HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-10-10 (2)s.l. # I I , I J JRS, T.L Subdivision: Lo APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS Job Location - Written D irections B lock - SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL .ES Gu t LE D. LUGE Phone Phone ?IT? OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS JA Mail reportto ( )Applicant ()Owner \RUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY TEST HOLES READY ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call (owner, etc.) when ready. PBOFOSED USE OF PROPERTY- WATER SUPPLY WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF (NO I hereby certily that the abovo statemema are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal inter€at in the property: _owner ol record; - contract purdlaser; - potential buyer; -_ realtor or agant. I further cortily that (if not the owner) I am authorizod to act for the owner of rocord, and that said owner ia aware and approvoi o{ thia action. Signature CH l -71Date SITE MEETS STATE STANDARDS E DOES NOT MEET STATE STANDARDS LAND USE COMPLIANCE I Zoning t Acreage or Lot Size- (TOTAL) Partitioning #-( ) Completed( ) Pending Parcel #-- THIS IS A PRELII\4INARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT, ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI TURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE. LeJ,P"A tt,b AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE Division of Water Pollution Control LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT c55-32 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Permit Processing Section DATE 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 t11 * * . oFFtcE usE oNLy BELOW TH|S L|NE * * * I ,n ) OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section t2-O2}l6l: This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con- sidered null and void. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation report issued pursuant to this section. Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and apply for a building permit. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the permit. lf the property is only a portion of a tax lot, a partitioning or subdivision must be approved before the permit will be issued. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Ouality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation.)I LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST BTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PI-ANNING DMSION Curront Zoni lPending AVERAGE PROCESSINC Partltloalng l-- Parccl No.-.- e ted P6rtltlonlnq Re qu I red Othcr r HATEI POLLUtIOT{ coNTRoL I o! Sttc IGY Slt. Inrpcctlon(.) EDS Conrtructlon Tl NGU f, nopatr Nus&€r of Bedroonat Comtcrclal,/Industrlal - I o! Employe.! Othcr lu Ct,o. H U)H ',Fb IEr. Ho rl oz CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION(S€o abova lor I of bedroorrs,/f of employcce) n !,roblr. HorD. f] parmancnr tr Tcmporlry [-1 Reneyal Structura TotaI v!lu.rtIon _-_- Plmbing fixture3 at Scacry',tater Conn. At Subtotr I {l stotr Surcharg. Planr Chcck Fcc Changc ol Occupancy TOTAL BUILDING PERHIT TEE t{lnlmun rtructural tbacks l FroE canterlinc o atroct: Front FEE Sq. Ft. valua on I o tsl o.r, s s I Each t Each 3 Proo ln f] co*ro PIJBL I C PUBLIC t.r lor 'l pla t.ANDS r tr L HEALTH Exter ior Sld6 t lincs: Side-*_ Rear_ lhcet to appllcant f] CurU cut ro appllcant Address f] Hinimm Elev!tion Paci Ii ty Permit [--l ,*r^oux./xtr Carh ,Chrcf I Boc'd TOTAT S / ArFIDAvfi r It thi! pcrmtt la for an agricultural building, I hereby declare thlt thl! bulld 1ng andvllI be used for agricultural purposelr as aiiowed by zoning and/or the Statc Buildinghor certrfy that thc staLements.nd other infornatlon ru Code,for no other purpo3., I furt bmlttod onthla applicaeron are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interart ln theprop€rty: _oiJner of record;con t rac t purchaaer i 68ee;holder of rn Grclurlvc opt lonLo purcharol _drrly .uthoriz eil--t-o act for r peraon u . the fo-floying Iegal lntereat r e[eII catlon, if I am not-t ; or thdt the omer of record is knowledgeablo o! thiefurthcr.greo comp I \) le 'F'6-ha hrre coLrnty hi:--ilwnci.*--t vith ,1/ all o oblc oder relating HEato thir pernlt.*- q,,t ey' zg AppI icant t a Sr'lnature THIS IS YOUR RECETPT, AND DOES NOT GM YOU PDRHTSSION TO BUIIB. rOR INTOru,tATION AIOUT THE PROCRESS T- YO(!R APPLICATION, CALL PNRM1T CONTROL, {]57 (687-IIELP) I I 1 I Address l{inlmum Elevation \-)- tl s s t llcerr I'rlrrt - R(r rm Alpllr.tlon r(, 1...1! lontrt trtcn C,rq,l"t..d AIpo.l rr t ni.Q I I)x I r APPLICATI c] IV Offlct Urc Only *,,,,^,&E</ -Dg-sr-erot: 1!_ g;r5; 1: n"l''I*r, r{.t - 78do- l,llll'l;; ;,;-" - -i1-t- :'-u?;i-ut';i g -doc "; ; i)iln) "i - - q*'-zo' \ h H : 5Z N thl' ti,st \ N\ \ r ,J a f Eo .F a({o ,{r. $iq o uHa o2 ,-|o '-,|6 E TI e o ADtln t s s zl? P -(:0N rRAc t()1,('s ()t€. STATE LICI.:NSr: [:l tutr- (:()ru'I.]nir] rrRulr r."i,rr:N/(:oN'tR.^cloR ((:ll(cLl: lrr,r)l -l IRIF[.R T0 pIcK ut,, cAl.LIJL P,(tStXT tlSl: Of I'liol'Ll{TY (rorldrnt lel I tyFc of f {rrl0gi colurclel or lndut rlrt; vtcrnt I "Gc,F re drp f Dpc E P 2, DESCRIBE STRUCTURES NOT, ON THE PROPIiRI'Y. NOIE AN\'SIIiIIC'fURES TO D}, DEHOLIJiIIEI)O rltCl Onr E ,D ADD'{ESS_____.____ lhP5/e l-o---?-z--- L lHxLol^lE I'trNS F()R / t?1P/Zt--D_ef, ,,t,.,1 ,) t,u rn,xr-e,,,:e - /!,qo-g {2{t, Ht lilr)D 0f sr.H,\(:r. t,rsp()s^, _ 5t1 7 r-9 . . THIS PROPERT'! (tilts Arll_ FUTURE tLANs :-_ _ &jlA ! -qul A*r_ 5. r'Lo]'Irlr Sketclr (a) all roorls proposed se!ge dlspo (g) cascmnts (h) dr or 1n(luitrlrl, shou f r </t{t Zat 6L.4)dlrr) E,> ) ARE:.-- (b) brrrndarlca of property (c) extsting/proposed bu{ldlnge (d) extatlng/sal areas (c) exrsrtnB/proposed velts (f) extstlng/propoJed arrr""iyi--"alna8eusys, gtrea&e, creeks. auy orher pertrnent feitures. Ir.omicralrcestandrnS elgns, parklng areea. INDICATE DIHENSIONS. \ i';l ;:1,rlrl t. I I I I. I ; 'l I.l 'I i /:i ,] i E Too d z I i r- I I l\ lx \ \ \ s r.f\ 3 9 I r.) il t2 tl 14, I'N()l,OSil) l,JA ILR St:l'f t.Y Il Ir:lHIClT) [r,R:ilsllrt) BY IiATtJRAL (; S nY }.IRD I)ISTRIC'T trrl.Ll-_ Sl'RINc _, SlRI:AH LAK[:NAftA J \ .v_€yta scllo()1. DI s] R I cT PLLJ}I8 IIi(; BY "t'tt'rt'trrttttt'ttl.i.rtt.rrr [x) N{)T unI]t. BEi.ot^ Tllls LINE rirrrr.rt.rrrrttlrtrttrtr.tr.lt BEroRt: YouR AI'Pl.lcA'l loN ()\N 8E PRocEsslrD You Mtrsl rtlNlsh: .__.___8!rll pLor pLANs LEGAL DEscRlpTIoN (DTxENSIONED) ldne courty EY. ,,LAN E COUNTY D EPARTME NT OF ENV I BONMENTAL MANAGE ME NT 125 E/ 'BTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OBEGON . J1 6lE ONTR CTOR- - - t.' 't.; I I 't- l' " 1_ Il I I .l I I I I I I I J I i I -t.--. l ,i.i ir I I I ,l || I I I . stlr: INsl,EcItoN T[:ST tr()LES READy (DATn) fr,-6{g-r- ,^,,,_E_4A_4JZZA