be request*i :i:ar thc iittal ?lwbin7ileecriccl, .ttc !4ecitaz.-ccl inscec=-,cns 'i..qle been ncce arti'cpcrouzi. 'Aiz :.!A:iEC!iS AitD cLgAllCES :tUS! 3E .4,CC1S3:ZL|, .{iii'si...€.Tt :o 39 }!1c9 !1: ::o ::3T T' ar:y ?=iz ! oy' 2 ;da"rrr, -3 O /r \)- 3 <l W [* V ,,or-tr" ,*" au ;ona?2cao?8 Aci.dtess&<ar><lD T u tr iJcb llwtber: Zone 6??Refererce ilwnbers: Oecupaneu Grt t BeCrooms ",tot sq, ftg. % of Lot CcoeraSe_ l# of storLes i- ?otal Height Iopognuphy TO?AL VALUE Euilding PevrrLt State Iotal Clnrges 11 a,t/Eetend. Circuits LC? TYPE _ fntenicr _ Cor.ner _. Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value Lot Faces - Building Volue & Permit This pernr-t is granted on the exp?ess eord.ition tlnt tle sail consttaction shall, in aLL respeets, conform to the ordinance edopteC by the CitA of Sg,ingfield, incT.uding the Soning Cvdinarae, regulating the ccnstructi,cn otd. use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or reookeC at cny tine upon oi,c- T,ation of anA prcoisions of said fu,dinances. Electricql Permit Wev,e State Las requires tlnt the electyical uork be done by an Eleetr.ical Contractor, the electrieal portion of this pertntt shall rot be ualiC until the Label |ns been signed by the Electr.ical Contracto?. Mecho nicol Permit # u Stete ?otal Permit fssuance Meclwnicel Pefiirit State * DT Access. IleatSe u^..-^ Lace X CeDo?t Accessoru DEs.D.c. 1..5 r Date yd.-d: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttntct, install, alter or cltange cnA na) cr ezisting plunbing oz, dnainage sAstan in uhole ot in part, unless eueh pez,son is tlre Legal possessor of a oalid plutnbetts License, eceept that a pe"son nag do plunbing uork to p?ope?tA uhich is ooned, Leased or opez,ated by the qppli- cant. rEE CHAPGE Fi.ztures Pesidzntial (1 bath) Seuer Plutnbtng PenrLt State i att,NO.EEE CHARGE P.es. So. fta. Tempc oy Semsice Ir-r CIlARCEitclcF i\r,nzee IIU|S Ezhast HooC Vent Fan llcodstotse -- EI]CROACH!4ENT -- Sec,u,itg Deposit Stopage l,laintenanee Pcrnit Cutbcut - Si.da'talk Penee /xe Eleetrical la.bel i,lobile Hcne TOTAL A}IOUIIT DUE:'8 I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI|fNED the cornpleted cpplication fon pernrLt, and do heteby certify that aLL infonnation het,eon is trwe and correct, and. f furthet, certifg that arry ard. aLL uork perforned slnll be done in accot- danee trtth the tudinanees of th.e City of Springfield, and the Laas of the State of oregcn pertaining to the uov,k Ceect"ibed herein, cnd tltat N0 OCCU- PANCI vill be ru.d.e of ang ltlactut,e uvLtltout permission of the Building DL-uision. I further certifg that only cont"actors al enplcyees uho are in eanpllance uith CRS 701,055 uiLL be used on this projeet Tctal Date r\le Date t{-_l zf-K7/-&r* Ftm-Eedniner Signed v 390 South 34th Street JoB # | .840699 I.AST ACTIVITY DATE:NO INSPECTION RECORDED:x :. CURRENT STATUS OF PERIIIIT: ' VALID: However, your permit will expire on ' If you wish to request an ^extension of your permit, please notify this office in writing prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED:Your permit expired on March 28, 1985 If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new pernit must be applied for. *If the I'expired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by June 4, 1985 (ten (10 ) days from the date of this letter), we wi 11 clear ourfiles of all related information with regard to the permit. x * JOB ADDRESS: