HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-09-213,1 11!/rob Lo"u,ion S.l. # TRS, TL Subdivision Written Directions Lot j Block- SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call Phone- OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS - - Phone- (owner, etc.) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY WATER SUPPLY WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF (No)_ I hereby cortify that ths above statements aro trus and acorrate, and that I have the following logal int€rEt in lh6 property: -owner of record; - @ntract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I {urther certily that {i, not the ownorl I am authorized to act for the owner ol record, and that said ownor k aware and approver oI this action. TEST HOLES READY-{ _/--Signature Date * * *oFFtcE usE oNLY BELOW TH|S L|NE * * * SITE: E MEETS STATE STANDARDS E DOES NOT MEET STATE STANDARDS.. LAND USE COMPLIANCEv.l AZoning Acreage or Lot Size (TOTAL) AUTHOR IZED SIGNATUBE DATE Division of Water Pollution Control LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONTVIENTAL t\4ANAGEMENT c55-32 Partitioning # Parcel # AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Permit Processing Section THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTUBE BUILDING PERI\4IT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI' TURES MADE IN BELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ABE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE. ( ) Completed( ) Pending DATE {z 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 Mail reportto ()Applicant ()Owner lt; ) OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72-O2O$l: This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con- sidered null and void. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation report isued pursuant to this section. Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and apply for a building permit. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the permit. lf the property is only a portion of a tax lot, a partitioning or subdivision must be approved before the permit will be issued. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Ouality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owneror contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation. t) ) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT 125 ST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGOI\97401 t] praNNrNG DrvrsroN current zoning AVERAGE PROCESSING Paltltlonlng I Parc.l No. lnending f]completed rl tl fl Partltl lnq Reoulred Othcr r NATEN POLLUTION CONTROL UcY Slt. InBpectlon(r) EDS Conlrrucrton [J uew f] nepalr Nullber of Bedroomst-- Comnarclal,/Industrlal - I ol Employeee Oth6r rEE oyee a ) I ion s Total v!luation s . Plurflbing fixtures at -. Sewernater Conn. at I Each S Dach 3 SubCot! I at Stat. Surchargc Plans Check FeG Change o( Occupancy TOTAL BUILDING PERHIT PEE ltlnlmun !tructural Prom centerlinc o! cks: eet: Pront Exterior sld€ Frolo lnterlor lot ines; Side_Rear f cono'l plans et to appllcant I CurU cut to appllcant PUBLIC IANDS Address tr Minlmun Elevttion PUBLIC WORXS Pacillty Pernit E}IVI RONlTENTA HEALTTI I of Slte! Eio r. Ho >, Hoz €F Vr i,t v,ct,o.H, H U)H .0 s t o E' s I s s o4t H I Carh Rcc'd by I TOTAI. ' \ an agricultural buildlngl I hereby declrre that thiB build ingpurposes as allowed by zoning and/ot the State Building Code, andlor no other purpose. I further certif y that the atatemcntg and other information suhnltted onthla appli.cation are true and accurate,and that I have the following legal intercat in the APPIDAVI?s Il thl8 pernlt lEul1l be used for agricultural to thls permlt.. D.r. tr/2// 74 Appricanr,s ProPerty: -omer of recordi contract purcha8eri lessee; holder of an exclulive optlon Ito Purchase, -duly authorizeif-Eo act for a person wfiE-hag the !6]flowing tega] lnrerests ' hne corjnty; or that the owner of record is knowledgeable of thisaPPllcatlon,It I am not Lhe owner I further ag Iy with all app cab Ie codec relatlng Signa THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BUILD. TOI INTORIATION ABOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERIIiIT CON?ROL, 687-{357 (687-HELP} I Ii 1 aI I I I I l Address Mlnlmurn Elevation il!r-- CONSTRUC?ION PERHITS(See abovc for I of t] :.robtrc non€ tr permanent e TcmporartT l--.1 ReneualStructurE- AND INSPECTION bedroomsr/l of Sg. Ft. Checl I flcarr I'rlnt - Rr.r rm Alpll(!r lon t(' l.crJ,r'lonlit Lhcn ciq,lct r.d A!frolrltrf, rl Dxtr APPLICATI c) I\I Offlce Uee Only ey elaCLlJ H. 6 ut d ,trr.rr^nr6lELt Df,u f efa('_ 1?6/_sr__l'ltoNr sll' 78do' ^DpNEss__ -.