HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-09-08Sep-O1 -94 08:15A RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspecllons: 726-3769 Otllce: 726.3759 LOCATION OF FBOPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP:/ 7nz 1 OWNER: ADDRESS: -- CITY: DESCRIBE WOFTK: ..,. NEW To rcquost an l made I ho sanl 'ou *r,*rr^ ltlogg P -O? Lc) 225 Filth gtrcor Sprlrrglleld. Oregon 9747? tSE),d N ?ua LOT:n /_ LoT --. ._ BLOCK:SUODIVISION: r FIJOr'lE: 2 3zr-{---- .Q 7ar- srxe: OK- -.-.,rr, 9 7/7P. FIEMODEL - ADDITION -- OEMOLISH --. OTIIER Nr in n res yOU tO - oFFrcE usE - lnspec you mus 26-376,J, Thts ts a 24 hour e worklng day. lnspecilons roqeeBted flfler T|OO a.m. $ NA PP IP]TP}RFIFTH E ]/rOB K FO EHI'IIT ISIIOT o?P'tslP1ffilff$ffiff#$ffi'::r'crore 7;oo a m wiII t,e Flnal Eleclrloal - Whcr) alelectrlcat work is comploto. ZONING CODE: --.-. Mechanlcal - Wheo althanical worl( ls cgrnplete. Flnal tsuildlng - V1/hon alr requlred lnspecllons havc btsenapprovo(l End bulldlrtg ls cornpleted, Othor MOBILE HOME INSPECT]ONS FI.OOO I)LAIN: f] Temrorary Etectrtc l-l Stte lnspocllon - Jb be rnarte J--.1 Rough EloctrtcEt _ prror tou after excavatron. bul prlor lo I | ",iiu"r' -'-- Eettlng lorms REOUIRED INSPECTIONS f_l RouEh Mechanlcal - Prlor to l-l Final trtumbing - W1en stl.- cover t----l pr,i"ir, ^o'*o(k ls c()mplerc. f-l Undorslab pluhbing, EtecrrlcEt /|J Mechrhlcel - prior to cover. [--l Footlng - A(ter trenches are|J excavated. [-l Ma*onry - Stesl tocarlon, bond - bearn6, groultng l-] FoundEtlon * Alt6rr fer6e s1glJ erecled buI prlor tO concreteplacemont. l--l Undergtound Pltrmblng - PilorlJ lo lllltng trench. I---l Und€rttoor Plumbtn6I Mechanlcals - Prlor to lnsulailon or deckinO. [l Pogt and B€sm - P,|ot to ttoor - lnsulatlon or decklng. l--l Floor lnsulation - prior toH docklng. l--l Sanllery sewer - Prior to ftttlrq - lraach l-_l Stonn Sewer - Prir)r io trilir.tg.+ trench. l--l etocrrtcat Serutca - Must bc - approvsd to (,lrtain petmanoril olsclrlcal power. [-l Flreplaco - Prt61 1e 16"1nn.J materlala and lramlng lnsp. l-l Framlng * Prlor to covel f_l UrallrCelllno tnsutauon - Frtor ro [--'l DrVwatt * Prior to taping. [" ''l Wood Stovo - Afler tnsrailarJ()n, lnaerl - Altar flrrrpteqe approvil and lnstalhtlon ol unlt, l--l Blocklng ond Set.Up - Wtren att'-J blockln, ls cornD,ete l- l Plumbing ConnGcrtons - Whent J nomc ltus boGn connecled tOw6ter Rnd scwur. l--l Electric8l Connectlon - When - b/oCklr)!J, set.(rp, and plufttbtno i ngpeetlO,rS ltitve been af,prov.Ca[d llre l)gfne iS Conncc!(rd tqthc servi(:e pane,. Curbcul & nJrproEch - After fqrrns are erectcd bUt ptior !()placotYtont ol (:oncrete. Sldewall( & DrlvowJv - Afier cxcaviltion lg COmplelc, [Orrr]s and sub-bage fnaterl6l in ptacc. [-l Water Llne - Prlor ro llltln( [- I fonco - Wtlen cornplered,lJ trench. Fough Plumbing - Frior to Final - After all rcqutrcdinspccllons arc. aprrroved andparches, sklrtlng, dactrs, andvcntlnq hFvB been lnstalod.covci [-_l Streer Tr6es - When ail rcqurred - trccs aro planlod. 3 /c--EX T,IIII ES . PHON E/D--L* ?u CONTRACTOF'S CONgI CQNTFACTON , GENEFAL: PLUMBING: MECHANICAL: ELECTBICAL:/cP2< the are OARq{5iI of'the rvee:_ Tl..f{S pEHMIT -------AUft{0RtzEn P-O3Sep-Ol -9El OEt: l5A IS HL PHOPOSED WOFK N THE . r.tt.iroHroAL olsTRlcr, oR oN THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? -.- ll ycs, lhiE appllcatlon musl b€ slgned ahd approved by the Hlstorlcal Coordlnalor prlot to permit issuanco, APPROVEO: Lot laces Lot sq. ,tg. Lot covaraoe Topogrephy Toral ltel0ht Lot 'type - lnterlo/ - Corner .- Panhandlc - Cul-de.sac y\, E, EUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This pcrmit is grarllo(l ()n llle exprcss con(llllon that the said construcilon shnll, in all rc't)ccts, conform to the Or0lnance adopted by the cily ol springtlold, lnoluding the OovoloFrrnent Code. rcgulallrl$ ttre constructlon and u6e ol bulldings, and may Ire susJrended or rovokL]d al any timo upon vlolation ol any provlslons or 6ald ordlnances- Plan Check Foar ---.- eianJncvi6-wrxr r.tv Oalc Paid: Rccorul Nur,lber:- -. He(:eived By: Total Valuo Bulhllng Permrt Foo statc surcharqc 'ftrlial F-Bc SO, FT. X 9./SO, FT. = VALUE BUILDING PERMIT (A) ITEM Maln Garage Carporl Syslems Dcvoloprr!'nt Chargc ls due on all undoveloped propertics wlthlrt tlrri Cily limils whlOl) ate bcing lml)loved. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (E) ITEM Flxtu16s Rcsldchtial Bath(s) Sanitary Scwcr Walcr Slorm Scwcr . Moblle Home PLUMBING PERMIT F EI: N FT, (c) Plumblng Pormlt Slate SurchsrOo Total Chargo f-l, ..- Ef. . -_ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Wood Stove/lnsert/Flroplace Unil MECHAN]CAL PERMIT Otye. {% -t{ q._ 0 (o)a Mechanlcal Po,rrrlt Furnacc Exhausl Hood Vent Fan ls6uan c6 State Surchargo Total Permlt Ely elonature, I slatc artd agree, that I have Carerully oxamlngd the comploteO appticalion anO do hergby cerilfy that gll Inlormatlon horgon is true atld correct, and I luilher cerllly that any and all work pcrformeo 6hall bC dong in accordanoo wlth ths Ordinar)ccs of thc Clty ot Sprtnqfiold. and the Laws cf lie Slatc ol Orqgsn pcrlalnlng to lhO wo,k descrlbed hereln, and tlrat NO OCCUpANgy wlll bo mada of any struoture wlthout perrriseion of tha gulldlng Srlaly Olvlrlon. I funhcr certily that or\ly contraolors and enrployeeg who aro In cornpllance wtth ORS 70'1.055 wlI be used on thls proiccl. I lurthor agree to cnsut{t lllat all roqulr6d lnspoctlons are roqu€Eted at thg propor ilme, thet €tch rddrac. l. taadabtr lrom tho 6treet, thar ilre permlr card 16 localod at the frOnf of the property, and lhe approyod set ol plans wllt remal du ri n9 conson the slle at alt Slqnature -.. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobll6 Homo State lssuancg Slato Surchargd Sidawalk -.. __ Jr Curbsul -... lt Oemol/tion Stale Su.chaaOo Tolal Miscgllaneous Polrri, g (E) TO1AL AMOUNT DUE (cxcru (A.r B, C, q and E Co,rrbtnedl r(ling clcctrir:al) ) o OATE PAID AMOUNT RECETVEO __.r BEC€IVEO BY VALIOATION: RECEIPT NUMBEE -,. pt Hqtr aan acc N --- Datq TY OF SPRINGFIEKA OBEGQNct SF GFIELI) , and doe€not requho specitic len,lapproval. 225 FIFTE STREET Authorizcd SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 INSPECTION REQUESTT 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OP INSTALI.,ATTON /3 trJ /'/. 33e.1 37 JOB DESCRTPTION rf Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for Supervisor License Number Q.l+c5 r Expiration Date /o qtr Constr Contr. Number 3-J/4o Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Electrici ,--.-4 € Ovners Name Address J ^{ 3 3z-d ST lslr Ci Phone ?e/,--5)z 6 OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn which is not intended for sa1e, lease or rent. 0vners Signature: City Job Number 3. COHPLETE FEE SCEEDT'LE BETOV Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion s 8s.00 ELECTRICAL PERHIT 6't-16rr A Sum thereof Each Man Modular Service 6u s 1s.00 uf'or 180 days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTA.LI..ATION ONLY B. Servi Ins t Electrical Contractor {tso 0o or Relockt Address X 8)g 7 200 amps or /g I sa3 201 amps to 4 Ci ty L Phone (.-sq - f)IJ 401 amps to 600 ons s 40.00 3{. o0 50. 0 00 00 00 601 amps to 1000 amps 0ver 1000 amps/voIts Reconnect 0n1Y Temporary Serviees or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation amps"or less $ 40.00 amps to 400 amps $ ss.00 401 to 600 amps s 80.00 00 amps or 100 O-iiof[s see I'Brr aEove- cui ts c 4. E. Mis 7i' n or Extension Per Panel / g 3s.oo gb 'ice $ 2.00 iservice/feeder not included) -Each i llation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lightitg- Limited EnergY/Res Limited Ener[y/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 52 State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL $ 40.00 s 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 5 /. -7 J DATE:/. / J RECEIVED {7 a.9 fi ,0,