HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-10-10s.t. # TR5, TL Job Location Written Directions Lot- Block SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS Subdivision Phone--- Phone-----OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS EE Mail reportto ()Applicant ()Owner -TRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call (owner, etc.) when ready. PROPOSED I,JSE OF PROPERTY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I contract purchaser; potential buyer; realtor or record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this n TEST HOLES READ WI IN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF (No)---- the following legal interest in the property: -owner of record; certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of Signature Date _-.--- . i * OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE * * * LAND USE COMPLIANCE Zoning Acreage or Lot Size AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Permit Processing Section Aal/(TOTAL) Partitioning #-( ) Completed( )Pending Parcel # - THIS IS A PRELIMINABY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTUBE BUILDING PERIi]IT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI. TURES I\4ADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ABE AT YOUR OWN BISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE. t 7f A R IZED SIGNATURE DATE Division of Water Pollution Control LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONTVIENTAL MANAGEMENT c55-32 DATE 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 , SITE: E [/IEETS STATE STANDARDS E DOES NOT MEET STATE STANDARDS. )x n )/ )OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72-020(6): This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con- sidered null and void. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation report issued pursuant to this section. Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental [Vlanagement and apply for a building permit. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the permit. lf the property is only a portion of a tax lot, a partitioning or subdivision must be approved before the permit will be issued. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Ouality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation. I ) I LANE COUNTV DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTA' '4ANAGEMENT 125 Er'-, 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON t"+01 PLANNING DMSION Current Zoning Plrtltlonlng l_ f]Pending Prrccl No._ Partltlonlnq Reouired OthGr r nAIEn POLLUTION CONTROL I ol St UcY Slt. Inspoctlon(., t 6DS Conrtructton [J r.rcn f] nepalr }{unber of Bedlooms!_ Conncrclal,/Industrlal. - I o! Employee! Other CONSTRUCIION PERMITS AND INSPECTION rEE(Seo abovc lor I of bedroonrs,/l of tl :ltobll. Hoto€ tl permanent E renporary tlStructu16 AVERAGE PROCESSING ted r tl fl r,ulh )il E| 6l!''- vrct(,. H. Ho E 'otHo )i $ s Renesa I Total vlluat . Plunblng fixtures SewerAater Conn. Sg. Ft.luatlon s I tt s t 6)tt Subtot!l at Stat. Surchargo Plana Check Fes Change o( occupancy '' }{lntraun rlructuraS ProD centerlinc df Srolt lntarlor t lines: Side Rear PUBLIC PUBLIC r! rheet to appllcant fl Curb cut to appllcrnt tr Address tr Minlmum Elevation tr Pacillty pernrit E}IvI Each I llach S TOTAL BUILDING PERHIT FES ot, f[ cono'l pI \]'\,0 APFIDAVIT: -If thls Permit is for an agrlcultural buildlng, I hereby declare thrt thl! bulldlngw111 be used for agrlcultural purposes as allosed by zoning and,/or Lhe state Building Code, an6for no other purpose, I furth€r certify that the statemcnia and other infornation submltted onthla application are true and accurate, and that I have the followlng legal inter.rt ln the ProPerty3 _onner_of record; _contract purchaaeri _lessee; _holder of an exclutlve optlonto purcharer -duly authorizeil--to act for a person n66-hag the Eflowing legal lntereet: CGrh_ Ch.cL I ll[rllcatr,on, if I am not thc owner. I further agree TOTAL S i or that the oener of record is knowledgeabl,e of this hE ccx.rnty t comp with alI cable codee relat latto thls permlt. , D.r. g/ e//za Applicantrs Signature 26,etr THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERIqISSION TO BUILD. tOI INFOnXATION AAOUT lHE PROGRESS oF YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERIT|IT CONTROL, 682-t357 (6A7-HELP, -) Address Mlnimum Elevation !atbacka: atreet: Front - Exterior Slda-_- I s s I Is I d*-V s s \€; SI#d- 74 SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET /F CJ /7 TAX LOT # ZON INC:RA PROPOSED USE: SlZ[ OT PROPIIRTY:/D 0 00 {"?f| * Al,or;NT usArLE AREA: a tl LOCATION: TWP.RANGE SECTION WATER SUPPLY: COI-{MTJNITY PUBLIG SUBDIVISION/PARTiTION 6Ieilon Ic.*s IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: MrIti-family Conrnerc ia I gPd rNDrvrDUAr [f l-/ BL}CK__PARCEL---- P*) LOT Single Fanily Industrial spd/J,"o gPd cpd tso gpd Ins titutional MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIRIMENTS: Length of disposal Erench required A{o ft Or 75 l,*o/ fl./150 gal. Distribution Method: Curtaln drain required: 0the r : EquaI EJ Yes Serial No ^8, SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: DATE OF EVALUATION:rs/i/ 7L NA}.{E: Ddc Congbl e c74-t26 StJon 7{ tr it TEST }IOLE II 2 TEST HOLE PERCi{ED WATER PROT'ILE PROFILE Pre dic te d Obso rverd Datc IN lncir lnch itr L2 T2 SATURATED ZONE Predicce d 0bse rved Da Le 1n 1n 24 24 36 8( 36 Re s t.rictive l,ay er gLn lrr{rssyipus Layer 4inl'lottling --r**\ tb in t0 48 48 SLOPE o/ lo 60 60 X PREDICTED WATER Predic ced 0bsc rvcd Date SATURATED ZONE Predicted se rved 1n lfl o 1n 1n SITE DOES DOES NOT I"IEET MlN IMT]M STA}IDAR,DS. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REQUIRE A MINIMIJT'I DEPTH oF! 36 inches to an impermeable layer 30 inches t,o a rest.rictive layer 60 inches to a permanent wat,er table 24 inches t,o a temporarily perched water Eable OTHER REASONS FOR DEN a t,e strictive Layer -.in Impervious Layer in ttling SLOPE 1n o/ ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH I.trAS: inches inches inches inches I'LO'I' I'LAN: Stream .---E-.*- Drainage or pond a...ta..ar. tlrl t Road Test Hore @ r 7, Slopc Cut Bank 777777- i"cnce xcx S* ?L+ M^p lol 7 T AT I t;.?Ltc^x16/Et</ Dz,uf cfel -f76Zyl' ADpRESS_-__€./<t L OIJ}IER (IT DIFFERL\T) ADnr E SS-- - ll,case Prlnt - l{(.t rm Applltatlon to 1...1: 1on1ir then Cool,lcl t.d ApFolrth.ill Ditr APPLICATI (] t\I87 4,/.s2,L/J /J. 6utcl Offlce Usc Only PHON E 3/,t - 78do' -ctct 846E,)E-_zrp 7 PIIOTE _CONfRA( tol'li l)RI STATE LtCI:NSE ER/coNrR-Aclor (clRcLE oril[ I pRtFER To prct< un. ype of femlng; courctai or lndutrlrl; v.c.nt etc. ) ztP E ! E $t\ $St \ N\ \ Id oz zo t : Eo J{ oFI ,{ F coNTtAcToR . __ ._ _ ADD'I[SS_-. . HAII. COHll,l-Tlr) PIRHIT l. PRESEXT USE Ol- PROTERTY (reEtdontlsl; t /4 dEz r e /!dPA 2' DESCRIIiE $',rRU(ITURIS NOI, ON TrlE PRoPtiRIY. N()TE ANI Sl.lttrc.ruREs To B!. DE]tol,rsil[:r)O ttot AN E Py*tfzr- a- ___7-_o__ __3_4_ D_loat-/ llz> THIS P (tills APP!.) ^RE: 0rL)6eztt ,4aP 4. l'UTtrRE I'[.ANS:- _ -&3-!4 !-UUle)_ P \ I 5. PLOT ILAN 5kr.tr: Propo(s) e or ln h (a) all ro.rds (b) borndarlee of prrrperry (c) scd soage dlsposal areas (c) exlsrlng/proposedaeeEnta (h) dratnageeysr strcroi. creeks. auJurtrl!I, lhw freestandtng sltnS parking areer cxtstlng/proposed bulldtnts (d) exlrtlng/uells (f) exlstlng/proposed drlveuaysoth.r partrncnt f!rtures. If corrrclel INDICATE DIHENSTONS. ti F)h o rLli riii t.t'- I I I I N ) \ N \ \ * I E FUI oz >lo -t oErofd z 'i)\r N s r.^G*.6 3 9 ]U n l2 ll l4' ,,r, ^, ,) o,:. ncxr-e,t;r -1! !* q_o2 {p[-t,SITT: INSI,ECTION T[5T I()LES REAr}Y (DATN) \( $r,ll rrv il NI.\ Hl rllr)D Ol Sl'L',\{:t' l,lSP()SAL 7/c I'Nt)l'OSll) lt,\Il:l{ 5t'l'l'l Y E!,E(:TRICJTY TII|i.;ISIIED 8Y _EyZA _: _--- ul Ll --sl'RIN(; Sll(|AH LAKiI NA 7'E L tiATuRiL (:AS ltY _ - i i r' rIRE I)ISTRICT .. SCIIOOL DISl RICT Pi"ult8Ili(: BY 'ttttttt'rttttrtttlt'l'ttt't'rrr f{) N(rT tnITt BEl,oli Tkrs LINE rrrr.t.rrt.rirttrrrttralt.rrrrr lEtORt. YOUR AI'PI.lO11 ION C]\N BE PROCISSEI) YOU MI'ST l'trRlllSH: _*__, _-._-.8\xt I pLOT PLANS LE6AL DESCRIPTION (D I XENS IONED) bre carty ,4-61<t-r l),\Tt,7 6S - LANE COUNTY DEPARTMEN OF ENVIRCNMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EI 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON I )'I PHONE I I I i I I-l itlt:- - I - . - .-i t't r ,... l_l -l l i I I I I I I I I I I I ; I t I I l,: I!,1--,-.. . ..F j- I _l_Il" I I I l l. I, I l: l ..1'-1 __ I I;' i I:- : ..: -_ I I :1. /_'t