{Z__1il_ <tzr'_u_ n_L-_ hef _-ct,"- EldEetE zrv 7t/o/ O1OIER (IF DIFFERLITT) ADNRESS PIIONE IP oF pl\ 5 \ Nt (^ s \ q r1 E 6 i$ lslt\ Irt\ INl\h 1 I Eo .d rni fi 't v 7'r 3 2q >to d k! I, oI zo oq re }J oz COUTRACTOR At)l)l{tss lrllL coHlr,l.Tr.:t) rIRMtT T0 l, PRESENT USE O!'l'ROI'ERTY (reetdentlal; t THrS PROPERTY (THtS P]IONE (:olifkAr:lot' :i ()trf . STAT!: Ltct:NSr- ER/(;oNlLACtoR ((:lRcLE oHDI I rf,rFrR To prcK ut. cAl.L__ ype of famlng; corerc!el or lndutrl.l; vlcrnti €tc,) arv E 4AP ) ARE:bt ltdt ctat -6G,u,Olrt l y''. Et:p 7 apc /laPa -nb 1. DESCtlliE:iTlU(.1t,ltt:s NOl, ON ntE pl{01'tiR.l.t. lt()1.I ANI.S]l(trc.fURES TO Bl. DL]t()l,H;[]:l) T-o- -?-E:-- _ 4. furrrnE |LANS:-__.L4n!j/U/e)_ %_- '. PLOT TL^JI Shetch (a) al proposed s*e(g) easr:rentr o r I nrlur t rla I lrttll!tt I roads (b) b<-tndar.tea of property (c) ge dlsposal areac (e) exlstlng/proposed(h) dratnogeaysr straros, crecke, auy , ahou fllq5jsndtng :lgns. parklng erea, extstlng/proposed bul uells (f) extstln8/p othcr p"rtlnent fertu INDICATE DIHENSIOI{S ldlnti (d) exlarlng/ roposed drlverayg rea. tf coonrclel o I I IN l"\ I \ N \I I I 1 i \ r.l\s\6 t 9 lo il t2, tl. 11, ,n, orffi ,)), u, rr,*r.e,t -1/ _oL q_oe {o,{7 :st1[ lNl;l,ECTl0N Tt:ST ltoLts REAr,y (DATr.)__ __ Hl l ll()D Ol Sl'u,\(:t I'l SloSAL 7/c El t(rT,{rcITl rlRj,itsltED at __ y'alf1) - l,N()POSllt) 1,J,1f l:,r st't't,t y tJ[Ll. _ Sl'R INc _.. St.RI:AH. LAKE NA t-7 I \ \ l't-l (iA tiAl tR.AL (:AS ttY rIRE I)ISTRTCT sclto()L DIsl R IcT It.tnl8 rN(: BY.. "t"'tttttttttrtti'aattltttrtra fX) NrtT tJBI'Jt B[,l,OH TXIS LlNF aaarrttrriarrtrttttrraaarrrrtra lEFoRt: YoUR AlPl.lCAl loN CrL\ 8E PRoCESSED YoU f,tLrsT t-utL{IsH: ...---___8!xt I pLoT fLA}ts LEGAL DEscRIpTIoN ( D I HENS ION T:D) BY LANE COUNTY DEPARTMEN'T OF ENVIRONMENTAL MAJ\IAGEMENT 125 EAST --:H AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 974. ldne county I 6n - SIE i I I I _l-_-. 'l I ir-1- i I I I n-€49_7- *'.2U4-_2L /714 t /_ sr# 7g-7/0 SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET LOCATION: TI.JP./F RANGE SECTIONc)/?TAJ( LOT # ZONING:RA PROPOSED USE:R^) SIZE O[ PROPERTY: WATER SUPPLY:COMMUNITY PUBLIC SUBDIVISION/PARTITION 6Ieilon Ic.*s IF SITE I'TEETS STAI.IDARDS FILL OUT: Type of struct,ure and approximate sevrage f low: ItuIEi-family Conrnercial AI'IOUN'T USABLE AREA:6ll INDIVIDUAL Single Family Indu s t.ria I Ins titutional Lor 3 BLocK____TPARCEL tso /0ooOo,Pfl$ l:] ePd/a 8Pd sPd roc 8Pd cpd MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Length of disposal trench required Distrlbution Method: Equal Curtain drain required: Yes Ot,he r : /60 il or 75 ln.o/ fl /150 gal. B riSe al fllroffi SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: DATE OF EVALUATION:rg/i/ 76 NA}IE: DDC b^gl,1c c7 4-126 StJon 7{ #T TEST HOLE PERC}IED WATER PROFILE Pre dic ce d Obse rved Da te n lnch 1n t2 SATURATED ZONE ,, Predicted Obse rved Da te IN 1n 24 <o e 1 36 [{r'st.ricLive Luyer ?9!L i" Impervio I.lotrling us Layer no^? in rtoae lo E0 in 48 SLOPE O- L %60 >2 IIZ TEsT HoLE PREDICTED WATER Predic ted Observed Dat.e in IN SATURATED ZONE Predicte d Obse rved Date IN n rRestricLivc Layer in ilmpervious Layer in lMottling l_n SLOPE o/ PROFILE Inch 124 24- 36- 48- 60- X DOES NOT MEET MINIMTJM STAI\iDARDS. ADI'IINISTNATIVE RULES REQUIRE A MINIMUI'I DEPTH OF: 36 inches to an impermeable layer 30 inches to a rest,rictive layer 60 inches to a perrnanent. wat.er t.able 24 inches E,o a t,emporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL S Lil 7&- ?t /) ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH !{AS: inches inches inches inches I SlTE DOES PLOT PI.AI.I: Stream --*\.ff_Drainage or pond lr,'lr.tt a.. rart a Road '['e s t HoIe @ r. % Slope Cu t lJank 777777- Fence x-x S* ?L+ M^p Lol J tr